Exemple #1
async def tweetReminder(ctx, member: discord.Member = None):
    if (Config.usingTwitterBot):
        if member is None:
            member = ctx.message.author

        if "moderator" in [y.name.lower() for y in member.roles
                           ]:  # Check if the user is a moderator
            offset = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - server.getLastTweet(
            )  # Get the time since last tweet

            if (
                    offset.total_seconds() >= Config.twitter_timeSinceTweet
            ):  # Has **Config.twitter_timeSinceTweet** passed since the last tweet?
                timeDiff = JamInfo.getTimeDiff()  # Get the time remaining
                timeLeft = ""

                if (
                        timeDiff < 0
                ):  # If timeDiff is negative the jam has already started -- Too late to tweet
                    await bot.say("The jam has already started -- NOT TWEETING"

                formattedDiff = JamInfo.formatTime(
                    timeDiff)  # Get the formatted array

                if (formattedDiff[0] != ""):
                    timeLeft = formattedDiff[0] + " " + formattedDiff[
                        1] + " " + formattedDiff[2]  # Day + Hour + Min
                elif (formattedDiff[1] != ""):
                    timeLeft = formattedDiff[1] + " " + formattedDiff[
                        2]  # Hour + Min
                elif (formattedDiff[2] != ""):
                    timeLeft = formattedDiff[2] + " " + formattedDiff[
                        3]  # Min + Sec
                    timeLeft = formattedDiff[3]  # Sec

                date = JamInfo.getUpcomingJamDate()

                value = str.format(
                    "The #1hgj starts in {0} (Sat {1} UTC)! More info at onehourgamejam.com #gamedev #indiedev #gamejam",
                    timeLeft, date)
                valueLen = value.count("")

                if valueLen <= 280:
                    await bot.say(tweetBot.tweet(value))
                    await bot.say("Tweet error: Too many characters to tweet")

                await bot.say(
                    "Not enough time has passed since last tweet (" +
                    str(round((28800 - offset.total_seconds()) / 3600, 3)) +
                    "h left)")
            print("Wrong role")
Exemple #2
def jamReminderTask():
    yield from bot.wait_until_ready()

    while not bot.is_closed:
        if Config.usingJamReminder:
            # get the current datetime
            now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            dtprint = now.strftime("%A %H:%M")  ## datetime for printing
            dtcheck = now.strftime("%a %H")  ## dateime object for checking

            jamReminderFile = io.open(
                Config.reminder_lastReminderFile, 'r'
            )  # Open the JamReminder file where the last reminder info is stored
            fileContents = jamReminderFile.read(
            )  # Read the contents of the file

            lastReminder = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                fileContents, "%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00").__str__(
                )  # Convert the JamReminder file into a datetime object
            nowFormatted = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00").__str__(
            )  # Format 'now' into the readable format

            # check if the time is right AND if we already sent a message to the channel
            if dtcheck == Config.reminder_time and lastReminder != nowFormatted:
                channel = discord.Object(
                )  ## this is the 1hgj discord announcement channel

                timeDiff = JamInfo.getTimeDiff()  # Get the time remaining
                formattedDiff = JamInfo.formatTime(
                    timeDiff)  # Get the formatted array

                jamReminderFile = io.open(
                    'w')  # Reopen the JamReminder file in the WRITE mode
                )  # Write the time we sent the reminder (aka now)

                yield from bot.send_message(
                    channel, "It is " + str(dtprint) +
                    ". The One Hour Game Jam starts in " + formattedDiff[2] +
                    " and " + formattedDiff[3] + ".")

            jamReminderFile.close()  # Make sure to close the file stream

        yield from asyncio.sleep(60)  # Run task every 60 seconds
async def theme():
    current_theme = JamInfo.getCurrentTheme(
    )  # Get the theme of the ongoing jam

    if current_theme == "":
        response = Config.commands_themeNotAnnounced  # If the ongoing jam JSON string is empty there isn't an ongoing jam ergo the theme hasn't been announced yet
        response = Config.commands_theme.format(current_theme)

    await bot.say(response)
Exemple #4
def on_ready():

    #Prints a message into a custom channel when it goes online
    if (Config.DEBUG):
        enabledFeatures = "\nDebug Enabled: {}\nDirectory: {}\nLastTheme Enabled: {}\nRandomTheme Enabled:{}\nEasterEggs Enabled: {}\nTwitterBot Enabled: {}\nJamReminder Enabled: {}".format(
            Config.DEBUG, Config.dir_path, Config.usingLastTheme,
            Config.usingRandomTheme, Config.usingEasterEggs,
            Config.usingTwitterBot, Config.usingJamReminder)

        channelID = discord.Object(
            id=Config.DEBUG_channel)  # Get the channel ID of the debug channel
        yield from bot.send_message(
            channelID, "***I have come online (" + JamInfo.getNow().__str__() +
            ")***" + enabledFeatures)
Exemple #5
async def time():
    timeDiff = JamInfo.getTimeDiff()  # Get the time remaining
    response = Config.commands_getTime_Upcoming

    if (timeDiff < 0):  # If timeDiff is negative the jam has already started
        timeDiff = 3600 + timeDiff  # Calculate the time until the jam ends
        response = Config.commands_getTime_Ongoing

    formattedDiff = JamInfo.formatTime(timeDiff)  # Get the formatted array

    if (formattedDiff[0] != ""):
        response = response.format(formattedDiff[0] + " " + formattedDiff[1] +
                                   " " + formattedDiff[2])  # Day + Hour + Min
    elif (formattedDiff[1] != ""):
        response = response.format(formattedDiff[1] + " " +
                                   formattedDiff[2])  # Hour + Min
    elif (formattedDiff[2] != ""):
        response = response.format(formattedDiff[2] + " " +
                                   formattedDiff[3])  # Min + Sec
        response = response.format(formattedDiff[3])  # Sec

    await bot.say(response)
def on_ready():
    Prints a message into the debug channel when it goes online
    if Config.DEBUG:
        features = "\nDebug Enabled: {}\nDirectory: {}\nLastTheme Enabled: {}\nEasterEggs Enabled: {" \
                    "}\nRandomTheme Enabled: {}\nTwitterBot Enabled: {}\nJamReminder Enabled: {}"
        enabled_features = features.format(Config.DEBUG, Config.directory_path,

        channel = discord.Object(id=Config.DEBUG_channel)
        yield from bot.send_message(
            channel, "***I have come online (" + JamInfo.getNow().__str__() +
            ")***" + enabled_features)
def jamReminderTask():
    yield from bot.wait_until_ready()

    while not bot.is_closed:

        start_time = "8PM UTC, Midday PST, 3PM EST, 9PM CET and 7AM AEDT."  # Daylight wasting
        # start_time = "8PM UTC, 1 PM PST, 4PM EST, 10PM CET and 6AM ACT." # Daylight savings

        next_jam_date = JamInfo.getUpcomingJamDate()

        tweet_content = "EMPTY"
        send_reminder = False

        # 24 hour reminder
        if check_time(next_jam_date - datetime.timedelta(hours=24)):
            tweet_content = "1 Hour Game Jam starts in 24h! That's at " + start_time + " https://onehourgamejam.com " + Config.twitter_hashtags

        # 16 hour reminder
        elif check_time(next_jam_date - datetime.timedelta(hours=16)):
            tweet_content = "1 Hour Game Jam starts in 16h! That's at " + start_time + " https://onehourgamejam.com " + Config.twitter_hashtags

        # 8 hour reminder
        elif check_time(next_jam_date - datetime.timedelta(hours=8)):
            tweet_content = "1 Hour Game Jam starts in 8h! That's at " + start_time + " https://onehourgamejam.com " + Config.twitter_hashtags

        # 4 hour reminder
        elif check_time(next_jam_date - datetime.timedelta(hours=4)):
            tweet_content = "1 Hour Game Jam starts in 4h! Participate at https://onehourgamejam.com " + Config.twitter_hashtags

        # 2 hour reminder
        elif check_time(next_jam_date - datetime.timedelta(hours=2)):
            tweet_content = "1 Hour Game Jam starts in 2h! Participate at https://onehourgamejam.com " + Config.twitter_hashtags

        # 1 hour reminder
        elif check_time(next_jam_date - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)):
            tweet_content = "1 Hour Game Jam starts in 1h! Join us on Discord at https://discord.gg/J86uTu9 " + Config.twitter_hashtags
            send_reminder = True

        # 20 min reminder
        elif check_time(next_jam_date - datetime.timedelta(minutes=20)):
            tweet_content = "1 Hour Game Jam starts in 20 minutes! Join us on Discord at https://discord.gg/J86uTu9 " + Config.twitter_hashtags

        # START reminder
        elif check_time(next_jam_date):
            jam_number = JamInfo.getCurrentJamNumber()
            jam_theme = JamInfo.getCurrentTheme()
            tweet_content = "1 hour game jam " + jam_number + " started. The theme is: '" + jam_theme + "'. Participate at https://onehourgamejam.com " + Config.twitter_hashtags

        # ---- Twitter ----
        if Config.usingTwitterBot and Config.usingAutoTwitterBot and tweet_content != "EMPTY":
            yield from bot.send_message(
                "<@111890906055020544>Tweet sent\n||" + tweet_content + "||")

        # ---- Send Jam Reminder ----
        if Config.usingJamReminder and send_reminder:
            yield from bot.send_message(
                "@everyone The One Hour Game Jam starts within an hour! Hype<:lime:322433693111287838>!!"

        elif not Config.usingJamReminder and send_reminder:
            yield from bot.send_message(
                ":speak_no_evil: I tried sending out a reminder but Liam was like \"urm no u aren't\" :speak_no_evil:"

        yield from asyncio.sleep(60)  # Run task every 60 seconds
async def now():
    if Config.DEBUG:
        await bot.say("Current server time: " + JamInfo.getNow().__str__())
async def lastTheme():
    if Config.usingLastTheme:
        await bot.say(
Exemple #10
async def now():
    # Gets the 'now' from the One Hour Game Jam server
    if (Config.DEBUG):
        await bot.say("Current server time: " + JamInfo.getNow().__str__())