def main(*arguements):

    # --------------------------------------------------------
    # Parse command line, to fetch session input file
    # --------------------------------------------------------
    if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
        ripFilePath = sys.argv[1]

        # If user did not specify .rip file
        print "User must specify input file name (e.g., at command line type"

        # If .ip file does not exist
    if not os.path.exists(ripFilePath):
        print ("Cannot find or open runtime inputs file(%s)" % (ripFilePath))

    dir = "tree100perlandscape/"

    # bird_types = ['St','Mu','Gl','Cr','Ax',Sh,Tu
    # Skipped Du, Re, Ru
    bird_types = ["Ha"]
    file_types = ["_tree_100_1_10.asc", "_tree_100_1_100.asc"]
    # file_types = ['_tree_100_1_2.asc','_tree_100_1_5.asc','_tree_100_1_10.asc','_tree_100_1_100.asc']
    grid_file_out = ""
    for bird in bird_types:
        for type in file_types:
            print "now running " + bird + type
            header_dict, data = FileIO.loadFile(ripFilePath, header_lines=16)
            header_dict["XY_Filename"] = str(bird + "_XY.csv")
            header_dict["Grid_Filename"] = str(dir + bird + type)
            header_dict["Session_label"] = bird + "_type"
            FileIO.outputGrid(grid_file_out, ["null", "null"], header_dict=header_dict)
            cd_matrix = RunUNICOR(grid_file_out)
Exemple #2
def FileIO_test():

	data ="1\n2\n3\n4\n"

	rt = FileIO.write('WRITE_TEST', data, 'w') 
	assert(rt == 0)

	c_list = []
	(rt, c_list) ="WRITE_TEST", 3)
	assert(rt == 0)
	assert(len(c_list) == 3)

	# 0 이면 all line -> list 로
	(rt, c_list) ="WRITE_TEST", 0)
	assert(rt == 0)
	assert(len(c_list) == 4)

	list = []

	rt = FileIO.write('TEST01', list)
	assert(rt == 0)

	(rt, c_list) ="TEST01", 2)

	assert(rt == 0)
	assert(len(c_list) == 2)

def main(trainMode, binarized, testDir, resultFile):
    dir1 = r'R:\masters\fall2013\COMP579A\project\aclImdb\train\pos';
    dir2 = r'R:\masters\fall2013\COMP579A\project\aclImdb\train\neg';
    corpusName = r'corpus\binCorpus.txt';
    if(not binarized):
        corpusName = r'corpus\corpus.txt';
            buildBinarizedCorpus(dir1, corpusName);
            buildBinarizedCorpus(dir2, corpusName);
            buildCorpus(dir1, corpusName);
            buildCorpus(dir2, corpusName);
    dictionary = loadCorpus(corpusName);
    testText = '';
    print('test for dir' , testDir);
    for dir_entry in os.listdir(testDir):
        if binarized:
            testText = getBinTestText(os.path.join(testDir, dir_entry));
            testText = getTestText(os.path.join(testDir, dir_entry));
        result =test(testText, dictionary);
        FileIO.wrtieToFile(resultFile, 'a' ,"The file " + os.path.join(testDir, dir_entry) + " is classified as " + result + "\n");
Exemple #4
def login(home_path, today, file_write = 0):
	try :

		(ok, login_l, other_l) =  login_list(os.path.join(home_path,'.ac_info'))

		if not ok : return (0, home_path + '  ' + l)

		#(1, [('20051010', '20051010'), ('20051012', '20051015')], [])

		(ok, r) = _login(login_l, today)

		if not ok : 
			return (0, r)

		login_l2 =  login_format(r)

		reply = join_list(login_l2, other_l)

		i = len(login_l2) - len(login_l)
		log  = '%s %d  row added' % ( os.path.join(home_path,'.ac_info'), i)

		if( not os.path.exists(home_path)) : 
			return (0, reply, home_path + ' not exists') 

		if (file_write) :
			FileIO.write(os.path.join(home_path,'.ac_info'), reply)
		return (1, reply, log)
	except :
		t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
		print 'login exception... (%s:%s)' % (t, v)
		return (0, log , log)
def writeCustomToFile(customPrograms, customName):
    '''Store custom application information'''
    tempDir = tempfile.gettempdir()
    tempLocation = os.path.join(tempDir,'AssetManagerTemp')
    tempLocation = os.path.join(tempLocation,'CustomMenuItems.ini')    
    data = '#Custom Application:'
    section = ['CustomPrograms', 'CustomName']
    key = ['Programs', '\n', 'Names']
    value = []
    for item in customPrograms:
    for item in customName:
    data =, section, key, value)
    FileIO.write(data, tempLocation)
Exemple #6
def ktf_notify(id) :
	try :

		ok , path =  home_fullpath(id)

		if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '.ktf_notify')) :  return (0, '','',[])

		ok, lines =, '.ktf_notify'))
		if not ok : return (0, '','',[])
		hash = TokenList.decode(lines[0].rstrip())

		email_list = []
		for line in lines[1:] :

		return (1, hash['level'],  hash['type'] , email_list) 

	except :
		t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
		log = 'ktf_notify(%s:%s)' % (t, v)
		print log
		return (0, '','',[])
Exemple #7
def login_list(file) :
	try :

		(ok, lines) =
		reply = []
		other_l = []
		for line in lines :
			try :
				if line.find('LOGIN\t') == -1 :

				# LOGIN \t A:B
				(dummy, login_date)  = line.rstrip().split('\t')

				(sdate, edate) = login_date.split(':')
				reply.append((sdate, edate))
			except :
		return (1, reply, other_l)
	except :
		t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
		log = 'login list ex... (%s:%s)' % (t, v)
		return (0, log ,log)
def test(testText, dictionary):
    classCntTxt = FileIO.readFile('corpus\classCount.txt');
    classCnt = {};
    for line in classCntTxt.split('\n'):
        statistics = line.split('\t');
        if len(statistics) > 1:
            classCnt[statistics[0]] = statistics[1];
    return Classifier.naiveBayes(dictionary, classCnt, testText);
 def __init__(self, busName, fileBufferSize, bitResolution, upLimit=None, loLimit=None, p2pShrink=None):
     self.busName = busName
     self.fileBufferSize = fileBufferSize
     self.bitResolution = bitResolution
     self.upLimit = upLimit
     self.loLimit = loLimit
     self.p2pShrink = p2pShrink
     self.fileIO = FileIO()
Exemple #10
def modifyTrainTxt():
    mapp = {
        '75': '1267',
        '13': '1015',
        '24': '1261',
        '21': '1031',
        '64': '1010',
        '0': '1006'
    data_types = ['data_p', 'data_p_c']
    for id in mapp:
        for dt in data_types:
                'modified_training_files/' + dt + '/train.txt',
                'modified_training_files/' + dt + '/train_' + id + '.txt', id)
                'modified_training_files/' + dt + '/val.txt',
                'modified_training_files/' + dt + '/val_' + id + '.txt', id)
Exemple #11
 def read_n_images(self):
     nega_file = '../data/ms_negative.csv'
     lines = FileIO.csv_reader(nega_file)
     n_imgs = []
     for line in lines:
         task_x = line['task_x']
         task_y = line['task_y']
         n_imgs.append([int(task_x), int(task_y)])
     return n_imgs
def saveCenters(doOnlyFulls = False, trainingFolder = '../data/nicicon/csv/train/csv/' , suffix = '_train.csv', savePath = '../data/newMethodTraining/allCentersNic.csv'):
    """This file computes representatives of classes in the nicicon database and saves it to  the ./data/csv/allCentersNic.csv"""

    files = ['accident','bomb','car','casualty','electricity','fire','firebrigade','flood','gas','injury','paramedics', 'person', 'police','roadblock']
    centerSet  = []
    my_names = []
    my_isFull = []
    f = FileIO()

    extr_train = Extractor(trainingFolder)
    train_features, \
    train_isFull, \
    train_classId, \
    train_names = extr_train.loadniciconfolders()

    for mfile in files[:]:
        #Get every instance in the given class
        names, isFull, features = f.load(trainingFolder + mfile + '/' + mfile + suffix)

        #Initialise centers as 0
        nowCenter = np.zeros(len(features[0]))

        if not doOnlyFulls:
            #Use every full and partial instance in the class and sum them
            totalNumOfInstances = len(features)
            for instance in features:
                nowCenter += instance
            #Use only full instances in the class and sum them
            totalNumOfInstances = 0
            for i in range(len(features)):
                if isFull[i] == True:#Check the prints to see if this works fine (See if the totalNumOfInstances is meaningful

        print mfile,'Used ', totalNumOfInstances, 'of instances to find the class center'

        nowCenter = nowCenter/totalNumOfInstances

        centerSet.append(nowCenter)#Add the mean feature vector for this representative
        my_names.append(mfile)#The name of the representative
        my_isFull.append(0)#Just set anything, not necessary for class representative,my_names,centerSet,savePath)
Exemple #13
def getBinTestText(fileName) :
    fileText = FileIO.readFile(fileName); 
    tokens = Tokenizer.tokenizer(fileText);
    wordOccurence = {};
    resultTokens = "";
    for token in tokens.split("\n"):
        if token not in wordOccurence:
            wordOccurence[token] = 1;
            resultTokens = resultTokens + token + "\n";
    return resultTokens;
Exemple #14
    def readCSV_CSTS(self,fileName,delimiter=","):
        """Reads csv file with CSTS variable

        fileName = str() path/filename of csv file
        checks new vars into ProjectMaker
        returns variable name 
        csts = FIO.csvReaderCSTS(fileName,delimiter=delimiter)
        self.createVariable(, "CSTS", csts.newVars[]) 
Exemple #15
 def writePRJ(self):
     if len(self.matrices.keys()) != 0:
     self.prjInfo['data'] = self.projPrefix
     if self.arc == 1:
         self.prjInfo['gis'] = self.projPrefix
         self.prjInfo['projection'] =
     if self.prj == 1:
         gisFile = OS.path.join(self.originalDir,self.gisFileMain+".gis")
         if self.originalPrefix != self.projPrefix:
             newGIS = OS.path.join(self.projectDir,self.projPrefix+".gis")
             gisFile = OS.path.join(self.originalDir,self.gisFileMain+".gis")
         self.prjInfo['gis'] = self.projPrefix
     self.prjInfo['main'] = self.createOutputFile(self.projPrefix, ".prj")
Exemple #16
def loadCorpus(corpusName):
    dictionary = {};
    fileText = FileIO.readFile(corpusName);   
    for line in fileText.split('\n'):
        words = line.split('\t');
        if len(words) > 2:
            if words[0] not in dictionary:
                dictionary[words[0]] = {};
            dictionary[words[0]][words[2]] = words[1];        
    return dictionary; 
Exemple #17
    def readAttributeInfo(self):
        """Reads CSV File for Project of type CS

        self.initial = (dict) with first row names as keys and list of values
        as values
        file = self.fileName
        info = FIO.csvReaderCS(file)
        self.initial = info.newVars 
Exemple #18
    def readCSV_CSTS(self, fileName, delimiter=","):
        """Reads csv file with CSTS variable

        fileName = str() path/filename of csv file
        checks new vars into ProjectMaker
        returns variable name 
        csts = FIO.csvReaderCSTS(fileName, delimiter=delimiter)
        self.createVariable(, "CSTS", csts.newVars[])
Exemple #19
    def readAttributeInfo(self):
        """Reads CSV File for Project of type CS

        self.initial = (dict) with first row names as keys and list of values
        as values
        file = self.fileName
        info = FIO.csvReaderCS(file)
        self.initial = info.newVars
def testImages():

	filename = getTemporaryFilename( ext='png' )
	image = FileIO.readImage( getThisDirectory() + '\\' + 'peppers.jpg' )
	assert image is not None
	FileIO.writeImage( filename, image )
	image_copy = FileIO.readImage( filename )
	assert image == image_copy
	app = QApplication( sys.argv )
	display = ImageDisplay( image )
	sys.exit( app.exec_() )
	return True
Exemple #21
def output_cdmatrix(logfHndl,cd_matrix, output_filename,data_dir,stringpts): 
	This writes the cost distance matrix to file.
	Checks for duplicate points
	# Timing events: start
	start_time1 =
	# Create a full matrix, recall that cdmatrix comes in as a lower tri-diagonal
	temp = np.transpose(cd_matrix)
	cd_matrix = temp + cd_matrix
	# Check for duplicates and copy lines
	uni_strpts = count_unique(stringpts)
	duplicates_strpts = np.where(uni_strpts[1]>1)[0]
	if len(duplicates_strpts) != 0:
		# Loop through duplicates
		for i in xrange(len(duplicates_strpts)):
			# Get dupliccate value
			strdouble = uni_strpts[0][duplicates_strpts[i]]
			# Find location in strpts
			strpts_loc = np.where(strdouble == np.asarray(stringpts))[0]
			# Then copy the last duplicate (always the last) into the other lines
			copyrow = cd_matrix[strpts_loc[-1],:]
			copycol = cd_matrix[:,strpts_loc[-1]]
			for jspot in strpts_loc:
				cd_matrix[jspot,:] = copyrow
				cd_matrix[:,jspot] = copycol
				# Then make sure that all dubplicate spots to cuplicate spots are 0
				for kspot in strpts_loc:
					cd_matrix[jspot][kspot] = 0.
	# Make sure diagnols are 0
	cd_matrix[np.diag_indices_from(cd_matrix)] = 0.		
	stringout = 'The file '+str(data_dir+output_filename)+' has been created in: '+\
	str( -start_time1)
Exemple #22
    def readCSV_TS(self,fileName,delimiter=","):
        """Reads csv file with TS variables

        fileName = str() path/filename of csv file
        checks new vars into ProjectMaker
        returns list of new variable names
        ts = FIO.csvReaderTS(fileName,delimiter=delimiter)
        for i in ts.names:
            self.createVariable(i, "TS", [ts.newVars[i]])
        return ts.names
Exemple #23
    def readJoinCSV(self,fileName,delimiter=","):
        """Reads csv file with CS variables

        fileName = str() path/filename of csv file
        nameField = str() string to identify which column will be used to
        match with csnames
        checks new vars into ProjectMaker
        returns list of new variable names
        self.data2Join = FIO.csvReaderCS(fileName,delimiter=delimiter)
        self.joinData = self.createJoinTable()
 def openFile(self, event):
     wildCard = "CSV or TXT Files Containing Coordinate Data (*)|*"
     fileDialog = wx.FileDialog(self,
                                "Open NMR or FID Data",
                                style=wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST)
     if fileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
         self.filePath = fileDialog.GetPath()
         plotData = FileIO.openFile(self.filePath)
         self.graphPanel.newDataSet(plotData[0], plotData[1])
Exemple #25
    def readCSV_TS(self, fileName, delimiter=","):
        """Reads csv file with TS variables

        fileName = str() path/filename of csv file
        checks new vars into ProjectMaker
        returns list of new variable names
        ts = FIO.csvReaderTS(fileName, delimiter=delimiter)
        for i in ts.names:
            self.createVariable(i, "TS", [ts.newVars[i]])
        return ts.names
Exemple #26
 def GPX_positive(self):
     gpx_file = '../data/gpx_nodes.csv'
     lines = FileIO.csv_reader(gpx_file)
     p_imgs_raw = []
     for line in lines:
         task_x = line['task_x']
         task_y = line['task_y']
         img = '%s-%s.jpeg' % (task_x, task_y)
     p_imgs = list(set(p_imgs_raw))
     return p_imgs
Exemple #27
 def __init__(self, settings_loc):
     self.settings = FileIO.get_settings(settings_loc)
     self.sensors_loc = os.path.relpath(self.settings["sensors_location"])
     self.results_loc = os.path.relpath(self.settings["results"])
     self.experiments = None
     self.current_plot = PlotObserver()
     self.options = [
         'get default frequency', 'get sensor data', 'get sensors',
         'print results', 'activate', 'add description', 'add sensor',
         'stop', 'exit'
Exemple #28
 def OSM_positive(self):
     osm_file = '../data/guinea_highway.csv'
     lines = FileIO.csv_reader(osm_file)
     p_imgs_raw = []
     for line in lines:
         task_x = line['task_x']
         task_y = line['task_y']
         img = '%s-%s.jpeg' % (task_x, task_y)
     p_imgs = list(set(p_imgs_raw))
     return p_imgs
Exemple #29
def Part2(createData):
    # optical flow and motion direction histogram calculation
    v = 100

    # mdh_all = OM.createMotionDirectionHistograms('Oberstdorf16-shots.csv', 'videos/oberstdorf16.mp4', v, False, True)
    # FileIO.save_histograms_to_file('mdh_16_' + str(v) + '.csv', mdh_all)

    if createData:
        SVM.save_shot_images('videos/oberstdorf16.mp4', SVM.SSI_CENTER, 'Oberstdorf16-shots.csv', False)

    #svm training and predicting
    mdh_training = FileIO.read_histograms_from_file('mdh_8_' + str(v) + '.csv')
    mdh_test = FileIO.read_histograms_from_file('mdh_16_' + str(v) + '.csv')
    predicted_labels = SVM.svm_use(mdh_training, mdh_test)

    stitched_shots, all_shots, outstitched_shots = SVM.get_results(
        predicted_labels, 'Oberstdorf16-shots.csv', True)

    return stitched_shots, all_shots, outstitched_shots
Exemple #30
    def readJoinCSV(self, fileName, delimiter=","):
        """Reads csv file with CS variables

        fileName = str() path/filename of csv file
        nameField = str() string to identify which column will be used to
        match with csnames
        checks new vars into ProjectMaker
        returns list of new variable names
        self.data2Join = FIO.csvReaderCS(fileName, delimiter=delimiter)
        self.joinData = self.createJoinTable()
Exemple #31
def load_fasta_background(filename, center='.'):
    fasta_list = FileIO.read_fasta(filename)
    result = fasta_to_chunks(fasta_list)

    if (center != '.'):
        result = filter_chunks(result, center)

    result = result[0:300000]
    #Concatenate because I don't have enough ram
    formA = DataManipulation.list_to_formA(result)

    return dict([('seq', result), ('formA', formA)])
def load_fasta_background(filename, center='.'):
    fasta_list = FileIO.read_fasta(filename);
    result = fasta_to_chunks(fasta_list);
    if(center != '.'):
        result = filter_chunks(result, center);
    result = result[0:300000]; #Concatenate because I don't have enough ram    
    formA = DataManipulation.list_to_formA(result);
    return dict([('seq',result),
Exemple #33
def take_frame_from_end(video_info, video_path, output_folder):
    frame_filename = os.path.join(output_folder, FileIO.get_frame_filename(video_path, "end",  config.video_frames_extension))

    end_location = str((float(video_info[2]) - float(video_info[1])))

    if not end_location.startswith("10."):
        end_location = "0" + end_location
    ffmpeg_string = 'ffmpeg -i {}  -ss 00:00:{} -vframes 1 "{}"'.format(video_path, end_location, frame_filename)

    return frame_filename
Exemple #34
 def read_p_images(self):
     osm_file = '../data/guinea_highway.csv'
     lines = FileIO.csv_reader(osm_file)
     p_imgs_raw = []
     for line in lines:
         task_x = line['task_x']
         task_y = line['task_y']
         p_imgs_raw.append([int(task_x), int(task_y)])
     p_imgs = [
         list(t) for t in set(tuple(element) for element in p_imgs_raw)
     ]  # remove duplicate
     return p_imgs
Exemple #35
 def read_p_images(self):
     gpx_file = '../data/gpx_nodes.csv'
     lines = FileIO.csv_reader(gpx_file)
     p_imgs_raw = []
     for line in lines:
         task_x = line['task_x']
         task_y = line['task_y']
         p_imgs_raw.append([int(task_x), int(task_y)])
     p_imgs = [
         list(t) for t in set(tuple(element) for element in p_imgs_raw)
     return p_imgs
Exemple #36
    def writeDHT(self, delimiter=","):
        """Writes the STARS header file.

        writes projectName.dat file for STARS
        tInfo = [[self.timeType, self.stringTime[0], self.stringTime[-1]]]
        csnames = self.varDict["csnames"]
        name = [["csnames"]]
        vals = UTIL.splitList(csnames.values[0])
        info = tInfo + name + vals
        dhtFile = self.createOutputFile(self.projPrefix, ".dht")
        fdht = FIO.csvWriter(dhtFile, info, delimiter=" ")
Exemple #37
 def writePRJ(self):
     if len(self.matrices.keys()) != 0:
     self.prjInfo['data'] = self.projPrefix
     if self.arc == 1:
         self.prjInfo['gis'] = self.projPrefix
         self.prjInfo['projection'] =
     if self.prj == 1:
         gisFile = OS.path.join(self.originalDir, self.gisFileMain + ".gis")
         if self.originalPrefix != self.projPrefix:
             newGIS = OS.path.join(self.projectDir,
                                   self.projPrefix + ".gis")
             self.copyFile2File(gisFile, newGIS)
             gisFile = OS.path.join(self.originalDir,
                                    self.gisFileMain + ".gis")
             self.copyFile2Dir(gisFile, self.projectDir)
         self.prjInfo['gis'] = self.projPrefix
     self.prjInfo['main'] = self.createOutputFile(self.projPrefix, ".prj")
Exemple #38
    def writeDHT(self,delimiter=","):
        """Writes the STARS header file.

        writes projectName.dat file for STARS
        tInfo = [[self.timeType,self.stringTime[0],self.stringTime[-1]]]
        csnames = self.varDict["csnames"]
        name = [["csnames"]]
        vals = UTIL.splitList(csnames.values[0])
        info = tInfo + name + vals
        dhtFile = self.createOutputFile(self.projPrefix, ".dht")
        fdht = FIO.csvWriter(dhtFile, info, delimiter=" ")
Exemple #39
def output_paths(logfHndl,paths,paths_file_name,data_dir):
	output_paths() - output the full list of paths between points, 
	and shortest path distance for a given path
	# Timing events: start
	start_time1 =
	# Open file to write to
	fout = open(data_dir+paths_file_name, 'w')
	# Write out title information
	# Begin loop through point combinations
	for ipath in xrange(len(paths)):
		# Print out path source, destination, length
		# Print out the path connections
		if paths[ipath][3] != None:
			for ipathlen in xrange(len(paths[ipath][3])):
	# Logging information
	stringout = 'The file '+str(data_dir+paths_file_name)+' has been created in: '+\
	str( -start_time1)
	# Close file
def gen(train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, parameters, length, cutoff):

    # Variable Declarations
    step_count = length
    threshold = cutoff

    z8 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))  # quintrophic omnivory
    y8 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))
    x8 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))
    c8_1 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))
    c8_2 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))
    p8_1 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))
    p8_2 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))
    p8_3 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))

    e = 0.000000001
    dt = 0.01

    d_c1 = 0.25
    d_c2 = 0.25
    d_x = 0.1075
    d_z = 0.06
    min_y, max_y = (0.007, 0.013)

    grid_fineness = 500

    count = 0

    # Initial Conditions for the food web topologies labeled 0 through 8. All start at 0.5
    z8[0], y8[0], x8[0], c8_1[0], c8_2[0], p8_1[0], p8_2[0], p8_3[0] = (
        0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)  # quintrophic omnivory

    # Iterate through mortality rates
    for d_y in np.linspace(min_y, max_y, grid_fineness):

        print d_z, ",", d_y, ",", d_x, ",", d_c1, ",", d_c2

        # Evaulate time series
        for i in range(step_count):
            z8[i + 1], y8[i + 1], x8[i + 1], c8_1[i + 1], c8_2[i + 1], p8_1[
                i + 1], p8_2[i + 1], p8_3[i + 1] = cm.quintrophicOmnivory(
                    z8[i], y8[i], x8[i], c8_1[i], c8_2[i], p8_1[i], p8_2[i],
                    p8_3[i], d_z, d_y, d_x, d_c1, d_c2, dt)

        # Check for coexistence and record the data if the species coexist
        if (z8[step_count] > e and y8[step_count] > e and x8[step_count] > e
                and c8_1[step_count] > e and c8_2[step_count] > e
                and p8_1[step_count] > e and p8_2[step_count] > e
                and p8_3[step_count] > e):
            M = np.stack((z8, y8, x8, c8_1, c8_2, p8_1, p8_2, p8_3))
            P = np.array([d_z, d_y, d_x, d_c1, d_c2])

            if count < 4:
                io.writeData(train_x, train_y, M, '8', threshold)
                count = count + 1
                io.writeData(test_x, test_y, M, '8', threshold)
                count = 0

            io.writeParameters(parameters, P)
def gen(train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, parameters, length, cutoff):

    # Variable Declarations
    step_count = length
    threshold = cutoff

    x7 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))  # tritrophic no omnivory
    c7_1 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))
    c7_2 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))
    p7_1 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))
    p7_2 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))

    e = 0.000000001
    dt = 0.01

    min_x, max_x = (0.22, 0.30)
    min_c1, max_c1 = (0.68, 0.78)
    min_c2, max_c2 = (0.09, 0.19)

    grid_fineness = 7

    count = 5

    # Initial Conditions for the food web topologies labeled 0 through 8. All start at 0.5
    x7[0], c7_1[0], c7_2[0], p7_1[0], p7_2[0] = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
                                                 )  # tritrophic no omnivory

    # Iterate through mortality rates
    for d_x in np.linspace(min_x, max_x, grid_fineness):
        for d_c1 in np.linspace(min_c1, max_c1, grid_fineness):
            for d_c2 in np.linspace(min_c2, max_c2, grid_fineness):

                # Evaulate time series
                for i in range(step_count):
                    x7[i + 1], c7_1[i + 1], c7_2[i + 1], p7_1[i + 1], p7_2[
                        i + 1] = cm.tritrophicNoOmnivory(
                            x7[i], c7_1[i], c7_2[i], p7_1[i], p7_2[i], d_x,
                            d_c1, d_c2, dt)

                # Check for coexistence and record the data if the species coexist
                if (x7[step_count] > e and c7_1[step_count] > e
                        and c7_2[step_count] > e and p7_1[step_count] > e
                        and p7_2[step_count] > e):
                    M = np.stack((x7, c7_1, c7_2, p7_1, p7_2))
                    P = np.array([d_x, d_c1, d_c2])

                    if count < 4:
                        io.writeData(train_x, train_y, M, '7', threshold)
                        count = count + 1
                        io.writeData(test_x, test_y, M, '7', threshold)
                        count = 0

                    io.writeParameters(parameters, P)

# end gen()
Exemple #42
 def open_folder(self, folder=None):
     if folder is None: folder = tk.filedialog.askdirectory()
     Tests, title, A = FileIO.retrieve_data(self, folder)
     if len(Tests) == 0:
     self.Tests = Tests
     self.title = title
     Functions.A = A
     self.max_time = round(max([max(t.Time) for t in self.Tests]))
     self.max_load = max([max(t.Load) for t in self.Tests])
     self.min_load = min([min(t.Load) for t in self.Tests])
Exemple #43
def buildDir(window):
    # Prompt for a directory
    tk.messagebox.showinfo(title="Open Data", message="Please select a directory for your data")
    dir = tk.filedialog.askdirectory(parent=window.root)

    # Initiate the parent tab
    parent = Frame(window.nb)
    window.nb.add(parent, text="Load/Save")

    ### Header and Buttons ###
    Label(parent, text="Select Data", font='Helvetica 15 bold').pack(side='top')
    Button(parent, command=lambda: window.widgets['tree'].delete(*window.widgets['tree'].get_children()),\
           text="Clear Directories", takefocus=NO).pack(side='top')
    select_call = lambda: window.error(7)\
        if FileIO.populate_tree(window.widgets['tree'], tk.filedialog.askdirectory(parent=window.root)) else False
    Button(parent, command=select_call, text="Select Directory", takefocus=NO).pack(side='top')

    ### Directory Tree ###
    # Create tree
    tFrame = Frame(parent)
    tFrame.pack(side='top', expand=False)
    window.widgets['tree'] = ttk.Treeview(tFrame, selectmode='browse')
    window.widgets['tree'].column("#0", stretch=YES)
    window.widgets['tree'].heading("#0", text="Directory")
    window.widgets['tree'].pack(side='top', fill=BOTH, expand='yes')

    # Populate tree
    FileIO.populate_tree(window.widgets['tree'], dir)

    # Add load data button
    Button(parent, command=lambda: window.open_folder(window.widgets['tree'].focus()),\
           text="Open Selected Data", takefocus=NO).pack(side='top')

    ### SAVE ###
    ttk.Separator(parent, orient=HORIZONTAL).pack(pady=10, fill='x', anchor='ne')
    Label(parent, text="Save Data", font="Helvetica 15 bold").pack(side=TOP)

    # Save plot button
    Button(parent, text="Save Plot", command=window.save_as, width=20).pack(side=TOP)
Exemple #44
def touch_ktf_notify(t) :
	try :
		(id, level , s_type, email_list) = t
		ok , path =  home_fullpath(id)

		if not os.path.exists(path) : DirUtil.make_dirs(path)  

		l = []
		l.append("level=" + level + "&type=" + s_type)
		for email in email_list :


		FileIO.write(os.path.join(path, '.ktf_notify'), l)

		return (1, os.path.join(path, '.ktf_notify'))

	except :
		t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
		log = 'touch_ktf_notify(%s:%s)' % (t, v)
		return (0, log)
Exemple #45
def get_default_pins(settings, name):
    exper_settings = FileIO.get_settings(
        os.path.join(settings["projects"], name, name + '.json'))
    analog = {
        pin["pin_name"]: pin
        for pin in exper_settings["pins"] if pin["type"] == pin_types["analog"]
    digital = {
        pin["pin_name"]: pin
        for pin in exper_settings["pins"]
        if pin["type"] == pin_types["digital"]
    return analog, digital
Exemple #46
 def download(self, file, remote_name):
   remote_path = os.path.join(self.path, remote_name)
   remote_path = remote_path.replace("\\", "/")
   handle =, "rb")
   downloaded = 0
   for block in FileIO.read_blocks(handle, 16<<10):
     downloaded += len(block)
     logging.debug("Downloaded %d" % downloaded)
     if self.progress_reporter is not None:
Exemple #47
def gen(train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, parameters, length, cutoff):

    # Variable Declarations
    step_count = length
    threshold = cutoff

    x5 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))  # tritrophic omnivory C
    c5_1 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))
    c5_2 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))
    p5_1 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))
    p5_2 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))

    e = 0.000000001
    dt = 0.01

    min_x, max_x = (0.26, 0.42)
    min_c1, max_c1 = (0.51, 0.87)
    min_c2, max_c2 = (0.01, 0.27)

    grid_fineness = 7

    count = 0

    # Initial Conditions for the food web topologies labeled 0 through 8. All start at 0.5
    x5[0], c5_1[0], c5_2[0], p5_1[0], p5_2[0] = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
                                                 )  # tritrophic omnivory C

    # Iterate through mortality rates
    for d_x in np.linspace(min_x, max_x, grid_fineness):
        for d_c1 in np.linspace(min_c1, max_c1, grid_fineness):
            for d_c2 in np.linspace(min_c2, max_c2, grid_fineness):

                # Evaulate time series
                for i in range(step_count):
                    x5[i + 1], c5_1[i + 1], c5_2[i + 1], p5_1[i + 1], p5_2[
                        i + 1] = cm.tritrophicOmnivoryC(
                            x5[i], c5_1[i], c5_2[i], p5_1[i], p5_2[i], d_x,
                            d_c1, d_c2, dt)

                if (x5[step_count] > e and c5_1[step_count] > e
                        and c5_2[step_count] > e and p5_1[step_count] > e
                        and p5_2[step_count] > e):
                    M = np.stack((x5, c5_1, c5_2, p5_1, p5_2))
                    P = np.array([d_x, d_c1, d_c2])

                    if count < 4:
                        io.writeData(train_x, train_y, M, '5', threshold)
                        count = count + 1
                        io.writeData(test_x, test_y, M, '5', threshold)
                        count = 0

                    io.writeParameters(parameters, P)

# end gen()
Exemple #48
 def urban_positive(self):
     urban_file = '../data/malawi_urban_extent.csv'
     lines = FileIO.csv_reader(urban_file)
     p_imgs_raw = []
     for line in lines:
         task_x = line['task_x']
         task_y = line['task_y']
         c = line['classification']
         if c == 'urban_extent':
             img = '%s-%s.jpeg' % (task_x, task_y)
     p_imgs = list(set(p_imgs_raw))
     return p_imgs
Exemple #49
def gen(train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, parameters, length, cutoff):

    # Variable Declarations
    step_count = length
    threshold = cutoff

    z0 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))  # five species chain
    y0 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))
    x0 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))
    c0 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))
    p0 = np.empty((step_count + 1, ))

    e = 0.000000001
    dt = 0.01

    d_z = 0.01  #Found through trial and error that all parameter combinations leading to coexistance had d_z = 0.01
    min_y, max_y = (0.01, 0.09)
    min_x, max_x = (0.01, 0.11)
    min_c, max_c = (0.01, 0.11)

    grid_fineness = 7

    count = 0

    # Initial Conditions for the food web topologies labeled 0 through 8. All start at 0.5
    z0[0], y0[0], x0[0], c0[0], p0[0] = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
                                         )  # five species chain

    # Iterate through mortality rates
    for d_y in np.linspace(min_y, max_y, grid_fineness):
        for d_x in np.linspace(min_x, max_x, grid_fineness):
            for d_c in np.linspace(min_c, max_c, grid_fineness):

                # Evaulate time series
                for i in range(step_count):
                    z0[i +
                       1], y0[i +
                              1], x0[i +
                                     1], c0[i +
                                            1], p0[i +
                                                   1] = cm.fiveSpeciesChain(
                                                       z0[i], y0[i], x0[i],
                                                       c0[i], p0[i], d_z, d_y,
                                                       d_x, d_c, dt)

                # Check for coexistence and record the data if the species coexist
                if (z0[step_count] > e and y0[step_count] > e
                        and x0[step_count] > e and c0[step_count] > e
                        and p0[step_count] > e):
                    M = np.stack((z0, y0, x0, c0, p0))
                    P = np.array([d_z, d_y, d_x, d_c])

                    if count < 4:
                        io.writeData(train_x, train_y, M, '0', threshold)
                        count = count + 1
                        io.writeData(test_x, test_y, M, '0', threshold)
                        count = 0
                        io.writeParameters(parameters, P)
    def __init__(self):
        #attribute for total turns from FileIO 
        self.totalTurns = 0

        #attributes for attack and defense types
        self.probXLowAttack = 0
        self.probLowAttack = 0
        self.probMediumAttack = 0
        self.probHighAttack = 0
        self.probXLowDefense = 0
        self.probLowDefense = 0
        self.probMediumDefense = 0
        self.probHighDefense = 0

        # attributes for attack and defense tally types
        self.tallyHighAttack = 0
        self.tallyMediumAttack = 0
        self.tallyLowAttack = 0
        self.tallyXLowAttack = 0 
        self.tallyHighDefense = 0
        self.tallyMediumDefense = 0
        self.tallyLowDefense = 0
        self.tallyXLowDefense = 0

        # attributes for summary of results and turnbyturn
        self.attackType = ""
        self.defenseType = ""
        self.result = ""
        self.num = 1
        self.totalBlocks = 0
        self.totalHits = 0 

        # Manager creates 3 objects and calls the following:
        self.aFileIO = FileIO()
        self.anAttacker = Attacker(self.probHighAttack,self.probMediumAttack, self.probLowAttack, self.probXLowAttack)
        self.aDefender = Defender(self.probHighDefense, self.probMediumDefense, self.probLowDefense, self.probXLowDefense)
Exemple #51
def load_and_use_model(model, all_infos, mapp):
    (conceptsList, conceptsList_all, videofiles, needed_shots,
     shot_paths) = all_infos

    # init caffe net
    net, transformer = init_caffe_net(model)
    # read images to classify from folder
    print "Preparing images for model " + model
    all_images = read_images_for_predicting(transformer, shot_paths)

    # perform classification
    print "Classifying for model " + model
    s_time = timeit.default_timer()
    predicted_labels = classify(net, all_images)
    time = format(timeit.default_timer() - s_time, '.4f')
    FileIO.write_times('training_times/classification_times.csv', time, model,
                       '', len(predicted_labels))

    print "Calculating evaluation parameters for model " + model
    acc_values_for_all_concepts = calc_accuracy(predicted_labels, conceptsList,

    return acc_values_for_all_concepts
Exemple #52
 def MS_positive(self):
     imgs = []
     ms_file = '../data/project_922.csv'
     lines = FileIO.read_lines(ms_file, 1)
     for line in lines:
         tmp = line.strip().split(',')
         x, y = int(tmp[4]), int(tmp[5])
         img = '%d-%d.jpeg' % (x, y)
         yes_count, maybe_count, bad_img_count = int(tmp[8]), int(
             tmp[9]), int(tmp[10])
         if bad_img_count == 0 and (yes_count >= 2 or
                                    (maybe_count + yes_count) >= 3):
     return imgs
def getStr2ObjectDict(filename, items):
    str(filename) -> list of CHSingleSent
    l = FileIO.readDataFromFile(filename)
    i2css = {}
    for item in l:
        if not item[0] in items:
            i2css[item[0]] = CHSingleSent(item)
            print "String Error:",item[0]
    return i2css
Exemple #54
def html_stuff(stitched_shots, all_shots, outstitched_shots, ground_truth_file, filename1, filename2, output):
    data_prefix = 0
    data_vars1 = 'var jumpoffs = ['
    data_vars2 = 'var all_scenes = ['
    data_vars3 = 'var jo = ['
    data_suffix = 0

    #read ground truth for shot boundaries
    ground_truth_data = FileIO.read_shots_from_csv(ground_truth_file)

    #get start- and end-frames
    last_element = stitched_shots[len(stitched_shots)-1]
    for i in stitched_shots:
        a,b = ground_truth_data[i[0]]
        if i is not last_element:
            data_vars1 += str(a) + ', '
            data_vars1 += str(a) + '];\n'

    last_element = all_shots[len(all_shots)-1]
    for shot in all_shots:
        a,b = shot
        if shot is not last_element:
            data_vars2 += str(a) + ', '
            data_vars2 += str(a) + '];\n'

    #get start- and end-frames
    last_element = outstitched_shots[len(outstitched_shots)-1]
    for i in outstitched_shots:
        a,b = ground_truth_data[i]
        if i is not last_element:
            data_vars3 += str(a) + ', '
            data_vars3 += str(a) + '];\n'

    #read prefix and suffix (html and javascript code)
    with open(filename1, 'r') as f1:
        data_prefix =
    with open(filename2, 'r') as f2:
        data_suffix =

    string = data_prefix + data_vars1 + data_vars2 + data_vars3 + data_suffix

    with open(output, 'w') as f:
Exemple #55
 def upload(self, file, remote_name):
   #print "Dummy uploading %s" % remote_name
   remote_path = os.path.join(self.path, remote_name)
   remote_path = remote_path.replace("\\", "/")
   handle =, "wb")
   uploaded = 0
   for block in FileIO.read_blocks(file, 128<<10):
     uploaded += len(block)
     logging.debug("Uploaded %d" % uploaded)
     if self.progress_reporter is not None:
Exemple #56
def Part1():
    # values = [100, 200, 500, 1000]
    values = [100]

    for v in values:
        print "Points: " + str(v)

        #optical flow and motion direction histogram calculation
        # mdh_all = OM.createMotionDirectionHistograms('GroundTruth.csv', 'videos/oberstdorf08small.mp4', v, False, False)
        # FileIO.save_histograms_to_file('mdh_8_' + str(v) + '.csv', mdh_all)
        # print "Histograms created."

        # #svm training and predicting
        mdh_compl = FileIO.read_histograms_from_file('mdh_8_' + str(v) + '.csv')
        accuracy, ITERATIONS, NF = SVM.svm_accuracy(mdh_compl)
        print "average accuracy: " + str(accuracy/ITERATIONS/NF)
Exemple #57
def read(filename) :

	hash = {}
	try :
		(ok, content) = FileIO.full_read(filename)
		if not ok : return ( 0, filename + ' not founc')
		content = content.replace('\n\t', '')
		lines = content.split('\n')
		for line in lines :
			v = line.rstrip().split(':')
			if(len(v) != 2) : continue
			hash[v[0].lower()] = v[1][1:]

		return (1 , hash)
	except :
		t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
		print 'MailHeader read(%s)' % v
		flag = 0 

	return (0, hash)
Exemple #58
    def writeDAT(self,delimiter=","):
        """Writes the STARS dat file.

        writes projectName.dat file for STARS
        info = []
        varNames = self.getAllVariableNames()
        header = [ len(varNames) ] + varNames
        for var in varNames:
            v = self.varDict[var]
            info.append( [, v.type] )
            vals = v.values
            if v.type == "CSTS":
                for id in range(self.n):
                    csYearVals = [ vals[year][id] for year in range(self.t) ]
        datFile = self.createOutputFile(self.projPrefix, ".dat")
        fdat = FIO.csvWriter(datFile, info, delimiter=" ")
Exemple #59
def buildCorpus(dirPath, corpusName):
    print('creating corpus!!');
    tagClass = fetchLabel(dirPath);
    classCnt = FileIO.countFiles(dirPath);
    dictionary = {};
    FileIO.wrtieToFile("corpus\classCount.txt", 'a', (tagClass + '\t' + str(classCnt) + '\n' ));
    for dir_entry in os.listdir(dirPath):
        text = FileIO.readFile(os.path.join(dirPath, dir_entry));
        text = Tokenizer.tokenizer(text);
        for token in text.split('\n'):
            if token not in dictionary:
                dictionary[token] = {};
            if tagClass not in dictionary[token]:
                dictionary[token][tagClass] = 0;
            dictionary[token][tagClass] = dictionary[token][tagClass] + 1;
    for key, value in dictionary.items():
        FileIO.wrtieToFile(corpusName, 'a', (key + '\t' + str(value[tagClass]) + '\t' + tagClass + '\n'));
    print('Corpus creation : Done..');
Exemple #60
def buildBinarizedCorpus(dirPath, corpusName):
    print('creating binarized corpus!!');
    tagClass = fetchLabel(dirPath);
    classCnt = FileIO.countFiles(dirPath);
    FileIO.wrtieToFile("corpus\classCount.txt", 'a', (tagClass + '\t' + str(classCnt) + '\n' ));
    corpusDict = {};
    for dir_entry in os.listdir(dirPath):
        fileTokens = {};
        text = FileIO.readFile(os.path.join(dirPath, dir_entry));
        text = Tokenizer.tokenizer(text);
        for token in text.split('\n'):
            if token not in fileTokens:
                fileTokens[token] = 1;
                if token not in corpusDict:
                    corpusDict[token] = {};
                    corpusDict[token][tagClass] = 1;
                    corpusDict[token][tagClass] = corpusDict[token][tagClass] + 1;
    for key, value in corpusDict.items():
        FileIO.wrtieToFile(corpusName, 'a', (key + '\t' + str(value[tagClass]) + '\t' + tagClass + '\n' ));
    print('binarized corpus creation done!!');