Exemple #1
tu = FreeCAD.Units.parseQuantity

def mm(value):
    return tu('{} mm'.format(value))

# unit mm may not be worth it here...?
rs = mm(1.9)
thicken = -(rs / mm(15))  # ~shell thickness

# defer to scale during fitting / fillet elsewhere for now...  :(
m = App.Matrix()
# create a parabola with the symmetry axis (0,0,1)
parabola = Part.Parabola()

# get only the right part of the curve
edge = parabola.toShape(0, rs)

# add a line to the parabola to get a closed revolution body
pt = parabola.value(rs)
line = Part.makeLine(pt, App.Vector(0, 0, pt.z))
wire = Part.Wire([edge, line])
shell = wire.revolve(App.Vector(0, 0, 0), App.Vector(0, 0, 1), 360)

# make a solid
solid = Part.Solid(shell)

# apply a thickness, solid.Faces[1] is the plane that gets removed therefore