Exemple #1
class PrepWorker():
    """An object to store info and coordinate a preparation run."""
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize the class
        infile		the stating *.pdb, *.gro, etc. file to initialize the system 
        finalOutputDir      directory to save final *.trp, *.gro files for an MD simulation. Defaults to './out'
        finalOutputName      basename (*) to name the final *.trp, *.gro files for an MD simulation. Defaults to 'out'
        workdir		directory to perform gmx preprocessing.  If not specified, work
                            will be done in a unique temporary directory.

        self.verbose = verbose

        # finalOutDir
        # the name of the directory to write the final prepared gmx files
        if finalOutputDir == None:
            self.finalOutputDir = os.path.abspath(
                os.path.join(os.curdir, 'out'))
            self.finalOutputDir = os.path.abspath(finalOutputDir)

        # finalOutDir
        # the root name of the files written in the final prepared gmx files
        if finalOutputName == None:
            self.finalOutputName = 'out'
            self.finalOutputName = finalOutputName

        # workdir
        # The working directory for the simulation preparation
        if workdir == None:
            self.workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            self.workdir = workdir

        # files
        # An object for keeping track of a series of filenames
        self.files = PrepFilenames(infile, self.workdir)

        # status
        self.status = PrepStatus()

        self.checkForFatalErrors = True  # these will be set by the prepare method
        self.mockrun = False

        # A set of paths to look in for mdpfiles
        self.mdpPaths = []

        # Start Building the GROMACS project

        print "GROMACS files %s.tpr and %s.gro, etc. will be written to directory %s..." % (
            self.finalOutputName, self.finalOutputName, self.finalOutputDir)

        print "Building GROMACS project in temporary directory %s..." % self.workdir
        output = commands.getoutput(
            'cp %s %s' %
             os.path.join(self.workdir, self.files.infile_basename)))
        print output

        # show a listing of all the current gmx files
        if (self.verbose):

# The PrepWorker needs to know where the directory of mdpfile is

    def prepare(self,
	system  = a SystemSetup() object containing the system info: ion concentrations, forcefields, etc. 
	cleanup             if True, delete the temporary pre-processing directory, and erase temporary files (Default: True)
	verbose             if True, print extra, more detailed progress statements (Default: False)
	debug               if True, turn on print statements for debugging (Default: False)    
	checkForFatalErrors Exits the program if any of the gmx produce "Fatal error" in the standard output (Default: True)	    
	mockrun             if True, prints out the gromacs commands, but does does execture them (Default: False)
	The following files will be written to the outdir:
	    out.tpr		GROMACS tpr file
	    out.gro		GROMACS gro (structure) file
	    equilibrate*	executable script to call mdrun 
	    history.log         logfile containing all the commands used to prepare the simualtion 
	    output.log          logfile containg the output of the pre-processing programs
        self.system = systemSetup

        # Overwrite the set of paths to look in for mdpfile -- instead use the user-specified list
        self.mdpPaths = systemSetup.mdpPaths

        self.checkForFatalErrors = checkForFatalErrors
        self.mockrun = mockrun

        # remember our original location before we descend into the working directory
        OriginalLocationDir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)

        # From now on, do work in the working directory
        print 'Preparing simulation in directory %s...' % self.workdir

        ### Put your preparation steps HERE!  ###

        # Finalize the preparation: 1) copy files to output directory, 2) write logfile, and 3) clean up temp files
            cleanTempFiles=cleanup)  # this is defined in the parent class

        )  ### change back out of the working directory to our original location

    def finalizePreparation(self, cleanTempFiles=False):
        """Finalize the preparation by:
	    1) copying files to the output directoy
	    2) writing log files
	    3) doing cleanup

        # copy the final files to the final output directory

        # write logfiles
        self.status.writeLog(os.path.join(self.finalOutputDir, 'output.log'))
            os.path.join(self.finalOutputDir, 'history.log'))

        # Clean up the working directory
        if (cleanTempFiles):
            print 'Cleaning up temporary directory %s...' % self.workdir
            curdir = os.getcwd()
            for i in os.listdir(self.workdir):
                thisdir = os.path.join(self.workdir, i)
                if os.path.isdir(thisdir):
                    for j in os.listdir(thisdir):
                        os.unlink(os.path.join(thisdir, j))
                    print 'removing', i, '...'

    def mdrun(self, mdpfile, useIndexFile=False):
        """Run the commands to grompp and mdrun, and shift the current self.files.
	NOTE: This function assumes that the desired product of the mdrun is the output conformation."""

        # First, build the tpr using grompp
        self.buildTpr(mdpfile, useIndexFile=useIndexFile)

        # Then, run the mdrun job
        myjob = '%s/mdrun -v -s %s -c %s ' % (
            os.environ['GMXPATH'], self.files.tprfile, self.files.next_gro())
        )  # must increment filename for any new gmx file

    def buildTpr(self, mdpfile, useIndexFile=False):
        """Run the commands to grompp, but DON'T perform the mdrun.
	NOTE: This function assumes that the desired product of the mdrun is the output conformation."""

        # Find the mdpfile in our list of possible paths
        myMdpfile = self.findMdpfile(mdpfile)

        # make a tpr file with grompp
        if not useIndexFile:
            grompp = '%s/grompp -f %s -c %s -o %s -p %s' % (
                os.environ['GMXPATH'], myMdpfile, self.files.grofile,
                self.files.next_tpr(), self.files.topfile)
            grompp = '%s/grompp -f %s -c %s -o %s -p %s -n %s' % (
                os.environ['GMXPATH'], myMdpfile, self.files.grofile,
                self.files.next_tpr(), self.files.topfile, self.files.ndxfile)
        )  # must increment filename for any new gmx file

    def findMdpfile(self, mdpfile):
        """Look in mdpPaths to try and find the mdpfile.
	The path of the mdpfile.  (An exception will be raised if it can't find it.)

        myMdpFile = None
        for path in self.mdpPaths:
            myMdpFile = os.path.join(path, mdpfile)
            if os.path.exists(myMdpFile):
        if myMdpFile == None:
            print 'Cannot find file the mdpfile %s in the set of paths %r' % (
                mdpfile, self.mdpPaths)
            raise MdpFileNotFound

        return os.path.abspath(myMdpFile)

    def cleanupWorkingDir(self):
        """Clean up the working directory."""

        print 'Cleaning up temporary directory %s...' % self.workdir
        curdir = os.getcwd()
        for i in os.listdir(self.workdir):
            thisdir = os.path.join(self.workdir, i)
            if os.path.isdir(thisdir):
                for j in os.listdir(thisdir):
                    os.unlink(os.path.join(thisdir, j))
                print 'removing', i, '...'

    def rungmx(self, cmd):
        """Execute a gromacs executable on the command line, keeping track of the command and output for the logfile"""

        # origdir = os.curdir
        # os.chdir( os.environ['GMXPATH'] )
        # NOTE:  DON'T do this!!!  The gmx command should be the absolute path, and we should
        # stay in the current directory.  Other wise, posre.itp gets written to the GMXPATH directory, etc.

        print '>>', cmd
        if self.mockrun == False:
            output = commands.getoutput(cmd)
            if self.verbose: print output
            self.status.loglines.append((cmd, output))

            if self.checkForFatalErrors:
                if output.count('Fatal error') > 0:
                    print '*** There was a fatal error in the following command: ***'
                    print '*********************************************************'
                    print cmd
                    print '*********************************************************'
                    print 'Exiting...'

        # os.chdir( origdir )
        return output

    def copyFilesToOutputDir(self, useTable=None):

        # copy the necessary files to start an MD run back to the original curdir
        print 'Copying the *.gro, *.tpr, and production script to ', self.finalOutputDir, '...'

        # create the final output directory if it doesn't yet exist
        if not os.path.exists(self.finalOutputDir):

        ### the GRO file
        out_grofile = os.path.join(self.finalOutputDir,
                                   self.finalOutputName + '.gro')
        copycmd = 'cp %s %s' % (self.files.grofile, out_grofile)
        if (self.verbose):
            print copycmd
        cmdout = commands.getoutput(copycmd)
        if self.verbose == True:
            print cmdout

        ### the TPR file
        out_tprfile = os.path.join(self.finalOutputDir,
                                   self.finalOutputName + '.tpr')
        copycmd = 'cp %s %s' % (self.files.tprfile, out_tprfile)
        if (self.verbose): print copycmd
        cmdout = commands.getoutput(copycmd)
        if (self.verbose): print cmdout

        ### the TOP file
        out_topfile = os.path.join(self.finalOutputDir,
                                   self.finalOutputName + '.top')
        copycmd = 'cp %s %s' % (self.files.topfile, out_topfile)
        if (self.verbose): print copycmd
        cmdout = commands.getoutput(copycmd)
        if (self.verbose): print cmdout

        ### the NDX file
        out_ndxfile = os.path.join(self.finalOutputDir,
                                   self.finalOutputName + '.ndx')
        copycmd = 'cp %s %s' % (self.files.ndxfile, out_ndxfile)
        if (self.verbose): print copycmd
        cmdout = commands.getoutput(copycmd)
        if (self.verbose): print cmdout

        ### the MDP file, if there is one... ###
        out_mdpfile = os.path.join(self.finalOutputDir,
                                   self.finalOutputName + '.mdp')
        if os.path.exists(self.files.mdpfile):
            copycmd = 'cp %s %s' % (self.files.mdpfile, out_mdpfile)
            if (self.verbose): print copycmd
            cmdout = commands.getoutput(copycmd)
            if (self.verbose): print cmdout

    ### the 'table.xvg' file, if there is one... ###
        if useTable != None:
            out_xvgfile = os.path.join(self.finalOutputDir, 'table.xvg')
            if os.path.exists(self.files.xvgfile):
                copycmd = 'cp %s %s' % (self.files.xvgfile, out_xvgfile)
                if (self.verbose): print copycmd
                cmdout = commands.getoutput(copycmd)
                if (self.verbose): print cmdout

        ### the mdrun script
        equilibrate = '%s/mdrun -v -s %s -c %s ' % (os.environ['GMXPATH'],
                                                    out_tprfile, out_grofile)
        equilscript = os.path.join(self.finalOutputDir, 'production')
        fout = open(equilscript, 'w')
        fout.write(equilibrate + '\n')
Exemple #2
class PrepWorker():
    """An object to store info and coordinate a preparation run."""
    def __init__(self, infile, finalOutputDir=None, finalOutputName=None, workdir=None, verbose=True): 
        """Initialize the class
        infile		the stating *.pdb, *.gro, etc. file to initialize the system 
        finalOutputDir      directory to save final *.trp, *.gro files for an MD simulation. Defaults to './out'
        finalOutputName      basename (*) to name the final *.trp, *.gro files for an MD simulation. Defaults to 'out'
        workdir		directory to perform gmx preprocessing.  If not specified, work
                            will be done in a unique temporary directory.
        self.verbose = verbose
        # finalOutDir
        # the name of the directory to write the final prepared gmx files
        if finalOutputDir == None:
            self.finalOutputDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.curdir,'out'))
            self.finalOutputDir = os.path.abspath(finalOutputDir)
        # finalOutDir
        # the root name of the files written in the final prepared gmx files    
        if finalOutputName == None:        
            self.finalOutputName = 'out'    
            self.finalOutputName = finalOutputName
        # workdir
        # The working directory for the simulation preparation
        if workdir == None:
            self.workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp();
            self.workdir = workdir
        # files
        # An object for keeping track of a series of filenames
        self.files = PrepFilenames(infile, self.workdir)
	# status
        self.status = PrepStatus()
	self.checkForFatalErrors = True   # these will be set by the prepare method
	self.mockrun = False
	# A set of paths to look in for mdpfiles 
	self.mdpPaths = []
	self.mdpPaths.append( os.path.join( os.environ['MMTOOLSPATH'], 'gromacstools/devel/SimulationPreparation/mdp') )

        # Start Building the GROMACS project
        print "GROMACS files %s.tpr and %s.gro, etc. will be written to directory %s..." % (self.finalOutputName, self.finalOutputName, self.finalOutputDir)
        print "Building GROMACS project in temporary directory %s..." % self.workdir
        output = commands.getoutput('cp %s %s'%(self.files.infile, os.path.join(self.workdir, self.files.infile_basename) ))
        print output
        # show a listing of all the current gmx files 
        if (self.verbose):
	# The PrepWorker needs to know where the directory of mdpfile is

    def prepare(self, systemSetup, cleanup=True, verbose=False, debug=False, checkForFatalErrors=True, mockrun=False):
	system  = a SystemSetup() object containing the system info: ion concentrations, forcefields, etc. 
	cleanup             if True, delete the temporary pre-processing directory, and erase temporary files (Default: True)
	verbose             if True, print extra, more detailed progress statements (Default: False)
	debug               if True, turn on print statements for debugging (Default: False)    
	checkForFatalErrors Exits the program if any of the gmx produce "Fatal error" in the standard output (Default: True)	    
	mockrun             if True, prints out the gromacs commands, but does does execture them (Default: False)
	The following files will be written to the outdir:
	    out.tpr		GROMACS tpr file
	    out.gro		GROMACS gro (structure) file
	    equilibrate*	executable script to call mdrun 
	    history.log         logfile containing all the commands used to prepare the simualtion 
	    output.log          logfile containg the output of the pre-processing programs
	self.system = systemSetup
        # Overwrite the set of paths to look in for mdpfile -- instead use the user-specified list
	self.mdpPaths = systemSetup.mdpPaths 
	self.checkForFatalErrors = checkForFatalErrors
	self.mockrun = mockrun
	# remember our original location before we descend into the working directory
        OriginalLocationDir = os.path.abspath( os.curdir )
	# From now on, do work in the working directory
	os.chdir( self.workdir )
	print 'Preparing simulation in directory %s...'%self.workdir

	### Put your preparation steps HERE!  ### 
        # Finalize the preparation: 1) copy files to output directory, 2) write logfile, and 3) clean up temp files
	self.finalizePreparation(cleanTempFiles=cleanup)   # this is defined in the parent class

	os.chdir( OriginalLocationDir )	### change back out of the working directory to our original location

    def finalizePreparation(self, cleanTempFiles=False): 
        """Finalize the preparation by:
	    1) copying files to the output directoy
	    2) writing log files
	    3) doing cleanup

        # copy the final files to the final output directory
        # write logfiles
	self.status.writeLog( os.path.join(self.finalOutputDir,'output.log') )
        self.status.writeHistory( os.path.join(self.finalOutputDir,'history.log') )
        # Clean up the working directory
        if (cleanTempFiles):
                print 'Cleaning up temporary directory %s...'%self.workdir
                curdir = os.getcwd()
                for i in os.listdir(self.workdir):
                    thisdir = os.path.join(self.workdir,i) 
                    if os.path.isdir(thisdir):
                        for j in os.listdir(thisdir):
                        print 'removing', i, '...'

    def mdrun(self, mdpfile, useIndexFile=False):
	"""Run the commands to grompp and mdrun, and shift the current self.files.
	NOTE: This function assumes that the desired product of the mdrun is the output conformation."""
	# First, build the tpr using grompp
	self.buildTpr(mdpfile, useIndexFile=useIndexFile)
	# Then, run the mdrun job
	myjob = '%s/mdrun -v -s %s -c %s '%(os.environ['GMXPATH'], self.files.tprfile, self.files.next_gro() )
	self.rungmx( myjob )
	self.files.increment_gro()    # must increment filename for any new gmx file 

    def buildTpr(self, mdpfile, useIndexFile=False):
	"""Run the commands to grompp, but DON'T perform the mdrun.
	NOTE: This function assumes that the desired product of the mdrun is the output conformation."""
	# Find the mdpfile in our list of possible paths
	myMdpfile = self.findMdpfile(mdpfile)
	# make a tpr file with grompp
	if not useIndexFile:
	    grompp = '%s/grompp -f %s -c %s -o %s -p %s'%(os.environ['GMXPATH'], myMdpfile, self.files.grofile, self.files.next_tpr(), self.files.topfile)
	    grompp = '%s/grompp -f %s -c %s -o %s -p %s -n %s'%(os.environ['GMXPATH'], myMdpfile, self.files.grofile, self.files.next_tpr(), self.files.topfile, self.files.ndxfile)
	self.rungmx( grompp )	
	self.files.increment_tpr()    # must increment filename for any new gmx file 


    def findMdpfile(self, mdpfile):
	"""Look in mdpPaths to try and find the mdpfile.
	The path of the mdpfile.  (An exception will be raised if it can't find it.)
	myMdpFile = None
	for path in self.mdpPaths:
	    myMdpFile = os.path.join(path,mdpfile)
	    if os.path.exists(myMdpFile):
        if myMdpFile == None:
	    print 'Cannot find file the mdpfile %s in the set of paths %r'%(mdpfile, self.mdpPaths)
	    raise MdpFileNotFound
	return os.path.abspath(myMdpFile)

    def cleanupWorkingDir(self):
        """Clean up the working directory."""
        print 'Cleaning up temporary directory %s...'%self.workdir
        curdir = os.getcwd()
        for i in os.listdir(self.workdir):
            thisdir = os.path.join(self.workdir,i) 
            if os.path.isdir(thisdir):
                for j in os.listdir(thisdir):
                print 'removing', i, '...'

    def rungmx(self, cmd):
        """Execute a gromacs executable on the command line, keeping track of the command and output for the logfile"""
        # origdir = os.curdir
        # os.chdir( os.environ['GMXPATH'] )
        # NOTE:  DON'T do this!!!  The gmx command should be the absolute path, and we should
        # stay in the current directory.  Other wise, posre.itp gets written to the GMXPATH directory, etc.
        print '>>',cmd	
        if self.mockrun==False:
          if self.verbose: print output
          self.status.loglines.append( (cmd, output) )    
          if self.checkForFatalErrors:
            if output.count('Fatal error') > 0:
              print '*** There was a fatal error in the following command: ***'
              print '*********************************************************'
              print cmd
              print '*********************************************************'
              print 'Exiting...'
        # os.chdir( origdir )
        return output

    def copyFilesToOutputDir(self, useTable=None):
    	# copy the necessary files to start an MD run back to the original curdir
	print 'Copying the *.gro, *.tpr, and production script to ',self.finalOutputDir,'...'

        # create the final output directory if it doesn't yet exist
        if not os.path.exists(self.finalOutputDir):
	### the GRO file
	out_grofile = os.path.join(self.finalOutputDir, self.finalOutputName+'.gro')
	copycmd = 'cp %s %s'%(self.files.grofile, out_grofile)
	if (self.verbose):
	  print copycmd 
	cmdout = commands.getoutput( copycmd )
	if self.verbose==True:
	    print cmdout
	### the TPR file
	out_tprfile = os.path.join(self.finalOutputDir, self.finalOutputName+'.tpr')
	copycmd = 'cp %s %s'%(self.files.tprfile, out_tprfile)
	if (self.verbose): print copycmd 
	cmdout = commands.getoutput( copycmd )
	if (self.verbose): print cmdout

	### the TOP file
	out_topfile = os.path.join(self.finalOutputDir, self.finalOutputName+'.top')
	copycmd = 'cp %s %s'%(self.files.topfile, out_topfile)
	if (self.verbose): print copycmd 
	cmdout = commands.getoutput( copycmd )
	if (self.verbose): print cmdout
	### the NDX file
	out_ndxfile = os.path.join(self.finalOutputDir, self.finalOutputName+'.ndx')
	copycmd = 'cp %s %s'%(self.files.ndxfile, out_ndxfile)
	if (self.verbose): print copycmd 
	cmdout = commands.getoutput( copycmd )
	if (self.verbose): print cmdout

        ### the MDP file, if there is one... ###
        out_mdpfile = os.path.join(self.finalOutputDir, self.finalOutputName+'.mdp')
        if os.path.exists(self.files.mdpfile):
            copycmd = 'cp %s %s'%(self.files.mdpfile, out_mdpfile)
            if (self.verbose): print copycmd
            cmdout = commands.getoutput( copycmd )
            if (self.verbose): print cmdout

        ### the 'table.xvg' file, if there is one... ###
	if useTable != None:
            out_xvgfile = os.path.join(self.finalOutputDir, 'table.xvg')
            if os.path.exists(self.files.xvgfile):
                copycmd = 'cp %s %s'%(self.files.xvgfile, out_xvgfile)
                if (self.verbose): print copycmd
                cmdout = commands.getoutput( copycmd )
		if (self.verbose): print cmdout

	### the mdrun script
	equilibrate = '%s/mdrun -v -s %s -c %s '%( os.environ['GMXPATH'], out_tprfile, out_grofile )
	equilscript = os.path.join(self.finalOutputDir, 'production')
	fout = open(equilscript,'w')