import Pk_library as PKL

################################## INPUT ######################################
snapshot_fname = ['../ics',
dims           = 1024
particle_type  = [1,2] #list with particle types. [-1] for total matter
cpus           = 14

# do a loop over the different snapshots
for snapshot in snapshot_fname:

    ######## REAL-SPACE ########
    do_RSD = False;  axis = 0 

    ###### REDSHIFT-SPACE ######
    do_RSD = True
    for axis in [0,1,2]:

import numpy as np
import Pk_library as PKL

####################################### INPUT #########################################
# parameters
root = '/mnt/ceph/users/fvillaescusa/Euclid/Euclid_neutrino_comparison/Sims/0.15eV'
grid = 1024  #grid size
particle_type = [1, 2]  #use dark matter [1]
do_RSD = False  #move particles to redshift-space and calculate Pk in redshift-space
axis = 1  #RSD placed along the y-axis
cpus = 8  #number of openmp threads
folder_out = './'  #folder where to write results

# do a loop over the different snapshots
for snapnum in [1, 2, 3, 4]:

    # snapshot name
    snapshot = '%s/snap_%03d.hdf5' % (root, snapnum)

    # compute power spectrum of the snapshot
    PKL.Pk_Gadget(snapshot, grid, particle_type, do_RSD, axis, cpus,