Exemple #1
def getTACACSAccountingCfged():
    @returns true if TACACS+ is configured as an accounting method
             and that there is a valid TACACS+ server configured.
    acct = [Mgmt.get_value("/aaa/cmd_audit_method/1/name"),

    return ('tacacs+' in acct)
Exemple #2
def getTACACSAuthorizationCfged():
    @returns true if TACACS+ is configured as an authorization method
             and that there is a valid TACACS+ server configured.
    author = [Mgmt.get_value("/aaa/cmd_author_method/1/name"),

    return ('tacacs+' in author)
Exemple #3
    def __set_user_password(self, username, password):
        # XXX/jshilkaitis: lame, should be an action on the mgmtd side

        # XXX/jshilkaitis: why doesn't the framework do validation?

        valid_password = common.lc_password_validate(password)

        if not valid_password:
            # XXX/jshilkaitis: hardcode the reason for now, since we know
            # length is the only criterion, but that may not be true in the
            # future.
            raise ServiceError, 'Password must contain at least 6 characters'

        use_sha512 = Mgmt.get_value('/rbt/support/config/sha_password/enable')

        if use_sha512:
            crypted_password = common.sha_encrypt_password(False, password)
            crypted_password = common.ltc_encrypt_password(password)

        password_node_name = '/auth/passwd/user/%s/password' % username

        code, msg = Mgmt.set((password_node_name, 'string', crypted_password))

        if code != 0:
            raise ServiceError, msg
Exemple #4
    def get_pfs_stats(self, start_time, end_time, share_name):
        get_pfs_stats(auth, start_time, end_time, share_name) ->
            [share size],
            [bytes received],
            [bytes sent]

        Fetch the system's PFS statistics.

        start_time (datetime) - start of the stats query period
        end_time (datetime) - end of the stats query period
        share_name (string) - share whose stats are desired or 'all' for the
                               sum of all shares

        get_pfs_statsFault - Datetime not in known format
        get_pfs_statsFault - Unknown share name
        if share_name == 'all':
            share_id = 0
            share_id = Mgmt.get_value('/rbt/rcu/share/%s/config/id'
                                      % share_name)

            if share_id is None:
                raise ServiceError, 'Unknown share name: %s' % share_name

        return self.get_stats_internal('pfs', 3,
                                       start_time, end_time, share_id)
Exemple #5
def getNTPAuthEnabled():
    @returns true if any enabled NTP server has a valid key configured.
    auth_enabled = False

    ntp_hosts = Mgmt.get_pattern('/ntp/server/address/*')
    for host in ntp_hosts:
        key = Mgmt.get_value('/ntp/server/address/%s/key' % host[2])
        enable = Mgmt.get_value('/ntp/server/address/%s/enable' % host[2])

        if (key != '0') and (enable == 'true'):
            if Mgmt.get_value('/ntp/keys/%s' % key):
                auth_enabled = True

    return auth_enabled
Exemple #6
def is_memlock_enabled():
    Queries mgmtd to determine if workstation memlock is turned on
    memlock_node = "/rbt/vsp/config/memlock/enable"
    memlocked = Mgmt.get_value(memlock_node)
    if not memlocked or memlocked == "":
        Logging.log(Logging.LOG_ERR, "Cannot determine if memlock is enabled")
        memlocked = "false"
    return memlocked == "true"
Exemple #7
    def get_node_value(node_name):
        """get value of a specified node
        takes one argument:
            node_name -> name of the node you want the value of
            (value) -> value of the node_name
	import Mgmt
        value = Mgmt.get_value(node_name)
        return value
Exemple #8
def is_interceptor_in_cluster():
    RSI = '/rbt/sport/intercept'
    names = Mgmt.get_children(RSI + '/config/neighbor/name')[0]
    for name in names:
        is_interceptor = Mgmt.get_value(RSI + '/neighbor/' + \
		         name + '/is_interceptor') == 'true'
        if is_interceptor:
            return True
    return False;
Exemple #9
    def __start_sport(self):
        val = Mgmt.get_value('/pm/monitor/process/sport/state')

        if val is None:
            raise ServiceError, "Could not determine the service's state"

        if val != 'running':
            code, msg, bindings = Mgmt.action(

            if code != 0:
                raise ServiceError, msg
Exemple #10
def get_rios_manage_esxi_ip():
    Queries mgmtd for the current RiOS manage ESXi IP address and returns it

    Any callers of this function MUST have an open Mgmt GCL session

    If failed, the function returns None.
    current_rios_mgmt_esxi_ip_node = "/rbt/vsp/state/network/rios_manage_esxi/ip"
    current_rios_mgmt_esxi_ip = Mgmt.get_value(current_rios_mgmt_esxi_ip_node)
    if not current_rios_mgmt_esxi_ip or current_rios_mgmt_esxi_ip == "":
        Logging.log(Logging.LOG_INFO, "Failed to get RiOS manage ESXi IP address")
        current_rios_mgmt_esxi_ip = None
    return current_rios_mgmt_esxi_ip
Exemple #11
def getAuthenticationCfged(auth_method):
    @params auth_method: The authentication method to look for.
                         local, radius or tacacs.

    @returns bool indicating whether the specified authentication
             method is configured.  In the case of TACACS+ and RADIUS,
             true is only returned if the authentication method is
             configured AND a valid RADIUS/TACACS+ server is configured.
    auth = [Mgmt.get_value("/aaa/auth_method/1/name"),

    if auth_method == radius:
        configured = ('radius' in auth)
    elif auth_method == tacacs:
        configured = ('tacacs+' in auth)
    elif auth_method == local:
        configured = ('local' in auth)
        configured = False

    return configured
def get_debug_option():
    Note: requires an existing Mgmt connection
    Returns either "release", "debug", "stats"

    node_name = "/rbt/vsp/config/esxi/vmx/debug_option"

    ret_option = "release"

    option = Mgmt.get_value(node_name)

    # If somehow the node does not exist, we'll assume the release binary
    if option:
        ret_option = option

    return ret_option
Exemple #13
    def get_rsp_vni_stats(self, start_time, end_time, opt_vni, side):
        get_rsp_vni_stats(auth, start_time, end_time, opt_vni, side) ->
            [ingress bytes],
            [egress bytes],
            [ingress packets],
            [egress packets]

        Fetch the system's RSP VNI statistics.

        start_time (datetime) - start of the stats query period
        end_time (datetime) - end of the stats query period
        opt_vni (string) - name of vni whose stats are desired
        side (string) - side of the vni whose stats are desired
                        (lan, wan, or pkg)

        get_rsp_vni_statsFault - Datetime not in known format
        get_rsp_vni_statsFault - Invalid optimization VNI side
        get_rsp_vni_statsFault - Invalid optimization VNI
        offset_dict = {
            'lan' : 0,
            'wan' : 10,
            'pkg' : 20,

            offset = offset_dict[side]
        except KeyError:
            raise ServiceError, '%s is not a valid optimization VNI side' % side

        id = Mgmt.get_value('/rbt/rsp2/state/vni/opt/%s/stats_id' % opt_vni)

        if id is None:
            raise ServiceError, '%s is not a valid optimization vni' % opt_vni

        vni_id = int(id) + offset

        return self.get_stats_internal('rsp', 4, start_time, end_time, vni_id)
Exemple #14
    def __stop_sport(self):
        val = Mgmt.get_value('/pm/monitor/process/sport/state')

        if val is None:
            raise ServiceError, "Could not determine the service's state"

        if val == 'running':
            code, msg, bindings = Mgmt.action(

            if code != 0:
                raise ServiceError, msg

            code, msg, bindings = Mgmt.action(
                ('process_name', 'string', 'sport'))

            if code != 0:
                raise ServiceError, msg
Exemple #15
    def get_alarm_status(self, alarm):
        get_alarm_status(auth, alarm) -> string

        Get an alarm's status.

        alarm (string) - name of the alarm whose status will be returned

        get_alarm_statusFault - Alarm does not exist
        get_alarm_statusFault - Server Error.  Contact Support.
        alarm = alarm.lower()

        alarm_enabled = Mgmt.get_value('/stats/config/alarm/%s/enable'
                                       % alarm)

        if alarm_enabled is None:
            raise ServiceError, 'Alarm %s does not exist' % alarm
        elif alarm_enabled == 'false':
            return 'disabled'
        elif alarm_enabled == 'true':
            # XXX/jshilkaitis: use mdc_iterate_binding_pattern one day, but
            # need to expose it first, and since it's non-trivial, I'm
            # punting on that for now.
            alarm_pfx = '/stats/state/alarm/' + alarm
            alarm_nodes = Mgmt.iterate(alarm_pfx, subtree=True)

            for node in alarm_nodes:
                if ((Mgmt.bn_name_pattern_match(
                    node[0], alarm_pfx + '/node/*/rising/error') or
                    node[0], alarm_pfx + '/node/*/falling/error')) and
                    node[2] == 'true'):
                    return 'ERROR'
            raise ServiceError, 'Server error. Contact Support.'

        return 'ok'
Exemple #16
def get_root_password():
    Queries mgmtd for the encrypted root password for ESXi and then returns
    the decrypted password.

    Any callers of this function MUST have an open Mgmt GCL session


    # Mgmt nodes related to ESXi password
    rootpw_node = "/rbt/vsp/config/esxi/root/password"

    ret_password = None

    encrypted_str = Mgmt.get_value(rootpw_node)
    if encrypted_str:
        ret_password = decrypt_scrypt(context, encrypted_str)
        # If the root password is default empty string, node returns empty
        ret_password = ""

    return ret_password
Exemple #17
    def set_user_password(self, username, password):
        set_user_password(auth, username, password) -> None

        Modify the password of an existing user.

        username (string) - username whose password will be modified
        password (string) - username's new password

        set_user_passwordFault - Cannot modify non-existent user
        set_user_passwordFault - Password must contain at least 6 characters
        set_user_passwordFault - Cannot modify another user's password
        existing_user = Mgmt.get_value('/auth/passwd/user/%s/password' %

        if existing_user is None:
            raise ServiceError, \
                  'Cannot modify non-existent user "%s"' % username

        self.__set_user_password(username, password)
Exemple #18
    def __assert_alarm_exists(self, alarm):
        alarm_exists = Mgmt.get_value('/stats/config/alarm/%s/enable' % alarm)

        if alarm_exists is None:
            raise ServiceError, 'Alarm %s does not exist' % alarm
Exemple #19
                if options.verbose:
                    print "Updating CRON config due to interval changes"
            elif minimal and minimal != options.min_interval:
                if options.verbose:
                    print "Updating CRON config due to interval changes"

# Command line & Config. Configuration settings (or defaults) come
# from mgmt. The command line can override.

HC = '/rbt/support/healthcheck'
md_bool_map = {'true':True, 'false':False}
    enable_default=md_bool_map[Mgmt.get_value(HC + '/enable')]
    transport_default=Mgmt.get_value(HC + '/transport')
    url_default=Mgmt.get_value(HC + '/url')
    recipient_default=Mgmt.get_value(HC + '/recipient')
    proxy_default=Mgmt.get_value(HC + '/proxy')
    full_interval_default=Mgmt.get_value(HC + '/full_interval')
    min_interval_default=Mgmt.get_value(HC + '/min_interval')
    level_default=Mgmt.get_value(HC + '/level')
    # Mgmt cannot be accessed at boot so we muddle along with command
    # line only to allow the boot install. The first run after boot
    # will fix the scheduling to any user defined values or
    # md_support.xml defaults.
Exemple #20
    def get_qos_stats(self, start_time, end_time, qos_class):
        get_passthrough_stats(auth, start_time, end_time, qos_class) ->
            [packets sent],
            [packets dropped],
            [bits sent],
            [bits dropped]

        Fetch the system's QoS statistics.

        start_time (datetime) - start of the stats query period
        end_time (datetime) - end of the stats query period
        qos_class (string) - name of qos class whose stats are desired
                             or 'all'

        get_qos_statsFault - Datetime not in known format
        get_qos_statsFault - QoS class does not exist
        get_qos_statsFault - Internal error.  Failed to map class to id.
        classid = None

        # the default class is guaranteed to exist, so this is always safe

        if qos_class == 'all':
            classid = "0"
        # elif qos_class == 'unknown':
            # XXX/jshilkaitis: figure out how to deal with this
            # pass
            # convert class name to class id
            classid = Mgmt.get_value('/rbt/hfsc/config/class/%s/params/classid'
                                     % qos_class)

        if classid is None:
            raise ServiceError, 'QoS class "%s" does not exist' % qos_class


        # handle hierarchical QoS classes
        code, msg, bindings = Mgmt.action('/rbt/hfsc/action/get_family_ids',
                                          ('parent_id', 'uint16', classid))

        if code != 0:
            raise ServiceError, 'Unable to map class name "%s" to class id.' \
                  % qos_class

        if bindings == {}:
            family_ids = classid
            family_ids = bindings['family_ids']

        data_dict = {0:{}, 1:{}, 2:{}, 3:{}}

        # all datapoints with the same timestamp have equal durations
        gran_dict = {}

        # merge the datapoints for each class into a summary dict
        for cid in family_ids.split(','):
            stats_array = self.get_stats_internal('qos', 4,
                                                  start_time, end_time, cid)

            for i in range(4):
                curr_dict = data_dict[i]
                sub_array = stats_array[i]
                for dp in sub_array:
                    curr_dict[dp.time] = curr_dict.get(dp.time, 0) + dp.value
                    gran_dict[dp.time] = dp.duration

        results = []
        sorted_times = gran_dict.keys()

        # turn the summary dict into a list of datapoints, sorted by time
        for i in range(4):
            curr_dict = data_dict[i]
            curr_result_array = []

            for t in sorted_times:
                d = Datapoint()
                d.time = t
                d.value = curr_dict[t]
                d.duration = gran_dict[t]


        return results
 def getBridgeInterfaceMTU(self, bridgeName):
     bn_node = "/rbt/vsp/state/interface/%s/bridged/interface/mtu" % bridgeName
     infMTU = Mgmt.get_value(bn_node)
     return infMTU