Exemple #1
def mass_partitioning(masses):
    Mass partitioning
    masses: array of planet masses
    return LMC.D(masses / np.sum(masses))
Exemple #2
def mass_partitioning(masses):
    Mass partitioning, Q
    masses : array-like
        planet masses [any units]
    return LMC.D(masses/np.sum(masses))
Exemple #3
def gap_complexity(periods, warn=True):
    Gap complexity
    periods: array of planet periods
    warn: boolean flag to control warnings (default=True)
    if len(periods) < 3:
        if warn:
            warnings.warn('Complexity is undefined for N < 3; returning NaN')
        return np.nan
    elif len(periods) >= 3:
        order = np.argsort(periods)

        P = np.array(periods)[order]
        pp = np.log(P[1:] / P[:-1]) / np.log(P.max() / P.min())

        return LMC.C(pp)
Exemple #4
def Equilibrium_LC(tau_hat, taup, alphas, T, B, G, Din, J, N, maxit, tol, VAn,
                   Sn, vfactor):

    # initialize vectors of ex-post wage and price factors
    wf0 = np.ones([N, 1])
    pf0 = np.ones([J, N])
    wfmax = np.array([1.0])
    e = 1.0

    while (e <= maxit) and (wfmax[0] > tol):
        pf0, c = ph.PH(wf0, tau_hat, T, B, G, Din, J, N, maxit, tol)

        # Calculating trade shares
        Dinp = dinprime.Dinprime(Din, tau_hat, c, T, J, N)
        Dinp_om = Dinp / taup

        Fp = np.zeros((J, N))
        for j in range(J):
            Fp[j, :] = sum((Dinp[j * N:(j + 1) * N:1, :] /
                            taup[j * N:(j + 1) * N:1, :]).T)

        # Expenditure matrix
        PQ = expenditure.Expenditure(alphas, B, G, Dinp, taup, Fp, VAn, wf0,
                                     Sn, J, N)

        # Iterating using LMC
        wf1 = LMC.lmc(PQ, Dinp_om, J, N, B, VAn)

        # Excess function
        ZW = (wf1 - wf0)

        PQ_vec = PQ.T.reshape(1, J * N, order='F').copy().T

        DP = np.zeros((J * N, N))
        for n in range(N):
            DP[:, n] = Dinp_om[:, n] * PQ_vec.reshape(1, J * N)

        # Exports
        LHS = sum(DP).T.reshape(N, 1)

        # calculating RHS (Imports) trade balance
        PF = PQ * Fp
        # Imports
        RHS = sum(PF).T.reshape(N, 1)

        # Excess function (trade balance)
        Snp = (RHS - LHS) + Sn
        ZW2 = -(RHS - LHS + Sn) / VAn

        # Itaration factor prices
        wf1 = wf0 * (1 - vfactor * ZW2 / wf0)

        # wfmax = sum((abs(wf1 - wf0)))
        wfmax = sum(abs(Snp))

        # wfmax0 = wfmax
        wf0 = wf1

        e += 1

    return wf0, pf0, PQ, Fp, Dinp, ZW, Snp