def __init__(self, configs,*args, **kwargs): Renderer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) #document title self.configs = configs self.doc_title = configs['title'] self.image_extension = configs['images_ext'] # Load dictionary with methods for key in dir(self): if key.startswith('do__'): self[self.aliases[key[4:]]] = getattr(self, key) elif key.startswith('do_'): self[key[3:]] = getattr(self, key) self['default-layout'] = self['document-layout'] = self.default self.footnotes = [] self.blocks = [] #tree object self.tree = PageTree(self.doc_title, configs['output_path'],configs) #parameter for list formatting self.list_level=u'' #parameter for theorem handling self.in_theorem=False ####### TAGS ANALYSY #dictionary for tag usage self.used_tags = {}
class MediaWikiRenderer (Renderer): outputType = unicode fileExtension = '.mw' aliases = { 'superscript': 'active::^', 'subscript': 'active::_', 'dollar': '$', 'percent': '%', 'opencurly': '{', 'closecurly': '}', 'underscore': '_', 'ampersand': '&', 'hashmark': '#', 'space': ' ', 'tilde': 'active::~', 'at': '@', 'backslash': '\\', #math starred commmands 'equation_star':'equation*', 'eqnarray_star':'eqnarray*', 'align_star':'align*', 'alignat_star':'alignat*', 'multline_star':'multline*', 'gather_star':'gather*', 'paragraph_star':'paragraph*' } '''List of nodes not to explore''' no_enter = ['titlepage','tableofcontents','pagestyle','maketitle', 'numberwithin','geometry',"index","pspicture"] ############################################################## #initialization def __init__(self, configs,*args, **kwargs): Renderer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) #document title self.configs = configs self.doc_title = configs['title'] self.image_extension = configs['images_ext'] # Load dictionary with methods for key in dir(self): if key.startswith('do__'): self[self.aliases[key[4:]]] = getattr(self, key) elif key.startswith('do_'): self[key[3:]] = getattr(self, key) self['default-layout'] = self['document-layout'] = self.default self.footnotes = [] self.blocks = [] #tree object self.tree = PageTree(self.doc_title, configs['output_path'],configs) #parameter for list formatting self.list_level=u'' #parameter for theorem handling self.in_theorem=False ####### TAGS ANALYSY #dictionary for tag usage self.used_tags = {} '''function that register user defined theorem to the theorem function. Moreover it register a dictionary for theorem numbering''' def init_theorems(self, th_dict): self.th_dict= th_dict self.th_numb={} for key in th_dict: #adding key in theorem numbering dict self.th_numb[key]=0 '''Function that save a tikz sources dictionary {tikz1:'source',...} for rendering in do_tikzpicture and do_tikz''' def init_tikz_images(self,tikz_dict,tikzcom_dict): self.tikz_images = tikz_dict self.tikzcom_images = tikzcom_dict ##################################### #Utils for debug def used_tag(self,tag): if tag in self.used_tags: self.used_tags[tag]+=1 else: self.used_tags[tag]=1 ################################### #defaul tags def default(self, node): if node.nodeName in self.no_enter: self.used_tag('NO-ENTER@'+ node.nodeName) return u'' self.used_tag('DEFAULT@'+ node.nodeName) #return content return unicode(node).lstrip() def do_textDefault(self, node): self.used_tag('TEXT-DEFAULT') text = unicode(node).lstrip() return text ############################### #sectioning def sectioning(self, node,page_type): title = unicode(node.attributes['title']) #remove the \n insiede title title = re.sub('\\n*','',title) #fixing wrong symbolds title = title.replace(u'’',u"'") title = title.replace(u'`',u"'") #adding index to parent self.tree.addToSubpageIndex(title) #creation of the new page self.tree.createPage(title,page_type) #content processing text = unicode(node).lstrip() #adding text to current page self.tree.addText(text) #exiting the section self.tree.exitPage() def do_part (self,node): self.used_tag('PART') self.sectioning(node,'part') return u'' def do_chapter (self,node): self.used_tag('CHAPTER') self.sectioning(node,'chapter') return u'' def do_section(self,node): self.used_tag('SECTION') self.sectioning(node,'section') return u'' def do_subsection(self,node): self.used_tag('SUBSECTION') self.sectioning(node,'subsection') return u'' def do_subsubsection(self,node): self.used_tag('SUBSUBSECTION') self.sectioning(node,'subsubsection') return u'' def do_paragraph(self,node): self.used_tag('PARAGRAPH') self.sectioning(node,'paragraph') return u'' do__paragraph_star = do_paragraph ################################################# #subparagraph are not node of the section tree def do_subparagraph(self,node): self.used_tag('SUBPARAGRAPH') s =[] s.append('\n\'\'\'') s.append(unicode(node.attributes['title'])) s.append('\'\'\'\'') s.append(unicode(node).lstrip()) return u''.join(s) '''Enter point for parsing. Root page is already created''' def do_document(self,node): self.used_tag('DOCUMENT') content = unicode(node).lstrip() self.tree.addText(content) return u'%s' % content ############################################### #references ''' Method that insert label into PageTree''' def label(self,label): self.used_tag('LABEL') #the reference to the current page is saved if self.in_theorem: self.tree.addLabel_insideTheorem(label) else: self.tree.addLabel(label) def labels(self,lbls): for l in lbls: self.label(l) ''' Labels are managed bey PageTree''' def do_label(self,node): #retriving label id l = node.attributes['label'] #saving label self.label(l) return u'' '''All ref tag are substituted by normal ref tag. It'll be reparsed after text collapsing''' def do_ref(self,node): self.used_tag('REF') r = node.attributes['label'] return unicode('\\ref{'+r+'} ') do_pageref = do_ref do_vref = do_ref do_eqref = do_ref ################################################ #Formatting '''Paragraph''' def do_par(self, node): self.used_tag('PAR') s = [] s.append(u'\n\n') s.append(unicode(node).lstrip()) return u''.join(s) '''Breaks line inside a paragraph''' def do_newline(self,node): self.used_tag('NEWLINE') return u'\n' do__backslash = do_newline do_linebreak = do_newline def do_newpage(self,node): self.used_tag('NEWPAGE') s = [] s.append(u'') s.append(unicode(node).lstrip()) return u''.join(s) def do_textbf(self,node): self.used_tag('TEXTBF') s=[] s.append(u"\'\'\'") s.append(unicode(node).lstrip()) s.append(u"\'\'\'") return u''.join(s) def do_textit(self,node): self.used_tag('TEXTIT') s=[] s.append(u"\'\'") s.append(unicode(node).lstrip()) s.append(u"\'\'") return u''.join(s) def do_textsc(self,node): self.used_tag('TEXTSC') return unicode(node).lstrip().upper() do_emph = do_textit do_itshape = do_textit do_textsl = do_textit do_slshape = do_textit def do_itemize(self,node): self.used_tag('ITEMIZE') s = [] self.list_level+=u'*' for item in node.childNodes: t=unicode(item).lstrip() s.append(self.list_level+t) self.list_level = self.list_level[:-1] return u'\n'.join(s) def do_enumerate(self,node): self.used_tag('ENUMERATE') s = [] self.list_level+=u'#' for item in node.childNodes: t=unicode(item).lstrip() s.append(self.list_level+t) self.list_level = self.list_level[:-1] return u'\n'.join(s) def do_description(self,node): self.used_tag('DESCRIPTION') s = [] for item in node.childNodes: t=unicode(item).lstrip() s.append(u';'+ str(item.attributes['term'])+":" +t) return u'\n'.join(s) def do__tilde(self,node): return unicode(node) def do__dollar(self,node): return u'$' def do__percent(self,node): return u'%' def do__opencurly(self,node): return u'{' def do__closecurly(self,node): return u'}' def do__hashmark(self,node): return u'#' def do__underscore(self,node): return u'_' def do__ampersand(self,node): return u'&' def do_quotation(self, node): self.used_tag('QUOTATION') s = [] s.append(u'<blockquote>') s.append(unicode(node).lstrip()) s.append(u'</blockquote>') return u''.join(s) do_quote=do_quotation do_verse=do_quotation def do_href(self,node): return unicode(node.attributes['url']) def do_centering(self, node): self.used_tag('CENTERING') s = [] s.append(u'<div style="text-align:center;">') s.append(unicode(node).lstrip()) s.append(u'</div>') return u''.join(s) do_center = do_centering def do_flushright(self, node): self.used_tag('FLUSHRIGHT') s = [] s.append(u'<div style="text-align:right;">') s.append(unicode(node).lstrip()) s.append(u'</div>') return u''.join(s) def do_flushleft(self, node): self.used_tag('FLUSHLEFT') return unicode(node).lstrip() def do_footnote(self,node): self.used_tag('FOOTNOTE') s=[] s.append(u"<ref>") s.append(unicode(node).lstrip()) s.append(u"</ref>") return u''.join(s) def do_hrulefill(self,node): self.used_tag('HRULEFILL') return u'----' do_rule=do_hrulefill def do_vspace(self,node): return u'' def do_textrm(self, node): self.used_tag('TEXTRM') return unicode(node) def do_small(self, node): self.used_tag('SMALL') s = [] s.append(u'<small>') s.append(unicode(node).lstrip()) s.append(u'</small>') return u''.join(s) do_tiny=do_small do_scriptsize=do_small def do_underline(self, node): self.used_tag('UNDERLINE') s = [] s.append(u'<u>') s.append(unicode(node).lstrip()) s.append(u'</u>') return u''.join(s) do_underbar=do_underline do_uline = do_underline def do_texttt(self,node): self.used_tag('TEXTTT') s=[] s.append(u"<code>") s.append(unicode(node).lstrip()) s.append(u"</code>") return u''.join(s) def do_verbatim(self,node): self.used_tag('VERBATIM') s=[] s.append(u' <nowiki>') source = node.source source = source.replace("\\begin{verbatim}", "") source = source.replace("\\end{verbatim}", "") for line in source.split('\n'): s.append(" %s" % line) s.append(u' </nowiki>\n') return u'\n'.join(s) ########################################## #Figures and Tikz '''The figure environment is handled with regexs. ''' def do_figure(self,node): self.used_tag('FIGURE') file_path='' caption = '' label='' #searchin includegraphics graphics_search ='\\includegraphics\s*(\[.*?\])*\s*{(.*?)}', node.source) if graphics_search: file_path ='/').pop() #file_path+='.'+ self.configs['image_extension'] #searching label label_search ='\\label{(.*?)}',node.source) if label_search: label = #searching caption caption = get_content_greedy(node.source, '\\caption') #creating figure f = Figure(label,caption,file_path) #adding figure to tree self.tree.addFigure(f) #adding label if label: self.label(label) #return warning text for figure if caption != '': return unicode('[[File:'+file_path+']]\n') else: return unicode('[[File:'+file_path+']]\n') do_wrapfigure = do_figure def do_tikz(self,node): if not hasattr(self,'picture_nrcom'): self.picture_nrcom = 1 else: self.picture_nrcom += 1 file_out = open('./tikzcom'+ str(self.picture_nrcom) + '.svg','w+') file_out.write(tikz2svg.tikz2svg(self.tikzcom_images['tikz'+ str(self.picture_nrcom)])) file_out.close() return u'[[File:tikzcom' + unicode(self.picture_nrcom) + u'.svg]]' def do_tikzpicture(self,node, label=''): if not hasattr(self,'picture_nr'): self.picture_nr = 1 else: self.picture_nr += 1 if label=='': label = 'tikz '+ str(self.picture_nr) + '.svg' file_out = open(label + '.svg','w+') file_out.write(tikz2svg.tikz2svg(self.tikz_images['tikz'+ str(self.picture_nr)])) file_out.close() return u'[[File:'+ label +']]' ##########################################################à #Tables '''The Table environment is handled with regex''' def do_table(self,node): self.used_tag('TABLE') caption = '' label = '' #searching label label_search ='\\label{(.*?)}',node.source) if label_search: label = #searching caption caption = get_content_greedy(node.source, '\\caption') #creating table t = Table(label,caption) #adding table to the tree self.tree.addTable(t) #adding label if label: self.label(label) #elaborating child nodes (tabular) return unicode(node) '''Counter for orphan (outside table) tabular''' tabular_counter = 0 '''Tabular environment should be inside a table environment. If not, the table is marks''' def do_tabular(self,node): self.tabular_counter+=1 self.used_tag('TABULAR') label = 'table'+str(self.tabular_counter) #creating table t = Table(label,label) #adding table to the tree self.tree.addTable(t) tablestring = '' # Iterate through all rows in the table for rownum, row in enumerate(node): if rownum != 0: tablestring += '|-\n' # Iterate through all cells in the row for cellnum, cell in enumerate(row): colspan = cell.attributes.get('colspan', 1) # Print the text and align align =['text-align'] if align != "left": tablestring += '|align\"' +['text-align'] + \ '\" | ' + cell.textContent.strip() + '\n' else: tablestring += '|' + cell.textContent.strip() + '\n' return unicode('{|class=\"table-bordered wikitable\"\n'+tablestring+'|}') ################################################### #Math tags '''Handles math inside a displaymath mode: -it removes $$ and \[ \]. -it remove \begin and \end so it has to be used only for \begin{equation} and \begin{displaymath}. Other \begin{math_environment} that are not inside a displaymath have to be handled by specific methods''' def handleDisplayMath(self, node, env='equation'): self.used_tag('DISPLAY_MATH@'+env ) s = node.source #get content of environment or display math tags content = get_environment_content(s,env)[0] if content: s = content else: '''if there is no environment we have remove the $$..$$ or \[..\]''' content2 = get_content_display_math(s) if content2: s = content2 #check math content s = math_check(s, env) #search label labels, s = get_labels(s) if labels: #adding label to tree self.labels(labels) return '<dmath>' + s + '</dmath>' #displaymath is converted to \[..\] do_displaymath = handleDisplayMath do_equation = handleDisplayMath def do_subequations(self,node): return self.handleDisplayMath(node,'subequations') def do__equation_star(self,node): return self.handleDisplayMath(node,'equation\\*') '''Handles inline math ( $..$ \( \) ) ''' def do_math(self, node): self.used_tag('MATH') s = node.source #get content content = get_content_inline_math(s) if content: s = content #check math content s = math_check(s) #search label labels, s = get_labels(s) if labels: #adding label to tree self.labels(labels) return '<math>'+s+'</math>' '''Check math inside macros''' def do_ensuremath(self,node): self.used_tag('ENSURE_MATH') s = node.source #removing \ensuremath{} s = remove_command_greedy(s,'\\ensuremath',False) #check math content s = math_check(s) return '<math>'+ s +'</math>' '''Support for align type tags. They are outside math modes an supported directly''' def do_align(self, node): self.used_tag('MATH_ALIGN') s = node.source #replace eqnarray,multline,alignat with align s = s.replace('alignat',u'align') s = s.replace('eqnarray',u'align') s = s.replace('multline',u'align') s = s.replace('align*',u'align') s = s.replace('alignat*',u'align') s = s.replace('eqnarray*',u'align') s = s.replace('multline*',u'align') #get content of environment content = get_environment_content(s,'align')[0] if content: s = content #check math content s = math_check(s) #search label labels,s = get_labels(s) s_tag='<dmath type="align">' if labels: #adding label to tree self.labels(labels) s_tag = '<dmath type="align">' return s_tag + s + '</dmath>' do_eqnarray = do_align do_multline = do_align do_alignat = do_align #using aliases do__align_star = do_align do__alignat_star = do_align do__eqnarray_star = do_align do__multline_star = do_align ''' Support for gather alignment style ''' def do_gather(self, node, env='gather'): self.used_tag("MATH_GATHER") s = node.source #get content content = get_environment_content(s,env)[0] if content: s = content result = [] #splitting every new line in gather #creating separated dmath tag eqs = s.split('\\\\') for eq in eqs: #check math eq = math_check(eq) #getting label labels,s = get_labels(eq) if labels: self.labels(labels) result.append('<dmath>'+ eq+'</dmath>') return u'\n'.join(result) def do__gather_star(self,node): return self.do_gather(node, env='gather\*') ############################################### #Theorems handling '''Methods that handles theorems defined in the .thms config file. It extracts name and create a indexable title (====)''' def do_theorem(self,node): self.used_tag("THEOREM") self.in_theorem= True #reading id th_id = node.attributes['th_id'] #reading title th_title = '' #reading name form thms dict th_name = self.th_dict[th_id] #update theorem numbering if not th_id.endswith('*'): num = self.th_numb[th_id]+1 self.th_numb[th_id] = num #adding numb to name if node.attributes['th_title']!=None: th_title = node.attributes['th_title'].strip() th_title = str(num)+ " - "+ th_title else: th_title = str(num) #add theorem to PageTree self.tree.addTheorem(th_name +" " + th_title) s =[] if th_name.lower() == 'teorema': #adding content to page through a template s.append("{{Teorema|titolo=" + \ th_title+"|") elif th_name.lower() == 'definizione': s.append("{{Definizione|titolo=" + \ th_title+"|") elif th_name.lower() == 'titolo': s.append("{{Lemma|title=" + \ th_title+"|") elif th_name.lower() == 'corollario': s.append("{{Corollario|titolo=" + \ th_title+"|") elif th_name.lower()[:-2] == 'eserciz': s.append("{{Esercizio|titolo=" + \ th_title+"|") elif th_name.lower()[:-1] == 'osservazion': s.append("{{Osservazione|titolo=" + \ th_title+"|") elif th_name.lower()[:-2] == 'esemp': s.append("{{Esempio|titolo=" + \ th_title+"|") elif th_name.lower() == 'dimostrazione': s.append("{{Dimostrazione|titolo=" + \ th_title+"|") #elaborating childnodes s.append(unicode(node).lstrip()+'\n') #closing template s.append("}}") #exiting theorem env self.in_theorem=False return u'\n'.join(s) def do_proof(self,node): self.used_tag('PROOF') proof_name = '' if node.attributes['proof_name']!=None: proof_name = node.attributes['proof_name'] s=[] s.append("{{Dimostrazione") if proof_name!="": s.append(" ("+proof_name+")") s.append("|") s.append(unicode(node).lstrip()) s.append('}}\n') return u''.join(s) #################################################### #Code Environments def do_lstdefinestyle(self,node): if not hasattr(self, 'style_lang'): self.style_lang = dict([]) name = unicode(node.attributes['name'].source) args = unicode(node.attributes['args'].source) a = [] for i in args.split(','): a.append(i+'= ') argsdict = {arg.split('=')[0].strip(): arg.split('=')[1] for arg in (a)} if 'language' in argsdict: self.style_lang[name] = argsdict['language'] else: self.style_lang[name] = 'Not specified in style' return u'' def do_lstset(self,node): args = unicode(node.attributes['args']) a = [] for i in args.split(','): a.append(i+'= ') argsdict = {arg.split('=')[0].strip(): arg.split('=')[1] for arg in (a)} if 'language' in argsdict: self.lst_lang = argsdict['language'] elif 'style' in argsdict: self.lst_lang = self.style_lang[argsdict['style']] else: self.lst_lang = 'Not specified' return u'' def do_lstlisting(self,node): self.used_tag('LSTLISTING') s=[] source = node.source s.append('<source lang="'+self.lst_lang+'">') #ignore formatting from \lstlisting if source.find('}')+1==source.find('['): ind1 = source.find(']') else: ind1 = source.find('}') ind2 = source.rfind('\\') s.append(source[ind1+1:ind2]) s.append('</source>\n') return u'\n'.join(s) def do_minted(self,node): self.used_tag('MINTED') s=[] source = node.source lang = source[source.find('}'):] lang = lang[lang.find('{')+1:] #ignore formatting from \minted source = lang[lang.find('}')+1:] lang = lang[:lang.find('}')] self.minted_lang = lang s.append('<source lang="'+self.minted_lang+'">') ind2 = source.rfind('\\') s.append(source[:ind2]) s.append('</source>\n') return u'\n'.join(s)