Exemple #1
def IKTestAtLeastOne(text):
    global thetas
    # draw specified point
    x, y, z = text.split(" ")
    print("x: {}, y: {}, z: {}".format(x, y, z))
    desiredToolPos = np.array([int(x), int(y), int(z)])

    # initial values and random theta directions
    maxRotation = 5  # specifies max degrees any joint is allowed to change by in a np.single frame
    thresholdDistance = 50  # how precise we want to be
    initialThetas = thetas
    currentToolPos = ForwardK.getEndEffectorData(initialThetas)[
        0]  # initial position
    currentDistance = np.sqrt(
        (desiredToolPos[0] - currentToolPos[0])**2 +
        (desiredToolPos[1] - currentToolPos[1])**2 +
        (desiredToolPos[2] - currentToolPos[2])**2)  # initial distance
    initialDistance = currentDistance

    while currentDistance > thresholdDistance:
        noChange = np.full(6, False)
        for i in range(0, 3):
            thetasCopyAdd = np.copy(
            )  # these arrays of thetas reset for each joint to evaluate each angle individually
            thetasCopySub = np.copy(thetas)
            thetasCopyAdd[i] += 5
            thetasCopySub[i] -= 5

            testDistanceAdd = getToolPositionDistance(thetasCopyAdd,
            if testDistanceAdd < currentDistance:
                thetas[i] = thetasCopyAdd[i]
                testDistanceSub = getToolPositionDistance(
                    thetasCopySub, desiredToolPos)[1]
                if testDistanceSub < currentDistance:
                    thetas[i] = thetasCopySub[i]
                    noChange[i] = True

        # set new current distance and update canvas with new joint positions
        currentJointPositions, baseTransforms = ForwardK.updateMatrices(
        currentToolPos = currentJointPositions[len(currentJointPositions) - 1]
        currentDistance = np.sqrt((desiredToolPos[0] - currentToolPos[0])**2 +
                                  (desiredToolPos[1] - currentToolPos[1])**2 +
                                  (desiredToolPos[2] - currentToolPos[2])**2)

        # update amount allowed to rotate
        rotation = ((currentDistance / initialDistance) * maxRotation)**2 + 1
        print("current Distance:")

        drawArm(currentJointPositions, baseTransforms)
        ax.scatter(int(x), int(y), int(z), s=70)
Exemple #2
def findEndThetas():
    global thetas
    # initial values and random theta directions
    maxRotation = 2  # specifies max degrees any joint is allowed to change by in a single frame
    rotation = maxRotation
    thresholdDistance = 50  # how precise we want to be
    initialThetas = thetas
    currentToolPos = ForwardK.getEndEffectorData(initialThetas)[
        0]  # initial position
    currentDistance = np.sqrt(
        (desiredToolPos[0] - currentToolPos[0])**2 +
        (desiredToolPos[1] - currentToolPos[1])**2 +
        (desiredToolPos[2] - currentToolPos[2])**2)  # initial distance
    initialDistance = currentDistance
    testDistance = 0

    while currentDistance > thresholdDistance:
        noChange = np.full(6, False)
        for i in range(len(thetas)):
            thetasCopyAdd = np.copy(
            )  # these arrays of thetas reset for each joint to evaluate each angle individually
            thetasCopySub = np.copy(thetas)
            thetasCopyAdd[i] += 5
            thetasCopySub[i] -= 5

            testDistanceAdd = getToolPositionDistance(thetasCopyAdd,
            if testDistanceAdd < currentDistance:
                thetas[i] = thetasCopyAdd[i]
                testDistanceSub = getToolPositionDistance(
                    thetasCopySub, desiredToolPos)[1]
                if testDistanceSub < currentDistance:
                    thetas[i] = thetasCopySub[i]
                    noChange[i] = True

        # set new current distance and update canvas with new joint positions
        currentJointPositions, baseTransforms = ForwardK.updateMatrices(
        currentToolPos = currentJointPositions[len(currentJointPositions) - 1]
        currentDistance = np.sqrt((desiredToolPos[0] - currentToolPos[0])**2 +
                                  (desiredToolPos[1] - currentToolPos[1])**2 +
                                  (desiredToolPos[2] - currentToolPos[2])**2)

        # update amount allowed to rotate
        rotation = ((currentDistance / initialDistance) * maxRotation)**2 + 1

    thetaend = thetas
    return thetaend
Exemple #3
def toggleTrailLines(event):
    global trailLinesBool
    if trailLinesBool:
        trailLinesBool = False
        trailLinesBool = True
    jointPositions, baseTransforms = ForwardK.updateMatrices(thetas)[0::2]
    drawArm(jointPositions, baseTransforms)
Exemple #4
def updateFromSlider(val):
    thetas[0] = sliderTheta1.val
    thetas[1] = sliderTheta2.val
    thetas[2] = sliderTheta3.val
    thetas[3] = sliderTheta4.val
    thetas[4] = sliderTheta5.val
    thetas[5] = sliderTheta6.val
    # call updateMatrices and graph points, lines, axes, and labels at new joint positions
    jointPositions, baseTransforms = ForwardK.updateMatrices(thetas)[0::2]
    drawArm(jointPositions, baseTransforms)
def start(text):
    global thetastart
    global thetaend
    global trail
    thetaend = findEndThetas()
    traj = mr.JointTrajectory(thetastart, thetaend, Tf, N, method)
    jointPositionMat = np.array(
        [ForwardK.updateMatrices(traj[i])[0] for i in range(N)])
    for i in range(N):
        print("pos {}".format(i + 1))
    # reset everything TODO fix errors this might be causing
    thetastart = thetaend
    thetaend = np.zeros(6)
    trail = np.empty([1, 3])
def getToolPositionDistance(thetas, desiredToolPos):
    currentToolPos = ForwardK.getEndEffectorData(thetas)[0]
    currentDistance = np.sqrt((desiredToolPos[0] - currentToolPos[0])**2 +
                              (desiredToolPos[1] - currentToolPos[1])**2 +
                              (desiredToolPos[2] - currentToolPos[2])**2)
    return currentToolPos, currentDistance
    diffz = int(abs(prevEndPosition[2] - currentEndPosition[2]))
    if diffx != 0 and diffy != 0 and diffz != 0:
        trail = np.append(trail, [currentEndPosition], axis=0)
        prevEndPosition = currentEndPosition
    ax.scatter(trail[:, 0], trail[:, 1], trail[:, 2], s=10, color="orange")
    for i in range(1, len(trail)):
        ax.text(trail[i, 0],
                trail[i, 1],
                trail[i, 2],
    prevEndPosition = currentEndPosition

initialJointPositions = ForwardK.updateMatrices(thetastart)[0]

def start(text):
    global thetastart
    global thetaend
    global trail
    thetaend = findEndThetas()
    traj = mr.JointTrajectory(thetastart, thetaend, Tf, N, method)
    jointPositionMat = np.array(
        [ForwardK.updateMatrices(traj[i])[0] for i in range(N)])
    for i in range(N):
Exemple #8
def invPose(xEnd, yEnd, zEnd, alpha, beta, gamma):
    # xSw = -lenEnd*np.sin(beta) + xEnd
    # ySw = lenEnd*np.cos(beta)*np.sin(alpha) + yEnd
    # zSw = -lenEnd*np.cos(alpha)*np.cos(beta) + zEnd
    transform0End = np.array(
            np.cos(beta) * np.cos(gamma), -np.cos(beta) * np.sin(gamma),
            np.sin(beta), xEnd
             np.cos(alpha) * np.sin(gamma) +
             np.cos(gamma) * np.sin(alpha) * np.sin(beta),
             np.cos(alpha) * np.cos(gamma) -
             np.sin(alpha) * np.sin(beta) * np.sin(gamma),
             -np.cos(beta) * np.sin(alpha), yEnd
             -np.cos(alpha) * np.cos(gamma) * np.sin(beta) +
             np.sin(alpha) * np.sin(gamma),
             np.cos(alpha) * np.sin(beta) * np.sin(gamma) +
             np.cos(gamma) * np.sin(alpha),
             np.cos(alpha) * np.cos(beta), zEnd
         ], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    transformEndSw = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, -lenEnd],
                               [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    transform0Sw = transform0End @ transformEndSw

    sphericalPos = np.vstack(transform0Sw[:-1, 3])

    xSw = sphericalPos[0]
    ySw = sphericalPos[1]
    zSw = sphericalPos[2]

    hSw = zSw - lengths[0]

    if np.sqrt(xSw**2 + ySw**2 + hSw**2) > sum(lengths[1:]):
        print("Desired position and orientation not in workspace.")
        RSw = np.sqrt(xSw**2 + ySw**2)
        rSw = np.sqrt(hSw**2 + RSw**2)
        alpha2 = np.arcsin(hSw / rSw)

        # First three joint angles responsible for placing end effector
        # Using law of cosines:
        theta1 = np.arctan2(ySw, xSw)
        theta2 = np.arccos((lengths[1]**2 - lengths[2]**2 + rSw**2) /
                           (2 * lengths[1] * rSw)) + alpha2
        theta3 = np.arccos((lengths[2]**2 + lengths[1]**2 - rSw**2) /
                           (2 * lengths[1] * lengths[2]))
        # Final three joint angles specify rotation only
        # Multi stuff:
        dirEnd = Vector(xEnd, yEnd, zEnd, xSw, ySw, zSw, lenEnd)
        rElbow = lengths[1] * math.cos(theta2)
        xElbow = rElbow * math.cos(theta1)
        yElbow = rElbow * math.sin(theta1)
        zElbow = lengths[0] + lengths[1] * math.sin(theta2)
        dirForearm = Vector(xEnd, yEnd, zEnd, xElbow, yElbow, zElbow,

        # remove list att from th 1 2 and 3
        theta1 = float(theta1)
        theta2 = float(theta2)
        theta3 = float(theta3)

        # Using ZYZ rotation matrix:
        theta4 = np.arctan2(np.sqrt(1 - np.cos(beta)**2), np.cos(beta))
        theta5 = np.arctan2(
            np.sin(alpha) * np.sin(beta),
            np.cos(alpha) * np.sin(beta))
        theta6 = np.arctan2(
            np.sin(beta) * np.sin(gamma), -np.cos(gamma) * np.sin(beta))
        print(f'\nxSw: {xSw}, ySw: {ySw}, zSw: {zSw}')
            f'\nAngles in radians:\ntheta1: {theta1}\ntheta2: {theta2}\ntheta3: {theta3}\ntheta4: {theta4}\ntheta5: {theta5}\ntheta6: {theta6}'
            f'\nAngles in degrees:\ntheta1: {theta1*180/np.pi}\ntheta2: {theta2*180/np.pi}\ntheta3: {theta3*180/np.pi}\ntheta4: {theta4*180/np.pi}\ntheta5: {theta5*180/np.pi}\ntheta6: {theta6*180/np.pi}'

        thetas = np.array([theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6])
        thetas = thetas * 180 / np.pi

        #recalculate forward kinematics to compare
        jointPos, jointRot, _ = fk.updateMatrices(thetas)
        print(f"jointPos[5]: {jointPos[5]}")
        print(f"jointPos[6]: {jointPos[6]}")
        print(f"jointRot[5]: {jointRot[5]}"
              )  # todo: otolpos and toolrot don't match with original values
        print(f"jointRot[6]: {jointRot[6]}")
        print(f"\ntransform0End: {transform0End}")
        print(f"xError: {xEnd - jointPos[5][0]}")
        print(f"xError: {yEnd - jointPos[5][1]}")
        print(f"xError: {zEnd - jointPos[5][2]}")
Exemple #9
def IKTestIndividual(text):
    global thetas
    # draw specified point
    x, y, z = text.split(" ")
    print("x: {}, y: {}, z: {}".format(x, y, z))
    desiredToolPos = np.array([int(x), int(y), int(z)])

    # initial values and random theta directions
    maxRotation = 100  # specifies max degrees any joint is allowed to change by in a single frame
    thresholdDistance = 50  # how precise we want to be
    initialThetas = thetas
    thetaWeights = np.random.randn(6)
    thetaWeightsNext = np.zeros(6)
    currentToolPos = ForwardK.getEndEffectorData(initialThetas)[
        0]  # initial position
    currentDistance = np.sqrt(
        (desiredToolPos[0] - currentToolPos[0])**2 +
        (desiredToolPos[1] - currentToolPos[1])**2 +
        (desiredToolPos[2] - currentToolPos[2])**2)  # initial distance

    while currentDistance > thresholdDistance:
        # create new changes in theta
        testThetaDirs = np.vstack([thetas] * len(thetas))
                         np.diagonal(testThetaDirs) + thetaWeights)

        # test changes in theta
        for i in range(len(testThetaDirs)):
            # get new end effector position as a result of only one theta changing
            testToolPosition = ForwardK.getEndEffectorData(testThetaDirs[i])[0]
            # find new distance for each theta to see how to see how to set weights
            newTestDistance = np.sqrt(
                (desiredToolPos[0] - testToolPosition[0])**2 +
                (desiredToolPos[1] - testToolPosition[1])**2 +
                (desiredToolPos[2] - testToolPosition[2])**2)
            thetaWeightsNext[i] = (
                1 - newTestDistance / currentDistance
            )  # flip weight sign if new distance is bigger
        thetaDeltas = thetaWeightsNext * maxRotation
        thetaWeights = thetaDeltas + thetaWeights
        # print("theta weights: ")
        # # print(thetaWeights)
        # thetaDeltas = thetaWeights * maxRotation
        # print("theta deltas: ")
        # print(thetaDeltas)
        # update joint angles and find new cumulative end effector and joint positions
        thetas = thetaDeltas + thetas

        currentJointPositions, baseTransforms = ForwardK.updateMatrices(
            thetas)[0::2]  # 0 is joint positions
        # current tool position is all we currently care about for finding final joint angles
        # TODO figure out how to account for all other joint movements
        currentToolPos = currentJointPositions[
            len(currentJointPositions) -
            1]  # tool position is last in the array of joint positions
        currentDistance = np.sqrt((desiredToolPos[0] - currentToolPos[0])**2 +
                                  (desiredToolPos[1] - currentToolPos[1])**2 +
                                  (desiredToolPos[2] - currentToolPos[2])**2)
        drawArm(currentJointPositions, baseTransforms)
        ax.scatter(int(x), int(y), int(z), s=70)
Exemple #10
def IKTestTogether(text):
    global thetas
    # draw specified point
    x, y, z = text.split(" ")
    print("x: {}, y: {}, z: {}".format(x, y, z))
    desiredToolPos = np.array([int(x), int(y), int(z)])

    # initial values and random theta directions
    maxRotation = 5  # specifies max degrees any joint is allowed to change by in a single frame
    rotation = maxRotation
    thresholdDistance = 50  # how precise we want to be
    initialThetas = thetas
    currentToolPos = ForwardK.getEndEffectorData(initialThetas)[
        0]  # initial position
    currentDistance = np.sqrt(
        (desiredToolPos[0] - currentToolPos[0])**2 +
        (desiredToolPos[1] - currentToolPos[1])**2 +
        (desiredToolPos[2] - currentToolPos[2])**2)  # initial distance
    initialDistance = currentDistance
    testDistance = 0

    while currentDistance > thresholdDistance:
        numTries = 0
        while numTries < 50:
            testChanges = np.random.rand(6)
            testThetas = thetas + testChanges * rotation
            currentJointPositions, baseTransforms = ForwardK.updateMatrices(
                testThetas)[0::2]  # 0 is joint positions
            currentToolPos = currentJointPositions[
                len(currentJointPositions) -
                1]  # tool position is last in the array of joint positions
            testDistance = np.sqrt((desiredToolPos[0] - currentToolPos[0])**2 +
                                   (desiredToolPos[1] - currentToolPos[1])**2 +
                                   (desiredToolPos[2] - currentToolPos[2])**2)
            if testDistance < currentDistance:
                numTries += 1
        if numTries is 50:
            for i in range(len(thetas)):
                testThetasCopy = thetas
                numSingleTries = 0
                while numSingleTries < 50:
                    testSingleChange = np.random.rand(1)  # 0.734
                    testSingleTheta = thetas[
                        i] + testSingleChange * rotation  # 360 + 0.734 * rotation
                    testThetasCopy[i] = testSingleTheta  # 382copy = 382
                    # testThetasCopy = [360 382 360 360 360 360] only changing one at a time
                    currentJointPositions, baseTransforms = ForwardK.updateMatrices(
                    currentToolPos = currentJointPositions[
                        len(currentJointPositions) - 1]
                    testDistanceSingle = np.sqrt(
                        (desiredToolPos[0] - currentToolPos[0])**2 +
                        (desiredToolPos[1] - currentToolPos[1])**2 +
                        (desiredToolPos[2] - currentToolPos[2])**2)
                    if testDistanceSingle < currentDistance:
                            i] = testSingleTheta  # if distance is less replace next theta for that joint
                        numSingleTries += 1
                if numSingleTries is 50:
                    testThetas[i] = thetas[
                        i]  # if distance is never less don't move theta for that joint

        thetas = testThetas

        # set new current distance
        currentJointPositions, baseTransforms = ForwardK.updateMatrices(
        currentToolPos = currentJointPositions[len(currentJointPositions) - 1]
        currentDistance = np.sqrt((desiredToolPos[0] - currentToolPos[0])**2 +
                                  (desiredToolPos[1] - currentToolPos[1])**2 +
                                  (desiredToolPos[2] - currentToolPos[2])**2)

        # update amount allowed to rotate
        rotation = (currentDistance / initialDistance) * maxRotation + 1
        drawArm(currentJointPositions, baseTransforms)
        ax.scatter(int(x), int(y), int(z), s=70)
Exemple #11
        prevEndPosition = currentEndPosition
    ax.scatter(trail[:, 0], trail[:, 1], trail[:, 2], s=10, color="orange")
    for i in range(1, len(trail)):
        ax.text(trail[i, 0], trail[i, 1], trail[i, 2], i, color='red')
    prevEndPosition = currentEndPosition

def drawTrailLines():
    global trailLinesBool
    global trail
    if trailLinesBool:
        ax.plot3D(trail[1:, 0], trail[1:, 1], trail[1:, 2], color="orange")

# get initial joint positions
jointPositions, jointRotationMatrices, baseTransforms = ForwardK.updateMatrices(

# Graph joint positions
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
maxZ = 400
minZ = -400
plotAxes(jointPositions, baseTransforms)
# Add slider for each axis
Exemple #12
z = np.zeros(N)
m = 0
for i in range(N):
	i = i*10  #与采样组匹配修改
	with open('data/wishCircle_theta1.txt', 'a') as output_to_write:
		for k in range(l):
			theta_data = Theta[i,k]
			#theta_data = round(Theta[i,k],6)  #保存6位精度
			output_to_write.write(' ')
	T0 = fk.T_7to0(Theta[i,:],alpha,a,d)  
	x[m] = T0[0,3]  #提取末端位置
	y[m] = T0[1,3]
	z[m] = T0[2,3]
	m = m+1
	with open('data/wishCircle_line1.txt', 'a') as input_to_write:
		for j_i in range(4):
			for j_j in range(3):
				T_data = T0[j_j,j_i]
				#T_data = round(T_data,6)
				input_to_write.write(' ')
Exemple #13
a = np.zeros(7)
alpha = [90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 0]
alpha = np.array(alpha) * (np.pi / 180)
d = np.array([323.5, 0, 316, 0, 284.5, 0, 201]) * 0.001
thetaMax = np.array([180, 90, 180, 90, 180, 90, 180]) * (np.pi / 180)
thetaMin = np.array([-180, -90, -180, -90, -180, -90, -180]) * (np.pi / 180)

theta = np.zeros([500, 7])
pos = np.zeros([500, 12])

for i in range(500):
    for j in range(7):
        theta[i, j] = thetaMin[j] + (thetaMax[j] -
                                     thetaMin[j]) * np.random.random()
    T = fk.T_7to0(theta[i, :], alpha, a, d)

    k = 0
    for j_i in range(4):
        for j_j in range(3):
            pos[i, k] = T[j_j, j_i]
            k = k + 1

print theta

print pos
Exemple #14
import numpy as np
import sys

import ForwardKinematics

test_joints_array = np.array([
    [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
    [np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4],
    [np.pi / 8, np.pi / 2, np.pi / 3, np.pi / 3],
    [np.pi / 3, np.pi / 5, np.pi / 6, np.pi / 7],
    [-np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4, -np.pi / 4, np.pi / 6],
    [-np.pi / 9, -np.pi / 8, -np.pi / 5, np.pi / 3],
    [-np.pi / 10, np.pi / 6, np.pi / 6, np.pi / 2],
    [np.pi / 4, np.pi / 7, -np.pi / 5, -np.pi / 7],
    [np.pi / 5, -np.pi / 4, -np.pi / 8, np.pi / 8]

for i in range(test_joints_array.shape[0]):
    result1 = ForwardKinematics.automatic_forward_kinematics(test_joints_array[i])
    result2 = ForwardKinematics.manual_forward_kinematics(test_joints_array[i])

    if np.allclose(result1, result2) is False:
        print("Automatic FK is different from Manual FK in the following case:")
        print("Joint Angles: {}. Automatic FK: {}. Manual FK: {}.".format(
Exemple #15
def SkyentificInverseK(input):
    global thetas
    # draw desired end effector location
    x, y, z, a, b, g = input.split(" ")
    print("x: {}, y: {}, z: {}".format(x, y, z))
    # desiredToolPos = np.array([int(x), int(y), int(z)])

    Xik = np.array([
        float(a) * np.pi / 180,
        float(b) * np.pi / 180,
        float(g) * np.pi / 180
    Jik = np.zeros(6)

    # inverse kinematics
    # input: Xik - pos value for the calculation of the inverse kinematics
    # output: Jik - joints value for the calculation of the inversed kinematics

    # Denavit-Hartenberg matrix
    theta = np.array([0.0, -90.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                      0.0])  # theta=[0 -90+0 0 0 0 0]
    alfa = np.array([-90.0, 0.0, -90.0, 90.0, -90.0,
                     0.0])  # alfa=[-90 0 -90 90 -90 0]
    r = np.array([r1, r2, r3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])  # r=[47 110 26 0 0 0]
    d = np.array([d1, 0.0, d3, d4, 0.0, d6])  # d=[133 0 7 117.5 0 28]

    # from deg to rad
    mh.MatrixScale(theta, np.pi / 180.0)  # theta=theta*pi/180
    mh.MatrixScale(alfa, np.pi / 180.0)  # alfa=alfa*pi/180

    # work frame
    Xwf = np.zeros(6)

    # tool frame
    Xtf = np.zeros(6)

    # work frame transformation matrix
    Twf = mh.pos2tran(Xwf)
    print("Twf: {}".format(Twf))

    # tool frame transformation matrix
    Ttf = mh.pos2tran(Xtf)
    print("Ttf: {}".format(Ttf))

    # total transformation matrix
    Twt = mh.pos2tran(Xik)
    print("Twt: {}".format(Twt))

    # find T06
    inTwf = mh.invtran(Twf)  # inTwf=mh.invtran(Twf)
    inTtf = mh.invtran(Ttf)  # inTtf=mh.invtran(Ttf)
    print("inTwf: {}".format(inTwf))
    print("inTft: {}".format(inTtf))

    # np.matmul(Twt, inTtf, Tw6) # Tw6=Twt*inTtf
    Tw6 = Twt @ inTtf
    print("Tw6: {}".format(Tw6))

    # np.matmul(inTwf, Tw6, T06) # T06=inTwf*Tw6
    T06 = inTwf @ Tw6
    print("T06: {}".format(T06))

    # positon of the spherical wrist
    Xsw = np.array([
        T06[0][3] - d[5] * T06[0][2], T06[1][3] - d[5] * T06[1][2],
        T06[2][3] - d[5] * T06[2][2]
    print("Wrist position: {}".format(Xsw))

    # Calculate joint angles

    # first joint
    Jik[0] = np.arctan2(Xsw[1], Xsw[0]) - np.arctan2(
        d[2], np.sqrt(Xsw[0] * Xsw[0] + Xsw[1] * Xsw[1] - d[2] * d[2])
    )  # Jik(1)=np.arctan2(Xsw(2),Xsw(1))-np.arctan2(d(3),np.sqrt(Xsw(1)^2+Xsw(2)^2-d(3)^2))
    # second joint
    Jik[1] = np.pi / 2.0
        (r[1] * r[1] + (Xsw[2] - d[0]) * (Xsw[2] - d[0]) +
         (np.sqrt(Xsw[0] * Xsw[0] + Xsw[1] * Xsw[1] - d[2] * d[2]) - r[0]) *
         (np.sqrt(Xsw[0] * Xsw[0] + Xsw[1] * Xsw[1] - d[2] * d[2]) - r[0]) -
         (r[2] * r[2] + d[3] * d[3])) /
        (2.0 * r[1] * np.sqrt(
            (Xsw[2] - d[0]) * (Xsw[2] - d[0]) +
            (np.sqrt(Xsw[0] * Xsw[0] + Xsw[1] * Xsw[1] - d[2] * d[2]) - r[0]) *
            (np.sqrt(Xsw[0] * Xsw[0] + Xsw[1] * Xsw[1] - d[2] * d[2]) - r[0])))
        (Xsw[2] - d[0]) /
        (np.sqrt(Xsw[0] * Xsw[0] + Xsw[1] * Xsw[1] - d[2] * d[2]) - r[0])
    )  # Jik(2)=pi/2-np.arccos((r(2)^2+(Xsw(3)-d(1))^2+(np.sqrt(Xsw(1)^2+Xsw(2)^2-d(3)^2)-r(1))^2-(r(3)^2+d(4)^2))/(2*r(2)*np.sqrt((Xsw(3)-d(1))^2+(np.sqrt(Xsw(1)^2+Xsw(2)^2-d(3)^2)-r(1))^2)))-np.arctan((Xsw(3)-d(1))/(np.sqrt(Xsw(1)^2+Xsw(2)^2-d(3)^2)-r(1)))
    # third joint
    Jik[2] = np.pi
        (r[1] * r[1] + r[2] * r[2] + d[3] * d[3] - (Xsw[2] - d[0]) *
         (Xsw[2] - d[0]) -
         (np.sqrt(Xsw[0] * Xsw[0] + Xsw[1] * Xsw[1] - d[2] * d[2]) - r[0]) *
         (np.sqrt(Xsw[0] * Xsw[0] + Xsw[1] * Xsw[1] - d[2] * d[2]) - r[0])) /
        (2 * r[1] * np.sqrt(r[2] * r[2] + d[3] * d[3])))
        d[3] / r[2]
    )  # Jik(3)=pi-np.arccos((r(2)^2+r(3)^2+d(4)^2-(Xsw(3)-d(1))^2-(np.sqrt(Xsw(1)^2+Xsw(2)^2-d(3)^2)-r(1))^2)/(2*r(2)*np.sqrt(r(3)^2+d(4)^2)))-np.arctan(d(4)/r(3))
    # last three joints
    T01 = np.zeros((4, 4))
    T12 = np.zeros((4, 4))
    T23 = np.zeros((4, 4))
    T02 = np.zeros((4, 4))
    T03 = np.zeros((4, 4))
    inT03 = np.zeros((4, 4))
    T36 = np.zeros((4, 4))
    T01 = mh.DH1line(theta[0] + Jik[0], alfa[0], r[0],
                     d[0])  # T01=DH1line(theta(1)+Jik(1),alfa(1),r(1),d(1))
    T12 = mh.DH1line(theta[1] + Jik[1], alfa[1], r[1],
                     d[1])  # T12=DH1line(theta(2)+Jik(2),alfa(2),r(2),d(2))
    T23 = mh.DH1line(theta[2] + Jik[2], alfa[2], r[2],
                     d[2])  # T23=DH1line(theta(3)+Jik(3),alfa(3),r(3),d(3))
    # np.matmul(T01, T12, T02)
    # np.matmul(T02, T23, T03)
    # np.matmul(inT03, T06, T36)

    T02 = T01 @ T12
    T03 = T02 @ T23
    T36 = inT03 @ T06

    inT03 = mh.invtran(T03)  # inT03=mh.invtran(T03)
    # forth joint
    Jik[3] = np.arctan2(-T36[1][2],
                        -T36[0][2])  # Jik(4)=np.arctan2(-T36(2,3),-T36(1,3))
    # fifth joint
    Jik[4] = np.arctan2(
        np.sqrt(T36[0][2] * T36[0][2] + T36[1][2] * T36[1][2]), T36[2]
        [2])  # Jik(5)=np.arctan2(np.sqrt(T36(1,3)^2+T36(2,3)^2),T36(3,3))
    # sixth joints
    Jik[5] = np.arctan2(-T36[2][1],
                        T36[2][0])  # Jik(6)=np.arctan2(-T36(3,2),T36(3,1))
    # rad to deg
    mh.MatrixScale(Jik, 180.0 / np.pi)  # Jik=Jik/pi*180
    thetas = Jik

    print("THETAS: {}".format(thetas))

    currentJointPositions, baseTransforms = ForwardK.updateMatrices(
    print("JOINT POSITIONS: {}".format(currentJointPositions))
    drawArm(currentJointPositions, baseTransforms)
def findEndThetas():
    global thetas
    # draw desired end effector location
    xEnd = desiredToolPos[0]
    yEnd = desiredToolPos[1]
    zEnd = desiredToolPos[2]
    alpha = desiredToolOri[0]
    beta = desiredToolOri[1]
    gamma = desiredToolOri[2]

    # alpha, beta, gamma input as degrees

    xEnd = float(xEnd)
    yEnd = float(yEnd)
    zEnd = float(zEnd)
    alpha = float(alpha)
    beta = float(beta)
    gamma = float(gamma)

    # convert to radians
    alpha = alpha * np.pi / 180
    beta = beta * np.pi / 180
    gamma = gamma * np.pi / 180

    lengths = np.array([135.7, 300.32, 293])

    # calculate position of spherical wrist
    transform0End = np.array(
            np.cos(beta) * np.cos(gamma), -np.cos(beta) * np.sin(gamma),
            np.sin(beta), xEnd
             np.cos(alpha) * np.sin(gamma) +
             np.cos(gamma) * np.sin(alpha) * np.sin(beta),
             np.cos(alpha) * np.cos(gamma) -
             np.sin(alpha) * np.sin(beta) * np.sin(gamma),
             -np.cos(beta) * np.sin(alpha), yEnd
             -np.cos(alpha) * np.cos(gamma) * np.sin(beta) +
             np.sin(alpha) * np.sin(gamma),
             np.cos(alpha) * np.sin(beta) * np.sin(gamma) +
             np.cos(gamma) * np.sin(alpha),
             np.cos(alpha) * np.cos(beta), zEnd
         ], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    transformEndSw = np.array([[1, 0, 0, -d6_1 - 60], [0, 1, 0, 0],
                               [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    transform0Sw = transform0End @ transformEndSw

    sphericalPos = np.vstack(transform0Sw[:-1, 3])
    sphericalPos = np.array(sphericalPos).ravel()

    print(f'Spherical pos: {sphericalPos}')

    xSw = sphericalPos[0]
    ySw = sphericalPos[1]
    zSw = sphericalPos[2]

    hSw = zSw - lengths[0]

    if np.sqrt(xSw**2 + ySw**2 + hSw**2) > sum(lengths[1:]):
        print("Desired position and orientation not in workspace.")
        RSw = np.sqrt(xSw**2 + ySw**2)
        rSw = np.sqrt(hSw**2 + RSw**2)
        alpha2 = np.arcsin(hSw / rSw)

        # First three joint angles responsible for placing end effector
        # Using law of cosines:
        theta1 = np.arctan2(ySw, xSw)
        theta2 = -np.arccos((lengths[1]**2 - lengths[2]**2 + rSw**2) /
                            (2 * lengths[1] * rSw)) + np.pi / 2 - alpha2
        theta3 = -np.arccos((lengths[2]**2 + lengths[1]**2 - rSw**2) /
                            (2 * lengths[1] * lengths[2])) + np.pi / 2

        # remove list att from th 1 2 and 3
        theta1 = float(theta1)
        theta2 = float(theta2)
        theta3 = float(theta3)

        # Final three joint angles specify rotation only

        # rot_mat_0_6_1 = np.array([[np.cos(beta)*np.cos(gamma), 												-np.cos(beta)*np.sin(gamma), 											np.sin(beta)],
        # 						[np.cos(alpha)*np.sin(gamma) + np.cos(gamma)*np.sin(alpha)*np.sin(beta), 	np.cos(alpha)*np.cos(gamma) - np.sin(alpha)*np.sin(beta)*np.sin(gamma), -np.cos(beta)*np.sin(alpha)],
        # 						[-np.cos(alpha)*np.cos(gamma)*np.sin(beta) + np.sin(alpha)*np.sin(gamma), 	np.cos(alpha)*np.sin(beta)*np.sin(gamma) + np.cos(gamma)*np.sin(alpha), np.cos(alpha)*np.cos(beta)]])
        rot_mat_0_6 = transform0End[:3][:3]
        # print(rot_mat_0_6_1)
        # print(rot_mat_0_6)
        rot_mat_0_3 = np.array(
                np.cos(theta1) * np.cos(theta2) * np.cos(theta3) -
                np.cos(theta1) * np.sin(theta2) * np.sin(theta3),
                np.cos(theta1) * np.cos(theta2) * np.sin(theta3) +
                np.cos(theta1) * np.cos(theta3) * np.sin(theta2)
                 np.cos(theta2) * np.cos(theta3) * np.sin(theta1) -
                 np.sin(theta1) * np.sin(theta2) * np.sin(theta3),
                 np.cos(theta2) * np.sin(theta1) * np.sin(theta3) +
                 np.cos(theta3) * np.sin(theta1) * np.sin(theta2)
                 -np.cos(theta2) * np.sin(theta3) -
                 np.cos(theta3) * np.sin(theta2), 0,
                 np.cos(theta2) * np.cos(theta3) -
                 np.sin(theta2) * np.sin(theta3)

        inv_rot_mat_0_3 = np.linalg.inv(rot_mat_0_3)
        # rot_mat_3_6_1 = inv_rot_mat_0_3 @ rot_mat_0_6_1
        # print(rot_mat_3_6_1)
        rot_mat_3_6 = inv_rot_mat_0_3 @ rot_mat_0_6
        # print(rot_mat_3_6)

        theta5 = np.arccos(rot_mat_3_6[0, 0])

        theta6_1 = np.arcsin(rot_mat_3_6[0, 1] / np.sin(theta5))
        theta6_2 = np.pi - np.arcsin(rot_mat_3_6[0, 1] / np.sin(theta5))

        theta4_1 = np.arcsin(rot_mat_3_6[1, 0] / np.sin(theta5))
        theta4_2 = np.pi - np.arcsin(rot_mat_3_6[1, 0] / np.sin(theta5))

        # calculate tool positions for both possible angles to see which angle produces a closer result
        transform01 = np.array([[np.cos(theta1), -np.sin(theta1), 0, xOff[0]],
                                 np.cos(theta1), 0, yOff[0]],
                                [0, 0, 1, zOff[0]], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        transform12 = np.array([[np.cos(theta2), 0,
                                 np.sin(theta2), xOff[1]], [0, 1, 0, yOff[1]],
                                [-np.sin(theta2), 0,
                                 np.cos(theta2), zOff[1]], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        transform23 = np.array([[np.cos(theta3), 0,
                                 np.sin(theta3), xOff[2]], [0, 1, 0, yOff[2]],
                                [-np.sin(theta3), 0,
                                 np.cos(theta3), zOff[2]], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        transform34_1 = np.array(
            [[1, 0, 0, xOff[3]],
             [0, np.cos(theta4_1), -np.sin(theta4_1), yOff[3]],
             [0, np.sin(theta4_1),
              np.cos(theta4_1), zOff[3]], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        transform45 = np.array([[np.cos(theta5), 0,
                                 np.sin(theta5), xOff[4]], [0, 1, 0, yOff[4]],
                                [-np.sin(theta5), 0,
                                 np.cos(theta5), zOff[4]], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        transform56_1 = np.array(
            [[1, 0, 0, xOff[5]],
             [0, np.cos(theta6_1), -np.sin(theta6_1), yOff[5]],
             [0, np.sin(theta6_1),
              np.cos(theta6_1), zOff[5]], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        transform34_2 = np.array(
            [[1, 0, 0, xOff[3]],
             [0, np.cos(theta4_2), -np.sin(theta4_2), yOff[3]],
             [0, np.sin(theta4_2),
              np.cos(theta4_2), zOff[3]], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        transform56_2 = np.array(
            [[1, 0, 0, xOff[5]],
             [0, np.cos(theta6_2), -np.sin(theta6_2), yOff[5]],
             [0, np.sin(theta6_2),
              np.cos(theta6_2), zOff[5]], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        # Working position of tool in end effector coordinates
        transform6Tool = np.array([[1, 0, 0, endEffector[0]],
                                   [0, 1, 0, endEffector[1]],
                                   [0, 0, 1, endEffector[2]], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        transform = np.array([
            transform01, transform12, transform23, transform34_1, transform45,
            transform56_1, transform34_2, transform56_2, transform6Tool

        transform02 = transform[0] @ transform[1]
        transform03 = transform[0] @ transform[1] @ transform[2]
        transform04_1 = transform[0] @ transform[1] @ transform[2] @ transform[
        transform05_1 = transform[0] @ transform[1] @ transform[2] @ transform[
            3] @ transform[4]
        transform06_1 = transform[0] @ transform[1] @ transform[2] @ transform[
            3] @ transform[4] @ transform[5]
        toolPos06_1 = transform06_1 @ transform6Tool
        transform04_2 = transform[0] @ transform[1] @ transform[2] @ transform[
        transform05_2 = transform[0] @ transform[1] @ transform[2] @ transform[
            6] @ transform[4]
        transform06_2 = transform[0] @ transform[1] @ transform[2] @ transform[
            6] @ transform[4] @ transform[7]
        toolPos06_2 = transform06_2 @ transform6Tool

        baseTransforms1 = np.array([
            transform01, transform02, transform03, transform04_1,
            transform05_1, transform06_1, toolPos06_1
        baseTransforms2 = np.array([
            transform01, transform02, transform03, transform04_2,
            transform05_2, transform06_2, toolPos06_2
        toolpos1 = toolPos06_1[:-1, 3]
        toolpos2 = toolPos06_2[:-1, 3]

        distFrom1 = np.sqrt((toolpos1[0] - xEnd)**2 + (toolpos1[1] - yEnd)**2 +
                            (toolpos1[2] - zEnd)**2)
        distFrom2 = np.sqrt((toolpos2[0] - xEnd)**2 + (toolpos2[1] - yEnd)**2 +
                            (toolpos2[2] - zEnd)**2)

        theta4 = 0
        theta6 = 0
        # choose theta 4 and 6 pair that results in least distance between desired and calculated end effector position
        if distFrom1 < distFrom2:
            theta4 = theta4_1
            theta6 = theta6_1
            theta4 = theta4_2
            theta6 = theta6_2

        # print(f'\nxSw: {xSw}, : {ySw}, zSw: {zSw}')
        # print(f'\nAngles in radians:\ntheta1: {theta1}\ntheta2: {theta2}\ntheta3: {theta3}\ntheta4: {theta4}\ntheta5: {theta5}\ntheta6: {theta6}')
        # print(f'\nAngles in degrees:\ntheta1: {theta1*180/np.pi}\ntheta2: {theta2*180/np.pi}\ntheta3: {theta3*180/np.pi}\ntheta4: {theta4*180/np.pi}\ntheta5: {theta5*180/np.pi}\ntheta6: {theta6*180/np.pi}')

        thetas = np.array([theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6])
        thetas = thetas * 180 / np.pi

        #recalculate forward kinematics to compare
        jointPos, jointRot, _ = ForwardK.updateMatrices(thetas)
        # print(f"jointPos[5]: {jointPos[5]}")
        # print(f"jointPos[6]: {jointPos[6]}")
        # print(f"jointRot[5]: {jointRot[5]}")		# todo: otolpos and toolrot don't match with original values
        # print(f"jointRot[6]: {jointRot[6]}")
        # print(f"\ntransform0End: {transform0End}")
        print(f"\nxError: {xEnd - jointPos[6][0]}")
        print(f"yError: {yEnd - jointPos[6][1]}")
        print(f"zError: {zEnd - jointPos[6][2]}")
        # currentJointPositions, baseTransforms = ForwardK.updateMatrices(thetas)[0::2]
        # # print("JOINT POSITIONS: {}".format(currentJointPositions))
        # drawArm(currentJointPositions, baseTransforms)

    return thetas
Exemple #17
#Theta2 = np.zeros([N,l])

x1 = np.zeros(N)
y1 = np.zeros(N)
z1 = np.zeros(N)
x2 = np.zeros(N)
y2 = np.zeros(N)
z2 = np.zeros(N)

for i in range(N):
    for j in range(l):
        Theta1[i, j] = eval(data1[i, j])
        #Theta2[i,j] = eval(data2[i,j])

for i in range(N):
    T1 = fk.T_7to0(Theta1[i, :], alpha, a, d)
    #T2 = fk.T_7to0(Theta2[i,:],alpha,a,d)
    x1[k] = T1[0, 3]
    y1[k] = T1[1, 3]
    z1[k] = T1[2, 3]
    x2[k] = data3[i, 9]
    y2[k] = data3[i, 10]
    z2[k] = data3[i, 11]
    k = k + 1
	with open('data/PrePos_line3.txt', 'a') as file_to_write:
		for col in range(4):
			for row in range(3):
				file_to_write.write(' ')
Exemple #18
def straightLeg_Link(Length, dir, time):
    step = 15
    tx1 = ForwardKinematics.Tempxyz()[0]
    ty1 = ForwardKinematics.Tempxyz()[1]
    tz1 = ForwardKinematics.Tempxyz()[2]
    tx2 = ForwardKinematics.Tempxyz()[3]
    ty2 = ForwardKinematics.Tempxyz()[4]
    tz2 = ForwardKinematics.Tempxyz()[5]
    tx3 = ForwardKinematics.Tempxyz()[6]
    ty3 = ForwardKinematics.Tempxyz()[7]
    tz3 = ForwardKinematics.Tempxyz()[8]
    tx4 = ForwardKinematics.Tempxyz()[9]
    ty4 = ForwardKinematics.Tempxyz()[10]
    tz4 = ForwardKinematics.Tempxyz()[11]
    tx5 = ForwardKinematics.Tempxyz()[12]
    ty5 = ForwardKinematics.Tempxyz()[13]
    tz5 = ForwardKinematics.Tempxyz()[14]
    tx6 = ForwardKinematics.Tempxyz()[15]
    ty6 = ForwardKinematics.Tempxyz()[16]
    tz6 = ForwardKinematics.Tempxyz()[17]
    for i in range(0, 31):
        date = bytearray(b'\x55\x55\x3B\x03\x12')
        straight_Leg1_Link(Length, dir, tx1, ty1, tz1, i, step, date)
        straight_Leg2_Link(Length, dir, tx2, ty2, tz2, i, step, date)
        straight_Leg3_Link(Length, dir, tx3, ty3, tz3, i, step, date)
        straight_Leg4_Link(Length, dir, tx4, ty4, tz4, i, step, date)
        straight_Leg5_Link(Length, dir, tx5, ty5, tz5, i, step, date)
        straight_Leg6_Link(Length, dir, tx6, ty6, tz6, i, step, date)