def _img(self, src): p = _upfile_path(src, None) if p.startswith(('http://', 'https://', 'ftp://')): obj = urllib.urlopen(p) ct = obj.headers['Content-Type'].lower() if ct[:6] == 'image/' and ct[6:] in ('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'bmp', 'tif'): t = ct[6:] fname = TMPFILE_PREFIX + '.png' open(fname, 'w+').write( if t != 'png': im = im = im.convert('RGB'), 'png') return PyRTF.Image(fname) return PyRTF.Image(p)
def write_image(self, image): try: i = PyRTF.Image(write_image_tempfile(image)) self.recsection.append(i) self.add_paragraph(" ") except AttributeError: # If PyRTF has no attribute Image, this is an old version # and we can't do anything with images. pass
def exportRtf(self): infoString = QtCore.QString("estrazione anagrafiche in word") reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question( self, infoString, "Esportare solo le anagrafiche selezionate?", QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: selected = self.selectSome(self.ui.tabella.selectedItems()) elif reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.No: selected = self.selectAll() else: return filexl = QFileDialog(self) #setto filexl in anymode cioe' ritorna il path del file anche se non esiste filexl.setFileMode(0) # filexl.setNameFilter("word(*.doc *.rtf)") nfile = filexl.getSaveFileName(self, "esporta anagrafiche in word", "", filter="(*.doc *.rtf)") DR = rtf.Renderer() doc = rtf.Document() ss = doc.StyleSheet n = 0 thin_edge = rtf.BorderPropertySet(width=20, style=rtf.BorderPropertySet.SINGLE) thick_edge = rtf.BorderPropertySet(width=80, style=rtf.BorderPropertySet.DOUBLE) mixed_frame = rtf.FramePropertySet(thin_edge, thick_edge, thin_edge, thick_edge) for i in enumerate(selected): section = rtf.Section() table = rtf.Table(rtf.TabPropertySet.DEFAULT_WIDTH * 7, rtf.TabPropertySet.DEFAULT_WIDTH * 3) #section.append(table) img = rtf.Image("pictures/logo.jpg") c1 = rtf.Cell(rtf.Paragraph(img)) c2 = rtf.Cell( rtf.Paragraph( ss.ParagraphStyles.Heading2, "Scheda anagrafica {0}".format(self.activeDb.getNameDb()))) table.AddRow(c1, c2) section.Header.append(table) oggi = section.Footer.append( rtf.Paragraph( ss.ParagraphStyles.Normal, "® Copyright Marketing & Telematica mail: [email protected] Data Esportazione: {0}/{1}/{2}" .format(, oggi.month, oggi.year))) Id = i[1].data(1).toInt()[0] p = rtf.Paragraph(rtf.ParagraphPS().SetPageBreakBefore(True), '') section.append(p) doc = self.makeRtf(doc, section, Id, i[0] + 1, len((selected))) #doc=self.makeRtf(doc,section) ##print "scrivo",self.OpenFile( 'rtf/vero' ) DR.Write(doc, self.OpenFile(nfile))