Exemple #1
def mapButton():

	global selectedCard

	gotGeo = 0
	gotPhoto = 0
	gotAdr = 0
	name = ""
	geo = ""
	photo = ""
	address = ""
	for prop in selectedCard:
		if (prop[0] == 3):
			name = prop[3]
		if (prop[0] == 12 and gotGeo == 0): #if property is geo
			geo = prop[3]
			gotGeo = 1
		if (prop[0] == 6 and gotPhoto == 0): #if property is photo
			photo = prop[3]
			gotPhoto = 1
		if (prop[0] == 8 and gotAdr == 0): #if property is address
			address = prop[3]
			gotAdr = 1

	geoS = geo.split(",")
	if (len(geoS) == 2):
		lat = float(geoS[0])#convert geos to floats
		lon = float(geoS[1])
	geoS = geo.split(";")
	if (len(geoS) == 2):
		lat = float(geoS[0])#convert geos to floats
		lon = float(geoS[1])

	gmd = GMapData( name, address, [lat,lon], 14 )
	gmd.addPoint( [lat,lon], photo, address )	# s.b. center of map
	gmd.addOverlay( 0, 1, 3 )	# single point, blue icon

	logText.insert(tkinter.INSERT, "Loading Map... Please wait\n")
	#3. generate HTML to serve
	gmd.serve( "public_html/index.html" );

	#4. launch browser
	launchBrowser( "http://localhost:43887/" )