help="starting raster y coord" ) options, arguments = p.parse_args() resolution = options.resolution runtype = options.type if runtype not in ['raster', 'proximity']: print "type", runtype, "not recognized" sys.exit() startx = int(options.startx) starty = int(options.starty) place = MapGardening.get_place( if place is not None: print "starting with", MapGardening.init_logging() MapGardening.init_db(place['dbname']) # analyze to nodes table, ignore others for now. nodetable = MapGardening.NodeTable() # TODO: test for spatial indexes before proceeding
#! /usr/bin/env python import MapGardening import optparse usage = "usage: %prog [options]" p = optparse.OptionParser(usage) p.add_option('--place', '-p', default="all" ) options, arguments = p.parse_args() if == "all": places = MapGardening.get_all_places() else: placename = place = MapGardening.get_place(placename) places = {placename: place} MapGardening.init_logging() for placename in places.keys(): print "printing raster info for", placename MapGardening.init_db(places[placename]['dbname']) raster = MapGardening.Raster()
import optparse usage = "usage: %prog [options]" p = optparse.OptionParser(usage) p.add_option( "--type", "-t", default="raster", help="type of analysis, 'raster' or 'proximity' (or 'all' for all types)" ) p.add_option("--resolution", "-r", default="all", help="analysis resolution in metres (or 'all' for all resolutions)") p.add_option("--place", "-p", default="all") options, arguments = p.parse_args() if == "all": places = MapGardening.get_all_places() else: placename = place = MapGardening.get_place(placename) places = {placename: place} # TODO: query the BlankSpotTableManager to see which types are present possible_types = ["raster", "proximity"] if options.type == "all": runtypes = possible_types else: runtypes = [options.type]