Exemple #1
def include_extra(masterdata, year):
    md_list = []

    if year != get_cur_year():
        print "SWITCHING years from ", get_cur_year(), " to ", year, ".\n"

    for mdrec in masterdata:
        md = OrderedDict()
        md['Country_Name'] = mdrec['Country_Name']
        md['Country_ISO2'] = str(
            ISO_countries.ISO2_from_name(md['Country_Name'], csl))
        md['Country_ISO3'] = str(
            ISO_countries.ISO3_from_name(md['Country_Name'], csl))
        md['Country_Region'] = str(
            regions.find_region_from_ISO3(md['Country_ISO3'], regs))
        mdreckeys = mdrec.keys()
        for n in range(1, len(mdrec)):
            currentkey = mdreckeys[n]
            md[currentkey] = mdrec[currentkey]
            #print "new ", currentkey, " value is ", md[currentkey]
        if (md['Country_ISO2'] == "-1"):
            print " No ISO2 code found for ", md['Country_Name']
        if (md['Country_ISO3'] == "-1"):
            print " No ISO3 code found for ", md['Country_Name']
        #if (mdrec['Country_Region'].strip().upper() != md['Country_Region'].strip().upper()):
        #print "Region mismatch between region information in Tab 5 and Tab 1 for ", mdrec['Country_Name']
        #print "Region info from Tab 5 is '", mdrec['Country_Region'],"' and Region info from Tab 1 is '", md['Country_Region'],"'.\n"
    return md_list
Exemple #2
def include_extra(goods_list, yer):
    result = []
    if yer != get_base_year():
    for good in goods_list:
        g = OrderedDict()
        g['Country_Name'] = good['Country_Name']
        g['Country_ISO2'] = ISO_countries.ISO2_from_name(
            g['Country_Name'], csl)
        g['Country_ISO3'] = ISO_countries.ISO3_from_name(
            g['Country_Name'], csl)
        if (g['Country_ISO2'] == utility.get_default_error()):
            print " No ISO2 was found for ", g['Country_Name']
        if (g['Country_ISO3'] == utility.get_default_error()):
            print " No ISO3 was found for ", g['Country_Name']
        g['Country_Region'] = regions.find_region_from_ISO3(
            g['Country_ISO3'], regs)
        g['Good_Name'] = good['Good_Name']
        g['Good_Sector'] = sectors.find_sector_from_name(g['Good_Name'], secs)
        g['Child_Labor'] = ("Yes" if
                            (good['Child_Labor'] == present) else "No")
        g['Forced_Labor'] = ("Yes" if
                             (good['Forced_Labor'] == present) else "No")
        g['Forced_Child_Labor'] = ("Yes" if (good['Forced_Child_Labor']
                                             == present) else "No")
    return result
Exemple #3
def include_ISO(rlist):
    result = []
    for r in rlist:
        row = OrderedDict()
        cn = r['Country_Name']
        row['Country_Name'] = cn
        row['Country_ISO2'] = ISO_countries.ISO2_from_name(cn, isocountries)
        row['Country_ISO3'] = ISO_countries.ISO3_from_name(cn, isocountries)
        row['Country_Region'] = r['Country_Region']
    return result
Exemple #4
def include_extra(masterdata, yr):
    md_list = []
    if (yr != get_current_year()):
        print "SWITCHING years from ", get_current_year(), " to ", yr, ".\n"
    for mdrec in masterdata:
        md = OrderedDict()
        md['Country_Name'] = mdrec['Country_Name']
        md['Country_ISO2'] = ISO_countries.ISO2_from_name(
            md['Country_Name'], csl)
        md['Country_ISO3'] = ISO_countries.ISO3_from_name(
            md['Country_Name'], csl)

        if (md['Country_ISO2'] == utility.get_default_error()):
            print "There is no ISO2 for ", md['Country_Name']
        if (md['Country_ISO3'] == utility.get_default_error()):
            print "There is no ISO3 for ", md['Country_Name']

        md['Country_Region'] = regions.find_region_from_ISO3(
            md['Country_ISO3'], regs)
        md[CWS + '_Age_Range'] = mdrec[CWS + '_Age_Range']
        md[CWS + '_Total_Percentage_of_Working_Children'] = mdrec[
            CWS + '_Total_Percentage_of_Working_Children']
        md[CWS +
           '_Total_Working_Population'] = mdrec[CWS +
        md[CWS + '_Agriculture'] = mdrec[CWS + '_Agriculture']
        md[CWS + '_Services'] = mdrec[CWS + '_Services']
        md[CWS + '_Industry'] = mdrec[CWS + '_Industry']
        md[ESAS + '_Year'] = mdrec[ESAS + '_Year']
        md[ESAS + '_Age_Range'] = mdrec[ESAS + '_Age_Range']
        md[ESAS + '_Percentage'] = mdrec[ESAS + '_Percentage']
        md[CWAS + '_Year'] = mdrec[CWAS + '_Year']
        md[CWAS + '_Age_Range'] = mdrec[CWAS + '_Age_Range']
        md[CWAS + '_Total'] = mdrec[CWAS + '_Total']
        md[UPCR + '_Year'] = mdrec[UPCR + '_Year']
        md[UPCR + '_Rate'] = mdrec[UPCR + '_Rate']
    return md_list
def add_to_country_profiles(profiles):
    results = []
    cpkeys = profiles[0].keys()
    for profile in profiles:
        newrec = OrderedDict()
        cn = profile['country'].encode('utf8')
        newrec['Country_ISO3'] = ISO_countries.ISO3_from_name(cn, csl)
        if (newrec['Country_ISO3'] == utility.get_default_error()):
            print "Could not find ISO3 for ", cn
        for n in range(0, len(cpkeys)):
            cur = cpkeys[n]
            newrec[cur] = profile[cur]
    return results
Exemple #6
def get_master_data_from_name(name, mlist):
    this_iso3 = ISO_countries.ISO3_from_name(name, csl)
    stats = get_master_data_from_iso3(this_iso3, mlist)
    return stats
Exemple #7
import special_chars
import ISO_countries
from collections import OrderedDict

csv_2013_target = '../output/2013/extra/master_data_from_XL.csv'
xml_2013_target = '../output/2013/extra/master_data_from_XL.xml'
json_2013_target = '../output/2013/extra/master_data_from_XL.json'

csv_2014_target = '../output/2014/extra/master_data_from_XL.csv'
xml_2014_target = '../output/2014/extra/master_data_from_XL.xml'
json_2014_target = '../output/2014/extra/master_data_from_XL.json'

cur_year = 2014

regs = regions.build(cur_year)
csl = ISO_countries.build()
sp_chars = special_chars.build()

mappings = [
    "Country_Name", "Assessment", "C_138_Ratified", "C_182_Ratified",
    "CRC_Armed_Conflict_Ratified", "Palermo_Ratified",
    "Minimum_Age_for_Work_Estabslished", "Minimum_Age_for_Work",
    "Minimum_Age_for_Hazardous_Work", "Compulsory_Education_Age_Established",

Exemple #8
import utility 
import ISO_countries
import special_chars
from collections import OrderedDict

json_2013_target = '../output/2013/extra/country_region_mappings.json' 
csv_2013_target = '../output/2013/extra/country_region_mappings.csv' 
xml_2013_target = '../output/2013/extra/country_region_mappings.xml' 

json_2014_target = '../output/2014/extra/country_region_mappings.json' 
csv_2014_target = '../output/2014/extra/country_region_mappings.csv' 
xml_2014_target = '../output/2014/extra/country_region_mappings.xml' 

mappings = ["Country_Name", "Country_Region"]    # Info to be extracted from spreadsheet

isocountries = ISO_countries.build()
sp_chars = special_chars.build()

def include_ISO(rlist):
	result = []
	for r in rlist:
		row = OrderedDict()
		cn = r['Country_Name']
		row['Country_Name'] = cn
		row['Country_ISO2'] = ISO_countries.ISO2_from_name(cn, isocountries)
		row['Country_ISO3'] = ISO_countries.ISO3_from_name(cn, isocountries)	
		row['Country_Region'] = r['Country_Region']
	return result

def build(year):
Exemple #9
import ISO_countries
import special_chars
from collections import OrderedDict

json_2013_target = '../output/2013/extra/country_region_mappings.json'
csv_2013_target = '../output/2013/extra/country_region_mappings.csv'
xml_2013_target = '../output/2013/extra/country_region_mappings.xml'

json_2014_target = '../output/2014/extra/country_region_mappings.json'
csv_2014_target = '../output/2014/extra/country_region_mappings.csv'
xml_2014_target = '../output/2014/extra/country_region_mappings.xml'

mappings = ["Country_Name",
            "Country_Region"]  # Info to be extracted from spreadsheet

isocountries = ISO_countries.build()
sp_chars = special_chars.build()

def include_ISO(rlist):
    result = []
    for r in rlist:
        row = OrderedDict()
        cn = r['Country_Name']
        row['Country_Name'] = cn
        row['Country_ISO2'] = ISO_countries.ISO2_from_name(cn, isocountries)
        row['Country_ISO3'] = ISO_countries.ISO3_from_name(cn, isocountries)
        row['Country_Region'] = r['Country_Region']
    return result
Exemple #10
csv_2013_target = '../output/2013/extra/country_stats_from_XL.csv' 
xml_2013_target = '../output/2013/extra/country_stats_from_XL.xml' 
json_2013_target = '../output/2013/extra/country_stats_from_XL.json' 

csv_2014_target = '../output/2014/extra/country_stats_from_XL.csv' 
xml_2014_target = '../output/2014/extra/country_stats_from_XL.xml' 
json_2014_target = '../output/2014/extra/country_stats_from_XL.json' 

CWS = "Children_Work_Statistics"
ESAS = "Education_Statistics_Attendance_Statistics"
CWAS = "Children_Working_and_Studying_7-14_yrs_old"
UPCR = "UNESCO_Primary_Completion_Rate"

current_year = 2013
regs = regions.build(current_year)
csl = ISO_countries.build()
sp_chars = special_chars.build()

mappings = [ 'Country_Name', 
              CWS+'_Age_Range', CWS+'_Total_Percentage_of_Working_Children',
              CWS+'_Agriculture', CWS+'_Services', CWS+'_Industry', 
              ESAS+'_Year', ESAS+'_Age_Range', ESAS+'_Percentage', 
              CWAS+'_Year', CWAS+'_Age_Range', CWAS+'_Total', 
              UPCR+'_Year', UPCR+'_Rate' 

def get_current_year():
	return current_year

def set_current_year(yr):