def sim_ox_wn_defi_WDS_via_defi_of_curr_main_syn(word):
  dict_vectors_wn = WordnetParseDefinition.get_dict_vectors_synsets_for_word(word)
  (keys_wn, vectors_wn) = Util.get_keys_values_of_dict(dict_vectors_wn)

  dict_vectors_wn_defi = WordnetParseDefinition.get_vectors_defi_for_word(word)
  (keys_wn_defi, vectors_wn_defi) = Util.get_keys_values_of_dict(dict_vectors_wn_defi)

  definitions = OxfordParser.get_definitions_of_word(word)

  m2d_sim = [[0 for x in range(len(definitions))] for x in range(len(vectors_wn))]

  for i in range(len(vectors_wn)):
    vector_wn = vectors_wn[i]
    vector_wn_defi = vectors_wn_defi[i]

    dict_vectors_ox = OxParseDefinition.get_dict_vectors_synsets_for_word(word, vector_wn_defi)
    (keys_ox, vectors_ox) = Util.get_keys_values_of_dict(dict_vectors_ox)

    for j in range(len(vectors_ox)):
      vector_ox = vectors_ox[j]
      m2d_sim[i][j] = sim_2_vector(vector_ox, vector_wn)


  return m2d_sim
Exemple #2
def create_input_for_train():
  dict_vn = ReadVietNet.readVietNetFile()
  dict_ox = OxfordParser.get_dict_nouns()
#  create_input_sen_via_ox_vn(dict_vn, dict_ox)

  dict_gold = CompareWithGold.goldData
  create_input_sen_via_gold_data(dict_vn, dict_ox, dict_gold)
Exemple #3
def parse_ox_wn_defi_to_input(word):
  defis_wn = WordnetHandler.get_definitions_for_word(word)
  defis_ox = OxfordParser.get_definitions_of_word_for_svm(word)

  for defi_wn in defis_wn:
    for defi_ox in defis_ox:
      value = defi_wn + "\t" + defi_ox
      FileProcess.append_value_to_file(value, __filename_input_sen__)
def get_dict_vectors_word_for_word(word):
  vectors = OrderedDict()
  definitions = OxfordParser.get_definitions_of_word(word)
  for definition in definitions:
    vector = PreprocessDefinition.preprocess_sentence(definition)
    key = definition
    vectors[key] = vector

  return vectors
def get_dict_vectors_synsets_for_word(word, synsets_wn):
  vectors = OrderedDict()
  definitions = OxfordParser.get_definitions_of_word(word)
  for definition in definitions:
    vector = get_definition_synset_with_synsetwn(definition, synsets_wn)
    key = definition
    vectors[key] = vector

  return vectors
def cal_sim_ngrams(word):
  dict_gloss_wn = WordnetParseDefinition.get_gloss_for_jacc(word)
  (key_wn, wn_gloss) = Util.get_keys_values_of_dict(dict_gloss_wn)
  ox_gloss = OxfordParser.get_definitions_of_word_for_jacc(word)
  cal_n_grams_sim(word, wn_gloss, ox_gloss, 2)
  cal_n_grams_sim(word, wn_gloss, ox_gloss, 3)
  cal_n_grams_sim(word, wn_gloss, ox_gloss, 4)

  for i in range(len(wn_gloss)):
    wn_gloss[i] = wn_gloss[i].replace(word, "")
  for i in range(len(ox_gloss)):
    ox_gloss[i] = ox_gloss[i].replace(word, "")
  cal_jacc_sim(word, wn_gloss, ox_gloss)
Exemple #7
def get_m2d_sim_for_word_from_svm_result(word):
  defis_wn = WordnetHandler.get_definitions_for_word(word)
  defis_ox = OxfordParser.get_definitions_of_word_for_svm(word)

  if len(defis_wn) == 0 or len(defis_ox) == 0:
    return None

  m2d_sim = [[0 for x in range(len(defis_ox))] for x in range(len(defis_wn))]

  for i_wn in range(len(defis_wn)):
    defi_wn = str(defis_wn[i_wn])
    for i_ox in range(len(defis_ox)):
      defi_ox = str(defis_ox[i_ox])
      m2d_sim[i_wn][i_ox] = ReadSVMResult.get_sim_for_sens(defi_wn, defi_ox)

  return m2d_sim
def sim_ox_wn_via_definition_cal_word():

  total_precision = 0;
  total_recall = 0;
  total_accuracy = 0;
  total_word = 0

  dict_ox = OxfordParser.get_dict_nouns()
  for word in dict_ox:

    if word not in __m2d_sim__:
      m2d_sim = sim_ox_wn_definition(word)
      __m2d_sim__[word] = m2d_sim

    m2d_sim = copy.deepcopy(__m2d_sim__[word])

    if m2d_sim == None or len(m2d_sim) == 0 or len(m2d_sim[0]) == 0:

    print word
#    if len(m2d_sim) == 1 and len(m2d_sim[0]) == 1:
#      continue
    m2d_sim = choose_pair_0_1(m2d_sim, len(m2d_sim), len(m2d_sim[0]))

    (precision, recall, accuracy) = CompareWithGold.compareGoldWithResult(m2d_sim,word)
    if precision != -1:
      total_precision += precision
      total_recall += recall
      total_accuracy += accuracy
      total_word += 1

  precision = total_precision/total_word
  recall = total_recall/total_word
  f_score = 0
  if precision != 0 or recall != 0:
    f_score = 2*(precision*recall)/(precision + recall)
  accuracy = total_accuracy/total_word
  print "total:"
  print total_word
  print precision
  print recall
  print f_score
  print accuracy

  Parameters.append_result_to_file( precision, recall, f_score, accuracy)
Exemple #9
def create_input_sens_test(dict_ox):

  flag_can_go = False
  for word in dict_ox:

    if word == "blockage":
      flag_can_go = True

    if flag_can_go == False:

    if len(dict_ox[word]) == 0:

    defis_wn = WordnetHandler.get_definitions_for_word(word)
    defis_ox = OxfordParser.get_definitions_of_word_for_svm(word)

    if len(defis_ox) == 1 and len(defis_wn) == 1:

    if len(defis_ox) == 1 and len(defis_wn) > 1:
      all_defi_wn = ""
      for defi_wn in defis_wn:
        all_defi_wn += defi_wn + "\t"

      if all_defi_wn != "":
        all_defi_wn = all_defi_wn[:-1]
      for defi_wn in defis_wn:
        for defi_ox in defis_ox:
          value = defi_wn + "\t" + defi_ox + "\t" + all_defi_wn
          FileProcess.append_value_to_file(value, __filename_input_sen_test__)
      for defi_wn in defis_wn:
        all_defi_ox = ""
        for defi_ox in defis_ox:
          all_defi_ox += defi_ox + "\t"

        if all_defi_ox != "":
          all_defi_ox = all_defi_ox[:-1]

        for defi_ox in defis_ox:
          value = defi_wn + "\t" + defi_ox + "\t" + all_defi_ox
          FileProcess.append_value_to_file(value, __filename_input_sen_test__)
Exemple #10
def create_input_for_test_svm():
  dict_ox =  OxfordParser.get_dict_nouns()
  flag_can_go = False
  for word in dict_ox:

#    if word == "brook":
#      flag_can_go = True
#    if flag_can_go == False:
#      continue

    if len(dict_ox[word]) == 0:

    syns_wn = WordnetHandler.get_synsets_for_word(word, 'n')
    syns_ox = dict_ox[word]

    if len(syns_ox) == 1 and len(syns_wn) == 1:

    write_sens_for_reading(syns_wn, syns_ox, __filename_input_sen_test__)
    cal_features_and_write_to_file_for(syns_wn, syns_ox, __filename_input_test_feature_values__)
Exemple #11
def create_input_for_train_svm():
  dict_ox =  OxfordParser.get_dict_nouns()
  dict_gold = CompareWithGold.goldData

  for word in dict_ox:

    if len(dict_ox[word]) == 0 or word not in dict_gold:

    if word == "brook":

#    if word != "bank":
#      continue

    syns_wn = WordnetHandler.get_synsets_for_word(word, 'n')
    syns_ox = dict_ox[word]

    if len(syns_ox) == 1 and len(syns_wn) == 1:

    write_label_for_svm(syns_wn, syns_ox, dict_gold[word])
    write_sens_for_reading(syns_wn, syns_ox, __filename_input_sen_train__)
    cal_features_and_write_to_file_for(syns_wn, syns_ox, __filename_input_train_feature_values__)
Exemple #12
def sim_ox_wn_via_svm():
  total_tp = 0.00001
  total_tn = 0.00001
  total_fn = 0.00001
  total_fp = 0.00001
  total_pair = 0

  dict_ox = OxfordParser.get_dict_nouns()
  flag_can_go = False
  for word in dict_ox:

#    if word == "brook":
#      flag_can_go = True
#    if flag_can_go == False:
#      continue

    word_syns_ox = dict_ox[word]
    wn_synsets = WordnetHandler.get_synsets_for_word(word, "n")

    m2d_sim = [[0 for x in range(len(word_syns_ox))] for x in range(len(wn_synsets))]

    if len(word_syns_ox) == 1 and len(wn_synsets) == 1:
      m2d_sim[0][0] = 1
      m2d_sim = get_m2d_sim_for_word_from_svm_result(word)

    if m2d_sim == None:

#    DebugHandler.print_2d_matrix(m2d_sim)

    m2d_sim = choose_pair_0_1(m2d_sim, len(m2d_sim), len(m2d_sim[0]))
#    DebugHandler.print_2d_matrix(m2d_sim)

    pair = count_pair(m2d_sim)
    total_pair += pair

    (tp, tn, fn, fp) = CompareWithGold.compareGoldWithResult_without_cal_result(m2d_sim,word)
    if tp != -1:
      total_tp += tp
      total_tn += tn
      total_fn += fn
      total_fp += fp

  precision = total_tp / (total_tp + total_fp)
  recall = total_tp / (total_tp + total_fn)
  accuracy = (total_tp + total_tn) / (total_tp + total_tn + total_fp + total_fn)

  f_score = 0
  if precision != 0 or recall != 0:
    f_score = 2*(precision*recall)/(precision + recall)
  print "total:"
  print total_pair
  print total_tp
  print total_tn
  print total_fn
  print total_fp

  print precision
  print recall
  print f_score
  print accuracy

  Parameters.append_result_to_file( precision, recall, f_score, accuracy)
  current_params = Parameters.get_current_params()
  current_params = copy.deepcopy(current_params)
  return f_score, current_params
Exemple #13
def create_input_sens_for_test_svm():
  dict_ox = OxfordParser.get_dict_nouns()
  for word in dict_ox:
  # row
  for i in range(len(dict_words)):
    if not dict_words[str(i)].has_key('tv'):
      dict_words[str(i)]['tv'] = "--";
    if dict_words[str(i)]['tv'] == None:
      dict_words[str(i)]['tv'] = "--"
    ox_word = dict_words[str(i)]["tv"].encode('utf8');

  for i in range(len(wn_words)):
    wn_word = wn_words[i].name()
    dict_wn_ox[wn_word] = []
    indexs_max = get_best_max_index(matrix_similarity[i])
    for index in indexs_max:
      ox_word = ox_words[index]

  return dict_wn_ox

__dict_ox_nouns__ = OxfordParser.readOxfordNouns();
def cal_similarity_for_word(word):
  filted_dict  = {}
  if __dict_ox_nouns__.has_key(word):
    if not (word is None or __dict_ox_nouns__[word] is None):
      filted_dict = similarity_without_choice(word,__dict_ox_nouns__[word]);
  return filted_dict


Exemple #15
def create_input_for_train_svm_via_vn():

  dict_ox =  OxfordParser.get_dict_csv_nouns()
  f = open(__filename_input_sen_train__,'r');
  line = f.readline();

  while (line):
    if len(line) > 0:

      sens = line.split("\t")
      syn_wn = wn._synset_from_pos_and_offset('n', long(sens[0]))

      for lemma in syn_wn.lemmas():
        word =
        if word in dict_ox:
          syns_ox = dict_ox[word]
          syns_values_in_row = []

          ox_current = -1
          for i_ox in range(len(syns_ox)):
            syn_ox = syns_ox[str(i_ox)]
            ox_defi = syn_ox['d'].replace("\n","")
            ox_defi = ox_defi.replace("\t","")
            ox_gold_defi = sens[1].replace("\n","")
            ox_gold_defi = ox_gold_defi.replace("\t","")
            ox_gold_defi = ox_gold_defi.replace(","," ")
            if check_tv_similar(ox_defi, ox_gold_defi):
              ox_current = i_ox
          if ox_current == -1:

          # cal all features between syns in ox with syn in wn
          syns_values_in_row = []
          for i_ox in range(len(syns_ox)):
            syn_ox = syns_ox[str(i_ox)]
            feature_values = cal_feature_values_for(syn_wn, syn_ox)

          # cal max values of each feature
          arr_root_values_of_feature = []
          for i_feature in range(len(syns_values_in_row[0])):
            root = root_values_of_a_feature_in_row(syns_values_in_row, i_feature)

          # cal value for svm
          feature_values_for_svm = ""
          feature_values_1_syn = syns_values_in_row[ox_current]
          for i_feature in range(len(feature_values_1_syn)):
            root_value = arr_root_values_of_feature[i_feature]
            feature_value = feature_values_1_syn[i_feature]
            feature_value_for_svm = feature_value/root_value
            feature_values_for_svm += str(feature_value_for_svm) + "\t"

          if feature_values_for_svm != "":
            feature_values_for_svm = feature_values_for_svm[:-1]

          append_value_to_file(feature_values_for_svm,  __filename_input_train_feature_values__)

      line = f.readline();

def sim_ox_wn_via_definition_cal_syns():
  total_tp = 0.;
  total_tn = 0.;
  total_fn = 0.0;
  total_fp = 0.0;
  total_pair = 0

  dict_ox = OxfordParser.get_dict_nouns()
  for word in dict_ox:
#    if word != 'bank':
#      continue
    if word not in __m2d_sim__:
      m2d_sim = sim_ox_wn_definition(word)
      __m2d_sim__[word] = m2d_sim

    m2d_sim = copy.deepcopy(__m2d_sim__[word])

    if m2d_sim == None or len(m2d_sim) == 0 or len(m2d_sim[0]) == 0:

#    if len(m2d_sim) == 1 and len(m2d_sim[0]) == 1:
#      continue
    m2d_sim = choose_pair_0_1(m2d_sim, len(m2d_sim), len(m2d_sim[0]))
#    m2d_sim = pair_0_1_reducing_m2d_sim(m2d_sim, len(m2d_sim), len(m2d_sim[0]), word)
#    print word

    pair = count_pair(m2d_sim)
    total_pair += pair

    (tp, tn, fn, fp) = CompareWithGold.compareGoldWithResult_without_cal_result(m2d_sim,word)
    if tp != -1:
      total_tp += tp
      total_tn += tn
      total_fn += fn
      total_fp += fp

  precision = total_tp / (total_tp + total_fp)
  recall = total_tp / (total_tp + total_fn)
  accuracy = (total_tp + total_tn) / (total_tp + total_tn + total_fp + total_fn)

  f_score = 0
  if precision != 0 or recall != 0:
    f_score = 2*(precision*recall)/(precision + recall)
  print "total:"
  print total_pair
  print total_tp
  print total_tn
  print total_fn
  print total_fp

  print precision
  print recall
  print f_score
  print accuracy

  Parameters.append_result_to_file( precision, recall, f_score, accuracy)
  current_params = Parameters.get_current_params()
  current_params = copy.deepcopy(current_params)
  return f_score, current_params
def sim_ox_wn_via_definition_morpho_cal_syns():
  total_tp = 0.00001
  total_tn = 0.00001;
  total_fn = 0.00001;
  total_fp = 0.00001;
  total_pair = 0

  dict_ox = OxfordParser.get_dict_nouns()
  for word in dict_ox:
#    if word != 'blaze':
#      continue
    if word not in __m2d_sim__:
      m2d_sim = sim_ox_wn_definition(word)
      __m2d_sim__[word] = m2d_sim

    m2d_sim = copy.deepcopy(__m2d_sim__[word])
    if m2d_sim == None or len(m2d_sim) == 0 or len(m2d_sim[0]) == 0:

#    if len(m2d_sim) == 1 or len(m2d_sim[0]) == 1:
#      continue

    if word not in __dict_ngrams__:
      m2d_jacc = __m2d_sim_jacc__[word]
      m2d_2grams = __m2d_sim_2grams__[word]
      m2d_3grams = __m2d_sim_3grams__[word]
      m2d_4grams = __m2d_sim_4grams__[word]
#      DebugHandler.print_2d_matrix(m2d_jacc)
#      DebugHandler.print_2d_matrix(m2d_2grams)
#      DebugHandler.print_2d_matrix(m2d_3grams)
#      DebugHandler.print_2d_matrix(m2d_4grams)
      m2d_ngrams = [[0 for x in range(len(m2d_sim[0]))] for x in range(len(m2d_sim))]

      monogram_weight = 0.25
      bigram_weight = 0.25
      trigram_weight = 0.25
      for i in range(len(m2d_sim)):
        for j in range(len(m2d_sim[0])):
          m2d_ngrams[i][j] = m2d_jacc[i][j]*monogram_weight \
                              + m2d_2grams[i][j]*bigram_weight \
                              + m2d_3grams[i][j]*(trigram_weight) \
                              + m2d_4grams[i][j]*(1- monogram_weight - bigram_weight - trigram_weight)
      __dict_ngrams__[word] = m2d_ngrams

#    print word

    m2d_ngrams = __dict_ngrams__[word]

#    DebugHandler.print_2d_matrix(m2d_ngrams)
#    DebugHandler.print_2d_matrix(m2d_sim)

#    ngram_weight = 0.075
#    for iWnWord in range(len(m2d_sim)):
#      for iDictWord in range(len(m2d_sim[0])):
#        jacc = m2d_jacc[iWnWord][iDictWord]
#        ngrams = m2d_ngrams[iWnWord][iDictWord]
#        m2d_jacc[iWnWord][iDictWord] = jacc*(1-ngram_weight) + ngrams*ngram_weight
    for i in range(len(m2d_sim)):
      for j in range(len(m2d_sim[0])):
        m2d_sim[i][j] = m2d_sim[i][j]*(1-JACCARD_WEIGHT) + JACCARD_WEIGHT*(m2d_ngrams[i][j]);

#    DebugHandler.print_2d_matrix(m2d_sim)
#    if len(m2d_sim) == 1 and len(m2d_sim[0]) == 1:
#      continue
    m2d_sim = choose_pair_0_1(m2d_sim, len(m2d_sim), len(m2d_sim[0]))
#    m2d_sim = pair_0_1_reducing_m2d_sim(m2d_sim, len(m2d_sim), len(m2d_sim[0]), word)
#    print word
#    DebugHandler.print_2d_matrix(m2d_sim)

    pair = count_pair(m2d_sim)
    total_pair += pair

    (tp, tn, fn, fp) = CompareWithGold.compareGoldWithResult_without_cal_result(m2d_sim,word)

#    precision = tp / (tp + fp + 0.0001)
#    recall = tp / (tp + fn + 0.0001)
#    accuracy = (tp + tn) / (tp + tn + fp + fn + 0.0001)
#    f_score = 0
#    if precision != 0 or recall != 0:
#      f_score = 2*(precision*recall)/(precision + recall)
#    if f_score < 0.5:
#      print word
#      print f_score
#      print tp
#      print tn
#      print fn
#      print fp
    if tp != -1:
      total_tp += tp
      total_tn += tn
      total_fn += fn
      total_fp += fp

  precision = total_tp / (total_tp + total_fp)
  recall = total_tp / (total_tp + total_fn)
  accuracy = (total_tp + total_tn) / (total_tp + total_tn + total_fp + total_fn)

  f_score = 0
  if precision != 0 or recall != 0:
    f_score = 2*(precision*recall)/(precision + recall)
  print "total:"
  print total_pair
  print total_tp
  print total_tn
  print total_fn
  print total_fp

  print precision
  print recall
  print f_score
  print accuracy

  Parameters.append_result_to_file( precision, recall, f_score, accuracy)
  current_params = Parameters.get_current_params()
  current_params = copy.deepcopy(current_params)
  return f_score, current_params
Exemple #18
def create_input_for_test():
  dict_ox = OxfordParser.get_dict_nouns()
  # row
  arrRowDict = [];
  for i in range(len(dict_words)):
    if not dict_words[str(i)].has_key('tv'):
      dict_words[str(i)]['tv'] = "--";
    if dict_words[str(i)]['tv'] == None:
      dict_words[str(i)]['tv'] = "--"


dictOxford = OxfordParser.readOxfordNouns();
print dictOxford

def similarityWordB():

  for word in dictOxford:
    print word
    print dictOxford[word]
    if word == 'bank':


Exemple #20
def cal_feature_values_for(syn_wn, syn_ox):
  feature_values = []

  defi_wn = WordnetHandler.get_defi_for_syn(syn_wn)
  defi_ox = OxfordParser.get_defi_for_syn(syn_ox)

  gloss_wn = WordnetHandler.get_gloss_for_syn(syn_wn)
  gloss_ox = OxfordParser.get_gloss_for_syn(syn_ox)

  lemma_wn = WordnetHandler.get_lemma_for_synset(syn_wn)
  sd_ox = OxfordParser.get_short_defi_for_syn(syn_ox)

  ex_wn = WordnetHandler.get_ex_for_syn(syn_wn)
  ex_ox = OxfordParser.get_ex_for_syn(syn_ox)

  cl_ox =  OxfordParser.get_collocation_for_syn(syn_ox)
  hyper_wn = WordnetHandler.get_hyper_defi_for_synset(syn_wn)
  mero_wn = WordnetHandler.get_mero_defi_for_synset(syn_wn)

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  # Literal
  literal_leven_value = 1-Literal.levenshtein(defi_wn, defi_ox)

  literal_jacc_value = 1.00001-Literal.jaccard(defi_wn, defi_ox)
#  feature_values.append(literal_jacc_value+literal_leven_value)

  # # # # # # # # # #

  literal_leven_value = 1-Literal.levenshtein(gloss_wn, gloss_ox)

  literal_jacc_value = 1.00001-Literal.jaccard(gloss_wn, gloss_ox)
#  feature_values.append(literal_jacc_value+literal_leven_value)

  # # # # # # # # # #

  literal_leven_ngram = literal_leven_value
  literal_jacc_ngram = literal_jacc_value

  ngrams_value = Ngrams.ngrams_word_for(gloss_wn, gloss_ox, 2)
  literal_jacc_ngram += ngrams_value
  literal_leven_ngram += ngrams_value

  ngrams_value = Ngrams.ngrams_word_for(gloss_wn, gloss_ox, 3)
  literal_jacc_ngram += ngrams_value
  literal_leven_ngram += ngrams_value

  ngrams_value = Ngrams.ngrams_word_for(gloss_wn, gloss_ox, 4)
  literal_jacc_ngram += ngrams_value
  literal_leven_ngram += ngrams_value

  ngrams_value = Ngrams.ngrams_word_for(gloss_wn, gloss_ox, 5)
  literal_jacc_ngram += ngrams_value
  literal_leven_ngram += ngrams_value

#  feature_values.append(literal_leven_ngram)

  # # # # # # # # # #

#  gloss_split_wn = Literal.split_and_stem(gloss_wn)
#  gloss_split_ox = Literal.split_and_stem(gloss_ox)
#  literal_jaro_winkler = Jelly.jaro_winkler(gloss_wn, gloss_ox)
#  feature_values.append(literal_jaro_winkler + literal_jacc_value)

  # # # # # # # # # #

#  literal_jacc_value = 1.00001-Literal.jaccard(ex_wn, ex_ox)
#  feature_values.append(literal_jacc_value)

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  # ShallowSyntactic

#  shallow_jaccard_POS = 0
#  shallow_jaccard_POS += 1.0001 - ShallowSyntactic.jaccard_POS(gloss_wn, gloss_ox)
#  shallow_jaccard_POS += 1.0001 - ShallowSyntactic.jaccard_POS_ngrams(gloss_wn, gloss_ox, 2)
#  shallow_jaccard_POS += 1.0001 - ShallowSyntactic.jaccard_POS_ngrams(gloss_wn, gloss_ox, 3)
#  shallow_jaccard_POS += 1.0001 - ShallowSyntactic.jaccard_POS_ngrams(gloss_wn, gloss_ox, 4)
#  feature_values.append(shallow_jaccard_POS)

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  # wordnet-based, WSD

  wn_value = WordnetBased.wordnet_based(defi_wn, defi_ox, 0)

#  wn_value = WordnetBased.wordnet_based(hyper_wn, defi_ox, 0)
#  feature_values.append(wn_value)

#  hypo_value = 0
#  if len(syn_wn.hyponyms()) > 0:
#    for hypo in syn_wn.hyponyms():
#      hypo_value += WordnetBased.wordnet_based_synset(hypo, defi_ox)
#    hypo_value /= len(syn_wn.hyponyms())
#  feature_values.append(hypo_value)

#  hyper_value = 0
#  if len(syn_wn.hypernyms()) > 0:
#    for hyper in syn_wn.hypernyms():
#      hyper_value += WordnetBased.wordnet_based_synset(hyper, defi_ox)
#    hyper_value /= len(syn_wn.hypernyms())
#  feature_values.append(hyper_value)
#  wn_value = WordnetBased.wordnet_based(ex_wn, ex_ox,0)
#  feature_values.append(wn_value)
#  wn_value_1 = WordnetBased.wordnet_based(defi_wn, defi_ox, 1)
#  feature_values.append(wn_value + wn_value_1)
#  wn_value = WordnetBased.wordnet_based(gloss_wn, gloss_ox, 0)
#  feature_values.append(wn_value)
#  wn_value_1 = WordnetBased.wordnet_based(gloss_wn, gloss_ox, 1)
#  feature_values.append(wn_value + wn_value_1)

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  # lsa
#  lsa_tfidf = LSA.sim_tfidf(defi_wn, defi_ox)
#  feature_values.append(lsa_tfidf)
#  lsa_tfidf = LSA.sim_tfidf(hyper_wn, defi_ox)
#  feature_values.append(lsa_tfidf)
#  lsa_tfidf = LSA.sim_tfidf(gloss_wn, gloss_ox)
#  feature_values.append(lsa_tfidf)

#  lsa_tfidf = LSA.sim_tfidf(lemma_wn, sd_ox)
#  feature_values.append(lsa_tfidf)
#  lsa_tfidf = LSA.sim_tfidf(ex_wn, ex_ox)
#  feature_values.append(lsa_tfidf)

  return feature_values