def __init__(self, heater_pin, temp_cs, top_pin=None,booster_pin=None, fan_pin = None): self.heater_pin = heater_pin self.fan_pin= fan_pin self.top_pin = top_pin self.booster_pin = booster_pin self.thermocouple = MAX31855(SPI1,temp_cs) #self.thermocouple = Client('/dev/ttyUSB0') = PID(PID_KP, PID_KI, PID_KD) #pinMode(heater_pin, OUTPUT) GPIO.setup(heater_pin, GPIO.OUT) #if (fan_pin): pinMode(fan_pin, OUTPUT) if (fan_pin): GPIO.setup(fan_pin, GPIO.OUT) else: self.fan_state = "disabled" self.heatOff() self.fanOff() addToCleanup(self.stop) self.current_phase = '' self.current_step = 0 self.realtime_data = [] self.error = '' self.abort = False self.solder_type = LEADED
def ride_distance(self,distance): self.__motor1.reset_count() self.__motor2.reset_count() pid1 = PID(1,1./10000.,1./50000.,0.01) pid2 = PID(2,1/5000.,1./2500,0.01) speed = pid1.new_value(distance,0.01) self.__motor1.on(speed) self.__motor2.on(speed) while (speed != 0): distance1 = self.__motor1.get_count()*self.__perimeter*self.__gear_ratio distance2 = self.__motor2.get_count()*self.__perimeter*self.__gear_ratio speed = pid1.new_value(distance - distance1,0.01) speed_diff = pid2.new_value(distance1-distance2,0.01) print 'a' + str(self.__motor1.get_count()) self.__motor1.update_speed(speed) self.__motor2.update_speed(speed + speed_diff)
class PIDTester (object): def __init__(self): self.buggy = Buggy() self.PID = PID(self.buggy.pos, self.buggy.angle) def change_angle(self, direction): print self.buggy.angle while self.PID.value != direction: print self.buggy.angle, "old angle" new_angle = self.PID.update(self.buggy.angle, direction) print new_angle, "new_angle" direction = if self.buggy.angle > new_angle: "left" else: "right" self.buggy.turn(direction, abs(new_angle - self.buggy.angle))
#camera = cameraRobot.getCamera("eagleCamera") #camera = Camera("eagleCamera") #camera.enable(TIME_STEP) #camera.getImage() #image = camera.getImage() #data = np.array(image.getdata(), np.uint8).reshape(image.size[1], image.size[0], 3) yaw_setpoint = -1 pitch_Kp = 2 pitch_Ki = 0.1 pitch_Kd = 2 roll_Kp = 2 roll_Ki = 0.1 roll_Kd = 2 pitchPID = PID.PID(float(pitch_Kp), float(pitch_Ki), float(pitch_Kd), setpoint=0.0) rollPID = PID.PID(float(roll_Kp), float(roll_Ki), float(roll_Kd), setpoint=0.0) throttlePID = PID.PID(float(params["throttle_Kp"]), float(params["throttle_Ki"]), float(params["throttle_Kd"]), setpoint=0.5) yawPID = PID.PID(float(params["yaw_Kp"]), float(params["yaw_Ki"]), float(params["yaw_Kd"]), setpoint=float(yaw_setpoint)) def headTo(targetX, targetY, targetZ, maxTimeToGetThere): startTime = timer() print([targetX, targetY, targetZ])
def __init__(self): self.vicon_cb_flag = False self.state_cb_flag = False self.vel_sp_cb_flag = False # setting params self.vicon_yaw_sp = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/vicon_yaw_sp') self.P = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/velocity_controller_P') self.I = 0 self.D = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/velocity_controller_D') # calculating PID self.vicon_y_pid = PID.PID(self.P, self.I, self.D) self.vicon_x_pid = PID.PID(self.P, self.I, self.D) # X axis of the vicon system should alwasy be aligned with the front of # the quad # Rate init # DECIDE ON PUBLISHING RATE self.rate = rospy.Rate(20.0) # MUST be more then 2Hz # PUBLISHERS self.attitude_target_pub = rospy.Publisher( "/px4_quad_controllers/rpy_setpoint", PoseStamped, queue_size=10) # SUBSCRIBERS vicon_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/intel_aero_quad/odom", Odometry, self.vicon_subscriber_callback) state_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/mavros/state", State, self.state_subscriber_callback) vel_sp_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/px4_quad_controllers/vel_setpoint", TwistStamped, self.vel_sp_subscriber_callback) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.P = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/velocity_controller_P') self.D = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/velocity_controller_D') self.vicon_y_pid.setKp(self.P) self.vicon_y_pid.setKd(self.D) self.vicon_x_pid.setKp(self.P) self.vicon_x_pid.setKd(self.D) if (self.vicon_cb_flag and self.state_cb_flag): # Update setpoint if (self.vel_sp_cb_flag == False): self.vel_y_sp = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/vel_y_sp') self.vel_x_sp = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/vel_x_sp') else: self.vel_y_sp = self.vel_sp_y_from_pos_ctrl self.vel_x_sp = self.vel_sp_x_from_pos_ctrl self.vicon_y_pid.SetPoint = self.vel_y_sp self.vicon_x_pid.SetPoint = self.vel_x_sp self.vicon_y_pid.update(self.vicon_y_pos) self.vicon_x_pid.update(self.vicon_x_pos) vicon_y_output = self.vicon_y_pid.output vicon_x_output = -self.vicon_x_pid.output target_attitude = PoseStamped() target_attitude.header.frame_id = "home" target_attitude.header.stamp = target_attitude.pose.position.x = -vicon_y_output * \ math.cos(self.yaw_change) - vicon_x_output * math.sin(self.yaw_change) # roll - target_attitude.pose.position.y = -vicon_y_output * \ math.sin(self.yaw_change) + vicon_x_output * math.cos(self.yaw_change) # pitch self.attitude_target_pub.publish(target_attitude) self.rate.sleep()
# Create networking for publisher context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB) socket.connect("tcp://") socket.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '') # Create networking for PUSH to plotting script socket_push = context.socket(zmq.PUB) socket_push.bind("tcp://") # Create PID controller Kp = 1 Kd = 1 Ki = 1 pid = PID.PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, 0) pid.setKp(6) A = np.matrix('[2 -3; 1 3]') B = np.matrix('[1;-1]') C = np.matrix('[1 0]') D = 0 A2 = np.matrix('[0 1; -2 -3]') B2 = np.matrix('[0;-1]') C2 = np.matrix('[1 0]') D2 = 0 sys =, B, C, D) tf = control.ss2tf(sys) poles = control.pole(sys)
# GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT) # GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.OUT) # GPIO.setup(7, GPIO.OUT) # pwm=GPIO.PWM(7, 100) # pwm.start(0) # drive1 = 0 # drive2 = 0 # motorPwm = 0 # pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(100) # GPIO.output(7, True) # # Controller tiltController = PID.PID() tiltController.SetKp(Kp) tiltController.SetKi(Ki) tiltController.SetKd(Kd) # Time initialization startTime = time.time() prevUpdateTime = 0 # Warmup Period # This allows some of the initial crazy samples to bleed out print("Warming up ...") for i in range(1,101): gyroRaw = sense.get_gyroscope_raw() accelRaw = sense.get_accelerometer_raw() magRaw = sense.get_compass_raw()
class Oven(object): def __init__(self, heater_pin, temp_cs, top_pin=None,booster_pin=None, fan_pin = None): self.heater_pin = heater_pin self.fan_pin= fan_pin self.top_pin = top_pin self.booster_pin = booster_pin self.thermocouple = MAX31855(SPI1,temp_cs) #self.thermocouple = Client('/dev/ttyUSB0') = PID(PID_KP, PID_KI, PID_KD) #pinMode(heater_pin, OUTPUT) GPIO.setup(heater_pin, GPIO.OUT) #if (fan_pin): pinMode(fan_pin, OUTPUT) if (fan_pin): GPIO.setup(fan_pin, GPIO.OUT) else: self.fan_state = "disabled" self.heatOff() self.fanOff() addToCleanup(self.stop) self.current_phase = '' self.current_step = 0 self.realtime_data = [] self.error = '' self.abort = False self.solder_type = LEADED def run(self, profile=None, solder_type=LEADED): """ Runs a single reflow cycle using the given profile if provided, or the default profile for the given solder type. """ self.abort = False self.error = '' if (not profile): if (solder_type == LEADED): profile = DEFAULT_LEADED elif (solder_type == LEADFREE): profile = DEFAULT_LEADFREE self.solder_type = solder_type reflow_map = self.generateMap(profile, solder_type) # Count the number of data points in the reflow map: n_points = 0 for i in PHASES: n_points += len(reflow_map[i]) # Initialize the realtime data array: self.realtime_data = [] time_step_s = TIME_STEP_MS / 1000.0 current_total_step = 0 for phase in PHASES: self.current_phase = phase self.current_step = 0 for target in reflow_map[phase]: if (self.abort): self.stop() self.error = "Manually aborted." print "**Reflow aborted!" return # Just using a 'bang-bang' type control for initial testing, I'll # switch to the PID soon: #state =, i) temp = self.getTemp() if (temp == None): self.stop() self.error = self.thermocouple.error print self.error return # Record current temp: self.realtime_data.append([current_total_step*time_step_s, temp]) # Bang-bang for now: if (temp < target): self.heatOn() self.fanOff() print "%s - temp: %f, target: %f - on" % (phase, self.getTemp(), target) else: print "%s - temp: %f, target: %f - off" % (phase, self.getTemp(), target) self.heatOff() self.fanOn() delay(TIME_STEP_MS) self.current_step += 1 current_total_step += 1 self.error = '' self.current_phase = '' self.current_step = 0 def stop(self): """ Flags the current phase to stop if it is being run in a separate thrad. """ self.current_phase = '' self.current_step = 0 self.heatOff() self.fanOff() def heatOn(self): #digitalWrite(self.heater_pin, HEATER_ON) GPIO.output(self.heater_pin, GPIO.HIGH) self.heat_state = "on" def heatOff(self): #digitalWrite(self.heater_pin, HEATER_ON^1) GPIO.output(self.heater_pin, GPIO.LOW) self.heat_state = "off" def fanOn(self): if (self.fan_pin): #digitalWrite(self.fan_pin, FAN_ON) GPIO.output(self.fan_pin, GPIO.HIGH) self.fan_state = "on" def fanOff(self): if (self.fan_pin): #digitalWrite(self.fan_pin, FAN_ON^1) GPIO.output(self.fan_pin, GPIO.LOW) self.fan_state = "off" def getTemp(self): for i in range(10): # readTempC() return None if error; try a few times to make # sure error isn't just a hiccup before aborting current reflow. temp = self.thermocouple.readTempC() if temp: if (temp > 100): print '\n%s\n' % temp return temp # There was an error reading the temperature, abort: print "**Error reading thermocouple:\n %s" % \ self.thermocouple.error self.heatOff() return None def generateMap(self, profile, solder_type=None): """ Generates and returns reflow map given a profile config dict. """ if not solder_type: solder_type = self.solder_type reflow_map = {} start_temp = self.getTemp() if (start_temp == None): # Error getting temperature, assume room temperature: start_temp = 25.0 for phase in range(len(PHASES)): tmin = LIMITS[PHASES[phase]]['tmin'][solder_type] tmax = LIMITS[PHASES[phase]]['tmax'][solder_type] dmin = LIMITS[PHASES[phase]]['dmin'][solder_type] dmax = LIMITS[PHASES[phase]]['dmax'][solder_type] slopemin = LIMITS[PHASES[phase]]['slopemin'][solder_type] slopemax = LIMITS[PHASES[phase]]['slopemax'][solder_type] config = profile[PHASES[phase]] target_temp = config.get('target') if (not target_temp): assert phase > 0, "**Profile must contain pre_soak target_temp, aborting!" target_temp = start_temp duration = config.get('duration') slope = config.get('slope') assert duration or slope,\ "**duration or slope required for every phase; missing from %s, aborting!"%\ (PHASES[phase]) if (not duration): # Calculate duration from slope duration = float(target_temp-start_temp)/slope elif (not slope): # Calculate slope from duration slope = float(target_temp-start_temp)/duration #print "%s duration=%f" % (PHASES[phase], duration) #print "%s slope=%f" % (PHASES[phase], slope) #print "%s start_temp=%f" % (PHASES[phase], start_temp) #print "%s target_temp=%f\n" % (PHASES[phase], target_temp) # Create map of the current phase: f = lambda ms : slope * float(ms/1000.0) + start_temp n_steps = int((duration*1000.0)/TIME_STEP_MS) reflow_map[PHASES[phase]] = [] for x in range(n_steps): reflow_map[PHASES[phase]].append(f(x*TIME_STEP_MS)) start_temp = target_temp return reflow_map
lambdaoverd_arc = config['Image_params']['lambdaoverd_arc'] # reference values Itot_off = config['QACITS_params']['Itot_off'] DIx_ref = config['QACITS_params']['DIx_ref'] DIy_ref = config['QACITS_params']['DIy_ref'] # PID loop gains Kp = config['PID']['Kp'] Ki = config['PID']['Ki'] Kd = config['PID']['Kd'] #ipdb.set_trace() # PID loop p = pid.PID(P=np.array([Kp, Kp]), I=np.array([Ki, Ki]), D=np.array([Kd, Kd]), Deadband=.001) p.setPoint(np.array[0., 0.]) c = 1 while True: img = pharo.get_image() img = pre.equalize_image(img, masterflat=flat, bkgd=bgd, badpix=bpix) # Derive center of the image from the satellite spots # if c == 1 : # spotcenters = dm.get_satellite_centroids(img) # else : # spotcenters = fit_satellite_centers(img, spotcenters, window=20) spotcenters = fit_satellite_centers(img, spotcenters, window=20)
# Universal Power Supply Controller # USAID Middle East Water Security Initiative # # Developed by: Nathan Webster # Primary Investigator: Nathan Johnson # # Version History (mm_dd_yyyy) # 1.00 03_24_2018_NW # ###################################################### # Import Libraries import PID import Parameters from UPS_Error import * DC_PID = PID.PID(Parameters.P, Parameters.I, Parameters.D) DC_PID.setSampleTime(Parameters.PID_Time) DC_PID.SetPoint = Parameters.Voltage_Setpoint def PWM_PID(DC_Voltage, D_PID_OLD): DC_PID.update(DC_Voltage) D_update = DC_PID.output #print("D_update = ",D_update) D = D_PID_OLD - D_update #print(D) if D > .8: D_out = .8 elif D < .4: D_out = .4 elif D <= .8 and D >= .4:
def main(self,num_samples, set_voltage, Father): RE_VAL = set() # Initialize Relay REL = relay.Relay_module() REL.reset() # detect file if APP_PEN_DRIVE: FILE_NAME = detect_file.File(folder)[0] else: FILE_NAME = "/home/pi/Desktop/Temperature_profile.txt" # Load Profile TP = readTempProfile(FILE_NAME)[0] print(TP) self.NEXTION_NUM_SAMPLES = num_samples self.NEXTION_SET_VOLTAGE = set_voltage # import oven and multimeter if APP_OVEN_PRESENT: OVEN = VT4002_SM.VT4002(VT4002_IP) OVEN.startComm() P = 5 I = 0 D = 0 pid = PID.PID(P, I, D) pid.setSampleTime(1) if APP_Sourcemeter_PRESENT: Sourcemeter = Keithley_2602_Eth.SourceMeter(SM_IP, SM_PORT) Sourcemeter.startComm() # create file and title CF = data_storage.create_file() test_mode = "Auto" equipment_Info = "VT-4002 + Sourcemeter 2602" Driver_root = detect_file.File(folder)[1] start_time = str( filename = start_time.replace(" ", "_").replace(".", "-").replace(":", "-") PATH = CF.folder(Driver_root, filename) CF.header(PATH, filename, start_time, equipment_Info, test_mode, self.NEXTION_NUM_SAMPLES) CF.content(PATH, filename, ("Time(s)\tSetTemp.(oC)\tActual Temp.(oC)\tHumidity(%)\tTemp.Sensor(oC)\tSample number\tCurrent(A)\tResistence(ohm)\r\n")) t_start = time.time() for step in TP: print(step) # setting the oven step_time = step[0] * 60 # step_time in seconds step_temp = float(format(float(step[1]) / 0.94, ".2f")) t1 = t2 = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=step_time) while( t1 < t2 ): # Relay switching REL.reset() for i in range(self.NEXTION_NUM_SAMPLES): if APP_OVEN_PRESENT: # run oven) print("01 - Reading data from Oven...") temp = OVEN.read_temp() temp_set = temp[0] temp_real = temp[1] else: temp_set = format(1.00, "0.2f") temp_real = format(1.00, "0.2f") pid.SetPoint = step_temp pid.setKp(float(P)) pid.setKi(float(I)) pid.setKd(float(D)) print("02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor...") if APP_BME_280_PRESENT: try: temperature, pressure, humidity = bme280.readBME280All() # Medicine if ((humidity == None) or (temperature == None)): humidity = BME_280_INVALID_HUMI temperature = BME_280_INVALID_TEMP print("02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor (NONE! - ERROR)...") elif ((type(humidity) == str) or (type(temperature) == str)): humidity = BME_280_INVALID_HUMI temperature = BME_280_INVALID_TEMP print("02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor (INVALID STRING! - ERROR)...") except: humidity = BME_280_INVALID_HUMI temperature = BME_280_INVALID_TEMP print("02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor (INVALID STRING! - ERROR)...") else: print("02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor (DISABLED)...") humidity = BME_280_INVALID_HUMI temperature = BME_280_INVALID_TEMP HUMI_sensor = format(humidity, "0.2f") TEMP_sensor = format(temperature, "0.2f") print("02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor: Temp(oC): ", TEMP_sensor) print("02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor: Humi(%): ", HUMI_sensor) print("Sensor Temperature : ", str(TEMP_sensor)) pid.update(float(TEMP_sensor)) target_temperature = pid.output if target_temperature > 180: target_temperature = 180 elif target_temperature < -40: target_temperature = -40 else: target_temperature = target_temperature OVEN.set_temp(target_temperature) print("PID set Temperature : ", str(target_temperature)) print("Chamber real Temperature : ", temp_real) # run time t_step = time.time() t_run = format(t_step - t_start, "0.2f") REL.RelaySelect(i) sleep(RELAY_HOLDING_TIME) if APP_Sourcemeter_PRESENT: fcurrent = Sourcemeter.Measure("a", self.NEXTION_SET_VOLTAGE) print("Reading Sourcemeter:", i) else: fcurrent = (i*float(t_run)) I_Value = format(fcurrent, ".3E") R_Value = format(self.NEXTION_SET_VOLTAGE / float(I_Value), ".3E") print("Resistance:", R_Value) print("") REL.RelayDeSelect(i) # Persistency print("06 - Saving data...") result1 = [] result2 = [] result1.append([ str(t_run), str(step[1]), str(temp_real), str(HUMI_sensor), str(TEMP_sensor), str(i), str(I_Value), str(R_Value)]) CF.content(PATH, filename, result1) # create file for each sample result2.append([ str(t_run), str(step[1]), str(temp_real), str(HUMI_sensor), str(TEMP_sensor), str(i), str(I_Value), str(R_Value)]) CF.content(PATH, "Sample" + str(i), result2) Father.updateMultimeter([temp_set, temp_real, TEMP_sensor, HUMI_sensor, t_run, R_Value, i]) DE = str( # print (DE) RE_VAL.add(DE) # print (RE_VAL) if "['e\\x0e\\x13\\x01\\xff\\xff\\xff']" in RE_VAL: print("Exiting") OVEN.close() RE_VAL.clear() DIS.write("page Device Select\xff\xff\xff") return elif "['e\\x0e\\x14\\x01\\xff\\xff\\xff']" in RE_VAL: # DIS.write("rest\xff\xff\xff") RE_VAL.clear() DIS.write("page restart\xff\xff\xff") os.system("sudo reboot") print("07 - Updating Display...") t1 = if APP_OVEN_PRESENT: OVEN.close()
def run_building_sim_range(building_simulation, district_heating_ini, time_ratio, P, I, D, upLim, lowLim, sample_time, total_sampling,\ solar_radiance, water_capacity, water_densidty): pid = PID.PID(P, I, D) pid.upLim = upLim pid.lowLim = lowLim pid.setSampleTime(sample_time) pid.windup_guard = windup_guard # Initialize indoor temperature feedback = district_heating_ini.average_indoor_temperature feedback_list = [] time_list = [] output_list = [] inflow_temp_list = [] outside_temperature_list = [] print("start testing....") for i in range(1, total_sampling): time_list.append(i) feedback_list.append(feedback) district_heating_ini.outside_temperature = outside_temperature[i-1] pid.update_range(feedback) output = pid.output output_list.append(output) # Update manipulated_inflow_temperature based on PID output manipulated_inflow_temperature = district_heating_ini.district_inflow_temperature + output # manipulated_inflow_temperature has upper and lower limits if manipulated_inflow_temperature > district_heating_ini.inflow_temp_max: district_heating_ini.district_inflow_temperature = district_heating_ini.inflow_temp_max elif manipulated_inflow_temperature < district_heating_ini.inflow_temp_min: district_heating_ini.district_inflow_temperature = district_heating_ini.inflow_temp_min else: district_heating_ini.district_inflow_temperature = manipulated_inflow_temperature # Simulate indoor temperature for next time point based on manipulated_inflow_temperature feedback = building_simulation.computeTemperature(time_ratio, solar_radiance[i-1], water_capacity, water_densidty, district_heating_ini) time.sleep(0.02) inflow_temp_list.append(district_heating_ini.district_inflow_temperature) outside_temperature_list.append(district_heating_ini.outside_temperature) print(feedback_list) print(output_list) print(time_list) print(inflow_temp_list) print(outside_temperature_list) # plot results plt.figure(1) plt.subplot(411) plt.plot(time_list, feedback_list, 'b--') plt.hlines(upLim, 1, len(time_list), 'red') plt.hlines(lowLim, 1, len(time_list), 'red') plt.ylabel('$^\circ$C').set_rotation(0) plt.title('indoor temperature') plt.subplot(412) plt.plot(time_list, output_list, 'b--') plt.ylabel('$^\circ$C').set_rotation(0) plt.title('PID output') plt.subplot(413) plt.plot(time_list, inflow_temp_list, 'b--') plt.ylabel('$^\circ$C').set_rotation(0) plt.title('Adjusted inflow temperature') plt.subplot(414) plt.plot(time_list, outside_temperature_list, 'b--') plt.ylabel('$^\circ$C').set_rotation(0) plt.title('Outside temperature') plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5)
def __init__(self): self.vicon_cb_flag = False self.state_cb_flag = False self.state_pid_reset_flag = False self.pid_reset_flag = False self.pos_sp_cb_flag = False self.update_pos_sp_flag = False self.P = rospy.get_param('/attitude_thrust_publisher/height_hover_P') self.I = rospy.get_param('/attitude_thrust_publisher/height_hover_I') self.D = rospy.get_param('/attitude_thrust_publisher/height_hover_D') self.height_pid = PID.PID(self.P, self.I, self.D) self.timer_flag = True self.time_threshold = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/timer_threshold') # Rate init # DECIDE ON PUBLISHING RATE self.rate = rospy.Rate(100.0) # MUST be more then 2Hz self.height_target_pub = rospy.Publisher( "/px4_quad_controllers/thrust_setpoint", PoseStamped, queue_size=10) # ADD SUBSCRIBER FOR VICON DATA vicon_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/intel_aero_quad/odom", Odometry, self.vicon_sub_callback) state_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/mavros/state", State, self.state_subscriber_callback) rospy.Subscriber("/evdodge/positionSetpoint", PoseStamped, self.positionSetpoint_callback) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if (self.vicon_cb_flag and self.state_cb_flag): # Update PID self.P = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/height_hover_P') self.I = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/height_hover_I') self.D = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/height_hover_D') self.height_pid.setKp(self.P) self.height_pid.setKi(self.I) self.height_pid.setKd(self.D) # Update setpoint if (not self.pos_sp_cb_flag): self.height_sp = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/height_sp') else: self.height_sp = self.pos_sp_z # rospy.loginfo(self.update_pos_sp_flag) if self.update_pos_sp_flag: if self.pos_update_z != 0: print 'crossed' if self.timer_flag: start_time = time.time() self.timer_flag = False timer_count = time.time() - start_time if timer_count < self.time_threshold: self.height_pid.SetPoint = self.height_sp + self.pos_update_z else: self.height_pid.SetPoint = self.height_sp else: self.height_pid.SetPoint = self.height_sp rospy.loginfo('height sp' + str(self.height_pid.SetPoint)) else: self.height_pid.SetPoint = self.height_sp self.height_pid.update(self.vicon_height) # For this to work, we have to align x,y of quad and vicon self.hover_thrust = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/hover_thrust') thrust_output = self.height_pid.output + self.hover_thrust target_thrust = PoseStamped() target_thrust.header.frame_id = "home" target_thrust.header.stamp = self.min_thrust = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/min_thrust') self.max_thrust = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/max_thrust') # Thrust threshold if (thrust_output <= self.max_thrust and thrust_output >= self.min_thrust): target_thrust.pose.position.x = thrust_output elif (thrust_output > self.max_thrust): target_thrust.pose.position.x = self.max_thrust elif (thrust_output < self.min_thrust): target_thrust.pose.position.x = self.min_thrust else: print("HEIGHT CONTROLLER ERROR!") target_thrust.pose.position.x = self.min_thrust self.height_target_pub.publish(target_thrust) self.rate.sleep()
"target": None, "start": False, "data_fresh": False, } ) controller = BathController(config.get("Connection", "Port"), config.get("Connection", "Baud")) time.sleep(3) print "\rLift off!" get_temp() # Start main window thread window_thread = Process(target=window_main, args=(sys.argv, shared_memory)) window_thread.daemon = True window_thread.start() # Initialise PID object pid = PID.control(shared_memory["p"] / 10000.0, shared_memory["i"] / 10000.0, shared_memory["d"] / 10000.0) # Whilst the UI is open while window_thread.is_alive(): # Kick over get_temp() # get_temp() if shared_memory["start"] and shared_memory["data_fresh"]: cycleStart = time.time() dist = None target_reached = False while shared_memory["start"] and window_thread.is_alive(): cycleStart = time.time() To = shared_memory["target"] Ta = shared_memory["env_temp"] Tb = shared_memory["bath_temp"] m = shared_memory["mass"]
'target':None, 'start':False, 'data_fresh':False }) controller = BathController(config.get('Connection', 'Port'), config.get('Connection', 'Baud')) time.sleep(3) print "\rLift off!" get_temp() # Start main window thread window_thread = Process(target = window_main, args = (sys.argv, shared_memory)) window_thread.daemon = True window_thread.start() # Initialise PID object pid = PID.control(shared_memory['p'], shared_memory['i'], shared_memory['d']) # Whilst the UI is open while window_thread.is_alive(): # Kick over get_temp() #get_temp() if shared_memory['start'] and shared_memory['target'] is not None: To = shared_memory['target'] Ta = shared_memory['env_temp'] m = shared_memory['mass'] h = shared_memory['heatCapacity'] e = shared_memory['emissivity'] a = shared_memory['area'] w = resistance_to_watts(shared_memory['resistance'], shared_memory['voltage']) set_point = temperature_to_joules(To, Ta, m, h)
def run(): minimum_speed = 70.0 maximum_speed = 95.0 ratio_queue = [0] layout_queue = ["normal_straight"] last_ratio = 0 direction_list = ["left", "left", "right"] x_wheel_left = 0 y_wheel_left = 287 x_wheel_right = 480 y_wheel_right = 287 last_ratio = 0.0 column_factor = 0.02 # <0.5 row_factor = 0.02 # <0.5 des = 0 pd1 = PD(50.0, 20.0, 0.0) pid2 = PID(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) while True: start = time.time() try: rat, layout_queue, ratio_queue, direction_list = ratio.get_ratio( "/dev/shm/cam.jpg", x_wheel_left, y_wheel_left, x_wheel_right, y_wheel_right, last_ratio, column_factor, row_factor, ratio_queue, layout_queue, direction_list, ) except: print "ERROR" rat = last_ratio last_ratio = rat if rat > 0: rat = abs(rat) global_speed = pd1.value(math.log(1.0 / rat), 0.1) global_speed = min(max(minimum_speed, global_speed), maximum_speed) new_ratio = 1 - pid2.value(rat, 0.1) if new_ratio < 0.2: data = (global_speed, global_speed * -1) else: data = (global_speed, global_speed * new_ratio * 1.5) elif rat == 0: data = (maximum_speed, maximum_speed) else: rat = abs(rat) global_speed = pd1.value(math.log(1.0 / (rat)), 0.1) global_speed = min(max(minimum_speed, global_speed), maximum_speed) new_ratio = 1 - pid2.value(rat, 0.1) if new_ratio < 0.2: data = (global_speed * -1, global_speed) else: data = (global_speed * new_ratio * 1.5, global_speed) dsckt.send(data) end = time.time() print end - start if end - start < 0.1: time.sleep(0.1 - (end - start))
y1_record = [] y2_record = [] y1_0 = 0.383 y2_0 = 0.4 # parameters for PID controller P = 0.0 I_1 = 0.000011 D_1 = 0.00001 I_2 = 0.000038 D_2 = 0.000038 pid1 = PID.PID(P, I_1, D_1) pid2 = PID.PID(P, I_2, D_2) pid1.SetPoint = f1_d pid2.SetPoint = f2_d pid1.setSampleTime(0.1) pid2.setSampleTime(0.1) # discard the first few noisy readings for i in range(20): discard1 = lift1_status.InValue['force'] discard2 = lift2_status.InValue['force'] discard3 = arm1_status.InValue['force'] discard4 = arm2_status.InValue['force'] time.sleep(0.05) # the motor sampling frequency is 25 Hz
def step(self, action): # 焊接过程走一步的函数,即根据强化学习的动作值得出下一步焊道的形状 done = False self.counter += 1 # obtain error and delta error self.H_error = self.H_target - self.H_prediction # 误差值 self.H_del_error = self.H_error - self.H_error_last # 误差值的差分 self.H_error_last = self.H_error self.W_error = self.W_target - self.W_prediction # 误差值 self.W_del_error = self.W_error - self.W_error_last # 误差值的差分 self.W_error_last = self.W_error # pid control the robot speed # 底层为PID控制器,强化学习的作用为调节PID控制器的参数1 # pid1 = PID.PID(self.Kp + learning_rate * action[0]*0.1, self.Ki + learning_rate * action[1]*0.1, self.Kd + learning_rate * action[2]*0.1 ) # pid2 = PID.PID(self.Kp2 + learning_rate * action[3]*0.1, self.Ki2 + learning_rate * action[4]*0.1, self.Kd2 + learning_rate * action[5]*0.1) pid1 = PID.PID(self.Kp, self.Ki, self.Kd) pid2 = PID.PID(self.Kp2, self.Ki2, self.Kd2) action_np = np.zeros((6, 1), dtype="float32") action_np[0, 0] = action[0] action_np[1, 0] = action[1] action_np[2, 0] = action[2] action_np[3, 0] = action[3] action_np[4, 0] = action[4] action_np[5, 0] = action[5] self.delta_A = pid1.update(self.H_error, self.H_del_error) self.delta_B = pid2.update(self.W_error, self.W_del_error) # 28组数据反解 self.delta_Rs = -12.1674 * self.delta_A + 3.0336 * self.delta_B self.delta_Ws = -26.0291 * self.delta_A + 2.1745 * self.delta_B self.Rs += self.delta_Rs self.Ws += self.delta_Ws self.Rs = np.clip(self.Rs, 3, 13) self.Ws = np.clip(self.Ws, self.Rs, 2 * self.Rs) print(self.Rs, self.Ws) self.H_actual = height_lstm.welding_pred( self.Rs_list[-height_lstm.TIMESTEPS:], self.Ws_list[-height_lstm.TIMESTEPS:]) self.W_actual = width_lstm.welding_pred( self.Rs_list[-width_lstm.TIMESTEPS:], self.Ws_list[-width_lstm.TIMESTEPS:]) for num in range(0, 60): self.Rs_list.append(self.Rs[0]) ## wrong ??? self.Ws_list.append(self.Ws[0]) # print("original:",np.shape(self.Rs_list)) # 将新的焊接参数序列输入焊接过程模型,得到新的焊道形状预测值 self.H_prediction = height_lstm.welding_pred( self.Rs_list[-height_lstm.TIMESTEPS:], self.Ws_list[-height_lstm.TIMESTEPS:]) self.W_prediction = width_lstm.welding_pred( self.Rs_list[-width_lstm.TIMESTEPS:], self.Ws_list[-width_lstm.TIMESTEPS:]) # print(self.Rs_list[-1 : ], self.Ws_list[-1 : ], self.H_prediction, for num in range(0, 59): self.Rs_list.pop() ## wrong ??? self.Ws_list.pop() # print("after:", np.shape(self.Rs_list)) # reward # if abs(self.H_target - self.H_prediction) < 0.002 and abs(self.W_target - self.W_prediction) < 0.005: # self.on_goal += 1 # r = 1 # if self.on_goal > 80: # done = True # else: # r = 1 / (1 + np.exp((abs(self.H_target - self.H_prediction) + abs(self.W_target - self.W_prediction)))) - 0.5 # # r = - (abs(self.H_target - self.H_prediction) + abs(self.W_target - self.W_prediction)) # # self.on_goal = 0 if abs(self.H_target - self.H_prediction) < 0.002 and abs( self.W_target - self.W_prediction) < 0.005: self.on_goal += 1 r = 1 if self.on_goal > 80: done = True else: r = 1 / (1 + np.exp( abs(self.H_target - self.H_prediction) + abs(self.W_target - self.W_prediction))) - 0.5 self.on_goal = 0 # if self.flag>60: # done = True # r = -100 # state s = np.hstack( ((self.H_prediction - 2), self.H_error, self.H_del_error, ((self.W_prediction - 5) / 3), self.W_error, self.W_del_error, (self.Rs - 8) / 5, ((self.Ws - 14.5) / 11.5))) # s = np.hstack(((self.H_prediction - 2), self.H_target, ((self.W_prediction - 5) / 3), # self.W_target)) #print(s,r) return s, r, done
import base64 import picamera from picamera.array import PiRGBArray import argparse import imutils from collections import deque import psutil import os import servo import PID import LED import datetime from rpi_ws281x import * import move pid = PID.PID() pid.SetKp(0.5) pid.SetKd(0) pid.SetKi(0) Y_lock = 0 X_lock = 0 tor = 17 FindColorMode = 0 WatchDogMode = 0 UltraData = 3 LED = LED.LED() class FPV: def __init__(self): self.frame_num = 0
import cv2 import numpy as np import PID import RobotSerial import time from scipy.interpolate import spline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt count = 0 vid = cv2.VideoCapture(1) vid.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_EXPOSURE, -8) robot = RobotSerial.RobotSerial() pidAngle = PID.PID(.7, 0, 0.005) pidAngle.SetPoint = 320.0 pidAngle.setSampleTime(0.01) pidDist = PID.PID(.75, 0, 0.005) pidDist.SetPoint = 90.0 pidDist.setSampleTime(0.01) time.sleep(.5) while (True): ret, frame = hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) lower_green = np.array([30, 100, 100]) upper_green = np.array([90, 255, 255]) mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_green, upper_green)
UART.setup("UART4") Left_Motor_Pin = "P8_19" Right_Motor_Pin = "P9_14" Left_Motor_Direction = "P9_26" Right_Motor_Direction = "P9_25" Start_Detection = "P8_7" ser = serial.Serial(port = "/dev/ttyO4", baudrate = 9600) GPIO.setup(Left_Motor_Direction, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(Right_Motor_Direction, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(Start_Detection,GPIO.IN) PWM.start(Left_Motor_Pin, 0.0, 20000, 1) #Motor 1 (Left) PWM.start(Right_Motor_Pin, 0.0, 20000, 1) #Motor 2 (Right) p = PID(0.001,0.0,0.0) # set up PID with KP, KI, KD p.setPoint(6500) #setpoint to middle of device. black_line = 200 GPIO.output(Left_Motor_Direction, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(Right_Motor_Direction, GPIO.HIGH) var = 1 base_speed = 15 eventCount = 0 #time.sleep(5) #wait for calibration of line follower #1 = dont go (LED on) #0 = go (LED off)
def fuzzy_and(typ, x, y): # two types if typ == 0: return min(x, y) else: return x * y def fuzzy_or(typ, x, y): if typ == 0: return max(x, y) else: return x + y - x * y if __name__ == "__main__": pid = PID.PID(1, 1, 0.5, 10) pid.point = 1 pid.sample_time = 0.01 pid.windup = 5 feedback = 0 feedback_list = [] time_list = [] setpoint_list = [] fuzzy_P = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] fuzzy_I = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] fuzzy_D = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] L = 100
if LOG_CYCLE_TIME: plotCycleTime(t_hist, "plot", FRAMERATE, fname="cycle_time") if LOG_SCAN_LINE:'analysis/scan_hist.npy', np.array(scan_hist)) if LOG_LINE_POS: plotPos(pos_hist, "plot", fname="line_pos") atexit.register(exit_handler) input("Press Enter to continue ...") # Measure the time needed to process 300 images to estimate the FPS ti = t = time.time() pid = PID.PID(Kp_straight, Ki_straight, Kd_straight) pid.SetPoint = CAMERA_CENTER #pid.setSampleTime(1/camera.framerate) if USE_STATE: pid.setState(PID_STATE) # start car motor.duty_cycle = MOTOR_BRAKE + SPEED # Initialize variables line_pos = CAMERA_CENTER first_frame = True state = 0 # 0: straight, 1: turn # Logging if LOG_FRAME:
import PID euler_pidx = PID.PID() euler_pidx.clear euler_pidy = PID.PID() euler_pidy.clear euler_pidz = PID.PID() euler_pidz.clear class ctrl: def __init__(self, rx0=0.0, ry0=0.0, rz0=0.0): self.rollx = rx0 self.rolly = ry0 self.rollz = rz0 self.clear() def clear(self): self.dP = [1, 1, 1] self.motorP = [60, 60, 60, 60] def motor(self, rx, ry, rz): self.euler = [rx, ry, rz] euler_pidx.update(rx) d_rx = euler_pidx.output euler_pidy.update(ry) d_ry = euler_pidy.output euler_pidy.update(rz)
def main(self, num_samples, set_temperature, setV, setF, Father): RE_VAL = set() # Initialize Relay REL = relay.Relay_module() REL.reset() # set PID parameters P = 5 I = 0 D = 0 pid = PID.PID(P, I, D) pid.setSampleTime(1) if APP_NEXTION_PRESENT: self.NEXTION_NUM_SAMPLES = num_samples self.NEXTION_SET_TEMP = float( format(float(set_temperature) / 0.84, ".2f")) else: self.NEXTION_NUM_SAMPLES = 8 self.NEXTION_SET_TEMP = 25 # import oven and multimeter if APP_OVEN_PRESENT: OVEN = TTC4006_Tira.TTC4006(TTC_SERIAL_PORT) OVEN.TTC_ON() OVEN.TTC_ENABLE_TEMP() if APP_DMM_196_PRESENT: LCR = LCR_Eth.LCR_Meter(LCR_IP, LCR_PORT) LCR.startComm() # create file and title CF = data_storage.create_file() test_mode = "Manual" equipment_Info = "VT-4002 + LCR-4192A" Driver_root = detect_file.File(folder)[1] start_time = str( filename = start_time.replace(" ", "_").replace(".", "-").replace(":", "-") PATH = CF.folder(Driver_root, filename) CF.header(PATH, filename, start_time, equipment_Info, test_mode, self.NEXTION_NUM_SAMPLES) CF.content( PATH, filename, "Time(s)\tSetTemp.(oC)\tActual Temp.(oC)\tHumidity(%)\tTemp.Sensor(oC)\tSample number\tR\tX\tCP\tRP\r\n" ) t_start = time.time() while True: for i in range(self.NEXTION_NUM_SAMPLES): if APP_OVEN_PRESENT: # run oven) print("01 - Reading data from Oven...") temp_real = OVEN.TTC_Read_PV_Temp() temp_set = OVEN.TTC_Read_SP_Temp() else: temp_set = format(1.00, "0.2f") temp_real = format(1.00, "0.2f") pid.SetPoint = self.NEXTION_SET_TEMP pid.setKp(float(P)) pid.setKi(float(I)) pid.setKd(float(D)) # read temperature sensor # Humidity Sensor # If is not OK => apply non valid temp and humidity print("02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor...") if APP_BME_280_PRESENT: try: temperature, pressure, humidity = bme280.readBME280All( ) # Medicine if ((humidity == None) or (temperature == None)): humidity = BME_280_INVALID_HUMI temperature = BME_280_INVALID_TEMP print( "02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor (NONE! - ERROR)..." ) elif ((type(humidity) == str) or (type(temperature) == str)): humidity = BME_280_INVALID_HUMI temperature = BME_280_INVALID_TEMP print( "02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor (INVALID STRING! - ERROR)..." ) except: humidity = BME_280_INVALID_HUMI temperature = BME_280_INVALID_TEMP print( "02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor (INVALID STRING! - ERROR)..." ) else: print( "02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor (DISABLED)...") humidity = BME_280_INVALID_HUMI temperature = BME_280_INVALID_TEMP HUMI_sensor = format(humidity, "0.2f") TEMP_sensor = format(temperature, "0.2f") print("02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor: Temp(oC): ", TEMP_sensor) print("02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor: Humi(%): ", HUMI_sensor) print("Sensor Temperature : ", str(TEMP_sensor)) pid.update(TEMP_sensor) target_temperature = pid.output if target_temperature > 130: target_temperature = 130 elif target_temperature < -40: target_temperature = -40 else: target_temperature = target_temperature print("PID set Temperature : ", str(target_temperature)) print("Chamber real Temperature : ", temp_real) OVEN.TTC_Set_Temp(target_temperature) # run time t_step = time.time() t_run = format(t_step - t_start, "0.2f") # relay selection print("03 - Swtich Relay: %d" % i) REL.RelaySelect(i) sleep(RELAY_HOLDING_TIME) # run multimeter print("04- Multimeter DMM196 Reading...") if APP_DMM_196_PRESENT: FinalD = LCR.measure(setV, setF) print("LCR Reading: ", FinalD) CP = str(FinalD[0]) RP = str(FinalD[1]) R_value = str(FinalD[2]) X_value = str(FinalD[3]) else: CP = 0 RP = 0 R_value = 0 X_value = 0 REL.RelayDeSelect(i) # Persistency print("06 - Saving data...") print("") result1 = [] result2 = [] result1.append([ str(t_run), str(temp_real), str(HUMI_sensor), str(TEMP_sensor), str(i), str(R_value), str(X_value), str(CP), str(RP) ]) CF.content(PATH, filename, result1) # create file for each sample result2.append([ str(t_run), str(temp_real), str(HUMI_sensor), str(TEMP_sensor), str(i), str(R_value), str(X_value), str(CP), str(RP) ]) CF.content(PATH, 'Sample' + str(i), result2) Father.Update([ temp_set, temp_real, TEMP_sensor, humidity, t_run, R_value, X_value, i ]) DE = str( # print (DE) RE_VAL.add(DE) # print (RE_VAL) if "['e\\x0f\\x1b\\x01\\xff\\xff\\xff']" in RE_VAL: print("Exiting") RE_VAL.clear() OVEN.TTC_OFF() DIS.write("page Device Select\xff\xff\xff") return elif "['e\\x0f\\x1c\\x01\\xff\\xff\\xff']" in RE_VAL: # DIS.write("rest\xff\xff\xff") RE_VAL.clear() DIS.write("page restart\xff\xff\xff") os.system("sudo reboot") print("07 - Updating Display...")
def pid_loop(dummy, state): import sys from time import sleep, time from math import isnan import Adafruit_GPIO.SPI as SPI import Adafruit_MAX31855.MAX31855 as MAX31855 import PID as PID import config as conf def c_to_f(c): return c * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0 sensor = MAX31855.MAX31855(spi=SPI.SpiDev(conf.spi_port, conf.spi_dev)) pid = PID.PID(conf.Pc, conf.Ic, conf.Dc) pid.SetPoint = state['settemp'] pid.setSampleTime(conf.sample_time * 5) nanct = 0 i = 0 j = 0 pidhist = [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.] avgpid = 0. temphist = [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.] avgtemp = 0. lastsettemp = state['settemp'] lasttime = time() sleeptime = 0 iscold = True iswarm = False lastcold = 0 lastwarm = 0 try: while True: # Loops 10x/second tempc = sensor.readTempC() if isnan(tempc): nanct += 1 if nanct > 100000: sys.exit continue else: nanct = 0 tempf = c_to_f(tempc) temphist[i % 5] = tempf avgtemp = sum(temphist) / len(temphist) if avgtemp < 100: lastcold = i if avgtemp > 200: lastwarm = i if iscold and (i - lastcold) * conf.sample_time > 60 * 15: pid = PID.PID(conf.Pw, conf.Iw, conf.Dw) pid.SetPoint = state['settemp'] pid.setSampleTime(conf.sample_time * 5) iscold = False if iswarm and (i - lastwarm) * conf.sample_time > 60 * 15: pid = PID.PID(conf.Pc, conf.Ic, conf.Dc) pid.SetPoint = state['settemp'] pid.setSampleTime(conf.sample_time * 5) iscold = True if state['settemp'] != lastsettemp: pid.SetPoint = state['settemp'] lastsettemp = state['settemp'] if i % 10 == 0: pid.update(avgtemp) pidout = pid.output pidhist[i / 10 % 10] = pidout avgpid = sum(pidhist) / len(pidhist) state['i'] = i state['tempf'] = round(tempf, 2) state['avgtemp'] = round(avgtemp, 2) state['pidval'] = round(pidout, 2) state['avgpid'] = round(avgpid, 2) state['pterm'] = round(pid.PTerm, 2) if iscold: state['iterm'] = round(pid.ITerm * conf.Ic, 2) state['dterm'] = round(pid.DTerm * conf.Dc, 2) else: state['iterm'] = round(pid.ITerm * conf.Iw, 2) state['dterm'] = round(pid.DTerm * conf.Dw, 2) state['iscold'] = iscold print time(), state sleeptime = lasttime + conf.sample_time - time() if sleeptime < 0: sleeptime = 0 sleep(sleeptime) i += 1 lasttime = time() finally: pid.clear
#!/usr/bin/env python #@uthor : $umanth_Nethi import rospy import numpy as np import PID import time from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped from geometry_msgs.msg import TwistStamped rospy.init_node('drone', anonymous=True) global P, I, D, pid_x, pid_y P = 0.004 I = 0.000005 D = 0.0005 pid_x = PID.PID(P, I, D) pid_x.SetPoint = 0.0 pid_x.setSampleTime(0.01) pid_y = PID.PID(P, I, D) pid_y.SetPoint = 0.0 pid_y.setSampleTime(0.01) def callback(data): assign(data) rospy.Subscriber("cv_bounding_box", PoseStamped, callback) current_pos = PoseStamped() def current_pos_callback(position):
def test_pid(P = 0.2, I = 0.0, D= 0.0, L=100): """Self-test PID class .. note:: ... for i in range(1, END): pid.update(feedback) output = pid.output if pid.SetPoint > 0: feedback += (output - (1/i)) if i>9: pid.SetPoint = 1 time.sleep(0.02) --- """ pid = PID.PID(P, I, D) pid.SetPoint=0.0 pid.setSampleTime(0.01) END = L feedback = 0 feedback_list = [] time_list = [] setpoint_list = [] for i in range(1, END): pid.update(feedback) output = pid.output if pid.SetPoint > 0: feedback += (output) if i==9: pid.SetPoint = 1 if i>20: pid.SetPoint += 0.1 time.sleep(0.02) feedback_list.append(feedback) setpoint_list.append(pid.SetPoint) time_list.append(i) """ this is a multiline comment time_sm = np.array(time_list) time_smooth = np.linspace(time_sm.min(), time_sm.max(), 300) feedback_smooth = spline(time_list, feedback_list, time_smooth) plt.plot(time_smooth, feedback_smooth) plt.plot(time_list, setpoint_list) plt.xlim((0, L)) plt.ylim((min(feedback_list)-0.5, max(feedback_list)+0.5)) plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('PID (PV)') plt.title('TEST PID') plt.ylim((1-0.5, 1+0.5)) plt.grid(True) """ for i in range(1,END-1): print("%f, %f" % (feedback_list[i], setpoint_list[i]) )
def __init__(self): self.vicon_cb_flag = False self.state_cb_flag = False self.vicon_yaw_sp = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/vicon_yaw_sp') self.pos_sp_cb_flag = False # get the info for the PID and for the set point # PID Data self.dx_P = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/speed_controller_x_P') self.dx_I = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/speed_controller_x_I') self.dx_D = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/speed_controller_x_D') self.dy_P = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/speed_controller_y_P') self.dy_I = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/speed_controller_y_I') self.dy_D = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/speed_controller_y_D') self.vicon_dx_pid = PID.PID(self.dx_P, self.dx_I, self.dx_D) self.vicon_dy_pid = PID.PID(self.dy_P, self.dy_I, self.dy_D) # Rate of looping self.rate = rospy.Rate(20.0) # Information # Publisher for updating attitude for the speed # vicon_sum for current speed data self.attitude_target_speed_pub = rospy.Publisher( "/px4_quad_controllers/rpy_setpoint", PoseStamped, queue_size=10) vicon_sub = rospy.Subscriber( "/intel_aero_quad/odom", Odometry, self.vicon_subscriber_callback) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if (self.vicon_cb_flag): # If connected and data read in # Update params if it was changed # SetPoint Data self.dx_sp = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/dx_sp') self.dy_sp = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/dy_sp') # PID Data self.dx_P = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/speed_controller_x_P') self.dx_I = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/speed_controller_x_I') self.dx_D = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/speed_controller_x_D') self.dy_P = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/speed_controller_y_P') self.dy_I = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/speed_controller_y_I') self.dy_D = rospy.get_param( '/attitude_thrust_publisher/speed_controller_y_D') # Update the PID with the speed data from vicon self.vicon_dx_pid.update(self.vicon_dx) self.vicon_dy_pid.update(self.vicon_dy) # Change the PID coefficients if they changed self.vicon_dx_pid.setKp(self.dx_P) self.vicon_dx_pid.setKi(self.dx_I) self.vicon_dx_pid.setKd(self.dx_D) self.vicon_dy_pid.setKp(self.dy_P) self.vicon_dy_pid.setKi(self.dy_I) self.vicon_dy_pid.setKd(self.dy_D) self.vicon_dy_pid.SetPoint = self.dy_sp self.vicon_dx_pid.SetPoint = self.dx_sp vicon_y_output = self.vicon_dy_pid.output vicon_x_output = -self.vicon_dx_pid.output target_attitude_speed = PoseStamped() target_attitude_speed.header.frame_id = "home" target_attitude_speed.header.stamp = target_attitude_speed.pose.position.x = vicon_y_output target_attitude_speed.pose.position.y = vicon_x_output self.attitude_target_speed_pub.publish(target_attitude_speed) self.rate.sleep()
stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) #light & camera: params = light mode, time on, time off, interval camera_process = Popen(['python', '', '10'], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) #create controllers: #heater: PID Library on temperature P_temp = 75 I_temp = 0 D_temp = 1 pid_temp = PID.PID(P_temp, I_temp, D_temp) pid_temp.SetPoint = targetT pid_temp.setSampleTime(1) #humidifier: PID library on humidity P_hum = .5 I_hum = 0 D_hum = 1 pid_hum = PID.PID(P_hum, I_hum, D_hum) pid_hum.SetPoint = targetH pid_hum.setSampleTime(1) #fan: custom proportional and derivative gain on both temperature and humidity last_temp = 0 last_hum = 0
import math import PID parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--prc_motor', type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument('--tgt_yaw', type=int, default=-44) parser.add_argument('--time', type=int, default=1) args = parser.parse_args() #print(args) #print(args.prc) #sys.exit() ADJUST_EVERY = 0.05 lc = lcm.LCM() pid = PID.PID(P=10, I=5.0, D=5.0) pid.SetPoint = float(args.tgt_yaw) / 180.0 * math.pi pid.setSampleTime(ADJUST_EVERY) time_start = time.time() last = 0 last_adjust = time.time() last_yaw = 0 def stop(): msg = control_t() msg.timestamp = time.time() msg.motor = 0 msg.servo = 0
def test_pid(P, I, D, L=50): """Self-test PID class .. note:: ... for i in range(1, END): pid.update(feedback) output = pid.output if pid.SetPoint > 0: feedback += (output - (1/i)) if i>9: pid.SetPoint = 1 time.sleep(0.02) --- """ pid = myPID.PID(P, I, D) pid.SetPoint = 0.0 pid.setSampleTime(0.01) END = L feedback = 0 feedback_list = [] time_list = [] setpoint_list = [] for i in range(1, END): pid.update(feedback) output = pid.output if pid.SetPoint > 0: feedback += (output - (1 / i)) if i > 9: pid.SetPoint = 1 if i > 15: pid.SetPoint = 1.25 if i > 25: pid.SetPoint = 1 time.sleep(0.02) feedback_list.append(feedback) setpoint_list.append(pid.SetPoint) time_list.append(i) time_sm = np.array(time_list) time_smooth = np.linspace(time_sm.min(), time_sm.max(), 300) # feedback_smooth = spline(time_list, feedback_list, time_smooth) # Using make_interp_spline to create BSpline helper_x3 = make_interp_spline(time_list, feedback_list) feedback_smooth = helper_x3(time_smooth) plt.plot(time_smooth, feedback_smooth) plt.plot(time_list, setpoint_list) plt.xlim((0, L)) plt.ylim((min(feedback_list) - 0.5, max(feedback_list) + 0.5)) plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('PID (PV)') plt.title('TEST PID') plt.ylim((1 - 0.5, 1 + 0.5)) plt.grid(True)
def initMain(self): # Layout settings QToolTip.setFont(QFont('SansSerif', 10)) self.statusBar().showMessage('Ready') self.setToolTip('This is a <b>Mesh regulator</b> widget') self.setGeometry(300, 300, 460, 320) wid = QWidget(self) self.setCentralWidget(wid) self.windowLayout = QHBoxLayout() wid.setLayout(self.windowLayout) self.display(self.setval) self.buttons(self.setval) self.setWindowTitle('GUI') self.setWindowIcon(QIcon('web.png')) # PID skjeten self.P = 2 self.I = 0.01 self.D = 0 self.i = 0 # Use pid library to calculate output = PID.PID(self.P, self.I, self.D) # Start PID funksjonen # Config PID = self.setval, 100) self.WindowSize = 5000 # PID Timer self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.setTimerType(Qt.PreciseTimer) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.on_timer) self.timer.start(100) # Process plot # Init data self._interval = int(60 * 1000) self._bufsize = int(60) self.databuffer = collections.deque([0.0] * self._bufsize, self._bufsize) self.temp_list = np.zeros(self._bufsize, dtype=np.float) self.setpoint_list = [] # Not being used self.time_list = np.linspace(-60, 0.0, self._bufsize) self.startime = time.time() # Pyqtgraph self.procPlt = qtplt.PlotWidget() self.procPlt.setEnabled(True) self.procPlt.setGeometry(QRect(20, 40, 100, 100)) self.windowLayout.addWidget(self.procPlt) self.procPlt.resize(230, 150) self.trend = self.procPlt.plot(self.time_list, self.temp_list, pen=(255, 0, 0)) # Plot Timer self.pltTimer = QTimer() self.pltTimer.timeout.connect(self.updateplot) self.pltTimer.start(1000)
if __name__ == "__main__": #mtrn = serial.Serial(port='/dev/cu.usbserial-A5047ITL', baudrate=9600,timeout=0) plotter = Plotter(500, -200, 200) #sensorimotor = sensor.Sensorimotor() #sensorimotor.start() #sensorimotor.cleanbuffer(mtrn) import PID import random random.seed() P = 1.2 I = 1 D = 0.001 pid = PID.PID(P, I, D) pid.SetPoint = 45 pid.setSampleTime(0.001) feedback = 45 output = 0 a = 40 b = 1 while True: feedback = a + random.uniform(-1, 1) pid.update(feedback) output = pid.output if (True): plotter.plotdata([output, feedback, 0])
y = 2 tickgreen = 1 twist = Twist() twist2 = Twist() twist3 = Twist() joycontrol = 0 speed = 0 #feedback = 50.0 outputpid = 0.0 mode = 1 stage = 0 mission = 0 kp = 0.01 ki = 0.00 kd = 0.00 pid = PID() run = 0 brake = 0 emer = 1 class ControlLane(): def __init__(self): self.sub_lane = rospy.Subscriber('/angle', Float64, self.cbFollowLane, queue_size=10) self.sub_light = rospy.Subscriber('/light', Int8, self.get_light, queue_size=1)
def followWall(self, numberDatapointsFromMiddle, numberDatapointsFromSide): """ Enables the robot to follow the wall. The distance from the robot side to the wall is measured and compared with the target distance. A PID controller ensures that this distance can be adhered to with relatively small fluctuation. If a wall is detected in front of the robot, it will rotate for 90° to the specified direction. :param numberDatapointsFromMiddle: Number of data points to use from the laser sensor middle. :param numberDatapointsFromSide: Number of data points to use at the laser sensor side (left/right). :return: void """ # Init PID P = 0.6 I = 0 D = 1.4 pid = PID.PID(P, I, D) pid.SetPoint = self.WALLDISTANCE pid.setSampleTime(0.0) while (True): # Circle detection distanceMargin = 0.6 if (self.checkForCircle(distanceMargin)): self.repositionRobot() return # Calculate the avg distance from the robot side to the wall. datapointsInGroup = 90 equalsizedDatapointGroups = self.getEqualsizedDatapointGroups( datapointsInGroup) if (self.followWallDirection == "left"): # Use sensor data from the right side of the robot to follow the wall to the left targetGroupIdx = 0 followWallDirectionAdjustment = 1 elif (self.followWallDirection == "right"): # Use sensor data from the left side of the robot to follow the wall to the right. # Also change rotation direction. targetGroupIdx = len(equalsizedDatapointGroups) - 1 followWallDirectionAdjustment = -1 else: rospy.logerr("Incorrect followWallDirection parameter.") return self.vel.linear.x = self.ROBOTMOVESPEED # PID control cycle # Update PID with the minimal distance from the robot side (measured process value). minDistWallfollowSide = min( equalsizedDatapointGroups[targetGroupIdx]) pid.update(minDistWallfollowSide) # Applying the PID output (control variable) as robot rotation. self.vel.angular.z = pid.output * followWallDirectionAdjustment # Check if wall is in front of robot minMiddleDatapoints = self.getMinMiddleDatapoints( numberDatapointsFromMiddle) if (minMiddleDatapoints <= self.WALLDISTANCE): # Turn the robot 90° if wall is in front self.vel.linear.x = 0 self.velPub.publish(self.vel) self.alignToWall(numberDatapointsFromSide) self.velPub.publish(self.vel) self.rate.sleep()
def main(self, num_samples, set_temperature, start_freq, end_freq, set_voltage, Father): RE_VAL = set() # Initialize Relay REL = relay.Relay_module() REL.reset() # set PID parameters P = 5 I = 0 D = 0 pid = PID.PID(P, I, D) pid.setSampleTime(1) self.NEXTION_NUM_SAMPLES = num_samples self.NEXTION_SET_TEMP = float(format(float(set_temperature) / 0.84, ".2f")) self.NEXTION_START_FREQ = start_freq self.NEXTION_END_FREQ = end_freq self.NEXTION_SET_VOLTAGE = set_voltage # import oven and multimeter if APP_OVEN_PRESENT: OVEN = TTC4006_Tira.TTC4006(TTC_SERIAL_PORT) OVEN.TTC_ON() OVEN.TTC_ENABLE_TEMP() if APP_IMP_PRESENT: IMP = Impedanz_4192A_Eth.Impedance_Analyser(IMP_IP, IMP_PORT) IMP.startComm() # create file and title CF = data_storage.create_file() test_mode = "Auto" equipment_Info = "TTC-4006 + IMP-4192A" Driver_root = detect_file.File(folder)[1] start_time = str( filename = start_time.replace(" ", "_").replace(".", "-").replace(":", "-") CF.folder(Driver_root, filename) t_start = time.time() t1 = t2 = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=20 * 60) while True: if APP_OVEN_PRESENT: # run oven) print("01 - Reading data from Oven...") temp_real = OVEN.TTC_Read_PV_Temp() temp_set = OVEN.TTC_Read_SP_Temp() else: temp_set = format(1.00, "0.2f") temp_real = format(1.00, "0.2f") pid.SetPoint = self.NEXTION_SET_TEMP pid.setKp(float(P)) pid.setKi(float(I)) pid.setKd(float(D)) # read temperature sensor # Humidity Sensor # If is not OK => apply non valid temp and humidity print("02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor...") if APP_BME_280_PRESENT: try: temperature, pressure, humidity = bme280.readBME280All() # Medicine if ((humidity == None) or (temperature == None)): humidity = BME_280_INVALID_HUMI temperature = BME_280_INVALID_TEMP print("02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor (NONE! - ERROR)...") elif ((type(humidity) == str) or (type(temperature) == str)): humidity = BME_280_INVALID_HUMI temperature = BME_280_INVALID_TEMP print("02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor (INVALID STRING! - ERROR)...") except: humidity = BME_280_INVALID_HUMI temperature = BME_280_INVALID_TEMP print("02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor (INVALID STRING! - ERROR)...") else: print("02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor (DISABLED)...") humidity = BME_280_INVALID_HUMI temperature = BME_280_INVALID_TEMP HUMI_sensor = format(humidity, "0.2f") TEMP_sensor = format(temperature, "0.2f") print('02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor: Temp(oC): ', TEMP_sensor) print('02 - Reading data from Humidity Sensor: Humi(%): ', HUMI_sensor) print("Sensor Temperature : ", str(TEMP_sensor)) pid.update(float(TEMP_sensor)) target_temperature = pid.output if target_temperature > 130: target_temperature = 130 elif target_temperature < -40: target_temperature = -40 else: target_temperature = target_temperature print("PID set Temperature : ", str(target_temperature)) print("Chamber real Temperature : ", temp_real) OVEN.TTC_Set_Temp(target_temperature) t_step = time.time() while (t1 > t2): for i in range(self.NEXTION_NUM_SAMPLES): # run time t_run = format(t_step - t_start, "0.2f") # relay selection print("03 - Swtich Relay: %d" % i) REL.RelaySelect(i) sleep(RELAY_HOLDING_TIME) # create folder for each sample current_time = str( self.time_str = current_time.replace(" ", "_").replace(".", "-").replace(":", "-") Father.updateIMPSweep([temp_set, temp_real, TEMP_sensor, HUMI_sensor, t_run, "Measureing", " ", i]) DE = str( # print (DE) RE_VAL.add(DE) # print (RE_VAL) if "['e\\x0f\\x1b\\x01\\xff\\xff\\xff']" in RE_VAL: print("Exiting") OVEN.TTC_OFF() RE_VAL.clear() DIS.write("page Device Select\xff\xff\xff") return elif "['e\\x0f\\x1c\\x01\\xff\\xff\\xff']" in RE_VAL: # DIS.write("rest\xff\xff\xff") RE_VAL.clear() DIS.write("page restart\xff\xff\xff") os.system("sudo reboot") print("07 - Updating Display...") # creat file sample_time = str(" ", "_").replace(".", "-").replace(":", "-") name = 'Sample' + str(i) locals()['v' + str(i)] = i PA = CF.sample_folder(name) CF.header_imp(PA, self.time_str, self.time_str, equipment_Info, test_mode, self.NEXTION_START_FREQ, self.NEXTION_END_FREQ, self.NEXTION_SET_VOLTAGE) # run multimeter print("04- Multimeter DMM196 Reading...") if APP_IMP_PRESENT: data = IMP.sweep_measure(self.NEXTION_START_FREQ, self.NEXTION_END_FREQ, self.NEXTION_SET_VOLTAGE) CF.content(PA, self.time_str, data) # relay reset print("06 - Swtich Relay Unselection: %d" % i) REL.RelayDeSelect(i) else: if APP_NEXTION_PRESENT: # run time t_run = format(t_step - t_start, "0.2f") Father.updateIMPSweep([temp_set, temp_real, TEMP_sensor, HUMI_sensor, t_run, "Waiting", " ", 0]) DE = str( # print (DE) RE_VAL.add(DE) # print (RE_VAL) if "['e\\x0f\\x1b\\x01\\xff\\xff\\xff']" in RE_VAL: print("Exiting") OVEN.TTC_OFF() RE_VAL.clear() DIS.write("page Device Select\xff\xff\xff") return elif "['e\\x0f\\x1c\\x01\\xff\\xff\\xff']" in RE_VAL: # DIS.write("rest\xff\xff\xff") RE_VAL.clear() DIS.write("page restart\xff\xff\xff") os.system("sudo reboot") print("07 - Updating Display...") t1 =
def __init__(self): self.buggy = Buggy() self.PID = PID(self.buggy.pos, self.buggy.angle)
'target':None, 'start':False, 'data_fresh':False }) controller = BathController(config.get('Connection', 'Port'), config.get('Connection', 'Baud')) time.sleep(3) print "\rLift off!" get_temp() # Start main window thread window_thread = Process(target = window_main, args = (sys.argv, shared_memory)) window_thread.daemon = True window_thread.start() # Initialise PID object pid = PID.control(shared_memory['p']/10000.0, shared_memory['i']/10000.0, shared_memory['d']/10000.0) # Whilst the UI is open while window_thread.is_alive(): # Kick over get_temp() #get_temp() if shared_memory['start'] and shared_memory['data_fresh']: cycleStart = time.time() dist = None target_reached = False while shared_memory['start'] and window_thread.is_alive(): cycleStart = time.time() To = shared_memory['target'] Ta = shared_memory['env_temp'] Tb = shared_memory['bath_temp'] m = shared_memory['mass']
def InitUI(self): self.MainInterface = Interface.Interface(self) self.MainModel = Robot_Model.Robot_Model(self) self.OpenCV = OpenCV.OpenCV(self) self.FeatureDict = {} self.CurrentFeature = None self.XPID = PID.PID(0.4, 0.015, 0.15) #PID controller for pan self.XPID.setPoint(self.OpenCV.CamCentreX) self.YPID = PID.PID(0.4, 0.015, 0.15) #PID controller for tilt self.YPID.setPoint(self.OpenCV.CamCentreY) self.AddFeature = wx.Button(self, label="Add Feature") self.AddFeature.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnAddFeature) self.RemoveFeature = wx.Button(self, label="Remove Feature") self.RemoveFeature.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnRemoveFeature) self.FeatName = wx.TextCtrl (self) self.Save = wx.Button(self, label="Save") self.Save.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.SaveFeatures) self.Load = wx.Button(self, label="Load") self.Load.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.LoadFeatures) self.FeatureCtrl = wx.ListCtrl(self, size=(-1,100), style=wx.LC_REPORT |wx.BORDER_SUNKEN) self.FeatureCtrl.InsertColumn(0, 'Name') self.FeatureCtrl.InsertColumn(1, 'Type') self.FeatureCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, self.FeatureChanged) self.XLabel = wx.StaticText(self, label="X:") self.XValue = wx.TextCtrl(self, size=(80, -1)) self.YLabel = wx.StaticText(self, label="Y:") self.YValue = wx.TextCtrl(self, size=(80, -1)) self.ZLabel = wx.StaticText(self, label="Z:") self.ZValue = wx.TextCtrl(self, size=(80, -1)) self.PanLabel = wx.StaticText(self, label="Pan:") self.PanValue = wx.TextCtrl(self, size=(80, -1)) self.TiltLabel = wx.StaticText(self, label="Tilt:") self.TiltValue = wx.TextCtrl(self, size=(80, -1)) Options = ['None','Detect','Track'] self.MatchChoice = wx.Choice(self, choices = Options) self.MatchChoice.SetSelection(0) self.hsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.hsizer2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.hsizer3 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.hsizer4 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.hsizer5 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.hsizer6 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.vsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.hsizer.Add(self.MainInterface, wx.ALL, border = 5) self.hsizer.Add(self.OpenCV, wx.ALL, border = 5) self.hsizer.Add(self.MainModel, wx.ALL, border = 5) self.hsizer2.Add(self.AddFeature) self.hsizer2.Add(self.RemoveFeature) self.hsizer2.Add(self.FeatName) self.hsizer3.Add(self.Save) self.hsizer3.Add(self.Load) self.hsizer4.Add(self.XLabel) self.hsizer4.Add(self.XValue) self.hsizer4.Add(self.YLabel) self.hsizer4.Add(self.YValue) self.hsizer4.Add(self.ZLabel) self.hsizer4.Add(self.ZValue) self.hsizer5.Add(self.FeatureCtrl) self.hsizer5.Add(self.MatchChoice) self.hsizer6.Add(self.PanLabel) self.hsizer6.Add(self.PanValue) self.hsizer6.Add(self.TiltLabel) self.hsizer6.Add(self.TiltValue) self.vsizer.Add(self.hsizer) self.vsizer.Add(self.hsizer2) self.vsizer.Add(self.hsizer3) self.vsizer.Add(self.hsizer5) self.vsizer.Add(self.hsizer4) self.vsizer.Add(self.hsizer6) self.SetSizer(self.vsizer) self.vsizer.SetSizeHints(self) self.SetTitle('Big Face Robotics - Robot Head Controller') self.Centre() self.timer = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTimer) self.timer.Start(1000/20) # timer interval
import PID import pylab from pylab import * s=0 v=0 Kp=-1.0/100 Kd=-20.0/100 Ki=0 Kf=0.1 target = 100 dt=0.1 samples=2000 yLabel = "Position [m], Velocity [m/s]" xLabel = "Time [s]" PID.solve(yLabel, xLabel, s, v, Kp, Kd, Ki, Kf, target, dt, samples) pylab.ylim(0, 120) show()
#!/usr/bin/python from PID import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np pid_controller = PID(10.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) set_position = 1.0 actual_position = [] actual_velocity = [] force = [] clock = [] sample_num = 500 dt = 0.02 pid_controller.SetPoint = set_position # Intentionally sleep for 2 seconds to test whether we handle the initial time # correctly in I and D term. time.sleep(2.0) for i in range(sample_num): t = time.time() position = 0.0 if i == 0 else actual_position[i - 1] pid_controller.update(position) f = pid_controller.output velocity = 0.0 if i == 0 else actual_velocity[i - 1] velocity += f * dt position += velocity * dt # Update.