Exemple #1
    def ElaborateImagesAndMakePredition(self, inp_img):
        # crop a good percentage of the image in order to gain performances. found a good tradeoff with those values

        start_time = time.time()

        img_data_pipelined = FaceExtractionPipeline.SingletonPipeline(
            inp_img, math.ceil(np.shape(inp_img)[0] * 20 / 100),
            math.ceil(np.shape(inp_img)[0] * 40 / 100))

        if img_data_pipelined is not None:
            # plt.imshow(img_data_pipelined, 'gray')
            # plt.show()

            inp = LoadData.MergeImages(self.ref_img, img_data_pipelined)
            inp = np.expand_dims(inp, axis=0)

            #with self.graph.as_default():
            predicted_label = self.model.predict(inp)

            print(('same' if predicted_label[0, 1] > 0.975 else 'wrong') +
            return True, predicted_label[0, 1]

            return False, 0

        print("--- %s seconds for a frame---" % (time.time() - start_time))