Exemple #1
 def check_motors(self):
     """Test each motor status"""
     motors = [None]*len(self.AXIS_LIMITS)
     for i in xrange(1, len(self.AXIS_LIMITS)):
         LOG.debug('checking motor %i', i)
         enc = KNI.getEncoder(i)
         motors[i] = KNI.moveMot(i, enc, self._speed, self._accel) != -1
     return motors
Exemple #2
 def set_neck_orientation(self, xyz, wait=True):
     """Absolute orientation:
     Our own version since the IK is useless (ERROR: No solution found)"""
     encs = [ (4+i, SpineHW.rad2enc(4+i, v)) for i,v in enumerate(xyz) ]
     for axis, enc in encs:
         LOG.debug('moving axis %i to encoder %i', axis, enc)
         if KNI.moveMot(axis, enc, self._speed, self._accel) == -1:
             raise SpineError('failed to reach rotation (axis %i)' % axis)
     if not wait:
     for axis, enc in encs:
         if KNI.waitForMot(axis, enc, self._tolerance) != 1:
             raise SpineError('failed to wait for motor %i' % (axis))
Exemple #3
 def set_neck_rot_pos(self, rot_xyz=None, pos_xyz=None):
     """Absolute orentation and position using KNI IK"""
     if not self._motors_on or (rot_xyz == pos_xyz == None):
         LOG.info('motors are %s [rot: %s\t pos: %s]', self._motors_on,
                  rot_xyz, pos_xyz) 
         return False
     tp = KNI.TPos()
     if rot_xyz:
         tp.phy, tp.theta, tp.psi = rot_xyz
     if pos_xyz:
         tp.X, tp.Y, tp.Z = pos_xyz
     ret = KNI.moveToPos(tp, self._speed, self._accel)
     if ret == -1:
         raise SpineError('failed to reach rotation/position')
     return True
Exemple #4
 def reach_pose(self, pose):
     """This pose is defined so that the hardware is safe to switch-off.
     pose: a *list* of encoder values for each spine axis
     # no wait
     if KNI.moveToPosEnc(*pose+[self._speed, self._accel, self._tolerance]+
                          [True]) == -1:
         raise SpineError('failed to reach pose')
Exemple #5
def init_arm():
    # Just initializes the arm
    import os.path
    import conf
    KatHD400s_6m = __path__[0]+os.path.sep+"katana6M90T.cfg"
    LOG.info('trying to connect to Katana400s-6m on %s', conf.spine_hardware)
    if KNI.initKatana(KatHD400s_6m, conf.spine_hardware) == -1:
        raise SpineError('configuration file not found or'
                         ' failed to connect to hardware', KatHD400s_6m)
        print 'loaded config file', KatHD400s_6m, 'and now connected'
Exemple #6
    def get_neck_info(self):
        """Returns NeckInfo instance"""
        # XXX: we are not using the same reference: create a mapping function
#        tp = KNI.TPos()
#        KNI.getPosition(tp)
#        self._neck_info.pos= self.round([tp.X, tp.Y, tp.Z])
#        self._neck_info.rot= self.round([tp.phi, tp.theta, tp.psi])

        self._neck_info.rot = self.round( \
            [ SpineHW.enc2rad(i, KNI.getEncoder(i)) for i in \
                  xrange(4, len(self.AXIS_LIMITS)) ])
        return self._neck_info
Exemple #7
# Copyright (C) 2008 Neuronics AG
# PKE/JHA, 2008
This Skript demonstrates the use of the KNI library through the Python wrapper
For API doc, read the kni_wrapper doc or the kni_wrapper.h file.
import sys
import KNI
from KNI import TMovement

import KNI
KNI.initKatana("../../configfiles450/katana6M90T.cfg", "")

home = TMovement()
home.transition = KNI.PTP
home.velocity = 50
home.acceleration = 2

raw_input("Press [ENTER] to release robot.")

stackname = "test"

raw_input("Press [ENTER] to store first point (p2p movement).")
m = TMovement()
Exemple #8
 def get_torso_info(self):
     """Returns TorsoInfo instance"""
     self._torso_info.rot= self.round([SpineHW.enc2rad(2,KNI.getEncoder(2)),
     return self._torso_info
Exemple #9
 def calibrate(self):
     """Mandatory call upon hardware switch on. Also can be use to test 
      calibration procedure."""
     # TODO: use another sequence so that the arm does not collide itself
     if KNI.calibrate(0) == -1:
         raise SpineError('failed to calibrate hardware')
Exemple #10
 def switch_auto(self):
     """Resumes normal (driven-mode) operation of the robot."""
     if not self._motors_on and KNI.allMotorsOn() == -1:
         raise SpineError('failed to switch motors on')
     self._motors_on = True
Exemple #11
 def switch_manual(self):
     """WARNING: Allow free manual handling of the robot. ALL MOTORS OFF!"""
     if KNI.allMotorsOff() == -1:
         raise SpineError('failed to switch motors off')
     self._motors_on = False
Exemple #12
	def sendMsg(self, msg) :
		if self.isConnected :
			(axis, action) = msg
			if axis == 0 :
				if action == 'CALIB' :
				elif action == 'SETHOME' :
					from KNI import TMovement
					self.home = TMovement()
					self.home.transition = KNI.PTP
					self.home.velocity = 50
					self.home.acceleration = 2
				elif action == 'MOVEHOME' :
					if self.home != None :

			else :
				if action == 'STOP' :
					KNI.moveMot(axis, KNI.getEncoder(axis), 50, 2)
				elif action == 'RIGHT' :
					if axis in self.minusMotors :
						KNI.moveMot(axis, 0, 50, 2)
					else :
						KNI.moveMot(axis, 31000, 50, 2)

				elif action == 'LEFT' :
					if axis in self.minusMotors :
						KNI.moveMot(axis, -31000, 50, 2)
					else :
						KNI.moveMot(axis, 0, 50, 2)

		else :
			print "Port is not connected"