Exemple #1
def main():
	for iq,Q in enumerate( Qs ):
		FF = FFLJ + FFel * Q
		PP.setFF_Pointer( FF )
		for ik,K in enumerate( Ks ):
			dirname = "Q%1.2fK%1.2f" %(Q,K)
			os.makedirs( dirname )
			PP.setTip( kSpring = np.array((K,K,0.0))/-PP.eVA_Nm )
			fzs = relaxedScan3D( xTips, yTips, zTips )
			PP.saveXSF( dirname+'/OutFz.xsf', headScan, lvecScan, fzs )
			for iA,Amp in enumerate( Amps ):
				AmpStr = "/Amp%2.2f" %Amp
				print "Amp= ",AmpStr
				os.makedirs( dirname+AmpStr )
				dfs = PP.Fz2df( fzs, dz = dz, k0 = PP.params['kCantilever'], f0=PP.params['f0Cantilever'], n=Amp/dz )
				plotImages( dirname+AmpStr+"/df", dfs, slices = range( 0, len(dfs) ) )

gridN = PP.params['gridN']

FF   = np.zeros( (gridN[2],gridN[1],gridN[0],3) )


# ==============================================
#   The costly part of simulation starts here
# ==============================================

print " # =========== Sample LenardJones "

PP.setFF( FF, cell  )
PP.setFF_Pointer( FF )
PP.getLenardJonesFF( Rs, C6, C12 )

plt.figure(figsize=( 5*nslice,5 )); plt.title( ' FF LJ ' )
for i in range(nslice):
	plt.subplot( 1, nslice, i+1 )
	plt.imshow( FF[i,:,:,2], origin='image', interpolation='nearest' )

withElectrostatics = ( abs( PP.params['charge'] )>0.001 )
if withElectrostatics: 
	print " # =========== Sample Coulomb "
	FFel = np.zeros( np.shape( FF ) )
	CoulombConst = -14.3996448915;  # [ e^2 eV/A ]
	Qs *= CoulombConst
Exemple #3

gridN = PP.params['gridN']

FF = np.zeros((gridN[2], gridN[1], gridN[0], 3))


# ==============================================
#   The costly part of simulation starts here
# ==============================================

print " # =========== Sample LenardJones "

PP.setFF(FF, cell)
PP.getLenardJonesFF(Rs, C6, C12)

plt.figure(figsize=(5 * nslice, 5))
plt.title(' FF LJ ')
for i in range(nslice):
	plt.subplot( 1, nslice, i+1 )
	plt.imshow( FF[i,:,:,2], origin='image', interpolation='nearest' )

withElectrostatics = (abs(PP.params['charge']) > 0.001)
if withElectrostatics:
    print " # =========== Sample Coulomb "
    FFel = np.zeros(np.shape(FF))
    CoulombConst = -14.3996448915
print(" # =========== Sample LenardJones ")

#xsfLJ       = True
xsfLJ = False
recomputeLJ = True

if (xsfLJ and os.path.isfile('FFLJ_x.xsf')):
    recomputeLJ = False
if ((not xsfLJ) and os.path.isfile('FFLJ_y.npy')):
    recomputeLJ = False

if recomputeLJ:
    FFparams = PP.loadSpecies('atomtypes.ini')
    C6, C12 = PP.getAtomsLJ(PP.params['probeType'], iZs, FFparams)
    PP.setFF(FFLJ, cell)
    PP.getLenardJonesFF(Rs, C6, C12)
    if xsfLJ:
        PP.saveXSF('FFLJ_x.xsf', head, lvec, FFLJ[:, :, :, 0])
        PP.saveXSF('FFLJ_y.xsf', head, lvec, FFLJ[:, :, :, 1])
        PP.saveXSF('FFLJ_z.xsf', head, lvec, FFLJ[:, :, :, 2])
        np.save('FFLJ_x.npy', FFLJ[:, :, :, 0])
        np.save('FFLJ_y.npy', FFLJ[:, :, :, 1])
        np.save('FFLJ_z.npy', FFLJ[:, :, :, 2])
    if xsfLJ:
        FFLJ[:, :, :, 0], lvec, nDim, head = PP.loadXSF('FFLJ_x.xsf')
        FFLJ[:, :, :, 1], lvec, nDim, head = PP.loadXSF('FFLJ_y.xsf')
        FFLJ[:, :, :, 2], lvec, nDim, head = PP.loadXSF('FFLJ_z.xsf')
print " # =========== Sample LenardJones "

#xsfLJ       = True
xsfLJ       = False
recomputeLJ = True

if (     xsfLJ  and os.path.isfile('FFLJ_x.xsf')):
	recomputeLJ = False
if ((not xsfLJ) and os.path.isfile('FFLJ_y.npy')):
	recomputeLJ = False

if recomputeLJ:
	FFparams = PP.loadSpecies        ( 'atomtypes.ini'  )
	C6,C12   = PP.getAtomsLJ( PP.params['probeType'], iZs, FFparams )
	PP.setFF( FFLJ, cell  )
	PP.setFF_Pointer( FFLJ )
	PP.getLenardJonesFF( Rs, C6, C12 )
	if xsfLJ:
		PP.saveXSF('FFLJ_x.xsf', head, lvec, FFLJ[:,:,:,0] )
		PP.saveXSF('FFLJ_y.xsf', head, lvec, FFLJ[:,:,:,1] )
		PP.saveXSF('FFLJ_z.xsf', head, lvec, FFLJ[:,:,:,2] )
		np.save('FFLJ_x.npy', FFLJ[:,:,:,0] )
		np.save('FFLJ_y.npy', FFLJ[:,:,:,1] )
		np.save('FFLJ_z.npy', FFLJ[:,:,:,2] )
	if xsfLJ: