def manejar_archivo(archivo, request): if archivo == '/': archivo = '/index.html' index_generado = bytearray(Index.generar(args['documentroot']), 'utf-8') pathsize = len(index_generado) encabezado("OK", "html", pathsize, request) else: f, filtro, escala = search(archivo) archivo = args['documentroot'] + f try: if "favicon.ico" in archivo: archivo = "./web/favicon.ico" file = open(archivo, "rb") cod = "OK" except FileNotFoundError: archivo = "./web/404error.html" file = open(archivo, "rb") cod = "NOT" except IsADirectoryError: archivo = "./web/500error.html" file = open(archivo, "rb") cod = "ERROR" pathsize = pathlib.Path(archivo).stat().st_size encabezado(cod, archivo.split(".")[-1], pathsize, request) if archivo.split(".")[-1] == "ppm": if args['size'] % 3 != 0: args['size'] = int(math.floor(args['size'] / 3) * 3) c, lista = PPM.magic(file, args['size'], filtro, escala) request.sendall(bytes.fromhex(c)) hilos = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() for i in, lista): request.sendall(i) else: if archivo == '/index.html': request.sendall(index_generado) else: texto = request.sendall(texto)
from matrixImage import * from math import * dim = (600, 800) I = matrixImage(dim) #mapear i gerando (i=0,1,2,...dim[0]) e para cada i calcular f(i)=y,onde x=j e y = i. #antes deslocar todos os x,y em k_x e k_y unidades afim de centralizar o gráfico. k_j, k_i = 300, 400 f = lambda x: sin(x) def drawGraph(f, intervalo_x): """ f is function intervalo_x lista (k1,k2) intervalos das coordenadas x. """ file_name = "test.ppm" I2PPM = PPM(file_name, dim[0], dim[1]) for i in range(0, 600): I.Matrix[i][800 / 2].g = 255 for j in range(0, 800): I.Matrix[600 / 2][j].r = 255 #teste requer correçoes for j in range(0, 800): I.Matrix[int(-j / 2)][j].b = 255 I.Matrix[1][2].b = 23 I2PPM.write(I.Matrix)
if __name__ == "__main__": import pandas as pd import time import PPM import pigpio df = pd.read_excel('dataset/dummy.xlsx') print(df) pi = pigpio.pi() pi.wave_tx_stop() # start with a clean start ppm = PPM.X(pi, 6, frame_ms=20) updates = 0 for pw in range(450, 600, 20): for chan in range(8): ppm.update_channel(chan, pw) updates += 1 time.sleep(2) for i in range(len(df)): pwm_lst = df.iloc[i, 1:7].tolist() final_lst = list(map(int, pwm_lst)) print(final_lst) ppm.update_channels(final_lst) updates += 1
def Read(self, data): #Filestructure: # - Header # - Table of Contents # - Padding, normally of length 2 # - Extra Data # - Padding #The padding seems to do zipaligning to a length of 4 global HasPPM #Header: if data[:4] != "UGAR": return False #The file isn't a UGO file Sections = AscDec(data[4:8], True) #could also be version if Sections >= 1: self.TableLength = AscDec(data[8:12], True) if Sections >= 2: self.ExtraLength = AscDec(data[12:16], True) if Sections > 2: print("Warning: This UGO file has more than the 2 known sections:", Sections) print("Please send this UGO file to pbsds over at") print("This file could possibly be read incorrectly...") headerlength = 8 + Sections * 4 #Read table of contents: #A table where the rows are seperated with newlines, and colons with tabs if Sections >= 1: TableOfContents = tuple( (i.split("\t") for i in data[headerlength:headerlength + self.TableLength].split(b"\n"))) else: TableOfContents = [] #Extra data: if Sections >= 2: ExtraData = data[zipalign(headerlength + self.TableLength ):zipalign(headerlength + self.TableLength) + self.ExtraLength] #Parse data: self.Items = [] #todo: implement this: self.Files = [] #[i] = (filename, filecontent) #see todo.txt pos = 0 #Extra Data position tmbcount = 1 #used if HasPPM is False ntftcount = 1 #used if no label names = [] for i in TableOfContents: type = int(i[0]) if type == 0: #layout #I've always seen just numbers here. #The amount of numbers also differ. #maybe related to color scheme? or the button scheme/layout #all pages containing TMBs have so far been: i = ["0", "2", "1"] self.Items.append(("layout", list(map(int, i[1:])))) continue elif type == 1: #Text on topscreen num = int(i[1]) #always seen as 0, unknown purpose labels = [ b64decode(i[n]).decode("UTF-16LE") for n in range(2, 7) ] #5 labels probably one label for each line of text self.Items.append(("topscreen text", labels, num)) continue elif type == 2: #catogories(like "reccomended" and "new flipnotes" and "most popular") #this one may visually change greatly depending on what layout is set in type==0 link = i[1] label = b64decode(i[2]).decode("UTF-16LE") selected = int(i[3]) != 0 #bool self.Items.append(("category", link, label, selected)) continue elif type == 3: #POST button/link to POST form. "Post Flipnote" uses this link = i[1] label = b64decode(i[2]).decode("UTF-16LE") self.Items.append(("post", link, label)) continue elif type == 4: #Button link = i[1] trait = int(i[2]) label = b64decode(i[3]).decode("UTF-16LE") other = i[4:] #varies #extra data file = None #== ("filename", "filedata") if trait < 100 and ExtraData: if ExtraData == "\x20": #empty pass #no files elif ExtraData[pos:pos + 4] == "PARA": #tmb file file = ExtraData[pos:pos + 0x6A0] pos += 0x6A0 if HasPPM: tmb = PPM.TMB().Read(file) name = tmb.CurrentFilename[:-4] del tmb else: name = "embedded tmb #%i" % tmbcount tmbcount += 1 if name + ".tmb" in names: j = 2 while "%s_%i.tmb" % (name, j) in names: j += 1 name = "%s_%i" % (name, j) file = (name + ".tmb", file) names.append(name + ".tmb") else: #ntft icon name = label.encode("ascii", "ignore") if not name: name = "nameless ntft %i" % ntftcount ntftcount += 1 if name + ".ntft" in names: j = 2 while "%s_%i.ntft" % (name, j) in names: j += 1 name = "%s_%i" % (name, j) file = (name + ".ntft", ExtraData[pos:pos + 2048]) names.append(name + ".ntft") pos += 2048 self.Items.append(("button", trait, label, link, other, file)) # if subtype == 3:#flipnote # tmb = PPM.TMB().Read(ExtraData[pos:pos+0x6A0]); pos += 0x6A0 # unknown1 = i[3]#empty # stars = int(i[4])#not sure # unknown2 = map(int, i[5:8])#unknown = [765, 573, 0] # self.Items.append(("flipnote", link, tmb, stars, unknown1, unknown2)) # continue # elif subtype == 100: pass # elif subtype == 101: pass # elif subtype == 102: pass # elif subtype == 104:#list item? like mails and announcements # label = b64decode(i[3]).decode("UTF-16LE") # unknown = i[4] # num = int(i[5])#only seen as 0 # # self.Items.append(("list item?", link, label, unknown, num)) # # continue # pass # elif subtype == 115:#Labeled button link(size of a flipnote thumbnail, commonly "next page") # label = b64decode(i[3]).decode("UTF-16LE") # unknown = i[4:6] # self.Items.append(("thumbnail link", link, label, unknown)) # continue # elif subtype == 117: pass continue #if not recognized: self.Items.append(("unknown", i)) print("Unknown UGO item discovered:", i) self.Loaded = True return self
from fractal import* from PPM import* from matrixImage import* dim = (600, 800) inter = 50 I = matrixImage(dim) I2PPM = PPM('fractal.ppm',dim[0],dim[1]) f = fractal(I.Matrix, inter, dim[0], dim[1], [lambda i: i*sin(i) + cos(i), lambda i: i*cos(i) + i, lambda i: cos(i) + 1 + i**5]) I2PPM.write(f)
(1 - unit_h2[h2]) * w2[h2][h1] * unit_h1[h1] * (1 - unit_h1[h1]) * unit_i[i]) w1[h1][i] -= alpha * delta return cost import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #%matplotlib inline plt_x = [] plt_y = [] # for ppm import subprocess import PPM ppm = PPM.PPM() buf_c = 0 n_ppm = 0 for n in range(n_learn): forward(train[n % 4]) c = backpropagation(teach[n % 4]) plt_x.append(n) plt_y.append(c) # for ppm buf_c = c - buf_c if ppm.buffering2((c, buf_c), n): ppm.executor(ppm.new_image(), "output/output_" + str(n_ppm)) n_ppm += 1 if n_ppm % 20 == 0:
if __name__ == "__main__": import time import PPM import pigpio pi = pigpio.pi() if not pi.connected: exit(0) pi.wave_tx_stop() # Start with a clean slate. ppm = PPM.X(pi, 4, frame_ms=20) updates = 0 start = time.time() for chan in range(8): for pw in range(1000, 2000, 5): ppm.update_channel(chan, pw) updates += 1 end = time.time() secs = end - start print("{} updates in {:.1f} seconds ({}/s)".format(updates, secs, int(updates / secs))) ppm.update_channels([1000, 2000, 1000, 2000, 1000, 2000, 1000, 2000]) time.sleep(2)
def __init__(self, useQuack=False): self.logger = logging.getLogger('xboxrc') self.devicesAvailable = False self.useQuack = useQuack self.shouldExit = False if not self.detectXboxDevices(): return self.devicesAvailable = True # These constants were borrowed from linux/input.h self.axis_names = { 0x00 : 'lx', 0x01 : 'ly', 0x02 : 'lz', 0x03 : 'rx', 0x04 : 'ry', 0x05 : 'rz', 0x06 : 'trottle', 0x07 : 'rudder', 0x08 : 'wheel', 0x09 : 'gas', 0x0a : 'brake', 0x10 : 'hat0x', 0x11 : 'hat0y', 0x12 : 'hat1x', 0x13 : 'hat1y', 0x14 : 'hat2x', 0x15 : 'hat2y', 0x16 : 'hat3x', 0x17 : 'hat3y', 0x18 : 'pressure', 0x19 : 'distance', 0x1a : 'tiltX', 0x1b : 'tiltY', 0x1c : 'toolWidth', 0x20 : 'volume', 0x28 : 'misc' } self.button_names = { 0x120 : 'trigger', 0x121 : 'thumb', 0x122 : 'thumb2', 0x123 : 'top', 0x124 : 'top2', 0x125 : 'pinkie', 0x126 : 'base', 0x127 : 'base2', 0x128 : 'base3', 0x129 : 'base4', 0x12a : 'base5', 0x12b : 'base6', 0x12f : 'dead', 0x130 : 'a', 0x131 : 'b', 0x132 : 'c', 0x133 : 'x', 0x134 : 'y', 0x135 : 'z', 0x136 : 'tl', 0x137 : 'tr', 0x138 : 'tl2', 0x139 : 'tr2', 0x13a : 'select', 0x13b : 'start', 0x13c : 'mode', 0x13d : 'thumbl', 0x13e : 'thumbr', 0x220 : 'dpad_up', 0x221 : 'dpad_down', 0x222 : 'dpad_left', 0x223 : 'dpad_right', 0x2c0 : 'dpad_left', 0x2c1 : 'dpad_right', 0x2c2 : 'dpad_up', 0x2c3 : 'dpad_down' } self.modes = { "manual" : 1000, "altitude" : 1300, "position" : 1600, "auto" : 2000 } self.submodes = { "idle" : 1000, "launch" : 1200, "path" : 1400, "land" : 1600, "return" : 1800, "failsafe" : 2000 } self.axis_states = {} self.button_states = {} self.axis_map = [] self.button_map = [] self.eventStates = { (xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventType.axis,0), xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField.lx: (xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventType.axis,0), xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField.ry: (xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventType.axis,1000), xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField.rx: (xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventType.axis,1000)} self.mode = self.modes["manual"] self.submode = self.submodes["idle"] self.channels = [1500,1500,1500,1500,self.mode,self.submode,0,0] # throttle, yaw, pitch, roll, mode, submode, 0, 0 # open the serial device self.openXboxDevice() self.ppm = PPM(18) self.ppm.start() # starts a separate thread # spawn the read thread self.thread = threading.Thread(name='xpad', target=self.readXboxDevice) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() #self.printEventStates() self.printChannels(0.5)
class XboxRC(): def __init__(self, useQuack=False): self.logger = logging.getLogger('xboxrc') self.devicesAvailable = False self.useQuack = useQuack self.shouldExit = False if not self.detectXboxDevices(): return self.devicesAvailable = True # These constants were borrowed from linux/input.h self.axis_names = { 0x00 : 'lx', 0x01 : 'ly', 0x02 : 'lz', 0x03 : 'rx', 0x04 : 'ry', 0x05 : 'rz', 0x06 : 'trottle', 0x07 : 'rudder', 0x08 : 'wheel', 0x09 : 'gas', 0x0a : 'brake', 0x10 : 'hat0x', 0x11 : 'hat0y', 0x12 : 'hat1x', 0x13 : 'hat1y', 0x14 : 'hat2x', 0x15 : 'hat2y', 0x16 : 'hat3x', 0x17 : 'hat3y', 0x18 : 'pressure', 0x19 : 'distance', 0x1a : 'tiltX', 0x1b : 'tiltY', 0x1c : 'toolWidth', 0x20 : 'volume', 0x28 : 'misc' } self.button_names = { 0x120 : 'trigger', 0x121 : 'thumb', 0x122 : 'thumb2', 0x123 : 'top', 0x124 : 'top2', 0x125 : 'pinkie', 0x126 : 'base', 0x127 : 'base2', 0x128 : 'base3', 0x129 : 'base4', 0x12a : 'base5', 0x12b : 'base6', 0x12f : 'dead', 0x130 : 'a', 0x131 : 'b', 0x132 : 'c', 0x133 : 'x', 0x134 : 'y', 0x135 : 'z', 0x136 : 'tl', 0x137 : 'tr', 0x138 : 'tl2', 0x139 : 'tr2', 0x13a : 'select', 0x13b : 'start', 0x13c : 'mode', 0x13d : 'thumbl', 0x13e : 'thumbr', 0x220 : 'dpad_up', 0x221 : 'dpad_down', 0x222 : 'dpad_left', 0x223 : 'dpad_right', 0x2c0 : 'dpad_left', 0x2c1 : 'dpad_right', 0x2c2 : 'dpad_up', 0x2c3 : 'dpad_down' } self.modes = { "manual" : 1000, "altitude" : 1300, "position" : 1600, "auto" : 2000 } self.submodes = { "idle" : 1000, "launch" : 1200, "path" : 1400, "land" : 1600, "return" : 1800, "failsafe" : 2000 } self.axis_states = {} self.button_states = {} self.axis_map = [] self.button_map = [] self.eventStates = { (xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventType.axis,0), xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField.lx: (xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventType.axis,0), xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField.ry: (xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventType.axis,1000), xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField.rx: (xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventType.axis,1000)} self.mode = self.modes["manual"] self.submode = self.submodes["idle"] self.channels = [1500,1500,1500,1500,self.mode,self.submode,0,0] # throttle, yaw, pitch, roll, mode, submode, 0, 0 # open the serial device self.openXboxDevice() self.ppm = PPM(18) self.ppm.start() # starts a separate thread # spawn the read thread self.thread = threading.Thread(name='xpad', target=self.readXboxDevice) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() #self.printEventStates() self.printChannels(0.5) def detectXboxDevices(self): # Iterate over the joystick devices. numDevices = 0 try: for fn in os.listdir('/dev/input'): if fn.startswith('js'): numDevices = numDevices + 1 except: pass"Searching for devices: Found {} devices".format(numDevices)) return numDevices def openXboxDevice(self): if not self.devicesAvailable: return # Open the joystick device. fn = '/dev/input/js0'"Opening device: {}...".format(fn)) self.jsdev = open(fn, 'rb') # Get the device name. buf = array.array('c', ['\0'] * 64) ioctl(self.jsdev, 0x80006a13 + (0x10000 * len(buf)), buf) # JSIOCGNAME(len) js_name = buf.tostring()'Device name: {}'.format(js_name)) # Get number of axes and buttons. buf = array.array('B', [0]) ioctl(self.jsdev, 0x80016a11, buf) # JSIOCGAXES num_axes = buf[0] buf = array.array('B', [0]) ioctl(self.jsdev, 0x80016a12, buf) # JSIOCGBUTTONS num_buttons = buf[0] # Get the axis map. buf = array.array('B', [0] * 0x40) ioctl(self.jsdev, 0x80406a32, buf) # JSIOCGAXMAP for axis in buf[:num_axes]: axis_name = self.axis_names.get(axis, 'unknown(0x%02x)' % axis) self.axis_map.append(axis_name) self.axis_states[axis_name] = 0.0 # Get the button map. buf = array.array('H', [0] * 200) ioctl(self.jsdev, 0x80406a34, buf) # JSIOCGBTNMAP for btn in buf[:num_buttons]: btn_name = self.button_names.get(btn, 'unknown(0x%03x)' % btn) self.button_map.append(btn_name) self.button_states[btn_name] = 0"{} axes found: {}".format(num_axes, ",".join(self.axis_map)))"{} buttons found: {}".format(num_buttons, ",".join(self.button_map))) def detectXboxDevices(self): # Iterate over the joystick devices. numDevices = 0 try: for fn in os.listdir('/dev/input'): if fn.startswith('js'): numDevices = numDevices + 1 except: pass"Searching for devices: Found {} devices".format(numDevices)) return numDevices def readXboxDevice(self): if not self.devicesAvailable: return # Main event loop while True: if self.shouldExit: break eventType = xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventType.none eventField = xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField.none eventValue = 0.0 evbuf = if evbuf: time, value, type, number = struct.unpack('IhBB', evbuf) #if type & 0x80: #"(initial)"), if type & 0x01: eventType = xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventType.button eventValue = value button = self.button_map[number] if button == 'dpad_up': button = 'dpadUp' elif button == 'dpad_down': button = 'dpadDown' elif button == 'dpad_left': button = 'dpadLeft' elif button == 'dpad_right': button = 'dpadRight' eventField = eval("xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField."+button) #if button: # self.button_states[button] = value # if value: #"{} pressed".format(button)) # else: #"{} released".format(button)) if type & 0x02: eventType = xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventType.axis eventValue = value axis = self.axis_map[number] eventField = eval("xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField."+axis) #if axis: # fvalue = value / 32767.0 # self.axis_states[axis] = fvalue #"{}: {:.3f}".format(axis, fvalue)) # update master dict of current event state values self.eventStates[eventField] = (eventType, eventValue) # feed the mode and submode fsm's self.updateModes(eventField, eventValue) self.logger.debug("Type: {} Field: {} Value: {}".format(eventType, eventField, eventValue)) # run the channels updater on every value self.updateChannels() if self.useQuack: self.sendEvent(eventType, eventField, eventValue) def updateChannels(self): def convertInt(val): return ((val / 32768.0) * 500) + 1500 def convertBool(val): return (val * 500) + 1500 # throttle self.channels[0] = convertInt(self.eventStates[][1]) # yaw self.channels[1] = convertInt(self.eventStates[xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField.lx][1]) # pitch self.channels[2] = convertInt(self.eventStates[xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField.ry][1]) # roll self.channels[3] = convertInt(self.eventStates[xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField.rx][1]) # mode self.channels[4] = self.mode # submode self.channels[5] = self.submode # update ppm class with the new values self.ppm.update_channels(self.channels) return True def updateModes(self, button, value): if value == 0: return # only care about press events, not release events # modes if button == xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField.hat0y and value < 0: # up self.mode = self.modes["manual"] elif button == xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField.hat0x and value > 0: # right self.mode = self.modes["altitude"] elif button == xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField.hat0y and value > 0: # down self.mode = self.modes["position"] elif button == xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField.hat0x and value < 0: # left self.mode = self.modes["auto"] # submodes elif button == self.submode = self.submodes["return"] elif button == self.submode = self.submodes["failsafe"] elif button == xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField.x: self.submode = self.submodes["launch"] elif button == xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField.y: self.submode = self.submodes["land"] elif button == xboxrc_capnp.Xbox.EventField.a: self.submode = self.submodes["path"] # def printEventStates(self): # for key,val in self.eventStates.iteritems(): #"Field {} Type {} Value {}".format(key,val[0],val[1])) # self.printEventStatesTimer = Timer(1,self.printEventStates) # self.printEventStatesTimer.start() def printChannels(self, delay_s): if self.updateChannels(): s = "CH: " for i,ch in enumerate(self.channels): s += str(i) + ":" + str(ch) + " " self.printChannelsTimer = Timer(delay_s,self.printChannels,args=(delay_s,)) self.printChannelsTimer.start() def signal_handler(self, signal, frame):"Shutting down...") self.ppm.stop() self.shouldExit = True try: self.printChannelsTimer.cancel() except: pass time.sleep(1) # try: self.printEventStatesTimer.cancel() # except: pass"Done") sys.exit(0)
def buzzFailure(): GPIO.output(BUZZER, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(2) GPIO.output(BUZZER, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(1) pi = pigpio.pi() if not pi.connected: print("error") exit(0) pi.wave_tx_stop() # Start with a clean slate. ppm = PPM.X(pi, 6, frame_ms=27) # GPIO 6 for PPM class flightBehavior: GPS_COORDINATES = 1 HOVER = 2 NAVIGATE_TO_DESTINATION = 3 GIVE_SAMPLE = 4 RETURN_TO_HOME = 5 # important function to send signals to Arduino def signalParameters(throttle, yaw, pitch, roll, ARM, FAILSAFE, ANGLE_MODE, ALTHOLD): print("throttle = ", throttle) print("yaw = ", yaw)