Exemple #1
    for ip in ip_con: #get locations of ip connections
        ip_loc = ip_loc + Locate.Locate(ip) + '\n'
    dom_loc = ''
    for d in ip_dom: #get locations of domain connections
        dom_loc = dom_loc + Locate.Locate(DomainLookup.Domain_to_IP(d)) + '\n'
    locations = ip_loc + '\n' + dom_loc
    states = Locate.FindStates(locations) #finds the states of the connections
    for s in states: #check to see if in approved locaitons
        if (s == 'RI' or s == 'NY'):
            return True #if there is a problem, returns true
    return False #otherwise returns false

def CleanUp(): #deletes file generated when there is a problem
if(Guard()): #if there is a problem
    try: #open file
        file = open('LocationReport', 'rb+')
    except:#or create it
        file = open('LocationReport', 'wb+')
    results = file.read()
    if(results == 'We Have a Problem'): #if the problem has been delt with, ignore it
        print('Already Handled')
        #already been dealt

    else: #otherwise
        file.write('We Have a Problem') #log the problem in the file
        GMail.email('From', ['to'], 'Intruder', 'We have an issue\n' + locations) #send email about the problem
Exemple #2
import sys

results = IPAddress.ExtIP() + '\n' + IPAddress.IntIP() #get the current IP Addresses
now = datetime.datetime.now() #get date & time
ip = re.compile("\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+") #set up regular expresion for ip Address
try: #try to open file containing previous IPs and read them in
    file = open('IPAddress.txt', 'r+')
    old = ip.findall(file.read())
except: #if that fails create the file and set the old ones to
    file = open('IPAddress.txt', 'w')
    old = ['0', '0', '0']

new = ip.findall(results) #get the Ips from the formated results
i = 0
needsupdate = False
while (i < len(new)): #compairs current IPs to stored IPs
    if (new[i] == old [i]):
        needsupdate = False
        needsupdate = True
    i = i + 1
if (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '-s'): #if '-s' force print the results
elif (needsupdate or (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '-f' )): # if there is a change or '-f' force email the results
    GMail.email('From', ['To'], 'IP Update', results)
    file.write(str(now) + '\n' + results + '\n')

file.close() #close the file
Exemple #3
now = datetime.datetime.now()  #get date & time
ip = re.compile("\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+")  #set up regular expresion for ip Address
try:  #try to open file containing previous IPs and read them in
    file = open('IPAddress.txt', 'r+')
    old = ip.findall(file.read())
except:  #if that fails create the file and set the old ones to
    file = open('IPAddress.txt', 'w')
    old = ['0', '0', '0']

new = ip.findall(results)  #get the Ips from the formated results
i = 0
needsupdate = False
while (i < len(new)):  #compairs current IPs to stored IPs
    if (new[i] == old[i]):
        needsupdate = False
        needsupdate = True
    i = i + 1
if (len(sys.argv) > 1
        and sys.argv[1] == '-s'):  #if '-s' force print the results

elif (needsupdate
      or (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1]
          == '-f')):  # if there is a change or '-f' force email the results
    GMail.email('From', ['To'], 'IP Update', results)
    file.seek(0, 0)
    file.write(str(now) + '\n' + results + '\n')

file.close()  #close the file