Exemple #1
    soup = BeautifulSoup(request.text, 'html5lib')

#    for table in soup.findAll('tbody'):
#        for rows in table.findAll('tr'):
    x = 0
    for cols in soup.findAll('td'):
        for cell in cols:
            if "GB" in cell:
                x = x + 1

                if x == 1:
                   limit = cell.strip()
                   #print ('Monthly limit is ' + limit)
                elif x == 2:
                   usage = cell.strip()
                   #print ('Current usage is ' +usage)
                elif x == 3:
                    remain = cell.strip()
                    #print ('Remaining bandwidth is ' + remain)

    d1 = d0.replace(month = d0.month + 1, day = 04)
   #print (d1)
    delta = d1 - d0
    #print delta.days
    Notifications.pushover(message=usage +' of the ' + limit + ' month limit has been used. ' + remain + ' remains for the next ' + str(delta.days) + ' days', token = app_token, user = user_token)