def main(): """ Multi-Core Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MC3) wrapper for the command-line (shell) call. Notes ----- 1.- To display the full list of arguments, run from the prompt: -h 2.- The command line overwrites over the config file in case an argument is defined twice. """ parser = # Parse command-line args (right now, just interested in the config file): args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() # Parse configuration file to a dictionary: if args.cfile is not None and not os.path.isfile(args.cfile): print("Configuration file: '{:s}' not found.".format(args.cfile)) sys.exit(0) if args.cfile: config = configparser.SafeConfigParser()[args.cfile]) defaults = dict(config.items("MCMC")) else: defaults = {} # Set defaults from the configuration-file values: parser.set_defaults(**defaults) # Overwrite defaults with the command-line arguments: args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() # Call MCMC driver: mc3.mcmc(**vars(args))
leastsq = True # Least-squares minimization prior to the MCMC lm = True # Choose Levenberg-Marquardt (True) or TRF algorithm (False) chisqscale = False # Scale the data uncertainties such red.chisq = 1 # MCMC Convergence: grtest = True grbreak = 1.001 grnmin = 0.6 # File outputs: log = 'MCMC.log' # Save the MCMC screen outputs to file savefile = 'MCMC_sample.npz' # Save the MCMC parameters sample to file plots = True # Generate best-fit, trace, and posterior plots # Correlated-noise assessment: wlike = False # Use Carter & Winn's Wavelet-likelihood method rms = True # Compute the time-averaging test and plot # Run the MCMC: bestp, CRlo, CRhi, stdp, posterior, Zchain = mc3.mcmc(data=data, func=func, indparams=indparams, params=params, walk=walk, nsamples=nsamples, nchains=nchains, burnin=burnin, thinning=thinning, leastsq=leastsq, lm=lm, chisqscale=chisqscale, hsize=hsize, kickoff=kickoff, grtest=grtest, grbreak=grbreak, grnmin=grnmin, wlike=wlike, log=log, plots=plots, savefile=savefile, rms=rms)
# Run the MCMC: bestp, CRlo, CRhi, stdp, posterior, Zchain = mc3.mcmc(data=data, uncert=uncert, func=func, indparams=indparams, params=params, pmin=pmin, pmax=pmax, stepsize=stepsize, prior=prior, priorlow=priorlow, priorup=priorup, walk=walk, nsamples=nsamples, nchains=nchains, burnin=burnin, thinning=thinning, leastsq=leastsq, lm=lm, chisqscale=chisqscale, hsize=hsize, kickoff=kickoff, grtest=grtest, wlike=wlike, log=log, plots=plots, savefile=savefile, rms=rms, full_output=full_output)
# Optimization: leastsq = True # Least-squares minimization prior to the MCMC lm = True # Choose Levenberg-Marquardt (True) or TRF algorithm (False) chisqscale = False # Scale the data uncertainties such red.chisq = 1 # MCMC Convergence: grtest = True # File outputs: log = 'MCMC.log' # Save the MCMC screen outputs to file savefile = 'MCMC_sample.npz' # Save the MCMC parameters sample to file plots = True # Generate best-fit, trace, and posterior plots full_output = False # Return the full posterior sample # Correlated-noise assessment: wlike = False # Use Carter & Winn's Wavelet-likelihood method rms = True # Compute the time-averaging test and plot # Run the MCMC: bestp, CRlo, CRhi, stdp, posterior, Zchain = mc3.mcmc(data=data, uncert=uncert, func=func, indparams=indparams, params=params, pmin=pmin, pmax=pmax, stepsize=stepsize, prior=prior, priorlow=priorlow, priorup=priorup, walk=walk, nsamples=nsamples, nchains=nchains, burnin=burnin, thinning=thinning, leastsq=leastsq, lm=lm, chisqscale=chisqscale, hsize=hsize, kickoff=kickoff, grtest=grtest, wlike=wlike, log=log, plots=plots, savefile=savefile, rms=rms, full_output=full_output)
def main(): ''' One function to rule them all. ''' # Parse the command line arguments eventname = sys.argv[1] cfile = sys.argv[2] outdir = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') + '_' + eventname + '/' if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) days2sec = 86400 # Read the config file into a dictionary print("Reading the config file.") config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()[cfile]) configdict = dict(config.items("MCMC")) # Pull some variables out plots = configdict['plots'] == 'True' bins = configdict['bins'] == 'True' # Get initial parameters and stepsize arrays from the config stepsize = [float(s) for s in configdict['stepsize'].split()] params = [float(s) for s in configdict['params'].split()] # Load the POET event object (up through p5) print("Loading the POET event object.") event_chk = me.loadevent(eventname + "_p5c") event_pht = me.loadevent(eventname + "_pht") event_ctr = me.loadevent(eventname + "_ctr", load=['data', 'uncd', 'mask']) data = uncd = event_ctr.uncd phase = event_chk.phase[0] # Identify the bright pixels to use print("Identifying brightest pixels.") nx = data.shape[1] ny = data.shape[2] phot = event_pht.fp.aplev[np.where(event_chk.good)] photerr = event_pht.fp.aperr[np.where(event_chk.good)] xavg = yavg = boxsize = 10 photavg = np.average(data[:,yavg-boxsize:yavg+boxsize,xavg-boxsize:xavg+boxsize], axis=0)[:,:,0] photavgflat = photavg.flatten() # Some adjustable parameters that should be at the top of the file npix = 9 necl = 6 #number of eclipse parameters flatind = photavgflat.argsort()[-npix:] rows = flatind / photavg.shape[1] cols = flatind % photavg.shape[0] pixels = [] for i in range(npix): pixels.append([rows[i]+yavg-boxsize,cols[i]+xavg-boxsize]) # Default to 3x3 box of pixels # avgcentx = np.floor(np.average(event_pht.fp.x) + 0.5) # avgcenty = np.floor(np.average(event_pht.fp.y) + 0.5) # avgcent = [avgcenty, avgcentx] # pixels = [] # for i in range(3): # for j in range(3): # pixels.append([avgcenty - 1 + i, avgcentx - 1 + j]) print("Doing preparatory calculations.") phat, dP = zf.zen_init(data, pixels) phatgood = np.zeros(len(event_chk.good[0])) # Mask out the bad images in phat for i in range(npix): tempphat = phat[:,i].copy() tempphatgood = tempphat[np.where(event_chk.good[0])] if i == 0: phatgood = tempphatgood.copy() else: phatgood = np.vstack((phatgood, tempphatgood)) del(tempphat) del(tempphatgood) # Invert the new array because I lack foresight phatgood = phatgood.T phasegood = event_chk.phase[np.where(event_chk.good)] # Do binning if desired if bins: # Width of bins to try bintry = np.array([ 4., 8., 12., 16., 20., 24., 28., 32., 36., 40., 44., 48., 52., 56., 60., 64.]) #bintry = np.arange(4,129,dtype=float) # Convert bin widths to phase from seconds bintry /= (event_chk.period * days2sec) # Initialize best chi-squared to an insanely large number # for comparison later chibest = 1e300 chisqarray = np.zeros(len(bintry)) # Optimize bin size print("Optimizing bin size.") for i in range(len(bintry)): print("Least-squares optimization for " + str(bintry[i] * event_chk.period * days2sec) + " second bin width.") # Bin the phase and phat for j in range(npix): if j == 0: binphase, binphat = zf.bindata(phasegood, phatgood[:,j], bintry[i]) else: binphase, tempbinphat = zf.bindata(phasegood, phatgood[:,j], bintry[i]) binphat = np.column_stack((binphat, tempbinphat)) # Bin the photometry and error # Phase is binned again but is identical to # the previously binned phase. binphase, binphot, binphoterr = zf.bindata(phasegood, phot, bintry[i], yerr=photerr) # Normalize photnorm = phot / phot.mean() photerrnorm = photerr / phot.mean() binphotnorm = binphot / binphot.mean() binphoterrnorm = binphoterr / binphot.mean() # Make xphat for use with zen_optimize xphatshape = (binphat.shape[0], binphat.shape[1]+1) xphat = np.zeros(xphatshape) xphat[:,:-1] = binphat xphat[:, -1] = binphase # Minimize chi-squared for this bin size ret = sco.curve_fit(zf.zen_optimize, xphat, binphotnorm, p0=params, sigma=binphoterrnorm, maxfev = 100000) # Calculate the best-fitting model model = zf.zen(ret[0], binphase, binphat, npix) # Calculate reduced chi-squared chisq = np.sum((binphotnorm - model)**2/binphoterrnorm**2) redchisq = chisq/len(binphotnorm) print("Reduced chi-squared: " + str(redchisq)) chisqarray[i] = redchisq # Save results if this fit is better if redchisq < chibest: chibest = redchisq binbest = bintry[i] # Rebin back to the best binning binphase, binphot, binphoterr = zf.bindata(phasegood, phot, binbest, yerr=photerr) binphotnorm = binphot / binphot.mean() binphoterrnorm = binphoterr / binphot.mean() for j in range(npix): if j == 0: binphase, binphat = zf.bindata(phasegood, phatgood[:,j], binbest) else: binphase, tempbinphat = zf.bindata(phasegood, phatgood[:,j], binbest) binphat = np.column_stack((binphat, tempbinphat)) if plots: plt.clf() plt.plot(bintry * event_chk.period * days2sec, chisqarray) plt.xlabel("Bin width (seconds)") plt.ylabel("Reduced Chi-squared") plt.title("Reduced Chi-squared of PLD model fit for different bin sizes") plt.savefig(outdir+"redchisq.png") # If not binning, use regular photometry else: photnorm = phot / phot.mean() photerrnorm = photerr / phot.mean() binphotnorm = photnorm.copy() binphoterrnorm = photerrnorm.copy() binphase = phasegood.copy() binphat = phatgood.copy() # And we're off! print("Beginning MCMC.") savefile = configdict['savefile'] log = configdict['logfile'] bp, CRlo, CRhi, stdp, posterior, Zchain = mc3.mcmc(binphotnorm, binphoterrnorm, func=zf.zen, indparams=[binphase, binphat, npix], cfile=cfile, savefile=outdir+savefile, log=outdir+log) # Get initial parameters and stepsize arrays from the config stepsize = [float(s) for s in configdict['stepsize'].split()] params = [float(s) for s in configdict['params'].split()] # Calculate the best-fitting model bestfit = zf.zen(bp, binphase, binphat, npix) # Get parameter names array to match params with names parnames = configdict["parname"].split() # Make array of parameters, with eclipse depth replaced with 0 noeclParams = np.zeros(len(bp)) for i in range(len(noeclParams)): if parnames[i] == 'Depth': noeclParams[i] == 0 depth = bp[i] else: noeclParams[i] = bp[i] noeclfit = zf.zen(noeclParams, binphase, binphat, npix) bestecl = depth*(zf.eclipse(binphase, bp[npix:npix+necl])-1) + 1 # Make plots print("Making plots.") binnumplot = 200 binplotwidth = (phasegood[-1]-phasegood[0])/binnumplot binphaseplot, binphotplot, binphoterrplot = zf.bindata(phasegood, phot, binplotwidth, yerr=photerr) binphaseplot, binnoeclfit = zf.bindata(binphase, noeclfit, binplotwidth) binphaseplot, binbestecl = zf.bindata(binphase, bestecl, binplotwidth) binphotnormplot = binphotplot / binphotplot.mean() binphoterrnormplot = binphoterrplot / binphotplot.mean() zp.normlc(binphaseplot[:-1], binphotnormplot[:-1], binphoterrnormplot[:-1], binnoeclfit[:-1], binbestecl[:-1], 1, title='Normalized Binned WASP-29b Data With Eclipse Models', savedir=outdir)
savefile = 'MCMC_sample.npz' # Save the MCMC parameters sample to file plots = True # Generate best-fit, trace, and posterior plots # Correlated-noise assessment: wlike = False # Use Carter & Winn's Wavelet-likelihood method rms = True # Compute the time-averaging test and plot # Run the MCMC: bestp, CRlo, CRhi, stdp, posterior, Zchain = mc3.mcmc(data=data, func=func, indparams=indparams, params=params, walk=walk, nsamples=nsamples, nchains=nchains, burnin=burnin, thinning=thinning, leastsq=leastsq, lm=lm, chisqscale=chisqscale, hsize=hsize, kickoff=kickoff, grtest=grtest, grbreak=grbreak, grnmin=grnmin, wlike=wlike, log=log, plots=plots, savefile=savefile, rms=rms)
def main(rundir, cfile=None, cfilename=None): ''' One function to rule them all. ''' # Set up logging of all print statements in this main file logfile = 'zen.log' templogfile = rundir + '/' + logfile + '.tmp' log = logger.Logger(templogfile) print("Start: %s" % time.ctime(), file=log) configobjs = [] # eventlist is a list of events for each model set # eventlistlist is a list of eventlists. For example, # if you have 3 model sets and 2 data sets, eventlist # will be the events with optimized photometry for # each data set and model (so length 3) and eventlistlist contains # all the necessary events for joint fitting this scenario # (currently unsupported, but future update may change that) eventlistlist = [] # Read the config file into a dictionary print("Reading the config file(s).") # If no obj is given, read them all if type(cfile) == type(None): confignames = [] for fname in os.listdir(rundir): if (fname.endswith("-zen.cfg")): confignames.append(fname) confignames.sort() for fname in confignames: config = configparser.ConfigParser() + '/' + fname) configobjs.append(config) # If a filename is provided elif isinstance(cfile, str): confignames = [cfile] config = configparser.ConfigParser() + '/' + cfile) configobjs.append(config) # Otherwise, use just the object received else: configobjs.append(cfile) confignames = [cfilename] nevents = len(configobjs) for m in range(nevents): eventlist = [] fit = [] nmodelsets = len(configobjs[m]['EVENT']['models'].split('\n')) if nmodelsets > 1 and nevents > 1: print("WARNING: multiple model sets not supported with" + "joint fits. Please choose a single model for each" + "event.") sys.exit() for n in range(nmodelsets): # Initialize fit object (we don't yet know which event object # to attach it to) fit.append(readeventhdf.fits()) # Fill in fit options zf.fitopt(fit[n], configobjs[m], rundir, n) if nevents > 1 and len(fit[n].bintry) > 1: print("WARNING: bin size optimization not supported with" + " joint fits due to issues with shared parameters between" + " data sets. Please set bintry to a single value for" + " each data set (can be different for each).") sys.exit() for n in range(nmodelsets): # Get initial parameters and stepsize arrays from the config fit[n].modelfile = rundir + '/' + fit[n].modelfile nmodels = len(fit[n].modelstrs) parlist =[n].modelfile, fit[n].modelstrs, None, npldpars=fit[n].npix) fit[n].params = [] fit[n].pmin = [] fit[n].pmax = [] fit[n].npars = [] fit[n].stepsize = [] for i in np.arange(nmodels): pars = parlist[i][2] fit[n].params = np.concatenate((fit[n].params, pars[0]), 0) fit[n].pmin = np.concatenate((fit[n].pmin, pars[1]), 0) fit[n].pmax = np.concatenate((fit[n].pmax, pars[2]), 0) fit[n].stepsize = np.concatenate((fit[n].stepsize, pars[3]), 0) fit[n].npars = np.concatenate((fit[n].npars, [len(pars[0])]),0) # Currently there's a bug in numpy that converts concatenated # lists of ints to floats if one list is empty. This is a # workaround fit[n].npars = [int(p) for p in fit[n].npars] fit[n].modelfuncs, fit[n].modeltypes, fit[n].parnames, fit[n].i, fit[n].saveext = \ mc.setupmodel(fit[n].modelstrs, fit[n].i, fit[n].npix) # Parse priors nump = 0 fit[n].prior = np.zeros(len(fit[n].parnames)) fit[n].priorlow = np.zeros(len(fit[n].parnames)) fit[n].priorup = np.zeros(len(fit[n].parnames)) if hasattr(fit[n], "priorvars"): if len(fit[n].priorvals) % 3 != 0: print("WARNING: priorvals not specified correctly.") for pvar in fit[n].priorvars: if hasattr(fit[n].i, pvar): fit[n].prior [getattr(fit[n].i, pvar)] = fit[n].priorvals[3*nump] fit[n].priorlow[getattr(fit[n].i, pvar)] = fit[n].priorvals[3*nump+1] fit[n].priorup [getattr(fit[n].i, pvar)] = fit[n].priorvals[3*nump+2] else: print("Prior variable " + pvar + " not recognized.") nump += 1 fit[n].numm = len(fit[n].modelfuncs) nbin = len(fit[n].bintry) ncent = len(fit[n].centdir) nphot = len(fit[n].photdir) # Set up multiprocessing jobs = [] # Multiprocessing requires 1D arrays (if we use shared memory) chisqarray = mp.Array('d', np.zeros(nbin * nphot * ncent)) chislope = mp.Array('d', np.zeros(nbin * nphot * ncent)) # Load the data (images are the same regardless of cent and # phot, so we can load prior to the loop) event_data = me.loadevent(rundir + '/' + fit[n].eventname + "_ini", load=['data']) data = # Giant loop over all specified apertures and centering methods for l in range(nphot): for k in range(ncent): # Load the POET event object (up through p5) print("Loading the POET event object.", file=log) print("Ap: " + fit[n].photdir[l], file=log) print("Cent: " + fit[n].centdir[k], file=log) centloc = '/'.join([rundir, fit[n].centdir[k], '']) photloc = '/'.join([rundir, fit[n].centdir[k], fit[n].photdir[l], '']) if os.path.isdir(photloc): event = me.loadevent(photloc + fit[n].eventname + "_p5c") else: print("Unable to find " + fit[n].centdir[k] + '/' + fit[n].photdir[l] + ". Skipping.", file=log) fill = np.ones(nbin) * np.inf chisqarray[ nbin*l+nbin*nphot*k: nbin+nbin*l+nbin*nphot*k] = fill chislope [ nbin*l+nbin*nphot*k: nbin+nbin*l+nbin*nphot*k] = fill continue phase = event.phase # Create masks preclipmask = phase > fit[n].preclip postclipmask = phase < fit[n].postclip fit[n].clipmask = np.logical_and(preclipmask, postclipmask) for i in range(fit[n].ninterclip): interclipmask = np.logical_or(phase < fit[n].interclip[2*i ], phase > fit[n].interclip[2*i+1]) fit[n].clipmask = np.logical_and(fit[n].clipmask, interclipmask) fit[n].mask = np.logical_and( fit[n].clipmask, event.good) npos = data.shape[0] if npos > 1: mflux = np.mean(event.fp.aplev[np.where(event.good)]) posmflux = np.zeros((event.good.shape[0],1)) for i in range(event.good.shape[0]): posgood = np.where(event.good[i]) posmflux[i] = np.mean(event.fp.aplev[i, posgood]) event.fp.aplev = event.fp.aplev / posmflux * mflux phasegood = event.phase[fit[n].mask] phot = event.fp.aplev[fit[n].mask] photerr = event.fp.aperr[fit[n].mask] normfactor = np.average(phot) phot /= normfactor photerr /= normfactor # Make sure phase is ascending ind = np.argsort(phasegood) phasegood = phasegood[ind] phot = phot[ind] photerr = photerr[ind] # Identify the bright pixels to use print("Identifying brightest pixels.", file=log) boxsize = 10 xavg, yavg, rows, cols, pixels = zf.pldpixcoords(event, data, fit[n].npix, boxsize, fit[n].mask) print("Doing preparatory calculations.", file=log) phat, dP = zf.zen_init(data, pixels) phatgood = np.zeros(len(fit[n].mask)) # Mask out the bad images in phat for i in range(fit[n].npix): tempphat = phat[:,i].copy() tempphatgood = tempphat[fit[n].mask[0]] if i == 0: phatgood = tempphatgood.copy() else: phatgood = np.vstack((phatgood, tempphatgood)) # Invert the new array because I lack foresight phatgood = phatgood.T # Check if maximum binning will work nfreep = np.sum(np.array(fit[n].stepsize) > 0) if len(phot) // np.max(fit[n].bintry) <= nfreep: warnstr = ("Warning! Maximum bin size too large! " + "Reduce below {} and rerun.") print(warnstr.format(len(phot)//(nfreep+1)), file=log) return # If doing a joint fit, we need to avoid bin size # optimization, because shared parameters across # data sets will cause unintended behavior # For a joint fit to get to this point, it should have # nbin=1, nphot=1, ncent=1. In which case, we can # just set each 1-element array to a single # value and the code will behave correctly if nevents > 1: chisqarray[ nbin*l+nbin*nphot*k: nbin+nbin*l+nbin*nphot*k] = np.ones(nbin) chislope [ nbin*l+nbin*nphot*k: nbin+nbin*l+nbin*nphot*k] = np.ones(nbin) * fit[n].slopethresh continue # Optimize bin size # Initialize processes p = mp.Process(target=zf.do_bin, args=(fit[n].bintry, phasegood, phatgood, phot, photerr, fit[n].modelfuncs, fit[n].modeltypes, fit[n].params, fit[n].npars, fit[n].npix, fit[n].stepsize, fit[n].pmin, fit[n].pmax, fit[n].parnames, chisqarray, chislope, l, k, nphot)) # Start process jobs.append(p) p.start() # This intentionally-infinite loop continuously # calculates the number of running processes, then # exits if the number of processes is less than # the number requested. This allows additional # processes to spawn as other finish, which is # more efficient than waiting for them all to # finish since some processes can take much longer # than others while True: procs = 0 for proc in jobs: if proc.is_alive(): procs += 1 if procs < fit[n].nprocbin: break # Save the CPU some work. time.sleep(0.1) # Reduce memory usage (otherwise, extra memory # is used while the next object is being loaded) del(phase) del(event) gc.collect() # Make sure all processes finish for proc in jobs: proc.join() fit[n].chisqarray = np.asarray(chisqarray).reshape((ncent, nphot, nbin)) fit[n].chislope = np.asarray(chislope ).reshape((ncent, nphot, nbin)) # Initialize bsig to something ridiculous fit[n].bsig = np.inf # Determine best binning # We also demand that the slope be less than a # value, because Deming does and if the slope is # too far off from -1/2, binning is not improving the # fit in a sensible way if all(i >= fit[n].slopethresh for i in fit[n].chislope.flatten()): print("Slope threshold too low. Increase and rerun.", file=log) print("Setting threshold to 0 so run can complete.", file=log) fit[n].slopethresh = 0 for i in range(ncent): for j in range(nphot): for k in range(nbin): if (fit[n].chisqarray[i,j,k] < fit[n].bsig and fit[n].chislope[i,j,k] <= fit[n].slopethresh): fit[n].bsig = fit[n].chisqarray[i,j,k] fit[n].bsigsl = fit[n].chislope [i,j,k] fit[n].icent = i fit[n].iphot = j fit[n].ibin = k if nevents == 1: # Output is nonsense for joint fits print("Best aperture: " + fit[n].photdir[fit[n].iphot], file=log) print("Best centering: " + fit[n].centdir[fit[n].icent], file=log) print("Best binning: " + str(fit[n].bintry[ fit[n].ibin]), file=log) print("Slope of SDNR vs Bin Size: " + str(fit[n].bsigsl), file=log) # Create an output directory if not done yet fit[n].outdir = '/'.join([rundir, fit[n].centdir[fit[n].icent], fit[n].photdir[fit[n].iphot], fit[n].outdir, '']) if not os.path.isdir(fit[n].outdir): os.makedirs(fit[n].outdir) # Write configs to output for fname in confignames: with open(fit[n].outdir + fname, 'w') as newfile: configobjs[0].write(newfile) # Make plot of log(bsig) and slope vs phot, cent, bin zp.bsigvis( fit[n], savedir=fit[n].outdir) zp.chislope(fit[n], savedir=fit[n].outdir) # Reload the event object centloc = '/'.join([rundir, fit[n].centdir[fit[n].icent], '']) photloc = '/'.join([rundir, fit[n].centdir[fit[n].icent], fit[n].photdir[fit[n].iphot], '']) print("Reloading best POET object.", file=log) event = me.loadevent(photloc + fit[n].eventname + "_p5c") # Adding the fit object to its event = [][n]) phase = event.phase preclipmask = phase > fit[n].preclip postclipmask = phase < fit[n].postclip fit[n].clipmask = np.logical_and(preclipmask, postclipmask) for i in range(fit[n].ninterclip): interclipmask = np.logical_or(phase < fit[n].interclip[2*i ], phase > fit[n].interclip[2*i+1]) fit[n].clipmask = np.logical_and(fit[n].clipmask, interclipmask) fit[n].mask = np.logical_and( fit[n].clipmask, event.good) npos = data.shape[0] if npos > 1: mflux = np.mean(event.fp.aplev[np.where(event.good)]) posmflux = np.zeros((event.good.shape[0],1)) for i in range(event.good.shape[0]): posgood = np.where(event.good[i]) posmflux[i] = np.mean(event.fp.aplev[i, posgood]) event.fp.aplev = event.fp.aplev / posmflux * mflux phot = event.fp.aplev[fit[n].mask] photerr = event.fp.aperr[fit[n].mask] # Make sure phase is ascending ind = np.argsort(phasegood) phasegood = phasegood[ind] phot = phot[ind] photerr = photerr[ind] # Identify the bright pixels to use print("Identifying brightest pixels.", file=log) xavg, yavg, rows, cols, pixels = zf.pldpixcoords(event, data, fit[n].npix, boxsize, fit[n].mask) zp.pixels(event.meanim[:,:,0], pixels, np.ceil(np.sqrt(fit[n].npix)), xavg, yavg, fit[n].eventname, savedir=fit[n].outdir) print("Redoing preparatory calculations.", file=log) phat, dP = zf.zen_init(data, pixels) phatgood = np.zeros(len(fit[n].mask)) # Mask out the bad images in phat for i in range(fit[n].npix): tempphat = phat[:,i].copy() tempphatgood = tempphat[fit[n].mask[0]] if i == 0: phatgood = tempphatgood.copy() else: phatgood = np.vstack((phatgood, tempphatgood)) # Invert the new array because I lack foresight phatgood = phatgood.T phasegood = event.phase[fit[n].mask] print("Rebinning to the best binning.", file=log) fit[n].binbest = fit[n].bintry[fit[n].ibin] binphase, binphot, binphoterr = zf.bindata(phasegood, phot, fit[n].binbest, yerr=photerr) binphotnorm = binphot / phot.mean() binphoterrnorm = binphoterr / phot.mean() for j in range(fit[n].npix): if j == 0: _, binphat = zf.bindata(phasegood, phatgood[:,j], fit[n].binbest) else: _, tempbinphat = zf.bindata(phasegood, phatgood[:,j], fit[n].binbest) binphat = np.column_stack((binphat, tempbinphat)) fit[n].binphase = binphase fit[n].binphot = binphot fit[n].binphoterr = binphoterr fit[n].binphat = binphat fit[n].binphoterrnorm = binphoterrnorm fit[n].binphotnorm = binphotnorm fit[n].phase = phasegood fit[n].phot = phot fit[n].photerr = photerr fit[n].phat = phatgood eventlist.append(event) eventlistlist.append(eventlist) # Set up for joint fits and run MCMC for n in range(nmodelsets): fits = [eventlistlist[i][n].fit[0] for i in range(nevents)] mc3y, mc3yerr = [], [] params, pmin, pmax, stepsize, parnames = [], [], [], [], [] prior, priorlow, priorup = [], [], [] for i in range(nevents): escale = 1. if fits[0].chisqscale: print("Rescaling uncertainties for " + fits[i].eventname, file=log) ss = fits[i].stepsize.copy() # Hacky fix for joint fit issues # Ideally we would interpret negative step sizes as # whether they set params equal within an event (and # use those setting) or whether they set params equal # between events and do the following. ss[np.where(ss < 0)] = 1e-5 indparams = [fits[i].binphase, fits[i].binphat, fits[i].modelfuncs, fits[i].modeltypes, fits[i].npars] chisq, _, _, _ =[i].params, zf.zen, fits[i].binphotnorm, fits[i].binphoterrnorm, indparams=indparams, stepsize=ss, pmin=fits[i].pmin, pmax=fits[i].pmax, prior=fits[i].prior, priorlow=fits[i].priorlow, priorup=fits[i].priorup) nfreep = np.sum(fits[i].stepsize > 0) escale = np.sqrt(chisq / (fits[i].binphotnorm.size - nfreep)) fits[i].binphoterrnorm *= escale fits[i].binphoterr *= escale mc3y = np.concatenate((mc3y, fits[i].binphotnorm)) mc3yerr = np.concatenate((mc3yerr, fits[i].binphoterrnorm)) params = np.concatenate((params, fits[i].params)) pmin = np.concatenate((pmin, fits[i].pmin)) pmax = np.concatenate((pmax, fits[i].pmax)) stepsize = np.concatenate((stepsize, fits[i].stepsize)) parnames = np.concatenate((parnames, fits[i].parnames)) prior = np.concatenate((prior, fits[i].prior)) priorlow = np.concatenate((priorlow, fits[i].priorlow)) priorup = np.concatenate((priorup, fits[i].priorup)) # And we're off! print("Beginning MCMC.", file=log) mcout = mc3.mcmc(data=mc3y, uncert=mc3yerr, func=zf.mc3zen, indparams=[fits], parname=parnames, params=params, pmin=pmin, pmax=pmax, stepsize=stepsize, prior=prior, priorlow=priorlow, priorup=priorup, walk=fits[0].walk, nsamples=fits[0].nsamples, nchains=fits[0].nchains, nproc=fits[0].nchains, burnin=fits[0].burnin, leastsq=fits[0].leastsq, chisqscale=False, grtest=fits[0].grtest, grbreak=fits[0].grbreak, plots=fits[0].plots, savefile=fits[0].outdir+fits[0].savefile, log=fits[0].outdir+fits[0].mcmclog, chireturn=True) bp, CRlo, CRhi, stdp, posterior, Zchain, chiout = mcout bpchisq, redchisq, chifactor, bic = chiout for fit in fits: fit.bic = bic fit.chifactor = chifactor fit.bpchisq = bpchisq fit.redchisq = bpchisq fit.bp = bp fit.crlo = CRlo fit.crhi = CRhi fit.stdp = stdp # Parse results between fit objects counter = 0 for m in range(nevents): event = eventlistlist[m][n] fit = eventlistlist[m][n].fit[0] fit.bp = bp [counter:counter+np.sum(fit.npars)] fit.stdp = stdp[counter:counter+np.sum(fit.npars)] counter += np.sum(fit.npars) # Post-fit analysis for m in range(nevents): event = eventlistlist[m][n] fit = eventlistlist[m][n].fit[0] fit.binbestfit = zf.zen(fit.bp, fit.binphase, fit.binphat, fit.modelfuncs, fit.modeltypes, fit.npars) # Update errors fit.binphoterr *= chifactor fit.binphoterrnorm *= chifactor # Make a list of best parameters for each model bplist = [] parind = 0 for i in range(len(fit.modelstrs)): bplist.append(fit.bp[parind:parind+fit.npars[i]]) parind += fit.npars[i] # Calculate model fit without the eclispe noeclfit = zf.noeclipse(fit.bp, fit.binphase, fit.binphat, fit.modelfuncs, fit.modeltypes, fit.npars, fit.parnames) # In case of multiple ecl/tr models, we subtract 1 from each # and then add it back in at the end fit.bestecl = np.zeros(len(fit.binphase)) for i in range(len(fit.modelfuncs)): if fit.modeltypes[i] == 'ecl/tr': fit.bestecl += (fit.modelfuncs[i](bplist[i], fit.binphase) - 1) fit.bestecl += 1 # Make plots print("Making plots.", file=log) fit.binnumplot = int(len(fit.binphot)/fit.nbinplot) if fit.binnumplot == 0: fit.binnumplot = 1 pbinphase, pbinphot, pbinphoterr = zf.bindata(fit.binphase, fit.binphot, fit.binnumplot, yerr=fit.binphoterr) pbinphase, pbinnoeclfit = zf.bindata(fit.binphase, noeclfit, fit.binnumplot) pbinphase, pbinbestecl = zf.bindata(fit.binphase, fit.bestecl, fit.binnumplot) pbinphase, pbinbestfit = zf.bindata(fit.binphase, fit.binbestfit, fit.binnumplot) pbinphotnorm = pbinphot / pbinphot.mean() pbinphoterrnorm = pbinphoterr / pbinphot.mean() zp.normlc(pbinphase, pbinphotnorm, pbinphoterrnorm, pbinnoeclfit, pbinbestecl, fit.binphase, fit.bestecl, 1, title=fit.titles, eventname=fit.eventname, savedir=fit.outdir) zp.models(fit, savedir=fit.outdir) # Skip post-fit analysis if not desired (saves considerable time) if not fit.postanal: continue for m in range(nevents): event = eventlistlist[m][n] fit = eventlistlist[m][n].fit[0] # Calculate eclipse times in BJD_UTC and BJD_TDB # Code adapted from POET p7 print('Calculating eclipse times in Julian days', file=log) offset = event.bjdtdb.flat[0] - event.bjdutc.flat[0] if event.timestd == 'utc': fit.ephtimeutc = event.ephtime fit.ephtimetdb = event.ephtime + offset elif event.timestd == 'tdb': fit.ephtimetdb = event.ephtime fit.ephtimeutc = event.ephtime - offset else: print('Assuming that ephemeris is reported in BJD_UTC. Verify!', file=log) fit.ephtimeutc = event.ephtime fit.ephtimetdb = event.ephtime + offset print('BJD_TDB - BJD_UTC = ' + str(offset * 86400.) + ' seconds.', file=log) fit.bestmidpt = fit.bp[ fit.parnames.index('Eclipse Phase')] fit.ecltimeerr = fit.stdp[fit.parnames.index('Eclipse Phase')]*event.period startutc = event.bjdutc.flat[0] starttdb = event.bjdtdb.flat[0] fit.ecltimeutc = (np.floor((startutc-fit.ephtimeutc)/event.period) + fit.bestmidpt) * event.period + fit.ephtimeutc fit.ecltimetdb = (np.floor((starttdb-fit.ephtimetdb)/event.period) + fit.bestmidpt) * event.period + fit.ephtimetdb print('Eclipse time = ' + str(fit.ecltimeutc) + '+/-' + str(fit.ecltimeerr) + ' BJD_UTC', file=log) print('Eclipse time = ' + str(fit.ecltimetdb) + '+/-' + str(fit.ecltimeerr) + ' BJD_TDB', file=log) # Brightness temperature calculation print('Starting Monte-Carlo Temperature Calculation', file=log) kout =, freq=True) filterf = np.loadtxt(event.filtfile, unpack=True) filterf = np.concatenate((filterf[0:2,::-1].T,[filterf[0:2,0]])) logg = np.log10(event.tep.g.val*100.) loggerr = np.log10(event.tep.g.uncert*100.) tstar = event.tstar tstarerr = event.tstarerr # Find index of depth countfix = 0 for i in range(len(fit.parnames)): if fit.parnames[i] in ['Depth', 'depth', 'Maximum Eclipse Depth', 'Eclipse Depth']: idepth = i # Count number of fixed parameters prior to the depth # parameter, to adjust the idepth for i in range(idepth): if fit.stepsize[i] <= 0: countfix += 1 idepthpost = idepth - countfix depthpost = posterior[:,idepthpost] if posterior.shape[0] < fit.numcalc: print("WARNING: not enough samples for Temperature Monte-Carlo!", file=log) print("Reducing numcalc to match size of MCMC posterior.", file=log) fit.numcalc = posterior.shape[0] slicenum = posterior.shape[0] // fit.numcalc # always 1, but for clarity slicelim = slicenum * fit.numcalc else: # Since slice step must be an integer, we need to calculate # the limit of the posterior to slice such that we get # an array of the correct length slicenum = posterior.shape[0] // fit.numcalc slicelim = slicenum * fit.numcalc bsdata = np.zeros((3,fit.numcalc)) # Use every nth eclipse depth except the 0th bsdata[0] = depthpost[:slicelim:slicenum] bsdata[1] = np.random.normal(logg, loggerr, fit.numcalc) bsdata[2] = np.random.normal(tstar, tstarerr, fit.numcalc) tb, tbg, numnegf, fmfreq = zf.calcTb(bsdata, kout, filterf, event) tbm = np.median(tb [np.where(tb > 0)]) tbsd = np.std( tb [np.where(tb > 0)]) tbgm = np.median(tbg[np.where(tbg > 0)]) tbgsd = np.std( tbg[np.where(tbg > 0)]) print('Band-center brightness temp = ' + str(round(tbgm, 2)) + ' +/- ' + str(round(tbgsd, 2)) + ' K', file=log) print('Integral brightness temp = ' + str(round(tbm, 2)) + ' +/- ' + str(round(tbsd, 2)) + ' K', file=log)[0].fluxuc = event.fp.aplev[np.where(event.good)][0].clipmask = fit.clipmask[np.where(event.good)][0].flux = event.fp.aplev[fit.mask] # Clipped flux[0].bestfit = zf.zen(bp, fit.phase, fit.phat, fit.modelfuncs, fit.modeltypes, fit.npars) # Best fit (norm) # Data from plot[0].pbinphase = pbinphase[0].pbinphot = pbinphot[0].pbinphoterr = pbinphoterr[0].pbinnoeclfit = pbinnoeclfit[0].pbinbestfit = pbinbestfit[0].pbinphotnorm = pbinphotnorm[0].pbinphoterrnorm = pbinphoterrnorm # Temperatures[0].tbm = tbm[0].tbsd = tbsd[0].tbgm = tbgm[0].tbgsd = tbgsd # Optimal phot description[0].bestphotdir = fit.photdir[fit.iphot][0].bestcentdir = fit.centdir[fit.icent][0].bestbinsize = fit.bintry [fit.ibin] # Write IRSA table and FITS file if not os.path.exists(fit.outdir + 'irsa'): os.mkdir(fit.outdir + 'irsa') # Set the topstring topstring = zf.topstring(fit.papername, fit.month, fit.year, fit.journal, fit.instruments, fit.programs, fit.authors) irsa.do_irsa(event,[0], directory=fit.outdir, topstring=topstring) print("Saving.") for n in range(nmodelsets): for i in range(nevents): event = eventlistlist[i][n] fit = eventlistlist[i][n].fit[0] run.p6Save(event, fit.outdir) minbic = np.inf for n in range(nmodelsets): for i in range(nevents): event = eventlistlist[i][n] fit = eventlistlist[i][n].fit[0] print("For models " + ' '.join(fit.modelstrs) + ":", file=log) print("Best aperture: " + fit.photdir[fit.iphot], file=log) print("Best centering: " + fit.centdir[fit.icent], file=log) print("Best binning: " + str(fit.bintry[ fit.ibin]), file=log) minbic = np.min((minbic, fit.bic)) print("Models\tBIC\tdelBIC", file=log) for n in range(nmodelsets): for i in range(nevents): event = eventlistlist[i][n] fit = eventlistlist[i][n].fit[0] print(' '.join(fit.modelstrs) + '\t' + str(fit.bic) + '\t' + str(fit.bic - minbic), file=log) print("End: %s" % time.ctime(), file=log) log.close() for n in range(nmodelsets): for i in range(nevents): fit = eventlistlist[i][n].fit[0] shutil.copy(templogfile, fit.outdir + logfile) # Delete temporary log os.unlink(templogfile) # Return directory of output (not used for joint fits) return fit.outdir, fit.centdir[fit.icent], fit.photdir[fit.iphot], chiout
# Optimization: leastsq = True # Least-squares minimization prior to the MCMC chisqscale = False # Scale the data uncertainties such red.chisq = 1 # Convergence: grtest = True # Calculate the GR convergence test grexit = False # Stop the MCMC after two successful GR # File outputs: logfile = 'MCMC.log' # Save the MCMC screen outputs to file savefile = 'MCMC_sample.npy' # Save the MCMC parameters sample to file savemodel = 'MCMC_models.npy' # Save the MCMC evaluated models to file plots = True # Generate best-fit, trace, and posterior plots # Correlated-noise assessment: wlike = False # Use Carter & Winn's Wavelet-likelihood method rms = False # Compute the time-averaging test and plot # Run the MCMC: # posterior is the parameters' posterior distribution # bestp is the array of best fitting parameters posterior, bestp = mc3.mcmc(data=data, uncert=uncert, func=func, indparams=indparams, params=params, pmin=pmin, pmax=pmax, stepsize=stepsize, prior=prior, priorlow=priorlow, priorup=priorup, leastsq=leastsq, chisqscale=chisqscale, mpi=mpi, numit=numit, nchains=nchains, walk=walk, burnin=burnin, grtest=grtest, grexit=grexit, wlike=wlike, logfile=logfile, plots=plots, savefile=savefile, savemodel=savemodel, rms=rms)
# Alternatively, edit the paths from this script to adjust to your # working directory. # Import the necessary modules: import sys import numpy as np sys.path.append("../MCcubed/") import MCcubed as mc3 sys.path.append("../MCcubed/examples/models/") from quadratic import quad # Create a synthetic dataset: x = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000) # Independent model variable p0 = [3, -2.4, 0.5] # True-underlying model parameters y = quad(p0, x) # Noiseless model uncert = np.sqrt(np.abs(y)) # Data points uncertainty error = np.random.normal(0, uncert) # Noise for the data data = y + error # Noisy data set params = np.array([10.0, -2.0, 0.1]) # Initial guess of fitting params. stepsize = np.array([0.03, 0.03, 0.05]) bestp, CRlo, CRhi, stdp, posterior, Zchain = mc3.mcmc(data, uncert, func=quad, indparams=[x], params=params, stepsize=stepsize, nsamples=1e5, burnin=1000)
nchains = 10 # Number of parallel chains burnin = 100 # Number of burned-in samples per chain thinning = 1 # Thinning factor for outputs # Optimization: leastsq = True # Least-squares minimization prior to the MCMC chisqscale = False # Scale the data uncertainties such red.chisq = 1 # Convergence: grtest = True # Calculate the GR convergence test grexit = False # Stop the MCMC after two successful GR logfile = 'MCMC.log' # Save the MCMC screen outputs to file savefile = 'MCMC_sample.npy' # Save the MCMC parameters sample to file savemodel = 'MCMC_models.npy' # Save the MCMC evaluated models to file plots = True # Generate best-fit, trace, and posterior plots # Correlated-noise assessment: wlike = False # Use Carter & Winn's Wavelet-likelihood method. rms = False # Compute the time-averaging test and plot # Run the MCMC: posterior, bestp = mc3.mcmc(data=data, func=func, indparams=indparams, params=params, leastsq=leastsq, chisqscale=chisqscale, mpi=mpi, numit=numit, nchains=nchains, walk=walk, burnin=burnin, grtest=grtest, grexit=grexit, wlike=wlike, logfile=logfile, plots=plots, savefile=savefile, savemodel=savemodel, rms=rms)
import sys import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sys.path.append("../MCcubed/") import MCcubed as mc3 # Get function to model (and sample): sys.path.append("../MCcubed/examples/models/") from quadratic import quad # Create a synthetic dataset: x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100) # Independent model variable p0 = 3, -2.4, 0.5 # True-underlying model parameters y = quad(p0, x) # Noiseless model uncert = np.sqrt(np.abs(y)) # Data points uncertainty error = np.random.normal(0, uncert) # Noise for the data data = y + error # Noisy data set # Fit the quad polynomial coefficients: params = np.array([20.0, -2.0, 0.1]) # Initial guess of fitting params. # Run the MCMC: posterior, bestp = mc3.mcmc(data, uncert, func=quad, indparams=[x], params=params, numit=3e4, burnin=100)