Exemple #1
def IER(point, kdt):

    tree = kdt.tree
    points = kdt.points
    p = LatLon(point[0], point[1])

    dist, ind = tree.query([point], k=1)
    ix = ind[0][0]

    p2 = points[ix]
    distance = gmaps.distance_matrix(point, p2, mode="driving")
    netDistance = distance["rows"][0]["elements"][0]["distance"]["value"]
    bestDistance = netDistance

    i = 1
    dist, ind = tree.query([point], k=i + 1)
    ix = ind[0][i]
    pe = points[ix]
    nnPoint = LatLon(pe[0], pe[1])
    euclideanDistance = p.distance(nnPoint) * 1000

    while (euclideanDistance < bestDistance):
        p2 = (pe[0], pe[1])
        distance = gmaps.distance_matrix(point, p2, mode="driving")
        netDistance = distance["rows"][0]["elements"][0]["distance"]["value"]
        if (netDistance < bestDistance):
            bestDistance = netDistance

        i = i + 1
        dist, ind = tree.query([point], k=i + 1)
        ix = ind[0][i]
        pe = points[ix]
        nnPoint = LatLon(pe[0], pe[1])
        lastED = euclideanDistance
        euclideanDistance = p.distance(nnPoint) * 1000

        while (lastED == euclideanDistance):
            i = i + 1
            dist, ind = tree.query([point], k=i + 1)
            ix = ind[0][i]
            pe = points[ix]
            nnPoint = LatLon(pe[0], pe[1])
            lastED = euclideanDistance
            euclideanDistance = p.distance(nnPoint) * 1000

    return bestDistance
Exemple #2
def IER( point, kdt ):

	tree = kdt.tree
	points = kdt.points
	p = LatLon(point[0], point[1])

	dist, ind = tree.query([point], k=1)
	ix = ind[0][0]

	p2 = points[ix]
	distance = gmaps.distance_matrix(point, p2, mode="driving")
	netDistance = distance["rows"][0]["elements"][0]["distance"]["value"]
	bestDistance = netDistance

	i = 1
	dist, ind = tree.query([point], k = i+1)
	ix = ind[0][i]
	pe = points[ix]
	nnPoint = LatLon(pe[0], pe[1])
	euclideanDistance = p.distance(nnPoint)*1000

	while (euclideanDistance < bestDistance):
		p2 = (pe[0], pe[1])
		distance = gmaps.distance_matrix(point, p2, mode="driving")
		netDistance = distance["rows"][0]["elements"][0]["distance"]["value"]
		if (netDistance < bestDistance):
			bestDistance = netDistance

		i = i+1
		dist, ind = tree.query([point], k = i+1)
		ix = ind[0][i]
		pe = points[ix]
		nnPoint = LatLon(pe[0], pe[1])
		lastED = euclideanDistance
		euclideanDistance = p.distance(nnPoint)*1000

		while (lastED == euclideanDistance):
			i = i+1
			dist, ind = tree.query([point], k = i+1)
			ix = ind[0][i]
			pe = points[ix]
			nnPoint = LatLon(pe[0], pe[1])
			lastED = euclideanDistance
			euclideanDistance = p.distance(nnPoint)*1000

	return bestDistance
Exemple #3
        def set_equation_of_line(self, node_start, node_end):
            # # setup your projections
            # crs_wgs = proj.Proj(init='epsg:4326')  # assuming you're using WGS84 geographic
            # crs_bng = proj.Proj(init='epsg:26986')  # use a locally appropriate projected CRS
            # # then cast your geographic coordinate pair to the projected system
            # x1, y1 = proj.transform(crs_wgs, crs_bng, node_start.longitude, node_start.latitude)
            # x2, y2 = proj.transform(crs_wgs, crs_bng, node_end.longitude, node_end.latitude)
            standard_coord = LatLon(39.947604, -75.190101)
            point1X = LatLon(39.947604, node_start.longitude)
            point1Y = LatLon(node_start.latitude, -75.190101)
            x1 = standard_coord.distance(point1X)
            y1 = standard_coord.distance(point1Y)

            point2X = LatLon(39.947604, node_end.longitude)
            point2Y = LatLon(node_end.latitude, -75.190101)
            x2 = standard_coord.distance(point2X)
            y2 = standard_coord.distance(point2Y)

            print("X Distance to node {} is {}".format(node_start.name, x1))
            print("Y Distance to node {} is {}".format(node_start.name, y1))

            print("X Distance to node {} is {}".format(node_end.name, x2))
            print("Y Distance to node {} is {}".format(node_end.name, y2))

            # if x2-x1 != 0:
            #     slope = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)
            #     print("Slope is {}".format(slope))
            points = [(x1, y1), (x2, y2)]
            x_coords, y_coords = zip(*points)
            A = vstack([x_coords, ones(len(x_coords))]).T
            m, b = lstsq(A, y_coords)[0]
            print("Node Start {} Node End {}".format(node_start.name,
            print("Line Solution is y = {m}x + {b}".format(m=m, b=b))
            return m, b
Exemple #4
    def go_gps_target(self, lat=0, lon=0, altitude=0, x_velocity=0, y_velocity=0, z_velocity=0, x_aceleration=0, y_aceleration=0, z_aceleration=0, yaw=0, yaw_rate=0):
        self.gps_target.pose.position.latitude = lat
        self.gps_target.pose.position.longitude = lon
        self.gps_target.pose.position.altitude = altitude
        self.gps_target.pose.orientation.x = self.gps_target.pose.orientation.y = 0
        self.gps_target.pose.orientation.z = 1
        self.gps_target.pose.orientation.w = yaw


        velocity = 1
        # using the python function LatLon
        inicial = LatLon(Latitude(self.global_pose.latitude), Longitude(self.global_pose.longitude)) 
        final = LatLon(Latitude(lat), Longitude(lon)) 
        inicial_distance = inicial.distance(final) 
        actual_dist = inicial_disatance
        #initial_heading = palmyra.heading_initial(honolulu) 
        loop_rate = rospy.Rate(2)
        K = 1/20.0

        while abs(lat - self.global_pose.latitude) >= TOL_GLOBAL and abs(lon - self.global_pose.longitude) >= TOL_GLOBAL:
            if actual_dist <= K*inicial_distance:
                v = K - (K/actual_distance)                                # v vai de 0 ate K
                self.gps_target.pose.position.latitude = self.global_pose.latitude + (v*(lat - self.global_pose.latitude))
            inicial = LatLon(Latitude(self.global_pose.latitude), Longitude(self.global_pose.longitude)) 
            actual_dist = inicial.distance(final)
                self.gps_target.pose.position.latitude = self.global_pose.latitude + ((K)*(lat - self.global_pose.latitude))
                self.gps_target.pose.position.longitude = self.global_pose.longitude + ((K)*(lon - self.global_pose.longitude))
                self.gps_target.pose.position.altitude = self.drone_pose.pose.position.z
Exemple #5
def get_closest_road(endpoint_node, curr_latitude, curr_longitude):
    standard_coord = LatLon(39.947604, -75.190101)
    currX = LatLon(39.947604, curr_longitude)
    currY = LatLon(curr_latitude, -75.190101)
    x_curr = standard_coord.distance(currX)
    y_curr = standard_coord.distance(currY)

    mindist = maxsize
    min_road = None
    for road in endpoint_node.neighborEdges:
        distance_to_road = getDistanceToLine(road, x_curr, y_curr)

        if distance_to_road < mindist:
            mindist = distance_to_road
            min_road = road
    return min_road
Exemple #6
def how_close(a_lat,a_lon, b_lat, b_lon):
    a_latlon = LatLon(a_lat, a_lon)
    b_latlon = LatLon(b_lat, b_lon)
    dist = a_latlon.distance(b_latlon)
    bearing =  a_latlon.heading_initial(b_latlon)
    return dist, bearing