Exemple #1
class SubDepthSensor:
    currentDepth = 0
    # Relative to the MSL

    def __init__(self, dataFile, connection, SaveSensorData):
        # Create an instance of the sensor object
        self.sensor = ms5837.MS5837_30BA()
        # Check if we were able to connect to the sensor
        if (self.sensor._bus == None):
            # There is no depth sensor connected
            return None
            # A is the matrix we need to create that converts the last state to the new one, in our case it's just 1 because we get depth measurements directly
            A = numpy.matrix([1])
            # H is the matrix we need to create that converts sensors readings into state variables, since we get the readings directly from the sensor this is 1
            H = numpy.matrix([1])
            # B is the control matrix, since this is a 1D case and because we have no inputs that we can change we can set this to zero.
            B = 0
            # Q is the process covariance, since we want accurate values we set this to a very low value
            Q = numpy.matrix([0.001])
            # R is the measurement covariance, using a conservative estimate of 0.1 is fair
            R = numpy.matrix([0.1])
            # IC is the original prediction of the depth, setting this to normal room conditions makes sense
            IC = self.currentDepth
            # P is the initial prediction of the covariance, setting it to 1 is reasonable
            P = numpy.matrix([1])
            # We must initialize the sensor before reading it
            # Create the filter
            self._filter = KalmanFilter(A, B, H, IC, P, Q, R)
            # Create and start the process
            p = Process(target=self.UpdateValue,
                        args=(connection, dataFile, SaveSensorData))

    def UpdateValue(self, connection, dataFile, SaveSensorData):
        # Create a method for the sensor to be turned off
        readSensor = True

        while (readSensor):

            if (self.sensor.read()):

                self.currentDepth = self._filter.GetCurrentState()[0, 0]

                if (SaveSensorData):
                        str(time.time()) + "," + str(self.currentDepth) + "\n")

            if (connection.poll()):
                readSensor = False
Exemple #2
    #P0 = numpy.eye(4)
    P0 = numpy.matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

    Q = numpy.zeros(4)
    #R = numpy.eye(4)*0.2
    #R = numpy.matrix([[0.2, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.2, 0], [0, 0.2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0.2]])
    R = 0.2 * numpy.eye(6)

    iterations = len(x)

    kf = KalmanFilter(A, B, H, X0, P0, Q, R)

    kx = []
    ky = []
    # Iterate through the simulation.
    for i in range(iterations):
        kx.append(kf.GetCurrentState()[0, 0])
        ky.append(kf.GetCurrentState()[1, 0])
            numpy.matrix([[nx1[i]], [ny1[i]], [nx2[i]], [ny2[i]], [vx[i]],

    # Plot all the results we got.
    pylab.plot(x, y, 'r-', nx1, ny1, 'y:', nx2, ny2, 'g--', kx, ky, 'b.-')
    pylab.xlabel('X position')
    pylab.ylabel('Y position')
    pylab.title('Fusion of two measurements')
    pylab.legend(('true', 'measured 1', 'measured 2', 'kalman'))