Exemple #1
def main():

    rExists = os.system("which r")
    if rExists == 256:
        print "\n\nYou need to install r first\n\n"

    rscriptExists = os.system("which Rscript")
    if rscriptExists == 256:
        print "\n\nYou need to install Rscript first\n\n"

    path2files, treesFolder, chromoSizeFile, mappingFile, majorClade, minorsXmajor, majors, criterion, m_interval = get_parameters(

    # Counting minor clades and filtering by criterion
    result_counts = TreesCriteria_counts.count(path2files, treesFolder,
                                               majorClade, mappingFile,

    print "total genes = " + result_counts.split(",")[0]
    print "total trees = " + result_counts.split(",")[1]

    # Mapping the information
    result_mapIntervals = Intervals.mapIntervals(path2files, m_interval,

    print "number of chromosomes: " + str(
        result_mapIntervals['number of chromosomes'])
    print "map size: " + str(result_mapIntervals['map size'])
    print "genes mapped: " + str(result_mapIntervals['genes mapped'])

    # Redistributing the loci that are not clearly in an interval.

    result_mapInfoHelper = MapInfoHelper.redistributeLoci(path2files)
    print result_mapInfoHelper

    result_matrix = BuildMapMatrix.BuildMatrix(path2files, minorsXmajor,
                                               majors, m_interval)

    os.system("rm *.pyc")