def writeToDict(data): #must after load data 转变为词典行数据 new_data=[] #001005 6888 Axiata Group Berhad Axiata Group Berhad Axiata None for item in data: tup = item.split('\t') type=tup[0] if type == "ASTOCK": type = "_a股" elif type == "HKSTOCK": type = "_港股" elif type == "USSTOCK": type = "_美股" sitename=tup[1] aliass=tup[2].split('#') url=tup[3] # #同花顺/*Cate=pretreat;Seg=;Value=onto_value:prop=_股票简称;infos=id:300033;$ if re.match(r"\d+$", sitename.lower()) and True or False: new_data.append(GetOneDictLine.getOnePostDictLineWithId(sitename,type,sitename.lower())) else: new_data.append(GetOneDictLine.getOneDictLineWithId(sitename,type,sitename.lower())) for alias in aliass: if alias != "": if re.match(r"\d+$", alias.lower()) and True or False: new_data.append(GetOneDictLine.getOnePostDictLineWithId(alias,type,sitename.lower())) else: new_data.append(GetOneDictLine.getOneDictLineWithId(alias,type,sitename.lower())) is_update = False is_update =,setting.SITE_NAME_FILE) return is_update
def getTrustProduct(): new_data = [] typeMap = {"银行理财产品":"_理财产品", "信托":"_信托产品"} sql = """ select SEQ id,f003v_pub205,F016V_PUB205 full_name,SECNAME_PUB205 short_name from PUB205 where f003v_pub205 in ('银行理财产品','信托') """ data = getData(sql) if data is None: failExit("access postgresql error!") for item in data: cols=item.split('\t'); id = '' type = '' for col in cols: if(col == cols[0]): id = col continue elif(col == cols[1]): type = typeMap[col] continue elif(id != '' and col != ''): new_data.append(GetOneDictLine.getOneDictLineWithId(col,type,id)); return new_data
def changeToDictLine(dictType,data,from_where): new_data=[] for line in data: cols = line.split('\t') id = '' for col in cols: if(col == cols[0]): id = col if dictType=="_上证a股代码" or dictType=="_深证a股代码": new_data.append(GetOneDictLine.getOneDictLineWithId(col,dictType,cols[0],"")); continue elif(col != ''): if(id != ''): new_data.append(GetOneDictLine.getOneDictLineWithId(col,dictType,id,from_where)); else: new_data.append(GetOneDictLine.getOneDictLine(col,dictType,from_where)); return new_data
def getBusinessNameFromSql(): words = [] type = "_业务名称" sql = """ select distinct F002 from stk039 where isvalid = '1' and f001 = '2' """ data = getData(sql) if data is None: failExit("access postgresql error!") for item in data: if item.find('(') < 0 and item.find('(') < 0: for subProduct in re.split(",|,|;|;|、", item): words.append(subProduct.strip()) #print subProduct.strip() else: words.append(item.strip()) #print item.strip() sql = """ select distinct products from ( select f001V_stk219 as products, t1.declaredate_stk219 as valid_date, max(t1.declaredate_stk219) over (partition by t1.orgid_stk219) as latest from STK219 t1 join stk001 t2 on t2.comcode = t1.ORGID_STK219 where t1.isvalid = 1 and t2.isvalid = 1 and f001V_stk219 not like '%B、C、D%' ) t where valid_date = latest """ data = getData(sql) if data is None: failExit("access postgresql error!") for item in data: item = item.replace(' ', '') item = item.replace(' ', '') if item.find('(') < 0 and item.find('(') < 0: for product in re.split(",|,|;|;|、", item): words.append(product.strip()) #print product.strip() else: for product in item.strip().split('、'): if product.find('(') < 0 and product.find('(') < 0: for subProduct in re.split(",|,|;|;|、", product): words.append(subProduct.strip()) #print subProduct.strip() else: words.append(product.strip()) #print product.strip() new_data = [] for item in words: if item != "" and not isDigit(item.lower()): new_data.append(GetOneDictLine.getOneDictLine(item,type)) return new_data
def getSecuritiesBusiness(): new_data = [] type="_研究机构" sql = """ SELECT Y.ORGID_YB001 "id",P.ORGNAME_PUB203 "name",p.f022v_pub203 "short_name" FROM YB001 Y,PUB203 P WHERE Y.ORGID_YB001 = P.ORGID_PUB203 AND Y.ISVALID = 1 AND P.ISVALID = 1 """ data = getData(sql) if data is None: failExit("access postgresql error!") for line in data: cols=line.split('\t'); if len(cols)==3: if cols[1] != '': new_data.append(GetOneDictLine.getOneDictLineWithId(cols[1],type,cols[0])); if cols[2] != '': new_data.append(GetOneDictLine.getOneDictLineWithId(cols[2],type,cols[0])); return new_data
def getAnalystName(): new_data = [] type="_分析师姓名" sql = """ select distinct t.f003v_yb002 from yb002 t where t.f003v_yb002 != '' """ data = getData(sql) if data is None: failExit("access postgresql error!") for line in data: new_data.append(GetOneDictLine.getOneDictLine(line,type)); return new_data
def dealWithConcept(): mysqlClient = MySqlClient.from_setting(setting.MYSQL_SERVERS["52"]) type = "_所属概念" sql = """ SELECT, t.`name` FROM `concept_list` t """ data = mysqlClient.readlines(mysqlClient.conn, sql) if data is None: return False new_data = [] for item in data: tup = item.split('\t') if len(tup) == 2 : new_data.append(GetOneDictLine.getOneDictLineWithId(tup[1],type,tup[0].lower())) return,setting.STOCK_CONCEPT_FILE)