def scrap(data, axis=0): originalOrder = data.getOrder(ids=True) if axis not in ['x', 'y', 'z', 't'] and not isinstance(axis, int): order = "({})...".format(axis) else: order = "{}...".format(axis) new = data(order=order) axes = new.getAxisList() # Save for later new = MV2.array(new.asma()) # lose dims for i in range(new.shape[0] - 1, -1, -1): tmp = new[i] if not isinstance(tmp, (float, numpy.float)) and tmp.mask.all(): a = new[:i] b = new[i + 1:] if b.shape[0] == 0: new = a else: new = MV2.concatenate((a, b)) newAxis = [] for v in new.getAxis(0): newAxis.append(axes[0][int(v)]) ax = cdms2.createAxis(newAxis, id=axes[0].id) axes[0] = ax new.setAxisList(axes) return new(order=originalOrder)
def post(self,fetched,slab,axes,specifications,confined_by,aux,axismap): ''' Post processing retouches the bounds and later will deal with the mask''' import cdms2 as cdms fetched=cdms.createVariable(fetched,copy=1) faxes=fetched.getAxisList() a=None for i in range(len(faxes)): if confined_by[i] is self: newaxvals=[] bounds=[] a=None sh=list(fetched.shape) sh[i]=1 for l in self.aux[i]: try: tmp=fetched(**{faxes[i].id:(l,l)}) ax=tmp.getAxis(i) #print ax newaxvals.append(ax[0]) if ax.getBounds()!=None: bounds.append(ax.getBounds()[0]) else: bounds=None except Exception,err: #print 'err:',err,'match:',self.match if self.match==1: raise Exception,'Error axis value :'+str(l)+' was requested but is not present in slab\n(more missing might exists)' elif self.match==0: tmp=MV2.ones(sh,typecode=MV2.float) tmp=MV2.masked_equal(tmp,1) if type(l)==type(cdtime.comptime(1999)) or type(l)==type(cdtime.reltime(0,'days since 1999')) or type(l)==type(''): if type(l)!=type(''): newaxvals.append(l.torel(faxes[i].units).value) else: newaxvals.append(cdtime.s2r(l,faxes[i].units).value) else: newaxvals.append(l) if bounds is not None: bounds.append([ax[-1]-1.,ax[-1]+1]) else: tmp=None if not tmp is None: if a is None: a=tmp elif not tmp is None: a=MV2.concatenate((a,tmp),i) if bounds is not None: newax=cdms.createAxis(numpy.array(newaxvals),bounds=numpy.array(bounds), else: newax=cdms.createAxis(numpy.array(newaxvals), for att in faxes[i].attributes.keys(): setattr(newax,att,faxes[i].attributes.get(att)) for j in range(len(fetched.shape)): if j==i: a.setAxis(i,newax) else: a.setAxis(j,faxes[j]) fetched=a.astype(fetched.dtype.char) faxes=fetched.getAxisList()
def _get(self): if 'relative' in self.portrait_types.keys(): d=self.portrait_types['relative'] vals=d[1] real_value=getattr(self,d[0]) real=self.__get() setattr(self,d[0],vals[0]) a0=self.__get() sh=list(a0.shape) sh.insert(0,1) a0=MV2.reshape(a0,sh) for v in vals[1:]: setattr(self,d[0],v) tmp=self.__get() tmp=MV2.reshape(tmp,sh) a0=MV2.concatenate((a0,tmp)) a0=MV2.sort(a0,0).filled() real2=real.filled() a0=MV2.reshape(a0,(a0.shape[0],sh[1]*sh[2])) real2=MV2.reshape(real2,(sh[1]*sh[2],)) a0=MV2.transpose(a0) indices=[] for i in range(len(real2)): indices.append(MV2.searchsorted(a0[i],real2[i])) indices=MV2.array(indices) indices=MV2.reshape(indices,(sh[1],sh[2])) if not ((real.mask is None) or (real.mask is MV2.nomask)): indices=MV2.masked_where(real.mask,indices) a=MV2.masked_equal(a0,1.e20) a=MV2.count(a,1) a=MV2.reshape(a,indices.shape) indices=indices/a*100 setattr(self,d[0],real_value) indices.setAxisList(real.getAxisList()) ## print indices.shape return indices else: return self.__get()
cdutil.setTimeBoundsMonthly(th) #ref = cdutil.YEAR.climatology(th(time=('1951-1-1','1980-12-31'))) #dep_h = cdutil.YEAR.departures(th,ref=ref)(time=(truestart,'2005-12-31')) dep_h = cdutil.YEAR(th)(time=(truestart, '2005-12-31')) tr = cdutil.averager(fr("tas"), axis='xy') start_r = cmip5.start_time(tr) stop_r = cmip5.stop_time(tr) cdutil.setTimeBoundsMonthly(tr) #dep_r = cdutil.YEAR.departures(tr,ref=ref)(time=(start_r,'2099-12-31')) dep_r = cdutil.YEAR(tr)(time=(start_r, '2099-12-31')) try: BIG[i] = MV.concatenate((dep_h, dep_r)) except: print rip print MV.concatenate((dep_h, dep_r)).shape continue i += 1 T = np.arange(1900, 2100) tax = cdms.createAxis(T) tax.units = 'years since 0001-1-1' tax.designateTime() BIG2 = MV.masked_where(np.abs(BIG) > 1.e10, BIG) modax = cdms.createAxis(np.arange(L)) modax.models = str(overlap.tolist())
temporary[region] = d_sub_aave(time=(start_t, end_t)) continue else: # n-1 year 7/1~12/31 part1 = copy.copy(temporary[region]) # n year 1/1~6/30 part2 = d_sub_aave(time=( cdtime.comptime(year), cdtime.comptime(year, 6, 30, 23, 59, 59))) start_t = cdtime.comptime(year, 7, 1) end_t = cdtime.comptime( year, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) temporary[region] = d_sub_aave(time=(start_t, end_t)) d_sub_aave = MV2.concatenate([part1, part2], axis=0) if debug: print( 'debug: ', region, year, d_sub_aave.getTime().asComponentTime()) # get pentad time series list_d_sub_aave_chunks = list( divide_chunks_advanced(d_sub_aave, n, debug=debug)) pentad_time_series = [] for d_sub_aave_chunk in list_d_sub_aave_chunks: # ignore when chunk length is shorter than defined if d_sub_aave_chunk.shape[0] >= n: ave_chunk = MV2.average(d_sub_aave_chunk, axis=0) pentad_time_series.append(float(ave_chunk))
idi = "i" idj = "j" lat_units = 'degrees_north' lon_units = 'degrees_east' iaxis = TransientVirtualAxis(idi,ni) jaxis = TransientVirtualAxis(idj,nj) lataxis = TransientAxis2D(lat, axes=(iaxis, jaxis), attributes={'units':lat_units}, id="latitude") lonaxis = TransientAxis2D(lon, axes=(iaxis, jaxis), attributes={'units':lon_units}, id="longitude") curvegrid = TransientGenericGrid(lataxis, lonaxis, tempmask=None) attributs = None ; vid = None if hasattr(v,'attributes') : attributs= v.attributes if hasattr(v,'id') : vid= axis0 = v.getAxis(0) return cdms2.createVariable(v, axes=[axis0,iaxis,jaxis], grid=curvegrid, \ attributes=attributs, lat = MV2.array([[-20,-10,0,-15,-5]],'f') lon = MV2.array([[0,10,20,50,60]],'f') data1 = MV2.array([[[2,3,1,6,2]]],'f') data2 = MV2.array([[[2,3,1,6,2]]],'f') data1 = CurveGrid(data1, lat, lon) data2 = CurveGrid(data2, lat, lon) result = MV2.concatenate([data1,data2],axis=0)
def read(self, cfg=None): """ Lecture des fichiers NetCDF de NAR SST """ import cdms2, sys, os, glob import numpy, MV2 import cdtime from vacumm.misc.axes import create_lon from vacumm.misc.grid import create_grid, set_grid from vacumm.misc.atime import create_time from vacumm.misc.phys.units import kel2degc if self.ctdeb >= cdtime.comptime(2012, 01, 01, 0, 0, 0): # -- Creation d'un objet cdms nomme et d'un tableau cumt pour les dates extraites des noms de fichiers = () # Initialise un tuple # =============== ATTENTION ==================== # Initialiser pour ne pas dupliquer en memoire !!!!!!!!! # ============================================ # -- Methode amelioree # Cree une liste files = [] # Cree la liste des fichiers correspondants a la periode consideree ctest = self.ctdeb while ctest <= self.ctfin: for iH in numpy.arange(24): flnme_only = "%04d%02d%02d%02d*.nc" % (ctest.year, ctest.month,, iH) files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.OBSDIR, flnme_only))) ctest = ctest.add(1, cdtime.Days) # -- if cfg is None: config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(), "config.cfg")) lomin = float(config.get("Domain", "lomin")) lomax = float(config.get("Domain", "lomax")) lamin = float(config.get("Domain", "lamin")) lamax = float(config.get("Domain", "lamax")) else: lomin = cfg["Domain"]["lomin"] lomax = cfg["Domain"]["lomax"] lamin = cfg["Domain"]["lamin"] lamax = cfg["Domain"]["lamax"] if cfg is None: try: timerange = config.get("Seviri SST", "timerange") # timerange = 'midnight' pour donnees a minuit seulement # timerange = 'all' pour donnees a minuit seulement except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: # print 'No Time Range' timerange = "all" # Par defaut, lecture de toutes les heures else: timerange = cfg["Seviri SST"]["timerange"] if files == []: print "No data file to read ..." else: for ifile, filename in enumerate(files): # -- Lecture du fichier filename f = temp = f("sea_surface_temperature", lon=(lomin, lomax), lat=(lamin, lamax)) f.close() # -- Transfert de temp dans l'objet cdat (concatenation) += (temp,) # -- Creation de l'axe temporel # taxis = create_time(cumt) # -- MV2.concatenate pour concatener les informations dans (entre autre construit l'axe temporel) = MV2.concatenate( # -- Informations sur le dataset # = "SEVIRI_SST" = "degree_Celsius" = "satellite_sea_surface_temperature" = "Satellite Sea Surface Temperature - SEVIRI" # -- Change unit = kel2degc(
s=f("clt") cdutil.setTimeBoundsMonthly(s) print 'Getting JJA, which should be inexistant in data' try: cdutil.JJA(s[:5]) raise RuntimeError( "data w/o season did not fail") except: pass ## Create a year worth of data w/o JJA s1 = s[:5] s2 = s[8:12] s3 = MV2.concatenate((s1,s2)) t = MV2.concatenate((s1.getTime()[:],s2.getTime()[:])) t = cdms2.createAxis(t,id='time') t.units=s.getTime().units t.designateTime() s3.setAxis(0,t) cdutil.setTimeBoundsMonthly(s3) try: cdutil.JJA(s3) raise RuntimeError, "data w/o season did not return None" except: pass try: cdutil.JJA.departures(s3) raise RuntimeError, "data w/o season did not return None for dep"
# Deal with plev17 to plev19 conversion plev19 = np.append(plev17, [500., 100.]) # Add missing upper two values plev19 = cdm.createAxis(plev19, id='plev') plev19.designateLevel() plev19.axis = 'Z' plev19.long_name = 'pressure' plev19.positive = 'down' plev19.realtopology = 'linear' plev19.standard_name = 'air_pressure' plev19.units = 'Pa' # Pad data array with missing values d2 =[d1.shape[0], 2, d1.shape[2], d1.shape[3]]), mask=True) * 1e20 d = mv.concatenate((d1, d2), axis=1) del (d1, d2, plev17) # Cleanup #%% Initialize and run CMOR # For more information see cmor.setup(inpath='./', netcdf_file_action=cmor.CMOR_REPLACE_4) #,logfile='cmorLog.txt') cmor.dataset_json(inputJson) cmor.load_table(cmorTable) #cmor.set_cur_dataset_attribute('history',f.history) ; # Force input file attribute as history axes = [ { 'table_entry': 'time', 'units': time.units, # 'days since 1870-01-01',
ct1 = MV2.TransientVariable([1,1,2,0,1]) ctr = MV2.choose(ct1, [, 10,20,30,40]) if not MV2.allclose(ctr, [10, 10, 20, 100, 10]): markError('choose error 1') ctx = MV2.TransientVariable([1,2,3,150,4]) cty = -MV2.TransientVariable([1,2,3,150,4]) ctr = MV2.choose(MV2.greater(ctx,100), (ctx, 100)) if not MV2.allclose(ctr, [1,2,3,100,4]): markError('choose error 2') ctr = MV2.choose(MV2.greater(ctx,100), (ctx, cty)) if not MV2.allclose(ctr, [1,2,3,-150,4]): markError('choose error 3') ## concatenate(arrays, axis=0, axisid=None, axisattributes=None) ## Concatenate the arrays along the given axis. Give the extended axis the id and ## attributes provided - by default, those of the first array. try: xcon = MV2.concatenate((ud,vd)) except: markError('Concatenate error') ## isMaskedVariable(x) ## Is x a masked variable, that is, an instance of AbstractVariable? im1 = MV2.isMaskedVariable(xones) im2 = MV2.isMaskedVariable(xmasked) ## outerproduct(a, b) ## outerproduct(a,b) = {a[i]*b[j]}, has shape (len(a),len(b)) xouter = MV2.outerproduct(MV2.arange(16.),MV2.arange(32.)) lat = uf.getLatitude() lon = uf.getLongitude() xouter.setAxis(0,lat) xouter.setAxis(1,lon)
def read(self): """ Lecture des fichiers NetCDF de NAR SST """ import cdms2,sys,os, glob import numpy,MV2 import cdtime from vacumm.misc.axes import create_lon from vacumm.misc.grid import create_grid, set_grid from vacumm.misc.atime import create_time from vacumm.misc.phys.units import kel2degc # -- Dans le cas d'un NAR SST on lit la grille lon lat dans le fichier grid # -- Lecture de la grille znar=self.ZONE_NAR gridfile="grid_%(znar)"%vars() la = f('latitude') lo = f('longitude') f.close() # -- Creation des axes longitude et latitude lat_axis = create_lon(la,id='latitude') lon_axis = create_lon(lo,id='longitude') # -- Creation de la grille grid = create_grid(lon_axis, lat_axis) # -- Creation d'un objet cdms nomme et d'un tableau cumt pour les dates extraites des noms de fichiers = () #Initialise un tuple # =============== ATTENTION ==================== # Initialiser pour ne pas dupliquer en memoire !!!!!!!!! # ============================================ #cumt = [] # Initialise un array # -- Boucle sur les fichiers presents dans le WORKDIR #url_file_def="%(YYYY)s%(MM)s%(DD)s%(HH)s%(ext)s"%vars() #self.ctdeb # -- Ancienne methode #files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.WORKDIR, '2*.nc')) #files.sort() # -- # -- Methode amelioree # Cree une liste files = [] # Cree la liste des fichiers correspondants a la periode consideree ctest = self.ctdeb while ctest <= self.ctfin: flnme_only = '%(#)04d%(##)02d%(###)02d*.nc'%{'#':ctest.year, '##':ctest.month, '###'} files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.WORKDIR, flnme_only))) ctest=ctest.add(1,cdtime.Days) # -- for filename in files: # -- Lecture du fichier filename f = temp = f('sea_surface_temperature') # =============== ATTENTION ================================== # Verifier que temp utilise tout le temps le meme espace memoire ... voir du cote de cdms # ========================================================== f.close() # -- Extraction de la date et heure du nom du fichier #ty =[-15:-11]) #tm =[-11:-9]) #tj =[-9:-7]) #th =[-7:-5]) #tt = cdtime.comptime(ty,tm,tj,th) #cumt.append(tt) # -- Transfert de temp dans l'objet cdat (concatenation) # =============== ATTENTION ==================== # Faire une variable intermediaire qui sera au prealable allouee en memoire pour eviter # trop de copies en memoire !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # ============================================ += temp, # -- Creation de l'axe temporel #taxis = create_time(cumt) # -- MV2.concatenate pour concatener les informations dans (entre autre construit l'axe temporel) = MV2.concatenate( # -- Attribution de la grille a l'objet set_grid(, grid, axes=True) # -- Informations sur le dataset = "NAR_SST" = "degree_Celsius" = "satellite_sea_surface_temperature" = "Satellite Sea Surface Temperature - NAR" # -- Change unit = kel2degc(
plev19 = np.append(plev19, plev3) plev19 = np.append(plev19, plev4) # Add missing upper two values plev19[:] = plev19[:] * 100. plev19 = cdm.createAxis(plev19, id='plev') plev19.designateLevel() plev19.axis = 'Z' plev19.long_name = 'pressure' plev19.positive = 'down' plev19.realtopology = 'linear' plev19.standard_name = 'air_pressure' plev19.units = 'Pa' # Pad data array with missing values # d2 =[d1.shape[0],2,d1.shape[2],d1.shape[3]]),mask=True)*1e20 d = mv.concatenate((d1, d2, d3, d4), axis=1) #del(d1,d2,d3,d4,plev1,plev2,plev3,plev4) ; # Cleanup #%% Initialize and run CMOR # For more information see cmor.setup( inpath='./', netcdf_file_action=cmor.CMOR_REPLACE_4) #,logfile='cmorLog.txt') cmor.dataset_json(inputJson) cmor.load_table(cmorTable) #cmor.set_cur_dataset_attribute('history',f.history) ; # Force input file attribute as history axes = [ { 'table_entry': 'time', 'units':
def read(self, verbose=False, cfg=None): """ Lecture des fichiers NetCDF de NAR SST """ import cdms2, sys, os, glob import numpy, MV2 import cdtime from vacumm.misc.axes import create_lon, set_order from vacumm.misc.grid import create_grid, set_grid from vacumm.misc.atime import create_time from vacumm.misc.phys.units import kel2degc import gc # Get the configuration file information #cfg = self.get_config() #print cfg # -- Creation d'un objet cdms nomme et d'un tableau cumt pour les dates extraites des noms de fichiers = () #Initialise un tuple # =============== ATTENTION ==================== # Initialiser pour ne pas dupliquer en memoire !!!!!!!!! # ============================================ # -- Methode amelioree # Cree une liste files = [] # Cree la liste des fichiers correspondants a la periode consideree if cfg is None: config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(), 'config.cfg')) hr_satellites = config.get('Nar SST', 'hr_satellites') else: hr_satellites = cfg['Nar SST']['hr_satellites'] hr_satellites = hr_satellites.split(',') #hr_satellites = cfg['hr_satellites'] #print hr_satellites ctest = self.ctdeb while ctest <= self.ctfin: for isat, s_name in enumerate(hr_satellites): flnme_only = '%04d%02d%02d*%s*.nc' % (ctest.year, ctest.month,, s_name) files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(flnme_only))) ctest = ctest.add(1, cdtime.Days) # -- if cfg is None: lomin = float(config.get('Domain', 'lomin')) lomax = float(config.get('Domain', 'lomax')) lamin = float(config.get('Domain', 'lamin')) lamax = float(config.get('Domain', 'lamax')) else: lomin = cfg['Domain']['lomin'] lomax = cfg['Domain']['lomax'] lamin = cfg['Domain']['lamin'] lamax = cfg['Domain']['lamax'] #print files if files == []: print 'No data file to read ...' else: # ---- Lecture et creation de la grille ---- # # -- Lecture du fichier filename f =[0]) lo = f.getVariable('lon') la = f.getVariable('lat') # -- Creation des axes longitude et latitude # lat_axis = create_lon(la,id='latitude') # lon_axis = create_lon(lo,id='longitude') # -- Creation de la grille grid = create_grid(lo, la) del lo, la for ifile, filename in enumerate(files): # -- Lecture du fichier filename f = temp2 = f('sea_surface_temperature') set_order(temp2, 'tyx') # pour que fontionne # modif J.Gatti : utilisation de l'index de qualite (0:unprocessed 1:cloudy 2:bad 3:suspect 4:acceptable 5:excellent) temp2.set_fill_value(temp2._FillValue) conf = f('proximity_confidence') MV2.putmask(, < 3, temp2._FillValue) # ne change que data MV2.putmask(temp2.mask, < 3, True) # ne change que mask #autre methode #-------------------- #temp2=MV2.masked_where(<3,temp2) # ne change que mask #oldmask=temp2.mask #temp2[:]=temp2.filled() # change data mais met mask a false partout #temp2.mask=oldmask # remet le bon mask sans lien del conf # fin modif J.Gatti : utilisation de l'index de qualite # -- Attribution de la grille a l'objet set_grid(temp2, grid, axes=True) temp = temp2(lon=(lomin, lomax), lat=(lamin, lamax)) if verbose: # == TEST OCCUPATION MEMOIRE === print ctest, 'Avant' #print psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_memory_percent() #print psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_memory_info() #print 'CPU percent: ', psutil.cpu_percent(interval=0.1) #print 'Used phymem: ', psutil.used_phymem() #print 'Used virtmem: ', psutil.used_virtmem() del temp2 if verbose: # == TEST OCCUPATION MEMOIRE === print ctest, 'Apres del' #print psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_memory_percent() #print psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_memory_info() #print 'CPU percent: ', psutil.cpu_percent(interval=0.1) #print 'Used phymem: ', psutil.used_phymem() #print 'Used virtmem: ', psutil.used_virtmem() # =============== ATTENTION ================================== # Verifier que temp utilise tout le temps le meme espace memoire ... voir du cote de cdms # ========================================================== f.close() # -- Transfert de temp dans l'objet cdat (concatenation) # =============== ATTENTION ==================== # Faire une variable intermediaire qui sera au prealable allouee en memoire pour eviter # trop de copies en memoire !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # ============================================ += temp, if ifile == 0: = temp else: = MV2.concatenate((, temp)) if verbose: # == TEST OCCUPATION MEMOIRE === print ctest, 'Avant gccollect' #print psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_memory_percent() #print psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_memory_info() #print 'CPU percent: ', psutil.cpu_percent(interval=0.1) #print 'Used phymem: ', psutil.used_phymem() #print 'Used virtmem: ', psutil.used_virtmem() print gc.collect() gc.collect() if verbose: # == TEST OCCUPATION MEMOIRE === print ctest, 'Apres gccollect' #print psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_memory_percent() #print psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_memory_info() #print 'CPU percent: ', psutil.cpu_percent(interval=0.1) #print 'Used phymem: ', psutil.used_phymem() #print 'Used virtmem: ', psutil.used_virtmem() # -- Creation de l'axe temporel #taxis = create_time(cumt) # -- MV2.concatenate pour concatener les informations dans (entre autre construit l'axe temporel) = MV2.concatenate( # -- Informations sur le dataset = "NAR_SST" = "degree_Celsius" = "satellite_sea_surface_temperature" = "Satellite Sea Surface Temperature - NAR" # -- Change unit = kel2degc(
def cat(var1,var2,axis=0,verbose=False): '''Concatenate 2 variables along axis. <var1>,<var2>: Variables to be concatenated, in the order of \ <var1>, <var2>; <axis>: int, index of axis to be concatenated along. Return <result> ''' import MV2 as MV import numpy try: order=var1.getAxisListIndex() except: order=numpy.arange(var1.ndim) # if var1 is np.ndarray var1=MV.array(var1) var2=MV.array(var2) try: attdict=attribute_obj2dict(var1) hasatt=True except: hasatt=False if not hasattr(var1.getAxis(axis),'units'): ax=var1.getAxis(axis) ax.units='' var1.setAxis(axis,ax) if not hasattr(var2.getAxis(axis),'units'): ax=var2.getAxis(axis) ax.units='' var2.setAxis(axis,ax) if verbose: print('# <cat>: Original order:',order) if axis!=0: #----Switch order------ order[axis]=0 order[0]=axis if verbose: print('# <cat>: New order:',order) var1=var1(order=order) var2=var2(order=order) result=MV.concatenate((var1,var2)) #result=numpy.concatenate((var1,var2),axis=0) #NOTE: There seems to be some problems with MV.concatenate() when axis # is not 0, but can not remember what the problem is. That is why this function # is written. # And also some issues regards to the re-ordering and MV.concatenate() # method defined here. When I concatenated something along the 2nd # axis and do a MV.std(var,axis=2) (and numpy.std(), an attributeError was raised. # But other times it works ok. Maybe because of some attributes of my # variable is gone when putting into MV.std(). No idea why. # That problem was solved by replacing MV.concatenate() with numpy.concatenate(). # But this will cause the output to be numpy.ndarray rather than MV.transientVariable. # So be aware that this function may cause some errors if inputs <var1>,<var2> # are numpy.ndarray. #-------Switch back---------- result=result(order=order) else: result=MV.concatenate((var1,var2)) if hasatt: result=attribute_dict2obj(attdict,result) return result
def precip_variability_across_timescale(file, syr, eyr, dfrq, mip, dat, var, fac, nperseg, noverlap, outdir, cmec): """ Regridding -> Anomaly -> Power spectra -> Domain&Frequency average -> Write """ psdmfm = {"RESULTS": {}} f = cal = f[var].getTime().calendar if "360" in cal: ldy = 30 else: ldy = 31 print(dat, cal) print("syr, eyr:", syr, eyr) for iyr in range(syr, eyr + 1): print(iyr) do = (f( var, time=( str(iyr) + "-1-1 0:0:0", str(iyr) + "-12-" + str(ldy) + " 23:59:59", ), ) * float(fac)) # Regridding rgtmp = Regrid2deg(do) if iyr == syr: drg = copy.deepcopy(rgtmp) else: drg = MV.concatenate((drg, rgtmp)) print(iyr, drg.shape) f.close() # Anomaly if dfrq == "day": ntd = 1 elif dfrq == "3hr": ntd = 8 else: sys.exit("ERROR: dfrq " + dfrq + " is not defined!") clim, anom = ClimAnom(drg, ntd, syr, eyr) # Power spectum of total freqs, ps, rn, sig95 = Powerspectrum(drg, nperseg, noverlap) # Domain & Frequency average psdmfm_forced = Avg_PS_DomFrq(ps, freqs, ntd, dat, mip, "forced") # Write data (nc file) outfilename = "PS_pr." + str(dfrq) + "_regrid.180x90_" + dat + ".nc" with os.path.join(outdir(output_type="diagnostic_results"), outfilename), "w") as out: out.write(freqs, id="freqs") out.write(ps, id="power") out.write(rn, id="rednoise") out.write(sig95, id="sig95") # Power spectum of anomaly freqs, ps, rn, sig95 = Powerspectrum(anom, nperseg, noverlap) # Domain & Frequency average psdmfm_unforced = Avg_PS_DomFrq(ps, freqs, ntd, dat, mip, "unforced") # Write data (nc file) outfilename = "PS_pr." + str( dfrq) + "_regrid.180x90_" + dat + "" with os.path.join(outdir(output_type="diagnostic_results"), outfilename), "w") as out: out.write(freqs, id="freqs") out.write(ps, id="power") out.write(rn, id="rednoise") out.write(sig95, id="sig95") # Write data (json file) psdmfm["RESULTS"][dat] = {} psdmfm["RESULTS"][dat]["forced"] = psdmfm_forced psdmfm["RESULTS"][dat]["unforced"] = psdmfm_unforced outfilename = ("PS_pr." + str(dfrq) + "_regrid.180x90_area.freq.mean_" + dat + ".json") JSON ="metrics_results"), outfilename) JSON.write( psdmfm, json_structure=[ "model+realization", "variability type", "domain", "frequency" ], sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": "), ) if cmec: JSON.write_cmec(indent=4, separators=(",", ": "))
ct1 = MV2.TransientVariable([1, 1, 2, 0, 1]) ctr = MV2.choose(ct1, [, 10, 20, 30, 40]) if not MV2.allclose(ctr, [10, 10, 20, 100, 10]): markError('choose error 1') ctx = MV2.TransientVariable([1, 2, 3, 150, 4]) cty = -MV2.TransientVariable([1, 2, 3, 150, 4]) ctr = MV2.choose(MV2.greater(ctx, 100), (ctx, 100)) if not MV2.allclose(ctr, [1, 2, 3, 100, 4]): markError('choose error 2') ctr = MV2.choose(MV2.greater(ctx, 100), (ctx, cty)) if not MV2.allclose(ctr, [1, 2, 3, -150, 4]): markError('choose error 3') ## concatenate(arrays, axis=0, axisid=None, axisattributes=None) ## Concatenate the arrays along the given axis. Give the extended axis the id and ## attributes provided - by default, those of the first array. try: xcon = MV2.concatenate((ud, vd)) except: markError('Concatenate error') ## isMaskedVariable(x) ## Is x a masked variable, that is, an instance of AbstractVariable? im1 = MV2.isMaskedVariable(xones) im2 = MV2.isMaskedVariable(xmasked) ## outerproduct(a, b) ## outerproduct(a,b) = {a[i]*b[j]}, has shape (len(a),len(b)) xouter = MV2.outerproduct(MV2.arange(16.), MV2.arange(32.)) lat = uf.getLatitude() lon = uf.getLongitude() xouter.setAxis(0, lat) xouter.setAxis(1, lon)
pth + '', ] for file in files: f = u = f('u') if file == files[0]: # First file sh = list(u.shape) # Create a list with the shape of the data sh.insert(0, 1) # Insert value 1 in front of the list accumulation = u newdim = MV.reshape(u, sh) # Create a new 1D dimension else: # add u at the end of accumaltion on dimension 0 accumulation = MV.concatenate((accumulation, u)) tmp = MV.reshape(u, sh) # Create a new 1D dimension newdim = MV.concatenate( (newdim, tmp)) # Add u to the newdim over the new dimension f.close() print accumulation.shape # All time added over the same dimension print newdim.shape # Has a new dimension for years avg = MV.average(accumulation) std = genutil.statistics.std(newdim) print avg.shape print std.shape
def read(self): """ Lecture des fichiers NetCDF de NAR SST """ import cdms2, sys, os, glob import numpy, MV2 import cdtime from vacumm.misc.axes import create_lon from vacumm.misc.grid import create_grid, set_grid from vacumm.misc.atime import create_time from vacumm.misc.phys.units import kel2degc # -- Dans le cas d'un NAR SST on lit la grille lon lat dans le fichier grid # -- Lecture de la grille znar = self.ZONE_NAR gridfile = "grid_%(znar)" % vars() f = la = f('latitude') lo = f('longitude') f.close() # -- Creation des axes longitude et latitude lat_axis = create_lon(la, id='latitude') lon_axis = create_lon(lo, id='longitude') # -- Creation de la grille grid = create_grid(lon_axis, lat_axis) # -- Creation d'un objet cdms nomme et d'un tableau cumt pour les dates extraites des noms de fichiers = () #Initialise un tuple # =============== ATTENTION ==================== # Initialiser pour ne pas dupliquer en memoire !!!!!!!!! # ============================================ #cumt = [] # Initialise un array # -- Boucle sur les fichiers presents dans le WORKDIR #url_file_def="%(YYYY)s%(MM)s%(DD)s%(HH)s%(ext)s"%vars() #self.ctdeb # -- Ancienne methode #files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.WORKDIR, '2*.nc')) #files.sort() # -- # -- Methode amelioree # Cree une liste files = [] # Cree la liste des fichiers correspondants a la periode consideree ctest = self.ctdeb while ctest <= self.ctfin: flnme_only = '%(#)04d%(##)02d%(###)02d*.nc' % { '#': ctest.year, '##': ctest.month, '###': } files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.WORKDIR, flnme_only))) ctest = ctest.add(1, cdtime.Days) # -- for filename in files: # -- Lecture du fichier filename f = temp = f('sea_surface_temperature') # =============== ATTENTION ================================== # Verifier que temp utilise tout le temps le meme espace memoire ... voir du cote de cdms # ========================================================== f.close() # -- Extraction de la date et heure du nom du fichier #ty =[-15:-11]) #tm =[-11:-9]) #tj =[-9:-7]) #th =[-7:-5]) #tt = cdtime.comptime(ty,tm,tj,th) #cumt.append(tt) # -- Transfert de temp dans l'objet cdat (concatenation) # =============== ATTENTION ==================== # Faire une variable intermediaire qui sera au prealable allouee en memoire pour eviter # trop de copies en memoire !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # ============================================ += temp, # -- Creation de l'axe temporel #taxis = create_time(cumt) # -- MV2.concatenate pour concatener les informations dans (entre autre construit l'axe temporel) = MV2.concatenate( # -- Attribution de la grille a l'objet set_grid(, grid, axes=True) # -- Informations sur le dataset = "NAR_SST" = "degree_Celsius" = "satellite_sea_surface_temperature" = "Satellite Sea Surface Temperature - NAR" # -- Change unit = kel2degc(
f = os.path.join(cdms2.__path__[0], '..', '..', '..', '..', 'sample_data', '')) s = f("clt") cdutil.setTimeBoundsMonthly(s) print 'Getting JJA, which should be inexistant in data' if cdutil.JJA(s[:5]) is not None: raise RuntimeError, "data w/o season did not return None" ## Create a year worth of data w/o JJA s1 = s[:5] s2 = s[8:12] s3 = MV2.concatenate((s1, s2)) t = MV2.concatenate((s1.getTime()[:], s2.getTime()[:])) t = cdms2.createAxis(t, id='time') t.units = s.getTime().units t.designateTime() s3.setAxis(0, t) cdutil.setTimeBoundsMonthly(s3) if cdutil.JJA(s3) is not None: raise RuntimeError, "data w/o season did not return None" if cdutil.JJA.departures(s3) is not None: raise RuntimeError, "data w/o season did not return None for dep" if cdutil.JJA.climatology(s3) is not None: raise RuntimeError, "data w/o season did not return None for clim" # Now gets seasonal cycle, should have JJA all missing
def regrid_models(variable, experiment): #get the shape from CESM2 model = "CESM2" rip = "r1i1p1f1" allfiles = sorted( glob.glob("/home/kdm2144/DROUGHT/DOWNLOADED_RAW/" + "/" + variable + "/" + model + "/*." + experiment + ".*." + rip + ".*")) f =[0]) data = f(variable) #for model in get_ok_models("SW"): grid = data.getGrid() nyears = 86 #historical runs begin in 2015-2100 model_shape = (12 * nyears, ) + grid.shape f.close() models = dh.get_ok_models("SW") nmodels = len(models) bigshape = (nmodels, ) + model_shape allmodels = MV.zeros(bigshape) for modeli in range(nmodels): model = models[modeli] print(model) #Get landmask landthresh = 1 fixedvardirec = external_drive + "DROUGHT/fixedvar/" #Get the land fraction landfiles = glob.glob(fixedvardirec + "sftlf*" + model + ".*") if len(landfiles) == 1: fland =[0]) landfrac = fland("sftlf") fland.close() else: print("can't find land fraction file for", model) print(landfiles) continue allfiles_rips = sorted( glob.glob("/home/kdm2144/DROUGHT/DOWNLOADED_RAW/" + "/" + variable + "/" + model + "/*." + experiment + ".*")) rips = sorted(np.unique([x.split(".")[3] for x in allfiles_rips])) if len(rips) > 0: rip = rips[0] else: continue allfiles = sorted( glob.glob("/home/kdm2144/DROUGHT/DOWNLOADED_RAW/" + "/" + variable + "/" + model + "/*." + experiment + ".*." + rip + ".*")) if len(allfiles) >= nyears: for i in range(nyears): f =[i]) data = f(variable) landdata = cmip5.cdms_clone( np.repeat(.01 * landfrac.asma()[np.newaxis], 12, axis=0) * data, data) data_regrid = landdata.regrid(grid, regridTool='regrid2') if i == 0: bigdata = data_regrid else: bigdata = MV.concatenate((bigdata, data_regrid)) f.close() allmodels[modeli] = bigdata else: allmodels[modeli] = 1.e20 allmodels = MV.masked_where(np.abs(allmodels) > 1.e10, allmodels) modax = cmip5.make_model_axis(models) tax = cdms.createAxis(np.arange(12 * 86)) tax.units = "months since 2015-1-1" tax.designateTime() = 'time' allmodels.setAxis(0, modax) allmodels.setAxis(1, tax) cdutil.setTimeBoundsMonthly(allmodels) allmodels.setAxis(2, data_regrid.getLatitude()) allmodels.setAxis(3, data_regrid.getLongitude()) = variable = variable return allmodels
# Verifier que temp utilise tout le temps le meme espace memoire ... voir du cote de cdms # ========================================================== f.close() # -- Transfert de temp dans l'objet cdat (concatenation) # =============== ATTENTION ==================== # Faire une variable intermediaire qui sera au prealable allouee en memoire pour eviter # trop de copies en memoire !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # ============================================ += (temp,) # -- Creation de l'axe temporel # taxis = create_time(cumt) # -- MV2.concatenate pour concatener les informations dans (entre autre construit l'axe temporel) = MV2.concatenate( # -- Informations sur le dataset # = "SEVIRI_SST" = "degree_Celsius" = "satellite_sea_surface_temperature" = "Satellite Sea Surface Temperature - SEVIRI" # -- Change unit = kel2degc( # -- Fin de lecture des donnees # ---------------------------------------------------- def read_assim(self, cfg=None): """ Lecture des fichiers NetCDF de SST SEVIRI formatte pour l'assimilation """
def read(self, verbose=False, cfg=None): """ Lecture des fichiers NetCDF de NAR SST """ import cdms2,sys,os, glob import numpy,MV2 import cdtime from vacumm.misc.axes import create_lon, set_order from vacumm.misc.grid import create_grid, set_grid from vacumm.misc.atime import create_time from vacumm.misc.phys.units import kel2degc import gc # Get the configuration file information #cfg = self.get_config() #print cfg # -- Creation d'un objet cdms nomme et d'un tableau cumt pour les dates extraites des noms de fichiers = () #Initialise un tuple # =============== ATTENTION ==================== # Initialiser pour ne pas dupliquer en memoire !!!!!!!!! # ============================================ # -- Methode amelioree # Cree une liste files = [] # Cree la liste des fichiers correspondants a la periode consideree if cfg is None: config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(),'config.cfg')) hr_satellites = config.get('Nar SST', 'hr_satellites') else: hr_satellites = cfg['Nar SST']['hr_satellites'] hr_satellites = hr_satellites.split(',') #hr_satellites = cfg['hr_satellites'] #print hr_satellites ctest = self.ctdeb while ctest <= self.ctfin: for isat, s_name in enumerate(hr_satellites): flnme_only = '%04d%02d%02d*%s*.nc'%(ctest.year, ctest.month,, s_name) files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(flnme_only))) ctest=ctest.add(1,cdtime.Days) # -- if cfg is None: lomin = float(config.get('Domain', 'lomin') ) lomax = float(config.get('Domain', 'lomax') ) lamin = float(config.get('Domain', 'lamin') ) lamax = float(config.get('Domain', 'lamax') ) else: lomin = cfg['Domain']['lomin'] lomax = cfg['Domain']['lomax'] lamin = cfg['Domain']['lamin'] lamax = cfg['Domain']['lamax'] #print files if files == []: print 'No data file to read ...' else: # ---- Lecture et creation de la grille ---- # # -- Lecture du fichier filename f =[0]) lo = f.getVariable('lon') la = f.getVariable('lat') # -- Creation des axes longitude et latitude # lat_axis = create_lon(la,id='latitude') # lon_axis = create_lon(lo,id='longitude') # -- Creation de la grille grid = create_grid(lo, la) del lo, la for ifile, filename in enumerate(files): # -- Lecture du fichier filename f = temp2 = f('sea_surface_temperature') set_order(temp2, 'tyx') # pour que fontionne # modif J.Gatti : utilisation de l'index de qualite (0:unprocessed 1:cloudy 2:bad 3:suspect 4:acceptable 5:excellent) temp2.set_fill_value(temp2._FillValue) conf=f('proximity_confidence') MV2.putmask(,<3,temp2._FillValue) # ne change que data MV2.putmask(temp2.mask,<3,True) # ne change que mask #autre methode #-------------------- #temp2=MV2.masked_where(<3,temp2) # ne change que mask #oldmask=temp2.mask #temp2[:]=temp2.filled() # change data mais met mask a false partout #temp2.mask=oldmask # remet le bon mask sans lien del conf # fin modif J.Gatti : utilisation de l'index de qualite # -- Attribution de la grille a l'objet set_grid(temp2, grid, axes=True) temp = temp2(lon=(lomin, lomax), lat=(lamin, lamax)) if verbose: # == TEST OCCUPATION MEMOIRE === print ctest, 'Avant' #print psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_memory_percent() #print psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_memory_info() #print 'CPU percent: ', psutil.cpu_percent(interval=0.1) #print 'Used phymem: ', psutil.used_phymem() #print 'Used virtmem: ', psutil.used_virtmem() del temp2 if verbose: # == TEST OCCUPATION MEMOIRE === print ctest, 'Apres del' #print psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_memory_percent() #print psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_memory_info() #print 'CPU percent: ', psutil.cpu_percent(interval=0.1) #print 'Used phymem: ', psutil.used_phymem() #print 'Used virtmem: ', psutil.used_virtmem() # =============== ATTENTION ================================== # Verifier que temp utilise tout le temps le meme espace memoire ... voir du cote de cdms # ========================================================== f.close() # -- Transfert de temp dans l'objet cdat (concatenation) # =============== ATTENTION ==================== # Faire une variable intermediaire qui sera au prealable allouee en memoire pour eviter # trop de copies en memoire !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # ============================================ += temp, if ifile == 0: = temp else: = MV2.concatenate((, temp)) if verbose: # == TEST OCCUPATION MEMOIRE === print ctest, 'Avant gccollect' #print psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_memory_percent() #print psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_memory_info() #print 'CPU percent: ', psutil.cpu_percent(interval=0.1) #print 'Used phymem: ', psutil.used_phymem() #print 'Used virtmem: ', psutil.used_virtmem() print gc.collect() gc.collect() if verbose: # == TEST OCCUPATION MEMOIRE === print ctest, 'Apres gccollect' #print psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_memory_percent() #print psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_memory_info() #print 'CPU percent: ', psutil.cpu_percent(interval=0.1) #print 'Used phymem: ', psutil.used_phymem() #print 'Used virtmem: ', psutil.used_virtmem() # -- Creation de l'axe temporel #taxis = create_time(cumt) # -- MV2.concatenate pour concatener les informations dans (entre autre construit l'axe temporel) = MV2.concatenate( # -- Informations sur le dataset = "NAR_SST" = "degree_Celsius" = "satellite_sea_surface_temperature" = "Satellite Sea Surface Temperature - NAR" # -- Change unit = kel2degc(
iaxis = TransientVirtualAxis(idi, ni) jaxis = TransientVirtualAxis(idj, nj) lataxis = TransientAxis2D(lat, axes=(iaxis, jaxis), attributes={'units': lat_units}, id="latitude") lonaxis = TransientAxis2D(lon, axes=(iaxis, jaxis), attributes={'units': lon_units}, id="longitude") curvegrid = TransientGenericGrid(lataxis, lonaxis, tempmask=None) attributs = None vid = None if hasattr(v, 'attributes'): attributs = v.attributes if hasattr(v, 'id'): vid = axis0 = v.getAxis(0) return cdms2.createVariable(v, axes=[axis0,iaxis,jaxis], grid=curvegrid, \ attributes=attributs, lat = MV2.array([[-20, -10, 0, -15, -5]], 'f') lon = MV2.array([[0, 10, 20, 50, 60]], 'f') data1 = MV2.array([[[2, 3, 1, 6, 2]]], 'f') data2 = MV2.array([[[2, 3, 1, 6, 2]]], 'f') data1 = CurveGrid(data1, lat, lon) data2 = CurveGrid(data2, lat, lon) result = MV2.concatenate([data1, data2], axis=0)
def testConcatenate(self): xcon = MV2.concatenate((self.u_file, self.v_file)) self.assertEqual(xcon.shape, (self.u_file.shape[0] + self.v_file.shape[0], self.u_file.shape[1], self.u_file.shape[2]))
pth+'', ] for file in files: u=f('u') if file == files[0]: # First file sh=list(u.shape) # Create a list with the shape of the data sh.insert(0,1) # Insert value 1 in front of the list accumulation = u newdim = MV.reshape(u,sh) # Create a new 1D dimension else: # add u at the end of accumaltion on dimension 0 accumulation = MV.concatenate((accumulation,u)) tmp = MV.reshape(u,sh) # Create a new 1D dimension newdim = MV.concatenate((newdim,tmp)) # Add u to the newdim over the new dimension f.close() print accumulation.shape # All time added over the same dimension print newdim.shape # Has a new dimension for years avg = MV.average(accumulation) std = genutil.statistics.std(newdim) print avg.shape print std.shape
temporary[region] = d_sub_aave( time=(start_t, end_t)) continue else: # n-1 year 7/1~12/31 part1 = copy.copy(temporary[region]) # n year 1/1~6/30 part2 = d_sub_aave(time=(cdtime.comptime( year), cdtime.comptime(year, 6, 30, 23, 59, 59))) start_t = cdtime.comptime(year, 7, 1) end_t = cdtime.comptime( year, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) temporary[region] = d_sub_aave( time=(start_t, end_t)) d_sub_aave = MV2.concatenate( [part1, part2], axis=0) if debug: print('debug: ', region, year, d_sub_aave.getTime().asComponentTime()) # get pentad time series list_d_sub_aave_chunks = list( divide_chunks_advanced(d_sub_aave, n, debug=debug)) pentad_time_series = [] for d_sub_aave_chunk in list_d_sub_aave_chunks: # ignore when chunk length is shorter than defined if d_sub_aave_chunk.shape[0] >= n: ave_chunk = MV2.average( d_sub_aave_chunk, axis=0) pentad_time_series.append(float(ave_chunk)) if debug: