Exemple #1
 def estimate(self, xDest, yDest):
     #convert to Hex Coordinate for easier calculation
     a = HexMath.convertArrayToHex(self.xPos,self.yPos)
     b = HexMath.convertArrayToHex(xDest,yDest)
     #calculate differenc beteween x and y values, and between does two
     dX =  b[0]-a[0]
     dY =  b[1]-a[1]
     dZ =  dY-dX
     return max((dX,dY,dZ))
Exemple #2
 def InterpolateOpacity(self,Start,End,Tile1,Tile2):
     start = self.getTile(Start).center
     end = self.getTile(End).center
     point = self.getTile(Tile1).center
     d1 = HexMath.distancefromLine(start[0],start[1],end[0],end[1], point[0], point[1])
     point = self.getTile(Tile2).center
     d2 = HexMath.distancefromLine(start[0],start[1],end[0],end[1], point[0], point[1])
     d1 = round((d1/float((d1+d2))),2) #percentage distance for d1
     d2 = round(1.0 - d1,2) # precentage distance for d2
     #weight view difficulty
     return round((self.getTile(Tile1).opacity * d1 + self.getTile(Tile2).opacity * d2),2)
Exemple #3
 def nextHexes(next1,next2,cur,cur2):
     h = HexMath.getNeighbours(cur.x,cur.y,self.x,self.y)
     for pos in h:
         #check if hex is intersected by line,still some bugs
         tile = self.getTile(pos)
         n = HexMath.hexintersectsline(tile,startTile,goalTile)
         if n == 1 and tile != last1 and tile != last2 and tile != cur and tile!= cur2 and tile != next1 and tile!=next2:
             if next1 == None:
                 next1 = tile
             elif next2 == None:
                 next2 = tile
Exemple #4
 def HighlightMutipleHex(self,HexList):
     color = pygame.Color(250,250,0, 250)
     for hex in HexList:
         if HexMath.checkInGrid(hex[0],hex[1],self.mMap.x,self.mMap.y):
             radius = self.mMap.radius
             height = radius * math.sqrt(3)
             side = radius * 3/2
             width = radius * 2
             cornerX = [height/2,height,height,height/2,0,0]
             cornerY = [0,radius/2,side,width,side,radius/2]
             if hex[1] % 2: #ungrade
                 PixelX = (hex[0]+1)* height -height/2
             else: #grade
                 PixelX = hex[0] * height
             PixelY = hex[1] * side
             pointlist = []
             i = 0
             while i <6:
                 pointlist.append((cornerX[i] + PixelX,cornerY[i] + PixelY))
                 i += 1
             pygame.draw.aalines(self.highlight, color,False, pointlist,1)
Exemple #5
 def HighlightHex(self,ArrayCord): 
     #rebuild this, hex cords are now stored in tile
     #highlight the selected hex
     #clear old highlight
     color = pygame.Color(0,0,250, 250)
     #check if cord is in grid
     if HexMath.checkInGrid(ArrayCord[0],ArrayCord[1],self.mMap.x,self.mMap.y):
         radius = self.mMap.radius
         height = radius * math.sqrt(3)
         side = radius * 3/2
         width = radius * 2
         cornerX = [height/2,height,height,height/2,0,0]
         cornerY = [0,radius/2,side,width,side,radius/2]
         if ArrayCord[1] % 2: #ungrade
             PixelX = (ArrayCord[0]+1)* height -height/2
         else: #grade
             PixelX = ArrayCord[0] * height
         PixelY = ArrayCord[1] * side
         pointlist = []
         i = 0
         while i <6:
             pointlist.append((cornerX[i] + PixelX,cornerY[i] + PixelY))
             i += 1
         pygame.draw.aalines(self.highlight, color,False, pointlist,1)
Exemple #6
 def getTilesbyDistance(self,Pos,maxDistance,minDistance = 0): # returns a list of tiles
     rtrList =[]
     for row in self.tiles:
         for tile in row:
             if HexMath.getDistance(Pos[0],Pos[1],tile.x,tile.y) <= maxDistance and HexMath.getDistance(Pos[0],Pos[1],tile.x,tile.y) >= minDistance:
     return rtrList
Exemple #7
 def getFov(self,Pos,Range):
     #rather slow lot of overhead,needs to work with 120 tiles
     List = self.getTilesbyDistance(Pos,Range,minDistance=1)
     for element in List:
         rtrOpacity = 0
         intersected = self.intersectingline(self.getTile(Pos),self.getTile(element))
         for tile in intersected:
             if tile[0] == 1: #line did just intercept one tile so add seeing difficulty
                 rtrOpacity += self.getTile(tile[1]).opacity
             else: #two hexes intercepted, calculate mean difficulty weighted by distance
                 start = self.getTile(Pos).center
                 end = self.getTile(element).center
                 point = self.getTile(tile[1]).center
                 d1 = HexMath.distancefromLine(start[0],start[1],end[0],end[1], point[0], point[1])
                 point = self.getTile(tile[2]).center
                 d2 = HexMath.distancefromLine(start[0],start[1],end[0],end[1], point[0], point[1])
                 d1 = round((d1/float((d1+d2))),2) #percentage distance for d1
                 d2 = round(1.0 - d1,2) # precentage distance for d2
                 #weight view difficulty
                 opacity = round((self.getTile(tile[1]).opacity * d1 + self.getTile(tile[2]).opacity * d2),2)
                 rtrOpacity += opacity
Exemple #8
 def __init__(self,x,y,typ,map):
     self.map = map
     #array position
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
     #hex position
     hPos = HexMath.convertArrayToHex(self.x,self.y)
     self.hX = hPos[0]
     self.hY = hPos[1]
     #typ,for terrain
     self.typ = typ
     self.opacity = self.getOpacity()
     #calculate dimensions
     #calculate points
     self.center = self.setCenter()
     self.pointlist = self.setPoints()
     self.getCenterInt= (int(self.center[0]),int(self.center[1]))
     #test for caching intersection
     self.IntersectionCache = []
Exemple #9
 def getTilebyHex(self,Pos):#get a Tile using hex coords
     arrayPos  = HexMath.convertHexToArray(Pos[0], Pos[1])
     return self.getTile((arrayPos[0],arrayPos[1]))
Exemple #10
    def getCachedLineIntersections(self,startPos,endPos):
        ReturnList = []
        #move on to right for offset
        startPos = (startPos[0]+1,startPos[1])
        endPos = (endPos[0]+1,endPos[1])

        #convert to hex coord for easier calculation
        startPos = HexMath.convertArrayToHex(startPos[0],startPos[1])
        endPos = HexMath.convertArrayToHex(endPos[0],endPos[1]) 
        #get direction of line
        #since the hex tile from where the cached lines are casted is considerd to be the top left hex
        #there are some cases that need special threadment
        direction = self.getDirecetion(startPos, endPos)  
        dx = 0
        dy = 0
        #if direction == 2,swap start and endPos
        if direction == 2 or direction ==4 or direction ==6:
            startPos,endPos = endPos,startPos
        if direction == 3 or direction == 4:
            dx = endPos[0] - startPos[0]
            dy = endPos[1] - startPos[1]
            endPos = (startPos[0] + dy,startPos[1] +dx)#swap dx and dy
        if direction == 5 or direction == 6:
            dx = endPos[0] - startPos[0]
            endPos = (startPos[0],startPos[1]+dx)

        #get end pos adjusted for offset (startPos)    
        mEndPos = (endPos[0]-startPos[0],endPos[1]-startPos[1])
        #convert to array    
        mEndPosarray = HexMath.convertHexToArray(mEndPos[0], mEndPos[1])
        #get path
        Path = self.nodes[mEndPosarray[1]][mEndPosarray[0]+1]#+1 for offset
        #adjust for offset

        for i,Node in enumerate(Path):
            my = dy * i
            if Node[0] == 1:
                mNode = HexMath.convertArrayToHex(Node[1][0],Node[1][1])
                mNode = (mNode[0]+ (startPos[0]-1),mNode[1] + (startPos[1] -1))
                if direction ==5 or direction ==6: #cant happen with two nodes
                    mNode = (mNode[0]+i,mNode[1]-i)
                mNode = HexMath.convertHexToArray(mNode[0],mNode[1])
                mNode = (mNode[0]-1,mNode[1]-my)
            if Node[0] == 2:
                mNode = HexMath.convertArrayToHex(Node[1][0],Node[1][1])
                mNode = (mNode[0]+ (-1),mNode[1]+ (startPos[1]-1))
                mNode = HexMath.convertHexToArray(mNode[0],mNode[1])
                mNode = (mNode[0]-1,mNode[1]-my)
                mNode2 = HexMath.convertArrayToHex(Node[2][0],Node[2][1])
                mNode2 = (mNode2[0]+ (startPos[0]-1),mNode2[1]+ (startPos[1] -1))
                mNode2 = HexMath.convertHexToArray(mNode2[0],mNode2[1])
                mNode2 = (mNode2[0]-1,mNode2[1]-my)
        if direction == 2 or direction == 4 or direction ==6:
        print ReturnList