def NETSNetworkBuilder(input1):
    Function takes several strings as arguments from the user and with them generates and NETS abstraction network with
    edge metadata.
    :param input1: string containing file path/name for SPARQL query

    print str('Started building OWL-NETS Abstraction Network: ' +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
    print '\n'

    # input1 = 'SPARQL_Queries/Trametinib_query'
    # input1 = 'SPARQL_Queries/Angiogenesis_query'
    # input1 = 'SPARQL_Queries/DDI_reactome_query'
    # input1 = 'SPARQL_Queries/DisGeNet_Query'

    # parse query and return triples
    query_text = QueryParser.QueryParser(input1)

    # create a graph representation of query
    graph = GraphMaker(query_text[0])

    # visualize graph
    # A = nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(graph)
    # A.draw('example.png', prog='dot', edge_data='predicate')

    # will return a list of NETS nodes
    NETS_nodes = NETSNodeFinder(graph)

    # create sub-graph from graph with NETS_nodes and nodes with out degree > 0
    keep = [node for node in graph.nodes() if graph.out_degree(node) > 0 or node in NETS_nodes]
    sub_graph = graph.subgraph(keep)

    # get NETS edges and maintains order specified in query
    NETS_edges = NETSEdgeFinder(NETS_nodes, sub_graph)

    # get direction of NETS edges
    NETS_edge_order = EdgeDirection(graph, sub_graph, NETS_edges)
    # remove once KaBOB is updated
    # NETS_edge_order = [('?trem', '?drug'), ('?drug', '?trem'), ('?drug', '?targetBioEntity')]

    # get edge metadata
    NETS_edge_metadata = EdgeMetadata(graph, sub_graph, NETS_edge_order)

    # update query text
    updated_query_text = QueryParser.NETSQueryParser(query_text, NETS_nodes, NETS_edge_metadata)

    for x in updated_query_text[0].split('\n'):
        print x

    # authentication file (format: url, user, password) - should be placed in same user directory as query
    authentication = 'SPARQL_Queries/authentication'

    # look to see if results already exist (if OWL-NETS was previously run)
    if str(input1.split('/')[-1]) + '_results.json' in os.listdir(''.join(str(input1.split('/')[-2]) + '/')):

        print 'Using existing query results'
        print '\n'

        with open(input1.rpartition(".")[-1] + "_results.json") as json_data:
            results = json.load(json_data)
        print 'Generating new query results'
        print '\n'

        # run query
        results = QueryRunner.RunQuery(updated_query_text[0], authentication)

        # export results to json file
        # input2 = 'Query_Data/Trametinib_query.json'
        with open(str(input1.rpartition(".")[-1] + "_results.json"), 'w') as outfile:
            json.dump(results, outfile)

    # get and set node metadata
    node_info = NodeDic(results, NETS_edge_metadata, updated_query_text[1:])

    # organize output for labeling edges
    edge_data = EdgeDic(NETS_edge_metadata[0])

    # build NETS graph
    NETS_graph = NETSGraph(results, NETS_edge_order, DictCleaner(node_info[0], 'id', 'label'), node_info[1], edge_data)

    # write graphs to gml and JSON files
    # input3 = 'Network_Data/Angiogenesis_query_NETS'
    nx.write_gml(NETS_graph, str(input1.rpartition(".")[-1] + "_NETS") + '_network.gml')
    GraphJson(NETS_graph, NETS_edge_metadata[1], str(input1.rpartition(".")[-1] + "_NETS") + '_network.json')

    print str(
        'Finished building OWL-NETS Representation network: ' +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) + '\n'