Exemple #1
import MockSSH
import random
import string
from twisted.cred import checkers

# Dirty hack to override default twisted behavior    
class CredsToStdOut(checkers.InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse):
    def requestAvatarId(self, credentials):
        print("Authentication attempt: %s / %s" % (credentials.username, credentials.password))
        return super(CredsToStdOut, self).requestAvatarId(credentials)

MockSSH.checkers.InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse = CredsToStdOut

def passwd_change_protocol_prompt(instance):
    instance.protocol.prompt = "hostname #"
    instance.protocol.password_input = False

def passwd_write_password_to_transport(instance):

command_passwd  =  MockSSH.PromptingCommand(
    name = 'passwd',
    password = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(99)),
    prompt = "Password: "******"hostname>", interface = '', port = 2222, **users)
# command: en
def en_change_protocol_prompt(instance):
    instance.protocol.prompt = "hostname #"
    instance.protocol.password_input = False

def en_write_password_to_transport(instance):
    instance.writeln("MockSSH: password is %s" % instance.valid_password)

command_en = MockSSH.PromptingCommand(
    prompt="Password: "******"MockSSH: supported usage: conf t")

def conf_output_success(instance):
    instance.writeln("Enter configuration commands, one per line. End "
                     "with CNTL/Z")
Exemple #3
# command: wr
def wr_build_config(instance):
    instance.write("Building configuration...")
    ## In a perfect world, we would sleep here to pretend
    ##    that the router is building the configuration; however,
    ##    there isn't a good way to make Twisted flush the TCP buffer
    ##    so the client sees a delay between "Building configuration..." 
    ##    and "[OK]"

command_en = MockSSH.PromptingCommand(
    'en',         # the enable command
    ENABLE_PASS,  # enable password
    'Password: '******'enable',     # the enable command
    ENABLE_PASS,  # enable password
    'Password: '******'conf',
    [conf_output_success, conf_change_protocol_prompt],