Exemple #1
The whole project runs from this file. The task is split into four milestones
for which you have to implement four classes. Each of them has a solve, plot and info
method and methods to retrieve things you will compute. On top of that add what you want/need.
Do them in order and remove the exit after each milestone when you are ready to move on

Any physical constants and units you need can be found in [const]


# Show plots below
show_plots = True

# Set up the constants and units class 
const = Global.ConstantsAndUnits("SI")

# Milestone 1: Solve the background
cosmo = BackgroundCosmology.BackgroundCosmology(
    name      = "LCDM",              # Label 
    h         = 0.7,                 # Hubble parameter
    OmegaB    = 0.046,               # Baryon density
    OmegaCDM  = 0.224,               # CDM density
    OmegaK    = 0.0,                 # Curvature density parameter
    TCMB_in_K = 2.7255,              # Temperature of CMB today in Kelvin
    Neff      = 0.0)                 # Effective number of neutrinos

# Solve and plot