Exemple #1
 def _get_plot_dimensions(self, plots, res):
     """Get the dimensions of the plots to be panelled."""
     # Select the index of the plot to get the size from.
     base_plot = getattr(res, 'nglPanelScalePlotIndex', 0)
     pwidth = Ngl.get_float(plots[base_plot], 'vpWidthF')
     pheight = Ngl.get_float(plots[base_plot], 'vpHeightF')
     return pwidth, pheight
Exemple #2
def draw_vp_box(wks, plot):

    # Retrieve the viewport values of the drawable object.
    vpx = Ngl.get_float(plot, "vpXF")
    vpy = Ngl.get_float(plot, "vpYF")
    vpw = Ngl.get_float(plot, "vpWidthF")
    vph = Ngl.get_float(plot, "vpHeightF")

    print("Viewport x,y,width,height =", vpx, vpy, vpw, vph)

    # Make a box with the viewport values.
    xbox = [vpx, vpx + vpw, vpx + vpw, vpx, vpx]
    ybox = [vpy, vpy, vpy - vph, vpy - vph, vpy]

    # Set up some marker resources.
    mkres = Ngl.Resources()
    mkres.gsMarkerIndex = 16  # filled dot
    mkres.gsMarkerSizeF = 0.02  # larger than default
    mkres.gsMarkerColor = "ForestGreen"

    # Draw a single marker at the vpXF/vpYF location.
    Ngl.polymarker_ndc(wks, vpx, vpy, mkres)

    # Set up some line resources.
    lnres = Ngl.Resources()
    lnres.gsLineColor = "NavyBlue"  # line color
    lnres.gsLineThicknessF = 3.5  # 3.5 times as thick

    # Draw a box around the viewport.
    Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks, xbox, ybox, lnres)

    # Set up some text resources.
    txres = Ngl.Resources()
    txres.txJust = "CenterLeft"
    txres.txFontHeightF = 0.015
    txres.txFontColor = "ForestGreen"
    txres.txBackgroundFillColor = "white"

    # Draw a text string labeling the marker
    Ngl.text_ndc(wks, "(vpXF,vpYF)", vpx + 0.03, vpy, txres)

    # Draw text strings labeling the viewport box.
    txres.txFontColor = "black"
    txres.txJust = "CenterLeft"

    Ngl.text_ndc(wks, "viewport", vpx + vpw / 2., vpy - vph, txres)
    Ngl.text_ndc(wks, "viewport", vpx + vpw / 2., vpy, txres)

    txres.txAngleF = 90.
    Ngl.text_ndc(wks, "viewport", vpx, vpy - vph / 2., txres)
    Ngl.text_ndc(wks, "viewport", vpx + vpw, vpy - vph / 2., txres)

def ngl_Strings(wks, plot, title='', left='', center='', right='', xtitle='', ytitle=''):

   vpx = Ngl.get_float(plot,"vpXF")             #-- retrieve value of res.vpXF from plot
   vpy = Ngl.get_float(plot,"vpYF")             #-- retrieve value of res.vpYF from plot
   vpw = Ngl.get_float(plot,"vpWidthF")         #-- retrieve value of res.vpWidthF from plot
   vph = Ngl.get_float(plot,"vpHeightF")        #-- retrieve value of res.vpHeightF from plot
   ymax = vpy+0.08                              #-- we need space for the title and strings
   if(ymax > 0.98):
     print("--> if you can't see the title use res.nglMaximize = False and/or set res.vpYF")

#-- add title
   if(title != ""):
      tires = Ngl.Resources()
      tires.txFontHeightF =  0.016
      tires.txJust        = "CenterCenter"
      tires.txFont        =  22                     #-- Font 22: Helvetica bold
      if(left != "" or center != "" or right != ""):
         y = vpy + 0.075
         y = vpy + 0.05
      Ngl.text_ndc(wks, title, 0.5, y, tires)

#-- add left, center and/or right string
   txres = Ngl.Resources()
   txres.txFontHeightF = 0.020                  #-- font size for left, center and right string

   y = vpy + 0.035                              #-- y-position

   if(left != ""):
      txres.txJust = "CenterLeft"               #-- text justification
      x = vpx                                   #-- x-position
      Ngl.text_ndc(wks, left, x, y, txres)      #-- add text to wks
   if(center != ""):
      txres.txJust = "CenterCenter"             #-- text justification
      Ngl.text_ndc(wks, center, 0.5, y, txres)  #-- add text to wks
   if(right != ""):
      txres.txJust = "CenterRight"              #-- text justification
      x = vpx+vpw                               #-- x-position
      Ngl.text_ndc(wks, right, x, y, txres)     #-- add text to wks

#-- add y-axis title string
   txtires = Ngl.Resources()
   txtires.txFontHeightF = 0.024                #-- font size for x-axis title string
   txtires.txAngleF      = 90.0
   txtires.txJust        = "CenterCenter"       #-- text justification

   y = vpy - vph/2                              #-- y-position
   x = vpx - 0.12 
   Ngl.text_ndc(wks, ytitle, x, y, txtires)     #-- add text to wks
Exemple #4
def right_axis(wks, plot, yaxis_string, tres):
    ttres = tres  # Copy resources
    ttres.nglDraw = False  # Make sure string is just created, not drawn.
    ttres.txAngleF = -90.  # Use 90 to rotate other direction.

    # Retrieve font height of left axis string and use to calculate size of
    # right axis string
    if not hasattr(ttres, "txFontHeightF"):
        ttres.txFontHeightF = Ngl.get_float(plot.base, "tiYAxisFontHeightF")
# Set up variable to hold annotation resources.
    amres = Ngl.Resources()

    # Create string to put at right of plot, like a Y axis title.
    if yaxis_string != "":
        txid = Ngl.text(wks, plot, yaxis_string, 0., 0., ttres)

        amres.amJust = "CenterCenter"
        amres.amParallelPosF = 0.55  # Move towards plot.
        annoid = Ngl.add_annotation(plot, txid, amres)

Exemple #5
def add_panel_label(wks, plot, panLabel="", factor=.05,
                    placement="ul", axfunc=min, rlist=None):
    ''' Adds a label to a plot similar to the result from the
    nglPanelFigureString resource. The box around the perimenter of the label
    is drawn by the text_ndc function and controlled by txPerim* attributes.

    add_panel_label(wks, plot, panLabel="", factor=(1., 1.),
                    placement="ul", axfunc=min, rlist=None)

    wks : workstation Id as returned by open_wks()

    plot : plot Id of the panel to add the label

    panLabel : String containing the panel label

    factor : ratio of margin to reference axis length

    placement : One of "ul", "ur", "ll" or "lr" to specify the corner where the
    label should be placed

    axfunct : function which is used to give the reference axis length based on
    the viewport width and height. This function should accept one list or
    tupel as argument.

    rlist : Resouce object that can be used to customize the label and its
    perimeter box. It can contain any resource that is accepted by text_ndc as
    a valid resource.
    vpXF, vpYF, vpWidthF, vpHeightF = [ngl.get_float(plot, name) for name in
                                       ["vpXF", "vpYF",
                                       "vpWidthF", "vpHeightF"]]

    margin = factor * axfunc([vpWidthF, vpHeightF])

    ul_edge = [vpXF + .5 * vpWidthF, vpYF + .5 * vpHeightF]
    if placement[0] == "u":
        ul_edge[1] = vpYF - margin
        tx_just = "Top"
    elif placement[0] == "l":
        ul_edge[1] = vpYF - vpHeightF + margin
        tx_just = "Bottom"
    if placement[1] == "l":
        ul_edge[0] = vpXF + margin
        tx_just = tx_just + "Left"
    elif placement[1] == "r":
        ul_edge[0] = vpXF + vpWidthF - margin
        tx_just = tx_just + "Right"
    if len(ul_edge) != 2:
        raise ValueError("placement is not in ['ul', 'ur', 'll', 'lr']")

    tx_res = {"txFontHeightF": .02,
              "txPerimOn": True,
              "txBackgroundFillColor": 0,
              "txJust": tx_just}
    if rlist:

    ngl.text_ndc(wks, panLabel, *ul_edge, rlistc=_dict2Resource(tx_res))
Exemple #6
def ngl_Strings(wks, plot, left='', center='', right=''):
    *Reference: https://github.com/NCAR/pyngl/issues/11
       ngl_Strings(wks, plot, left='', center='', right='')

       Add annotations
	- left, right or center string above plot
       Correspond to NCL's 
	  gsnLeftString, gsnCenterString, gsnRightString'
    assert str(getattr(wks, '__class__') ==
               "<class 'int'>"), 'ERROR - 1st parameter is not a Ngl wks'
    assert str(getattr(plot, '__class__') == "<class 'ngl.PlotIds'>"
               ), 'ERROR - 2nd parameter is not a Ngl plot'

    vpx = Ngl.get_float(plot, "vpXF")  #-- retrieve value of res.vpXF from plot
    vpy = Ngl.get_float(plot, "vpYF")  #-- retrieve value of res.vpYF from plot
    vpw = Ngl.get_float(
        plot, "vpWidthF")  #-- retrieve value of res.vpWidthF from plot

    txres = Ngl.Resources()
    txres.txFontHeightF = 0.018  #-- font size for left, center and right string
    txres.txFont = 26

    y = vpy + 0.025  #-- y-position

    if (left != ''):
        txres.txJust = "CenterLeft"  #-- text justification
        x = vpx  #-- x-position
        Ngl.text_ndc(wks, left, x, y, txres)  #-- add text to wks

    if (center != ''):
        txres.txJust = "CenterCenter"  #-- text justification	   x = vpx + vpw/2
        x = vpx + vpw / 2
        Ngl.text_ndc(wks, center, x, y, txres)  #-- add text to wks

    if (right != ''):
        txres.txJust = "CenterRight"  #-- text justification
        x = vpx + vpw  #-- x-position
        Ngl.text_ndc(wks, right, x, y, txres)  #-- add text to wks
Exemple #7
def subtitles(wks, plot, left_string, center_string, right_string, tres):
    ttres = tres  # Copy resources
    ttres.nglDraw = False  # Make sure string is just created, not drawn.

    # Retrieve font height of left axis string and use this to calculate
    # size of subtitles.
    if not hasattr(ttres, "txFontHeightF"):
        font_height = Ngl.get_float(plot.base, "tiXAxisFontHeightF")
        ttres.txFontHeightF = font_height * 0.8  # Slightly smaller

# Set some some annotation resources to describe how close text
# is to be attached to plot.
    amres = Ngl.Resources()
    if not hasattr(ttres, "amOrthogonalPosF"):
        amres.amOrthogonalPosF = -0.51  # Top of plot plus a little extra
        # to stay off the border.
        amres.amOrthogonalPosF = ttres.amOrthogonalPosF

# Create three strings to put at the top, using a slightly
# smaller font height than the axis titles.
    if left_string != "":
        txidl = Ngl.text(wks, plot, left_string, 0., 0., ttres)

        amres.amJust = "BottomLeft"
        amres.amParallelPosF = -0.5  # Left-justified
        annoidl = Ngl.add_annotation(plot, txidl, amres)

    if center_string != "":
        txidc = Ngl.text(wks, plot, center_string, 0., 0., ttres)

        amres.amJust = "BottomCenter"
        amres.amParallelPosF = 0.0  # Centered
        annoidc = Ngl.add_annotation(plot, txidc, amres)

    if right_string != "":
        txidr = Ngl.text(wks, plot, right_string, 0., 0., ttres)

        amres.amJust = "BottomRight"
        amres.amParallelPosF = 0.5  # Right-justifed
        annoidr = Ngl.add_annotation(plot, txidr, amres)

Exemple #8
def add_axis(wks, plot, ax="XB", offset=0., res=None):
    val_ax = ("XT", "XB", "YL", "YR")
    if not res:
        res = {}
        res = _resource2dict(res)
    resp = {}
    keys = ["vpXF", "vpYF", "vpWidthF", "vpHeightF", "trXMinF", "trXMaxF",
            "trYMinF", "trYMaxF"]
    for a in val_ax:
        for k in ("LabelFontHeight", "MajorOutwardLength",
            keys.append("tm{}{}F".format(a, k))
    for k in keys:
        resp[k] = ngl.get_float(plot, k)
    for k in ("tm" + a + k for a in val_ax for k in ("Values", "MinorValues")):
        resp[k] = ngl.get_float_array(plot, k)
    for k in ("tm{}MinorPerMajor".format(a) for a in val_ax):
        resp[k] = ngl.get_integer(plot, k)
    for k in ("tm{}MinorOn".format(a) for a in val_ax):
        resp[k] = (ngl.get_integer(plot, k) == 1)
    for k in ("tm" + a + "Labels".format(a) for a in val_ax):
        resp[k] = ngl.get_string_array(plot, k)

    for a in ("XT", "XB", "YL", "YR"):
        resp["tm{}Mode".format(a)] = "Explicit"
        resp["tm{}On".format(a)] = (a == ax)
        resp["tm{}BorderOn".format(a)] = (a == ax)

    resp["nglDraw"] = False
    resp["nglFrame"] = False

    blank_plot = ngl.blank_plot(wks, _dict2Resource(resp))
    amres = {"amJust": "CenterCenter"}
    if ax[1].lower() in "lt":
        ampos_sig = -1.
        ampos_sig = 1.
    if ax[0].lower() == "x":
        amres["amOrthogonalPosF"] = ampos_sig * offset
        amres["amParallelPosF"] = ampos_sig * offset

    return ngl.add_annotation(plot, blank_plot, _dict2Resource(amres))
Exemple #9
def set_plot_position(plot, vpXY=None, vpWH=None):
    '''Change the viewport location and width. If one is omitted, the value
    will be retained.

    set_plot_position(plot, vpXY=None, vpWH=None)

    plot : plot Id of the plot to modify

    vpXY : tupel of the coordinates of the upper left corner of the viewport in
    NDC space

    vpWH : tupel of viewports width and height in NDC space
    attrib = ["vpXF", "vpYF", "vpWidthF", "vpHeightF"]
    rlist = dict(zip(attrib, [ngl.get_float(plot, name) for name in attrib]))

    if vpXY:
        rlist["vpXF"], rlist["vpYF"] = vpXY
    if vpWH:
        rlist["vpWidthF"], rlist["vpHeightF"] = vpWH
    _set_values(plot, rlist)
Exemple #10
    elif l > 0:

# This section creates a blank plot, for the purpose of customizing
# its tickmarks.

#---Resource list for blank plot
bres = Ngl.Resources()

#---Retrieve viewport coordinates and set them for blank plot.
bres.vpXF = Ngl.get_float(map, "vpXF")
bres.vpYF = Ngl.get_float(map, "vpYF")
bres.vpHeightF = Ngl.get_float(map, "vpHeightF")
bres.vpWidthF = Ngl.get_float(map, "vpWidthF")

#---Retrieve min/max values of map and set them for blank plot.
bres.trXMinF = Ngl.get_float(map, "trXMinF")
bres.trXMaxF = Ngl.get_float(map, "trXMaxF")
bres.trYMinF = Ngl.get_float(map, "trYMinF")
bres.trYMaxF = Ngl.get_float(map, "trYMaxF")

#---Default is inward.
bres.nglPointTickmarksOutward = True

#---Set the values and labels for the X axis of blank plot.
bres.tmXBMode = "Explicit"
Exemple #11
    resMP.nglFrame = False

    resMP.sfXArray = Tlons.values
    resMP.sfYArray = Tlats.values

    resMP.cnLineLabelsOn = False
    resMP.cnLinesOn = False
    resMP.cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"

    contour = Ngl.contour(wks, varM, resMP)

    resMP.mpProjection = "CylindricalEquidistant"  # Change the map projection.
    resMP.mpCenterLonF = 0.  # Rotate the projection.
    #resMP.mpFillOn     = True           # Turn on map fill.
    resMP.mpLimitMode = "LatLon"  # Limit the map view.
    resMP.mpMinLonF = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield, "sfXCActualStartF")
    resMP.mpMaxLonF = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield, "sfXCActualEndF")
    resMP.mpMinLatF = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield, "sfYCActualStartF")
    resMP.mpMaxLatF = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield, "sfYCActualEndF")
    #resMP.mpOutlineBoundarySets = "AllBoundaries"

    #resMP.sfYArray = Tlats.values
    #resMP.sfXArray = Tlons.values

    setplotrange(resMP, a1, a2, adiff)
    plot.append(Ngl.contour_map(wks, varM, resMP))
    plot.append(Ngl.contour_map(wks, varN, resMP))
    setplotrange(resMP, b1, b2, bdiff)
    plot.append(Ngl.contour_map(wks, varM - varN, resMP))

textres = Ngl.Resources()
Exemple #12
# Turn on the right Y labels and tickmarks and move the axis string to
# the right.
res2.tmYRLabelsOn = True
res2.tmYROn = True
res2.tmYUseLeft = False
res2.tmYRFormat = "f"  # Gets rid of unnecessary trailing zeros

# Move the Y axis string to the right.
res2.tiYAxisString = "U component of wind (m/s)"
res2.tiYAxisSide = "Right"
res2.tiYAxisFontColor = "purple"
res2.tiXAxisFontHeightF = Ngl.get_float(plot1, "tiXAxisFontHeightF")

# Make sure the font heights and tickmark lengths are the same as
# the first plot.
res2.tmYRLabelFontHeightF = Ngl.get_float(plot1, "tmYLLabelFontHeightF")
res2.tmYRMajorLengthF = Ngl.get_float(plot1, "tmYLMajorLengthF")

# Change line pattern, color and thickness.
pattern = "$_____$_____$$_____$$_____$$_____$$_____$$___"
res2.xyDashPattern = Ngl.new_dash_pattern(wks, pattern)
res2.xyLineColor = "purple"
res2.xyLineThicknessF = 3.0
Exemple #13

resources.tiMainString          = "North Carolina Coast (depth in meters)"
resources.tiMainFontHeightF     = 0.015

resources.nglDraw               = False
resources.nglFrame              = False

contour = Ngl.contour(wks,depth,resources)

# Retrieve the actual lat/lon end points of the scalar array so
# we know where to overlay on map.
xs = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield,"sfXCActualStartF")
xe = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield,"sfXCActualEndF")
ys = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield,"sfYCActualStartF")
ye = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield,"sfYCActualEndF")

#  The next set of resources will apply to the map plot.
resources.mpProjection          = "CylindricalEquidistant"

# Once the high resolution coastline data files have been
# downloaded (see the Notes section above for details), to
# access them you need to change the following resource 
# to "HighRes".
Exemple #14
if hasattr(uvar,"_FillValue"):
  resources.vfMissingUValueV = uvar._FillValue
if hasattr(vvar,"_FillValue"):
  resources.vfMissingVValueV = vvar._FillValue

resources.tiXAxisFont   = "Times-Roman"  # Change the default font used.
resources.tmXBLabelFont = "Times-Roman"
resources.tmYLLabelFont = "Times-Roman"

resources.stLineColor = "green"  # Change streamlines to green.

plot = Ngl.streamline(wks,uvar[::2,::2],vvar[::2,::2],resources) 

#----------- Begin third plot -----------------------------------------

arrowlength = Ngl.get_float(plot,"stArrowLengthF")
spacing = Ngl.get_float(plot,"stMinLineSpacingF")

resources.stMinLineSpacingF = spacing * 2.0     # Set some resources based
resources.stArrowLengthF    = arrowlength * 2.0 # on resources you retrieved.
resources.stLineColor       = "red"             # Change line color to red
resources.stLineThicknessF  = 1.5

uvar = file.variables["U_GRD_6_GPML"]
vvar = file.variables["V_GRD_6_GPML"]

#  Set resources and plot.
if hasattr(uvar,"units"):
  resources.tiMainString = "GRD_6_GPML (u,v " + uvar.units + ")"
Exemple #15
def plot_Robinson_pyngl(var,

    #  Select a colormap and open a workstation.
    rlist = Ngl.Resources()

    wks_type = "png"
    wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, wks_name, rlist)

    if cmap is None:
        mycmap = 'BlAqGrYeOrReVi200'
        Ngl.define_colormap(wks, mycmap)
            mycmap = '/Users/frederic/python/cmap/' + cmap
            mycmap = np.loadtxt(mycmap)
            mycmap = cmap
            Ngl.define_colormap(wks, mycmap)
            raise Warning('Unknown colormap')

    #  The next set of resources will apply to the contour plot and the labelbar.
    resources = Ngl.Resources()

    resources.sfXArray = lon
    resources.sfYArray = lat

    resources.gsnMaximize = True  # use full page

    resources.cnFillOn = True
    resources.cnFillMode = "RasterFill"
    resources.cnMaxLevelCount = 255
    resources.cnLinesOn = False
    resources.cnLineLabelsOn = False
    if clim is not None:
        resources.cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"  # set manual contour levels
        resources.cnMinLevelValF = clim[0]  # set min contour level
        resources.cnMaxLevelValF = clim[1]  # set max contour level
        if cspace is None:
            LevelSpacing = (clim[1] - clim[0]) / 100.
            resources.cnLevelSpacingF = LevelSpacing  # set contour spacing
            resources.cnLevelSpacingF = cspace  # set contour spacing

    resources.lbOrientation = "Horizontal"  # Default is vertical.
    resources.lbBoxLinesOn = False
    resources.lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.01  # label font height
    resources.lbBoxMinorExtentF = 0.15

    # The contour plot is not very interesting, so don't draw it.
    resources.nglDraw = False
    resources.nglFrame = False

    contour = Ngl.contour(wks, var, resources)

    # Retrieve the actual lat/lon end points of the scalar array so
    # we know where to overlay on map.
    xs = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield, "sfXCActualStartF")
    xe = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield, "sfXCActualEndF")
    ys = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield, "sfYCActualStartF")
    ye = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield, "sfYCActualEndF")

    resources.nglDraw = True  # Turn these resources back on.
    resources.nglFrame = True

    resources.mpProjection = "Robinson"
    resources.mpCenterLonF = 270
    resources.mpCenterLatF = 0

    resources.mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 2

    map = Ngl.contour_map(wks, var, resources)

Exemple #16
    lon_labels.append("%gW" % abs(l))
  elif l > 0:
    lon_labels.append("%gE" % l)
    lon_labels.append("%g" % l)

# This section creates a blank plot, for the purpose of customizing
# its tickmarks.

#---Resource list for blank plot
bres = Ngl.Resources()

#---Retrieve viewport coordinates and set them for blank plot.
bres.vpXF      = Ngl.get_float(map,"vpXF")
bres.vpYF      = Ngl.get_float(map,"vpYF")
bres.vpHeightF = Ngl.get_float(map,"vpHeightF")
bres.vpWidthF  = Ngl.get_float(map,"vpWidthF" )

#---Retrieve min/max values of map and set them for blank plot.
bres.trXMinF   = Ngl.get_float(map,"trXMinF")
bres.trXMaxF   = Ngl.get_float(map,"trXMaxF")
bres.trYMinF   = Ngl.get_float(map,"trYMinF")
bres.trYMaxF   = Ngl.get_float(map,"trYMaxF")

#---Default is inward.
bres.nglPointTickmarksOutward = True

#---Set the values and labels for the X axis of blank plot.
bres.tmXBMode                = "Explicit"
Exemple #17
cnres.sfYArray                    = lat

# The data is ordered lon x lat; you must reorder before plotting
# using transpose. 
contour_map_plot = Ngl.contour_map(wks, precip[:].transpose(),cnres)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Code for creating map only plot.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

# Get size of contour/map plot
# Retrieve size of contour/map plot
bres     = Ngl.Resources()
bres.vpx = Ngl.get_float(contour_map_plot,"vpXF")
bres.vpy = Ngl.get_float(contour_map_plot,"vpYF")
bres.vph = Ngl.get_float(contour_map_plot,"vpHeightF")
bres.vpw = Ngl.get_float(contour_map_plot,"vpWidthF" )

mpres = set_map_resources()

# Make sure map plot is same size as contour/map plot.
mpres.nglMaximize      = False      # this must be turned off otherwise plot will be resized!
mpres.vpXF             = bres.vpx       
mpres.vpYF             = bres.vpy       
mpres.vpWidthF         = bres.vpw
mpres.vpHeightF        = bres.vph

# Turn off since they are already drawn in contour/map plot.
mpres.pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Never"   
Exemple #18
#-- generate plot2, but don't draw it yet
print("-- rplot --")
rplot = Ngl.contour(wks, rhum, rres)

#-- overlay rplot on tplot
print("-- overlay tplot --")
Ngl.overlay(map, tplot)
print("-- overlay rplot --")
Ngl.overlay(map, rplot)

#-- draw the plot

#-- Retrieve some resources from map for adding labels
vpx = Ngl.get_float(map, 'vpXF')
vpy = Ngl.get_float(map, 'vpYF')
vpw = Ngl.get_float(map, 'vpWidthF')
fnth = Ngl.get_float(map, 'tmXBLabelFontHeightF')

#-- write variable long_name and units to the plot
txres = Ngl.Resources()
txres.txFontHeightF = fnth

txres.txJust = "CenterLeft"
Ngl.text_ndc(wks, f.t.long_name, vpx, vpy + 0.02, txres)

txres.txJust = "CenterRight"
Ngl.text_ndc(wks, f.t.units, vpx + vpw, vpy + 0.02, txres)

Exemple #19
def plot_Robinson_pyngl(var,lon,lat,wks_name='plot', clim=None, cspace=None, cmap=None):

    #  Select a colormap and open a workstation.
    rlist            = Ngl.Resources()

    wks_type = "png"
    wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type,wks_name,rlist)

    if cmap is None:
        mycmap = 'BlAqGrYeOrReVi200'
            mycmap = '/Users/frederic/python/cmap/' + cmap    
            mycmap = np.loadtxt(mycmap)
            mycmap = cmap
            raise Warning, 'Unknown colormap'

    #  The next set of resources will apply to the contour plot and the labelbar.
    resources = Ngl.Resources()

    resources.sfXArray            = lon
    resources.sfYArray            = lat

    resources.gsnMaximize         = True                # use full page

    resources.cnFillOn            = True
    resources.cnFillMode          = "RasterFill"
    resources.cnMaxLevelCount     = 255 
    resources.cnLinesOn           = False
    resources.cnLineLabelsOn      = False
    if clim is not None:
        resources.cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"          # set manual contour levels
        resources.cnMinLevelValF       = clim[0]                 # set min contour level
        resources.cnMaxLevelValF       = clim[1]                 # set max contour level
        if cspace is None:
            LevelSpacing = (clim[1] - clim[0]) / 100.
            resources.cnLevelSpacingF      =  LevelSpacing       # set contour spacing
            resources.cnLevelSpacingF      =  cspace             # set contour spacing

    resources.lbOrientation      = "Horizontal"     # Default is vertical.
    resources.lbBoxLinesOn       = False
    resources.lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.01            # label font height
    resources.lbBoxMinorExtentF  = 0.15

    # The contour plot is not very interesting, so don't draw it.
    resources.nglDraw  = False
    resources.nglFrame = False

    contour = Ngl.contour(wks,var,resources)

    # Retrieve the actual lat/lon end points of the scalar array so
    # we know where to overlay on map.
    xs = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield,"sfXCActualStartF")
    xe = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield,"sfXCActualEndF")
    ys = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield,"sfYCActualStartF")
    ye = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield,"sfYCActualEndF")

    resources.nglDraw           = True        # Turn these resources back on.
    resources.nglFrame          = True

    resources.mpProjection      = "Robinson"
    resources.mpCenterLonF = 270
    resources.mpCenterLatF =   0

    resources.mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 2

    map = Ngl.contour_map(wks,var,resources)

Exemple #20
resources.tiMainString      = "2562 Element Geodesic grid"

resources.lbBoxLinesOn      = False
resources.lbTitleString     = "kinetic energy"

resources.nglDraw           = False   # Just create the plot. Don't
resources.nglFrame          = False   # draw it or advance the frame.

contour = Ngl.contour(wks,ke,resources)

# Retrieve the actual lat/lon end points of the scalar array so
# we know where to overlay on map.
xs = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield,"sfXCActualStartF")
xe = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield,"sfXCActualEndF")
ys = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield,"sfYCActualStartF")
ye = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield,"sfYCActualEndF")

resources.nglDraw           = True      # Now we want to draw the plot
resources.nglFrame          = True      # and advance the frame.

resources.mpGridAndLimbOn   = False
resources.mpProjection      = "Orthographic"
resources.mpDataBaseVersion = "MediumRes"
resources.mpLimitMode       = "LatLon"
resources.mpMinLonF         = xs
resources.mpMaxLonF         = xe
resources.mpMinLatF         = ys
resources.mpMaxLatF         = ye
Exemple #21
def add_map_tickmarks(wks,map,lat_spc,lon_spc):

  bres                   = Ngl.Resources()
  bres.nglMaximize       = False

#---Set some resources based on map plot already created.
  bres.vpXF              = Ngl.get_float(map, "vpXF")
  bres.vpYF              = Ngl.get_float(map, "vpYF")
  bres.vpWidthF          = Ngl.get_float(map, "vpWidthF")
  bres.vpHeightF         = Ngl.get_float(map, "vpHeightF")
  bres.trXMinF           = Ngl.get_float(map, "trXMinF")
  bres.trXMaxF           = Ngl.get_float(map, "trXMaxF")
  bres.trYMinF           = Ngl.get_float(map, "trYMinF")
  bres.trYMaxF           = Ngl.get_float(map, "trYMaxF")

  bres.tmEqualizeXYSizes = True   # make sure labels same size

#---Create longitude labels based on longitude spacing given.
  lon_values = np.arange(-180,181,lon_spc)
  lon_labels = []
  for l in lon_values:
    if l < 0:
    elif l > 0:
#---Create latitude labels based on latitude spacing given.
  lat_values = np.arange(-90,91,lat_spc)
  lat_labels = []
  for l in lat_values:
    if l < 0:
    elif l > 0:

#---Set tickmark resources
  bres.tmXBMode                = "Explicit"
  bres.tmXBValues              = lon_values
  bres.tmXBLabels              = lon_labels
  bres.tmYLMode                = "Explicit"
  bres.tmYLValues              = lat_values
  bres.tmYLLabels              = lat_labels
  bres.tmYLLabelFontHeightF    = 0.009    # Make these labels smaller.
  bres.tmXBLabelFontHeightF    = 0.009    # Ditto
#---To urn on tickmark lines, change these values to something like 0.01
#---Turn off tickmark lines
  bres.tmXBMajorLengthF        = 0.
  bres.tmYLMajorLengthF        = 0.
  bres.tmXBMajorOutwardLengthF = 0.
  bres.tmYLMajorOutwardLengthF = 0.
#---Create the blank plot with the special labels
  blank  = Ngl.blank_plot(wks,bres)

#---Attach blank plot with special labels to map plot, and return
  sres                = Ngl.Resources()
  sres.amZone         = 0     # '0' means centered over base plot.
  sres.amResizeNotify = True
  return Ngl.add_annotation(map,blank,sres)
Exemple #22
def _plot_trj_marker(wks, plot, x, y, angle, res):
    ''' Plots a single arrow head onto the a trajectory plot

    pgon = _plot_trj_marker(wks, plot, x, y, angle, res)

    wks :              The identifier returned from calling Ngl.open_wks.

    x,y :              The X and Y coordinates of the arrow heads centre.

    xMarker, yMarker : X and Y coordinates in data coordinates of the marker

    angle:             angle relative to the x axis of the marker

    res:               Resource list using following special resources:

    Special resources:

    trjArrowDirection : can be 'pos' or 'neg' to select direction of the arrows

    trjArrowXShapeF   : Array containing the x coordinates of the arrow head
relative to the heads centre.

    trjArrowYShapeF   : Array containing the y  coordinates of the arrow head
relative to the heads centre.

    # get plot centre in data coordinates
    xMid, yMid = [(ngl.get_float(plot, "tr" + ax + "MaxF")
                   + ngl.get_float(plot, "tr" + ax + "MinF")) / 2.
                          for ax in "XY"]

    # rotate arrow
    if res.trjArrowDirection == "neg":
        angle = angle - np.pi

    xMarker = copy.deepcopy(res.trjArrowXShapeF)
    yMarker = copy.deepcopy(res.trjArrowYShapeF)

    # scale marker
    xMarker = xMarker * res.trjArrowXScaleF * res.trjArrowSizeF + xMid
    yMarker = yMarker * res.trjArrowYScaleF * res.trjArrowSizeF + yMid

    xMarker_ndc, yMarker_ndc = ngl.datatondc(plot, xMarker, yMarker)

    # move centre of mass to origin
    xMarker_ndc, yMarker_ndc = [xMarker_ndc - np.mean(xMarker_ndc),
                                yMarker_ndc - np.mean(yMarker_ndc)]
    # rotate marker
    xMarker_ndc, yMarker_ndc = [
                    np.cos(angle) * xMarker_ndc - np.sin(angle) * yMarker_ndc,
                    np.sin(angle) * xMarker_ndc + np.cos(angle) * yMarker_ndc]

    # shift to final position
    xOffset_ndc, yOffset_ndc = ngl.datatondc(plot, x, y)
    xMarker_ndc += xOffset_ndc
    yMarker_ndc += yOffset_ndc

    # convert back to coordinates
    xMarker, yMarker = ngl.ndctodata(plot, xMarker_ndc, yMarker_ndc)

    # filter attributes from res
    for attr in dir(res):
        if not attr[0:2] in ["gs", "__"] or attr[0:3] == "gsn":
            delattr(res, attr)

    return ngl.add_polygon(wks, plot, xMarker, yMarker, res)
Exemple #23
# Turn on the right Y labels and tickmarks and move the axis string to
# the right.
res2.tmYRLabelsOn = True
res2.tmYROn       = True
res2.tmYUseLeft   = False  
res2.tmYRFormat   = "f"      # Gets rid of unnecessary trailing zeros

# Move the Y axis string to the right.
res2.tiYAxisString      = "U component of wind (m/s)"
res2.tiYAxisSide        = "Right"
res2.tiYAxisFontColor   = "purple"
res2.tiXAxisFontHeightF = Ngl.get_float(plot1,"tiXAxisFontHeightF")

# Make sure the font heights and tickmark lengths are the same as
# the first plot.
res2.tmYRLabelFontHeightF = Ngl.get_float(plot1,"tmYLLabelFontHeightF")
res2.tmYRMajorLengthF     = Ngl.get_float(plot1,"tmYLMajorLengthF")

# Change line pattern, color and thickness.
pattern = "$_____$_____$$_____$$_____$$_____$$_____$$___"
res2.xyDashPattern    = Ngl.new_dash_pattern(wks,pattern)
res2.xyLineColor      = "purple"
res2.xyLineThicknessF = 3.0
Exemple #24
def trj(wks, x, y, time, res=None):
    ''' Plots trajectories with arrow heads attached.

    plot = trj(wks, x, y, time, res=None)

    wks : The identifier returned from calling Ngl.open_wks.

    x,y : The X and Y coordinates of the curve(s). These values can be
          one-dimensional NumPy arrays, NumPy masked arrays or two-dimensional
          NumPy arrays. If x and/or y are two-dimensional, then the leftmost
          dimension determines the number of curves.

    time : Time coordinates of the trajectories. These values can be
          one-dimensional NumPy arrays, NumPy masked arrays

    res:   Resource list using following special resources:

    Special resources:

    trjArrowStep  :     Number of samples between arrow heads.
                        Default: 10

    trjArrowOffsetF :   Shift the position of the arrows along the curve.
                        Should be between 0. and 1.
                        Default: 0.5

    trjArrowDirection : can be 'pos' or 'neg' to select direction of the
                        Default: 'pos'

    trjArrowXShapeF :   Array containing the x NDC coordinates of the arrow
                        head relative to the heads centre.
                        Default: Equiliteral triangle

    trjArrowYShapeF :   Array containing the y NDC coordinates of the arrow
                        head relative to the heads centre.
                        Default: Equiliteral triangle

    trjArrowXScaleF :   Scales arrow head in X direction, befor rotation is
                        Default: 1.

    trjArrowYScaleF :   Scales arrow head in y direction, befor rotation is
                        Default: 1.

    trjArrowSizeF :     Scales the size of an arrow head.
                        Default: 0.02

    The arrow heads are plotted with add_polygon, so all gs* attributes of the
    resource list are applied to the arrow heads polygon.

    if not res:
        res = ngl.Resources()

    # set default values:
    if not hasattr(res, 'trjArrowStep'):
        res.trjArrowStep = 10
    if not hasattr(res, 'trjArrowOffsetF'):
        res.trjArrowOffsetF = .5
        res.trjArrowOffsetF -= np.floor(res.trjArrowOffsetF)
    if not hasattr(res, 'trjArrowDirection'):
        res.trjArrowDirection = 'pos'
    if not hasattr(res, 'trjArrowXShapeF'):
        res.trjArrowXShapeF = [np.sqrt(3) / 3.,
                              -np.sqrt(3) / 6.,
                              -np.sqrt(3) / 6.]
    res.trjArrowXShapeF = np.asarray(res.trjArrowXShapeF)
    if not hasattr(res, 'trjArrowYShapeF'):
        res.trjArrowYShapeF = [0., .5, -.5]
    res.trjArrowYShapeF = np.asarray(res.trjArrowYShapeF)
    if not hasattr(res, 'trjArrowXScaleF'):
        res.trjArrowXScaleF = 1.
    if not hasattr(res, 'trjArrowYScaleF'):
        res.trjArrowYScaleF = 1.
    if not hasattr(res, 'trjArrowSizeF'):
        res.trjArrowSizeF = .02

    # check for draw and frame
    if hasattr(res, "nglDraw"):
        doDraw = res.nglDraw
        doDraw = True
    res.nglDraw = False
    if hasattr(res, "nglFrame"):
        doFrame = res.nglFrame
        doFrame = True
    res.nglFrame = False

    # Convert to mask array
    x = np.ma.asarray(x)
    y = np.ma.asarray(y)
    time = np.ma.asarray(time)

    # check input data
    if x.shape != y.shape:
        raise ValueError("Inconsistend shape. x, y and time must have the "
                            + "same shape.")

    if x.ndim < 1 or x.ndim > 2:
        raise ValueError("Input arrays x and y must be of rank 1 or 2.")

    if np.rank(x) == 1:
        # add singleton dimension to the begining
        x = x[np.newaxis, ...]
        y = y[np.newaxis, ...]

    # Dimension of trajectories
    dim = 0

    # mask all missig values
    np.ma.masked_where(y.mask, x, copy=False)
    np.ma.masked_where(x.mask, y, copy=False)

    # create line plot resource
    res_lines = copy.deepcopy(res)

    # remove trj* attributes from res_lines
    for attr in dir(res_lines):
        if attr[0:3] == "trj" or (attr[0:2] == "gs" and attr[2] != "n"):
            delattr(res_lines, attr)

    # create line plot
    plot = ngl.xy(wks, x, y, res_lines)

    # get axes length in data coordinates
    xAxisLen, yAxisLen = [ngl.get_float(plot, "tr" + ax + "MaxF")
                          - ngl.get_float(plot, "tr" + ax + "MinF")
                          for ax in "XY"]

    # get marker color
    # to be implemented

    # place Marker
    marker_id = []
    for t in xrange(x.shape[dim]):
        xt = x[t, ...].compressed()
        yt = y[t, ...].compressed()
        tt = time[::res.trjArrowStep]

        # shift time by offset
        if res.trjArrowOffsetF != 0.:
            tt = tt[:-1] + res.trjArrowOffsetF * (tt[1:] - tt[:-1])

        # itterate over markers
        for tm in tt:
            # find nearest indices in time array
            idx = (np.abs(time - tm)).argmin().min()
            if time[idx] < tm:
                idx1 = idx
                idx2 = idx + 1
            elif time[idx] > tm:
                idx1 = idx - 1
                idx2 = idx
                if idx == 0:
                    idx1 = idx
                    idx2 = idx + 1
                    idx1 = idx - 1
                    idx2 = idx

            if idx >= len(xt) - 1:
            # interpolate linearly to get coordinates
            ds = (tm - time[idx1]) / (time[idx2] - time[idx1])
            xm, ym = [coord[idx1] + ds * (coord[idx2] - coord[idx1])
                      for coord in [xt, yt]]
            x1, y1 = ngl.datatondc(plot, xt[idx1], yt[idx1])
            x2, y2 = ngl.datatondc(plot, xt[idx2], yt[idx2])
            angle = np.arctan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)

            # create marker resource
            res_marker = copy.deepcopy(res)
            # scale adjust marker scale
            res_marker.trjArrowXScaleF = res.trjArrowXScaleF * xAxisLen
            res_marker.trjArrowYScaleF = res.trjArrowYScaleF * yAxisLen

                _plot_trj_marker(wks, plot, xm, ym, angle, res_marker))

        if doDraw:
            res.nglDraw = True
        if doFrame:
            res.nglFrame = True

    return plot
Exemple #25
res.tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.012  #-- change XB label font size
res.tmYLLabelFontHeightF = 0.012  #-- change YL label font size
res.tmXBMajorLengthF = 0.008  #-- change XB the tickmark length
res.tmYLMajorLengthF = 0.008  #-- change YL the tickmark length

res.tiMainString = "Counts per country"  #-- title string
res.tiMainFont = "helvetica"  #-- title string font
res.tiMainFontHeightF = 0.025  #-- set title string font size

#-- create the map
map = Ngl.map(wks, res)

#-- add custom label bar to the plot
vpx = Ngl.get_float(map, "vpXF")  #-- retrieve viewport x-position
vpy = Ngl.get_float(map, "vpYF")  #-- retrieve viewport y-position
vpw = Ngl.get_float(map, "vpWidthF")  #-- retrieve viewport width
vph = Ngl.get_float(map, "vpHeightF")  #-- retrieve viewport height

lbx, lby = vpx, vpy - vph - 0.04

lbres = Ngl.Resources()
lbres.vpWidthF = vpw  #-- width of labelbar
lbres.vpHeightF = 0.08  #-- height of labelbar
lbres.lbOrientation = "horizontal"  #-- labelbar orientation
lbres.lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.012  #-- labelbar label font size
lbres.lbAutoManage = False  #-- we control label bar
lbres.lbFillColors = colors  #-- box fill colors
lbres.lbPerimOn = False  #-- turn off labelbar perimeter
lbres.lbMonoFillPattern = True  #-- turn on solid pattern
Exemple #26
res.nglDraw = False  # Don't draw plot or advance frame.
res.nglFrame = False

plot = Ngl.xy(wks, years, y1, res)

# Create a blank plot with the special labels that we want. This
# plot will be overlaid on the original XY plot.
# Make sure the blank plot is drawn in same location, by setting
# the viewport coordinates to the same values.

#---Retrieve viewport coordinates and set them for blank plot.
bres = Ngl.Resources()
bres.vpXF = Ngl.get_float(plot, "vpXF")
bres.vpYF = Ngl.get_float(plot, "vpYF")
bres.vpHeightF = Ngl.get_float(plot, "vpHeightF")
bres.vpWidthF = Ngl.get_float(plot, "vpWidthF")

# Create the values that represent the locations of the minor tickmarks
# in the previous plot.
values = numpy.arange(1950, 2005, 2)

# Create an array of labels for these locations. Since we already
# have labels at 1950, 1960, etc, set these to "".
Exemple #27
if hasattr(uvar, "units"):
    resources.tiMainString = "GRD_6_TRO (u,v {})".format(uvar.units)
    resources.tiMainString = "GRD_6_TRO"

resources.tiXAxisFont = "Times-Roman"  # Change the default font used.
resources.tmXBLabelFont = "Times-Roman"
resources.tmYLLabelFont = "Times-Roman"

resources.stLineColor = "green"  # Change streamlines to green.

plot = Ngl.streamline(wks, uvar[::2, ::2], vvar[::2, ::2], resources)

#----------- Begin third plot -----------------------------------------

arrowlength = Ngl.get_float(plot, "stArrowLengthF")
spacing = Ngl.get_float(plot, "stMinLineSpacingF")

resources.stMinLineSpacingF = spacing * 2.0  # Set some resources based
resources.stArrowLengthF = arrowlength * 2.0  # on resources you retrieved.
resources.stLineColor = "red"  # Change line color to red
resources.stLineThicknessF = 1.5

uvar = file.variables["U_GRD_6_GPML"]
vvar = file.variables["V_GRD_6_GPML"]

#  Set resources and plot.
if hasattr(uvar, "units"):
    resources.tiMainString = "GRD_6_GPML (u,v {})".format(uvar.units)