def encrypt(enc_type, message, key):
    if enc_type == 2:
        message = bbs.encrypt(message, key)
    elif enc_type == 0:
        message = des.encrypt(message, key)
    elif enc_type == 1:
        message = RC4.encrypt(message, key)
    message = message + str(hmac.hmac(key, message))
    return message
Exemple #2
    if clientSocket == None:
        clientSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        clientSocket.connect((phone_book[test], TCP_PORT))
    except socket.error as msg:
        print("\nError Message #" + str(errorCount + 1))
        print("There was an ERROR with the connection :(")
        clientSocket = None
        errorCount += 1

    if clientSocket != None:
        MESSAGE = raw_input("Enter a message to send: ")
        TEST = MESSAGE

        eMESSAGE = RC4.encrypt(MESSAGE, times, key)
        print("The encrypted message is: ")
        length = len(eMESSAGE)

        toPrint = []

        for i in range(0, length):

        toShow = ''.join(toPrint)

        clientSocket.send(eMESSAGE)  #data = s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
        print("Sent message: ", eMESSAGE)
Exemple #3
def main():
    name = ""
    unable_to_connect = 1
    valid_responseY = ["yes", "Yes", "YES", "y", "Y"]
    valid_responseN = ["no", "No", "NO", "n", "N"]
    option = ""
    sent_messages = []
    inbox = []
    phone_book = {}
    fileName = "phoneBook.txt"
    welcome = "WELCOME TO TAUNET"


    phone_book = load_addresses(
        fileName)  #load usernames and addresses included in phoneBook.txt file

    ##START SERVER on its own thread##
        run_server, (inbox, 5))  #will queue 5 connections before refusing

    ##while not exit
    while option != "7":
        option = menu()

        if option == "1":  ##DISPLAY CONTACTS
            print "\nHere are the listed contacts >>\n"
            for j, k in phone_book.iteritems():
                print "Username: "******"..........Address: " + k

        if option == "2":
            option = "2"  ##ADD A CONTACT
            already_exists = 1

            while already_exists == 1:  #while the user already exists in the dictionary
                newUser = raw_input(
                    "\nEnter a new user name >> ")  #prompt for a user name
                if newUser in phone_book:  #if user name already in book-->error
                    print("\nIt looks like that user ALREADY EXISTS!\n")
                    already_exists = 1
                    already_exists = 0

                if already_exists == 0:
                    newAddress = raw_input(
                        "\nEnter the address here >> ")  #prompt for an address

                    addresses = phone_book.values()  #store addresses in a list

                    if newAddress in addresses:  #if address already in book-->error
                        already_exists = 1
                            "\nIt looks like another user ALREADY has that address!!\n"
            ##END while user already exists loop

            phone_book[newUser] = newAddress  #else-->add to dictionary

        if option == "3":  #REMOVE A CONTACT
            already_exists = 0

            while already_exists == 0:  #while the user entered is NOT in the dictionary

                toRemove = raw_input("\nEnter a user name to remove >> "
                                     )  #prompt for a user name

                if toRemove not in phone_book:  #if user name not in book-->error
                    print("\nIt looks like that user DOES NOT EXIST!\n")
                    already_exists = 0
                    already_exists = 1

            choice = are_you_sure()

            if choice in valid_responseY:  #yes, remove this contact
                del phone_book[toRemove]

        if option == "4":  ##SEND A MESSAGE
            unable_to_connect = 1
            name = ""
            while unable_to_connect == 1:
                choice = "no"

                while choice in valid_responseN:
                    while name not in phone_book:  #user name NOT in phone book
                        name = raw_input(
                            "\nEnter a username to send a message to >> ")
                        if name not in phone_book:  #if user entered does NOT exist
                            print "\nUsername is NOT in phone book. Make sure it's correct (including case).\n"
                    print "\nThe address of", name, "is", phone_book[
                        name], "\n"

                    choice = ""
                    while (choice not in valid_responseY
                           and choice not in valid_responseN
                           ):  #while user input is invalid
                        choice = raw_input(
                            "\nAre you sure this is who you want to send a message to? Enter 'yes' or 'no' >> "
                        if (choice not in valid_responseY
                                and choice not in valid_responseN):
                            print "\nEnter a VALID response!\n"
                    ##end while choice != "yes" and choice != "no" loop
                    if choice in valid_responseN:  #no
                        name = ""  #clear name
                ##end while choice == "no" loop
                choice = ""

                clientSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,

                keylength = raw_input("\nEnter the keystream byte size: ")
                key = raw_input("\nEnter a key (for encryption): ")
                times = int(input("\nEnter the key scheduling count: "))

                errorCount = 0
                error = 1

                while (error == 1 and errorCount < 3):

                    if clientSocket == None:
                        clientSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,

                        clientSocket.connect((phone_book[name], TCP_PORT))
                        print "\nTrying to CONNECT to " + phone_book[
                            name] + "\n"
                    except socket.error as msg:  #if cannot connect to user name provided (i.e. user is unavailable)
                        print "\nError Message #" + str(errorCount + 1)
                        print "\nThere was an ERROR with the connection :(\n"
                        clientSocket = None
                        errorCount += 1

                    if clientSocket:
                        error = 0  #no error

                if errorCount == 3:  #failed to connect after 3 attempts
                    unable_to_connect = 1
                    errorCount = 0
                    print "\nIt looks like " + name + " is UNAVAILABLE...\n"
                    name = ""
                    break  ##go back to MENU
                    print "\nCONNECTION SUCCESSFUL :):):)\n"
                    unable_to_connect = 0
            ##end while unable_to_connect loop

            if unable_to_connect == 0:  #if CONNECTED

                ready_to_send = 0
                response = ""

                while ready_to_send == 0:
                    message = ""
                    count = 0
                    finished = "DONE"
                    full_message = ""

                    while 1:

                        if count == 0:
                            message = raw_input(
                                "\nEnter a message to send to '" + name +
                                "'. \nEnter 'DONE' followed by hitting the 'ENTER' button to finish your input. \nEnter your input here >> "
                            message = raw_input(
                                "\nEnter the NEXT LINE of the message here >> "

                        if message.strip(
                        ) == finished:  #if user wants to stop entering lines, and enteres "DONE"
                            break  #leave message input loop
                            if (count > 0):
                                message = "\t" + message + "\r\n"
                                message = message + "\r\n"

                            full_message += message
                            count += 1

                    while (response not in valid_responseY
                           and response not in valid_responseN):
                        print "\nHere's the message you entered:\n\n >>\n\t" + full_message + " <<\n"
                        response = raw_input(
                            "\nAre you sure you want to send this? Enter 'yes' or 'no' (*Note* Entering 'no' will erase the previously entered message >> "

                        if (response not in valid_responseY
                                and response not in valid_responseN):
                            print "\nEnter a VALID response!\n"
                    #END while invalid response loop
                    if response in valid_responseY:
                        ready_to_send = 1
                    else:  #response = 'NO'
                        response = ""
                        ready_to_send = 0
                #END while NOT ready to send loop
                version = "version: 0.2\r\n"
                sender = "from: Josh\r\n"
                recipient = "to: " + name + "\r\n\r\n\t"
                header = version + sender + recipient

                hmessage = header + full_message  #prepend header to message

                LocalTime = time.asctime(time.localtime(
                    time.time()))  #get current time
                savedMessage = "TIME SENT: " + LocalTime + "\n\nMESSAGE: " + hmessage  #add time to message
                #savedMessage = LocalTime + "\n" + hmessage #add time to message
                sent_messages.append(savedMessage)  #add to sent messages list

                emessage = RC4.encrypt(
                    hmessage, times, key
                )  #encrypt message; prepend IV to encrypted message --> cipherText

                clientSocket.send(emessage)  #send
            #END IF CONNECTED statement
        #END IF OPTION == 3; return to main loop (menu)

        if option == "5":
            option = "5"  ##DISPLAY SENT MESSAGES
            count = len(sent_messages)

            if count != 0:
                print "\nHere are your SENT messages:\n"
                for j in range(0, count):
                    print str(j + 1) + "). " + sent_messages[j] + "\n"
                print "\nYou haven't sent any messages yet!\n"

        if option == "6":
            option = "6"  ##DISPLAY RECEIVED MESSAGES

            count = len(inbox)  #get number of messages in the inbox

            if count != 0:
                print "\nHere are your RECEIVED messages:\n"
                for j in range(0, count):
                    print str(j + 1) + "). " + inbox[j] + "\n"
                print "\nYou haven't received any messages yet!\n"

        if option == "7":
            option = "7"  ##EXIT PROGRAM
            #SAVE address to phoneBOOK.txt file

            file = open(fileName, "w")  #open file to save addresses

            for username, address in phone_book.iteritems():
                    username + "\n" + address + "\n"
                )  #write usernames and address to a file; each separated by a newline

            file.close()  #close file

            print "\n\nEXITING THE PROGRAM...\n\n\n\n...GOODBYE...\n\n\n"