def destroySelf(self): self.state = "dead" self.sides = 0 self.resources = 0 args = [3, self.pos.getPosition(), COLOR_CHARTREUSE, 150] #PEG_mainLoop.mainLoop().entityDict['EffectMenu'].addEffect(PEG_effects.quickEffect(*args)) network = PEG_mainLoop.mainLoop().entityDict['Network'] network.mgr.send([PEG_effects.quickData(*args),])
def revivePlayers(self): for e in self.enDict.values(): if e.sides == 0: #TODO check distance from power source --> revive #do we give zero resources? if (e.pos.getPosition() - self.enDict['ThePSource'].pos.getPosition()).magnitude() < POWERSOURCE_ACTIVE_RADIUS: e.sides = 3 e.state = "alive" print, "revived" #animation args = [8, e.pos.getPosition(), e.color, ACTION_RADIUS] self.send([(PEG_effects.quickData(*args)),])
def processNetMessage(self, data): if data['type'] == "position": self.parseEnData(data) #has server specific routine inside if data['type'] == "time": self.gameTime = data['time'][1:len(data['time'])] #time data is buffered with a character so we can start it with a 0 if not self.server and data['type'] == "effect": #client specific #should have position, id, etc PEG_mainLoop.mainLoop().entityDict['EffectMenu'].addEffect(PEG_effects.quickEffect( int(data['id']), Vector2d(int(data['x']),int(data['y'])), (int(data['r']),int(data['g']),int(data['b'])), int(data['radius']), int(data['sides']) )) if not self.server and data['type'] == "state": #client specific menu = PEG_mainLoop.mainLoop().entityDict["MenuEn"] if data['state'] == "gameover": menu.gameover = True menu.winner = data['winner'] menu.Ascore = data['Ateam'] menu.Bscore = data['Bteam'] elif data['state'] == "starting": menu.gameover = False if self.server and 'relay' in data: #server specific del data['relay'] self.mgr.send(self.makeDefaultMessage(data)) #print "relayed", data if self.server and data['type'] == "event": #server specific if data['event'] == "arduino": if 'ThePSource' in self.enDict: self.processArduinoEvent(data) #FIXK THIS if self.server and data['type'] == "init": #server specific try: m[1].name = data['name'] print data['name'], " client is set" except: pass #now we check if all clients have been identified #this is kind of bad because we don't wait for extra clients to join, too bad #add maybe a 10 second grace period flag = True self.mgr.clntListlock.acquire() for e in self.mgr.clntList: if == None: flag = False break self.mgr.clntListlock.release()
def serialRoutineOLD(self): serial = PEG_mainLoop.mainLoop().entityDict["SerialEntity"] action = serial.getActionString() if action == "starting sweep": print "sweep started" self.currentAction = action self.actionStart = pygame.time.get_ticks() elif action == "triggered sweep": print "sweep triggered" self.currentAction = '' network = PEG_mainLoop.mainLoop().entityDict['Network'] data = dict() data['type'] = 'event' data['event'] = 'arduino' data['name'] = self.color data['arduino'] = action network.mgr.send([data,]) args = [5, self.pos.getPosition(), self.color, ACTION_RADIUS] #PEG_mainLoop.mainLoop().entityDict['EffectMenu'].addEffect(PEG_effects.quickEffect(*args)) data = PEG_effects.quickData(*args) data['relay'] = 'True' network.mgr.send([data,]) if self.currentAction == "starting sweep": timeSinceLastAction = pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.actionStart PEG_mainLoop.mainLoop().screen, COLOR_GRAY, PEG_mainLoop.mainLoop().cam.convertCrds(self.pos.getPosition()).getIntTuple(), ACTION_RADIUS*timeSinceLastAction/ACTION_TIME + 1, 1 ) PEG_mainLoop.mainLoop().screen, self.color, PEG_mainLoop.mainLoop().cam.convertCrds(self.pos.getPosition()).getIntTuple(), ACTION_RADIUS, 1 )
def processNetMessage(self, data): if data["type"] == "position": # We only update entities after one has been idnetififed if self.server or self.color: self.parseEnData(data) # has server specific routine inside if data["type"] == "time": self.gameTime = data["time"] if not self.server and data["type"] == "effect": # client specific # should have position, id, etc print "got effect from serva", data PEG_mainLoop.mainLoop().entityDict["EffectMenu"].addEffect( PEG_effects.quickEffect( int(data["id"]), Vector2d(int(data["x"]), int(data["y"])), (int(data["r"]), int(data["g"]), int(data["b"])), int(data["radius"]), int(data["sides"]), ) ) if not self.server and data["type"] == "state": # client specific menu = PEG_mainLoop.mainLoop().entityDict["MenuEn"] if data["state"] == "gameover": menu.gameover = True menu.winner = data["winner"] menu.Ascore = data["Ateam"] menu.Bscore = data["Bteam"] elif data["state"] == "starting": menu.gameover = False if self.server and "relay" in data: # server specific del data["relay"] self.send(self.makeDefaultMessage(data)) # print "relayed", data if self.server and data["type"] == "event": # server specific if data["event"] == "arduino": if "ThePSource" in self.enDict: self.processArduinoEvent(data)
def processNetMessage(self, data): if data['type'] == "position": #We only update entities after one has been idnetififed if self.server or self.color: self.parseEnData(data) #has server specific routine inside if data['type'] == "time": self.gameTime = data['time'] if not self.server and data['type'] == "effect": #client specific #should have position, id, etc print "got effect from serva", data PEG_mainLoop.mainLoop().entityDict['EffectMenu'].addEffect(PEG_effects.quickEffect( int(data['id']), Vector2d(int(data['x']),int(data['y'])), (int(data['r']),int(data['g']),int(data['b'])), int(data['radius']), int(data['sides']) )) if not self.server and data['type'] == "state": #client specific menu = PEG_mainLoop.mainLoop().entityDict["MenuEn"] if data['state'] == "gameover": menu.gameover = True menu.winner = data['winner'] menu.Ascore = data['Ateam'] menu.Bscore = data['Bteam'] elif data['state'] == "starting": menu.gameover = False if self.server and 'relay' in data: #server specific del data['relay'] self.send(self.makeDefaultMessage(data)) #print "relayed", data if self.server and data['type'] == "event": #server specific if data['event'] == "arduino": if 'ThePSource' in self.enDict: self.processArduinoEvent(data)
def processArduinoEvent(self,data): #try: print "got", data['arduino'], "from", data['name'] #whirly bird for attacking if data['arduino'] == "sweep": for e in [item for item in self.enDict.values() if hasattr(item,"attackedBy")]: if self.enDict[data['name']].team != if (self.enDict[data['name']].pos.getPosition() - e.pos.getPosition()).magnitude() < ACTION_RADIUS: print self.enDict[data['name']].name, "attacks",, "successfully" e.attackedBy(self.enDict[data['name']]) #play effect args = [7, e.pos.getPosition(), pedo_lookup.colorMap[data['name']], ACTION_RADIUS] #PEG_mainLoop.mainLoop().entityDict['EffectMenu'].addEffect(PEG_effects.quickEffect(*args)) self.send([PEG_effects.quickData(*args),]) #tomahawk for resources and construction if data['arduino'] == "tomahawk": flag1 = True for e in self.getBuildingEnList(): if e.sides >= 5: if (self.enDict[data['name']].pos.getPosition() - e.pos.getPosition()).magnitude() < POLYFACTORY_ACTIVE_RADIUS: if self.enDict[data['name']].resources == self.enDict[data['name']].sides: print self.enDict[data['name']].name, "has POLYFACTORIZED!!!!" args = [9, self.enDict[data['name']].pos.getPosition(), self.enDict[data['name']].color, ACTION_RADIUS,self.enDict[data['name']].sides+1] self.send([PEG_effects.quickData(*args),]) self.enDict[data['name']].sides += 1 self.enDict[data['name']].resources = 0 flag1 = False break if flag1 and (self.enDict[data['name']].pos.getPosition() - self.enDict['ThePSource'].pos.getPosition()).magnitude() < POWERSOURCE_ACTIVE_RADIUS: print self.enDict[data['name']].name, "gathers 1 resource" self.enDict[data['name']].addResource() args = [5, self.enDict[data['name']].pos.getPosition(), self.enDict[data['name']].color, ACTION_RADIUS] sData = PEG_effects.quickData(*args) print "in respones to arduino event, sending:", sData self.send([sData,]) elif flag1 and self.enDict[data['name']].resources > 0: #TODO change to 0, keep this way for testing self.enDict[data['name']].resources -= 1 flag2 = True print self.enDict.values() for e in self.getBuildingEnList(): if (self.enDict[data['name']].pos.getPosition() - e.pos.getPosition()).magnitude() < BUILDING_RADIUS: if self.enDict[data['name']].team == print, "upgraded by", data['name'] e.addSide() flag2 = False args = [9, e.pos.getPosition(), e.color, ACTION_RADIUS,e.sides+1] self.send([PEG_effects.quickData(*args),]) break #no upgrade, then make new structure if flag2: print self.enDict[data['name']], "created new building" sdata = dict() sdata['type'] = "position" sdata['entity'] = "BuildingEn" sdata['x'] = self.enDict[data['name']].pos.x sdata['y'] = self.enDict[data['name']].pos.y #TODO make some system for creating unique names sdata['name'] = random.randint(0,5000) sdata['team'] = self.enDict[data['name']].team sdata['sides'] = 1 self.processNetMessage(sdata) #bad but w/e self.enDict[sdata['name']].team = sdata['team'] args = [9, self.enDict[data['name']].pos.getPosition(), pedo_lookup.colorMap[sdata['team']], 3] self.send([PEG_effects.quickData(*args),]) #TODO hit explosion thing I dunno #play some effect for now? if data['arduino'] == "whirlybird": #TODO detect mode???? #for now everything is visible pass