) if str_max_features_line_barriers else INFINITY
    max_features_polygon_barriers = int(
    ) if str_max_features_polygon_barriers else INFINITY
    max_facilities = int(
        str_max_facilities) if str_max_facilities else INFINITY
    max_facilities_to_find = int(
        str_max_facilities_to_find) if str_max_facilities_to_find else INFINITY
    max_incidents = int(str_max_incidents) if str_max_incidents else INFINITY
    force_hierarchy_beyond_distance = float(
    ) if str_force_hierarchy_beyond_distance else INFINITY

    #Check if the output feature class names are valid. Fail with first invalid name
        out_routes_name, out_gdb_workspace, 30101,
        out_directions_name, out_gdb_workspace, 30101,
        out_facilities_name, out_gdb_workspace, 30101,

    desc_nds = arcpy.Describe(network_dataset)
    desc_nds_attributes = desc_nds.attributes

    #Convert all input features to feature sets or recordsets if they are not
    #This is required as if input is passed a feature layer or feature class
    #We will end up directly modifying the inputs
     pointBarriers = point_barriers_obj.catalogPath
 if line_barriers_obj.count:
     line_barriers_obj.copyFeatures(out_workspace, LINE_BARRIER_FIELDS)
     lineBarriers = line_barriers_obj.catalogPath
 if polygon_barriers_obj.count:
     polygon_barriers_obj.copyFeatures(out_workspace, POLYGON_BARRIER_FIELDS)
     polygonBarriers = polygon_barriers_obj.catalogPath
 if attribute_parameters_obj.count:
     attribute_parameters_obj.copyFeatures(out_workspace, ATTRIBUTE_PARAMETER_FIELDS)
     attributeParameters = attribute_parameters_obj.catalogPath    
 #If the network dataset does not support hierarchy, set the useHierarchy parameter to false.
 ndsSupportsHierarchy = nau.nds_supports_hierarchy(descNDSAttributes)
 if not ndsSupportsHierarchy:
     useHierarchy = False
 isTrimDistanceZero = False
 if not polygonTrimDistance or polygonTrimDistance.split(" ")[0] == '0':
     isTrimDistanceZero = True
 #determine whether we should use time based or distance based impedance attribute based on break units
 #using python ternary operator here.
 impedanceAttribute = timeImpedance if breakUnits.lower() in TIME_UNITS else distanceImpedance 
 #get the user supplied break values as list for easy processing    
 breakValueList = [val.encode("utf-8") for val in breakValues.strip().split()]
 breakValueCount = len(breakValueList)
 if breakValueCount == 0:
     raise nau.InputError()
 #Find the largest break value.
    # Convert constraint values from strings to number. If empty string use max Int
    max_features_point_barriers = int(str_max_features_point_barriers) if str_max_features_point_barriers else INFINITY
    max_features_line_barriers = int(str_max_features_line_barriers) if str_max_features_line_barriers else INFINITY
    max_features_polygon_barriers = (
        int(str_max_features_polygon_barriers) if str_max_features_polygon_barriers else INFINITY
    max_facilities = int(str_max_facilities) if str_max_facilities else INFINITY
    max_facilities_to_find = int(str_max_facilities_to_find) if str_max_facilities_to_find else INFINITY
    max_incidents = int(str_max_incidents) if str_max_incidents else INFINITY
    force_hierarchy_beyond_distance = (
        float(str_force_hierarchy_beyond_distance) if str_force_hierarchy_beyond_distance else INFINITY

    # Check if the output feature class names are valid. Fail with first invalid name
        out_routes_name, out_gdb_workspace, 30101, parameter_info[parameter_index["out_routes_name"]].displayName

    desc_nds = arcpy.Describe(network_dataset)
        strMaxBreakTime) if strMaxBreakTime else INFINITY
    maxBreakDistance = locale.atof(
        strMaxBreakDistance) if strMaxBreakDistance else INFINITY
    forceHierarchyTime = locale.atof(
        strForceHierarchyTime) if strForceHierarchyTime else INFINITY
    forceHierarchyDistance = locale.atof(
        strForceHierarchyDistance) if strForceHierarchyDistance else INFINITY

    descNDS = arcpy.Describe(networkDataset)
    descNDSAttributes = descNDS.attributes

    #Convert all input features to feature sets or recordsets if they are not
    #This is required as if input is passed a feature layer or feature class
    #We will end up directly modifying the inputs

    facilities_obj = nau.InputFeatureClass(facilities)
    #Store the OBJECTID field for facilities as it will used later when exporting output facilities
    orig_input_facilities_oid_fld_name = facilities_obj.origOIDFieldName
    #Store the describe object and all the fields names from input facilities to be used later when exporting output facilities
    orig_input_facilities_desc = facilities_obj.describeObject
    #orig_input_facilities_fld_aliases = {f.name:f.aliasName for f in orig_input_facilities_desc.fields}
    point_barriers_obj = nau.InputFeatureClass(pointBarriers)
    line_barriers_obj = nau.InputFeatureClass(lineBarriers)
    polygon_barriers_obj = nau.InputFeatureClass(polygonBarriers)
    attribute_parameters_obj = nau.InputTable(attributeParameters)
    #Keep a list of input copies so we can delete them just before exit
    input_copies = (facilities_obj, point_barriers_obj, line_barriers_obj,
                    polygon_barriers_obj, attribute_parameters_obj)

    #Get counts for facilities, incidents, barrier features and attribute parameters
    facility_count = facilities_obj.count