Exemple #1
def ParseGooglePlacesMain(Asset, AAsset):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        gL.cMySql.execute("Select * from QAddress where Asset = %s", ([Asset]))
        row = gL.cMySql.fetchone()
        if not row:
            gL.log(gL.ERROR, "asset:" + str(Asset))
            return False           
        country     = row['Country']
        assettype   = row['AssetType']
        source      = row['Source']
        starturl    = row['StartUrl']
        asseturl    = row['AssetUrl']
        name        = row['name']
        address     = row['address']
        addrstreet  = row['addrstreet']
        addrcity    = row['addrcity']
        addrzip     = row['addrzip']
        addrcounty  = row['addrcounty']            
        gAsset = gL.ParseGooglePlaces(Asset, assettype, name, gL.xstr(addrstreet), gL.xstr(addrzip), gL.xstr(addrcity), gL.xstr(country), gL.xstr(address), AAsset )
        return gAsset

    except Exception as err:
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, "asset:" + str(Asset))
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False
Exemple #2
def NextpageDuespaghi(url, page):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        o = urlparse(url)
        found = re.search('pag=(.+?)&', o.query).group(1)
        if found is not None:
            # l'url della paginazione
            nx = int(found) + 1
            url_a = "http://" + o.hostname + o.path + "?pag=" + str(nx) + "&ord=relevance&dir=desc"
        # controlla che esista
        rc, page = ReadPage(url_a)
        if rc != 0 or page is None:            
            return False, ''
        #chkstr = '//*[@class="row-identity-container"]/a/@href'
        chkstr = '//*[@class="disabled"]//i//@class' # Element='<i class="fa fa-chevron-right" />'
        test = page.xpath(chkstr)  # le pagine esistono ma non hanno contenuto
        if "fa fa-chevron-right" not in test:
            return url_a, page

    except Exception as err:
        url_a = "http://" + o.hostname + o.path + "?pag=2&ord=relevance&dir=desc"  # se non trovo il numero pagina vuol dire che è la prima pagina, 
        # controlla che esista
        rc, newpage = ReadPage(url_a)
        if rc == 0 and newpage is not None:
            test = newpage.xpath('//*[@class="row-identity-container"]/a/@href')  # controllo che la seconda esista con del contenuto
            if test:
                return url_a, newpage
                return False, ''

    return False, ''
Exemple #3
def dbAssetPrice(Asset, PriceList, currency):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        # cancella e riscrive la classificazione dell'asset  
        if len(PriceList)>0:                
            PriceCurr = ""
            PriceFrom = 0
            PriceTo = 0
            PriceAvg = 0
            for i in PriceList:
                if i[0] == 'PriceCurr':
                    PriceCurr = i[1]
                if i[0] == 'PriceFrom':
                    PriceFrom = i[1]
                if i[0] == 'PriceTo':
                    PriceTo = i[1]
                if i[0] == 'PriceAvg':
                    PriceAvg = i[1]
            if PriceCurr == '':
                PriceCurr = currency
            if PriceFrom == 0 and PriceTo == 0 and PriceAvg == 0:
                gL.cMySql.execute("Delete from AssetPrice where Asset = %s ", ([Asset]))
                gL.cMySql.execute("Insert into AssetPrice(Asset, PriceCurrency, PriceFrom, PriceTo, PriceAvg) Values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (Asset, PriceCurr, PriceFrom, PriceTo, PriceAvg))
        return True

    except Exception as err:
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False
Exemple #4
def OpenConnectionSqlite():
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
    if not gL.SqLite:
        gL.SqLite = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
        gL.cLite = gL.SqLite.cursor()
    return gL.SqLite, gL.cLite
Exemple #5
def ParseAsset(country, assettype, source, starturl, pageurl, asseturl, name):
    # parse delle singole pagine degli asset
    gL.dbQueueStatus("START", country, assettype, source, starturl, pageurl, asseturl) # scrivo nella coda che inizio
    Asset = gL.ParseContent(country, assettype, source, starturl, asseturl, name)                                                                      
    if Asset:  # se tutto ok
        gL.dbQueueStatus("END", country, assettype, source, starturl, pageurl, asseturl) # scrivo nella coda che ho finito
    return True
Exemple #6
def UpdDriveRun(startend):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        if startend == "START":
            gL.cMySql.execute("Update Drive set RunDate = %s where active = True", ([gL.RunDate]))
        if startend == "END":        
            gL.cMySql.execute("Update Drive set RunDate_end = %s where active = True", ([gL.SetNow()]))    
    except Exception as err:        
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False
Exemple #7
def ParseNextPage(source, assettype, country, pageurl, page):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        fn = gL.GetFunzione("NEXT", source, assettype, country)
        if not fn:
            raise Exception("Funzione NEXT non trovata")            
        return globals()[fn](pageurl, page)

    except Exception as err:
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False
Exemple #8
def RunIdCreate(RunType):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        runid = 0
        gL.cMySql.execute("Insert into Run (Start, RunType) Values (%s, %s)", (gL.SetNow(), RunType))                
        run = gL.cMySql.lastrowid  # recupera id autonum generato
        if run is None:
            raise Exception("Get autonum generato con errore")        
        return run
    except Exception as err:        
        return False
Exemple #9
def BuildQueue(country, assettype, source, starturl, pageurl, page):     
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   

        fn = gL.GetFunzione("QUEUE", source, assettype, country)
        if not fn:
            raise Exception("Funzione QUEUE non trovata")            
        return globals()[fn](country, assettype, source, starturl, pageurl, page)

    except Exception as err:
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False
Exemple #10
def RunIdStatus(startend):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        if startend == "START":
            gL.cMySql.execute("Update Run set Start = %s where RunId = %s ", (gL.SetNow(), gL.RunId)) 
        if startend == "END":
            gL.cMySql.execute("Update Run set End = %s where RunId = %s ", (gL.SetNow(), gL.RunId)) 
        return True
    except Exception as err:        
        #gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False
Exemple #11
def DumpGoogleResults(Asset, name, indirizzo, chk):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   

    if len(chk) == 0:
    for item in chk:       
        gL.cMySql.execute("Delete from Debug_GoogleResults where Asset = %s", ([Asset]))             
    for item in chk:
        gL.cMySql.execute("Insert into Debug_GoogleResults(Asset, AssetName, AssetAddress, GblRatio, Nome, Address, NameRatio, StreetRatio) \
                         Values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",        \
                       ( Asset, name, indirizzo, item[0], item[2], item[3], item[4], item[5]))      
    return True
Exemple #12
def LoadProxyList():
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        gL.cMySql.execute("Select * from RunProxies where Active = %s", ([gL.YES]) )
        proxies = gL.cMySql.fetchall()
        if len(proxies) == 0:       
            return False
        for proxy in proxies:
        return True
    except Exception as err:        
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False
Exemple #13
def dbQueueStatus(startend, country, assettype, source, starturl, pageurl, asseturl):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        if startend == "START":
            gL.cMySql.execute("Update queue set Start=%s, End=0, RunId=%s where Country=%s and AssetType=%s and Source=%s and Starturl=%s and Pageurl=%s and AssetUrl=%s", \
                                              (gL.SetNow(), gL.RunId, country, assettype, source, starturl, pageurl, asseturl))
        if startend == "END":
            gL.cMySql.execute("Update queue set End=%s, RunId=%s where Country=%s and AssetType=%s and Source=%s and Starturl=%s and Pageurl=%s and AssetUrl=%s", \
                                              (gL.SetNow(), gL.RunId, country, assettype, source, starturl, pageurl, asseturl))
    except Exception as err:        
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, (str(source)+ str(assettype) + country + starturl + pageurl + asseturl), err)
        return False
    return True
def GetFunzione(tipo, source, assettype, country):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        for k in gL.Funzioni:
            if k['source'] == source and k['assettype'] == assettype and k['country'] == country: 
                if tipo == "PARSE":
                    return k['ParseFn']
                if tipo == "QUEUE":
                    return k['QueueFn']
                if tipo == "NEXT":
                    return k['NextPageFn']
    except Exception as err:
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False
Exemple #15
def dbAssetOpening(Asset, orario):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        gL.cMySql.execute("Delete from AssetOpening where Asset = %s ", ([Asset]))
        for j in orario:
            x = j[1][:2]+":"+j[1][2:]
            y = j[2][:2]+":"+j[2][2:]
            gL.cMySql.execute("Insert into AssetOpening(Asset, WeekDay, OpenFrom, OpenTo) Values (%s, %s, %s, %s)", \
                    (Asset, j[0], x, y))   
        return True

    except Exception as err:        
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False
def StdPhone(stringa, country):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        test = stringa.split(' - ')   # due numeri di tel separati da trattino
        if len(test) > 1:
            stringa = test[0]
        ISO = gL.CountryISO.get(country) 
        if ISO is None:
            gL.cMySql.execute("select CountryIso2 from T_Country where Country = %s", ([country]))
            row = gL.cMySql.fetchone()
            if row:
                ISO = row['CountryIso2']           
                gL.CountryISO[country] = ISO

        if ISO is None:
            gL.log(gL.ERROR, "Lingua non trovata")
            return False
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, stringa)
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False, False
    # formatta telefono
        newphone = '' ; newphone1 = '' ; idx = 0
        numeri = phonenumbers.PhoneNumberMatcher(stringa, ISO)
        while numeri.has_next():
            idx = idx + 1
            match = numeri.next()
            #print(phonenumbers.format_number(b.number, phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormat.INTERNATIONAL))
            if idx == 1:
                newphone = phonenumbers.format_number(match.number, phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormat.INTERNATIONAL)
                newphone = newphone.replace('(','')
                newphone = newphone.replace(')','')
            if idx == 2:
                #match = phonenumbers.parse(stringa, ISO)
                newphone1 = phonenumbers.format_number(match.number, phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormat.INTERNATIONAL)
                #newphone = phonenumbers.format_number(y, phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormat.INTERNATIONAL)
                newphone1 = newphone1.replace('(','')
                newphone1 = newphone1.replace(')','')    
        msg ="%s - %s" % ("Phone stdz error", stringa)
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, msg)
        newphone = stringa
        return False, False
    return (newphone, newphone1)
def StdAddress(AddrStreet, AddrZIP, AddrCity, AddrCountry, indirizzo=''):    
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
    gL.GmapNumcalls = gL.GmapNumcalls + 1
    AddrRegion = ''
    AddrLat    = 0
    AddrCounty = ''
    AddrLong   = 0
    FormattedAddress = ''

    if indirizzo == '':
        indirizzo = xstr(AddrStreet) + " " + xstr(AddrZIP) + " " + xstr(AddrCity) + " " + xstr(AddrCountry) 

        while True:
            results = Geocoder.geocode(indirizzo)
            if results is None:
                msg = "Indirizzo: " + indirizzo + " non trovato"
                gL.log(gL.WARNING, msg)
                return (False, AddrStreet, AddrCity, AddrZIP, 0, 0, '', '', '')

            if results.count > 0:
                result = results[0]   # solo il primo valore ritornato
                AddrCounty = ""
                for component in result.current_data['address_components']:
                    a = component['types']
                    if a:
                        if a[0] == "administrative_area_level_2":                    
                            AddrCounty = component['short_name']     
                if result.route and result.street_number:
                    AddrStreet = result.route + " " + result.street_number
                AddrCity = result.locality
                AddrZIP =  result.postal_code            
                if result.coordinates[0]:
                    AddrLat  = result.coordinates[0]
                if result.coordinates[1]:
                    AddrLong = result.coordinates[1]
                if result.administrative_area_level_1:
                    AddrRegion = result.administrative_area_level_1
                if result.formatted_address:
                    FormattedAddress = result.formatted_address
                return True, AddrStreet, AddrCity, AddrZIP, AddrLat, AddrLong, AddrRegion, AddrCounty, FormattedAddress                   
                return (False, AddrStreet, AddrCity, AddrZIP, 0, 0, '', '', '')
    except GeocoderError as err:   
        if err.status == "ZERO_RESULT":
            indirizzo = nome + " " + indirizzo                               
        return (False, AddrStreet, AddrCity, AddrZIP, 0, 0, '', '', '')
Exemple #18
def dbLastReviewDate(Asset, LastReviewDate):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        # aggiorna la data di ultima recensione
        gL.cMySql.execute("select LastReviewDate from Asset where Asset=%s", ([Asset]))
        row = gL.cMySql.fetchone()
        if row is None:
            raise Exception("Errore: Asset non trovato")
        CurLastReviewDate = row['LastReviewDate']
        if CurLastReviewDate is None or (CurLastReviewDate < LastReviewDate):
            gL.cMySql.execute("Update Asset set LastReviewDate=%s where Asset=%s", (LastReviewDate, Asset))
        return True
    except Exception as err:
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False
Exemple #19
def dbAssetReview(Asset, r):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        if len(r) == 0:
            return True
        gL.cMySql.execute("Delete from AssetReview where Asset = %s", ([Asset]))
        for a in r:
            nreview = int(a[0])
            punt    = int(a[1])
            gL.cMySql.execute("Insert into AssetReview(Asset, EvalPoint, EvalNum) Values (%s,%s,%s)", (Asset, punt, nreview))
        return True

    except Exception as err:
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False
def Restart(RunType):
        if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        gL.restart = False
        # determino se devo restartare - prendo l'ultimo record della tabella run    
        gL.cMySql.execute("SELECT RunId, Start, End FROM Run where RunType = %s GROUP BY RunId, Start, End ORDER BY RunId DESC", ([RunType]))
        check = gL.cMySql.fetchone()
        if check:   # se esiste un record in Run
            runid = check['RunId']
            end   = check['End']
            start = check['Start']
            if end is None or end < start:
                gL.restart = True
                return runid
        return 0

    except Exception as err:
        return False
Exemple #21
def ParseContent(country, assettype, source, starturl, asseturl, name):   
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   

        Asset = gL.dbAsset(country, assettype, source, name, asseturl)  # inserisco l'asset
        if Asset == 0:
            raise Exception("Errore nella creazione dell'asset")
        fn = gL.GetFunzione("PARSE", source, assettype, country)
        if not fn:            
            raise Exception("Funzione PARSE non trovata")           
        rc = globals()[fn](country, asseturl, name, Asset)
        if rc:
            return Asset
            raise Exception("Funzione PARSE con errori")
    except Exception as err:
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False
Exemple #22
def sql_RestartUrl(country, assettype, source, rundate, starturl="", pageurl=""):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        # se richiesto il restart prendo l'ultimo record di paginazione creato nel run precedente
        gL.cMySql.execute( ("SELECT StartUrl, PageUrl, max(InsertDate) FROM Queue where \
                            country = %s and assetTypeId = %s and Source = %s and RunDate = %s and StartUrl is NOT NULL and PageUrl IS NOT NULL and AssetUrl='' \
                            group by starturl, pageurl order by InsertDate desc"),\
                            (country, assettype, source, rundate) )
        a = gL.cMySql.fetchone()    
        if a is not None:
            starturl = a['StartUrl']
            pageurl = a['PageUrl']
            return starturl, pageurl
            return False
    except Exception as err:
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False
Exemple #23
def SaveContent(url, content):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
    CurContent = ''
    sql = "Select * from AssetContent where Url = '" + url + "'"
    check = gL.cMySql.fetchone()
        if check is not None:
            CurContent = check['Content']
            if CurContent != content:
                gL.cMySql.execute("Update AssetContent set Content=%s, RunId=%s where url=%s", (content, gL.RunId, url))
            gL.cMySql.execute("Insert into AssetContent(Url, Content, RunId) Values (%s, %s, %s)", \
                    (url, content, gL.RunId))

    except Exception as err:
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False
    return True
Exemple #24
def dbAssetTag(Asset, tag, tagname):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)    
        # cancella e riscrive la classificazione dell'asset     
        if len(tag)>0:
            tag = list(set(tag))     # rimuovo duplicati dalla lista        
            #gL.cMySql.execute("Delete from AssetTag where Asset = %s and TagName = %s", (Asset, tagname))
            for i in tag:
                i = gL.StdCar(i)
                if len(i) < 2:
                gL.cMySql.execute("Select * from AssetTag where Asset=%s and TagName=%s and Tag=%s", (Asset, tagname, i))
                a = gL.cMySql.fetchone()
                if a is None:
                    gL.cMySql.execute("Insert into AssetTag(Asset, TagName, Tag) Values (%s, %s, %s)", (Asset, tagname, i))

        return True

    except Exception as err:        
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False
Exemple #25
def NextpageTripadvisor(url, page):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        # get la prossima pagina lista e inseriscila nella coda di lavoro e nella
        # tabella starturl
        # per tutti i link rel next
        links = page.xpath('//link[@rel="next"]/@href')
        for link in links:
             # link = gL.assetbaseurl + link
             # controllo che esista e l'inserisco nella coda
             url = gL.assetbaseurl + link
             rc, newpage = ReadPage(url) 
             if rc == 0 and newpage is not None:
                return url, newpage
    except Exception as err:
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, url, err)
        return False, ''

    return False, ''
Exemple #26
def NextpageQristoranti(url, page):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        # get la prossima pagina lista e inseriscila nella coda di lavoro e nella
        # tabella starturl
        # per tutti i link rel next
        pagact = page.xpath('//span[@class="inactive"]/text()')   # pagina attuale, se zero non c'è paginazione,
        if len(pagact) == 0:
            return False, ''
        curpa = int(pagact[0])
        links = page.xpath('//a[@class="paginate"]/@href')
        numpa = page.xpath('//a[@class="paginate"]/text()')
        if numpa[0] is not None:
            if int(numpa[0]) > int(curpa):
                rc, newpage = ReadPage(links[0])
                if rc == 0 and newpage is not None:
                    return(links[0], newpage)
                    return False, ''
                return False, ''               

    except Exception as err:
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, url)
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False, ''

    return False, ''
Exemple #27
def BuildAssetList(country, assettype, source, starturl, pageurl, runlogid):    
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   

        #   inizia da starturl e interpreta le pagine di lista costruendo la coda degli asset da esaminare
        work_queue.append((pageurl, ""))

        while len(work_queue):
            pageurl, newpage = work_queue.popleft()            
            msg ="%s - %s" % ("PAGINATE", pageurl)
            gL.log(gL.INFO, msg)
            if newpage == '':
                rc, page = gL.ReadPage(pageurl)
                rc = 0
                page = newpage
            if rc == 0 and page is not None:
                # inserisce la pagina da leggere nel runlog
                rc = gL.PagesStatus("START", country, assettype, source, starturl, pageurl)                                
                # legge la pagina lista, legge i link alle pagine degli asset e li inserisce nella queue
                rc = gL.BuildQueue(country, assettype, source, starturl, pageurl, page)
                # aggiorna il log del run con la data di fine esame della pagina
                gL.PagesStatus("END", country, assettype, source, starturl, pageurl)
                # legge la prossima pagina lista                
                newpageurl, newpage = gL.ParseNextPage(source, assettype, country, pageurl, page)
                if newpageurl:
                    #gL.sql_Queue(country, assettype, source, starturl, newpageurl)    # inserisce nella coda
                    work_queue.append((newpageurl, newpage))
                    gL.PagesCreate(source, assettype, country, starturl, newpageurl)
    except Exception as err:
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False
    return True
def ParseArgs():
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-test', action='store_true', default=False,
                    help='Decide se il run e di test, e cambia il DNS del database in DsnTest')
    parser.add_argument('-url', action='store', default='',
                    help="Esamina solo l'url")
    parser.add_argument('-debug', action='store_true', default='',
                    help="Dump tabelle interne su Db")
    parser.add_argument('-trace', action='store_true', default='',
                    help="Traccia sul log tutte le chiamate alle funzioni")
    parser.add_argument('-resetnames', action='store_true', default='',
                    help="Inizializza tutti i nomi standard prima di una nuova standardizzazione dei nomi. Esclusi i nomi modificati a mano")

    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.test:
        gL.testrun = True
        gL.Dsn = gL.Tst_MsAccDsn
        print("RUN DI TEST!!!!")
        gL.testrun = False
        gL.Dsn = gL.Prd_MsAccDsn
        print("RUN EFFETTIVO")
    if args.testurl:
        gL.testurl = args.testurl
    if args.debug:
        gL.debug = True
    if args.trace:
        gL.trace = True
    if args.resetnames:
        gL.resetnames = True
    gL.Args = args

    return True
Exemple #29
def dbAsset(country, assettype, source, name, url, AAsset=0, GooglePid=''):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        tag = []
        msg = "%s %s(%s) - %s - %s" % ('Asset:', gL.N_Ass, gL.T_Ass, name.encode('utf-8'), url.encode('utf-8'))
        gL.log(gL.INFO, msg)
        if GooglePid == '':
            gL.cMySql.execute("Select * from Asset where Url = %s", ([url]))
            CurAsset = gL.cMySql.fetchone()
            gL.cMySql.execute("Select * from Asset where GooglePid = %s", ([GooglePid]))
            CurAsset = gL.cMySql.fetchone()
        if CurAsset is not None:   # se e' gia' presente lo aggiorno
            Asset = int(CurAsset['Asset'])       
            gL.cMySql.execute("Update Asset set Name=%s, Updated=%s where Asset=%s", (name, gL.SetNow(), Asset))
        else:          # se no lo inserisco
            gL.cMySql.execute( "Insert into Asset(Source, AssetType, Country, Url, Name, Created, Updated, Active, GooglePid, AAsset) \
                              Values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", \
                            ( source, assettype, country, url, name, gL.RunDate, gL.SetNow(), gL.YES, GooglePid, AAsset))
            Asset = gL.cMySql.lastrowid
            if Asset is None:
                raise Exception("Get autonum errato")
        return Asset

    except Exception as err:
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return 0
Exemple #30
def dbAAsset(Asset, AssetMatch, AssetRef):
    if gL.trace: gL.log(gL.DEBUG)   
        if AssetMatch == 0:   # devo inserire me stesso
            gL.cMySql.execute("select * from asset where asset = %s", ([Asset]))
             # inserisce asset con info standardizzate     
            gL.cMySql.execute("Insert into AAsset (Updated) values (%s)" , ([gL.RunDate]))
            gL.cMySql.execute("SELECT @@IDENTITY")  # recupera id autonum generato
            lstrec = gL.cMySql.fetchone()
            if lstrec is None:
                raise Exception("Errore get autonum")
            AAsset = int(lstrec[0])
            gL.cMySql.execute("Update Asset set AAsset=%s where Asset=%s", (AAsset, Asset))
            AAsset = AssetRef
            gL.cMySql.execute("Update Asset set AAsset=%s where Asset=%s", (AssetRef, Asset))  # ci metto il record di rif 
        return AAsset

    except Exception as err:
        gL.log(gL.ERROR, err)
        return False