Exemple #1
    def testShotHit(shot):
        x, y, z = shot.pos.Pos()
        lx, ly, lz = shot.lpos.Pos()
        sp = Vex(x, y)
        lsp = Vex(lx, ly)
        dmg = shot.damage / 100.0
        for p in Planets.pl:
            d = p.pos.dist2D(sp)
            if d < p.atmos:
                shln = Line(lsp - p.pos, sp - p.pos)
                for lines2 in p.edges:
                    if lines2[1] != 1:
                        lines = Line(p.surfPoints[lines2[0][0]], p.surfPoints[lines2[0][1]])
                        li = shln.find_intersection(lines)
                        if li:
                            minR = 5
                            ParticleEngine.Emitter(li + p.pos, shot.angle_rad, 2)
                            if lines.seg[0].length() > p.rad - minR:
                                a1 = math.atan2(lines.seg[0].Y(), lines.seg[0].X())
                                d1 = ZERO.dist2D(lines.seg[0]) - dmg
                                lines.seg[0].set2D(math.cos(a1) * d1, math.sin(a1) * d1)

                            if lines.seg[1].length() > p.rad - minR:
                                a2 = math.atan2(lines.seg[1].Y(), lines.seg[1].X())
                                d2 = ZERO.dist2D(lines.seg[1]) - dmg
                                lines.seg[1].set2D(math.cos(a2) * d2, math.sin(a2) * d2)
                            return True
            if d <= p.coreRad:
                ParticleEngine.Emitter(Vex(x, y), shot.angle_rad, 2)
                p.corHealth -= dmg * 10
                if p.corHealth <= 0:
                    # do explody stuff
                return True
        return False
Exemple #2
    def testRadiusCollision(ent, cp, np, rad):
        ent.inatmosphere = False
        for p in Planets.pl:
            d = (cp + np).dist2D(p.pos)
            if d <= p.atmos:
                edit = False
                if d > p.coreRad - 6:
                    ent.inatmosphere = True
                    v = (cp + np)
                    out = Vex(0, 0)
                    delta = v - p.pos  # new position relative to planet position
                    delta0 = cp - p.pos

                    for lines2 in p.edges:
                        lines = (Line(p.surfPoints[lines2[0][0]], p.surfPoints[lines2[0][1]]), lines2[1])
                        if lines[1] == 0 or (lines[1] == 1 and ent.inship):
                            ds = lines[0].ClosestPointOnLine(delta0)
                            cpol = delta.dist2D(ds)
                            if cpol <= rad:
                                # print (lines[0])
                                a = -(lines[0].angle()) + math.pi
                                v = Vex(math.sin(a) * rad, math.cos(a) * rad) + ds + p.pos
                                ParticleEngine.Emitter(v, a, 3)
                                ParticleEngine.Emitter(ds + p.pos, a, 2)
                                edit = True
                    if not edit:
                        for segs in p.entryPs:
                            ln = []
                            ln += [Line(p.surfPoints[segs[0]], p.sancPoints[segs[0]])]
                            ln += [Line(p.sancPoints[segs[1]], p.surfPoints[segs[1]])]
                            for i in range(0, 2):
                                lines = ln[i]
                                ds = lines.ClosestPointOnLine(delta)
                                cpol = delta.dist2D(ds)
                                if cpol <= rad:
                                    a = -(lines.angle()) + math.pi
                                    v = Vex(math.sin(a) * rad, math.cos(a) * rad) + ds + p.pos
                                    ParticleEngine.Emitter(ds + p.pos, a, 2)
                                    edit = True
                # if d < p.rad:
                #     if not edit:
                #         for lines2 in p.edges:
                #             lines = (Line(p.sancPoints[lines2[0][1]], p.sancPoints[lines2[0][0]]), lines2[1])
                #             if lines[1] == 0 or (lines[1] == 1 and ent.inship):
                #                 ds = lines[0].ClosestPointOnLine(delta)
                #                 cpol = delta.dist2D(ds)
                #                 if cpol <= rad:
                #                     a = -(lines[0].angle()) + math.pi
                #                     v = Vex(math.sin(a) * rad, math.cos(a) * rad) + ds + p.pos
                #                     ParticleEngine.Emitter(ds + p.pos, a, 2)
                #                     out.assign(v)
                #                     edit = True

                if edit:
                    return out
        return None
Exemple #3
 def testShotHit(shot):
     x,y,z = shot.pos.Pos()
 #def testShotHit(x, y, z, dmg, ant):
     out = False
     for self in reversed(Mind.Minds):
         v = Vex(x, y, z)
         if v.dist2D(self.pos)<=2:
             tdmg = 0
             if not self.inship:
                 tdmg = int(shot.damage - self.creature.stats.getDEX()*(self.creature.stats.doLUK()*10))
                 tdmg = int(shot.damage - self.ship.stats.getDEX()*(self.ship.stats.doLUK()*10))
             out = True
             if tdmg>0:
                 DrawINFO.DrawINFO(x, y, z, tdmg, Color.RED)
                 ParticleEngine.Emitter(Vex(x, y, z), shot.angle_rad, 0)
                 if shot.source.isAlive():
                     if shot.source not in self.target:
                 DrawINFO.DrawINFO(x, y, z, "MISS", Color.ORANGE)
             if self.inship:
                 if self.ship.stats.isDead():
                     if shot.source.ship.stats.updateXP(random.randint(self.ship.stats.getLVL(),2*self.ship.stats.getLVL() )):
                         DrawINFO.DrawINFO(x, y, z, "LEVEL UP", Color.RED)
                     ParticleEngine.Emitter(Vex(x, y, z), shot.angle_rad, 1)
                 if self.creature.stats.isDead():
                     if shot.source.stats.updateXP(random.randint(1*self.creature.stats.getLVL(),10*self.creature.stats.getLVL() )):
                         DrawINFO.DrawINFO(x, y, z, "LEVEL UP", Color.RED)
                     ParticleEngine.Emitter(Vex(x, y, z), shot.angle_rad, 1)
     return out
Exemple #4
 def testShotHit(shot):
     p = Environment.Environment.sun
     x, y, z = shot.pos.Pos()
     sp = Vex(x, y)
     dmg = shot.damage / 100.0
     d = p.pos.dist2D(sp)
     if d <= Sun.minRad:
         ParticleEngine.Emitter(Vex(x, y), shot.angle_rad, 2)
         p.corHealth -= dmg * 10
         if p.corHealth <= 0:
             # destroy sun, destroy planets, generate random asteroids
         return True
     return False
Exemple #5
    def testShotHit(shot):
        x, y, z = shot.pos.Pos()
        lx, ly, lz = shot.lpos.Pos()
        sp = Vex(x, y)
        #        lsp = Vex(lx, ly)
        dmg = shot.damage
        for p in Asteroid.asteroids:
            d = p.pos.dist2D(sp)
            if d < 2:
                ParticleEngine.Emitter(p.pos, shot.angle_rad, 2, 50, Vex(0, 0),
                                       False, 25)
                p.corHealth -= dmg
                if p.corHealth <= 0:
                    ParticleEngine.Emitter(p.pos, shot.angle_rad, 1, 50,
                                           Vex(0, 0), False, 50)
                    p.corHealth = 150
                    d = p.pos.dist2D(p.parent.pos)
                    delt = p.parent.pos - p.pos
                    a1 = math.degrees(math.atan2(delt.y(), delt.x()))
                    ra = math.radians(-a1 + 90 + p.speed + 180)
                    dp = Vex(math.sin(ra) * d, math.cos(ra) * d)
                    np = p.parent.pos - dp
                return True

        for p in Asteroid.tempAsteroids:
            d = p.pos.dist2D(sp)
            if d < 2:
                ParticleEngine.Emitter(p.pos, shot.angle_rad, 2)
                p.corHealth -= dmg
                if p.corHealth <= 0:
                    ParticleEngine.Emitter(p.pos, shot.angle_rad, 1, 10,
                                           Vex(0, 0), False, 1)
                return True
        return False