Exemple #1
def setup_change_detect_callback(lines, callback, timer, names=None):
    # Since the user may have specified a range of lines (e.g.,
    # 'Dev1/port0/line0:1') or listed each line individually (e.g.,
    # 'Dev1/port0/line0, Dev1/port0/line1'), we need to extract the individual
    # lines in the task. This allows the callback helper to report the name of
    # the line on which the event was detected.
    lines = channel_list(lines, 'digital')
    if names is not None:
        if len(names) != len(lines):
            raise ValueError('Number of names must match number of lines')
        names = lines

    task = create_task()
    line_string = ','.join(lines)
    mx.DAQmxCreateDIChan(task, line_string, '', mx.DAQmx_Val_ChanForAllLines)

    # Get the current state of the lines so that we know what happened during
    # the first change detection event.
    initial_state = read_digital_lines(task, 1)

    # If we're using change detection timing on the digital lines, there's no
    # point in reading them in as a hardware-timed buffered task. Given the
    # event times, we can always reconstruct the state of the line at any given
    # time.
    mx.DAQmxCfgChangeDetectionTiming(task, line_string, line_string,
                                     mx.DAQmx_Val_ContSamps, 200)
    mx.DAQmxCfgInputBuffer(task, 0)

    cb = ChangeDetectionCallbackHelper(names, callback, initial_state, timer)
    cb_ptr = mx.DAQmxSignalEventCallbackPtr(cb)
    mx.DAQmxRegisterSignalEvent(task, mx.DAQmx_Val_ChangeDetectionEvent, 0,
                                cb_ptr, None)
    task._cb_ptr = cb_ptr

    mx.DAQmxTaskControl(task, mx.DAQmx_Val_Task_Commit)
    return task