Exemple #1
def calcMoonFlag(fld, startTime, endTime, mmt):
    """Calculate the IGNORE_FLAG based on lunar brightness and position.

        fld -- field parameter entry from obsPars
        startTime -- datetime formatted starting time
        endTime -- datetime formatted ending time

        flag -- 0/1 flag marking if the field is too close to the moon or
                the moon is brighter than specified.
    moonUp = moonUpDuringObs(startTime, endTime, mmt)
    moonAge = MMTEphem.moonAge(startTime)

    # Get the distance to the moon
    moonDist = lunarDistance(fld, startTime, endTime)

    # Now do brightness flag
    moonReq = fld['moon'].values[0]
    if (moonReq == 'bright') | (moonUp == 0):
        # Anything works, either we were asked for bright
        # time or the moon isn't up during
        # the entirety of the observation
        illumFlag = 1
    elif (moonReq == 'grey') & (abs(moonAge) < 9) & (moonDist < 90):
        # We were asked for grey time and it's grey time
        illumFlag = 1
    elif (moonReq == 'dark') & (abs(moonAge) < 4.5) & (moonDist > 90.0):
        # We were asked for dark time and it's dark time
        illumFlag = 1
        illumFlag = 0   # This isn't going to work here!

    # Flag things that are just plain too close to the moon
    if moonDist < 10:
        illumFlag = 0

    return illumFlag
Exemple #2
def calcMoonFlag(fld, startTime, endTime, mmt):
    """Calculate the IGNORE_FLAG based on lunar brightness and position.

        fld -- field parameter entry from obsPars
        startTime -- datetime formatted starting time
        endTime -- datetime formatted ending time

        flag -- 0/1 flag marking if the field is too close to the moon or
                the moon is brighter than specified.
    moonUp = moonUpDuringObs(startTime, endTime, mmt)
    moonAge = MMTEphem.moonAge(startTime)

    # Get the distance to the moon
    moonDist = lunarDistance(fld, startTime, endTime)

    # Now do brightness flag
    moonReq = fld['moon'].values[0]
    if (moonReq == 'bright') | (moonUp == 0):
        # Anything works, either we were asked for bright
        # time or the moon isn't up during
        # the entirety of the observation
        illumFlag = 1
    elif (moonReq == 'grey') & (abs(moonAge) < 9) & (moonDist < 90):
        # We were asked for grey time and it's grey time
        illumFlag = 1
    elif (moonReq == 'dark') & (abs(moonAge) < 4.5) & (moonDist > 90.0):
        # We were asked for dark time and it's dark time
        illumFlag = 1
        illumFlag = 0  # This isn't going to work here!

    # Flag things that are just plain too close to the moon
    if moonDist < 10:
        illumFlag = 0

    return illumFlag