def generateOrders(): empire = fo.getEmpire() print "Empire: " + + " TURN: " + str(fo.currentTurn()) print "Capital: " + str(empire.capitalID) # turn cleanup splitFleet() identifyShipDesigns() identifyFleetsRoles() foAIstate.clean(ExplorationAI.getHomeSystemID(), FleetUtilsAI.getEmpireFleetIDs()) # ...missions # ...demands/priorities # call AI modules PriorityAI.calculatePriorities() ExplorationAI.assignScoutsToExploreSystems() ColonisationAI.assignColonyFleetsToColonise() InvasionAI.assignInvasionFleetsToInvade() FleetUtilsAI.generateAIFleetOrdersForAIFleetMissions() FleetUtilsAI.issueAIFleetOrdersForAIFleetMissions() ResearchAI.generateResearchOrders() ProductionAI.generateProductionOrders() ResourcesAI.generateResourcesOrders() foAIstate.afterTurnCleanup() fo.doneTurn()
def generateOrders(): print ("Genearting Orders") universe = fo.getUniverse() empire = fo.getEmpire() planetID = empire.capitalID planet = universe.getPlanet(planetID) print "EmpireID: " + str(empire.empireID) + " Name: " + + " Turn: " + str(fo.currentTurn()) print "CapitalID: " + str(planetID) + " Name: " + + " Species: " + planet.speciesName # turn cleanup splitFleet() identifyShipDesigns() identifyFleetsRoles() foAIstate.clean(ExplorationAI.getHomeSystemID(), FleetUtilsAI.getEmpireFleetIDs()) # ...missions # ...demands/priorities print("Calling AI Modules") # call AI modules PriorityAI.calculatePriorities() ExplorationAI.assignScoutsToExploreSystems() ColonisationAI.assignColonyFleetsToColonise() InvasionAI.assignInvasionFleetsToInvade() MilitaryAI.assignMilitaryFleetsToSystems() FleetUtilsAI.generateAIFleetOrdersForAIFleetMissions() FleetUtilsAI.issueAIFleetOrdersForAIFleetMissions() ResearchAI.generateResearchOrders() ProductionAI.generateProductionOrders() ResourcesAI.generateResourcesOrders() foAIstate.afterTurnCleanup() fo.doneTurn()
def get_military_fleets(mil_fleets_ids=None, try_reset=True, thisround="Main"): """Get armed military fleets.""" global _military_allocations universe = fo.getUniverse() empire_id = fo.empireID() home_system_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital_sys_id() all_military_fleet_ids = (mil_fleets_ids if mil_fleets_ids is not None else FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.MILITARY)) if try_reset and (fo.currentTurn() + empire_id) % 30 == 0 and thisround == "Main": try_again(all_military_fleet_ids, try_reset=False, thisround=thisround + " Reset") return mil_fleets_ids = list(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(all_military_fleet_ids)) mil_needing_repair_ids, mil_fleets_ids = avail_mil_needing_repair(mil_fleets_ids, split_ships=True) avail_mil_rating = sum(map(CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating, mil_fleets_ids)) if not mil_fleets_ids: if "Main" in thisround: _military_allocations = [] return [] # for each system, get total rating of fleets assigned to it already_assigned_rating = {} already_assigned_rating_vs_planets = {} systems_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus enemy_sup_factor = {} # enemy supply for sys_id in universe.systemIDs: already_assigned_rating[sys_id] = 0 already_assigned_rating_vs_planets[sys_id] = 0 enemy_sup_factor[sys_id] = min(2, len(systems_status.get(sys_id, {}).get('enemies_nearly_supplied', []))) for fleet_id in [fid for fid in all_military_fleet_ids if fid not in mil_fleets_ids]: ai_fleet_mission = foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_mission(fleet_id) if not # shouldn't really be possible continue last_sys = # will count this fleet as assigned to last system in target list # TODO last_sys or target sys? this_rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(fleet_id) this_rating_vs_planets = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating_against_planets(fleet_id) already_assigned_rating[last_sys] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings( already_assigned_rating.get(last_sys, 0), this_rating) already_assigned_rating_vs_planets[last_sys] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings( already_assigned_rating_vs_planets.get(last_sys, 0), this_rating_vs_planets) for sys_id in universe.systemIDs: my_defense_rating = systems_status.get(sys_id, {}).get('mydefenses', {}).get('overall', 0) already_assigned_rating[sys_id] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(my_defense_rating, already_assigned_rating[sys_id]) if _verbose_mil_reporting and already_assigned_rating[sys_id]: print "\t System %s already assigned rating %.1f" % ( universe.getSystem(sys_id), already_assigned_rating[sys_id]) # get systems to defend capital_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital() if capital_id is not None: capital_planet = universe.getPlanet(capital_id) else: capital_planet = None # TODO: if no owned planets try to capture one! if capital_planet: capital_sys_id = capital_planet.systemID else: # should be rare, but so as to not break code below, pick a randomish mil-centroid system capital_sys_id = None # unless we can find one to use system_dict = {} for fleet_id in all_military_fleet_ids: status = foAI.foAIstate.fleetStatus.get(fleet_id, None) if status is not None: system_id = status['sysID'] if not list(universe.getSystem(system_id).planetIDs): continue system_dict[system_id] = system_dict.get(system_id, 0) + status.get('rating', 0) ranked_systems = sorted([(val, sys_id) for sys_id, val in system_dict.items()]) if ranked_systems: capital_sys_id = ranked_systems[-1][-1] else: try: capital_sys_id = foAI.foAIstate.fleetStatus.items()[0][1]['sysID'] except: pass num_targets = max(10, PriorityAI.allotted_outpost_targets) top_target_planets = ([pid for pid, pscore, trp in AIstate.invasionTargets[:PriorityAI.allotted_invasion_targets()] if pscore > MIN_INVASION_SCORE] + [pid for pid, (pscore, spec) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items()[:num_targets] if pscore > MIN_INVASION_SCORE] + [pid for pid, (pscore, spec) in foAI.foAIstate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()[:num_targets] if pscore > MIN_INVASION_SCORE]) top_target_planets.extend(foAI.foAIstate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.keys()) base_col_target_systems = PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(top_target_planets) top_target_systems = [] for sys_id in AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs + base_col_target_systems: if sys_id not in top_target_systems: if foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus[sys_id]['totalThreat'] > get_tot_mil_rating(): continue top_target_systems.append(sys_id) # doing this rather than set, to preserve order try: # capital defense allocation_helper = AllocationHelper(already_assigned_rating, already_assigned_rating_vs_planets, avail_mil_rating, try_reset) if capital_sys_id is not None: CapitalDefenseAllocator(capital_sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() # defend other planets empire_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(universe.planetIDs) empire_occupied_system_ids = list(set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(empire_planet_ids)) - {capital_sys_id}) for sys_id in empire_occupied_system_ids: PlanetDefenseAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() # attack / protect high priority targets for sys_id in top_target_systems: TopTargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() # enemy planets other_targeted_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs)) if sys_id not in top_target_systems] for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids: TargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() # colony / outpost targets other_targeted_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in list(set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs)) if sys_id not in top_target_systems] for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids: OutpostTargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() # TODO blockade enemy systems # interior systems targetable_ids = set(state.get_systems_by_supply_tier(0)) current_mil_systems = [sid for sid, _, _, _, _ in allocation_helper.allocations] interior_targets1 = targetable_ids.difference(current_mil_systems) interior_targets = [sid for sid in interior_targets1 if ( allocation_helper.threat_bias + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get('totalThreat', 0) > 0.8 * allocation_helper.already_assigned_rating[sid])] for sys_id in interior_targets: InteriorTargetsAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() # TODO Exploration targets # border protections visible_system_ids = foAI.foAIstate.visInteriorSystemIDs | foAI.foAIstate.visBorderSystemIDs accessible_system_ids = ([sys_id for sys_id in visible_system_ids if universe.systemsConnected(sys_id, home_system_id, empire_id)] if home_system_id != INVALID_ID else []) current_mil_systems = [sid for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, _ in allocation_helper.allocations if alloc > 0] border_targets1 = [sid for sid in accessible_system_ids if sid not in current_mil_systems] border_targets = [sid for sid in border_targets1 if ( allocation_helper.threat_bias + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get('fleetThreat', 0) + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get( 'planetThreat', 0) > 0.8 * allocation_helper.already_assigned_rating[sid])] for sys_id in border_targets: BorderSecurityAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() except ReleaseMilitaryException: try_again(all_military_fleet_ids) return new_allocations = [] remaining_mil_rating = avail_mil_rating # for top categories assign max_alloc right away as available for cat in ['capitol', 'occupied', 'topTargets']: for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups.get(cat, []): if remaining_mil_rating <= 0: break this_alloc = min(remaining_mil_rating, max_alloc) new_allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, alloc, rvp, take_any)) remaining_mil_rating -= this_alloc base_allocs = set() # for lower priority categories, first assign base_alloc around to all, then top up as available for cat in ['otherTargets', 'accessibleTargets', 'exploreTargets']: for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups.get(cat, []): if remaining_mil_rating <= 0: break base_allocs.add(sid) remaining_mil_rating -= alloc for cat in ['otherTargets', 'accessibleTargets', 'exploreTargets']: for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups.get(cat, []): if sid not in base_allocs: break if remaining_mil_rating <= 0: new_allocations.append((sid, alloc, alloc, rvp, take_any)) else: new_rating = min(remaining_mil_rating + alloc, max_alloc) new_allocations.append((sid, new_rating, alloc, rvp, take_any)) remaining_mil_rating -= (new_rating - alloc) if "Main" in thisround: _military_allocations = new_allocations if _verbose_mil_reporting or "Main" in thisround: print "------------------------------\nFinal %s Round Military Allocations: %s \n-----------------------" % (thisround, dict([(sid, alloc) for sid, alloc, _, _, _ in new_allocations])) print "(Apparently) remaining military rating: %.1f" % remaining_mil_rating return new_allocations
def _calculate_planet_colonization_rating( planet_id: PlanetId, mission_type: MissionType, species_name: SpeciesName, detail: list, empire_research_list: Sequence, ) -> float: empire = fo.getEmpire() retval = 0 character = get_aistate().character discount_multiplier = character.preferred_discount_multiplier([30.0, 40.0]) species = fo.getSpecies(species_name) species_foci = [] and species and list(species.foci) tag_list = list(species.tags) if species else [] pilot_val = pilot_rating = 0 if species and species.canProduceShips: pilot_val = pilot_rating = rate_piloting_tag(species_name) if pilot_val > best_pilot_rating(): pilot_val *= 2 if pilot_val > 2: retval += discount_multiplier * 5 * pilot_val detail.append("Pilot Val %.1f" % (discount_multiplier * 5 * pilot_val)) if empire.productionPoints < 100: backup_factor = 0.0 else: backup_factor = min(1.0, (empire.productionPoints / 200.0)**2) universe = fo.getUniverse() capital_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital() homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capital_id) planet = universe.getPlanet(planet_id) prospective_invasion_targets = [ pid for pid, pscore, trp in AIstate.invasionTargets[:PriorityAI.allotted_invasion_targets()] if pscore > InvasionAI.MIN_INVASION_SCORE ] if species_name != planet.speciesName and planet.speciesName and mission_type != MissionType.INVASION: return 0 this_sysid = planet.systemID if homeworld: home_system_id = homeworld.systemID eval_system_id = this_sysid if home_system_id != INVALID_ID and eval_system_id != INVALID_ID: least_jumps = universe.jumpDistance(home_system_id, eval_system_id) if least_jumps == -1: # indicates no known path return 0.0 if planet is None: vis_map = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet_id, empire.empireID) debug("Planet %d object not available; visMap: %s" % (planet_id, vis_map)) return 0 # only count existing presence if not target planet # TODO: consider neighboring sytems for smaller contribution, and bigger contributions for # local colonies versus local outposts locally_owned_planets = [ lpid for lpid in get_owned_planets_in_system(this_sysid) if lpid != planet_id ] planets_with_species = get_inhabited_planets() locally_owned_pop_ctrs = [ lpid for lpid in locally_owned_planets if lpid in planets_with_species ] # triple count pop_ctrs existing_presence = len( locally_owned_planets) + 2 * len(locally_owned_pop_ctrs) system = universe.getSystem(this_sysid) sys_supply = get_system_supply(this_sysid) planet_supply = AIDependencies.supply_by_size.get(planet.size, 0) bld_types = set( universe.getBuilding(bldg).buildingTypeName for bldg in planet.buildingIDs).intersection( AIDependencies.building_supply) planet_supply += sum( AIDependencies.building_supply[bld_type].get(int(psize), 0) for psize in [-1, planet.size] for bld_type in bld_types) supply_specials = set(planet.specials).union(system.specials).intersection( AIDependencies.SUPPLY_MOD_SPECIALS) planet_supply += sum( AIDependencies.SUPPLY_MOD_SPECIALS[_special].get(int(psize), 0) for _special in supply_specials for psize in [-1, planet.size]) ind_tag_mod = AIDependencies.SPECIES_INDUSTRY_MODIFIER.get( get_species_tag_grade(species_name, Tags.INDUSTRY), 1.0) res_tag_mod = AIDependencies.SPECIES_RESEARCH_MODIFIER.get( get_species_tag_grade(species_name, Tags.RESEARCH), 1.0) if species: supply_tag_mod = AIDependencies.SPECIES_SUPPLY_MODIFIER.get( get_species_tag_grade(species_name, Tags.SUPPLY), 1) else: supply_tag_mod = 0 # determine the potential supply provided by owning this planet, and if the planet is currently populated by # the evaluated species, then save this supply value in a cache. # The system supply value can be negative (indicates the respective number of starlane jumps to the closest supplied # system). So if this total planet supply value is non-negative, then the planet would be supply connected (to at # least a portion of the existing empire) if the planet becomes owned by the AI. planet_supply += supply_tag_mod planet_supply = max(planet_supply, 0) # planets can't have negative supply if planet.speciesName == species_name: update_planet_supply(planet_id, planet_supply + sys_supply) threat_factor = _determine_colony_threat_factor(planet_id, species_name, existing_presence) sys_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(this_sysid) planet_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet_id) if planet_partial_vis_turn < sys_partial_vis_turn: # last time we had partial vis of the system, the planet was stealthed to us # print "Colonization AI couldn't get current info on planet id %d (was stealthed at last sighting)" % planet_id return 0 # TODO: track detection strength, order new scouting when it goes up star_bonus = 0 colony_star_bonus = 0 research_bonus = 0 growth_val = 0 fixed_ind = 0 fixed_res = 0 if system: already_got_this_one = this_sysid in get_owned_planets() # TODO: Should probably consider pilot rating also for Phototropic species if "PHOTOTROPHIC" not in tag_list and pilot_rating >= best_pilot_rating( ): if system.starType == and tech_is_complete( "LRN_STELLAR_TOMOGRAPHY"): star_bonus += 40 * discount_multiplier # can be used for artif'l black hole and solar hull detail.append( "Red Star for Art Black Hole for solar hull %.1f" % (40 * discount_multiplier)) elif system.starType == fo.starType.blackHole and tech_is_complete( "SHP_FRC_ENRG_COMP"): star_bonus += 100 * discount_multiplier # can be used for solar hull detail.append("Black Hole for solar hull %.1f" % (100 * discount_multiplier)) if tech_is_complete("PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN" ) or "PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN" in empire_research_list[:5]: if system.starType in [, fo.starType.white]: if not has_claimed_star(, fo.starType.white): star_bonus += 20 * discount_multiplier detail.append("PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN BW %.1f" % (20 * discount_multiplier)) elif not already_got_this_one: # still has extra value as an alternate location for solar generators star_bonus += 10 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor detail.append("PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN BW Backup Location %.1f" % (10 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor)) elif fo.currentTurn() > 100: # lock up this whole system pass # starBonus += 5 # TODO: how much? # detail.append("PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN BW LockingDownSystem %.1f"%5) if system.starType in [fo.starType.yellow,]: if not has_claimed_star(, fo.starType.white, fo.starType.yellow, star_bonus += 10 * discount_multiplier detail.append("PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN YO %.1f" % (10 * discount_multiplier)) else: pass # starBonus +=2 # still has extra value as an alternate location for solar generators # detail.append("PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN YO Backup %.1f" % 2) if system.starType in [fo.starType.blackHole ] and fo.currentTurn() > 100: if not already_got_this_one: # whether have tech yet or not, assign some base value star_bonus += 10 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor detail.append("Black Hole %.1f" % (10 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor)) else: star_bonus += 5 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor detail.append("Black Hole Backup %.1f" % (5 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor)) if tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN ): # start valuing as soon as PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN done if system.starType == fo.starType.blackHole: # pretty rare planets, good for generator this_val = 0.5 * max(population_with_industry_focus(), 20) * discount_multiplier if not has_claimed_star(fo.starType.blackHole): star_bonus += this_val detail.append("PRO_SINGULAR_GEN %.1f" % this_val) elif not is_system_star_claimed(system): # still has extra value as an alternate location for generators & for blocking enemies generators star_bonus += this_val * backup_factor detail.append("PRO_SINGULAR_GEN Backup %.1f" % (this_val * backup_factor)) elif system.starType == and not has_claimed_star( fo.starType.blackHole): rfactor = (1.0 + count_claimed_stars(**-2 star_bonus += 40 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor * rfactor # can be used for artif'l black hole detail.append( "Red Star for Art Black Hole %.1f" % (40 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor * rfactor)) if tech_is_complete( "PRO_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTION" ) or "PRO_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTION" in empire_research_list[:8]: if system.starType in [fo.starType.neutron]: if not has_claimed_star(fo.starType.neutron): star_bonus += 80 * discount_multiplier # pretty rare planets, good for armor detail.append("PRO_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTION %.1f" % (80 * discount_multiplier)) else: # still has extra value as an alternate location for generators & for bnlocking enemies generators star_bonus += 20 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor detail.append("PRO_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTION Backup %.1f" % (20 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor)) if tech_is_complete( "SHP_ENRG_BOUND_MAN" ) or "SHP_ENRG_BOUND_MAN" in empire_research_list[:6]: # TODO: base this on pilot val, and also consider red stars if system.starType in [fo.starType.blackHole,]: init_val = 100 * discount_multiplier * (pilot_val or 1) if not has_claimed_star(fo.starType.blackHole, colony_star_bonus += init_val # pretty rare planets, good for energy shipyards detail.append("SHP_ENRG_BOUND_MAN %.1f" % init_val) elif not is_system_star_claimed(system): # still has extra value as an alternate location for energy shipyard colony_star_bonus += 0.5 * init_val * backup_factor detail.append("SHP_ENRG_BOUND_MAN Backup %.1f" % (0.5 * init_val * backup_factor)) retval += star_bonus planet_specials = list(planet.specials) if "ECCENTRIC_ORBIT_SPECIAL" in planet.specials: fixed_res += discount_multiplier * 6 detail.append("ECCENTRIC_ORBIT_SPECIAL %.1f" % (discount_multiplier * 6)) if mission_type == MissionType.OUTPOST or ( mission_type == MissionType.INVASION and not species_name): if "ANCIENT_RUINS_SPECIAL" in planet.specials: # TODO: add value for depleted ancient ruins retval += discount_multiplier * 30 detail.append("Undepleted Ruins %.1f" % discount_multiplier * 30) for special in planet_specials: if "_NEST_" in special: nest_val = get_nest_rating( special, 5.0 ) * discount_multiplier # get an outpost on the nest quick retval += nest_val detail.append("%s %.1f" % (special, nest_val)) elif special == "FORTRESS_SPECIAL": fort_val = 10 * discount_multiplier retval += fort_val detail.append("%s %.1f" % (special, fort_val)) elif special == "HONEYCOMB_SPECIAL": honey_val = 0.3 * (AIDependencies.HONEYCOMB_IND_MULTIPLIER * AIDependencies.INDUSTRY_PER_POP * population_with_industry_focus() * discount_multiplier) retval += honey_val detail.append("%s %.1f" % (special, honey_val)) if planet.size == fo.planetSize.asteroids: ast_val = 0 if system: for pid in system.planetIDs: other_planet = universe.getPlanet(pid) if other_planet.size == fo.planetSize.asteroids: if pid == planet_id: continue elif pid < planet_id and planet.unowned: ast_val = 0 break elif other_planet.speciesName: if other_planet.owner == empire.empireID: ownership_factor = 1.0 elif pid in prospective_invasion_targets: ownership_factor = character.secondary_valuation_factor_for_invasion_targets( ) else: ownership_factor = 0.0 ast_val += ownership_factor * _base_asteroid_mining_val( ) * discount_multiplier retval += ast_val if ast_val > 0: detail.append("AsteroidMining %.1f" % ast_val) ast_val = 0 if tech_is_complete("SHP_ASTEROID_HULLS"): per_ast = 20 elif tech_is_complete("CON_ORBITAL_CON"): per_ast = 5 else: per_ast = 0.1 if system: for pid in system.planetIDs: other_planet = universe.getPlanet(pid) if other_planet.size == fo.planetSize.asteroids: if pid == planet_id: continue elif pid < planet_id and planet.unowned: ast_val = 0 break elif other_planet.speciesName: other_species = fo.getSpecies(other_planet.speciesName) if other_species and other_species.canProduceShips: if other_planet.owner == empire.empireID: ownership_factor = 1.0 elif pid in prospective_invasion_targets: ownership_factor = character.secondary_valuation_factor_for_invasion_targets( ) else: ownership_factor = 0.0 ast_val += ownership_factor * per_ast * discount_multiplier retval += ast_val if ast_val > 0: detail.append("AsteroidShipBuilding %.1f" % ast_val) # We will assume that if any GG in the system is populated, they all will wind up populated; cannot then hope # to build a GGG on a non-populated GG populated_gg_factor = 1.0 per_gg = 0 if planet.size == fo.planetSize.gasGiant: # TODO: Given current industry calc approach, consider bringing this max val down to actual max val of 10 if tech_is_complete("PRO_ORBITAL_GEN"): per_gg = 20 elif tech_is_complete("CON_ORBITAL_CON"): per_gg = 10 if species_name: populated_gg_factor = 0.5 else: per_gg = 5 if system: gg_list = [] orb_gen_val = 0 gg_detail = [] for pid in system.planetIDs: other_planet = universe.getPlanet(pid) if other_planet.size == fo.planetSize.gasGiant: gg_list.append(pid) if other_planet.speciesName: populated_gg_factor = 0.5 if (pid != planet_id and other_planet.owner == empire.empireID and FocusType.FOCUS_INDUSTRY in list(other_planet.availableFoci) + [other_planet.focus]): orb_gen_val += per_gg * discount_multiplier # Note, this reported value may not take into account a later adjustment from a populated gg gg_detail.append("GGG for %s %.1f" % (, discount_multiplier * per_gg * populated_gg_factor)) if planet_id in sorted(gg_list)[:1]: retval += orb_gen_val * populated_gg_factor detail.extend(gg_detail) else: detail.append("Won't GGG") if existing_presence: detail.append("preexisting system colony") retval = (retval + existing_presence * _get_defense_value(species_name)) * 1.5 # Fixme - sys_supply is always <= 0 leading to incorrect supply bonus score supply_val = 0 if sys_supply < 0: if sys_supply + planet_supply >= 0: supply_val += 30 * (planet_supply - max(-3, sys_supply)) else: retval += 30 * (planet_supply + sys_supply) # a penalty elif planet_supply > sys_supply and ( sys_supply < 2): # TODO: check min neighbor supply supply_val += 25 * (planet_supply - sys_supply) detail.append("sys_supply: %d, planet_supply: %d, supply_val: %.0f" % (sys_supply, planet_supply, supply_val)) retval += supply_val if threat_factor < 1.0: threat_factor = _revise_threat_factor(threat_factor, retval, this_sysid, MINIMUM_COLONY_SCORE) retval *= threat_factor detail.append("threat reducing value by %3d %%" % (100 * (1 - threat_factor))) return int(retval) else: # colonization mission if not species: return 0 supply_val = 0 if "ANCIENT_RUINS_SPECIAL" in planet.specials: retval += discount_multiplier * 50 detail.append("Undepleted Ruins %.1f" % discount_multiplier * 50) if "HONEYCOMB_SPECIAL" in planet.specials: honey_val = (AIDependencies.HONEYCOMB_IND_MULTIPLIER * AIDependencies.INDUSTRY_PER_POP * population_with_industry_focus() * discount_multiplier) if FocusType.FOCUS_INDUSTRY not in species_foci: honey_val *= -0.3 # discourage settlement by colonizers not able to use Industry Focus retval += honey_val detail.append("%s %.1f" % ("HONEYCOMB_SPECIAL", honey_val)) # Fixme - sys_supply is always <= 0 leading to incorrect supply bonus score if sys_supply <= 0: if sys_supply + planet_supply >= 0: supply_val = 40 * (planet_supply - max(-3, sys_supply)) else: supply_val = 200 * (planet_supply + sys_supply) # a penalty if species_name == "SP_SLY": # Sly are essentially stuck with lousy supply, so don't penalize for that supply_val = 0 elif planet_supply > sys_supply == 1: # TODO: check min neighbor supply supply_val = 20 * (planet_supply - sys_supply) detail.append("sys_supply: %d, planet_supply: %d, supply_val: %.0f" % (sys_supply, planet_supply, supply_val)) # if AITags != "": # print "Species %s has AITags %s"%(specName, AITags) retval += fixed_res retval += colony_star_bonus asteroid_bonus = 0 gas_giant_bonus = 0 flat_industry = 0 mining_bonus = 0 per_ggg = 10 asteroid_factor = 0.0 gg_factor = 0.0 ast_shipyard_name = "" if system and FocusType.FOCUS_INDUSTRY in species.foci: for pid in system.planetIDs: if pid == planet_id: continue p2 = universe.getPlanet(pid) if p2: if p2.size == fo.planetSize.asteroids: this_factor = 0.0 if p2.owner == empire.empireID: this_factor = 1.0 elif p2.unowned: this_factor = 0.5 elif pid in prospective_invasion_targets: this_factor = character.secondary_valuation_factor_for_invasion_targets( ) if this_factor > asteroid_factor: asteroid_factor = this_factor ast_shipyard_name = if p2.size == fo.planetSize.gasGiant: if p2.owner == empire.empireID: gg_factor = max(gg_factor, 1.0) elif p2.unowned: gg_factor = max(gg_factor, 0.5) elif pid in prospective_invasion_targets: gg_factor = max( gg_factor, character. secondary_valuation_factor_for_invasion_targets( )) if asteroid_factor > 0.0: if tech_is_complete( "PRO_MICROGRAV_MAN" ) or "PRO_MICROGRAV_MAN" in empire_research_list[:10]: flat_industry += 2 * asteroid_factor # will go into detailed industry projection detail.append("Asteroid mining ~ %.1f" % (5 * asteroid_factor * discount_multiplier)) if tech_is_complete( "SHP_ASTEROID_HULLS" ) or "SHP_ASTEROID_HULLS" in empire_research_list[:11]: if species and species.canProduceShips: asteroid_bonus = 30 * discount_multiplier * pilot_val detail.append("Asteroid ShipBuilding from %s %.1f" % (ast_shipyard_name, discount_multiplier * 30 * pilot_val)) if gg_factor > 0.0: if tech_is_complete( "PRO_ORBITAL_GEN" ) or "PRO_ORBITAL_GEN" in empire_research_list[:5]: flat_industry += per_ggg * gg_factor # will go into detailed industry projection detail.append("GGG ~ %.1f" % (per_ggg * gg_factor * discount_multiplier)) # calculate the maximum population of the species on that planet. if planet.speciesName not in AIDependencies.SPECIES_FIXED_POPULATION: max_pop_size = calc_max_pop(planet, species, detail) else: max_pop_size = AIDependencies.SPECIES_FIXED_POPULATION[ planet.speciesName] detail.append("Fixed max population of %.2f" % max_pop_size) if max_pop_size <= 0: detail.append( "Non-positive population projection for species '%s', so no colonization value" % (species and return 0 for special in [ "MINERALS_SPECIAL", "CRYSTALS_SPECIAL", "ELERIUM_SPECIAL" ]: if special in planet_specials: mining_bonus += 1 has_blackhole = has_claimed_star(fo.starType.blackHole) ind_tech_map_flat = AIDependencies.INDUSTRY_EFFECTS_FLAT_NOT_MODIFIED_BY_SPECIES ind_tech_map_before_species_mod = AIDependencies.INDUSTRY_EFFECTS_PER_POP_MODIFIED_BY_SPECIES ind_tech_map_after_species_mod = AIDependencies.INDUSTRY_EFFECTS_PER_POP_NOT_MODIFIED_BY_SPECIES ind_mult = 1 for tech in ind_tech_map_before_species_mod: if tech_is_complete(tech) and ( tech != AIDependencies.PRO_SINGULAR_GEN or has_blackhole): ind_mult += ind_tech_map_before_species_mod[tech] ind_mult = ind_mult * max( ind_tag_mod, 0.5 * (ind_tag_mod + res_tag_mod)) # TODO: report an actual calc for research value for tech in ind_tech_map_after_species_mod: if tech_is_complete(tech) and ( tech != AIDependencies.PRO_SINGULAR_GEN or has_blackhole): ind_mult += ind_tech_map_after_species_mod[tech] max_ind_factor = 0 for tech in ind_tech_map_flat: if tech_is_complete(tech): fixed_ind += discount_multiplier * ind_tech_map_flat[tech] if FocusType.FOCUS_INDUSTRY in species.foci: if "TIDAL_LOCK_SPECIAL" in planet.specials: ind_mult += 1 max_ind_factor += AIDependencies.INDUSTRY_PER_POP * mining_bonus max_ind_factor += AIDependencies.INDUSTRY_PER_POP * ind_mult cur_pop = 1.0 # assume an initial colonization value if planet.speciesName != "": cur_pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population) elif tech_is_complete("GRO_LIFECYCLE_MAN"): cur_pop = 3.0 cur_industry = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.industry) ind_val = _project_ind_val(cur_pop, max_pop_size, cur_industry, max_ind_factor, flat_industry, discount_multiplier) detail.append("ind_val %.1f" % ind_val) # used to give preference to closest worlds for special in [ spec for spec in planet_specials if spec in AIDependencies.metabolismBoosts ]: # TODO: also consider potential future benefit re currently unpopulated planets gbonus = (discount_multiplier * AIDependencies.INDUSTRY_PER_POP * ind_mult * empire_metabolisms.get( AIDependencies.metabolismBoosts[special], 0) ) # due to growth applicability to other planets growth_val += gbonus detail.append("Bonus for %s: %.1f" % (special, gbonus)) if FocusType.FOCUS_RESEARCH in species.foci: research_bonus += discount_multiplier * 2 * AIDependencies.RESEARCH_PER_POP * max_pop_size if "ANCIENT_RUINS_SPECIAL" in planet.specials or "ANCIENT_RUINS_DEPLETED_SPECIAL" in planet.specials: research_bonus += discount_multiplier * 2 * AIDependencies.RESEARCH_PER_POP * max_pop_size * 5 detail.append("Ruins Research") if "TEMPORAL_ANOMALY_SPECIAL" in planet.specials: research_bonus += discount_multiplier * 2 * AIDependencies.RESEARCH_PER_POP * max_pop_size * 25 detail.append("Temporal Anomaly Research") if AIDependencies.COMPUTRONIUM_SPECIAL in planet.specials: comp_bonus = (0.5 * AIDependencies.TECH_COST_MULTIPLIER * AIDependencies.RESEARCH_PER_POP * AIDependencies.COMPUTRONIUM_RES_MULTIPLIER * population_with_research_focus() * discount_multiplier) if have_computronium(): comp_bonus *= backup_factor research_bonus += comp_bonus detail.append(AIDependencies.COMPUTRONIUM_SPECIAL) retval += (max(ind_val + asteroid_bonus + gas_giant_bonus, research_bonus, growth_val) + fixed_ind + fixed_res + supply_val) if existing_presence: detail.append("preexisting system colony") retval = (retval + existing_presence * _get_defense_value(species_name)) * 2 if threat_factor < 1.0: threat_factor = _revise_threat_factor(threat_factor, retval, this_sysid, MINIMUM_COLONY_SCORE) retval *= threat_factor detail.append("threat reducing value by %3d %%" % (100 * (1 - threat_factor))) return retval
def generateOrders(): global lastTurnTimestamp universe = fo.getUniverse() turnStartTime=time() #starting AI timer here, to be sure AI doesn't get blame for any lags in server being able to provide the Universe object empire = fo.getEmpire() planetID = PlanetUtilsAI.getCapital() planet=None if planetID is not None: planet = universe.getPlanet(planetID) print "***************************************************************************" print "***************************************************************************" print ("Generating Orders") print "EmpireID: " + str(empire.empireID) + " Name: " + "_"+str(empire.empireID-1) +"_pid:"+str(fo.playerID())+"_"+fo.playerName()+"_"+aggressions.get(foAIstate.aggression, "?") + " Turn: " + str(fo.currentTurn()) empireColor=empire.colour print "EmpireColors: %d %d %d %d"%(empireColor.r, empireColor.g, empireColor.b, empireColor.a) if planet: print "CapitalID: " + str(planetID) + " Name: " + + " Species: " + planet.speciesName else: print "CapitalID: None Currently Name: None Species: None " print "***************************************************************************" print "***************************************************************************" if fo.currentTurn() == 1: declareWarOnAll() # turn cleanup !!! this was formerly done at start of every turn -- not sure why splitNewFleets() #updateShipDesigns() #should not be needed anymore; #updateFleetsRoles() foAIstate.clean() #checks exploration border & clears roles/missions of missing fleets & updates fleet locs foAIstate.reportSystemThreats() # ...missions # ...demands/priorities print("Calling AI Modules") # call AI modules timer=[time()] try: PriorityAI.calculatePriorities() except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught: ", traceback.format_exc() # try traceback.print_exc() timer.append( time() ) try: ExplorationAI.assignScoutsToExploreSystems() except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught: ", traceback.format_exc() timer.append( time() ) try: ColonisationAI.assignColonyFleetsToColonise() except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught: ", traceback.format_exc() timer.append( time() ) try: InvasionAI.assignInvasionFleetsToInvade() except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught: ", traceback.format_exc() timer.append( time() ) try: MilitaryAI.assignMilitaryFleetsToSystems() except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught: ", traceback.format_exc() timer.append( time() ) try: FleetUtilsAI.generateAIFleetOrdersForAIFleetMissions() except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught: ", traceback.format_exc() timer.append( time() ) try: FleetUtilsAI.issueAIFleetOrdersForAIFleetMissions() except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught: ", traceback.format_exc() timer.append( time() ) try: ResearchAI.generateResearchOrders() except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught: ", traceback.format_exc() timer.append( time() ) try: ProductionAI.generateProductionOrders() except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught: ", traceback.format_exc() timer.append( time() ) try: ResourcesAI.generateResourcesOrders() except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught: ", traceback.format_exc() timer.append( time() ) try: foAIstate.afterTurnCleanup() except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught: ", traceback.format_exc() timer.append( time() ) times = [timer[i] - timer[i-1] for i in range(1, len(timer) ) ] turnEndTime=time() timeFmt = "%30s: %8d msec " print "AI Module Time Requirements:" for mod, modTime in zip(__timerEntries, times): print timeFmt%((30*' '+mod)[-30:], int(1000*modTime)) if __timerFile: __timerFile.write( __timerFileFmt%tuple( [ fo.currentTurn() ]+map(lambda x: int(1000*x), times )) +'\n') __timerFile.flush() if __timerBucketFile: __timerBucketFile.write( __timerBucketFileFmt%tuple( [ fo.currentTurn(), (turnStartTime-lastTurnTimestamp)*1000, (turnEndTime-turnStartTime)*1000 ]) +'\n') __timerBucketFile.flush() lastTurnTimestamp = time() try: fo.doneTurn() except: print "Error: exception triggered and caught: ", traceback.format_exc()
def get_military_fleets(mil_fleets_ids=None, try_reset=True, thisround="Main"): """Get armed military fleets.""" global _military_allocations universe = fo.getUniverse() empire_id = fo.empireID() home_system_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital_sys_id() all_military_fleet_ids = (mil_fleets_ids if mil_fleets_ids is not None else FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role( MissionType.MILITARY)) # Todo: This block had been originally added to address situations where fleet missions were not properly # terminating, leaving fleets stuck in stale deployments. Assess if this block is still needed at all; delete # if not, otherwise restructure the following code so that in event a reset is occurring greater priority is given # to providing military support to locations where a necessary Secure mission might have just been released (i.e., # at invasion and colony/outpost targets where the troopships and colony ships are on their way), or else allow # only a partial reset which does not reset Secure missions. enable_periodic_mission_reset = False if enable_periodic_mission_reset and try_reset and ( fo.currentTurn() + empire_id) % 30 == 0 and thisround == "Main": debug( "Resetting all Military missions as part of an automatic periodic reset to clear stale missions." ) try_again(all_military_fleet_ids, try_reset=False, thisround=thisround + " Reset") return mil_fleets_ids = list( FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types( all_military_fleet_ids)) mil_needing_repair_ids, mil_fleets_ids = avail_mil_needing_repair( mil_fleets_ids, split_ships=True) avail_mil_rating = combine_ratings( get_fleet_rating(x) for x in mil_fleets_ids) if not mil_fleets_ids: if "Main" in thisround: _military_allocations = [] return [] # for each system, get total rating of fleets assigned to it already_assigned_rating = {} already_assigned_rating_vs_planets = {} aistate = get_aistate() systems_status = aistate.systemStatus enemy_sup_factor = {} # enemy supply for sys_id in universe.systemIDs: already_assigned_rating[sys_id] = 0 already_assigned_rating_vs_planets[sys_id] = 0 enemy_sup_factor[sys_id] = min( 2, len( systems_status.get(sys_id, {}).get("enemies_nearly_supplied", []))) for fleet_id in [ fid for fid in all_military_fleet_ids if fid not in mil_fleets_ids ]: ai_fleet_mission = aistate.get_fleet_mission(fleet_id) if not # shouldn't really be possible continue last_sys = ( ) # will count this fleet as assigned to last system in target list # TODO last_sys or target sys? this_rating = get_fleet_rating(fleet_id) this_rating_vs_planets = get_fleet_rating_against_planets(fleet_id) already_assigned_rating[last_sys] = combine_ratings( already_assigned_rating.get(last_sys, 0), this_rating) already_assigned_rating_vs_planets[last_sys] = combine_ratings( already_assigned_rating_vs_planets.get(last_sys, 0), this_rating_vs_planets) for sys_id in universe.systemIDs: my_defense_rating = systems_status.get(sys_id, {}).get("mydefenses", {}).get("overall", 0) already_assigned_rating[sys_id] = combine_ratings( my_defense_rating, already_assigned_rating[sys_id]) if _verbose_mil_reporting and already_assigned_rating[sys_id]: debug( "\t System %s already assigned rating %.1f" % (universe.getSystem(sys_id), already_assigned_rating[sys_id])) # get systems to defend capital_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital() if capital_id is not None: capital_planet = universe.getPlanet(capital_id) else: capital_planet = None # TODO: if no owned planets try to capture one! if capital_planet: capital_sys_id = capital_planet.systemID else: # should be rare, but so as to not break code below, pick a randomish mil-centroid system capital_sys_id = None # unless we can find one to use system_dict = {} for fleet_id in all_military_fleet_ids: status = aistate.fleetStatus.get(fleet_id, None) if status is not None: system_id = status["sysID"] if not list(universe.getSystem(system_id).planetIDs): continue system_dict[system_id] = system_dict.get( system_id, 0) + status.get("rating", 0) ranked_systems = sorted([(val, sys_id) for sys_id, val in system_dict.items()]) if ranked_systems: capital_sys_id = ranked_systems[-1][-1] else: try: capital_sys_id = next(iter( aistate.fleetStatus.items()))[1]["sysID"] except: # noqa: E722 pass num_targets = max(10, PriorityAI.allotted_outpost_targets) top_target_planets = ([ pid for pid, pscore, trp in AIstate.invasionTargets[:PriorityAI.allotted_invasion_targets()] if pscore > InvasionAI.MIN_INVASION_SCORE ] + [ pid for pid, (pscore, spec) in list(aistate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items()) [:num_targets] if pscore > InvasionAI.MIN_INVASION_SCORE ] + [ pid for pid, (pscore, spec) in list(aistate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()) [:num_targets] if pscore > InvasionAI.MIN_INVASION_SCORE ]) top_target_planets.extend(aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.keys()) base_col_target_systems = PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(top_target_planets) top_target_systems = [] for sys_id in AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs + base_col_target_systems: if sys_id not in top_target_systems: if aistate.systemStatus[sys_id][ "totalThreat"] > get_tot_mil_rating(): continue top_target_systems.append( sys_id) # doing this rather than set, to preserve order try: # capital defense allocation_helper = AllocationHelper( already_assigned_rating, already_assigned_rating_vs_planets, avail_mil_rating, try_reset) if capital_sys_id is not None: CapitalDefenseAllocator(capital_sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() # defend other planets empire_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire() empire_occupied_system_ids = list( set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(empire_planet_ids)) - {capital_sys_id}) for sys_id in empire_occupied_system_ids: PlanetDefenseAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() # attack / protect high priority targets for sys_id in top_target_systems: TopTargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() # enemy planets other_targeted_system_ids = [ sys_id for sys_id in set( PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs)) if sys_id not in top_target_systems ] for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids: TargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() # colony / outpost targets other_targeted_system_ids = [ sys_id for sys_id in list( set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs)) if sys_id not in top_target_systems ] for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids: OutpostTargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() # TODO blockade enemy systems # interior systems targetable_ids = set(get_systems_by_supply_tier(0)) current_mil_systems = [ sid for sid, _, _, _, _ in allocation_helper.allocations ] interior_targets1 = targetable_ids.difference(current_mil_systems) interior_targets = [ sid for sid in interior_targets1 if (allocation_helper.threat_bias + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get("totalThreat", 0) > 0.8 * allocation_helper.already_assigned_rating[sid]) ] for sys_id in interior_targets: InteriorTargetsAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() # TODO Exploration targets # border protections visible_system_ids = aistate.visInteriorSystemIDs | aistate.visBorderSystemIDs accessible_system_ids = ([ sys_id for sys_id in visible_system_ids if systems_connected(sys_id, home_system_id) ] if home_system_id != INVALID_ID else []) current_mil_systems = [ sid for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, _ in allocation_helper.allocations if alloc > 0 ] border_targets1 = [ sid for sid in accessible_system_ids if sid not in current_mil_systems ] border_targets = [ sid for sid in border_targets1 if (allocation_helper.threat_bias + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get("fleetThreat", 0) + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get("planetThreat", 0) > 0.8 * allocation_helper.already_assigned_rating[sid]) ] for sys_id in border_targets: BorderSecurityAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() except ReleaseMilitaryException: try_again(all_military_fleet_ids) return new_allocations = [] remaining_mil_rating = avail_mil_rating # for top categories assign max_alloc right away as available for cat in ["capitol", "occupied", "topTargets"]: for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups.get( cat, []): if remaining_mil_rating <= 0: break this_alloc = min(remaining_mil_rating, max_alloc) new_allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, alloc, rvp, take_any)) remaining_mil_rating = rating_difference(remaining_mil_rating, this_alloc) base_allocs = set() # for lower priority categories, first assign base_alloc around to all, then top up as available for cat in ["otherTargets", "accessibleTargets", "exploreTargets"]: for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups.get( cat, []): if remaining_mil_rating <= 0: break alloc = min(remaining_mil_rating, alloc) base_allocs.add(sid) remaining_mil_rating = rating_difference(remaining_mil_rating, alloc) for cat in ["otherTargets", "accessibleTargets", "exploreTargets"]: for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups.get( cat, []): if sid not in base_allocs: break if remaining_mil_rating <= 0: new_allocations.append((sid, alloc, alloc, rvp, take_any)) else: local_max_avail = combine_ratings(remaining_mil_rating, alloc) new_rating = min(local_max_avail, max_alloc) new_allocations.append((sid, new_rating, alloc, rvp, take_any)) remaining_mil_rating = rating_difference( local_max_avail, new_rating) if "Main" in thisround: _military_allocations = new_allocations if _verbose_mil_reporting or "Main" in thisround: debug( "------------------------------\nFinal %s Round Military Allocations: %s \n-----------------------" % (thisround, dict([(sid, alloc) for sid, alloc, _, _, _ in new_allocations]))) debug("(Apparently) remaining military rating: %.1f" % remaining_mil_rating) return new_allocations
def get_military_fleets(mil_fleets_ids=None, try_reset=True, thisround="Main"): """Get armed military fleets.""" global _military_allocations universe = fo.getUniverse() empire_id = fo.empireID() home_system_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital_sys_id() all_military_fleet_ids = (mil_fleets_ids if mil_fleets_ids is not None else FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.MILITARY)) if try_reset and (fo.currentTurn() + empire_id) % 30 == 0 and thisround == "Main": try_again(all_military_fleet_ids, try_reset=False, thisround=thisround + " Reset") return mil_fleets_ids = list(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(all_military_fleet_ids)) mil_needing_repair_ids, mil_fleets_ids = avail_mil_needing_repair(mil_fleets_ids, split_ships=True) avail_mil_rating = combine_ratings_list(map(CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating, mil_fleets_ids)) if not mil_fleets_ids: if "Main" in thisround: _military_allocations = [] return [] # for each system, get total rating of fleets assigned to it already_assigned_rating = {} already_assigned_rating_vs_planets = {} aistate = get_aistate() systems_status = aistate.systemStatus enemy_sup_factor = {} # enemy supply for sys_id in universe.systemIDs: already_assigned_rating[sys_id] = 0 already_assigned_rating_vs_planets[sys_id] = 0 enemy_sup_factor[sys_id] = min(2, len(systems_status.get(sys_id, {}).get('enemies_nearly_supplied', []))) for fleet_id in [fid for fid in all_military_fleet_ids if fid not in mil_fleets_ids]: ai_fleet_mission = aistate.get_fleet_mission(fleet_id) if not # shouldn't really be possible continue last_sys = # will count this fleet as assigned to last system in target list # TODO last_sys or target sys? this_rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(fleet_id) this_rating_vs_planets = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating_against_planets(fleet_id) already_assigned_rating[last_sys] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings( already_assigned_rating.get(last_sys, 0), this_rating) already_assigned_rating_vs_planets[last_sys] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings( already_assigned_rating_vs_planets.get(last_sys, 0), this_rating_vs_planets) for sys_id in universe.systemIDs: my_defense_rating = systems_status.get(sys_id, {}).get('mydefenses', {}).get('overall', 0) already_assigned_rating[sys_id] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(my_defense_rating, already_assigned_rating[sys_id]) if _verbose_mil_reporting and already_assigned_rating[sys_id]: print "\t System %s already assigned rating %.1f" % ( universe.getSystem(sys_id), already_assigned_rating[sys_id]) # get systems to defend capital_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital() if capital_id is not None: capital_planet = universe.getPlanet(capital_id) else: capital_planet = None # TODO: if no owned planets try to capture one! if capital_planet: capital_sys_id = capital_planet.systemID else: # should be rare, but so as to not break code below, pick a randomish mil-centroid system capital_sys_id = None # unless we can find one to use system_dict = {} for fleet_id in all_military_fleet_ids: status = aistate.fleetStatus.get(fleet_id, None) if status is not None: system_id = status['sysID'] if not list(universe.getSystem(system_id).planetIDs): continue system_dict[system_id] = system_dict.get(system_id, 0) + status.get('rating', 0) ranked_systems = sorted([(val, sys_id) for sys_id, val in system_dict.items()]) if ranked_systems: capital_sys_id = ranked_systems[-1][-1] else: try: capital_sys_id = aistate.fleetStatus.items()[0][1]['sysID'] except: pass num_targets = max(10, PriorityAI.allotted_outpost_targets) top_target_planets = ([pid for pid, pscore, trp in AIstate.invasionTargets[:PriorityAI.allotted_invasion_targets()] if pscore > InvasionAI.MIN_INVASION_SCORE] + [pid for pid, (pscore, spec) in aistate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items()[:num_targets] if pscore > InvasionAI.MIN_INVASION_SCORE] + [pid for pid, (pscore, spec) in aistate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()[:num_targets] if pscore > InvasionAI.MIN_INVASION_SCORE]) top_target_planets.extend(aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.keys()) base_col_target_systems = PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(top_target_planets) top_target_systems = [] for sys_id in AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs + base_col_target_systems: if sys_id not in top_target_systems: if aistate.systemStatus[sys_id]['totalThreat'] > get_tot_mil_rating(): continue top_target_systems.append(sys_id) # doing this rather than set, to preserve order try: # capital defense allocation_helper = AllocationHelper(already_assigned_rating, already_assigned_rating_vs_planets, avail_mil_rating, try_reset) if capital_sys_id is not None: CapitalDefenseAllocator(capital_sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() # defend other planets empire_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(universe.planetIDs) empire_occupied_system_ids = list(set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(empire_planet_ids)) - {capital_sys_id}) for sys_id in empire_occupied_system_ids: PlanetDefenseAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() # attack / protect high priority targets for sys_id in top_target_systems: TopTargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() # enemy planets other_targeted_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs)) if sys_id not in top_target_systems] for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids: TargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() # colony / outpost targets other_targeted_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in list(set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs)) if sys_id not in top_target_systems] for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids: OutpostTargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() # TODO blockade enemy systems # interior systems targetable_ids = set(state.get_systems_by_supply_tier(0)) current_mil_systems = [sid for sid, _, _, _, _ in allocation_helper.allocations] interior_targets1 = targetable_ids.difference(current_mil_systems) interior_targets = [sid for sid in interior_targets1 if ( allocation_helper.threat_bias + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get('totalThreat', 0) > 0.8 * allocation_helper.already_assigned_rating[sid])] for sys_id in interior_targets: InteriorTargetsAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() # TODO Exploration targets # border protections visible_system_ids = aistate.visInteriorSystemIDs | aistate.visBorderSystemIDs accessible_system_ids = ([sys_id for sys_id in visible_system_ids if universe.systemsConnected(sys_id, home_system_id, empire_id)] if home_system_id != INVALID_ID else []) current_mil_systems = [sid for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, _ in allocation_helper.allocations if alloc > 0] border_targets1 = [sid for sid in accessible_system_ids if sid not in current_mil_systems] border_targets = [sid for sid in border_targets1 if ( allocation_helper.threat_bias + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get('fleetThreat', 0) + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get( 'planetThreat', 0) > 0.8 * allocation_helper.already_assigned_rating[sid])] for sys_id in border_targets: BorderSecurityAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate() except ReleaseMilitaryException: try_again(all_military_fleet_ids) return new_allocations = [] remaining_mil_rating = avail_mil_rating # for top categories assign max_alloc right away as available for cat in ['capitol', 'occupied', 'topTargets']: for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups.get(cat, []): if remaining_mil_rating <= 0: break this_alloc = min(remaining_mil_rating, max_alloc) new_allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, alloc, rvp, take_any)) remaining_mil_rating = rating_difference(remaining_mil_rating, this_alloc) base_allocs = set() # for lower priority categories, first assign base_alloc around to all, then top up as available for cat in ['otherTargets', 'accessibleTargets', 'exploreTargets']: for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups.get(cat, []): if remaining_mil_rating <= 0: break alloc = min(remaining_mil_rating, alloc) base_allocs.add(sid) remaining_mil_rating = rating_difference(remaining_mil_rating, alloc) for cat in ['otherTargets', 'accessibleTargets', 'exploreTargets']: for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups.get(cat, []): if sid not in base_allocs: break if remaining_mil_rating <= 0: new_allocations.append((sid, alloc, alloc, rvp, take_any)) else: local_max_avail = combine_ratings(remaining_mil_rating, alloc) new_rating = min(local_max_avail, max_alloc) new_allocations.append((sid, new_rating, alloc, rvp, take_any)) remaining_mil_rating = rating_difference(local_max_avail, new_rating) if "Main" in thisround: _military_allocations = new_allocations if _verbose_mil_reporting or "Main" in thisround: print "------------------------------\nFinal %s Round Military Allocations: %s \n-----------------------" % (thisround, dict([(sid, alloc) for sid, alloc, _, _, _ in new_allocations])) print "(Apparently) remaining military rating: %.1f" % remaining_mil_rating return new_allocations