Exemple #1
def PlotEccOrbit_aRs(par,t):
  """Function to plot planet orbit in 3D"""
  #read in parameters
  T0,P,a_Rstar,p,b,c1,c2,e,w,foot,Tgrad,Sec_depth = par

  #ensure b and p >= 0
  if b<0.: b=-b
  if p<0.: p=-p

  w *= np.pi / 180.
  i = np.arccos(b/a_Rstar)
  #make w lie in range 0-2pi
  if w >= 2*np.pi:
    w -= 2*np.pi #make f lie in range 0-2pi
  elif w < 0:
    w += 2*np.pi #make f lie in range 0-2pi

  #true anomaly of central transit time
  f = 1.*np.pi/2. + w
  if f >= 2*np.pi:
    f -= 2*np.pi #make f lie in range 0-2pi
  elif f < 0:
    f += 2*np.pi #make f lie in range 0-2pi
  if f < np.pi:
    E = np.arccos( (np.cos(f) + e) / (e*np.cos(f)+1.) )
    M_tr = E - e*np.sin(E)
    T_peri = T0 + M_tr * P/(2*np.pi)

  if f >= np.pi:
    #f = np.pi - f #correct for acos calc
    E = np.arccos( (np.cos(f) + e) / (e*np.cos(f)+1.) )
    M_tr = E - e*np.sin(E)
    #M_tr = 2*np.pi - M_tr
    T_peri = T0 - M_tr * P/(2*np.pi)

  #calculate mean anomaly
  M = (2*np.pi/P) * (t - T_peri)
  #get coords
  x = PlanetOrbit.get_x(M,a_Rstar,e,w)
  y = PlanetOrbit.get_y(M,a_Rstar,e,w,i)
  z = PlanetOrbit.get_z(M,a_Rstar,e,w,i)
  #make plot
  ax = Axes3D(pylab.gcf())
  ax.plot(x, y, z, c='k')
  ax.scatter(x, y, z, c='r', s=50)
  ax.scatter([0],[0],[0],c='y', s=500) #plot star position
  ax.scatter([x[0],],[y[0],],[z[0],],c='g', s=100) #plot initial planet position
  ax.scatter([x[1],],[y[1],],[z[1],],c='y', s=100) #plot initial planet position
  range = abs(np.array([x,y,z])).max()
Exemple #2
def PlotEccOrbit(par,t):
  """Function to plot planet orbit in 3D"""
  #read in parameters
  T0,P,Mstar,Mplanet,Rstar,p,i,c1,c2,e,w,foot,Tgrad,Sec_depth = par

  #convert units
  Rstar *= Cnst.RSun
  Mstar *= Cnst.MSun
  Mplanet *= Cnst.MJup
  i *= np.pi / 180.
  w *= np.pi / 180.

  #semi-major axis
  a = np.power( ( ((P*24.*60.*60./(2*np.pi))**2 * Cnst.G * (Mstar+Mplanet) ) ) , (1./3.) )
  #make w lie in range 0-2pi
  if w >= 2*np.pi:
    w -= 2*np.pi #make f lie in range 0-2pi
  elif w < 0:
    w += 2*np.pi #make f lie in range 0-2pi

  #true anomaly of central transit time
  f = 1.*np.pi/2. + w
  if f >= 2*np.pi:
    f -= 2*np.pi #make f lie in range 0-2pi
  elif f < 0:
    f += 2*np.pi #make f lie in range 0-2pi
  if f < np.pi:
    E = np.arccos( (np.cos(f) + e) / (e*np.cos(f)+1.) )
    M_tr = E - e*np.sin(E)
    T_peri = T0 + M_tr * P/(2*np.pi)

  if f >= np.pi:
    #f = np.pi - f #correct for acos calc
    E = np.arccos( (np.cos(f) + e) / (e*np.cos(f)+1.) )
    M_tr = E - e*np.sin(E)
    #M_tr = 2*np.pi - M_tr
    T_peri = T0 - M_tr * P/(2*np.pi)

  #calculate mean anomaly
  M = (2*np.pi/P) * (t - T_peri)
  #get coords
  x = PlanetOrbit.get_x(M,a/Rstar,e,w)
  y = PlanetOrbit.get_y(M,a/Rstar,e,w,i)
  z = PlanetOrbit.get_z(M,a/Rstar,e,w,i)
  #make plot
  ax = Axes3D(pylab.gcf())
  ax.plot(x, y, z, c='k')
  ax.scatter(x, y, z, c='r', s=50)
  ax.scatter([0],[0],[0],c='y', s=500) #plot star position
  ax.scatter([x[0],],[y[0],],[z[0],],c='g', s=100) #plot initial planet position
  ax.scatter([x[1],],[y[1],],[z[1],],c='y', s=100) #plot initial planet position
  range = abs(np.array([x,y,z])).max()