Exemple #1
#Read data in ERA-I GRIB file
[lvls, latlist, lonlist, gph, tmp, vpr] = PyAPS.get_era(
    fname, minlat - bufspc, maxlat + bufspc, minlon - bufspc,
    maxlon + bufspc, cdic)

#Compute ERA-I grid points coordinates into radar coordinates
[xi, yi] = PyAPS.glob2rdr(nx, ny, lat, lon, latlist, lonlist)

#Interpolate data in height
[Pi, Ti, Vi] = PyAPS.intP2H(lvls, hgt, gph, tmp, vpr, cdic)

#Computing Delay functions
[DDry, DWet] = PyAPS.PTV2del(Pi, Ti, Vi, hgt, cdic)
Delfn = DDry+DWet

#Building the interpolation function
fnc = PyAPS.make3dintp(Delfn, xi, yi, hgt, hgtscale)

#Writing to File
Exemple #2
plotflag = 'n'
hgt = np.linspace(cdict['minAlt'], cdict['maxAlt'], cdict['nhgt']) #Heights for interpolation

# Scaling for interpolation
# For geo geom grid is about 0.703*0.703 
# nght gives the spacing
#hgtscale = 142.25 for nhgt=151

#################Reading in Weather Data from NARR file#############
[lvls,latlist,lonlist,gph,tmp,vpr] = PyAPS.get_era(fname,lat[0]-bufspc,lat[1]+bufspc,lon[0]-bufspc,lon[1]+bufspc,cdict)

##########Interpolating to heights from Pressure levels###########
[Presi,Tempi,Vpri] = PyAPS.intP2H(lvls,hgt,gph,tmp,vpr,cdict)
###########Computing the delay function ###############################
[DDry,DWet] = PyAPS.PTV2del(Presi,Tempi,Vpri,hgt,cdict)
Delfn = DDry+DWet
del DDry
del DWet

#########Reading in DEM and writing output #################
fnc = PyAPS.make3dintp(Delfn,lonlist,latlist,hgt,hgtscale)

minAltp = cdict['minAltP']
laty = np.linspace(lat[1], lat[0], ny)
lonx = np.linspace(lon[0], lon[1], nx)