Exemple #1
def mm_sloppy_plot():
    """Plots trajectories of 'P' at different parameter values: a visual confirmation of parameter sloppiness"""
    # set up base system
    params = OrderedDict((('K',2.0), ('V',1.0), ('St',2.0), ('epsilon',1e-3), ('kappa',10.0))) # from Antonios' writeup
    true_params = np.array(params.values())
    nparams = true_params.shape[0]
    transform_id = 't2'
    # set init concentrations
    S0 = params['St']; C0 = 0.0; P0 = 0.0 # init concentrations
    Cs0 = np.array((S0, C0, P0))
    # set times at which to collect data
    tscale = (params['St'] + params['K'])/params['V'] # timescale of slow evolution
    npts = 20
    times = tscale*np.linspace(1,npts,npts)/5.0
    # use these params, concentrations and times to define the MM system
    MM_system = MM.MM_System(Cs0, times, true_params, transform_id)

    # define variables to test
    param1_name = 'epsilon'
    # nparam1s = 2
    param1s = [0.01, 0.000001]#np.logspace(-1, -0.5, nparam1s)
    # # nparam2s = 1
    param2_name = 'kappa'
    param2s = [10.0]#np.logspace(-2, 2, nparam2s)
    # param1_name = 'K'
    # # nparam1s = 3
    # param1s = np.array((100,))#2*np.logspace(0, 3, nparam1s)
    # param2_name = 'V'
    # param2s = 3.0*param1s/10.0 + np.array((10, 0))

    # set up figure, add true trajectory
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.plot(times, MM_system.gen_profile(Cs0, times, true_params)[:,2], label='true params')

    markers = ['.', 'o', 'v', '^', 's', 'p', '*', 'x', '+', '_', 'D']
    count = 0
    # true_traj_squared_norm = np.power(np.linalg.norm(MM_system.gen_profile(Cs0, times, true_params)[:,2]), 2) # for recording relative as error, scale of_eval by this norm
    for param1 in param1s:
        for param2 in param2s:
            # update values
            params[param1_name] = param1
            params[param2_name] = param2
            # params['V'] = params['K']*3.0/10.0
            S0 = params['St']; C0 = 0.0; P0 = 0.0 # init concentrations
            Cs0 = np.array((S0, C0, P0))
            ax.plot(times, MM_system.gen_profile(Cs0, times, np.array(params.values()))[:,2], label=param1_name + '=' + str(param1) + ', ' + param2_name + '=' + str(param2) + ',error=' + str("%1.2e" % (np.power(MM_system.of(params.values()), 0.5)/npts)), marker=markers[count])
            count = count + 1
    # ax.set_title(r'$\frac{K}{V} = \frac{10}{3}$')
    ax.legend(fontsize=24, loc='lower right')
Exemple #2
def check_sloppiness():
    """Checks for sloppiness in the model by printing the Hessian's eigenvalues when evaluated at the minimum of least-squares objective fn."""
    # set parameters as per suggestions in paper
    # K = 1.0; V = 1.0; sigma = 1.0; epsilon = 1e-2; kappa = 10.0 # used in first param. transform/ation, now use St instead of sigma
    # params = np.array((K, V, sigma, epsilon, kappa)) # again, from old transformation
    # transform_id = 't1'

    K = 2.0; V = 1.0; St = 2.0; epsilon = 1e-3; kappa = 10.0 # from Antonios' writeup
    params = np.array((K, V, St, epsilon, kappa))
    transform_id = 't2'
    sigma = St/K 

    # set init concentrations
    S0 = K*sigma; C0 = 0.0; P0 = 0.0 # init concentrations
    Cs0 = np.array((S0, C0, P0))
    # set times at which to collect data
    tscale = (sigma + 1)*K/V # timescale of slow evolution
    npts = 20
    times = tscale*np.linspace(1,npts,npts)/5.0
    # use these params, concentrations and times to define the MM system
    MM_system = MM.MM_System(Cs0, times, params, transform_id)

    # test stepsize's effect on hessian approx as the calculation seems prone to numerical errors
    nhvals = 20
    hvals = np.logspace(-7,-4, nhvals) # numerical delta_h values that will be used in the finite-difference approximations
    m = 3 # the number of parameters of interest, i.e. '3' if only looking at the effects of K, V and sigma, otherwise '5' to look at effects of all parameters on the obj. fn.
    eigs = np.empty((nhvals, m))
    for i in range(nhvals):
        hessian_eval = hessian(MM_system.of, params, h=hvals[i])
        eigs[i] = np.sort(np.linalg.eigvalsh(hessian_eval[:m,:m]))

    # plot output
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    for i in range(m):
        ax.plot(hvals, eigs[:,i])
        ax.yaxis.get_major_formatter().set_powerlimits((0, 2))
        ax.set_ylabel('Eigenvalue ' + str(i + 1), fontsize=18)
        ax.set_xlabel('Finite difference approximation stepsize', fontsize=16)
        # save in special directory if exists
        if os.path.isdir('./figs/hessian'):
            plt.savefig('./figs/hessian/all_eigs' + str(i) + '.png')
            plt.savefig('./all_eigs' + str(i) + '.png')
Exemple #3
def sample_sloppy_params_ii():
    """Uses mpi4py to parallelize the collection of sloppy parameter sets. The current, naive method is to sample over a noisy grid of points, discarding those whose objective function evaluation exceeds the set tolerance. The resulting sloppy parameter combinations are saved in './data/input'"""

    # init MPI
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    nprocs = comm.Get_size()

    # set up true system, basis for future objective function evaluations
    K_true = 2.0; V_true = 1.0; St_true = 4.0; epsilon_true = 1e-3; kappa_true = 10.0 # from Antonios' writeup
    sigma_true = St_true/K_true
    true_params = np.array((K_true, V_true, sigma_true, epsilon_true, kappa_true))
    nparams = true_params.shape[0]
    transform_id = 't1'
    # set init concentrations
    S0_true = St_true; C0_true = 0.0; P0_true = 0.0 # init concentrations
    concs0_true = np.array((S0_true, C0_true, P0_true))
    # set times at which to collect data
    tscale = (sigma_true + 1)*kappa_true/V_true # timescale of slow evolution
    print tscale
    npts = 10
    times = np.linspace(tscale, 4*tscale, npts)
    # use these params, concentrations and times to define the MM system
    MM_system = MM.MM_System(concs0_true, times, true_params, transform_id)

    # visualize concentration profiles
    conc_profiles = MM_system.gen_profile(concs0_true, times, true_params)
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.plot(times, conc_profiles[:,0], label='S')
    ax.plot(times, conc_profiles[:,1], label='C')
    ax.plot(times, conc_profiles[:,2], label='P')
    # ax.plot(times, MM_system._data[:,0], label='S')
    # ax.plot(times, MM_system._data[:,1], label='C')
    # ax.plot(times, MM_system._data[:,2], label='P')
    ax.set_ylabel('concentration (potentially dimensionless)')
Exemple #4
def sample_sloppy_params():
    """Uses mpi4py to parallelize the collection of sloppy parameter sets. The current, naive method is to sample over a noisy grid of points, discarding those whose objective function evaluation exceeds the set tolerance. The resulting sloppy parameter combinations are saved in './data/input'"""

    # init MPI
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    nprocs = comm.Get_size()

    # set up true system, basis for future objective function evaluations
    K = 2.0; V = 1.0; St = 2.0; epsilon = 1e-3; kappa = 10.0 # from Antonios' writeup
    true_params = np.array((K, V, St, epsilon, kappa))
    nparams = true_params.shape[0]
    transform_id = 't2'
    sigma = St/K 
    # set init concentrations
    S0 = St; C0 = 0.0; P0 = 0.0 # init concentrations
    Cs0 = np.array((S0, C0, P0))
    # set times at which to collect data
    tscale = (sigma + 1)*K/V # timescale of slow evolution
    npts = 20
    times = tscale*np.linspace(1,npts,npts)/5.0
    # use these params, concentrations and times to define the MM system
    MM_system = MM.MM_System(Cs0, times, true_params, transform_id)

    # # visualize concentration profiles
    # conc_profiles = MM_system.gen_profile(Cs0, times, true_params)
    # fig = plt.figure()
    # ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    # ax.plot(times, conc_profiles[:,0], label='S')
    # ax.plot(times, conc_profiles[:,1], label='C')
    # ax.plot(times, conc_profiles[:,2], label='P')
    # ax.set_xlabel('times')
    # ax.set_ylabel('concentration (potentially dimensionless)')
    # ax.legend(loc=2)
    # plt.show(fig)
    # always gen new data, can run dmaps far faster with c++
    # sample params noisily in 5d space, 10 points per axis for a total of 10e5 points (too many?)
    # center each param at K = 2.0; V = 1.0; St = 2.0; epsilon = 1e-3; kappa = 10.0
    npts_per_axis = 8
    # # use these ranges as a guide for sampling (with true vals of K = 2.0; V = 1.0; St = 2.0; epsilon = 1e-3; kappa = 10.0):
    # # epsilons = np.linspace(-4, -1, 5) # little effect
    # # kappas = np.linspace(-2, 2, 5) # little effect
    # # Ks = np.linspace(-1, 3, 5) # very significant effect
    # # Vs = np.linspace(-1, 3, 5) # very significant effect
    Ks = np.power(10, 2*np.random.uniform(-3, 3, npts_per_axis))
    Vs = np.power(10, np.random.uniform(-3, 3, npts_per_axis))
    Sts = np.power(10, np.random.uniform(0, 1, npts_per_axis))
    test_params = OrderedDict((('K',Ks), ('V',Vs), ('St',Sts))) # parameters being varied
    param_sets = test_params.values()
    ntest_params = len(param_sets)
    const_params = {'eps':epsilon, 'kappa':kappa} # parameters that will be held constant throughout
    npts = np.power(npts_per_axis, ntest_params)
    index = np.empty(ntest_params) # used in future calculation to get index of desired parameter combination
    powers = np.array([np.power(npts_per_axis, i) for i in range(ntest_params)]) # powers of ntest_params, e.g. 1, 5, 25, ... also used in index calc
    npts_per_proc = npts/nprocs # number of points that will be sent to each process
    tol = 1.0 # ob. fn. tolerance, i.e. any points for which the ob. fn. exceeds this value will be discarded
    kept_params = np.empty((npts_per_proc, ntest_params+1)) # storage for all possible params and their respective ob. fn. evaluations
    kept_npts = 0 # number of parameter sets that fall within tolerated ob. fn. range
    # unset, ordered param dict
    params = OrderedDict((('K',False), ('V',False), ('St',False), ('eps',False), ('kappa',False)))

    for i in range(rank*npts_per_proc, (rank+1)*npts_per_proc):
        # probably a more efficient method of calculating the current index instead of performing 'ntest_params' calculations every time
        index = i/powers%npts_per_axis
        new_params = np.array([param_sets[j][index[j]] for j in range(ntest_params)])
        for j, key in enumerate(test_params.keys()):
            params[key] = new_params[j]
        for key, val in const_params.items():
            params[key] = val
        # record param set and ob. fn. value if below tolerance
        ob_fn_eval = MM_system.of(params.values())
        if ob_fn_eval < tol and ob_fn_eval is not False:
            kept_params[kept_npts,:-1] = np.log10(new_params)
            kept_params[kept_npts,-1] = ob_fn_eval
            kept_npts += 1

    kept_params = kept_params[:kept_npts]
    # possible to use Gather
    kept_params = comm.gather(kept_params, root=0)
    if rank is 0:
        kept_params = np.concatenate(kept_params)
        kept_npts = kept_params.shape[0]
        # create fileheader specifying which params were investigated, e.g. K=True,V=False,St=True,eps=True,kappa=False
        file_header = ''.join([test_param_key + '=True,' for test_param_key in test_params.keys()])
        file_header = file_header + ''.join([const_param_key + '=False,' for const_param_key in const_params.keys()])
        # remove trailing comma
        file_header = file_header[:-1]
        np.savetxt('./data/input/sloppy_params' + str(kept_npts) + '.csv', kept_params, delimiter=',', header=file_header, comments='')
        print '************************************************************'
        print 'generated', kept_npts, 'new points with min obj. fn. value of', np.min(kept_params[:,-1])
        print 'saved in ./data/input/sloppy_params' + str(kept_npts) + '.csv'
        print '************************************************************'
Exemple #5
def mm_contour_grid():
    nks = 1000
    nvs = 1000
    Ks = 2*np.logspace(-1, 3, nks)
    Vs = np.logspace(-1, 3, nvs)
    if os.path.isfile('./of_evals.csv'):
        kept_pts = np.genfromtxt('./of_evals.csv', delimiter=',')
        count = kept_pts.shape[0]
        # set up base system
        params = OrderedDict((('K',2.0), ('V',1.0), ('St',2.0), ('epsilon',1e-3), ('kappa',10.0))) # from Antonios' writeup
        true_params = np.array(params.values())
        nparams = true_params.shape[0]
        transform_id = 't2'
        state_params = ['K']
        continuation_param = 'V'
        # set init concentrations
        S0 = params['St']; C0 = 0.0; P0 = 0.0 # init concentrations
        Cs0 = np.array((S0, C0, P0))
        # set times at which to collect data
        tscale = (params['St'] + params['K'])/params['V'] # timescale of slow evolution
        npts = 20
        times = tscale*np.linspace(1,npts,npts)/5.0
        # use these params, concentrations and times to define the MM system
        MM_system = MM.MM_System(Cs0, times, true_params, transform_id)
        print 'ofeval', MM_system.of(params.values())
        of_evals = np.empty((nks, nvs))
        test_params = true_params
        ndiscarded = 0
        kept_pts = np.empty((nks*nvs,3))
        tol = 0.1
        count = 0
        for i, K in enumerate(Ks):
            uf.progress_bar(i+1, nks)
            for j, V in enumerate(Vs):
                test_params[0] = K
                test_params[1] = V
                    # of_evals[i,j] = MM_system.of(test_params)
                    of_eval = MM_system.of(test_params)
                    if of_eval < tol:
                        kept_pts[count,0] = K
                        kept_pts[count,1] = V
                        kept_pts[count,2] = of_eval
                        count = count + 1
                except CustomErrors.EvalError:
                    ndiscarded = ndiscarded + 1
        np.savetxt('./of_evals.csv', kept_pts, delimiter=',')
        print 'threw away', ndiscarded, 'pts'

    vgrid, kgrid = np.meshgrid(Vs, Ks)
    # plt.imshow(of_evals)
    # plt.show()
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    plot = ax.scatter(kept_pts[:count,0], kept_pts[:count,1], c=kept_pts[:count,2], s=5, lw=0)