Exemple #1
def iteration_standalone_mqr(query_frame):
    r_quads_tree = g.r_quadsTree
    r_harlocs = g.r_harlocs
    q_harlocs = g.q_harlocs
    md_threshold = g.md_threshold
    st_threshold = g.st_threshold
    all_ori = g.all_ori
    all_id = g.all_id
    all_max = g.all_max
    all_cen = g.all_cen
    nos = g.nos
    scale_index = g.scale_index
    crop_flag = g.crop_flag
    sequence = g.sequence
    rd_start = g.rd_start
    rd_end = g.rd_end
    maxdis = g.maxdis
    maxori = g.maxori
    tolers = g.tolers

    We make pp reference the desired multiharloc list for the query video
        frame query_frame
    pp = q_harlocs[query_frame]

    Alex: for the query frame query_frame we retrieve, for scale scale_index, the
        harris features in var points.
      Then we build the quads from points.
      Then for each quad (4 float values) we query the corresponding scale
        kd-tree, and we get the indices.
        Then we build the histogram and compute idf, ....!!!!

     Note: scale is 1 for original frame resolution and the higher
        we go we have lower image resolutions (we go higher in the
        Guassian pyramid I think).
    points = pp[pp[:, 2] == scale_index, 0:2]
    qout, qcen, qmaxdis, qori = findquads.findquads(points, md_threshold, 0)

    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): query_frame = %d, "
                      "qout.shape = %s" % (query_frame, str(qout.shape)))

    space_xy = np.zeros((qcen.shape[0], 2 * len(r_harlocs))) + np.nan
    votes = np.zeros((len(r_harlocs), 1))
    assert isinstance(tolers, float)

    We substitute queryFrameQuad - 1 with queryFrameQuad, since we want
        to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
    for queryFrameQuad in range(qout.shape[0]):
        Matlab's polymorphism is really bugging here: although it's
            normally a float, tolers is considered to be a size 1 vector...
            so len(tolers) == 1
        We substitute tol_i - 1 with tol, since we want
            to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
        for tol_i in range(1):
            tol = tolers

            # default for first PAMI with tol= 0.1 approximately

            # NOTE: SciPy's KDTree finds a few more results, in some cases,
            #    than the Matlab code from Evangelidis.
            # tol is a scalar representing the radius of the ball
            if config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 0:
                idx = r_quads_tree.query_ball_point(qout[queryFrameQuad, :],
            elif config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 1:
                pt = qout[queryFrameQuad, :]
                pt = np.array([[pt[0], pt[1], pt[2], pt[3]]], dtype=np.float32)
                retval, idx, dists = r_quads_tree.radiusSearch(
                    radius=(tol ** 2),
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                        "multiscale_quad_retrieval(): radiusSearch's retval "
                        "(at query_frame=%d, queryFrameQuad=%d) is %d\n" % (
                         query_frame, queryFrameQuad, retval))
                idx = idx[0]
                dists = dists[0]
                idx = idx[: retval]
                dists = dists[: retval]

            if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                      "qout[queryFrameQuad, :] = %s" % str(
                       qout[queryFrameQuad, :]))
                print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                      "idx = %s" % str(idx))
                print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                      "tol = %s" % str(tol))
                if config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 0:
                    print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                          "r_quads_tree.data[idx] = %s" %

            # We print the distances to the points returned in idx
            a = qout[queryFrameQuad, :]
            idx = np.array(idx)

            if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                  "all_max.shape = %s" % str(all_max.shape))
                common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                  "qmaxdis.shape = %s" % str(qmaxdis.shape))
                common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                  "qmaxdis = %s" % str(qmaxdis))
                common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                  "qori.shape = %s" % str(qori.shape))
                common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                  "qori = %s" % str(qori))

            if len(idx) == 0:
                # NOT A GOOD IDEA: continue
                # idx = np.array([])
                dis_idx = np.array([])
                ori_idx = np.array([])
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                      "queryFrameQuad = %s" % str(
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                      "all_max[idx] = %s" % str(all_max[idx]))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                      "qmaxdis[queryFrameQuad] = %s" % str(

                dis_idx = np.abs(
                    qmaxdis[queryFrameQuad] - all_max[idx]) < maxdis

                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                      "dis_idx = %s" % str(dis_idx))

                idx = idx[dis_idx]

                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                      "idx (after idx = idx[dis_idx]) = "
                                      "%s" % str(idx))

                ori_idx = np.abs(qori[queryFrameQuad] - all_ori[idx]) < maxori

                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                      "ori_idx = %s" % str(ori_idx))

                idx = idx[ori_idx]

            # IMPORTANT ###################################################
            # IMPORTANT ###################################################
            # IMPORTANT ###################################################
            # spatio-temporal consistency
            # IMPORTANT ###################################################
            # IMPORTANT ###################################################
            # IMPORTANT ###################################################

            if idx.size > 0:
                # Normally crop_flag == 0
                if crop_flag == 0:
                    dy = qcen[queryFrameQuad, 0] - all_cen[idx, 0]
                    dx = qcen[queryFrameQuad, 1] - all_cen[idx, 1]
                    D = dy ** 2 + dx ** 2
                    co_idx = D < pow(st_threshold, 2)
                    idx = idx[co_idx]
                    We substitute iii - 1 with iii, since we want
                        to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
                    for iii in range(len(idx)):
                        (all_id[idx[iii]] - rd_start) * 2: (all_id[idx[
                            iii] - 1] - rd_start) * 2 + 1] = \
                            all_cen[idx[iii], :]

                # It has to be an np.array because we multiply it with a scalar
                histo_range = np.array(range(rd_start, rd_end + 1))
                hh = Matlab.hist(x=all_id[idx], binCenters=histo_range)

                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                      "hh = %s" % (str(hh)))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                      "hh.shape = %s" % (str(hh.shape)))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                      "all_id.shape = %s" % (str(all_id.shape)))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                      "idx = %s" % (str(idx)))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                      "idx.shape = %s" % (str(idx.shape)))

                # nz can be computed more optimally
                # nz=find(hh~=0) # nz can be computed more optimally
                # np.nonzero() always returns a tuple, even if it contains
                # 1 element since hh has only 1 dimension
                nz = np.nonzero(hh != 0)[0]
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                      "nz = %s" % (str(nz)))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                      "nz.shape = %s" % (str(nz.shape)))

                if nz.size > 0:
                    my_val = pow(math.log10(float(len(r_harlocs)) / len(nz)), 2)

                    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                          "len(r_harlocs) = "
                                          "%d" % len(r_harlocs))
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                          "len(nz) = %d" % len(nz))
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                          "my_val = %.5f" % my_val)

                    # PREVIOUSLY
                    votes[nz, tol_i] = votes[nz, tol_i] + my_val

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                          "votes.shape = %s" % (str(votes.shape)))
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                          "votes = %s" % (str(votes)))

    return query_frame, np.ravel(votes)
Exemple #2
def my_nms(cim, radius, thresh):
    common.DebugPrint("Entered my_nms(cim.shape=%s, radius=%s, thresh=%s)" % \
                    (str(cim.shape), str(radius), str(thresh)))
    #%% modification of Peter-Kovesi non-maximum suppression software by
    #%% G.Evangelidis

    common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): cim = %s" % str(cim))

    #%subPixel = nargout == 4;            % We want sub-pixel locations
    subPixel = 1

    #[rows,cols] = size(cim)
    rows, cols = cim.shape

    common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): rows, cols (cim.shape) = %s" % str(
        (rows, cols)))

    #% Extract local maxima by performing a grey scale morphological
    #% dilation and then finding points in the corner strength image that
    #% match the dilated image and are also greater than the threshold.

    sze = 2 * radius + 1  #% Size of dilation mask.

    common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): cim.shape = %s" % str(cim.shape))
    #common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): cim = %s" % str(cim));
    common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): sze = %s" % str(sze))
    Alex: we pass sze only being odd number and order = sze^2 makes ordfilt2()
        return the maximum from the domain.
    #%% This modification runs 4x faster (11 secs less in a 6-scale approach)
    #mx = ordfilt2(cim,sze^2,ones(sze)); #% Grey-scale dilate.
    mx = Matlab.ordfilt2(cim, pow(sze, 2), np.ones((sze, sze)))
    #% Grey-scale dilate.
    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): mx = %s" % str(mx))

    #% mx=my_max_filter(cim,[sze,sze]); %my mex-file for max-filter

    #%% This modification verify that the central point is the unique maximum in
    #%% neighborhood
    #% mx2= ordfilt2(cim,sze^2-1,ones(sze)); % This is used to vrify that the
    #% central point is the unique maximum in neighborhood
    #% imagesc(cim)
    #% pause
    #% imagesc(mx)
    #% pause
    #% close

    #% Make mask to exclude points within radius of the image boundary.
    #bordermask = zeros(size(cim));
    #bordermask = np.zeros(cim.shape);
    bordermask = np.zeros(cim.shape, dtype=np.uint8)

    #Alex: sets to 1 the matrix, except the first and last radius lines and first and last radius columns, which are left 0
    #bordermask(radius+1:end-radius, radius+1:end-radius) = 1;
    bordermask[radius:-radius, radius:-radius] = 1

    #% Find maxima, threshold, and apply bordermask
    #cimmx = (cim==mx) & (cim>thresh) & bordermask; #%Peter-Kovesi
    cimmx = np.logical_and( \
                            np.logical_and((cim == mx), (cim > thresh)), \
    #% cimmx = (cim==mx) & (cim~=mx2) & (cim>thresh) & bordermask; %my modification

    common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): cimmx.shape = %s" % str(cimmx.shape))
    #common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): cimmx = %s" % str(cimmx));

    #[r,c] = find(cimmx)                #% Find row,col coords.
    if True:
        Retrieving indices in "Fortran" (column-major) order, like in Matlab.
        We do this in order to get the harris points sorted like in Matlab.
        c, r = np.nonzero(cimmx.T)
        # Retrieving indices in row-major order.
        r, c = np.nonzero(cimmx)
    common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): r = %s" % str(r))
    common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): c = %s" % str(c))

    if subPixel:  #% Compute local maxima to sub pixel accuracy
        # From Matlab help: "Determine whether array is empty" "An empty array has at least one dimension of size zero, for example, 0-by-0 or 0-by-5."
        #if not isempty(r): #% ...if we have some ponts to work with
        if r.size > 0:  #% ...if we have some ponts to work with
            #ind = sub2ind(size(cim),r,c);   #% 1D indices of feature points
            ind = Matlab.sub2ind(cim.shape, r, c)
            #% 1D indices of feature points

            w = 1
            #% Width that we look out on each side of the feature
            #% point to fit a local parabola

            if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): ind.shape = %s" % str(ind.shape))
                common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): ind = %s" % str(ind))
                common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): ind - w = %s" % str(ind - w))

            # Don't forget that we are now in column major ('F'/Fortran) order

            #% Indices of points above, below, left and right of feature point
            #indrminus1 = max(ind-w,1);
            #indrminus1 = np.max(ind - w, 0);
            # In Matlab this is what it returns for 1D ind:
            assert ind.ndim == 1
            indrminus1 = ind - w

            #indrplus1  = min(ind+w,rows*cols);
            #indrplus1  = np.min(ind + w, rows * cols);
            # In Matlab this is what it returns for 1D ind:
            assert ind.ndim == 1
            indrplus1 = ind + w

            #indcminus1 = max(ind-w*rows,1);
            #indcminus1 = np.max(ind - w * rows, 1);
            # In Matlab this is what it returns for 1D ind:
            assert ind.ndim == 1
            indcminus1 = ind - w * rows

            #indcplus1  = min(ind+w*rows,rows*cols);
            #indcplus1  = np.min(ind + w * rows, rows * cols);
            # In Matlab this is what it returns for 1D ind:
            assert ind.ndim == 1
            indcplus1 = ind + w * rows

            # De-flattening the index arrays back into tuple, as accepted by numpy
            # See http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.unravel_index.html
            ind = np.unravel_index(ind, cim.shape, order="F")
            indrminus1 = np.unravel_index(indrminus1, cim.shape, order="F")
            indrplus1 = np.unravel_index(indrplus1, cim.shape, order="F")
            indcminus1 = np.unravel_index(indcminus1, cim.shape, order="F")
            indcplus1 = np.unravel_index(indcplus1, cim.shape, order="F")

            #% Solve for quadratic down rows
            #cy = cim(ind);
            cy = cim[ind]

            # In Matlab ay has float elements
            ay = (cim[indrminus1] + cim[indrplus1]) / 2.0 - cy

            #by = ay + cy - cim(indrminus1);
            by = ay + cy - cim[indrminus1]

            #rowshift = -w*by./(2*ay);       #% Maxima of quadradic
            rowshift = -w * by / (2.0 * ay)
            #% Maxima of quadradic

            #% Solve for quadratic across columns
            #cx = cim(ind);
            cx = cim[ind]

            #ax = (cim(indcminus1) + cim(indcplus1))/2 - cx;
            ax = (cim[indcminus1] + cim[indcplus1]) / 2.0 - cx

            #bx = ax + cx - cim(indcminus1);
            bx = ax + cx - cim[indcminus1]

            #colshift = -w*bx./(2*ax);       #% Maxima of quadratic
            colshift = -w * bx / (2.0 * ax)
            #% Maxima of quadratic

            rsubp = r + rowshift
            #% Add subpixel corrections to original row
            csubp = c + colshift
            #% and column coords.
            #rsubp = []; csubp = [];
            rsubp = np.array([])
            csubp = np.array([])
    % if nargin==4 & ~isempty(r)     % Overlay corners on supplied image.
    %     figure, imshow(im,[]), hold on
    %     if subPixel
    %         plot(csubp,rsubp,'r+'), title('corners detected');
    %     else
    %         plot(c,r,'r+'), title('corners detected');
    %     end
    % end
    return r, c, rsubp, csubp
Exemple #3
def IterationStandaloneMQR(queryFrame):
    r_quadsTree = g.r_quadsTree
    r_harlocs = g.r_harlocs
    q_harlocs = g.q_harlocs
    md_threshold = g.md_threshold
    st_threshold = g.st_threshold
    all_ori = g.all_ori
    all_id = g.all_id
    all_max = g.all_max
    all_cen = g.all_cen
    nos = g.nos
    scale_index = g.scale_index
    cropflag = g.cropflag
    sequence = g.sequence
    RD_start = g.RD_start
    RD_end = g.RD_end
    tolers = g.tolers
    common.DebugPrint( \
              "Entered IterationStandaloneMQR(): crossref=%s, captureQ=%s, "\
                        "captureR=%s, refined_crossref=%s, warp_p=%s, "
                        "x0=%s, y0=%s, start=%s, t=%d, iWhile=%d." % \
                    (str(crossref), str(captureQ), str(captureR), \
                         str(g.refined_crossref), str(g.warp_p), \
                         str(g.x0), str(g.y0), str(g.start), g.t, iWhile));
    common.DebugPrint("IterationStandalone(): id(g)=%s" % str(id(g)));

    # tic
    str1=['load ' q_path QD(q).name]
    We make pp reference the desired multiharloc list for the query video
        frame queryFrame
    pp = q_harlocs[queryFrame]
    #pp = np.array(pp);

    #common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): pp = %s" % str(pp));
    Alex: for the query frame queryFrame we retrieve, for scale scale_index, the
        harris features in var points.
      Then we build the quads from points.
      Then for each quad (4 float values) we query the corresponding scale
        kd-tree, and we get the indices.
        Then we build the histogram and compute idf, ....!!!!

     Note: scale is 1 for original frame resolution and the higher
        we go we have lower image resolutions (we go higher in the
        Guassian pyramid I think).
    points = pp[pp[:, 2] == scale_index, 0:2]
    qout, qcen, qmaxdis, qori = findquads.findquads(points, md_threshold, 0)

    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): queryFrame = %d, " \
                        "qout.shape = %s" % (queryFrame, str(qout.shape)))

    # disp([num2str(q) ' of ' num2str(length(QD)) ' -> ' num2str(size(qout,1)) ' quads'])

    #space_xy = np.zeros( (qcen.shape[0], 2 * len(RD)) ) + np.nan;
    space_xy = np.zeros((qcen.shape[0], 2 * len(r_harlocs))) + np.nan

    #     votes=zeros(length(RD),1)
    #votes = np.zeros( (len(RD), 1) );
    votes = np.zeros((len(r_harlocs), 1))

    #nep = np.array([]);
    #m_points = np.array([]);

    assert isinstance(tolers, float)
    We substitute queryFrameQuad - 1 with queryFrameQuad, since we want
        to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
    #for queryFrameQuad in range(1, qout.shape[0] + 1):
    for queryFrameQuad in range(qout.shape[0]):
        Matlab's polymorphism is really bugging here: although it's
            normally a float, tolers is considered to be a size 1 vector...
            so len(tolers) == 1
        #for tol_i in range(1, len(tolers) + 1):
        #    tol = tolers[tol_i - 1]
        We substitute tol_i - 1 with tol, since we want
            to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
        #for tol_i in range(1, 1 + 1):
        for tol_i in range(1):
            tol = tolers

            #common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): qout[i - 1, :] = %s" % str(qout[i - 1, :]))

            #% default for first PAMI with tol= 0.1 approximately

            # NOTE: SciPy's KDTree finds a few more results, in some cases,
            #    than the Matlab code from Evangelidis.

            #idx, di = kdtree_ball_query(tree, qout(i, :), tol)
            #idx, distKD = kdtree_ball_query(tree, qout[i - 1, :], tol)
            #idx, di = tree.query(x=xQuery, k=4)
            #resPoints = [data[i] for i in resBallIndices]
            # tol is a scalar representing the radius of the ball
            if config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 0:
                idx = r_quadsTree.query_ball_point(qout[queryFrameQuad, :],
            elif config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 1:
                #pt = qout[queryFrameQuad - 1, :].astype(np.float32);
                pt = qout[queryFrameQuad, :]
                pt = np.array([[pt[0], pt[1], pt[2], pt[3]]], dtype=np.float32)
                retval, idx, dists = r_quadsTree.radiusSearch( \
                                            query=pt, \
                                            radius=(tol**2), \
                                            maxResults=NUM_MAX_ELEMS, \
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "retval (number NNs) = %s" % str(retval));
                    common.DebugPrint( \
                        "multiscale_quad_retrieval(): radiusSearch's retval " \
                        "(at queryFrame=%d, queryFrameQuad=%d) is %d\n" % (queryFrame, queryFrameQuad, retval))
                idx = idx[0]
                dists = dists[0]
                idx = idx[:retval]
                dists = dists[:retval]

            if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
                print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                        "qout[queryFrameQuad, :] = %s" % str(qout[queryFrameQuad, :]))
                print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "idx = %s" % str(idx))
                print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "tol = %s" % str(tol))
                if config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 0:
                    print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "r_quadsTree.data[idx] = %s" % \

            # We print the distances to the points returned in idx
            a = qout[queryFrameQuad, :]
            if False:  #!!!! This is just for debugging purposes
                for myI, index in enumerate(idx):
                    b = r_quadsTree.data[index]
                    if False:
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): distance to " \
                            "%d point (%s) inside ball = %.4f" % \
                            (myI, str(b), npla.norm(a - b)));
            idx = np.array(idx)

            #if False:
            if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "all_max.shape = %s" % str(all_max.shape))
                common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "qmaxdis.shape = %s" % str(qmaxdis.shape))
                common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "qmaxdis = %s" % str(qmaxdis))
                common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "qori.shape = %s" % str(qori.shape))
                common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "qori = %s" % str(qori))

            if len(idx) == 0:
                # NOT A GOOD IDEA: continue;
                #idx = np.array([]);
                dis_idx = np.array([])
                ori_idx = np.array([])
                #if False:
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "queryFrameQuad = %s" % str(queryFrameQuad))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                        "all_max[idx] = %s" % str(all_max[idx]))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                        "qmaxdis[queryFrameQuad] = %s" % str(qmaxdis[queryFrameQuad]))

                dis_idx = np.abs(qmaxdis[queryFrameQuad] -
                                 all_max[idx]) < MAXDIS

                #if False:
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "idx = %s" % str(idx));
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "dis_idx = %s" % str(dis_idx))

                idx = idx[dis_idx]

                #if False:
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                        "idx (after idx = idx[dis_idx]) = %s" % str(idx))

                ori_idx = np.abs(qori[queryFrameQuad] - all_ori[idx]) < MAXORI

                #if False:
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "all_ori = %s" % str(all_ori));
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "qori[queryFrameQuad] = %s" % str(qori[queryFrameQuad]));

                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "ori_idx = %s" % str(ori_idx))

                idx = idx[ori_idx]

            # IMPORTANT ###################################################
            # IMPORTANT ###################################################
            # IMPORTANT ###################################################
            #% spatio-temporal consistency
            # IMPORTANT ###################################################
            # IMPORTANT ###################################################
            # IMPORTANT ###################################################

            #if numel(idx) > 0:
            if idx.size > 0:
                # Normally cropflag == 0
                if cropflag == 0:
                    dy = qcen[queryFrameQuad, 0] - all_cen[idx, 0]
                    dx = qcen[queryFrameQuad, 1] - all_cen[idx, 1]

                    D = dy**2 + dx**2

                    co_idx = D < pow(st_threshold, 2)

                    idx = idx[co_idx]
                    We substitute iii - 1 with iii, since we want
                        to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
                    #for iii in range(1, len(idx) + 1):
                    for iii in range(len(idx)):
                        #space_xy(i,(all_id(idx(iii))-RD_start)*2+1:(all_id(idx(iii))-RD_start)*2+2) = all_cen(idx(iii),:)
                        space_xy[queryFrameQuad, \
                                (all_id[idx[iii]] - RD_start) * 2: (all_id[idx[iii] - 1] - RD_start) * 2 + 1] = \
                                all_cen[idx[iii], :]

                # It has to be an np.array because we multiply it with a scalar
                histoRange = np.array(range(RD_start, RD_end + 1))
                hh = Matlab.hist(x=all_id[idx], binCenters=histoRange)

                #if False:
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "hh = %s" % (str(hh)))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "hh.shape = %s" % (str(hh.shape)))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "all_id = %s" % (str(all_id)));
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "all_id.shape = %s" % (str(all_id.shape)))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "idx = %s" % (str(idx)))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "idx.shape = %s" % (str(idx.shape)))

                # % nz can be computed more optimally
                #nz=find(hh~=0); # nz can be computed more optimally
                # np.nonzero() always returns a tuple, even if it contains 1 element since hh has only 1 dimension
                nz = np.nonzero(hh != 0)[0]
                #if False:
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "nz = %s" % (str(nz)))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "nz.shape = %s" % (str(nz.shape)))

                #if numel(nz) > 0:
                if nz.size > 0:
                    #votes(nz, tol_i) = votes(nz, tol_i) + log10(length(RD) / (length(nz)))^2 #Note: log10(a)^2 means (log10(a))^2 #PREVIOUSLY
                    #myVal = pow(math.log10(float(len(RD)) / len(nz)), 2);
                    myVal = pow(math.log10(float(len(r_harlocs)) / len(nz)), 2)

                    #if False:
                    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "len(RD) = %d" % len(RD));
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "len(r_harlocs) = %d" % len(r_harlocs))
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "len(nz) = %d" % len(nz))
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "myVal = %.5f" % myVal)

                    # PREVIOUSLY
                    votes[nz, tol_i] = votes[nz, tol_i] + myVal
                    #   votes(nz)=votes(nz)+log10(length(RD)/(length(nz)));
                    #   votes(nz)=votes(nz)+1;

    #if False:
    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                "Votes_space.shape = %s" % (str(Votes_space.shape)));
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                "votes.shape = %s" % (str(votes.shape)));

        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "votes.shape = %s" % (str(votes.shape)))
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "votes = %s" % (str(votes)))

    return (queryFrame, np.ravel(votes))

    # NOT performing these in each worker - the central dispatcher will do these
    if False:
        # Gives: "ValueError: output operand requires a reduction, but reduction is not enabled"
        #Votes_space[:, queryFrame - 1] = votes;
        Votes_space[:, queryFrame] = np.ravel(votes)

        if cropflag == 0:
            HH[:, queryFrame] = 1
            HH[:, queryFrame] = spatial_consistency.spatial_consistency(space_xy, \
                                        qcen, len(RD), st_threshold, cropflag);
            HH[:, queryFrame] = spatial_consistency.spatial_consistency(space_xy, \
                                        qcen, len(r_harlocs), st_threshold, cropflag)
Exemple #4
def multiscale_quad_retrieval(r_quads_tree, r_harlocs, q_harlocs, md_threshold,
                              st_threshold, all_ori, all_id, all_max, all_cen,
                              nos, scale_index, crop_flag, sequence):
    common.DebugPrint("Entered multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                      "md_threshold = %s, st_threshold = %s." %
                      (str(md_threshold), str(st_threshold)))

    assert len(r_harlocs) != 0
    assert len(q_harlocs) != 0

        votes_space = np.load("votes_space%d.npz" % scale_index)['arr_0']
        HH = np.load("HH%d.npz" % scale_index)['arr_0']
        return votes_space, HH

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): r_quads_tree = %s" %
            "multiscale_quad_retrieval(): len(r_harlocs) = %d" % len(r_harlocs))
            "multiscale_quad_retrieval(): r_harlocs = %s" % str(r_harlocs))
            "multiscale_quad_retrieval(): q_harlocs = %s" % str(q_harlocs))
            "multiscale_quad_retrieval(): md_threshold = %s" % str(
        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): st_threshold = %s" % str(
            "multiscale_quad_retrieval(): all_id = %s" % str(all_id))
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): all_id.shape = %s" % (
            "multiscale_quad_retrieval(): sequence = %s" % str(sequence))
        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): crop_flag = %s" % str(crop_flag))

    t1 = float(cv2.getTickCount())

    if scale_index > nos:
        assert scale_index <= nos

    # TODO: take out rd_start
    rd_start = 0
    rd_end = len(r_harlocs) - 1

    j = 1

    Inspired from
        BUT doesn't help in this case:
    votes_space = np.asfortranarray(np.zeros( (len(RD), len(QD)) ))
    votes_space = np.zeros((len(r_harlocs), len(q_harlocs)))

    # Make a distinct copy of HH from votes_space...
    # TODO: use MAYBE even np.bool - OR take it out
    HH = np.zeros((len(r_harlocs), len(q_harlocs)), dtype=np.int8)

    # it helps to make more strict the threshold as the scale goes up
    tolers = 0.1 - float(scale_index) / 100.0

    maxdis = 3 + scale_index
    maxori = 0.25

    # TODO: I am using multiprocessing.Poll and return votes the dispatcher
    #  assembles the results, but the results are NOT the same with the serial
    #  case - although they look pretty decent, but they seem to be
    #  suboptimal - dp_alex returns suboptimal cost path for
    #  USE_MULTITHREADING == True instead of False.
    #         (Note: running under the same preconditions
    #             multiscale_quad_retrieval I got the same results in dp_alex().
    if False: #config.USE_MULTITHREADING == True:
        global g
        g.r_quads_tree = r_quads_tree
        g.r_harlocs = r_harlocs
        g.q_harlocs = q_harlocs
        g.md_threshold = md_threshold
        g.st_threshold = st_threshold
        g.all_ori = all_ori
        g.all_id = all_id
        g.all_max = all_max
        g.all_cen = all_cen
        g.nos = nos
        g.scale_index = scale_index
        g.crop_flag = crop_flag
        g.sequence = sequence
        g.RD_start = RD_start
        g.RD_end = RD_end
        g.maxdis = maxdis
        g.maxori = maxori
        g.tolers = tolers

        #Start worker processes to use on multi-core processor (able to run
        #   in parallel - no GIL issue if each core has it's own VM)
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=config.numProcesses)
        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): Spawned a pool of %d workers" %

        listParams = range(0, len(q_harlocs)) #!!!!TODO: use counterStep, config.initFrame[indexVideo]

        #res = pool.map(iteration_standalone_mqr, listParams)
        # See https://docs.python.org/2/library/multiprocessing.html#module-multiprocessing.pool
        res = pool.map(func=iteration_standalone_mqr, iterable=listParams,

        print("Pool.map returns %s" % str(res)) #x0.size + 1

        # From https://medium.com/building-things-on-the-internet/40e9b2b36148
        #    close the pool and wait for the work to finish

        # Doing the "reduce" phase after the workers have finished :)
        assert len(res) == len(q_harlocs)
        for query_frame, resE in enumerate(res):
            resEIndex = resE[0]
            resE = resE[1]
            assert resEIndex == query_frame
            # Gives: "ValueError: output operand requires a reduction, but reduction is not enabled"
            #votes_space[:, query_frame - 1] = votes
            votes_space[:, query_frame] = resE

        for query_frame in range(len(q_harlocs)):
            if crop_flag == 0:
                HH[:, query_frame] = 1
                HH[:, query_frame] = spatial_consistency.spatial_consistency(space_xy,
                                            qcen, len(r_harlocs), st_threshold, crop_flag)

            np.savez_compressed("votes_space%d" % scale_index, votes_space)
            np.savez_compressed("HH%d" % scale_index, HH)

        return votes_space, HH

    We substitute q - 1 with q, since we want
      to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
    for query_frame in range(len(q_harlocs)):
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): Starting iteration "
                          "query_frame = %d" % query_frame)

        We make pp reference the desired multiharloc list for the query video
           frame query_frame
        pp = q_harlocs[query_frame]

        points = pp[pp[:, 2] == scale_index, 0:2]
        qout, qcen, qmaxdis, qori = findquads.findquads(points, md_threshold, 0)

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): query_frame = %d, "
                  "qout.shape (number of quads for query frame query_frame) = "
                  "%s" % (query_frame, str(qout.shape)))

        space_xy = np.zeros((qcen.shape[0], 2 * len(r_harlocs))) + np.nan
        votes = np.zeros((len(r_harlocs), 1))

        assert isinstance(tolers, float)

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): quads of query "
                              "frame %d are: " % query_frame)
            common.DebugPrint("  qout = %s" % str(qout))

        Alex: for each quad (4 floats) of the query frame from Harris feature of
        scale scale_index
          Note: all_id stores the reference frame id for each quad descriptor.
        We substitute queryFrameQuad - 1 with queryFrameQuad, since we want
            to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
        for queryFrameQuad in range(qout.shape[0]):
            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): Starting iteration "
                              "queryFrameQuad = %d" % queryFrameQuad)
            Matlab's polymorphism is really bugging here: although it's
                normally a float, tolers is considered to be a size 1 vector...
                so len(tolers) == 1
            We substitute tol_i - 1 with tol, since we want
                to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
            for tol_i in range(1):
                tol = tolers

                # default for first PAMI with tol= 0.1 approximately
                # NOTE: SciPy's KDTree finds a few more results, in some cases,
                #    than the Matlab code from Evangelidis.
                # tol is a scalar representing the radius of the ball
                if config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 0:
                    idx = r_quads_tree.query_ball_point(qout[queryFrameQuad, :],
                elif config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 1:
                    pt = qout[queryFrameQuad, :]
                    pt = np.array([[pt[0], pt[1], pt[2], pt[3]]],
                    retval, idx, dists = r_quads_tree.radiusSearch(
                        radius=(tol ** 2),
                    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                          "radiusSearch's retval (at "
                                          "query_frame=%d, queryFrameQuad=%d) "
                                          "is %d" %
                                          (query_frame, queryFrameQuad, retval))
                    idx = idx[0]
                    dists = dists[0]
                    Note: retval is the number of neighbors returned from the 
                    But the idx and the dists can have more elements than the
                    returned retval.
                    idx = idx[: retval]
                    dists = dists[: retval]

                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                          "qout[queryFrameQuad, :] = %s" %
                          str(qout[queryFrameQuad, :]))
                    print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                          "idx = %s" % str(idx))
                    print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                          "dists = %s" % str(dists))
                    print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                          "tol = %s" % str(tol))
                    if config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 0:
                        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                              "r_quads_tree.data[idx] = %s" %

                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    a = qout[queryFrameQuad, :]
                    if config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 0:
                        for myI, index in enumerate(idx):
                            b = r_quads_tree.data[index]
                idx = np.array(idx)

                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                      "all_max.shape = %s" % str(all_max.shape))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                      "qmaxdis.shape = %s" % str(qmaxdis.shape))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                      "qmaxdis = %s" % str(qmaxdis))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                      "qori.shape = %s" % str(qori.shape))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                      "qori = %s" % str(qori))

                if len(idx) == 0:
                    # NOT A GOOD IDEA: continue
                    dis_idx = np.array([])
                    ori_idx = np.array([])
                    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                              "queryFrameQuad = %s" % str(queryFrameQuad))
                        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                              "all_max[idx] = %s" % str(all_max[idx]))
                        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                              "qmaxdis[queryFrameQuad] = %s" %

                    if USE_GPS_COORDINATES:
                        # We look only at a part of the reference video
                        Since in some cases the video temporal alignment is
                            difficult to do due to similar portions in the
                            trajectory (see the drone videos, clip 3_some_lake)
                            we "guide" the temporal alignment by restricting
                            the reference frame search space - this is useful
                            when we have the geolocation (GPS) coordinate for
                            each frame.
                        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                            print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                  "all_id = %s" % str(all_id))

                        if all_id.ndim == 2:
                            # TODO: put this at the beginning of the
                            #  function
                            assert all_id.shape[1] == 1
                            We flatten the array all_id
                              Note: We don't use order="F" since it's
                                    basically 1-D array
                            all_id = np.ravel(all_id)

                        # TODO: put start and end frame in config - or compute
                        #  it from geolocation
                        sub_idx = np.logical_and((all_id[idx] >= 2030 - 928),
                                                 (all_id[idx] <= 2400 - 928))
                        idx = idx[sub_idx]

                        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                            print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                  "all_id = %s" % str(all_id))
                            print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                  "sub_idx = %s" % str(sub_idx))
                            print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                  "idx = %s" % str(idx))

                    if FILTER:
                        dis_idx = np.abs(
                            qmaxdis[queryFrameQuad] - all_max[idx]) < maxdis

                        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                              "dis_idx = %s" % str(dis_idx))

                        idx = idx[dis_idx]

                    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                          "idx (after idx = idx[dis_idx]) = "
                                          "%s" % str(idx))

                    if FILTER:
                        ori_idx = np.abs(
                            qori[queryFrameQuad] - all_ori[idx]) < maxori

                        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                              "ori_idx = %s" % str(ori_idx))

                        idx = idx[ori_idx]

                # IMPORTANT ###################################################
                # IMPORTANT ###################################################
                # IMPORTANT ###################################################
                # spatio-temporal consistency
                # IMPORTANT ###################################################
                # IMPORTANT ###################################################
                # IMPORTANT ###################################################

                if idx.size > 0:
                    if crop_flag == 0:
                        if FILTER:
                            Alex: this is a simple procedure of eliminating 
                            False Positive (FP) matches, as presented in 
                            Section 4.2 of TPAMI 2013 paper.
                            Basically it filters out quad matches that have
                            centroids st_threshold away from the query quad.
                            Note: all_cen are the controids of all reference
                            dy = qcen[queryFrameQuad, 0] - all_cen[idx, 0]
                            dx = qcen[queryFrameQuad, 1] - all_cen[idx, 1]
                            D = dy ** 2 + dx ** 2
                            co_idx = D < pow(st_threshold, 2)
                            idx = idx[co_idx]
                        We substitute iii - 1 with iii, since we want
                            to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
                        for iii in range(len(idx)):
                            (all_id[idx[iii]] - rd_start) * 2: (all_id[idx[
                                iii] - 1] - rd_start) * 2 + 1] = \
                                all_cen[idx[iii], :]

                    # It has to be an np.array because we multiply it with a
                    # scalar
                    histo_range = np.array(range(rd_start, rd_end + 1))
                    hh = Matlab.hist(x=all_id[idx], binCenters=histo_range)

                    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                          "hh = %s" % (str(hh)))
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                          "hh.shape = %s" % (str(hh.shape)))
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                          "all_id.shape = %s" % (
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                          "idx = %s" % (str(idx)))
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                          "idx.shape = %s" % (str(idx.shape)))

                    # % nz can be computed more optimally
                    nz = np.nonzero(hh != 0)[0]
                    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                          "nz = %s" % (str(nz)))
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                          "nz.shape = %s" % (str(nz.shape)))

                    if nz.size > 0:
                        my_val = pow(
                            math.log10(float(len(r_harlocs)) / len(nz)), 2)

                        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                              "len(r_harlocs) = %d" % len(
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                              "len(nz) = %d" % len(nz))
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                                              "my_val = %.5f" % my_val)
                        # PREVIOUSLY
                        votes[nz, tol_i] = votes[nz, tol_i] + my_val

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): "
                  "votes.shape = %s" % (str(votes.shape)))
            if (np.abs(votes) < 1.0e-10).all():
                print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): votes = 0 (all zeros)")
                print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): votes = %s" % (str(votes)))

        # Note: since votes is basically a 1-D vector, we don't use the
        # Fortran order
        votes_space[:, query_frame] = np.ravel(votes)

        if crop_flag == 0:
            HH[:, query_frame] = 1
            HH[:, query_frame] = spatial_consistency.spatial_consistency(
                qcen, len(r_harlocs), st_threshold, crop_flag)

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(scale_index=%d): "
              "votes_space =\n%s" % (scale_index, str(votes_space)))

        np.savez_compressed("votes_space%d" % scale_index, votes_space)
        np.savez_compressed("HH%d" % scale_index, HH)

    t2 = float(cv2.getTickCount())
    my_time = (t2 - t1) / cv2.getTickFrequency()
    print("multiscale_quad_retrieval() took %.6f [sec]" % my_time)

    return votes_space, HH
def multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(im, nos, disp):
    common.DebugPrint("Entered multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(nos=%d, disp=%s)" % \
                                                            (nos, str(disp)));

    #if size(im, 3) == 3:
    #    im = rgb2gray(im)

    tMSH1 = float(cv2.getTickCount());

    if im.ndim == 3:
        im = common.ConvertImgToGrayscale(im);

    #im = im2double(im)
    # From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10873824/how-to-convert-2d-float-numpy-array-to-2d-int-numpy-array:
    #DO NOT USE: im = im.astype(np.uint8); # This messes up tremendously the computation of harlocs
    #im = im.astype(float);
    im = im.astype(np.float32);

    #!!!!COR is an UNused variable
    #COR = zeros(size(im,1), size(im,2), size(im,3))
    #COR = np.zeros((im.shape[0], im.shape[1], im.shape[1]));

    # scale values

    sigma_0 = 1.2;
    #n=[0:nos-1]; %scale levels
    n = np.array(range(nos)); #scale levels

    sigma_D = math.sqrt(1.8) ** n * sigma_0;

    points = np.array([]);

    scn = sigma_D ** 4;

    #for i=1:length(sigma_D)
    #for i in range(1, len(sigma_D) + 1):
    for i in range(1, nos + 1):
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): i = %s" % (str(i)));

        #sd=sigma_D(i); %differentiation (local) scale
        sd = sigma_D[i - 1]; #%differentiation (local) scale

        #si=sd/.5; %integration scale
        si = sd / 0.5; #integration scale

        w = 3 * sd; # size for gaussian kernel to compute derivatives: 3 times local_scale

        r_w = int(round(w));
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): r_w = %s" % \

        #if mod(round(w),2):
        if (r_w % 2) == 1:
            #[xco,yco] = meshgrid(-round(w):round(w),-round(w):round(w))
            mRange = range(-r_w, r_w + 1);
            xco, yco = Matlab.meshgrid(mRange, mRange);
            #[xco,yco] = meshgrid(-(round(w)+1):round(w)+1,-(round(w)+1):round(w)+1)
            mRange = range(-(r_w + 1), r_w + 2);
            xco, yco = Matlab.meshgrid(mRange, mRange);

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): xco = %s" % \
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): yco = %s" % \

        # Note: even for HD frames, xco.shape = (11, 11) (yco the same)

        #arg = -(xco.*xco + yco.*yco) / (2*sd*sd)
        #arg = -(xco * xco + yco * yco) / (2.0 * sd * sd);
        arg = -(xco ** 2 + yco ** 2) / (2.0 * sd * sd);

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): arg = %s" % \

        #%2d gaussian kernel
        From http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/exp.html:
            "exp(X) returns the exponential for each element of array X."
        #g=exp(arg)/(2*pi*sd^2); #2d gaussian kernel
        g = np.exp(arg) / (2.0 * math.pi * pow(sd, 2));

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): g = %s" % \

        # normalize to suppress any gain
        #if sum(g(:))~=0:
        g_sum = g.sum();
        #if abs(g.sum()) > 1.0e-6:
        if abs(g_sum) > 1.0e-6:
            #g = g / sum(g(:));
            #g = g / float(g.sum());
            g /= float(g_sum);

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): sd = %s" % str(sd));
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): w = %s" % str(w));

        #%Instead of computing derivatives in the filtered image,
        we filter the image with the derivatives of the kernel.

        #% kernels for gaussian derivatives
        gx = -xco * g / float(sd * sd);

        gy = -yco * g / float(sd * sd);

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gx = %s" % \
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gy = %s" % \

        multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): arg.shape = (11, 11)
        multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): g.shape = (11, 11)
        multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gx.shape = (11, 11)
        multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gy.shape = (11, 11)
        multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gi.shape = (15, 15)

        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): xco.shape = %s" % str(xco.shape));
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): yco.shape = %s" % str(yco.shape));
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): arg.shape = %s" % str(arg.shape));
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): g.shape = %s" % str(g.shape));
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gx.shape = %s" % str(gx.shape));
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gy.shape = %s" % str(gy.shape));

        #%compute the derivatives
        #Ix = imfilter(im, gx, 'replicate');
        Ix = Matlab.imfilter(im, gx, "replicate");

        #Iy = imfilter(im, gy, 'replicate');
        Iy = Matlab.imfilter(im, gy, "replicate");
        #% Alex: Ix and Iy have the same size as im

        #if True:
        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Ix = %s" % \
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Iy = %s" % \

        #% gaussian kernel to compute 2nd moment matrix
        #if mod(floor(6*si),2) %size: six times the integration scale
        if int(math.floor(6 * si)) % 2 == 1: #size: six times the integration scale
            #gi = fspecial('ga',max(1,fix(6*si)), si)
            gi = Matlab.fspecial("ga", max(1, Matlab.fix(6 * si)), si);
            #gi = fspecial('ga',max(1,fix(6*si)+1), si)
            gi = Matlab.fspecial("ga", max(1, Matlab.fix(6 * si) + 1), si);

        #if True:
        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gi = %s" % \
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gi.shape = %s" % \

        #Ix2 = imfilter(Ix.^2, gi,  'replicate');
        Ix2 = Matlab.imfilter(Ix ** 2, gi,  "replicate");

        #Iy2 = imfilter(Iy.^2, gi,  'replicate');
        Iy2 = Matlab.imfilter(Iy ** 2, gi,  "replicate");

        #Ixy = imfilter(Ix.*Iy, gi, 'replicate');
        Ixy = Matlab.imfilter(Ix * Iy, gi, "replicate");
        #% Alex: Ix2, Iy2 and Ixy have the same size as im

        #if True:
        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Ix2 = %s" % \
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Iy2 = %s" % \
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Ixy = %s" % \
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Ix2.dtype = %s" % \
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Iy2.dtype = %s" % \
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Ixy.dtype = %s" % \

        #%% Cornerness measure
        #% Noble measure.
        #%     M = (Ix2.*Iy2 - Ixy.^2)./(Ix2 + Iy2 + eps);

        #% Harris measure.
        #M = (Ix2.*Iy2 - Ixy.^2) - .06*(Ix2 + Iy2).^2;
        M = (Ix2 * Iy2 - Ixy ** 2) - 0.06 * (Ix2 + Iy2) ** 2;

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): M.dtype = %s" % \
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): M = %s" % \

        #% Alex: scn is a vector - see definition above
        #% Alex: M has the same size as im
        #M = scn(i)*M;
        M = scn[i - 1] * M;

        #thresh = 0.001*max(M(:));
        thresh = 0.001 * M.max();

        #%       imagesc(M==abs(M));axis on;
        #%   colorbar
        #%   pause

        %keep points that are the maximum in a neighborhood of
            radius=round(3*si/2) and are above thresh
        %non-maximum supression and subpixel refinement
        #[r,c, rsubp, csubp] = my_nms(M, round(3*si/2), thresh);
        r, c, rsubp, csubp = my_nms(M, round(3 * si / 2.0), thresh);

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): r.shape = %s" % str(r.shape));
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): r = %s" % str(r));
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): c.shape = %s" % str(c.shape));
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): c = %s" % str(c));
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): rsubp.shape = %s" % str(rsubp.shape));
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): rsubp = %s" % str(rsubp));
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): csubp.shape = %s" % str(csubp.shape));
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): csubp = %s" % str(csubp));

        #% Alex: r,c, rsubp, csubp seem to always be the same size - and the
        #%          size I've seen is 56 * 1????
        #pp=[rsubp, csubp, i*ones(size(r,1),1)];
        pp = np.c_[rsubp, csubp, i * np.ones((r.shape[0], 1))];

        #% Alex: here we add more rows (pp) to points below the existing rows of
        #%                       points
        #points=[points; pp];
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): points.shape = %s" % str(points.shape));
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): pp.shape = %s" % str(pp.shape));
        if points.size == 0:
            # Avoiding exception: "ValueError: arrays must have same number of dimensions"
            points = pp;
            points = np.r_[points, pp];

    if disp:
        assert False; # not implemented the display of Harris features
        imshow(im,[]) #hold on
        title('corners detected')
        for i = range(1, size(points,1) + 1):

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): points = %s" % str(points));
    common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): points.shape = %s" % str(points.shape));

    tMSH2 = float(cv2.getTickCount());
    myTime = (tMSH2 - tMSH1) / cv2.getTickFrequency();
    print("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis() took %.6f [sec]" % myTime);

    return points;
Exemple #6
def multiscale_quad_retrieval(r_quadsTree, r_harlocs, q_harlocs, md_threshold, st_threshold, \
            all_ori, all_id, all_max, all_cen, nos, scale_index, cropflag, \
    common.DebugPrint("Entered multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                        "md_threshold = %s, st_threshold = %s." % \
                        (str(md_threshold), \

    assert len(r_harlocs) != 0
    assert len(q_harlocs) != 0

        Votes_space = np.load("Votes_space%d.npz" % scale_index)['arr_0']
        HH = np.load("HH%d.npz" % scale_index)['arr_0']
        return Votes_space, HH

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): r_quadsTree = %s" % \

        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): len(r_harlocs) = %d" %
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): r_harlocs = %s" %

        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): q_harlocs = %s" %
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): md_threshold = %s" %
        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): st_threshold = %s" %
        #common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): all_ori, all_id, all_max, all_cen, nos, scale_index, cropflag = %s" % str(all_ori, all_id, all_max, all_cen, nos, scale_index, cropflag));
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): all_id = %s" %
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): all_id.shape = %s" %
        #common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): all_max, all_cen, nos, scale_index, cropflag = %s" % str(all_max, all_cen, nos, scale_index, cropflag));
        #common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): all_max = %s" % str(all_max));
        #common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): all_cen, nos, scale_index, cropflag = %s" % str(all_cen, nos, scale_index, cropflag));
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): sequence = %s" %
        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): cropflag = %s" % str(cropflag))

    t1 = float(cv2.getTickCount())

    if scale_index > nos:
        assert scale_index <= nos
        #error('Wrong scale index or number-of-scales');

    #QD = dir([q_path "multiharlocs*.mat"])
    #QD = [q_path + "multiharlocs*.mat"]
    #QD = q_harlocs;

    #RD = dir([r_path "multiharlocs*.mat"])
    #RD = [r_path + "multiharlocs*.mat"]
    #RD = r_harlocs;

    #TODO: take out RD_start
    #RD_start = str2num(RD(1).name(end - 9 : end - 4))
    #RD_start = int(RD[0][-9 : -4])
    RD_start = 0

    #RD_end = str2num(RD(end).name(end - 9 : end - 4))
    #RD_end = int(RD[-1][-9 : -4])
    #RD_end = len(RD) - 1;
    RD_end = len(r_harlocs) - 1

    if False:  # n_d not used anywhere
        #n_d = hist(all_id, RD_start : RD_end)
        #n_d = hist[all_id, RD_start : RD_end]
        n_d = Matlab.hist(x=all_id, \
                      binCenters=np.array(range(RD_start, RD_end + 1)) )

        #cross_indices = np.zeros( (len(QD), 2) );
        cross_indices = np.zeros((len(q_harlocs), 2))

    j = 1

    #ORI = np.array([]); # ORI NOT used anywhere
    Inspired from
        BUT doesn't help in this case:
    Votes_space = np.asfortranarray(np.zeros( (len(RD), len(QD)) ));
    #Votes_space = np.zeros( (len(RD), len(QD)) );
    Votes_space = np.zeros((len(r_harlocs), len(q_harlocs)))

    # Make a distinct copy of HH from Votes_space...
    #HH = Votes_space.copy().astype(np.int16); #Votes_space + 0;
    #HH = np.zeros((len(RD), len(QD)), dtype=np.int8);
    HH = np.zeros((len(r_harlocs), len(q_harlocs)), dtype=np.int8)
    #!!!!TODO use MAYBE even np.bool - OR take it out

    #common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): Votes_space = %s,\n       HH = %s" % (str(Votes_space), str(HH)))

    tolers = 0.1 - float(scale_index) / 100.0
    # it helps to make more strict the threshold as the scale goes up
    # tolers = 0.15 - float(scale_index) / 100.0;

    MAXDIS = 3 + scale_index
    MAXORI = 0.25
    !!!!TODO TODO: I am using multiprocessing.Poll and return votes;
      the dispatcher assembles the results,
        but the results are NOT the same with the serial case - although they
           look pretty decent, but they seem to be suboptimal - dp_Alex returns
             suboptimal cost path for USE_MULTITHREADING == True instead of
             (Note: running under the same preconditions
                 multiscale_quad_retrieval I got the same results in dp_Alex().
    if False:  #config.USE_MULTITHREADING == True:
        global g
        g.r_quadsTree = r_quadsTree
        g.r_harlocs = r_harlocs
        g.q_harlocs = q_harlocs
        g.md_threshold = md_threshold
        g.st_threshold = st_threshold
        g.all_ori = all_ori
        g.all_id = all_id
        g.all_max = all_max
        g.all_cen = all_cen
        g.nos = nos
        g.scale_index = scale_index
        g.cropflag = cropflag
        g.sequence = sequence
        g.RD_start = RD_start
        g.RD_end = RD_end
        g.MAXDIS = MAXDIS
        g.MAXORI = MAXORI
        g.tolers = tolers
        Start worker processes to use on multi-core processor (able to run
           in parallel - no GIL issue if each core has it's own VM)
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=config.numProcesses)
        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): Spawned a pool of %d workers" % \

        listParams = range(0, len(q_harlocs))
        #!!!!TODO: use counterStep, config.initFrame[indexVideo]

        #res = pool.map(IterationStandaloneMQR, listParams);
        # See https://docs.python.org/2/library/multiprocessing.html#module-multiprocessing.pool
        res = pool.map(func=IterationStandaloneMQR, iterable=listParams, \

        print("Pool.map returns %s" % str(res))
        #x0.size + 1
        From https://medium.com/building-things-on-the-internet/40e9b2b36148
            close the pool and wait for the work to finish

        # Doing the "reduce" phase after the workers have finished :)
        assert len(res) == len(q_harlocs)
        for queryFrame, resE in enumerate(res):
            resEIndex = resE[0]
            resE = resE[1]
            assert resEIndex == queryFrame
            # Gives: "ValueError: output operand requires a reduction, but reduction is not enabled"
            #Votes_space[:, queryFrame - 1] = votes;
            Votes_space[:, queryFrame] = resE

        for queryFrame in range(len(q_harlocs)):
            if cropflag == 0:
                HH[:, queryFrame] = 1
                HH[:, queryFrame] = spatial_consistency.spatial_consistency(space_xy, \
                                            qcen, len(RD), st_threshold, cropflag);
                HH[:, queryFrame] = spatial_consistency.spatial_consistency(space_xy, \
                                            qcen, len(r_harlocs), st_threshold, cropflag)

            np.savez_compressed("Votes_space%d" % scale_index, Votes_space)
            np.savez_compressed("HH%d" % scale_index, HH)

        return Votes_space, HH
    We substitute q - 1 with q, since we want
      to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
    #for q=1:length(QD)
    #for q in range(1, len(QD) + 1):
    #for queryFrame in range(len(QD)):
    for queryFrame in range(len(q_harlocs)):
            "multiscale_quad_retrieval(): Starting iteration queryFrame = %d" %
        # tic
        str1=['load ' q_path QD(q).name]
        We make pp reference the desired multiharloc list for the query video
           frame queryFrame
        pp = q_harlocs[queryFrame]
        #pp = np.array(pp);

        #common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): pp = %s" % str(pp));

        points = pp[pp[:, 2] == scale_index, 0:2]
        qout, qcen, qmaxdis, qori = findquads.findquads(
            points, md_threshold, 0)

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
            print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): queryFrame = %d, " \
                          "qout.shape (number of quads for query frame queryFrame) = %s" % \
                                                 (queryFrame, str(qout.shape)))

        # disp([num2str(q) ' of ' num2str(length(QD)) ' -> ' num2str(size(qout,1)) ' quads'])

        #space_xy = np.zeros( (qcen.shape[0], 2 * len(RD)) ) + np.nan;
        space_xy = np.zeros((qcen.shape[0], 2 * len(r_harlocs))) + np.nan

        #     votes=zeros(length(RD),1)
        #votes = np.zeros( (len(RD), 1) );
        votes = np.zeros((len(r_harlocs), 1))

        #nep = np.array([]);
        #m_points = np.array([]);

        assert isinstance(tolers, float)

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                "multiscale_quad_retrieval(): quads of query frame %d are: " %
            common.DebugPrint("  qout = %s" % str(qout))
        Alex: for each quad (4 floats) of the query frame from Harris feature of scale scale_index
          Note: all_id stores the reference frame id for each quad descriptor.
        We substitute queryFrameQuad - 1 with queryFrameQuad, since we want
            to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
        #for queryFrameQuad in range(1, qout.shape[0] + 1):
        for queryFrameQuad in range(qout.shape[0]):
                "multiscale_quad_retrieval(): Starting iteration queryFrameQuad = %d"
                % queryFrameQuad)
            Matlab's polymorphism is really bugging here: although it's
                normally a float, tolers is considered to be a size 1 vector...
                so len(tolers) == 1
            #for tol_i in range(1, len(tolers) + 1):
            #    tol = tolers[tol_i - 1]
            We substitute tol_i - 1 with tol, since we want
                to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
            #for tol_i in range(1, 1 + 1):
            for tol_i in range(1):
                tol = tolers
                # TODO: done below - take out this dbg print
                if DBGPRINT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "qout[queryFrameQuad, :] = %s" % \
                                        str(qout[queryFrameQuad, :]))

                #% default for first PAMI with tol= 0.1 approximately

                # NOTE: SciPy's KDTree finds a few more results, in some cases,
                #    than the Matlab code from Evangelidis.

                #idx, di = kdtree_ball_query(tree, qout(i, :), tol)
                #idx, distKD = kdtree_ball_query(tree, qout[i - 1, :], tol)
                #idx, di = tree.query(x=xQuery, k=4)
                #resPoints = [data[i] for i in resBallIndices]
                # tol is a scalar representing the radius of the ball
                if config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 0:
                    idx = r_quadsTree.query_ball_point(qout[queryFrameQuad, :],
                elif config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 1:
                    #pt = qout[queryFrameQuad - 1, :].astype(np.float32);
                    pt = qout[queryFrameQuad, :]
                    pt = np.array([[pt[0], pt[1], pt[2], pt[3]]],
                    retval, idx, dists = r_quadsTree.radiusSearch( \
                                                query=pt, \
                                                radius=(tol**2), \
                                                maxResults=NUM_MAX_ELEMS, \
                    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "retval (number NNs) = %s" % str(retval));
                        common.DebugPrint( \
                            "multiscale_quad_retrieval(): radiusSearch's retval " \
                            "(at queryFrame=%d, queryFrameQuad=%d) is %d" % (queryFrame, queryFrameQuad, retval))

                    idx = idx[0]
                    dists = dists[0]
                    Note: retval is the number of neighbors returned from the radiusSearch().
                      But the idx and the dists can have more elements than the returned retval.
                    idx = idx[:retval]
                    dists = dists[:retval]

                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
                    print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "qout[queryFrameQuad, :] = %s" % str(qout[queryFrameQuad, :]))
                    print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                      "idx = %s" % str(idx))
                    print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                      "dists = %s" % str(dists))
                    print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                      "tol = %s" % str(tol))
                    if config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 0:
                        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "r_quadsTree.data[idx] = %s" % \

                # We print the distances to the points returned in idx
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:  # This is just for debugging purposes
                    a = qout[queryFrameQuad, :]
                    if config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 0:
                        for myI, index in enumerate(idx):
                            b = r_quadsTree.data[index]
                            if False:
                                common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): distance to " \
                                    "%d point (%s) inside ball = %.4f" % \
                                    (myI, str(b), npla.norm(a - b)));
                idx = np.array(idx)

                #if False:
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "all_max.shape = %s" % str(all_max.shape))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "qmaxdis.shape = %s" % str(qmaxdis.shape))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                      "qmaxdis = %s" % str(qmaxdis))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                      "qori.shape = %s" % str(qori.shape))
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                      "qori = %s" % str(qori))

                if len(idx) == 0:
                    # NOT A GOOD IDEA: continue;
                    #idx = np.array([]);
                    dis_idx = np.array([])
                    ori_idx = np.array([])
                    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
                        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "queryFrameQuad = %s" % str(queryFrameQuad))
                        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "all_max[idx] = %s" % str(all_max[idx]))
                        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "qmaxdis[queryFrameQuad] = %s" % str(qmaxdis[queryFrameQuad]))

                    if USE_GPS_COORDINATES:
                        # We look only at a part of the reference video
                        Since in some cases the video temporal alignment is
                            difficult to do due to similar portions in the
                            trajectory (see the drone videos, clip 3_some_lake)
                            we "guide" the temporal alignment by restricting
                            the reference frame search space - this is useful
                            when we have the geolocation (GPS) coordinate for
                            each frame.
                        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
                            print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "all_id = %s" % str(all_id))

                        if True:
                            #assert (all_id.ndim == 2) and (all_id.shape[1] == 1);
                            if all_id.ndim == 2:
                                #!!!!TODO TODO: put this at the beginning of the function
                                assert all_id.shape[1] == 1
                                We flatten the array all_id
                                  Note: We don't use order="F" since it's
                                        basically 1-D array
                                all_id = np.ravel(all_id)

                        #!!!!TODO: put start and end frame in config - or compute it from geolocation
                        sub_idx = np.logical_and( (all_id[idx] >= 2030 - 928), \
                                                    (all_id[idx] <= 2400 - 928) )
                        idx = idx[sub_idx]

                        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
                            print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "all_id = %s" % str(all_id))
                            print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "sub_idx = %s" % str(sub_idx))
                            print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "idx = %s" % str(idx))

                    if FILTER:
                        dis_idx = np.abs(qmaxdis[queryFrameQuad] -
                                         all_max[idx]) < MAXDIS

                        #if False:
                        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                                "idx = %s" % str(idx));
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "dis_idx = %s" % str(dis_idx))

                        idx = idx[dis_idx]

                    #if False:
                    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "idx (after idx = idx[dis_idx]) = %s" % str(idx))

                    if FILTER:
                        ori_idx = np.abs(qori[queryFrameQuad] -
                                         all_ori[idx]) < MAXORI

                        #if False:
                        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                                    "all_ori = %s" % str(all_ori));
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "qori[queryFrameQuad] = %s" % str(qori[queryFrameQuad]));

                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "ori_idx = %s" % str(ori_idx))

                        idx = idx[ori_idx]

                # IMPORTANT ###################################################
                # IMPORTANT ###################################################
                # IMPORTANT ###################################################
                #% spatio-temporal consistency
                # IMPORTANT ###################################################
                # IMPORTANT ###################################################
                # IMPORTANT ###################################################

                #if numel(idx) > 0:
                if idx.size > 0:
                    if cropflag == 0:
                        if FILTER:
                            Alex: this is a simple procedure of eliminating False
                            Positive (FP) matches, as presented in Section 4.2 of
                            TPAMI 2013 paper.
                            Basically it filters out quad matches that have
                            centroids st_threshold away from the query quad.
                            Note: all_cen are the controids of all reference
                            dy = qcen[queryFrameQuad, 0] - all_cen[idx, 0]
                            dx = qcen[queryFrameQuad, 1] - all_cen[idx, 1]

                            D = dy**2 + dx**2

                            co_idx = D < pow(st_threshold, 2)

                            idx = idx[co_idx]
                        We substitute iii - 1 with iii, since we want
                            to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
                        #for iii in range(1, len(idx) + 1):
                        for iii in range(len(idx)):
                            #space_xy(i,(all_id(idx(iii))-RD_start)*2+1:(all_id(idx(iii))-RD_start)*2+2) = all_cen(idx(iii),:)
                            space_xy[queryFrameQuad, \
                                    (all_id[idx[iii]] - RD_start) * 2: (all_id[idx[iii] - 1] - RD_start) * 2 + 1] = \
                                    all_cen[idx[iii], :]

                    # It has to be an np.array because we multiply it with a scalar
                    histoRange = np.array(range(RD_start, RD_end + 1))
                    hh = Matlab.hist(x=all_id[idx], binCenters=histoRange)

                    #if False:
                    #if True:
                    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "hh = %s" % (str(hh)))
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "hh.shape = %s" % (str(hh.shape)))
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "all_id = %s" % (str(all_id)));
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "all_id.shape = %s" % (str(all_id.shape)))
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "idx = %s" % (str(idx)))
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "idx.shape = %s" % (str(idx.shape)))

                    # % nz can be computed more optimally
                    #nz=find(hh~=0); # nz can be computed more optimally
                    # np.nonzero() always returns a tuple, even if it contains 1 element since hh has only 1 dimension
                    nz = np.nonzero(hh != 0)[0]
                    #if False:
                    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                          "nz = %s" % (str(nz)))
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                          "nz.shape = %s" % (str(nz.shape)))

                    #if numel(nz) > 0
                    if nz.size > 0:
                        #votes(nz, tol_i) = votes(nz, tol_i) + log10(length(RD) / (length(nz)))^2 #PREVIOUSLY
                        #myVal = pow(math.log10(float(len(RD)) / len(nz)), 2);
                        myVal = pow(
                            math.log10(float(len(r_harlocs)) / len(nz)), 2)
                            myVal = pow(math.log10(float(len(r_harlocs)) / len(nz)), 2);
                            print("Error: len=%d len(nz)=%d nz.size=%d" % \
                                            (len(r_harlocs), len(nz), nz.size));

                        #if False:
                        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                              "len(RD) = %d" % len(RD));
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                              "len(r_harlocs) = %d" % len(r_harlocs))
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                              "len(nz) = %d" % len(nz))
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                               "myVal = %.5f" % myVal)

                        # PREVIOUSLY
                        votes[nz, tol_i] = votes[nz, tol_i] + myVal
                        #   votes(nz)=votes(nz)+log10(length(RD)/(length(nz)));
                        #   votes(nz)=votes(nz)+1;

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                    "Votes_space.shape = %s" % (str(Votes_space.shape)));
            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                    "votes.shape = %s" % (str(votes.shape)));

            print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                              "votes.shape = %s" % (str(votes.shape)))
            if (np.abs(votes) < 1.0e-10).all():
                print( \
                      "multiscale_quad_retrieval(): votes = 0 (all zeros)")
                print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                              "votes = %s" % (str(votes)))

        # Gives: "ValueError: output operand requires a reduction, but reduction is not enabled"
        #Votes_space[:, queryFrame - 1] = votes;
        # Note: since votes is basically a 1-D vector, we don't use the Fortran order
        Votes_space[:, queryFrame] = np.ravel(votes)
        # order="F");

        if cropflag == 0:
            HH[:, queryFrame] = 1
            HH[:, queryFrame] = spatial_consistency.spatial_consistency(space_xy, \
                                        qcen, len(RD), st_threshold, cropflag);
            HH[:, queryFrame] = spatial_consistency.spatial_consistency(space_xy, \
                                        qcen, len(r_harlocs), st_threshold, cropflag)

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(scale_index=%d): " \
                            "Votes_space =\n%s" % (scale_index, str(Votes_space)))

        np.savez_compressed("Votes_space%d" % scale_index, Votes_space)
        np.savez_compressed("HH%d" % scale_index, HH)

    t2 = float(cv2.getTickCount())
    myTime = (t2 - t1) / cv2.getTickFrequency()
    print("multiscale_quad_retrieval() took %.6f [sec]" % myTime)
    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                        "%d corresponding frames retrieved in %.6f secs" % \
                        (len(q_harlocs), myTime));

    return Votes_space, HH
def dp3(Vspace, numFramesR, numFramesQ, BOV_flag):
    #% Dynamic programming for a maximum-vote path in vote-space
    #% 2010, Georgios Evangelidis <*****@*****.**>

    print ("Entered dp3(): Running dynamic programming...")
    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): Vspace = %s" % str(Vspace))

    # tic

    # QD=dir([q_path 'multiharlocs*.mat']);
    # RD=dir([r_path 'multiharlocs*.mat']);

    # cross=zeros(length(QD),2);
    # crossref = np.zeros( (len(q_path), 2) );
    crossref = np.zeros((numFramesQ, 2))

    # sigma_0=1.2;
    sigma_0 = 1.2

    # [r,c,d] = size(Vspace);
    r, c, d = Vspace.shape

    # n=[1:d]; %scale levels
    n = np.array(range(1, d + 1))
    #%scale levels

    # sigma_I=sqrt(1.8).^n*sigma_0;
    sigma_I = math.sqrt(1.8) ** n * sigma_0

    w = sigma_I

    # w=w/sum(w);
    w = w / float(w.sum())

    if BOV_flag == 1:
        # w=fliplr(w);
        w = w[:, ::-1]

    #% Initialization
    # D = zeros(r+1, c+1);
    D = np.zeros((r + 1, c + 1))

    # D(1,:) = NaN;
    D[0, :] = np.nan

    # D(:,1) = NaN;
    D[:, 0] = np.nan

    # D(1,1) = 0;
    D[0, 0] = 0

    # for i=1:d
    We substitute i - 1 with i since arrays start with 0 in Python,
        not with 1 like in Matlab.
    # for i in range(1, d + 1):
    for i in range(d):
        # V_temp=Vspace(:,:,i);
        V_temp = Vspace[:, :, i]

        # V_temp(isnan(V_temp))=0;
        V_temp[np.isnan(V_temp)] = 0
        # !!!!TODO: check OK

        # Vspace(:,:,i)=V_temp;
        Vspace[:, :, i] = V_temp

    # VV=zeros(r,c);
    VV = np.zeros((r, c))

    # for j=1:d
    We substitute j - 1 with j since arrays start with 0 in Python,
        not with 1 like in Matlab.
    # for j in range(1, d + 1):
    for j in range(d):
        # VV=VV+Vspace(:,:,j);
        VV = VV + Vspace[:, :, j]

    # D(2:end,2:end)=VV;
    D[1:, 1:] = VV

    # NEW_DP3_ALEX = True;
    NEW_DP3_ALEX = False

    if NEW_DP3_ALEX:
        # Alex: added cost
        cost = np.zeros((r + 1, c + 1))

    #% for traceback
    # Tback = zeros(r+1,c+1);
    Tback = np.zeros((r + 1, c + 1))

    # if True:
    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): printing locally optimum solutions:")
        # Alex: trying out to find a better solution than dp3() !!!!TODO : more
        # This solution is basically the one returned by causal() IF we do NOT apply Matlab.filter2() on Vspace
        for j in range(1, c + 1):
            maxCol = 0.0
            maxPos = -1
            for i in range(1, r + 1):
                assert D[i, j] >= 0.0
                if maxCol < D[i, j]:
                    maxCol = D[i, j]
                    maxPos = i
                    # So for query frame j we have a candidate matching ref frame i
                    common.DebugPrint("dp3():     for query frame %d - candidate frame %d" % (j - 1, maxPos))
            common.DebugPrint("dp3(): for query frame %d we found matching ref frame %d" % (j - 1, maxPos))

    # !!!!TODO: make i =0.., j=0.. and substitute i-1 with i, i-2 with i-1, etc
    # for i = 1:r;
    for i in range(1, r + 1):
        # for j = 1:c
        for j in range(1, c + 1):
            # if (i>1) && (j>1)
            if (i > 1) and (j > 1):
                # dd1 = w(1)*Vspace(i-1,max(1,j-2),1);
                dd1 = w[0] * Vspace[i - 2, max(0, j - 3), 0]

                # dd2 = w(1)*Vspace(max(1,i-2),j-1,1);
                dd2 = w[0] * Vspace[max(0, i - 3), j - 2, 0]

                # dd3 = w(1)*Vspace(i-1,j-1,1);
                dd3 = w[0] * Vspace[i - 2, j - 2, 0]

                # dd4 = w(1)*Vspace(i-1,j,1);
                dd4 = w[0] * Vspace[i - 2, j - 1, 0]

                # dd5 = w(1)*Vspace(i,j-1,1);
                dd5 = w[0] * Vspace[i - 1, j - 2, 0]

                if d > 1:
                    # for sc = 2:d
                    for sc in range(2, d + 1):
                        # dd1 = max(dd1, w(sc)*Vspace(i-1,max(1,j-2),sc));
                        dd1 = max(dd1, w[sc - 1] * Vspace[i - 2, max(0, j - 3), sc - 1])

                        # dd2 = max(dd2, w(sc)*Vspace(max(1,i-2),j-1,sc));
                        dd2 = max(dd2, w[sc - 1] * Vspace[max(0, i - 3), j - 2, sc - 1])

                        # dd3 = max(dd3, w(sc)*Vspace(i-1,j-1,sc));
                        dd3 = max(dd3, w[sc - 1] * Vspace[i - 2, j - 2, sc - 1])

                        # dd4 = max(dd4, w(sc)*Vspace(i-1,j,sc));
                        dd4 = max(dd4, w[sc - 1] * Vspace[i - 2, j - 1, sc - 1])

                        # dd5 = max(dd5, w(sc)*Vspace(i,j-1,sc));
                        dd5 = max(dd5, w[sc - 1] * Vspace[i - 1, j - 2, sc - 1])

                # D(i,j-1)=D(i,j-1)+dd1;
                D[i - 1, j - 2] += dd1

                # D(i-1,j)=D(i-1,j)+dd2;
                D[i - 2, j - 1] += dd2

                # D(i,j)=D(i,j)+ dd3;
                D[i - 1, j - 1] += dd3

                # D(i,j+1)=D(i,j+1)+ dd4;
                D[i - 1, j] += dd4

                # D(i+1,j)=D(i+1,j)+ dd5;
                D[i, j - 1] += dd5

                #%             % instead of above loop, use the following five lines when scales=6
                #%             D(i,j-1)=D(i,j-1)+max([w(1)*Vspace(i-1,max(1,j-2),1),w(2)*Vspace(i-1,max(1,j-2),2),w(3)*Vspace(i-1,max(1,j-2),3),w(4)*Vspace(i-1,max(1,j-2),4),w(5)*Vspace(i-1,max(1,j-2),5),w(6)*Vspace(i-1,max(1,j-2),6)]);
                #%             D(i-1,j)=D(i-1,j)+max([w(1)*Vspace(max(1,i-2),j-1,1),w(2)*Vspace(max(1,i-2),j-1,2),w(3)*Vspace(max(1,i-2),j-1,3),w(4)*Vspace(max(1,i-2),j-1,4),w(5)*Vspace(max(1,i-2),j-1,5),w(6)*Vspace(max(1,i-2),j-1,6)]);
                #%             D(i,j)=D(i,j)+max([w(1)*Vspace(i-1,j-1,1),w(2)*Vspace(i-1,j-1,2),w(3)*Vspace(i-1,j-1,3),w(4)*Vspace(i-1,j-1,4),w(5)*Vspace(i-1,j-1,5),w(6)*Vspace(i-1,j-1,6)]);
                #%             D(i,j+1)=D(i,j+1)+max([w(1)*Vspace(i-1,j,1),w(2)*Vspace(i-1,j,2),w(3)*Vspace(i-1,j,3),w(4)*Vspace(i-1,j,4),w(5)*Vspace(i-1,j,5),w(6)*Vspace(i-1,j,6)]);
                #%             D(i+1,j)=D(i+1,j)+max([w(1)*Vspace(i,j-1,1),w(2)*Vspace(i,j-1,2),w(3)*Vspace(i,j-1,3),w(4)*Vspace(i,j-1,4),w(5)*Vspace(i,j-1,5),w(6)*Vspace(i,j-1,6)]);

                #% [dmax, tb] = max([D(i, j), D(i-1, j), D(i, j-1), D(i,j+1),D(i+1,j)]);
                # [dmax, tb] = max([D(i, j)+1/sqrt(2), D(i-1, j)+1/sqrt(5), D(i, j-1)+1/sqrt(5), D(i,j+1)+1, D(i+1,j)+1]);
                dmax, tb = Matlab.max(
                            D[i - 1, j - 1] + 1.0 / math.sqrt(2.0),
                            D[i - 2, j - 1] + 1.0 / math.sqrt(5.0),
                            D[i - 1, j - 2] + 1.0 / math.sqrt(5.0),
                            D[i - 1, j] + 1,
                            D[i, j - 1] + 1,
                # [dmax, tb] = max([D(i,j), D(i,j+1), D(i+1,j)]);
                dmax, tb = Matlab.max(np.array([D[i - 1, j - 1], D[i - 1, j], D[i, j - 1]]))
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("dp3(): dmax = %s" % str(dmax))
                    common.DebugPrint("dp3(): tb = %s" % str(tb))

            # D(i+1,j+1) = D(i+1,j+1)+dmax;
            if NEW_DP3_ALEX:
                cost[i, j] = 0
                #!!!!TODO: think more
                D[i, j] += dmax
                #!!!!TODO: for me it's weird he adds dmax here...

            # Tback(i+1,j+1) = tb;
            Tback[i, j] = tb

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): D.shape = %s" % str(D.shape))
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): D = %s" % str(D))

        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): Tback.shape = %s" % str(Tback.shape))
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): Tback = %s" % str(Tback))

    #% Traceback
    i = r + 1
    j = c + 1
    y = i - 1
    x = j - 1

    # while i > 2 & j > 2
    while (i > 2) and (j > 2):
        # tb = Tback(i,j);
        tb = Tback[i - 1, j - 1] + 1
        # In Matlab, max returns indices from 1..

        if tb == 1:
            i -= 1
            j -= 1
        elif tb == 2:
            i -= 2
            j -= 1
        elif tb == 3:
            i -= 1
            j -= 2
        elif tb == 4:
            i -= 1
            j = j
        elif tb == 5:
            j -= 1
            i = i
            # error;
            assert False

        # y = [i,y];
        # NOT GOOD: y = np.c_[i, y];
        y = np.hstack([i - 1, y])

        # x = [j,x];
        # NOT GOOD: x = np.c_[j, x];
        x = np.hstack([j - 1, x])

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): before D.shape = %s" % str(D.shape))
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): before D = %s" % str(D))

    #% Strip off the edges of the D matrix before returning
    # D = D(2:(r+1),2:(c+1));
    D = D[1 : (r + 1), 1 : (c + 1)]

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): D.shape = %s" % str(D.shape))
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): D = %s" % str(D))

    # RD_start=str2num(RD(1).name(end-9:end-4));
    RD_start = 1

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): Vspace.shape = %s" % str(Vspace.shape))

    #!!!!TODO: understand well what is x,y and why computes p
    # for i=1:size(Vspace,2):
    for i in range(0, Vspace.shape[1]):
        # cross(i,1)=str2num(QD(i).name(end-9:end-4));
        crossref[i, 0] = i
        # i; #!!!!TODO: think if OK

        # p=find(x==i);
        p = np.nonzero(x == i)
        p = p[0]

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("dp3(): x.shape = %s" % str(x.shape))
            common.DebugPrint("dp3(): x = %s" % str(x))
            common.DebugPrint("dp3(): y.shape = %s" % str(y.shape))
            common.DebugPrint("dp3(): y = %s" % str(y))
            common.DebugPrint("dp3(): i = %s" % str(i))
            common.DebugPrint("dp3(): p = %s" % str(p))

        # if isempty(p)
        if p.size == 0:
            #% Alex: Vali Codreanu said to change from temp=0; to temp=3;
            # temp=3;
            temp = 0

            if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                common.DebugPrint("dp3(): temp = %s" % str(temp))

            crossref[i, 1] = 0 + RD_start - 1
            # temp=y(p);
            temp = y[p]

            if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                common.DebugPrint("dp3(): temp = %s" % str(temp))

            # cross(i,2)=temp(end)+RD_start-1;
            if temp.size == 1:
                # If temp has only 1 element:
                crossref[i, 1] = temp + RD_start - 1
                crossref[i, 1] = temp[-1] + RD_start - 1
            # assert temp.size == 1;

        # common.DebugPrint("dp3(): temp = %s" % str(temp));

        if True:
            crossref[i, 1] = temp[-1] + RD_start - 1;
            # BAD IDEA!!!!TODO
            crossref[i, 1] = temp + RD_start - 1;

    # printf("dp3(): Done in blabla secs\n");
    common.DebugPrint("dp3(): crossref = %s" % str(crossref))

    ComputeCost(crossref, VV, "crossref_dp3.txt")

    # return [y,x,D,Tback,cross]
    return y, x, D, Tback, crossref
Exemple #8
def MyImageReadMSH(index):
    global g
    common.DebugPrint("MyImageReadMSH(): initFrame = %d)" % \
    index += config.initFrame[g.indexVideo];
    common.DebugPrint("Entered MyImageReadMSH(capture=%s, index=%s)" % \
                            (str(capture), str(index)));
    common.DebugPrint("Entered MyImageReadMSH(index=%s)" % \
    We must reopen the capture device in each different process, otherwise the
        program blocks at the first operation in the "global" capture device.
    if g.harlocsFolder.endswith(config.HARRIS_QUERY_FOLDER_NAME):
        if g.captureQ == None:
            capture = cv2.VideoCapture(sys.argv[1])
            g.captureQ = capture
            common.DebugPrint("MyImageReadMSH(): new capture=%s" % \
            capture = g.captureQ
    elif g.harlocsFolder.endswith(config.HARRIS_REFERENCE_FOLDER_NAME):
        if g.captureR == None:
            capture = cv2.VideoCapture(sys.argv[2])
            g.captureR = capture
            common.DebugPrint("MyImageReadMSH(): new capture=%s" % \
            capture = g.captureR
        assert False

    assert (g.indexVideo == 0) or (g.indexVideo == 1)
    if config.OCV_OLD_PY_BINDINGS:
        capture.set(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, \
        From http://docs.opencv.org/modules/highgui/doc/reading_and_writing_images_and_video.html#videocapture-get:
            <<CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES 0-based index of the frame to be
              decoded/captured next.>>
        capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, \

    common.DebugPrint("MyImageReadMSH(): after capture.set()")

    # This is only for (paranoid) testing purposes:
    if config.OCV_OLD_PY_BINDINGS:
        indexCrt = capture.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)
        From http://docs.opencv.org/modules/highgui/doc/reading_and_writing_images_and_video.html#videocapture-get:
            <<CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES 0-based index of the frame to be
              decoded/captured next.>>
        indexCrt = capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)

    #assert int(indexCrt) == index;
    #!!!!TODO: think if OK
    if int(indexCrt) != index:
        common.DebugPrint( \
            "MyImageReadMSH(): indexCrt != index --> returning black frame")
        ret = False
        #common.DebugPrint("Alex: frameR = %d" % frameR);

        #if myIndex > numFramesR:
        #    break;

        #ret, img = r_path.read();
        ret, img = capture.read()
        #if ret == False:
        #    break;

    #!!!!TODO: think if well
    #assert ret == True;
    if ret == False:
            "MyImageReadMSH(index=%d): ret == False --> returning None" %
        img = None
        common.DebugPrint("MyImageReadMSH(): img.shape = %s" % str(img.shape))
        common.DebugPrint("MyImageReadMSH(): img.dtype = %s" % str(img.dtype))

    #!!!!TODO: I suggest to do the gray conversion at reading, not in multi_scale_harris.py
    if False:
        # In the Matlab code he reads gray/8bpp JPEGs
        imgGray = common.ConvertImgToGrayscale(img)

        # We resize the image
        img = Matlab.imresize(img, \

    common.DebugPrint("Exiting MyImageReadMSH()")
    if False:
        return imgGray

    return img
def dp3(Vspace, numFramesR, numFramesQ, BOV_flag):
    #% Dynamic programming for a maximum-vote path in vote-space
    #% 2010, Georgios Evangelidis <*****@*****.**>

    print("Entered dp3(): Running dynamic programming...")
    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): Vspace = %s" % str(Vspace))


    #QD=dir([q_path 'multiharlocs*.mat']);
    #RD=dir([r_path 'multiharlocs*.mat']);

    #crossref = np.zeros( (len(q_path), 2) );
    crossref = np.zeros((numFramesQ, 2))

    sigma_0 = 1.2

    #[r,c,d] = size(Vspace);
    r, c, d = Vspace.shape

    #n=[1:d]; %scale levels
    n = np.array(range(1, d + 1))
    #%scale levels

    sigma_I = math.sqrt(1.8)**n * sigma_0

    w = sigma_I

    w = w / float(w.sum())

    if BOV_flag == 1:
        w = w[:, ::-1]

    #% Initialization
    #D = zeros(r+1, c+1);
    D = np.zeros((r + 1, c + 1))

    #D(1,:) = NaN;
    D[0, :] = np.nan

    #D(:,1) = NaN;
    D[:, 0] = np.nan

    #D(1,1) = 0;
    D[0, 0] = 0

    #for i=1:d
    We substitute i - 1 with i since arrays start with 0 in Python,
        not with 1 like in Matlab.
    #for i in range(1, d + 1):
    for i in range(d):
        V_temp = Vspace[:, :, i]

        V_temp[np.isnan(V_temp)] = 0
        # !!!!TODO: check OK

        Vspace[:, :, i] = V_temp

    VV = np.zeros((r, c))

    #for j=1:d
    We substitute j - 1 with j since arrays start with 0 in Python,
        not with 1 like in Matlab.
    #for j in range(1, d + 1):
    for j in range(d):
        VV = VV + Vspace[:, :, j]

    D[1:, 1:] = VV

    #NEW_DP3_ALEX = True;
    NEW_DP3_ALEX = False

    if NEW_DP3_ALEX:
        # Alex: added cost
        cost = np.zeros((r + 1, c + 1))

    #% for traceback
    #Tback = zeros(r+1,c+1);
    Tback = np.zeros((r + 1, c + 1))

    #if True:
    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): printing locally optimum solutions:")
        # Alex: trying out to find a better solution than dp3() !!!!TODO : more
        # This solution is basically the one returned by causal() IF we do NOT apply Matlab.filter2() on Vspace
        for j in range(1, c + 1):
            maxCol = 0.0
            maxPos = -1
            for i in range(1, r + 1):
                assert D[i, j] >= 0.0
                if maxCol < D[i, j]:
                    maxCol = D[i, j]
                    maxPos = i
                    # So for query frame j we have a candidate matching ref frame i
                        "dp3():     for query frame %d - candidate frame %d" %
                        (j - 1, maxPos))
                "dp3(): for query frame %d we found matching ref frame %d" %
                (j - 1, maxPos))

    # !!!!TODO: make i =0.., j=0.. and substitute i-1 with i, i-2 with i-1, etc
    #for i = 1:r;
    for i in range(1, r + 1):
        #for j = 1:c
        for j in range(1, c + 1):
            #if (i>1) && (j>1)
            if (i > 1) and (j > 1):
                #dd1 = w(1)*Vspace(i-1,max(1,j-2),1);
                dd1 = w[0] * Vspace[i - 2, max(0, j - 3), 0]

                #dd2 = w(1)*Vspace(max(1,i-2),j-1,1);
                dd2 = w[0] * Vspace[max(0, i - 3), j - 2, 0]

                #dd3 = w(1)*Vspace(i-1,j-1,1);
                dd3 = w[0] * Vspace[i - 2, j - 2, 0]

                #dd4 = w(1)*Vspace(i-1,j,1);
                dd4 = w[0] * Vspace[i - 2, j - 1, 0]

                #dd5 = w(1)*Vspace(i,j-1,1);
                dd5 = w[0] * Vspace[i - 1, j - 2, 0]

                if d > 1:
                    #for sc = 2:d
                    for sc in range(2, d + 1):
                        #dd1 = max(dd1, w(sc)*Vspace(i-1,max(1,j-2),sc));
                        dd1 = max(dd1, w[sc - 1] * \
                                        Vspace[i - 2, max(0, j - 3), sc - 1])

                        #dd2 = max(dd2, w(sc)*Vspace(max(1,i-2),j-1,sc));
                        dd2 = max(dd2, w[sc - 1] * \
                                        Vspace[max(0, i - 3), j - 2, sc - 1])

                        #dd3 = max(dd3, w(sc)*Vspace(i-1,j-1,sc));
                        dd3 = max(dd3,
                                  w[sc - 1] * Vspace[i - 2, j - 2, sc - 1])

                        #dd4 = max(dd4, w(sc)*Vspace(i-1,j,sc));
                        dd4 = max(dd4,
                                  w[sc - 1] * Vspace[i - 2, j - 1, sc - 1])

                        #dd5 = max(dd5, w(sc)*Vspace(i,j-1,sc));
                        dd5 = max(dd5,
                                  w[sc - 1] * Vspace[i - 1, j - 2, sc - 1])

                D[i - 1, j - 2] += dd1

                D[i - 2, j - 1] += dd2

                #D(i,j)=D(i,j)+ dd3;
                D[i - 1, j - 1] += dd3

                #D(i,j+1)=D(i,j+1)+ dd4;
                D[i - 1, j] += dd4

                #D(i+1,j)=D(i+1,j)+ dd5;
                D[i, j - 1] += dd5

                #%             % instead of above loop, use the following five lines when scales=6
                #%             D(i,j-1)=D(i,j-1)+max([w(1)*Vspace(i-1,max(1,j-2),1),w(2)*Vspace(i-1,max(1,j-2),2),w(3)*Vspace(i-1,max(1,j-2),3),w(4)*Vspace(i-1,max(1,j-2),4),w(5)*Vspace(i-1,max(1,j-2),5),w(6)*Vspace(i-1,max(1,j-2),6)]);
                #%             D(i-1,j)=D(i-1,j)+max([w(1)*Vspace(max(1,i-2),j-1,1),w(2)*Vspace(max(1,i-2),j-1,2),w(3)*Vspace(max(1,i-2),j-1,3),w(4)*Vspace(max(1,i-2),j-1,4),w(5)*Vspace(max(1,i-2),j-1,5),w(6)*Vspace(max(1,i-2),j-1,6)]);
                #%             D(i,j)=D(i,j)+max([w(1)*Vspace(i-1,j-1,1),w(2)*Vspace(i-1,j-1,2),w(3)*Vspace(i-1,j-1,3),w(4)*Vspace(i-1,j-1,4),w(5)*Vspace(i-1,j-1,5),w(6)*Vspace(i-1,j-1,6)]);
                #%             D(i,j+1)=D(i,j+1)+max([w(1)*Vspace(i-1,j,1),w(2)*Vspace(i-1,j,2),w(3)*Vspace(i-1,j,3),w(4)*Vspace(i-1,j,4),w(5)*Vspace(i-1,j,5),w(6)*Vspace(i-1,j,6)]);
                #%             D(i+1,j)=D(i+1,j)+max([w(1)*Vspace(i,j-1,1),w(2)*Vspace(i,j-1,2),w(3)*Vspace(i,j-1,3),w(4)*Vspace(i,j-1,4),w(5)*Vspace(i,j-1,5),w(6)*Vspace(i,j-1,6)]);

                #% [dmax, tb] = max([D(i, j), D(i-1, j), D(i, j-1), D(i,j+1),D(i+1,j)]);
                #[dmax, tb] = max([D(i, j)+1/sqrt(2), D(i-1, j)+1/sqrt(5), D(i, j-1)+1/sqrt(5), D(i,j+1)+1, D(i+1,j)+1]);
                dmax, tb = Matlab.max(np.array([ \
                                D[i - 1, j - 1] + 1.0 / math.sqrt(2.0), \
                                D[i - 2, j - 1] + 1.0 / math.sqrt(5.0), \
                                D[i - 1, j - 2] + 1.0 / math.sqrt(5.0), \
                                D[i - 1, j] + 1,
                                D[i, j - 1] + 1]))
                #[dmax, tb] = max([D(i,j), D(i,j+1), D(i+1,j)]);
                dmax, tb = Matlab.max( \
                        np.array([D[i - 1, j - 1], D[i - 1, j], D[i, j - 1]]))
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("dp3(): dmax = %s" % str(dmax))
                    common.DebugPrint("dp3(): tb = %s" % str(tb))

            #D(i+1,j+1) = D(i+1,j+1)+dmax;
            if NEW_DP3_ALEX:
                cost[i, j] = 0
                #!!!!TODO: think more
                D[i, j] += dmax
                #!!!!TODO: for me it's weird he adds dmax here...

            #Tback(i+1,j+1) = tb;
            Tback[i, j] = tb

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): D.shape = %s" % str(D.shape))
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): D = %s" % str(D))

        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): Tback.shape = %s" % str(Tback.shape))
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): Tback = %s" % str(Tback))

    #% Traceback
    i = r + 1
    j = c + 1
    y = i - 1
    x = j - 1

    #while i > 2 & j > 2
    while (i > 2) and (j > 2):
        #tb = Tback(i,j);
        tb = Tback[i - 1, j - 1] + 1
        # In Matlab, max returns indices from 1..

        if tb == 1:
            i -= 1
            j -= 1
        elif tb == 2:
            i -= 2
            j -= 1
        elif tb == 3:
            i -= 1
            j -= 2
        elif tb == 4:
            i -= 1
            j = j
        elif tb == 5:
            j -= 1
            i = i
            assert False

        #y = [i,y];
        #NOT GOOD: y = np.c_[i, y];
        y = np.hstack([i - 1, y])

        #x = [j,x];
        #NOT GOOD: x = np.c_[j, x];
        x = np.hstack([j - 1, x])

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): before D.shape = %s" % str(D.shape))
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): before D = %s" % str(D))

    #% Strip off the edges of the D matrix before returning
    #D = D(2:(r+1),2:(c+1));
    D = D[1:(r + 1), 1:(c + 1)]

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): D.shape = %s" % str(D.shape))
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): D = %s" % str(D))

    RD_start = 1

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("dp3(): Vspace.shape = %s" % str(Vspace.shape))

    #!!!!TODO: understand well what is x,y and why computes p
    #for i=1:size(Vspace,2):
    for i in range(0, Vspace.shape[1]):
        crossref[i, 0] = i
        #i; #!!!!TODO: think if OK

        p = np.nonzero(x == i)
        p = p[0]

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("dp3(): x.shape = %s" % str(x.shape))
            common.DebugPrint("dp3(): x = %s" % str(x))
            common.DebugPrint("dp3(): y.shape = %s" % str(y.shape))
            common.DebugPrint("dp3(): y = %s" % str(y))
            common.DebugPrint("dp3(): i = %s" % str(i))
            common.DebugPrint("dp3(): p = %s" % str(p))

        #if isempty(p)
        if p.size == 0:
            #% Alex: Vali Codreanu said to change from temp=0; to temp=3;
            temp = 0

            if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                common.DebugPrint("dp3(): temp = %s" % str(temp))

            crossref[i, 1] = 0 + RD_start - 1
            temp = y[p]

            if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                common.DebugPrint("dp3(): temp = %s" % str(temp))

            if temp.size == 1:
                # If temp has only 1 element:
                crossref[i, 1] = temp + RD_start - 1
                crossref[i, 1] = temp[-1] + RD_start - 1
            #assert temp.size == 1;

        #common.DebugPrint("dp3(): temp = %s" % str(temp));
        if True:
            crossref[i, 1] = temp[-1] + RD_start - 1;
            # BAD IDEA!!!!TODO
            crossref[i, 1] = temp + RD_start - 1;

    #printf("dp3(): Done in blabla secs\n");
    common.DebugPrint("dp3(): crossref = %s" % str(crossref))

    ComputeCost(crossref, VV, "crossref_dp3.txt")

    #return [y,x,D,Tback,cross]
    return y, x, D, Tback, crossref
def causal(Vspace, H, numFramesQ, numFramesR, BOV_flag, cropflag, const_type, nop=0):
    #%cons_type : 1 means that spatial constraint applies after voting
    #%            2 means that spatial constraint applies before voting -> NOT
    #%            USED IN PAPER

    # causal() is the local/greedy optimization solution

    #% nargin>7 means that we do the local smoothing with RANSAC (see the paper)

    common.DebugPrint("causal(): At entrance Vspace=%s,\nH=%s, \n" \
        "numFramesQ=%s, numFramesR=%s, BOV_flag=%d, cropflag=%d, const_type=%d, " \
        "nop=%d" % \
        (str(Vspace), str(H), numFramesQ, numFramesR, BOV_flag, cropflag, \
            const_type, nop));
    print (
        "causal(): At entrance \n"
        "    numFramesQ=%s, numFramesR=%s, BOV_flag=%d, cropflag=%d, const_type=%d, "
        "    nop=%d" % (numFramesQ, numFramesR, BOV_flag, cropflag, const_type, nop)

    # Normally BOV_flag=0, cropflag=0, const_type=1,nop=0

    # if True:
    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        print ("causal(): Vspace.shape = %s" % str(Vspace.shape))
        print ("causal(): H.shape = %s" % str(H.shape))

        for i in range(Vspace.shape[2]):
            common.DebugPrint("causal(): Vspace[:, :, %d] = \n%s" % (i, str(Vspace[:, :, i])))
            common.DebugPrint("causal(): Vspace[:, :, %d] = " % (i));
            for r in range(Vspace.shape[0]):
                for c in range(Vspace.shape[1]):
                    common.DebugPrint("%.4f " % Vspace[r, c, i]),

        for i in range(H.shape[2]):
            common.DebugPrint("causal(): H[:, :, %d] = \n%s" % (i, str(H[:, :, i])))
            common.DebugPrint("causal(): H[:, :, %d] = " % (i));
            for r in range(H.shape[0]):
                for c in range(H.shape[1]):
                    common.DebugPrint("%.4f " % H[r, c, i]),

    # nos=size(Vspace,3); %3D matrix
    nos = Vspace.shape[2]
    #%3D matrix

    #% same with the multi_scale_harris function
    sigma_0 = 1.2

    # n=0:nos-1;
    n = range(0, nos)

    # sigma_D=sqrt(1.8).^n*sigma_0; % We should see sqrt(1.8) returning a vector of nos elements
    # NOT GOOD in Python: sigma_D = math.sqrt(1.8)**n * sigma_0;
    sq18 = np.ones((1, nos)) * math.sqrt(1.8)
    sigma_D = sq18 ** n * sigma_0

    # w = sigma_D;
    w = sigma_D[0]

    # common.DebugPrint("causal(): w = %s" % str(w));
    # common.DebugPrint("causal(): w.shape = %s" % str(w.shape));

    w = w / w.sum()
    # common.DebugPrint("causal(): w = %s" % str(w));

    # Alex: normally NOT executed
    if BOV_flag == 1:
        # w=fliplr(w);
        w = w[:, ::-1]  # We flip on the vertical (left becomes right)

    print ("causal(): w = %s" % str(w))

    # Alex: normally NOT executed
    if (const_type == 1) and (BOV_flag == 1):
        assert False
        # Normally this code does NOT get executed
        # VV=zeros(size(Vspace,1),size(Vspace,2));
        VV = np.zeros((Vspace.shape[0], Vspace.shape[1]))

        for j in range(1, nos + 1):
            # VV=VV+Vspace(:,:,j);
            VV = VV + Vspace[:, :, j - 1]

        # [X,Y]=sort(VV,'descend');
        X, Y = sort(VV, "descend")

        #%enable top-N list
        #%N = 50;
        #%N = 100;
        N = 300

        for s in range(1, nos + 1):
            for i in range(1, Vspace.shape[1] + 1):
                # y=Y(:,i);
                y = Y[:, i - 1]

                # votes=Vspace(:,i,s);
                votes = Vspace[:, i - 1, s - 1]

                # h=H(:,i,s);
                h = H[:, i - 1, s - 1]

                # votes(y(N+1:end))=0;
                votes[y[N:]] = 0

                # h(y(N+1:end))=0;
                h[y[N:]] = 0

                # Vspace(:,i,s)=votes;
                Vspace[:, i - 1, s - 1] = votes

                # H(:,i,s)=h;
                H[:, i - 1, s - 1] = h

    # clear VV
    VV = None

    # QD=dir([q_path 'multiharlocs*.mat']);
    # RD=dir([r_path 'multiharlocs*.mat']);
    # QD = [None] * numFramesQ;
    # RD = [None] * numFramesR;

    # cross=zeros(length(QD),2);
    # crossref = np.zeros( (len(QD), 2) );
    crossref = np.zeros((numFramesQ, 2))
    # common.DebugPrint("causal(): crossref = %s" % str(crossref));

    #% str=['load ' r_path 'multiscale_nod'];
    #% eval(str)

    #%replace nan votes with zeros

    # We transform nan in 0 in Vspace
    We substitute i - 1 with i, since array indexing starts from 1 in Matlab
        and 0 in Python.
    # for i in range(1, nos + 1):
    for i in range(nos):
        # V_temp=Vspace(:,:,i);
        # V_temp = Vspace[:, :, i - 1];
        V_temp = Vspace[:, :, i]

        # V_temp(isnan(V_temp))=0;
        V_temp[np.isnan(V_temp)] = 0

        # Vspace(:,:,i)=V_temp;
        # Vspace[:, :, i - 1] = V_temp;
        Vspace[:, :, i] = V_temp

    # Alex: I personally find this idea of using filter2() VERY BAD - the results in Vspace should already be VERY good

    if CAUSAL_DO_NOT_SMOOTH == False:
        #% this filtering of votes favors smoother results
        b = Matlab.hamming(11)
        #% USED

        # if False:
        We substitute i - 1 with i, since array indexing starts from 1 in Matlab
            and 0 in Python.
        # for i in range(1, nos + 1):
        for i in range(nos):
            # Vspace(:,:,i)=filter2(b,Vspace(:,:,i));
            From the Matlab help:
              Y = filter2(h,X) filters
              the data in X with the two-dimensional FIR filter
              in the matrix h. It computes the result, Y,
              using two-dimensional correlation, and returns the central part of
              the correlation that is the same size as X.
            # Vspace[:, :, i - 1] = Matlab.filter2(b, Vspace[:, :, i - 1]);
            Vspace[:, :, i] = Matlab.filter2(b, Vspace[:, :, i])
            #% use imfilter if filter2 takes time #!!!!TODO: do the optimization Evangelidis says here

    From Matlab help:
      M = mean(A,dim) returns
      the mean values for elements along the dimension of A specified
      by scalar dim. For matrices, mean(A,2) is
      a column vector containing the mean value of each row.

    # V=mean(Vspace,3); % this might help more instead of starting from zero votes
    V = Vspace.mean(2)  # this might help more instead of starting from zero votes

    # common.DebugPrint("causal(): V.shape = %s" % str(V.shape));

    We substitute i - 1 with i, since array indexing starts from 1 in Matlab
        and 0 in Python.
    # for i in range(1, nos + 1):
    for i in range(nos):
        if cropflag == 0:
            if (const_type == 1) and (BOV_flag == 1):
                # V=V+w(i)*H(:,:,i)+Vspace(:,:,i);
                # V += w[i - 1] * H[:, :, i - 1] + Vspace[:, :, i - 1]; #!!!!TODO: think well *
                V += w[i] * H[:, :, i] + Vspace[:, :, i]
                #!!!!TODO: think well *
                # Alex: we are normally in this case, since cropflag == 0, const_type == 1, BOV_flag == 0
                # V=V+w(i)*Vspace(:,:,i);
                # V += w[i - 1] * Vspace[:, :, i - 1]; #!!!!TODO: think well *   Exception "ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (5) (23,8)"
                V += w[i] * Vspace[:, :, i]
                #!!!!TODO: think well *   Exception "ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (5) (23,8)"
            # V=V+w(i)*Vspace(:,:,i)+H(:,:,i);
            # V += w[i - 1] * Vspace[:, :, i - 1] + H[:, :, i - 1]; #!!!!TODO: think well *
            V += w[i] * Vspace[:, :, i] + H[:, :, i]
            #!!!!TODO: think well *

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        # common.DebugPrint("causal(): Vspace.shape = %s" % str(Vspace.shape));
        common.DebugPrint("causal(): V.shape = %s" % str(V.shape))
        common.DebugPrint("causal(): V (the matrix used to choose the max-voting reference frame) = %s" % str(V))
        # common.DebugPrint("causal(): len(QD) = %d" % len(QD));

    # for iFor in range(1, len(QD) + 1):
    We substitute iFor -1 with iFor since arrays start with 0 in Python,
        not with 1 like in Matlab
    # for iFor in range(1, numFramesQ + 1):
    for iFor in range(numFramesQ):
        # cross(i,1)=str2num(QD(i).name(end-9:end-4));
        crossref[iFor, 0] = iFor
        # TODO - think well

        # [a,b]=max(V(:,i));
        b = V[:, iFor].argmax()
        a = V[:, iFor][b]

        # cross(i,2)=str2num(RD(b).name(end-9:end-4));
        crossref[iFor, 1] = b
        #!!!!TODO - think well

    # We normally do NOT execute the following code, since nop == 0

    # if nargin>7
    if nop != 0:
        # XX = cross(:,1)';
        XX = crossref[:, 0].T

        # YY = cross(:,2)';
        YY = crossref[:, 1].T

        YY_new = YY

        if mod(nop, 2) == 0:
            # error('Number of points (parameter NOP) must be odd number');
            # common.DebugPrint("Number of points (parameter NOP) must be odd number");

        # miso is used only as array index and in range expressions --> it can be an integer
        miso = (nop - 1) / 2

        if nop < 7:
            # common.DebugPrint("Choose more than 5 points for local fitting");

        # for i = miso+1:length(XX)-miso
        for iFor in range(miso + 1, len(XX) - miso + 1):
            # xx = XX(i-miso:i+miso);
            xx = XX[iFor - miso - 1 : iFor + miso]

            # yy = YY(i-miso:i+miso);
            yy = YY[iFor - miso - 1 : iFor + miso]

            if nop < 9:
                iterNum is used only in range expressions and
                        array dimensions --> it can be an integer.
                iterNum = nop * (nop - 1) / 2
                iterNum = 10

            thDist = 2
            thInlrRatio = 0.6

            From Matlab help:
              RANSAC Use RANdom SAmple Consensus to fit a line
                RESCOEF = RANSAC(PTS,ITERNUM,THDIST,THINLRRATIO) PTS is 2*n matrix including
                n points, ITERNUM is the number of iteration, THDIST is the inlier
                distance threshold and ROUND(THINLRRATIO*SIZE(PTS,2)) is the inlier number threshold. The final
                fitted line is y = alpha*x+beta.
                Yan Ke @ THUEE, [email protected]
            # [ alpha, beta ] = ransac_line( [xx;yy],iterNum,thDist,thInlrRatio );
            alpha, beta = ransac_line(np.r_[xx, yy], iterNum, thDist, thInlrRatio)

            if alpha != 0:
                yy_new = alpha * xx + beta
                #!!!!TODO: think well *
                YY_new[iFor - 1] = yy_new[miso + 1 - 1]

        # cross(:,2) = YY_new;
        crossref[:, 2] = YY_new

    crossref = crossref.astype(int)

    print ("causal(): crossref = %s" % str(crossref))

    ComputeCost(crossref, V, "crossref_causal.txt")

    if False:  # True:
        # print("Am here1111");
        # causal_Alex(Vspace, numFramesQ, numFramesR);

        # print("Am here2222");
        # dp3(Vspace, numFramesR, numFramesQ, BOV_flag);

        # print("Am here3333");
        # dp_Alex(Vspace, numFramesR, numFramesQ, BOV_flag);
        dp_Alex(Vspace, numFramesR, numFramesQ, BOV_flag, PREV_REF=5, NEXT_REF=-1)

    return crossref
def causal(Vspace,
    #%cons_type : 1 means that spatial constraint applies after voting
    #%            2 means that spatial constraint applies before voting -> NOT
    #%            USED IN PAPER

    # causal() is the local/greedy optimization solution

    #% nargin>7 means that we do the local smoothing with RANSAC (see the paper)
    common.DebugPrint("causal(): At entrance Vspace=%s,\nH=%s, \n" \
        "numFramesQ=%s, numFramesR=%s, BOV_flag=%d, cropflag=%d, const_type=%d, " \
        "nop=%d" % \
        (str(Vspace), str(H), numFramesQ, numFramesR, BOV_flag, cropflag, \
            const_type, nop));
    print("causal(): At entrance \n" \
        "    numFramesQ=%s, numFramesR=%s, BOV_flag=%d, cropflag=%d, const_type=%d, " \
        "    nop=%d" % \
        (numFramesQ, numFramesR, BOV_flag, cropflag, \
            const_type, nop))

    # Normally BOV_flag=0, cropflag=0, const_type=1,nop=0

    #if True:
    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        print("causal(): Vspace.shape = %s" % str(Vspace.shape))
        print("causal(): H.shape = %s" % str(H.shape))

        for i in range(Vspace.shape[2]):
            common.DebugPrint("causal(): Vspace[:, :, %d] = \n%s" %
                              (i, str(Vspace[:, :, i])))
            common.DebugPrint("causal(): Vspace[:, :, %d] = " % (i));
            for r in range(Vspace.shape[0]):
                for c in range(Vspace.shape[1]):
                    common.DebugPrint("%.4f " % Vspace[r, c, i]),

        for i in range(H.shape[2]):
            common.DebugPrint("causal(): H[:, :, %d] = \n%s" %
                              (i, str(H[:, :, i])))
            common.DebugPrint("causal(): H[:, :, %d] = " % (i));
            for r in range(H.shape[0]):
                for c in range(H.shape[1]):
                    common.DebugPrint("%.4f " % H[r, c, i]),

    #nos=size(Vspace,3); %3D matrix
    nos = Vspace.shape[2]
    #%3D matrix

    #% same with the multi_scale_harris function
    sigma_0 = 1.2

    n = range(0, nos)

    #sigma_D=sqrt(1.8).^n*sigma_0; % We should see sqrt(1.8) returning a vector of nos elements
    #NOT GOOD in Python: sigma_D = math.sqrt(1.8)**n * sigma_0;
    sq18 = np.ones((1, nos)) * math.sqrt(1.8)
    sigma_D = sq18**n * sigma_0

    #w = sigma_D;
    w = sigma_D[0]

    #common.DebugPrint("causal(): w = %s" % str(w));
    #common.DebugPrint("causal(): w.shape = %s" % str(w.shape));

    w = w / w.sum()
    #common.DebugPrint("causal(): w = %s" % str(w));

    # Alex: normally NOT executed
    if BOV_flag == 1:
        w = w[:, ::-1]  # We flip on the vertical (left becomes right)

    print("causal(): w = %s" % str(w))

    # Alex: normally NOT executed
    if (const_type == 1) and (BOV_flag == 1):
        assert False
        # Normally this code does NOT get executed
        VV = np.zeros((Vspace.shape[0], Vspace.shape[1]))

        for j in range(1, nos + 1):
            VV = VV + Vspace[:, :, j - 1]

        X, Y = sort(VV, "descend")

        #%enable top-N list
        #%N = 50;
        #%N = 100;
        N = 300

        for s in range(1, nos + 1):
            for i in range(1, Vspace.shape[1] + 1):
                y = Y[:, i - 1]

                votes = Vspace[:, i - 1, s - 1]

                h = H[:, i - 1, s - 1]

                votes[y[N:]] = 0

                h[y[N:]] = 0

                Vspace[:, i - 1, s - 1] = votes

                H[:, i - 1, s - 1] = h

    #clear VV
    VV = None

    #QD=dir([q_path 'multiharlocs*.mat']);
    #RD=dir([r_path 'multiharlocs*.mat']);
    #QD = [None] * numFramesQ;
    #RD = [None] * numFramesR;

    #crossref = np.zeros( (len(QD), 2) );
    crossref = np.zeros((numFramesQ, 2))
    #common.DebugPrint("causal(): crossref = %s" % str(crossref));

    #% str=['load ' r_path 'multiscale_nod'];
    #% eval(str)

    #%replace nan votes with zeros

    # We transform nan in 0 in Vspace
    We substitute i - 1 with i, since array indexing starts from 1 in Matlab
        and 0 in Python.
    #for i in range(1, nos + 1):
    for i in range(nos):
        #V_temp = Vspace[:, :, i - 1];
        V_temp = Vspace[:, :, i]

        V_temp[np.isnan(V_temp)] = 0

        #Vspace[:, :, i - 1] = V_temp;
        Vspace[:, :, i] = V_temp

    # Alex: I personally find this idea of using filter2() VERY BAD - the results in Vspace should already be VERY good

    if CAUSAL_DO_NOT_SMOOTH == False:
        #% this filtering of votes favors smoother results
        b = Matlab.hamming(11)
        #% USED

        #if False:
        We substitute i - 1 with i, since array indexing starts from 1 in Matlab
            and 0 in Python.
        #for i in range(1, nos + 1):
        for i in range(nos):
            From the Matlab help:
              Y = filter2(h,X) filters
              the data in X with the two-dimensional FIR filter
              in the matrix h. It computes the result, Y,
              using two-dimensional correlation, and returns the central part of
              the correlation that is the same size as X.
            #Vspace[:, :, i - 1] = Matlab.filter2(b, Vspace[:, :, i - 1]);
            Vspace[:, :, i] = Matlab.filter2(b, Vspace[:, :, i])
            #% use imfilter if filter2 takes time #!!!!TODO: do the optimization Evangelidis says here
    From Matlab help:
      M = mean(A,dim) returns
      the mean values for elements along the dimension of A specified
      by scalar dim. For matrices, mean(A,2) is
      a column vector containing the mean value of each row.

    #V=mean(Vspace,3); % this might help more instead of starting from zero votes
    V = Vspace.mean(
        2)  # this might help more instead of starting from zero votes

    #common.DebugPrint("causal(): V.shape = %s" % str(V.shape));
    We substitute i - 1 with i, since array indexing starts from 1 in Matlab
        and 0 in Python.
    #for i in range(1, nos + 1):
    for i in range(nos):
        if cropflag == 0:
            if (const_type == 1) and (BOV_flag == 1):
                #V += w[i - 1] * H[:, :, i - 1] + Vspace[:, :, i - 1]; #!!!!TODO: think well *
                V += w[i] * H[:, :, i] + Vspace[:, :, i]
                #!!!!TODO: think well *
                # Alex: we are normally in this case, since cropflag == 0, const_type == 1, BOV_flag == 0
                #V += w[i - 1] * Vspace[:, :, i - 1]; #!!!!TODO: think well *   Exception "ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (5) (23,8)"
                V += w[i] * Vspace[:, :, i]
                #!!!!TODO: think well *   Exception "ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (5) (23,8)"
            #V += w[i - 1] * Vspace[:, :, i - 1] + H[:, :, i - 1]; #!!!!TODO: think well *
            V += w[i] * Vspace[:, :, i] + H[:, :, i]
            #!!!!TODO: think well *

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        #common.DebugPrint("causal(): Vspace.shape = %s" % str(Vspace.shape));
        common.DebugPrint("causal(): V.shape = %s" % str(V.shape))
            "causal(): V (the matrix used to choose the max-voting reference frame) = %s"
            % str(V))
        #common.DebugPrint("causal(): len(QD) = %d" % len(QD));

    #for iFor in range(1, len(QD) + 1):
    We substitute iFor -1 with iFor since arrays start with 0 in Python,
        not with 1 like in Matlab
    #for iFor in range(1, numFramesQ + 1):
    for iFor in range(numFramesQ):
        crossref[iFor, 0] = iFor
        #TODO - think well

        b = V[:, iFor].argmax()
        a = V[:, iFor][b]

        crossref[iFor, 1] = b
        #!!!!TODO - think well

    # We normally do NOT execute the following code, since nop == 0

    #if nargin>7
    if nop != 0:
        #XX = cross(:,1)';
        XX = crossref[:, 0].T

        #YY = cross(:,2)';
        YY = crossref[:, 1].T

        YY_new = YY

        if mod(nop, 2) == 0:
            #error('Number of points (parameter NOP) must be odd number');
            #common.DebugPrint("Number of points (parameter NOP) must be odd number");

        # miso is used only as array index and in range expressions --> it can be an integer
        miso = (nop - 1) / 2

        if nop < 7:
            #common.DebugPrint("Choose more than 5 points for local fitting");

        #for i = miso+1:length(XX)-miso
        for iFor in range(miso + 1, len(XX) - miso + 1):
            #xx = XX(i-miso:i+miso);
            xx = XX[iFor - miso - 1:iFor + miso]

            #yy = YY(i-miso:i+miso);
            yy = YY[iFor - miso - 1:iFor + miso]

            if nop < 9:
                iterNum is used only in range expressions and
                        array dimensions --> it can be an integer.
                iterNum = nop * (nop - 1) / 2
                iterNum = 10

            thDist = 2
            thInlrRatio = 0.6
            From Matlab help:
              RANSAC Use RANdom SAmple Consensus to fit a line
                RESCOEF = RANSAC(PTS,ITERNUM,THDIST,THINLRRATIO) PTS is 2*n matrix including
                n points, ITERNUM is the number of iteration, THDIST is the inlier
                distance threshold and ROUND(THINLRRATIO*SIZE(PTS,2)) is the inlier number threshold. The final
                fitted line is y = alpha*x+beta.
                Yan Ke @ THUEE, [email protected]
            #[ alpha, beta ] = ransac_line( [xx;yy],iterNum,thDist,thInlrRatio );
            alpha, beta = ransac_line( np.r_[xx, yy], iterNum, \
                                      thDist, thInlrRatio )

            if alpha != 0:
                yy_new = alpha * xx + beta
                #!!!!TODO: think well *
                YY_new[iFor - 1] = yy_new[miso + 1 - 1]

        #cross(:,2) = YY_new;
        crossref[:, 2] = YY_new

    crossref = crossref.astype(int)

    print("causal(): crossref = %s" % str(crossref))

    ComputeCost(crossref, V, "crossref_causal.txt")

    if False:  #True:
        #print("Am here1111");
        #causal_Alex(Vspace, numFramesQ, numFramesR);

        #print("Am here2222");
        #dp3(Vspace, numFramesR, numFramesQ, BOV_flag);

        #print("Am here3333");
        #dp_Alex(Vspace, numFramesR, numFramesQ, BOV_flag);

    return crossref
Exemple #12
def MyImageReadMSH(index):
    global g;

    common.DebugPrint("MyImageReadMSH(): initFrame = %d)" % \
    index += config.initFrame[g.indexVideo];

    common.DebugPrint("Entered MyImageReadMSH(capture=%s, index=%s)" % \
                            (str(capture), str(index)));
    common.DebugPrint("Entered MyImageReadMSH(index=%s)" % \

    We must reopen the capture device in each different process, otherwise the
        program blocks at the first operation in the "global" capture device.
    if g.harlocsFolder.endswith(config.HARRIS_QUERY_FOLDER_NAME):
        if g.captureQ == None:
            capture = cv2.VideoCapture(sys.argv[1]);
            g.captureQ = capture;
            common.DebugPrint("MyImageReadMSH(): new capture=%s" % \
            capture = g.captureQ;
    elif g.harlocsFolder.endswith(config.HARRIS_REFERENCE_FOLDER_NAME):
        if g.captureR == None:
            capture = cv2.VideoCapture(sys.argv[2]);
            g.captureR = capture;
            common.DebugPrint("MyImageReadMSH(): new capture=%s" % \
            capture = g.captureR;
        assert False;

    assert (g.indexVideo == 0) or (g.indexVideo == 1);
    if config.OCV_OLD_PY_BINDINGS:
        capture.set(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, \
        From http://docs.opencv.org/modules/highgui/doc/reading_and_writing_images_and_video.html#videocapture-get:
            <<CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES 0-based index of the frame to be
              decoded/captured next.>>
        capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, \

    common.DebugPrint("MyImageReadMSH(): after capture.set()");

    # This is only for (paranoid) testing purposes:
    if config.OCV_OLD_PY_BINDINGS:
        indexCrt = capture.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES);
        From http://docs.opencv.org/modules/highgui/doc/reading_and_writing_images_and_video.html#videocapture-get:
            <<CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES 0-based index of the frame to be
              decoded/captured next.>>
        indexCrt = capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES);

    #assert int(indexCrt) == index;
    #!!!!TODO: think if OK
    if int(indexCrt) != index:
        common.DebugPrint( \
            "MyImageReadMSH(): indexCrt != index --> returning black frame");
        ret = False;
        #common.DebugPrint("Alex: frameR = %d" % frameR);

        #if myIndex > numFramesR:
        #    break;

        #ret, img = r_path.read();
        ret, img = capture.read();
        #if ret == False:
        #    break;

    #!!!!TODO: think if well
    #assert ret == True;
    if ret == False:
                "MyImageReadMSH(index=%d): ret == False --> returning None" % index);
        img = None;
        common.DebugPrint("MyImageReadMSH(): img.shape = %s" % str(img.shape));
        common.DebugPrint("MyImageReadMSH(): img.dtype = %s" % str(img.dtype));

    #!!!!TODO: I suggest to do the gray conversion at reading, not in multi_scale_harris.py
    if False:
        # In the Matlab code he reads gray/8bpp JPEGs
        imgGray = common.ConvertImgToGrayscale(img);

        # We resize the image
        img = Matlab.imresize(img, \

    common.DebugPrint("Exiting MyImageReadMSH()");
    if False:
        return imgGray;

    return img;
Exemple #13
def ComputeHarlocs(capture, counterStep, folderName, fileNamePrefix,
                    fileNameExtension=".csv", indexVideo=-1):
    print( \
            "Entered ComputeHarlocs(capture=%s, counterStep=%d, folderName=%s, " \
                                     "indexVideo=%d)" % \
                            (str(capture), counterStep, folderName, indexVideo));

    harlocsFolder = config.VIDEOS_FOLDER + "/" + folderName;

    t1 = float(cv2.getTickCount());

    harlocs = [];

    if config.OCV_OLD_PY_BINDINGS:
        numFrames = int(capture.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT));
        numFrames = int(capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT));
    common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): numFrames = %d" % numFrames);

    if not os.path.exists(harlocsFolder):
        #!!!!TODO: check that the loaded Harlocs are complete - same frame numbers as in the videos
        # Folder with precomputed Harris features exists
        folderContent = os.listdir(harlocsFolder);
        sortedFolderContent = sorted(folderContent);

        for fileName in sortedFolderContent:
            pathFileName = harlocsFolder + "/" + fileName;
            common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): pathFileName = %s" % pathFileName);
            common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): fileName = %s" % fileName);
            if os.path.isfile(pathFileName) and \
                            fileName.startswith(fileNamePrefix) and \
                common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): Loading %s" % pathFileName);
                harrisFeatures = multi_scale_harris.LoadMultiScaleHarrisFeatures(pathFileName);

        if config.endFrame[indexVideo] == -1:
            assert (len(harlocs) + config.initFrame[indexVideo]) == numFrames; #!!!!TODO: if condition is NOT met, give a nicer error, or redo computations of Harlocs
            assert (len(harlocs) + config.initFrame[indexVideo]) == config.endFrame[indexVideo] + 1; #!!!!TODO: if condition is NOT met, give a nicer error, or redo computations of Harlocs

        return harlocs;

    if config.USE_MULTITHREADING == True:
        global g;
        g.captureQ = None; # We need to reopen the capture device in each process, separately
        g.captureR = None; # We need to reopen the capture device in each process, separately
        #g.capture = capture;

        g.harlocsFolder = harlocsFolder;
        g.fileNamePrefix = fileNamePrefix;
        g.fileNameExtension = fileNameExtension;
        g.indexVideo = indexVideo;

        if config.OCV_OLD_PY_BINDINGS:
            frameCount = int(capture.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT));
            frameCount = int(capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT));
        #listParams = range(frameCount);
        listParams = range(config.initFrame[indexVideo], frameCount, counterStep);

        common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): frameCount = %d" % frameCount);

        print("ComputeHarlocs(): Spawning a pool of %d workers" % \

        # DEBUG purposes ONLY - since when we use Pool() and call function, if
        #   we have an error in the function the exception reported is very
        #   vague...
        for i in listParams:
        #import time

        Start worker processes to use on multi-core processor (circumvent
          also the GIL issue).
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=config.numProcesses);
        print("ComputeHarlocs(): Spawned a pool of %d workers" % \

        #res = pool.map(IterationStandaloneMSH, listParams);
        # See https://docs.python.org/2/library/multiprocessing.html#module-multiprocessing.pool
        res = pool.map(func=IterationStandaloneMSH, iterable=listParams, \
        print("Pool.map returns %s" % str(res));

        From https://medium.com/building-things-on-the-internet/40e9b2b36148
         close the pool and wait for the work to finish

        #!!!!TODO: do more efficient - don't load the results from the CSV files
        return ComputeHarlocs(capture, counterStep, folderName, \
                              fileNamePrefix, fileNameExtension, indexVideo);
        #return [];

    #indexHarloc = 0;
    while True:
        if config.OCV_OLD_PY_BINDINGS:
            framePos = capture.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES);
            From http://docs.opencv.org/modules/highgui/doc/reading_and_writing_images_and_video.html#videocapture-get:
                <<CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES 0-based index of the frame to be decoded/captured next.>>
            framePos = capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES);
        common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): framePos = %d" % framePos);

        counter = int(framePos); #0
        common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): counter = %d" % counter);

        ret, img = capture.read();

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): img = %s" % str(img));

        if False and config.SAVE_FRAMES:
            fileName = config.IMAGES_FOLDER + "/img_%05d.png" % counter;
            if not os.path.exists(fileName):
                #print "dir(img) = %s"% str(dir(img))
                imgCV = cv.fromarray(img)
                cv2.imwrite(fileName, imgCV)
                cv2.imwrite(fileName, img);

        #if ret == False: #MatchFrames.counterQ == 3:
        if (ret == False) or ((counter > numFrames) or \
                             (config.endFrame[indexVideo] != -1 and \
                              counter > config.endFrame[indexVideo])):

            img = Matlab.imresize(img, \

        im = img;
        pp = multi_scale_harris.multi_scale_harris(im, nos, disp=0); # n=0:nos-1

        #harlocs = pp

        multi_scale_harris.StoreMultiScaleHarrisFeatures( \
                harlocsFolder + "/" + fileNamePrefix + "%05d%s" % \
                                    (counter, fileNameExtension),

        counter += counterStep;
        # If we try to seek to a frame out-of-bounds frame it gets to the last one
        if config.OCV_OLD_PY_BINDINGS:
            capture.set(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, counter);
            capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, counter);

        #indexHarloc += 1;

    t2 = float(cv2.getTickCount());
    myTime = (t2 - t1) / cv2.getTickFrequency();
    common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): computing the multiscale harlocs " \
                        "took %.6f [sec]" % myTime);

    #common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): len(harlocs) = %s" % str(len(harlocs)));

    if False:
        for i, h in enumerate(harlocs):
            #common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): len(harlocs[%d]) = %d" % \
            #                                                        (i, len(h)));
                    harlocsFolder + "/" + fileNamePrefix + "%05d.txt" % i, h);

    #if False:
    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): harlocs = %s" % str(harlocs));

    return harlocs;
Exemple #14
def multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(im, nos, disp):
    common.DebugPrint("Entered multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(nos=%d, disp=%s)" % \
                                                            (nos, str(disp)))

    #if size(im, 3) == 3:
    #    im = rgb2gray(im)

    tMSH1 = float(cv2.getTickCount())

    if im.ndim == 3:
        im = common.ConvertImgToGrayscale(im)

    #im = im2double(im)
    # From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10873824/how-to-convert-2d-float-numpy-array-to-2d-int-numpy-array:
    #DO NOT USE: im = im.astype(np.uint8); # This messes up tremendously the computation of harlocs
    #im = im.astype(float);
    im = im.astype(np.float32)

    #!!!!COR is an UNused variable
    #COR = zeros(size(im,1), size(im,2), size(im,3))
    #COR = np.zeros((im.shape[0], im.shape[1], im.shape[1]));

    # scale values

    sigma_0 = 1.2
    #n=[0:nos-1]; %scale levels
    n = np.array(range(nos))
    #scale levels

    sigma_D = math.sqrt(1.8)**n * sigma_0

    points = np.array([])

    scn = sigma_D**4

    #for i=1:length(sigma_D)
    #for i in range(1, len(sigma_D) + 1):
    for i in range(1, nos + 1):
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): i = %s" %

        #sd=sigma_D(i); %differentiation (local) scale
        sd = sigma_D[i - 1]
        #%differentiation (local) scale

        #si=sd/.5; %integration scale
        si = sd / 0.5
        #integration scale

        w = 3 * sd
        # size for gaussian kernel to compute derivatives: 3 times local_scale

        r_w = int(round(w))
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): r_w = %s" % \

        #if mod(round(w),2):
        if (r_w % 2) == 1:
            #[xco,yco] = meshgrid(-round(w):round(w),-round(w):round(w))
            mRange = range(-r_w, r_w + 1)
            xco, yco = Matlab.meshgrid(mRange, mRange)
            #[xco,yco] = meshgrid(-(round(w)+1):round(w)+1,-(round(w)+1):round(w)+1)
            mRange = range(-(r_w + 1), r_w + 2)
            xco, yco = Matlab.meshgrid(mRange, mRange)

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): xco = %s" % \
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): yco = %s" % \

        # Note: even for HD frames, xco.shape = (11, 11) (yco the same)

        #arg = -(xco.*xco + yco.*yco) / (2*sd*sd)
        #arg = -(xco * xco + yco * yco) / (2.0 * sd * sd);
        arg = -(xco**2 + yco**2) / (2.0 * sd * sd)

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): arg = %s" % \

        #%2d gaussian kernel
        From http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/exp.html:
            "exp(X) returns the exponential for each element of array X."
        #g=exp(arg)/(2*pi*sd^2); #2d gaussian kernel
        g = np.exp(arg) / (2.0 * math.pi * pow(sd, 2))

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): g = %s" % \

        # normalize to suppress any gain
        #if sum(g(:))~=0:
        g_sum = g.sum()
        #if abs(g.sum()) > 1.0e-6:
        if abs(g_sum) > 1.0e-6:
            #g = g / sum(g(:));
            #g = g / float(g.sum());
            g /= float(g_sum)

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): sd = %s" %
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): w = %s" %
        #%Instead of computing derivatives in the filtered image,
        we filter the image with the derivatives of the kernel.

        #% kernels for gaussian derivatives
        gx = -xco * g / float(sd * sd)

        gy = -yco * g / float(sd * sd)

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gx = %s" % \
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gy = %s" % \
        multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): arg.shape = (11, 11)
        multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): g.shape = (11, 11)
        multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gx.shape = (11, 11)
        multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gy.shape = (11, 11)
        multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gi.shape = (15, 15)

        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): xco.shape = %s" %
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): yco.shape = %s" %
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): arg.shape = %s" %
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): g.shape = %s" %
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gx.shape = %s" %
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gy.shape = %s" %

        #%compute the derivatives
        #Ix = imfilter(im, gx, 'replicate');
        Ix = Matlab.imfilter(im, gx, "replicate")

        #Iy = imfilter(im, gy, 'replicate');
        Iy = Matlab.imfilter(im, gy, "replicate")
        #% Alex: Ix and Iy have the same size as im

        #if True:
        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Ix = %s" % \
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Iy = %s" % \

        #% gaussian kernel to compute 2nd moment matrix
        #if mod(floor(6*si),2) %size: six times the integration scale
        if int(math.floor(
                6 * si)) % 2 == 1:  #size: six times the integration scale
            #gi = fspecial('ga',max(1,fix(6*si)), si)
            gi = Matlab.fspecial("ga", max(1, Matlab.fix(6 * si)), si)
            #gi = fspecial('ga',max(1,fix(6*si)+1), si)
            gi = Matlab.fspecial("ga", max(1,
                                           Matlab.fix(6 * si) + 1), si)

        #if True:
        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gi = %s" % \
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gi.shape = %s" % \

        #Ix2 = imfilter(Ix.^2, gi,  'replicate');
        Ix2 = Matlab.imfilter(Ix**2, gi, "replicate")

        #Iy2 = imfilter(Iy.^2, gi,  'replicate');
        Iy2 = Matlab.imfilter(Iy**2, gi, "replicate")

        #Ixy = imfilter(Ix.*Iy, gi, 'replicate');
        Ixy = Matlab.imfilter(Ix * Iy, gi, "replicate")
        #% Alex: Ix2, Iy2 and Ixy have the same size as im

        #if True:
        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Ix2 = %s" % \
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Iy2 = %s" % \
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Ixy = %s" % \
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Ix2.dtype = %s" % \
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Iy2.dtype = %s" % \
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Ixy.dtype = %s" % \

        #%% Cornerness measure
        #% Noble measure.
        #%     M = (Ix2.*Iy2 - Ixy.^2)./(Ix2 + Iy2 + eps);

        #% Harris measure.
        #M = (Ix2.*Iy2 - Ixy.^2) - .06*(Ix2 + Iy2).^2;
        M = (Ix2 * Iy2 - Ixy**2) - 0.06 * (Ix2 + Iy2)**2

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): M.dtype = %s" % \
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): M = %s" % \

        #% Alex: scn is a vector - see definition above
        #% Alex: M has the same size as im
        #M = scn(i)*M;
        M = scn[i - 1] * M

        #thresh = 0.001*max(M(:));
        thresh = 0.001 * M.max()

        #%       imagesc(M==abs(M));axis on;
        #%   colorbar
        #%   pause
        %keep points that are the maximum in a neighborhood of
            radius=round(3*si/2) and are above thresh
        %non-maximum supression and subpixel refinement
        #[r,c, rsubp, csubp] = my_nms(M, round(3*si/2), thresh);
        r, c, rsubp, csubp = my_nms(M, round(3 * si / 2.0), thresh)

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                "multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): r.shape = %s" %
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): r = %s" %
                "multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): c.shape = %s" %
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): c = %s" %
                "multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): rsubp.shape = %s" %
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): rsubp = %s" %
                "multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): csubp.shape = %s" %
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): csubp = %s" %

        #% Alex: r,c, rsubp, csubp seem to always be the same size - and the
        #%          size I've seen is 56 * 1????
        #pp=[rsubp, csubp, i*ones(size(r,1),1)];
        pp = np.c_[rsubp, csubp, i * np.ones((r.shape[0], 1))]

        #% Alex: here we add more rows (pp) to points below the existing rows of
        #%                       points
        #points=[points; pp];
            "multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): points.shape = %s" %
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): pp.shape = %s" %
        if points.size == 0:
            # Avoiding exception: "ValueError: arrays must have same number of dimensions"
            points = pp
            points = np.r_[points, pp]

    if disp:
        assert False
        # not implemented the display of Harris features
        imshow(im,[]) #hold on
        title('corners detected')
        for i = range(1, size(points,1) + 1):

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): points = %s" %
    common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): points.shape = %s" %

    tMSH2 = float(cv2.getTickCount())
    myTime = (tMSH2 - tMSH1) / cv2.getTickFrequency()
        "multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis() took %.6f [sec]"
        % myTime)

    return points
def multiscale_quad_retrieval(r_quadsTree, r_harlocs, q_harlocs, md_threshold, st_threshold, \
            all_ori, all_id, all_max, all_cen, nos, scale_index, cropflag, \
    common.DebugPrint("Entered multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                        "md_threshold = %s, st_threshold = %s." % \
                        (str(md_threshold), \

    assert len(r_harlocs) != 0;
    assert len(q_harlocs) != 0;

        Votes_space = np.load("Votes_space%d.npz" % scale_index)['arr_0'];
        HH = np.load("HH%d.npz" % scale_index)['arr_0'];
        return Votes_space, HH;

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): r_quadsTree = %s" % \

        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): len(r_harlocs) = %d" % len(r_harlocs));
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): r_harlocs = %s" % str(r_harlocs));

        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): q_harlocs = %s" % str(q_harlocs));
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): md_threshold = %s" % str(md_threshold));
        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): st_threshold = %s" % str(st_threshold));
        #common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): all_ori, all_id, all_max, all_cen, nos, scale_index, cropflag = %s" % str(all_ori, all_id, all_max, all_cen, nos, scale_index, cropflag));
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): all_id = %s" % str(all_id));
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): all_id.shape = %s" % (str(all_id.shape)));
        #common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): all_max, all_cen, nos, scale_index, cropflag = %s" % str(all_max, all_cen, nos, scale_index, cropflag));
        #common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): all_max = %s" % str(all_max));
        #common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): all_cen, nos, scale_index, cropflag = %s" % str(all_cen, nos, scale_index, cropflag));
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): sequence = %s" % str(sequence));
        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): cropflag = %s" % str(cropflag));

    t1 = float(cv2.getTickCount());

    if scale_index > nos:
        assert scale_index <= nos;
        #error('Wrong scale index or number-of-scales');

    #QD = dir([q_path "multiharlocs*.mat"])
    #QD = [q_path + "multiharlocs*.mat"]
    #QD = q_harlocs;

    #RD = dir([r_path "multiharlocs*.mat"])
    #RD = [r_path + "multiharlocs*.mat"]
    #RD = r_harlocs;

    #TODO: take out RD_start
    #RD_start = str2num(RD(1).name(end - 9 : end - 4))
    #RD_start = int(RD[0][-9 : -4])
    RD_start = 0;

    #RD_end = str2num(RD(end).name(end - 9 : end - 4))
    #RD_end = int(RD[-1][-9 : -4])
    #RD_end = len(RD) - 1;
    RD_end = len(r_harlocs) - 1;

    if False: # n_d not used anywhere
        #n_d = hist(all_id, RD_start : RD_end)
        #n_d = hist[all_id, RD_start : RD_end]
        n_d = Matlab.hist(x=all_id, \
                      binCenters=np.array(range(RD_start, RD_end + 1)) );

        #cross_indices = np.zeros( (len(QD), 2) );
        cross_indices = np.zeros( (len(q_harlocs), 2) );

    j = 1;

    #ORI = np.array([]); # ORI NOT used anywhere

    Inspired from
        BUT doesn't help in this case:
    Votes_space = np.asfortranarray(np.zeros( (len(RD), len(QD)) ));
    #Votes_space = np.zeros( (len(RD), len(QD)) );
    Votes_space = np.zeros( (len(r_harlocs), len(q_harlocs)) );

    # Make a distinct copy of HH from Votes_space...
    #HH = Votes_space.copy().astype(np.int16); #Votes_space + 0;
    #HH = np.zeros((len(RD), len(QD)), dtype=np.int8);
    HH = np.zeros((len(r_harlocs), len(q_harlocs)), dtype=np.int8); #!!!!TODO use MAYBE even np.bool - OR take it out

    #common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): Votes_space = %s,\n       HH = %s" % (str(Votes_space), str(HH)))

    tolers = 0.1 - float(scale_index) / 100.0; # it helps to make more strict the threshold as the scale goes up
    # tolers = 0.15 - float(scale_index) / 100.0;

    MAXDIS = 3 + scale_index;
    MAXORI = 0.25;

    !!!!TODO TODO: I am using multiprocessing.Poll and return votes;
      the dispatcher assembles the results,
        but the results are NOT the same with the serial case - although they
           look pretty decent, but they seem to be suboptimal - dp_Alex returns
             suboptimal cost path for USE_MULTITHREADING == True instead of
             (Note: running under the same preconditions
                 multiscale_quad_retrieval I got the same results in dp_Alex().
    if False: #config.USE_MULTITHREADING == True:
        global g;
        g.r_quadsTree = r_quadsTree;
        g.r_harlocs = r_harlocs;
        g.q_harlocs = q_harlocs;
        g.md_threshold = md_threshold;
        g.st_threshold = st_threshold;
        g.all_ori = all_ori;
        g.all_id = all_id;
        g.all_max = all_max;
        g.all_cen = all_cen;
        g.nos = nos;
        g.scale_index = scale_index;
        g.cropflag = cropflag;
        g.sequence = sequence;
        g.RD_start = RD_start;
        g.RD_end = RD_end;
        g.MAXDIS = MAXDIS;
        g.MAXORI = MAXORI;
        g.tolers = tolers;

        Start worker processes to use on multi-core processor (able to run
           in parallel - no GIL issue if each core has it's own VM)
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=config.numProcesses);
        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): Spawned a pool of %d workers" % \

        listParams = range(0, len(q_harlocs)); #!!!!TODO: use counterStep, config.initFrame[indexVideo]

        #res = pool.map(IterationStandaloneMQR, listParams);
        # See https://docs.python.org/2/library/multiprocessing.html#module-multiprocessing.pool
        res = pool.map(func=IterationStandaloneMQR, iterable=listParams, \

        print("Pool.map returns %s" % str(res)); #x0.size + 1

        From https://medium.com/building-things-on-the-internet/40e9b2b36148
            close the pool and wait for the work to finish

        # Doing the "reduce" phase after the workers have finished :)
        assert len(res) == len(q_harlocs);
        for queryFrame, resE in enumerate(res):
            resEIndex = resE[0];
            resE = resE[1];
            assert resEIndex == queryFrame;
            # Gives: "ValueError: output operand requires a reduction, but reduction is not enabled"
            #Votes_space[:, queryFrame - 1] = votes;
            Votes_space[:, queryFrame] = resE;

        for queryFrame in range(len(q_harlocs)):
            if cropflag == 0:
                HH[:, queryFrame] = 1;
                HH[:, queryFrame] = spatial_consistency.spatial_consistency(space_xy, \
                                            qcen, len(RD), st_threshold, cropflag);
                HH[:, queryFrame] = spatial_consistency.spatial_consistency(space_xy, \
                                            qcen, len(r_harlocs), st_threshold, cropflag);

            np.savez_compressed("Votes_space%d" % scale_index, Votes_space);
            np.savez_compressed("HH%d" % scale_index, HH);

        return Votes_space, HH;

    We substitute q - 1 with q, since we want
      to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
    #for q=1:length(QD)
    #for q in range(1, len(QD) + 1):
    #for queryFrame in range(len(QD)):
    for queryFrame in range(len(q_harlocs)):
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): Starting iteration queryFrame = %d" % queryFrame);
        # tic

        str1=['load ' q_path QD(q).name]

        We make pp reference the desired multiharloc list for the query video
           frame queryFrame
        pp = q_harlocs[queryFrame];
        #pp = np.array(pp);

        #common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): pp = %s" % str(pp));

        points = pp[pp[:, 2] == scale_index, 0:2];
        qout, qcen, qmaxdis, qori = findquads.findquads(points, md_threshold, 0);

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
            print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): queryFrame = %d, " \
                          "qout.shape (number of quads for query frame queryFrame) = %s" % \
                                                 (queryFrame, str(qout.shape)));

        # disp([num2str(q) ' of ' num2str(length(QD)) ' -> ' num2str(size(qout,1)) ' quads'])

        #space_xy = np.zeros( (qcen.shape[0], 2 * len(RD)) ) + np.nan;
        space_xy = np.zeros( (qcen.shape[0], 2 * len(r_harlocs)) ) + np.nan;

        #     votes=zeros(length(RD),1)
        #votes = np.zeros( (len(RD), 1) );
        votes = np.zeros( (len(r_harlocs), 1) );

        #nep = np.array([]);
        #m_points = np.array([]);

        assert isinstance(tolers, float);

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): quads of query frame %d are: " % queryFrame);
            common.DebugPrint("  qout = %s" % str(qout));

        Alex: for each quad (4 floats) of the query frame from Harris feature of scale scale_index
          Note: all_id stores the reference frame id for each quad descriptor.
        We substitute queryFrameQuad - 1 with queryFrameQuad, since we want
            to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
        #for queryFrameQuad in range(1, qout.shape[0] + 1):
        for queryFrameQuad in range(qout.shape[0]):
            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): Starting iteration queryFrameQuad = %d" % queryFrameQuad);
            Matlab's polymorphism is really bugging here: although it's
                normally a float, tolers is considered to be a size 1 vector...
                so len(tolers) == 1
            #for tol_i in range(1, len(tolers) + 1):
            #    tol = tolers[tol_i - 1]
            We substitute tol_i - 1 with tol, since we want
                to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
            #for tol_i in range(1, 1 + 1):
            for tol_i in range(1):
                tol = tolers;

                # TODO: done below - take out this dbg print
                if DBGPRINT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "qout[queryFrameQuad, :] = %s" % \
                                        str(qout[queryFrameQuad, :]))

                #% default for first PAMI with tol= 0.1 approximately

                # NOTE: SciPy's KDTree finds a few more results, in some cases,
                #    than the Matlab code from Evangelidis.

                #idx, di = kdtree_ball_query(tree, qout(i, :), tol)
                #idx, distKD = kdtree_ball_query(tree, qout[i - 1, :], tol)
                #idx, di = tree.query(x=xQuery, k=4)
                #resPoints = [data[i] for i in resBallIndices]
                # tol is a scalar representing the radius of the ball
                if config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 0:
                    idx = r_quadsTree.query_ball_point(qout[queryFrameQuad, :], tol);
                elif config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 1:
                    #pt = qout[queryFrameQuad - 1, :].astype(np.float32);
                    pt = qout[queryFrameQuad, :];
                    pt = np.array([[pt[0], pt[1], pt[2], pt[3]]], dtype=np.float32);
                    retval, idx, dists = r_quadsTree.radiusSearch( \
                                                query=pt, \
                                                radius=(tol**2), \
                                                maxResults=NUM_MAX_ELEMS, \
                    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "retval (number NNs) = %s" % str(retval));
                        common.DebugPrint( \
                            "multiscale_quad_retrieval(): radiusSearch's retval " \
                            "(at queryFrame=%d, queryFrameQuad=%d) is %d" % (queryFrame, queryFrameQuad, retval));

                    idx = idx[0];
                    dists = dists[0];
                    Note: retval is the number of neighbors returned from the radiusSearch().
                      But the idx and the dists can have more elements than the returned retval.
                    idx = idx[: retval];
                    dists = dists[: retval];

                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
                    print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "qout[queryFrameQuad, :] = %s" % str(qout[queryFrameQuad, :]));
                    print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                      "idx = %s" % str(idx));
                    print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                      "dists = %s" % str(dists));
                    print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                      "tol = %s" % str(tol));
                    if config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 0:
                        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "r_quadsTree.data[idx] = %s" % \

                # We print the distances to the points returned in idx
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT: # This is just for debugging purposes
                    a = qout[queryFrameQuad, :];
                    if config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 0:
                        for myI, index in enumerate(idx):
                            b = r_quadsTree.data[index];
                            if False:
                                common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): distance to " \
                                    "%d point (%s) inside ball = %.4f" % \
                                    (myI, str(b), npla.norm(a - b)));
                idx = np.array(idx);

                #if False:
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "all_max.shape = %s" % str(all_max.shape));
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "qmaxdis.shape = %s" % str(qmaxdis.shape));
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                      "qmaxdis = %s" % str(qmaxdis));
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                      "qori.shape = %s" % str(qori.shape));
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                      "qori = %s" % str(qori));

                if len(idx) == 0:
                    # NOT A GOOD IDEA: continue;
                    #idx = np.array([]);
                    dis_idx = np.array([]);
                    ori_idx = np.array([]);
                    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
                        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "queryFrameQuad = %s" % str(queryFrameQuad));
                        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "all_max[idx] = %s" % str(all_max[idx]));
                        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "qmaxdis[queryFrameQuad] = %s" % str(qmaxdis[queryFrameQuad]));

                    if USE_GPS_COORDINATES:
                        # We look only at a part of the reference video
                        Since in some cases the video temporal alignment is
                            difficult to do due to similar portions in the
                            trajectory (see the drone videos, clip 3_some_lake)
                            we "guide" the temporal alignment by restricting
                            the reference frame search space - this is useful
                            when we have the geolocation (GPS) coordinate for
                            each frame.
                        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
                            print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "all_id = %s" % str(all_id));

                        if True:
                            #assert (all_id.ndim == 2) and (all_id.shape[1] == 1);
                            if all_id.ndim == 2:
                                #!!!!TODO TODO: put this at the beginning of the function
                                assert all_id.shape[1] == 1;
                                We flatten the array all_id
                                  Note: We don't use order="F" since it's
                                        basically 1-D array
                                all_id = np.ravel(all_id);

                        #!!!!TODO: put start and end frame in config - or compute it from geolocation
                        sub_idx = np.logical_and( (all_id[idx] >= 2030 - 928), \
                                                    (all_id[idx] <= 2400 - 928) );
                        idx = idx[sub_idx];

                        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
                            print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "all_id = %s" % str(all_id));
                            print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "sub_idx = %s" % str(sub_idx));
                            print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "idx = %s" % str(idx));

                    if FILTER:
                        dis_idx = np.abs(qmaxdis[queryFrameQuad] - all_max[idx]) < MAXDIS;

                        #if False:
                        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                                "idx = %s" % str(idx));
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "dis_idx = %s" % str(dis_idx));

                        idx = idx[dis_idx];

                    #if False:
                    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "idx (after idx = idx[dis_idx]) = %s" % str(idx));

                    if FILTER:
                        ori_idx = np.abs(qori[queryFrameQuad] - all_ori[idx]) < MAXORI;

                        #if False:
		        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                                    "all_ori = %s" % str(all_ori));
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "qori[queryFrameQuad] = %s" % str(qori[queryFrameQuad]));

                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "ori_idx = %s" % str(ori_idx));

                        idx = idx[ori_idx];

                # IMPORTANT ###################################################
                # IMPORTANT ###################################################
                # IMPORTANT ###################################################
                #% spatio-temporal consistency
                # IMPORTANT ###################################################
                # IMPORTANT ###################################################
                # IMPORTANT ###################################################

                #if numel(idx) > 0:
                if idx.size > 0:
                    if cropflag == 0:
                        if FILTER:
                            Alex: this is a simple procedure of eliminating False
                            Positive (FP) matches, as presented in Section 4.2 of
                            TPAMI 2013 paper.
                            Basically it filters out quad matches that have
                            centroids st_threshold away from the query quad.
                            Note: all_cen are the controids of all reference
                            dy = qcen[queryFrameQuad, 0] - all_cen[idx, 0];
                            dx = qcen[queryFrameQuad, 1] - all_cen[idx, 1];

                            D = dy**2 + dx**2;

                            co_idx = D < pow(st_threshold, 2);

                            idx = idx[co_idx];
                        We substitute iii - 1 with iii, since we want
                            to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
                        #for iii in range(1, len(idx) + 1):
                        for iii in range(len(idx)):
                            #space_xy(i,(all_id(idx(iii))-RD_start)*2+1:(all_id(idx(iii))-RD_start)*2+2) = all_cen(idx(iii),:)
                            space_xy[queryFrameQuad, \
                                    (all_id[idx[iii]] - RD_start) * 2: (all_id[idx[iii] - 1] - RD_start) * 2 + 1] = \
                                    all_cen[idx[iii], :];

                    # It has to be an np.array because we multiply it with a scalar
                    histoRange = np.array(range(RD_start, RD_end + 1));
                    hh = Matlab.hist(x=all_id[idx], binCenters=histoRange);

                    #if False:
                    #if True:
		    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "hh = %s" % (str(hh)));
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "hh.shape = %s" % (str(hh.shape)));

                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "all_id = %s" % (str(all_id)));
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "all_id.shape = %s" % (str(all_id.shape)));
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "idx = %s" % (str(idx)));
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "idx.shape = %s" % (str(idx.shape)));

                    # % nz can be computed more optimally
                    #nz=find(hh~=0); # nz can be computed more optimally
                    # np.nonzero() always returns a tuple, even if it contains 1 element since hh has only 1 dimension
                    nz = np.nonzero(hh != 0)[0];
                    #if False:
	    	    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                          "nz = %s" % (str(nz)));
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                          "nz.shape = %s" % (str(nz.shape)));

                    #if numel(nz) > 0
                    if nz.size > 0:
                        #votes(nz, tol_i) = votes(nz, tol_i) + log10(length(RD) / (length(nz)))^2 #PREVIOUSLY
                        #myVal = pow(math.log10(float(len(RD)) / len(nz)), 2);
                        myVal = pow(math.log10(float(len(r_harlocs)) / len(nz)), 2);
                            myVal = pow(math.log10(float(len(r_harlocs)) / len(nz)), 2);
                            print("Error: len=%d len(nz)=%d nz.size=%d" % \
                                            (len(r_harlocs), len(nz), nz.size));

                        #if False:
		        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                              "len(RD) = %d" % len(RD));
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                              "len(r_harlocs) = %d" % len(r_harlocs));
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                              "len(nz) = %d" % len(nz));
                            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                               "myVal = %.5f" % myVal);

                        # PREVIOUSLY
                        votes[nz, tol_i] = votes[nz, tol_i] + myVal;
                        #   votes(nz)=votes(nz)+log10(length(RD)/(length(nz)));
                        #   votes(nz)=votes(nz)+1;

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                    "Votes_space.shape = %s" % (str(Votes_space.shape)));
            common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                    "votes.shape = %s" % (str(votes.shape)));

            print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                              "votes.shape = %s" % (str(votes.shape)));
            if (np.abs(votes) < 1.0e-10).all():
                print( \
                      "multiscale_quad_retrieval(): votes = 0 (all zeros)");
                print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                              "votes = %s" % (str(votes)));

        # Gives: "ValueError: output operand requires a reduction, but reduction is not enabled"
        #Votes_space[:, queryFrame - 1] = votes;
        # Note: since votes is basically a 1-D vector, we don't use the Fortran order
        Votes_space[:, queryFrame] = np.ravel(votes); # order="F");

        if cropflag == 0:
            HH[:, queryFrame] = 1;
            HH[:, queryFrame] = spatial_consistency.spatial_consistency(space_xy, \
                                        qcen, len(RD), st_threshold, cropflag);
            HH[:, queryFrame] = spatial_consistency.spatial_consistency(space_xy, \
                                        qcen, len(r_harlocs), st_threshold, cropflag);

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
        print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(scale_index=%d): " \
                            "Votes_space =\n%s" % (scale_index, str(Votes_space)));

        np.savez_compressed("Votes_space%d" % scale_index, Votes_space);
        np.savez_compressed("HH%d" % scale_index, HH);

    t2 = float(cv2.getTickCount());
    myTime = (t2 - t1) / cv2.getTickFrequency();
    print("multiscale_quad_retrieval() took %.6f [sec]" % myTime);
    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                        "%d corresponding frames retrieved in %.6f secs" % \
                        (len(q_harlocs), myTime));

    return Votes_space, HH;
Exemple #16
def ComputeHarlocs(capture,
    print( \
            "Entered ComputeHarlocs(capture=%s, counterStep=%d, folderName=%s, " \
                                     "indexVideo=%d)" % \
                            (str(capture), counterStep, folderName, indexVideo))

    harlocsFolder = config.VIDEOS_FOLDER + "/" + folderName

    t1 = float(cv2.getTickCount())

    harlocs = []

    if config.OCV_OLD_PY_BINDINGS:
        numFrames = int(capture.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
        numFrames = int(capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
    common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): numFrames = %d" % numFrames)

    if not os.path.exists(harlocsFolder):
        #!!!!TODO: check that the loaded Harlocs are complete - same frame numbers as in the videos
        # Folder with precomputed Harris features exists
        folderContent = os.listdir(harlocsFolder)
        sortedFolderContent = sorted(folderContent)

        for fileName in sortedFolderContent:
            pathFileName = harlocsFolder + "/" + fileName
            common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): pathFileName = %s" % pathFileName);
            common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): fileName = %s" % fileName);
            if os.path.isfile(pathFileName) and \
                            fileName.startswith(fileNamePrefix) and \
                common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): Loading %s" %
                harrisFeatures = multi_scale_harris.LoadMultiScaleHarrisFeatures(

        if config.endFrame[indexVideo] == -1:
            assert (len(harlocs) + config.initFrame[indexVideo]) == numFrames
            #!!!!TODO: if condition is NOT met, give a nicer error, or redo computations of Harlocs
            assert (len(harlocs) + config.initFrame[indexVideo]
                    ) == config.endFrame[indexVideo] + 1
            #!!!!TODO: if condition is NOT met, give a nicer error, or redo computations of Harlocs

        return harlocs

    if config.USE_MULTITHREADING == True:
        global g
        g.captureQ = None
        # We need to reopen the capture device in each process, separately
        g.captureR = None
        # We need to reopen the capture device in each process, separately
        #g.capture = capture;

        g.harlocsFolder = harlocsFolder
        g.fileNamePrefix = fileNamePrefix
        g.fileNameExtension = fileNameExtension
        g.indexVideo = indexVideo

        if config.OCV_OLD_PY_BINDINGS:
            frameCount = int(capture.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
            frameCount = int(capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
        #listParams = range(frameCount);
        listParams = range(config.initFrame[indexVideo], frameCount,

        common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): frameCount = %d" % frameCount)

        print("ComputeHarlocs(): Spawning a pool of %d workers" % \
        # DEBUG purposes ONLY - since when we use Pool() and call function, if
        #   we have an error in the function the exception reported is very
        #   vague...
        for i in listParams:
        #import time
        Start worker processes to use on multi-core processor (circumvent
          also the GIL issue).
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=config.numProcesses)
        print("ComputeHarlocs(): Spawned a pool of %d workers" % \

        #res = pool.map(IterationStandaloneMSH, listParams);
        # See https://docs.python.org/2/library/multiprocessing.html#module-multiprocessing.pool
        res = pool.map(func=IterationStandaloneMSH, iterable=listParams, \
        print("Pool.map returns %s" % str(res))
        From https://medium.com/building-things-on-the-internet/40e9b2b36148
         close the pool and wait for the work to finish

        #!!!!TODO: do more efficient - don't load the results from the CSV files
        return ComputeHarlocs(capture, counterStep, folderName, \
                              fileNamePrefix, fileNameExtension, indexVideo)
        #return [];

    #indexHarloc = 0;
    while True:
        if config.OCV_OLD_PY_BINDINGS:
            framePos = capture.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)
            From http://docs.opencv.org/modules/highgui/doc/reading_and_writing_images_and_video.html#videocapture-get:
                <<CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES 0-based index of the frame to be decoded/captured next.>>
            framePos = capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)
        common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): framePos = %d" % framePos)

        counter = int(framePos)
        common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): counter = %d" % counter)

        ret, img = capture.read()

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): img = %s" % str(img))

        if False and config.SAVE_FRAMES:
            fileName = config.IMAGES_FOLDER + "/img_%05d.png" % counter
            if not os.path.exists(fileName):
                #print "dir(img) = %s"% str(dir(img))
                imgCV = cv.fromarray(img)
                cv2.imwrite(fileName, imgCV)
                cv2.imwrite(fileName, img)

        #if ret == False: #MatchFrames.counterQ == 3:
        if (ret == False) or ((counter > numFrames) or \
                             (config.endFrame[indexVideo] != -1 and \
                              counter > config.endFrame[indexVideo])):

            img = Matlab.imresize(img, \

        im = img
        pp = multi_scale_harris.multi_scale_harris(im, nos, disp=0)
        # n=0:nos-1

        #harlocs = pp

        multi_scale_harris.StoreMultiScaleHarrisFeatures( \
                harlocsFolder + "/" + fileNamePrefix + "%05d%s" % \
                                    (counter, fileNameExtension),

        counter += counterStep
        # If we try to seek to a frame out-of-bounds frame it gets to the last one
        if config.OCV_OLD_PY_BINDINGS:
            capture.set(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, counter)
            capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, counter)

        #indexHarloc += 1;

    t2 = float(cv2.getTickCount())
    myTime = (t2 - t1) / cv2.getTickFrequency()
    common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): computing the multiscale harlocs " \
                        "took %.6f [sec]" % myTime)

    #common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): len(harlocs) = %s" % str(len(harlocs)));

    if False:
        for i, h in enumerate(harlocs):
            #common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): len(harlocs[%d]) = %d" % \
            #                                                        (i, len(h)));
                harlocsFolder + "/" + fileNamePrefix + "%05d.txt" % i, h)

    #if False:
    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("ComputeHarlocs(): harlocs = %s" % str(harlocs))

    return harlocs
def IterationStandaloneMQR(queryFrame):
    r_quadsTree = g.r_quadsTree;
    r_harlocs = g.r_harlocs;
    q_harlocs = g.q_harlocs;
    md_threshold = g.md_threshold;
    st_threshold = g.st_threshold;
    all_ori = g.all_ori;
    all_id = g.all_id;
    all_max = g.all_max;
    all_cen = g.all_cen;
    nos = g.nos;
    scale_index = g.scale_index;
    cropflag = g.cropflag;
    sequence = g.sequence;
    RD_start = g.RD_start;
    RD_end = g.RD_end;
    tolers = g.tolers;
    common.DebugPrint( \
              "Entered IterationStandaloneMQR(): crossref=%s, captureQ=%s, "\
                        "captureR=%s, refined_crossref=%s, warp_p=%s, "
                        "x0=%s, y0=%s, start=%s, t=%d, iWhile=%d." % \
                    (str(crossref), str(captureQ), str(captureR), \
                         str(g.refined_crossref), str(g.warp_p), \
                         str(g.x0), str(g.y0), str(g.start), g.t, iWhile));
    common.DebugPrint("IterationStandalone(): id(g)=%s" % str(id(g)));

    # tic

    str1=['load ' q_path QD(q).name]

    We make pp reference the desired multiharloc list for the query video
        frame queryFrame
    pp = q_harlocs[queryFrame];
    #pp = np.array(pp);

    #common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): pp = %s" % str(pp));

    Alex: for the query frame queryFrame we retrieve, for scale scale_index, the
        harris features in var points.
      Then we build the quads from points.
      Then for each quad (4 float values) we query the corresponding scale
        kd-tree, and we get the indices.
        Then we build the histogram and compute idf, ....!!!!

     Note: scale is 1 for original frame resolution and the higher
        we go we have lower image resolutions (we go higher in the
        Guassian pyramid I think).
    points = pp[pp[:, 2] == scale_index, 0:2];
    qout, qcen, qmaxdis, qori = findquads.findquads(points, md_threshold, 0);

    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): queryFrame = %d, " \
                        "qout.shape = %s" % (queryFrame, str(qout.shape)));

    # disp([num2str(q) ' of ' num2str(length(QD)) ' -> ' num2str(size(qout,1)) ' quads'])

    #space_xy = np.zeros( (qcen.shape[0], 2 * len(RD)) ) + np.nan;
    space_xy = np.zeros( (qcen.shape[0], 2 * len(r_harlocs)) ) + np.nan;

    #     votes=zeros(length(RD),1)
    #votes = np.zeros( (len(RD), 1) );
    votes = np.zeros( (len(r_harlocs), 1) );

    #nep = np.array([]);
    #m_points = np.array([]);

    assert isinstance(tolers, float);

    We substitute queryFrameQuad - 1 with queryFrameQuad, since we want
        to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
    #for queryFrameQuad in range(1, qout.shape[0] + 1):
    for queryFrameQuad in range(qout.shape[0]):
        Matlab's polymorphism is really bugging here: although it's
            normally a float, tolers is considered to be a size 1 vector...
            so len(tolers) == 1
        #for tol_i in range(1, len(tolers) + 1):
        #    tol = tolers[tol_i - 1]
        We substitute tol_i - 1 with tol, since we want
            to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
        #for tol_i in range(1, 1 + 1):
        for tol_i in range(1):
            tol = tolers;

            #common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): qout[i - 1, :] = %s" % str(qout[i - 1, :]))

            #% default for first PAMI with tol= 0.1 approximately

            # NOTE: SciPy's KDTree finds a few more results, in some cases,
            #    than the Matlab code from Evangelidis.

            #idx, di = kdtree_ball_query(tree, qout(i, :), tol)
            #idx, distKD = kdtree_ball_query(tree, qout[i - 1, :], tol)
            #idx, di = tree.query(x=xQuery, k=4)
            #resPoints = [data[i] for i in resBallIndices]
            # tol is a scalar representing the radius of the ball
            if config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 0:
                idx = r_quadsTree.query_ball_point(qout[queryFrameQuad, :], tol);
            elif config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 1:
                #pt = qout[queryFrameQuad - 1, :].astype(np.float32);
                pt = qout[queryFrameQuad, :];
                pt = np.array([[pt[0], pt[1], pt[2], pt[3]]], dtype=np.float32);
                retval, idx, dists = r_quadsTree.radiusSearch( \
                                            query=pt, \
                                            radius=(tol**2), \
                                            maxResults=NUM_MAX_ELEMS, \
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "retval (number NNs) = %s" % str(retval));
                    common.DebugPrint( \
                        "multiscale_quad_retrieval(): radiusSearch's retval " \
                        "(at queryFrame=%d, queryFrameQuad=%d) is %d\n" % (queryFrame, queryFrameQuad, retval));
                idx = idx[0];
                dists = dists[0];
                idx = idx[: retval];
                dists = dists[: retval];

            if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT and DBGPRINT:
                print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                        "qout[queryFrameQuad, :] = %s" % str(qout[queryFrameQuad, :]));
                print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "idx = %s" % str(idx));
                print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "tol = %s" % str(tol));
                if config.KDTREE_IMPLEMENTATION == 0:
                    print("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "r_quadsTree.data[idx] = %s" % \

            # We print the distances to the points returned in idx
            a = qout[queryFrameQuad, :];
            if False: #!!!! This is just for debugging purposes
                for myI, index in enumerate(idx):
                    b = r_quadsTree.data[index];
                    if False:
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): distance to " \
                            "%d point (%s) inside ball = %.4f" % \
                            (myI, str(b), npla.norm(a - b)));
            idx = np.array(idx);

            #if False:
            if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "all_max.shape = %s" % str(all_max.shape));
                common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "qmaxdis.shape = %s" % str(qmaxdis.shape));
                common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "qmaxdis = %s" % str(qmaxdis));
                common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "qori.shape = %s" % str(qori.shape));
                common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                    "qori = %s" % str(qori));

            if len(idx) == 0:
                # NOT A GOOD IDEA: continue;
                #idx = np.array([]);
                dis_idx = np.array([]);
                ori_idx = np.array([]);
                #if False:
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "queryFrameQuad = %s" % str(queryFrameQuad));
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                        "all_max[idx] = %s" % str(all_max[idx]));
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                        "qmaxdis[queryFrameQuad] = %s" % str(qmaxdis[queryFrameQuad]));

                dis_idx = np.abs(qmaxdis[queryFrameQuad] - all_max[idx]) < MAXDIS;

                #if False:
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "idx = %s" % str(idx));
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "dis_idx = %s" % str(dis_idx));

                idx = idx[dis_idx];

                #if False:
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                        "idx (after idx = idx[dis_idx]) = %s" % str(idx));

                ori_idx = np.abs(qori[queryFrameQuad] - all_ori[idx]) < MAXORI;

                #if False:
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "all_ori = %s" % str(all_ori));
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "qori[queryFrameQuad] = %s" % str(qori[queryFrameQuad]));

                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "ori_idx = %s" % str(ori_idx));

                idx = idx[ori_idx];

            # IMPORTANT ###################################################
            # IMPORTANT ###################################################
            # IMPORTANT ###################################################
            #% spatio-temporal consistency
            # IMPORTANT ###################################################
            # IMPORTANT ###################################################
            # IMPORTANT ###################################################

            #if numel(idx) > 0:
            if idx.size > 0:
                # Normally cropflag == 0
                if cropflag == 0:
                    dy = qcen[queryFrameQuad, 0] - all_cen[idx, 0];
                    dx = qcen[queryFrameQuad, 1] - all_cen[idx, 1];

                    D = dy**2 + dx**2;

                    co_idx = D < pow(st_threshold, 2);

                    idx = idx[co_idx];
                    We substitute iii - 1 with iii, since we want
                        to number arrays from 0 (not from 1 like in Matlab).
                    #for iii in range(1, len(idx) + 1):
                    for iii in range(len(idx)):
                        #space_xy(i,(all_id(idx(iii))-RD_start)*2+1:(all_id(idx(iii))-RD_start)*2+2) = all_cen(idx(iii),:)
                        space_xy[queryFrameQuad, \
                                (all_id[idx[iii]] - RD_start) * 2: (all_id[idx[iii] - 1] - RD_start) * 2 + 1] = \
                                all_cen[idx[iii], :]

                # It has to be an np.array because we multiply it with a scalar
                histoRange = np.array(range(RD_start, RD_end + 1));
                hh = Matlab.hist(x=all_id[idx], binCenters=histoRange);

                #if False:
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "hh = %s" % (str(hh)));
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "hh.shape = %s" % (str(hh.shape)));

                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "all_id = %s" % (str(all_id)));
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "all_id.shape = %s" % (str(all_id.shape)));
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "idx = %s" % (str(idx)));
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                "idx.shape = %s" % (str(idx.shape)));

                # % nz can be computed more optimally
                #nz=find(hh~=0); # nz can be computed more optimally
                # np.nonzero() always returns a tuple, even if it contains 1 element since hh has only 1 dimension
                nz = np.nonzero(hh != 0)[0];
                #if False:
                if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "nz = %s" % (str(nz)));
                    common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                        "nz.shape = %s" % (str(nz.shape)));

                #if numel(nz) > 0:
                if nz.size > 0:
                    #votes(nz, tol_i) = votes(nz, tol_i) + log10(length(RD) / (length(nz)))^2 #Note: log10(a)^2 means (log10(a))^2 #PREVIOUSLY
                    #myVal = pow(math.log10(float(len(RD)) / len(nz)), 2);
                    myVal = pow(math.log10(float(len(r_harlocs)) / len(nz)), 2);

                    #if False:
                    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "len(RD) = %d" % len(RD));
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "len(r_harlocs) = %d" % len(r_harlocs));
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "len(nz) = %d" % len(nz));
                        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                                            "myVal = %.5f" % myVal);

                    # PREVIOUSLY
                    votes[nz, tol_i] = votes[nz, tol_i] + myVal;
                    #   votes(nz)=votes(nz)+log10(length(RD)/(length(nz)));
                    #   votes(nz)=votes(nz)+1;

    #if False:
    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                "Votes_space.shape = %s" % (str(Votes_space.shape)));
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                "votes.shape = %s" % (str(votes.shape)));

        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "votes.shape = %s" % (str(votes.shape)));
        common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_retrieval(): " \
                            "votes = %s" % (str(votes)));

    return (queryFrame, np.ravel(votes));

    # NOT performing these in each worker - the central dispatcher will do these
    if False:
        # Gives: "ValueError: output operand requires a reduction, but reduction is not enabled"
        #Votes_space[:, queryFrame - 1] = votes;
        Votes_space[:, queryFrame] = np.ravel(votes);

        if cropflag == 0:
            HH[:, queryFrame] = 1;
            HH[:, queryFrame] = spatial_consistency.spatial_consistency(space_xy, \
                                        qcen, len(RD), st_threshold, cropflag);
            HH[:, queryFrame] = spatial_consistency.spatial_consistency(space_xy, \
                                        qcen, len(r_harlocs), st_threshold, cropflag);
    def calculate_trigger(self):
        pt_cnt = self.point_count.currentIndex()
        if (pt_cnt == 0):
            raise Exception("Point count cannot be 0")
        repose = self.textbox_repose_angle.text()
        if (repose == ""):
            raise Exception("Must give repose angle")
        repose = float(repose)
        error = self.textbox_percent_error.text()
        if (error == ""):
            raise Exception("Must give percent error")
        error = float(error)

        # perform calculation
        fill_pts = []
        draw_pts = []
        for entry in self.silo.getSilo().get_point_pos():
            if entry.isFill():
                fill_pts.append([entry.getY(), entry.getX()])
                draw_pts.append([entry.getX(), entry.getX()])

        if isinstance(self.silo, Silo.SiloCircle):
            pile_struct = Matlab.pile(
                fill_pts, draw_pts,
                [self.silo.getRadius() * 2,
                 self.silo.getRadius() * 2], repose)
            pile_struct = Matlab.pile(
                fill_pts, draw_pts,
                 self.silo.getSideLen()], repose)

        error_struct = Matlab.error(pile_struct["x"], pile_struct["y"],

        self.silo.getSilo().set_plot(pile_struct["x"], pile_struct["y"],

        self.graph.graph3d.set_mesh(pile_struct["x"], pile_struct["y"],

        red_x = []
        red_y = []
        red_z = []

        for row_i in range(len(error_struct["data"])):
            for col_i in range(len(error_struct["data"][row_i])):
                if (error_struct["map"][row_i, col_i] == 1):
                    red_x.append(pile_struct["x"][row_i, col_i])
                    red_y.append(pile_struct["y"][row_i, col_i])
                    red_z.append(error_struct["data"][row_i, col_i])

        self.silo.getSilo().set_min_plot(red_x, red_y, red_z)

        self.graph.graph3d_red.set_mesh(red_x, red_y, red_z)

        self.silo.getSilo().set_sensor_locale(red_x, red_y)
        self.graph.graph_pos.set_mesh(red_x, red_y)

        error_index = []
        for i in range(len(error_struct["error_list"])):
            error_index.append(i + error_struct["start_count"])



def my_nms(cim, radius, thresh):
    common.DebugPrint("Entered my_nms(cim.shape=%s, radius=%s, thresh=%s)" % \
                    (str(cim.shape), str(radius), str(thresh)));
    #%% modification of Peter-Kovesi non-maximum suppression software by
    #%% G.Evangelidis

    common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): cim = %s" % str(cim));

    #%subPixel = nargout == 4;            % We want sub-pixel locations
    subPixel = 1;

    #[rows,cols] = size(cim)
    rows, cols = cim.shape;

    common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): rows, cols (cim.shape) = %s" % str((rows, cols)));

    #% Extract local maxima by performing a grey scale morphological
    #% dilation and then finding points in the corner strength image that
    #% match the dilated image and are also greater than the threshold.

    sze = 2 * radius + 1                   #% Size of dilation mask.

    common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): cim.shape = %s" % str(cim.shape));
    #common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): cim = %s" % str(cim));
    common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): sze = %s" % str(sze));

    Alex: we pass sze only being odd number and order = sze^2 makes ordfilt2()
        return the maximum from the domain.
    #%% This modification runs 4x faster (11 secs less in a 6-scale approach)
    #mx = ordfilt2(cim,sze^2,ones(sze)); #% Grey-scale dilate.
    mx = Matlab.ordfilt2(cim, pow(sze, 2), np.ones((sze, sze))); #% Grey-scale dilate.
    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): mx = %s" % str(mx));

    #% mx=my_max_filter(cim,[sze,sze]); %my mex-file for max-filter

    #%% This modification verify that the central point is the unique maximum in
    #%% neighborhood
    #% mx2= ordfilt2(cim,sze^2-1,ones(sze)); % This is used to vrify that the
    #% central point is the unique maximum in neighborhood
    #% imagesc(cim)
    #% pause
    #% imagesc(mx)
    #% pause
    #% close

    #% Make mask to exclude points within radius of the image boundary.
    #bordermask = zeros(size(cim));
    #bordermask = np.zeros(cim.shape);
    bordermask = np.zeros(cim.shape, dtype=np.uint8);

    #Alex: sets to 1 the matrix, except the first and last radius lines and first and last radius columns, which are left 0
    #bordermask(radius+1:end-radius, radius+1:end-radius) = 1;
    bordermask[radius: -radius, radius: -radius] = 1;

    #% Find maxima, threshold, and apply bordermask
    #cimmx = (cim==mx) & (cim>thresh) & bordermask; #%Peter-Kovesi
    cimmx = np.logical_and( \
                            np.logical_and((cim == mx), (cim > thresh)), \
                            bordermask); #%Peter-Kovesi
    #% cimmx = (cim==mx) & (cim~=mx2) & (cim>thresh) & bordermask; %my modification

    common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): cimmx.shape = %s" % str(cimmx.shape));
    #common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): cimmx = %s" % str(cimmx));

    #[r,c] = find(cimmx)                #% Find row,col coords.
    if True:
        Retrieving indices in "Fortran" (column-major) order, like in Matlab.
        We do this in order to get the harris points sorted like in Matlab.
        c, r = np.nonzero(cimmx.T);
        # Retrieving indices in row-major order.
        r, c = np.nonzero(cimmx);
    common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): r = %s" % str(r));
    common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): c = %s" % str(c));

    if subPixel:        #% Compute local maxima to sub pixel accuracy
        # From Matlab help: "Determine whether array is empty" "An empty array has at least one dimension of size zero, for example, 0-by-0 or 0-by-5."
        #if not isempty(r): #% ...if we have some ponts to work with
        if r.size > 0: #% ...if we have some ponts to work with
            #ind = sub2ind(size(cim),r,c);   #% 1D indices of feature points
            ind = Matlab.sub2ind(cim.shape, r, c); #% 1D indices of feature points

            w = 1;         #% Width that we look out on each side of the feature
            #% point to fit a local parabola

            if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): ind.shape = %s" % str(ind.shape));
                common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): ind = %s" % str(ind));
                common.DebugPrint("my_nms(): ind - w = %s" % str(ind - w));

            # Don't forget that we are now in column major ('F'/Fortran) order

            #% Indices of points above, below, left and right of feature point
            #indrminus1 = max(ind-w,1);
            #indrminus1 = np.max(ind - w, 0);
            # In Matlab this is what it returns for 1D ind:
            assert ind.ndim == 1;
            indrminus1 = ind - w;

            #indrplus1  = min(ind+w,rows*cols);
            #indrplus1  = np.min(ind + w, rows * cols);
            # In Matlab this is what it returns for 1D ind:
            assert ind.ndim == 1;
            indrplus1 = ind + w;

            #indcminus1 = max(ind-w*rows,1);
            #indcminus1 = np.max(ind - w * rows, 1);
            # In Matlab this is what it returns for 1D ind:
            assert ind.ndim == 1;
            indcminus1 = ind - w * rows;

            #indcplus1  = min(ind+w*rows,rows*cols);
            #indcplus1  = np.min(ind + w * rows, rows * cols);
            # In Matlab this is what it returns for 1D ind:
            assert ind.ndim == 1;
            indcplus1 = ind + w * rows;

            # De-flattening the index arrays back into tuple, as accepted by numpy
            # See http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.unravel_index.html
            ind = np.unravel_index(ind, cim.shape, order="F");
            indrminus1 = np.unravel_index(indrminus1, cim.shape, order="F");
            indrplus1 = np.unravel_index(indrplus1, cim.shape, order="F");
            indcminus1 = np.unravel_index(indcminus1, cim.shape, order="F");
            indcplus1 = np.unravel_index(indcplus1, cim.shape, order="F");

            #% Solve for quadratic down rows
            #cy = cim(ind);
            cy = cim[ind];

            # In Matlab ay has float elements
            ay = (cim[indrminus1] + cim[indrplus1]) / 2.0 - cy;

            #by = ay + cy - cim(indrminus1);
            by = ay + cy - cim[indrminus1];

            #rowshift = -w*by./(2*ay);       #% Maxima of quadradic
            rowshift = -w * by / (2.0 * ay); #% Maxima of quadradic

            #% Solve for quadratic across columns
            #cx = cim(ind);
            cx = cim[ind];

            #ax = (cim(indcminus1) + cim(indcplus1))/2 - cx;
            ax = (cim[indcminus1] + cim[indcplus1]) / 2.0 - cx;

            #bx = ax + cx - cim(indcminus1);
            bx = ax + cx - cim[indcminus1];

            #colshift = -w*bx./(2*ax);       #% Maxima of quadratic
            colshift = -w * bx / (2.0 * ax); #% Maxima of quadratic

            rsubp = r + rowshift;  #% Add subpixel corrections to original row
            csubp = c + colshift;  #% and column coords.
            #rsubp = []; csubp = [];
            rsubp = np.array([]);
            csubp = np.array([]);

    % if nargin==4 & ~isempty(r)     % Overlay corners on supplied image.
    %     figure, imshow(im,[]), hold on
    %     if subPixel
    %         plot(csubp,rsubp,'r+'), title('corners detected');
    %     else
    %         plot(c,r,'r+'), title('corners detected');
    %     end
    % end
    return r, c, rsubp, csubp;