recs.append(rec) return recs def justin(recs, ALPHA): n = len(recs) sumP = 0 keep = 0 for i in range(n): sumP += 1 - recs[i].Preg recs[i].fdr = sumP / float(i + 1) if (recs[i].fdr > ALPHA): break else: recs[i].sig = "SIGNIFICANT" keep = i return keep #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if (len(sys.argv) != 3): exit(ProgramName.get() + " <predictions.txt> <fdr>\n") (infile, fdr) = sys.argv[1:] fdr = float(fdr) preds = loadPredictions(infile) preds.sort(key=lambda x: 1 - x.Preg) keep = justin(preds, fdr) for rec in preds: rec.print()
def analyze(fields,greaterLess,threshold,threshold2): array=toFloat(fields) n=len(array) count=None if(greaterLess=="less"): count=countLess(array,threshold) elif(greaterLess=="greater"): count=countGreater(array,threshold) else: count=countTwoTailed(array,threshold,threshold2) P=float(count)/float(n) return P #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if(len(sys.argv)!=4): exit(ProgramName.get()+" <thetas.txt> <greater|less|twotailed> <threshold>\n") (filename,greaterLess,threshold)=sys.argv[1:] if(greaterLess not in VALID_COMP): exit("comparison must be one of greater, less, or twotailed") threshold=float(threshold) if(threshold<0): exit("threshold cannot be negative") threshold2=None if(greaterLess=="twotailed"): if(threshold==0.0): exit("threshold cannot be 0 for twotailed") threshold2=float(1.0/threshold) if(threshold>threshold2): (threshold,threshold2)=(threshold2,threshold) with open(filename,"rt") as IN: for line in IN: fields=line.rstrip().split() P=analyze(fields,greaterLess,threshold,threshold2)
from Rex import Rex rex=Rex() ROOT="/home/bmajoros/PopSTARR/graham" MEM=50000 NICE=500 jobName="TRIM" maxParallel=1000 THREADS=31 TRIMMOMATIC="java -jar /data/reddylab/software/Trimmomatic-0.33/Trimmomatic-0.33/trimmomatic-0.33.jar PE" #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if(len(sys.argv)!=5): exit(ProgramName.get()+" <adapters.fasta> <fastq-in> <fastq-out> <full-path-to-slurms>\n") (adaptersFasta,fastqIn,fastqOut,slurmDir)=sys.argv[1:] files=os.listdir(fastqIn) writer=SlurmWriter() for file in files: if(not rex.find("(.*[_-])R1([_-].*)\.fastq.gz",file)): continue file1=file file2=rex[1]+"R2"+rex[2]+".fastq.gz" cmd=TRIMMOMATIC+" -threads "+str(THREADS)+" -phred33 "+\ fastqIn+"/"+file1+" "+fastqIn+"/"+file2+" "+\ fastqOut+"/"+rex[1]+"_FWD_paired.fq.gz "+\ fastqOut+"/"+rex[1]+"_FWD_unpaired.fq.gz "+\ fastqOut+"/"+rex[1]+"_REV_paired.fq.gz "+\ fastqOut+"/"+rex[1]+"_REV_unpaired.fq.gz "+\ "ILLUMINACLIP:"+adaptersFasta+\
for i in range(n): print(" (neuron ",nextIndex," (layer ",whichLayer,")", " (transfer sigmoid) (output)",sep="") Shuffler.shuffleArray(prevLayer) inputs=prevLayer[:fanIn] for j in inputs: print(" (input (from ",j,") (weight 0))",sep="") print(" )") indices.append(nextIndex) nextIndex+=1 #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if(len(sys.argv)!=3): exit(ProgramName.get()+" <layer-sizes:1000,300,30,1> <fan-ins:10,5,30>\n") (layerSizes,fanIns)=sys.argv[1:] layerSizes=[int(x) for x in layerSizes.split(",")] fanIns=[int(x) for x in fanIns.split(",")] numLayers=len(layerSizes) if(len(fanIns)!=numLayers-1): raise Exception("number of fan-ins is wrong") nextIndex=0 prevLayer=None print("(network") for layer in range(numLayers): if(layer==0): prevLayer=generateInputLayer(layerSizes[0],nextIndex,layer) elif(layer<numLayers-1): prevLayer=generateHiddenLayer(layerSizes[layer],nextIndex,layer,
#!/usr/bin/env python #========================================================================= # This is OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE governed by the Gnu General Public # License (GPL) version 3, as described at # Copyright (C)2016 William H. Majoros ([email protected]). #========================================================================= from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals, generators, nested_scopes, with_statement) from builtins import (bytes, dict, int, list, object, range, str, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, filter, map, zip) import random import ProgramName import sys from FastaWriter import FastaWriter if (len(sys.argv) != 3): exit(ProgramName.get() + " <length> <id>") L = int(sys.argv[1]) id = sys.argv[2] seq = "" alphabet = ("A", "C", "G", "T") for i in range(L): index = int(random.random() * 4) nuc = alphabet[index] seq += nuc writer = FastaWriter() writer.addToFasta(">" + id, seq, sys.stdout)
#!/usr/bin/env python #========================================================================= # This is OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE governed by the Gnu General Public # License (GPL) version 3, as described at # Copyright (C)2016 William H. Majoros ([email protected]). #========================================================================= from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals, generators, nested_scopes, with_statement) from builtins import (bytes, dict, int, list, object, range, str, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, filter, map, zip) import random import ProgramName import sys from FastaWriter import FastaWriter if(len(sys.argv)!=3): exit(ProgramName.get()+" <length> <id>") L=int(sys.argv[1]) id=sys.argv[2] seq="" alphabet=("A","C","G","T") for i in range(L): index=int(random.random()*4) nuc=alphabet[index] seq+=nuc writer=FastaWriter() writer.addToFasta(">"+id,seq,sys.stdout)
unicode_literals, generators, nested_scopes, with_statement) from builtins import (bytes, dict, int, list, object, range, str, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, filter, map, zip) # The above imports should allow this program to run in both Python 2 and # Python 3. You might need to update your version of module "future". import sys import ProgramName import gzip #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if (len(sys.argv) != 2): exit(ProgramName.get() + " <in.vcf.gz>\n") (infile, ) = sys.argv[1:] variants = {} for line in line = line.decode("utf-8").rstrip() if (len(line) > 0 and line[0] == "#"): print(line) continue fields = line.split("\t") if (len(fields) >= 9): if (len(fields[0]) < 3 or fields[0][:3] != "chr"): fields[0] = "chr" + fields[0] if (fields[2] == "."): fields[2] = fields[0] + "@" + fields[1] line = "" for field in fields[:len(fields) - 1]:
reduction=0 increase=0 for i in range(n): if(thetas[i]<maxLeft): reduction+=1 if(thetas[i]>minRight): increase+=1 leftP=float(reduction)/float(n) rightP=float(increase)/float(n) Preg=leftP if leftP>rightP else rightP print(ID,median,CI_left,CI_right,Preg,sep="\t") #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= (options,args)=getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"s:t:") if(len(args)!=6): exit(ProgramName.get()+" [-s stanfile] [-t thetafile] <model> <min-effect> <input.txt> <output.txt> <#MCMC-samples> <firstVariant-lastVariant>\n -s = save raw STAN file\n -t = save theta samples\n variant range is zero-based and inclusive\n min-effect (lambda) must be >= 1\n") (model,minEffect,inFile,outfile,numSamples,numVariants)=args stanFile=None thetaFile=None for pair in options: (key,value)=pair if(key=="-s"): stanFile=value if(key=="-t"): thetaFile=value if(not rex.find("(\d+)-(\d+)",numVariants)): exit(numVariants+": specify range of variants: first-last") firstIndex=int(rex[1]) lastIndex=int(rex[2]) minEffect=float(minEffect) if(minEffect<1): raise Exception("Min-effect must be >= 1") THETA=None if(thetaFile is not None): THETA=open(thetaFile,"wt")
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals, generators, nested_scopes, with_statement) from builtins import (bytes, dict, int, list, object, range, str, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, filter, map, zip) import ProgramName import sys import os from Interval import Interval from ConfigFile import ConfigFile from SummaryStats import SummaryStats import random # Process command line name=ProgramName.get(); if(len(sys.argv)!=3): print(name," <parm1> <parm2>") exit() parm1=sys.argv[1] parm2=sys.argv[2] print(parm1, parm2) print ("Hello, world\n") for i in range(1,10): print (i,end="") print("\n") i1=Interval(1,10) i2=Interval(1.5,7.3) sub=i1.minus(i2)
def toFloat(fields): array = [] for field in fields: array.append(float(field)) return array def analyze(fields, lower, upper): array = toFloat(fields) npArray = np.array(array) a = np.percentile(npArray, lower * 100) b = np.percentile(npArray, upper * 100) return (a, b) #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if (len(sys.argv) != 3): exit(ProgramName.get() + " <thetas.txt> <alpha>\n") (filename, alpha) = sys.argv[1:] alpha = float(alpha) lower = alpha / 2.0 upper = 1.0 - lower with open(filename, "rt") as IN: for line in IN: fields = line.rstrip().split() (a, b) = analyze(fields, lower, upper) print(a, b, sep="\t")
c = bases[i] if (c in ACGT): if (index >= len(qual)): exit(bases + "\n" + qual + "\n" + str(index) + "\t" + c) q = qual[index] #print(c,q,ord(q),sep="\t") if (QUALITY[ord(q)] >= MIN_QUAL): counts[c] = counts.get(c, 0) + 1 index += 1 return counts #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if (len(sys.argv) != 4): exit(ProgramName.get() + " <sorted.vcf.gz> <pileup.txt> <min-quality>\n") (vcf, pileup, MIN_QUAL) = sys.argv[1:] MIN_QUAL = int(MIN_QUAL) # Process the VCF file to get the ref and alt alleles variants = {} for line in line = line.decode("utf-8") if (len(line) > 0 and line[0] == "#"): continue fields = line.rstrip().split() if (len(fields) < 9): continue (chr, pos, id, ref, alt, x, Pass, flags, GT) = fields[:9] altFields = alt.split(",") alt = altFields[0] # Keeping only the first alternate allele #if(id=="."): continue if (id == "."): id = chr + "@" + pos
#!/usr/bin/env python #========================================================================= # This is OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE governed by the Gnu General Public # License (GPL) version 3, as described at # Copyright (C)2016 William H. Majoros ([email protected]). #========================================================================= from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals, generators, nested_scopes, with_statement) from builtins import (bytes, dict, int, list, object, range, str, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, filter, map, zip) import os import sys import ProgramName # Process command line name=ProgramName.get(); if(len(sys.argv)!=2): sys.exit(name+" <classname>") className=sys.argv[1] # Write file filename=className+".py" if(os.path.exists(filename)): sys.exit(filename+" exists"); fh=open(filename,"w") header="\n".join(["#=========================================================================", "# This is OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE governed by the Gnu General Public", "# License (GPL) version 3, as described at", "# Copyright (C)2016 William H. Majoros ([email protected]).", "#=========================================================================", "from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,",
ID = IDs[i] phenotypeRec = phenotypes.get(ID, None) if (phenotypeRec is None): continue phenotype = phenotypeRec[phenotypeID] point = [phenotype] point.extend(phenotypeRec[5:]) points.append(point) #print(points) #exit() #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if (len(sys.argv) != 2): exit(ProgramName.get() + " <phenotype:1-5>\n") (phenotypeID, ) = sys.argv[1:] phenotypeID = int(phenotypeID) - 1 if (phenotypeID < 0): exit("phenotype must be 1-5") phenotypes = loadPhenotypes(PHENOTYPES) effects = loadEffects(EFFECTS) IDs = None points = [] initialized = False predictorNum = 1 for chrom in CHROMS: vcf = VCF + "/" + chrom + "/" + chrom + ".vcf.gz" #print("processing",vcf,flush=True) IN =, "rt") for line in IN:
#!/usr/bin/env python #========================================================================= # Copyright (C)William H. Majoros ([email protected]) #========================================================================= from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals, generators, nested_scopes, with_statement) from builtins import (bytes, dict, int, list, object, range, str, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, filter, map, zip) # The above imports should allow this program to run in both Python 2 and # Python 3. You might need to update your version of module "future". import sys import ProgramName #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if (len(sys.argv) != 2): exit(ProgramName.get() + " <>\n") () = sys.argv[1:]
#!/usr/bin/env python #========================================================================= # This is OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE governed by the Gnu General Public # License (GPL) version 3, as described at # Author: William H. Majoros ([email protected]) #========================================================================= from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals, generators, nested_scopes, with_statement) from builtins import (bytes, dict, int, list, object, range, str, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, filter, map, zip) # The above imports should allow this program to run in both Python 2 and # Python 3. You might need to update your version of module "future". import sys import ProgramName from EssexParser import EssexParser #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if (len(sys.argv) != 2): exit(ProgramName.get() + " <in.essex>\n") (infile, ) = sys.argv[1:] parser = EssexParser(infile) while (True): tree = parser.nextElem() if (tree is None): break tree.print(sys.stdout)
def parseBases(bases): bases = removeIndels(bases) bases = bases.upper() counts = {} for c in bases: if (c in ACGT): counts[c] = counts.get(c, 0) + 1 return counts #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if (len(sys.argv) != 3): exit(ProgramName.get() + " <sorted.vcf.gz> <pileup.txt>\n") (vcf, pileup) = sys.argv[1:] # Process the VCF file to get the ref and alt alleles variants = {} for line in line = line.decode("utf-8") if (len(line) > 0 and line[0] == "#"): continue fields = line.rstrip().split() if (len(fields) < 9): continue (chr, pos, id, ref, alt, x, Pass, flags, GT) = fields[:9] altFields = alt.split(",") alt = altFields[0] # Keeping only the first alternate allele if (id == "."): continue if (variants.get(chr, None) is None): variants[chr] = [] variants[chr].append(Variant(int(pos), id, ref, alt))
for line in IN: fields = line.rstrip().split() if (len(fields) != 12): continue (chrom, pos, variant, P, Padj, effect, DNAref, DNAalt, RNAref, RNAalt, ref, alt) = fields rnaFreq = float(RNAalt) / float(RNAref + RNAalt) dnaFreq = float(DNAalt) / float(DNAref + DNAalt) hash[variant] = (rnaFreq, dnaFreq) return hash #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if (len(sys.argv) != 3): exit(ProgramName.get() + " <bowtie.txt> <hisat.txt>\n") (bowtieFile, hisatFile) = sys.argv[1:] bowtie = load(bowtieFile) hisat = load(hisatFile) keys = bowtie.keys() rnaGreater = 0 rnaLess = 0 rnaSame = 0 dnaGreater = 0 dnaLess = 0 dnaSame = 0 agree = 0 disagree = 0 for variant in keys: if (hisat.get(variant, None) == None): continue
bestDiff=None bestI=None for i in range(n): x=legal[i] diff=abs(value-x) if(best is None or diff<bestDiff): best=x bestDiff=diff bestI=i return (best,bestI) #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if(len(sys.argv)!=5): exit("\n"+ProgramName.get()+" <FDR> <effect> <maf> <depth>\n\ FDR is one of 0.1, 0.05, 0.1\n\ effect is ratio of transcriptional reates for alt versus ref allele\n\ ") (fdr,theta,maf,depth)=sys.argv[1:] fdr=float(fdr) theta=float(theta) maf=float(maf) depth=int(depth) # Check that parms are legal if(fdr!=0.1 and fdr!=0.05 and fdr!=0.01): exit("FDR must be one of 0.1, 0.05, 0.01") if(theta<0): exit("effect must be > 0") if(maf<=0 or maf>=1): exit("maf must be between 0 and 1") if(depth<=0): exit("depth must be > 0")
#========================================================================= from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals, generators, nested_scopes, with_statement) from builtins import (bytes, dict, int, list, object, range, str, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, filter, map, zip) # The above imports should allow this program to run in both Python 2 and # Python 3. You might need to update your version of module "future". import sys import ProgramName from StanParser import StanParser #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if(len(sys.argv)<3): exit(ProgramName.get()+" <infile.txt> <var1> <var2> ...\n") infile=sys.argv[1] variables=sys.argv[2:] parser=StanParser(infile) #(median,mean,SD,min,max)=parser.getSummary(variable) #print("# posterior median=",median,sep="") samplesByVar=[] n=0 for var in variables: samples=parser.getVariable(var) samplesByVar.append(samples) n=len(samples) for i in range(n): line=[] for sample in samplesByVar: line.append(str(sample[i]))
# This is OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE governed by the Gnu General Public # License (GPL) version 3, as described at # Copyright (C)2017 William H. Majoros ([email protected]). #========================================================================= from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals, generators, nested_scopes, with_statement) from builtins import (bytes, dict, int, list, object, range, str, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, filter, map, zip) # The above imports should allow this program to run in both Python 2 and # Python 3. You might need to update your version of module "future". import sys import ProgramName from BetaBinomial import BetaBinomial #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if (len(sys.argv) != 5): exit(ProgramName.get() + " <alpha> <beta> <n> <k>\n") (alpha, beta, n, k) = sys.argv[1:] alpha = int(alpha) beta = int(beta) n = int(n) k = int(k) bb = BetaBinomial() P = bb.P(alpha, beta, n, k) print(P)
#!/usr/bin/env python #========================================================================= # This is OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE governed by the Gnu General Public # License (GPL) version 3, as described at # Author: William H. Majoros ([email protected]) #========================================================================= from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals, generators, nested_scopes, with_statement) from builtins import (bytes, dict, int, list, object, range, str, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, filter, map, zip) # The above imports should allow this program to run in both Python 2 and # Python 3. You might need to update your version of module "future". import sys import ProgramName #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if (len(sys.argv) != 2): exit(ProgramName.get() + " <infile.txt>\n") (infile, ) = sys.argv[1:] lines = [] with open(infile, "rt") as IN: for line in IN: lines.append(line) for i in range(len(lines) - 1, -1, -1): print(lines[i], end="")
#!/usr/bin/env python #========================================================================= # This is OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE governed by the Gnu General Public # License (GPL) version 3, as described at # Copyright (C)2016 William H. Majoros ([email protected]). #========================================================================= from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals, generators, nested_scopes, with_statement) from builtins import (bytes, dict, int, list, object, range, str, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, filter, map, zip) from Fastb import Fastb import ProgramName import sys if (len(sys.argv) != 2): sys.exit(ProgramName.get() + " in.fastb") filename = sys.argv[1] fastb = Fastb(filename) numTracks = fastb.numTracks() for i in range(numTracks): track = fastb.getIthTrack(i) L = track.getLength() id = track.getID() print(id + "\t" + str(L))
with_statement) from builtins import (bytes, dict, int, list, object, range, str, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, filter, map, zip) # The above imports should allow this program to run in both Python 2 and # Python 3. You might need to update your version of module "future". import sys import ProgramName from FastaReader import FastaReader from FastaWriter import FastaWriter from Rex import Rex rex = Rex() #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if (len(sys.argv) != 3): exit(ProgramName.get() + " <in.fasta> <out.fasta>\n") (infile, outfile) = sys.argv[1:] OUT = open(outfile, "wt") writer = FastaWriter() reader = FastaReader(infile) while (True): (defline, seq) = reader.nextSequence() if (not defline): break if (not rex.find(">chr", defline)): continue writer.addToFasta(defline, seq, OUT) OUT.close()
interval.begin=interval.intCenter() interval.end=interval.begin+1 interval.type="peak" interval.dir=direction array.append(interval) def loadPeaks(bedDir,timepoint,expression): addPeaks(bedDir,timepoint,"up",expression) addPeaks(bedDir,timepoint,"down",expression) addPeaks(bedDir,timepoint,"nonresp",expression) #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if(len(sys.argv)!=3): exit(ProgramName.get()+" <bed-dir> <t8> \n") (bedDir,timepoint)=sys.argv[1:] print("loading TSSs...",file=sys.stderr,flush=True) tssHash=loadTSS() print("loading expression data...",file=sys.stderr,flush=True) expression=loadExpression(timepoint,tssHash) print("loading peaks...",file=sys.stderr,flush=True) #upPeaks=BedReader.readAll(bedDir+"/"+timepoint+"_up.bed") #downPeaks=BedReader.readAll(bedDir+"/"+timepoint+"_down.bed") #samePeaks=BedReader.readAll(bedDir+"/"+timepoint+"_nonresp.bed") loadPeaks(bedDir,timepoint,expression) print("loading Hi-C data...",file=sys.stderr,flush=True)
#!/usr/bin/env python #========================================================================= # This is OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE governed by the Gnu General Public # License (GPL) version 3, as described at # Copyright (C)2016 William H. Majoros ([email protected]). #========================================================================= from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals, generators, nested_scopes, with_statement) from builtins import (bytes, dict, int, list, object, range, str, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, filter, map, zip) from Fastb import Fastb import ProgramName import sys if(len(sys.argv)!=2): sys.exit(ProgramName.get()+" in.fastb") filename=sys.argv[1] fastb=Fastb(filename) numTracks=fastb.numTracks() for i in range(numTracks): track=fastb.getIthTrack(i) L=track.getLength() id=track.getID() print(id+"\t"+str(L))
# Python 3. You might need to update your version of module "future". import sys import ProgramName import gzip from Pipe import Pipe import TempFilename HEADERFILE = TempFilename.generate(".header") SORTEDFILE = TempFilename.generate(".sorted") #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if (len(sys.argv) != 4): exit( ProgramName.get() + " in.mtx.gz column out.mtx.gz\n where column = 1-based field index\n" ) (infile, index, outfile) = sys.argv[1:] OUT = open(HEADERFILE, "wt") numHeader = 1 with, "rt") as IN: for line in IN: if (len(line) == 0): raise Exception("unexpected empty line") if (line[0] == "%"): numHeader += 1 print(line, file=OUT, end="") else: print(line, file=OUT, end="") break
newThisObjects=[]; newOtherObjects=[] for obj in thisObjects: if(obj.type=="gene"): newOtherObjects.append(obj) else: newThisObjects.append(obj) for obj in otherObjects: if(obj.type=="gene"): newThisObjects.append(obj) else: newOtherObjects.append(obj) thisRec.objects=newThisObjects otherRec.objects=newOtherObjects #========================================================================= # main() #========================================================================= if(len(sys.argv)!=4): exit(ProgramName.get()+" <bed-dir> <t8> <randomize:0|1>\n") (bedDir,timepoint,WANT_RANDOM)=sys.argv[1:] WANT_RANDOM=int(WANT_RANDOM) print("loading TSSs...",file=sys.stderr,flush=True) tssHash=loadTSS() print("loading expression data...",file=sys.stderr,flush=True) expression=loadExpression(timepoint,tssHash) print("loading peaks...",file=sys.stderr,flush=True) loadPeaks(bedDir,timepoint,expression) print("loading Hi-C data...",file=sys.stderr,flush=True) loadHiC(expression)