def PLAY(url, owner): import RESOLVERS errormsg, titleLIST, linkLIST = RESOLVERS.DAILYMOTION(url) if errormsg: DIALOG_OK('رسالة من الموقع', errormsg) return link = linkLIST[0] titleLIST2, linkLIST2 = EXTRACT_M3U8(link) owner_id, owner_name = owner.split('::', 1) owner_url = website0a + '/' + owner_id owner_name = CLEAN_NAME(owner_name) titleLIST = ['[COLOR FFC89008]OWNER: ' + owner_name + '[/COLOR]' ] + titleLIST2 linkLIST = [owner_url] + linkLIST2 selection = DIALOG_SELECT( 'اختر الملف المناسب: (' + str(len(linkLIST) - 1) + ' ملف)', titleLIST) if selection == -1: return elif selection == 0: new_path = sys.argv[ 0] + '?type=folder&mode=402&url=' + owner_url + '&text=' + owner_name xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Update(" + new_path + ")") return link = linkLIST[selection] PLAY_VIDEO(link, script_name, 'video') return
def PLAY(url): BLOCK_MESSAGE() #xbmc.log(html, level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE) #with open('S:\\emad.html', 'w') as f: f.write(html) html = OPENURL_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, url, '', headers, True, 'AKWAM-PLAY-1st') ratingLIST = re.findall('class="badge.*?>.*?(\w*).*?<', html, re.DOTALL) if RATING_CHECK(script_name, url, ratingLIST): return buttons = re.findall('li><a href="#(.*?)".*?>(.*?)<', html, re.DOTALL) #buttons = (['',''],['','']) linkLIST, titleLIST, blocks, qualities = [], [], [], [] if buttons: filetype = 'mp4' for button, quality in buttons: html_blocks = re.findall( 'tab-content quality" id="' + button + '".*?</div>.\s*</div>', html, re.DOTALL) block = html_blocks[0] blocks.append(block) qualities.append(quality) else: html_blocks = re.findall('class="qualities(.*?)<h3.*?>(.*?)<', html, re.DOTALL) block, filename = html_blocks[0] notvideosLIST = [ 'zip', 'rar', 'txt', 'pdf', 'htm', 'tar', 'iso', 'html' ] filetype = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].strip(' ') if filetype in notvideosLIST: DIALOG_OK('رسالة من المبرمج', 'الملف ليس فيديو ولا صوت') return blocks.append(block) qualities.append('') for i in range(len(blocks)): links = re.findall('href="(.*?)".*?icon-(.*?)"', blocks[i], re.DOTALL) for link, icon in links: if 'torrent' in icon: continue #elif 'play' in icon: continue elif 'download' in icon: type = 'download' elif 'play' in icon: type = 'watch' else: type = 'unknown' #title = qualities[i]+' ملف '+type #titleLIST.append(title) link = link + '?named=__' + type + '____' + qualities[i] + '__akwam' linkLIST.append(link) #selection = DIALOG_SELECT('TEST',titleLIST) #selection = DIALOG_SELECT('TEST',linkLIST) import RESOLVERS RESOLVERS.PLAY(linkLIST, script_name, 'video') return
def PLAY(url): #DIALOG_OK(url,'') url2, episode = url.split('?section=') html = OPENURL_CACHED(REGULAR_CACHE, url2, '', headers, True, 'AKOAM-PLAY_AKOAM-1st') html_blocks = re.findall('ad-300-250.*?ad-300-250(.*?)ako-feedback', html, re.DOTALL) html_block = html_blocks[0].replace('\'direct_link_box', '"direct_link_box epsoide_box') html_block = html_block + 'direct_link_box' blocks = re.findall('epsoide_box(.*?)direct_link_box', html_block, re.DOTALL) episode = len(blocks) - int(episode) block = blocks[episode] linkLIST = [] serversDICT = { '1423075862': 'dailymotion', '1477487601': 'estream', '1505328404': 'streamango', '1423080015': 'flashx', '1458117295': 'openload', '1423079306': 'vimple', '1430052371': '', '1477488213': 'thevid', '1558278006': 'uqload', '1477487990': 'vidtodo' } items = re.findall('download_btn\' target=\'_blank\' href=\'(.*?)\'', block, re.DOTALL) for link in items: linkLIST.append(link + '?named=________akoam') items = re.findall('background-image: url\((.*?)\).*?href=\'(.*?)\'', block, re.DOTALL) for serverIMG, link in items: serverIMG = serverIMG.split('/')[-1] serverIMG = serverIMG.split('.')[0] if serverIMG in serversDICT: linkLIST.append(link + '?named=' + serversDICT[serverIMG] + '________akoam') else: linkLIST.append(link + '?named=' + serverIMG + '________akoam') #DIALOG_SELECT('PLAY AKOAM',linkLIST) #return if len(linkLIST) == 0: message = re.findall('sub-no-file.*?\n(.*?)\n', block, re.DOTALL) if message: DIALOG_OK('رسالة من الموقع الاصلي', message[0]) else: DIALOG_OK('رسالة من المبرمج', 'لا يوجد ملف فيديو') else: #DIALOG_SELECT('',linkLIST) import RESOLVERS RESOLVERS.PLAY(linkLIST, script_name, 'video') return
def PLAY(url): watchURL = url+'watch/' response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(LONG_CACHE,'GET',watchURL,'','','','','ARABSEED-PLAY-1st') html = response.content linkLIST = [] html_blocks = re.findall('class="fal fa-play"(.*?)</div>',html,re.DOTALL) if html_blocks: block = html_blocks[0] items = re.findall('<span>(.*?)<.*?src="(.*?)"',block,re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE) for title,link in items: if link=='': continue link = unquote(link) if 'http' not in link: link = 'http:'+link quality = re.findall('\d\d\d+',title,re.DOTALL) if quality: quality = quality[0] if quality in title: title = title.replace(quality+'p','').replace(quality,'') title = title.replace('- ','').strip(' ') quality = '____'+quality else: quality = '' title = CLEAN_STREAM_NAME(title,link) link = link+'?named='+title+'__watch'+quality linkLIST.append(link) downloadURL = url+'download/' response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(LONG_CACHE,'GET',downloadURL,'','','','','ARABSEED-PLAY-2nd') html = response.content html_blocks = re.findall('class="DownloadArea"(.*?)class="LinksList"',html,re.DOTALL) if html_blocks: block = html_blocks[0] items = re.findall('href="(.*?)".*?<span>(.*?)<.*?<p>(.*?)<',block,re.DOTALL) for link,title,quality in items: if link=='': continue link = unquote(link) title = CLEAN_STREAM_NAME(title,link) link = link+'?named='+title+'__download____'+quality linkLIST.append(link) #selection = DIALOG_SELECT('أختر البحث المناسب', linkLIST) linksTEXT = str(linkLIST) #LOG_THIS('',linksTEXT) notvideosLIST = ['.zip?','.rar?','.txt?','.pdf?','.tar?','.iso?','.zip.','.rar.','.txt.','.pdf.','.tar.','.iso.'] if len(linkLIST)==0 or any(value in linksTEXT for value in notvideosLIST): DIALOG_OK('رسالة من المبرمج','الرابط ليس فيه فيديو') else: import RESOLVERS RESOLVERS.PLAY(linkLIST,script_name,'video') return
def PLAY(url): linkLIST = [] #DIALOG_OK(url,'') #response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(SHORT_CACHE,'GET',url,'','','','','CIMANOW-PLAY-1st') #html = response.content #url2 = re.findall('redirect=(.*?)"',html,re.DOTALL) #if url2: url2 = base64.b64decode(url2[0]) #else: url2 = url + 'watch' response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(SHORT_CACHE, 'GET', url2, '', '', '', '', 'CIMANOW-PLAY-2nd') html2 = response.content # watch links html_blocks = re.findall('class="watch"(.*?)</ul>', html2, re.DOTALL) block = html_blocks[0] postid = re.findall("'id': (.*?),", block, re.DOTALL)[0] link = re.findall('url: "(.*?)"', block, re.DOTALL)[0] items = re.findall('data-server="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)<', block, re.DOTALL) for serverid, title in items: title = title.strip(' ') if title == 'Cima Now': title = 'CimaNow' #DIALOG_OK(title,'') link2 = link + '?postid=' + postid + '&serverid=' + serverid + '?named=' + title + '__watch' linkLIST.append(link2) # download links html_blocks = re.findall('class="download"(.*?)</ul>.</div>', html2, re.DOTALL) block = html_blocks[0] items = re.findall('href="(.*?)".*?<span>(.*?)</span>', block, re.DOTALL) for link, title in items: title = title.strip(' ') quality = re.findall('\d\d\d+', title, re.DOTALL) if quality: quality = '____' + quality[0] title = 'cimanow' else: quality = '' link2 = link + '?named=' + title + '__download' + quality linkLIST.append(link2) #selection = DIALOG_SELECT('أختر البحث المناسب',linkLIST) #LOG_THIS('NOTICE',str(linkLIST)) if len(linkLIST) == 0: DIALOG_OK('رسالة من المبرمج', 'الرابط ليس فيه فيديو') else: import RESOLVERS RESOLVERS.PLAY(linkLIST, script_name, 'video') return
def PLAY(url): response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(REGULAR_CACHE, 'GET', url, '', '', '', '', 'FAJERSHOW-PLAY-1st') html = response.content ratingLIST = re.findall('class="C rated".*?>(.*?)<', html, re.DOTALL) if ratingLIST and RATING_CHECK(script_name, url, ratingLIST): return linkLIST = [] # watch links html_blocks = re.findall( """id="player-option-1"(.*?)class=["|'](sheader|pag_episodes)["|']""", html, re.DOTALL) if html_blocks: block = html_blocks[0][0] items = re.findall( 'data-type="(.*?)" data-post="(.*?)" data-nume="(.*?)".*?class="vid_title">(.*?)<', block, re.DOTALL) for type, post, nume, title in items: #link = '' link = website0a + '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=doo_player_ajax&post=' + post + '&nume=' + nume + '&type=' + type link = link + '?named=' + title + '__watch' linkLIST.append(link) # download links #WRITE_THIS(html) html_blocks = re.findall( """id='download' class(.*?)class=["|']sbox["|']""", html, re.DOTALL) if html_blocks: block = html_blocks[0] items = re.findall("img src='(.*?)'.*?href='(.*?)'.*?'quality'>(.*?)<", block, re.DOTALL) #DIALOG_OK(str(items),str(block)) for img, link, quality in items: if '=' in img: host = img.split('=')[1] title = HOSTNAME(host, True) else: title = '' link = link + '?named=' + title + '__download____' + quality linkLIST.append(link) #selection = DIALOG_SELECT('أختر البحث المناسب', linkLIST) if len(linkLIST) == 0: DIALOG_OK('رسالة من المبرمج', 'الرابط ليس فيه فيديو') else: import RESOLVERS RESOLVERS.PLAY(linkLIST, script_name, 'video') return
def PLAY(url): response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(SHORT_CACHE,'GET',url,'','','','','BOKRA-PLAY-1st') html = response.content ratingLIST = re.findall('label-success mrg-btm-5 ">(.*?)<',html,re.DOTALL) if ratingLIST and RATING_CHECK(script_name,url,ratingLIST): return #url2 = url.replace('vidpage_','Play/') url2 = re.findall('var url = "(.*?)"',html,re.DOTALL) url2 = website0a+url2[0] response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(SHORT_CACHE,'GET',url2,'','','','','BOKRA-PLAY-2nd') html2 = response.content url3 = re.findall('src="(.*?)"',html2,re.DOTALL) if url3: url3 = url3[0] if 'http:' not in url3: url3 = 'http:'+url3 import RESOLVERS RESOLVERS.PLAY([url3],script_name,'video') else: DIALOG_OK('رسالة من المبرمج','للأسف ملف الفيديو غير موجود في الموقع الأصلي') return
def PLAY(url): #DIALOG_OK(url,'') #LOG_THIS('',url) linkLIST = [] headers2 = {'Referer': url, 'User-Agent': ''} response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(SHORT_CACHE, 'GET', url, '', headers2, '', '', 'MYCIMA-PLAY-1st') html = response.content ratingLIST = re.findall('<span>التصنيف<.*?<a.*?">(.*?)<.*?">(.*?)<', html, re.DOTALL) if ratingLIST: ratingLIST = [ratingLIST[0][0], ratingLIST[0][1]] if RATING_CHECK(script_name, url, ratingLIST): return # watch links html_blocks = re.findall( 'class="WatchServersList"(.*?)class="WatchServersEmbed"', html, re.DOTALL) if html_blocks: block = html_blocks[0] items = re.findall('data-url="(.*?)".*?strong>(.*?)<', block, re.DOTALL) for link, name in items: if name == 'سيرفر ماي سيما': name = 'mycima' link = link + '?named=' + name + '__watch' linkLIST.append(link) # download links html_blocks = re.findall('class="List--Download(.*?)</div>', html, re.DOTALL) if html_blocks: block = html_blocks[0] items = re.findall('href="(.*?)".*?</i>(.*?)<', block, re.DOTALL) for link, quality in items: quality = re.findall('\d\d\d+', quality, re.DOTALL) if quality: quality = '____' + quality[0] else: quality = '' link = link + '?named=mycima' + '__download' + quality linkLIST.append(link) #selection = DIALOG_SELECT('أختر البحث المناسب', linkLIST) if len(linkLIST) == 0: DIALOG_OK('رسالة من المبرمج', 'الرابط ليس فيه فيديو') else: import RESOLVERS RESOLVERS.PLAY(linkLIST, script_name, 'video') return
def PLAY(url, type): #url = url+'&' #items = re.findall('v=(.*?)&',url,re.DOTALL) #id = items[0] #DIALOG_OK(url,'') #link = 'plugin://'+id #PLAY_VIDEO(link,script_name,'video') linkLIST = [url] import RESOLVERS result = RESOLVERS.PLAY(linkLIST, script_name, type) if 'RETURN_TO_YOUTUBE' in result: link = website0a + result.split('::')[1] #DIALOG_OK(link,result) new_path = sys.argv[0] + '?type=folder&mode=144&url=' + link xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Update(" + new_path + ")") #threads = CustomThread(False,False) #threads.start_new_thread('1',xbmc.executebuiltin,"Container.Update("+new_path+")") #DIALOG_OK(link,str(len(KodiMenuList))) #LOG_THIS('NOTICE','EMAD EMAD 9999: '+new_path) return
def PLAY(url): linkLIST = [] global headers html = OPENURL_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, url, '', headers, '', 'HALACIMA-PLAY-1st') html_blocks = re.findall('class="download(.*?)div', html, re.DOTALL) block = html_blocks[0] items = re.findall('href="(.*?)"', block, re.DOTALL) for link in items: if 'http' not in link: link = 'http:' + link linkLIST.append(link) url2 = url.replace('/download-view-online/', '/online/') html = OPENURL_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, url2, '', headers, '', 'HALACIMA-PLAY-2nd') html_blocks = re.findall('artId.*?(.*?)col-sm-12', html, re.DOTALL) block = html_blocks[0] items = re.findall(' = \'(.*?)\'', block, re.DOTALL) artID = items[0] url2 = website0a + '/ajax/getVideoPlayer' headers2 = headers headers2['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' items = re.findall('getVideoPlayer\(\'(.*?)\'', block, re.DOTALL) threads = CustomThread(False) def linkFUNC(): html = OPENURL_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, url2, data, headers2, '', 'HALACIMA-PLAY-3rd') html = html.replace('SRC=', 'src=') link = re.findall("src='(.*?)'", html, re.DOTALL) if 'http' not in link[0]: link[0] = 'http:' + link[0] return link[0] for server in items: payload = {'Ajax': '1', 'art': artID, 'server': server} data = urllib.urlencode(payload) threads.start_new_thread(server, linkFUNC) threads.wait_finishing_all_threads() linkLIST = linkLIST + threads.resultsDICT.values() import RESOLVERS RESOLVERS.PLAY(linkLIST, script_name, 'video') return
def PLAY(url): linkLIST, urlLIST = [], [] html = OPENURL_CACHED(REGULAR_CACHE, url, '', headers, '', 'HELAL-PLAY-1st') ratingLIST = re.findall('text-shadow: none;">(.*?)<', html, re.DOTALL) if RATING_CHECK(script_name, url, ratingLIST): return html_blocks = re.findall('id="links-panel(.*?)div', html, re.DOTALL) if html_blocks: block = html_blocks[0] items = re.findall('href="(.*?)"', block, re.DOTALL) for link in items: linkLIST.append(link) html_blocks = re.findall('nav-tabs"(.*?)video-panel-more', html, re.DOTALL) block = html_blocks[0] items = re.findall('id="ajax-file-id.*?value="(.*?)"', block, re.DOTALL) id = items[0] #DIALOG_OK('',id) items = re.findall('data-server-src="(.*?)"', block, re.DOTALL) for link in items: if 'http' not in link: link = 'http:' + link link = unquote(link) linkLIST.append(link) """ items = re.findall('data-server="(.*?)"',block,re.DOTALL) for link in items: url2 = website0a + '/ajax.php?id='+id+'&ajax=true&server='+link #link = OPENURL_CACHED(REGULAR_CACHE,url2,'',headers,'','HELAL-PLAY-2nd') #linkLIST.append(link) urlLIST.append(url2) html = OPENURL_CACHED(REGULAR_CACHE,url2,'',headers,'','HELAL-PLAY-3rd') #DIALOG_OK(url2,html) count = len(urlLIST) import concurrent.futures with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=20) as executor: responcesDICT = dict( (executor.submit(openURL, urlLIST[i], '', headers,'','HELAL-PLAY-2nd'), i) for i in range(0,count) ) for response22 in concurrent.futures.as_completed(responcesDICT): linkLIST.append( response22.result() ) """ import RESOLVERS RESOLVERS.PLAY(linkLIST, script_name, 'video') return
def PLAY(url): response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(REGULAR_CACHE, 'GET', url, '', '', '', '', 'MOVS4U-PLAY-1st') html = response.content ratingLIST = re.findall('class="C rated".*?>(.*?)<', html, re.DOTALL) if ratingLIST and RATING_CHECK(script_name, url, ratingLIST): return linkLIST = [] # watch links html_blocks = re.findall( """id='player-option-1'(.*?)class=("sheader"|'pag_episodes')""", html, re.DOTALL) if html_blocks: block = html_blocks[0][0] items = re.findall("data-url='(.*?)'.*?class='server'>(.*?)<", block, re.DOTALL) for link, title in items: link = link + '?named=' + title + '__watch' linkLIST.append(link) # download links html_blocks = re.findall('class="remodal"(.*?)class="remodal-close"', html, re.DOTALL) if html_blocks: block = html_blocks[0] items = re.findall('class="___dl_gdrive.*?href="(.*?)".*?">(.*?)<', block, re.DOTALL) for link, title in items: link = website0a + link link = link + '?named=' + title + '__download' linkLIST.append(link) #selection = DIALOG_SELECT('أختر البحث المناسب', linkLIST) if len(linkLIST) == 0: DIALOG_OK('رسالة من المبرمج', 'الرابط ليس فيه فيديو') else: import RESOLVERS RESOLVERS.PLAY(linkLIST, script_name, 'video') return
def PLAY(url): linkLIST,titleLIST = [],[] responce = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(LONG_CACHE,'GET',url,'','','','','AKOAMCAM-PLAY-1st') html = responce.content postid = re.findall('post_id=(.*?)"',html,re.DOTALL) if postid: postid = postid[0] headers = {'User-Agent':'','Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} data = {'post_id':postid} url2 = website0a+'/wp-content/themes/aflam8kkk/Inc/Ajax/Single/Watch.php' responce2 = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(LONG_CACHE,'POST',url2,data,headers,'','','AKOAMCAM-PLAY-1st') html2 = responce2.content items = re.findall('data-server="(.*?)".*?class="text">(.*?)<',html2,re.DOTALL) for serverid,name in items: #data = {'post_id':postid,'server':serverid} link = '' link = link+'?postid='+postid+'&serverid='+serverid+'?named='+name+'__watch' linkLIST.append(link) titleLIST.append(name) url2 = website0a+'/wp-content/themes/aflam8kkk/Inc/Ajax/Single/Download.php' responce2 = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(LONG_CACHE,'POST',url2,data,headers,'','','AKOAMCAM-PLAY-1st') html2 = responce2.content items = re.findall('href="(.*?)".*?class="text">(.*?)<',html2,re.DOTALL) for link,title in items: #DIALOG_OK(link,title) link = link.strip(' ') link = link+'?named='+title+'__download' linkLIST.append(link) titleLIST.append(title) #DIALOG_SELECT('',linkLIST) if len(linkLIST)==0: DIALOG_OK('رسالة من المبرمج','الرابط ليس فيه فيديو') else: import RESOLVERS RESOLVERS.PLAY(linkLIST,script_name,'video') return
def PLAY(url): #DIALOG_OK(url,str(url)) linkLIST,titleLIST,videodeliveryID = [],[],[] html = OPENURL_CACHED(SHORT_CACHE,url,'',headers,True,'ALARAB-PLAY-1st') if 'vid=' in html: #حلقة_25_حكايتي_HD_رمضان_252019 url2 = re.findall('class="resp.*?src="(.*?)"',html,re.DOTALL) if url2: url2 = url2[0] html2 = OPENURL_CACHED(LONG_CACHE,url2,'',headers,True,'ALARAB-PLAY-2nd') url3 = re.findall('source src="(.*?)"',html2,re.DOTALL) if url3: url3 = url3[0] #if url3.count('http')>1: url3 = 'http'+url3.split('http',2)[2] linkLIST.append(url3) titleLIST.append('سيرفر خاص m3u8') else: if '/viewVedio/' in url: id = re.findall('.com/viewVedio/([0-9]+)/',url,re.DOTALL) else: id = re.findall('.com/v([0-9]+)-',url,re.DOTALL) if id: url2 = ''+id headers['Referer'] = url html2 = OPENURL_CACHED(SHORT_CACHE,url2,'',headers,True,'ALARAB-PLAY-3rd') html += html2 html_blocks = re.findall('playerInstance.setup(.*?)primary',html,re.DOTALL) for block in html_blocks: youtube = re.findall('file:".*?youtu.*?=(.*?)"',block,re.DOTALL) items1 = re.findall('file: ["\'](.*?mp4)["\'].*?label: "(.*?)"',block,re.DOTALL) items2 = re.findall('file: ["\'].*?videodelivery.*?/(.*?)/',block,re.DOTALL) items3 = re.findall('file: ["\'](.*?)["\']',block,re.DOTALL) items4 = re.findall('"file": ["\'](.*?)["\']',block,re.DOTALL) if youtube: for youtubeID in youtube: #url = 'plugin://'+youtubeID linkLIST.append(youtubeID) titleLIST.append('ملف يوتيوب') elif items1: for file,label in reversed(items1): linkLIST.append(file) titleLIST.append('سيرفر خاص mp4 '+label) elif items2: for id in items2: videodeliveryID.append(id) elif items3: for file in items3: linkLIST.append(file) titleLIST.append('سيرفر خاص mp4') elif items4: #,6,15,00/130479.mp4.urlset/playlist.m3u8 for file in items4: titleLIST2,linkLIST2 = EXTRACT_M3U8(file) z = zip(titleLIST2,linkLIST2) for label,file in z: linkLIST.append(file) titleLIST.append('سيرفر خاص '+label) id = re.findall('stream src="(.*?)"',html,re.DOTALL) if id: videodeliveryID.append(id) for id in videodeliveryID: url3 = ''+id+'/manifest/video.mpd' linkLIST.append(url3) titleLIST.append('سيرفر خاص mpd') url3 = ''+id+'/manifest/video.m3u8' title = 'سيرفر خاص m3u8' titleLIST.append(title) linkLIST.append(url3) """ html = OPENURL_CACHED(REGULAR_CACHE,url,'',headers,True,'ALARAB-PLAY-3rd') DIALOG_OK(url,str(html)) items2 = re.findall('RESOLUTION=(.*?),.*?\n(.*?)\n',html,re.DOTALL) if items2: for resolution,link in items2: title = ' سيرفر خاص '+'m3u8 '+resolution.split('x')[1] link = ''+videodeliveryID[0]+'/manifest/'+link titleLIST.append(title) linkLIST.append(link) #items = re.findall('resp-container.*?src="(.*?)".*?</div>',html,re.DOTALL) #if items: # url = items[0] # linkLIST.append(url) # titleLIST.append('ملف التشغيل') #DIALOG_OK('',str(linkLIST)) #url = website0a + '/download.php?file='+id #html = OPENURL_CACHED(REGULAR_CACHE,url,'',headers,True,'ALARAB-PLAY-4th') #items = re.findall('</h2>.*?href="(.*?mp4)"',html,re.DOTALL) #if items: # linkLIST.append(items[0]) # titleLIST.append('ملف التحميل') """ if len(linkLIST)==0: #LOG_THIS('NOTICE',LOGGING(script_name)+' No video file found URL: [ '+url+' ]') DIALOG_OK('رسالة من المبرمج','لا يوجد ملف فيديو') return elif len(linkLIST)==1: selection = 0 url = linkLIST[selection] else: new_linkLIST,new_titleLIST = [],[] for i in range(0,len(linkLIST),+1): if linkLIST[i] not in new_linkLIST: new_linkLIST.append(linkLIST[i]) new_titleLIST.append(titleLIST[i]) selection = DIALOG_SELECT('اختر الملف المناسب:', new_titleLIST) if selection == -1 : return url = new_linkLIST[selection] if 'youtu' in url: #DIALOG_OK(url,'') import RESOLVERS RESOLVERS.PLAY_LINK(url,script_name,'video') else: PLAY_VIDEO(url,script_name,'video') return
def PLAY(url): #global headers titleLIST, linkLIST = [], [] #DIALOG_OK(url, url[-45:]) #فيلم-the-lion-king-2019-مترجم html = OPENURL_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, url, '', headers, '', 'EGYBESTVIP-PLAY-1st') ratingLIST = re.findall('<td>التصنيف</td>.*?">(.*?)<', html, re.DOTALL) if False and RATING_CHECK(script_name, url, ratingLIST): return #فيلم-the-lion-king-2019-مترجم watchURL, downloadURL = '', '' htmlWatch, htmlDownload = html, html watch_download = re.findall('show_dl api" href="(.*?)"', html, re.DOTALL) if watch_download: for link in watch_download: if '/watch/' in link: watchURL = link elif '/download/' in link: downloadURL = link if watchURL != '': htmlWatch = OPENURL_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, watchURL, '', headers, '', 'EGYBESTVIP-PLAY-2nd') if downloadURL != '': htmlDownload = OPENURL_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, downloadURL, '', headers, '', 'EGYBESTVIP-PLAY-3rd') #DIALOG_OK(downloadURL,watchURL) # watchitem = re.findall('id="video".*?data-src="(.*?)"', htmlWatch, re.DOTALL) if watchitem: url2 = watchitem[0] #+'||MyProxyUrl=' if url2 != '' and '' in url2 and '/?id=_' not in url2: html2 = OPENURL_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, url2, '', headers, '', 'EGYBESTVIP-PLAY-4th') watchlist = re.findall('source src="(.*?)" title="(.*?)"', html2, re.DOTALL) if watchlist: for link, quality in watchlist: linkLIST.append(link + '?named=ed.egybest.do__watch__mp4__' + quality) else: server = url2.split('/')[2] linkLIST.append(url2 + '?named=' + server + '__watch') elif url2 != '': #DIALOG_OK(url2,str(watchitem)) server = url2.split('/')[2] linkLIST.append(url2 + '?named=' + server + '__watch') # # downloadtable = re.findall('<table class="dls_table(.*?)</table>', htmlDownload, re.DOTALL) if downloadtable: downloadtable = downloadtable[0] downloadlist = re.findall('<td>.*?<td>(.*?)<.*?href="(.*?)"', downloadtable, re.DOTALL) if downloadlist: for quality, link in downloadlist: if link.count('/') >= 2: server = link.split('/')[2] linkLIST.append(link + '?named=' + server + '__download__mp4__' + quality) #selection = DIALOG_SELECT('اختر الفيديو المناسب:', linkLIST) #if selection == -1 : return newLIST = [] for link in linkLIST: # faselhdفيلم-the-space-between-us-2017-مترجم/e53047e2cbc712380c0cb5f42ed4038f if 'faselhd' in link: continue if '' in link: continue newLIST.append(link) if len(newLIST) == 0: DIALOG_OK( 'رسالة من المبرمج', 'هذا الفيديو يستخدم روابط غير معروفة في هذا البرنامج والمبرمج لم يستطيع إيحاد حل لهذه المشكلة' ) else: import RESOLVERS RESOLVERS.PLAY(newLIST, script_name, 'video') return
def PLAY(url): urls = url.split('?servers=') url2 = urls[0] del urls[0] html = OPENURL_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, url2, '', headers, '', 'MOVIZLAND-PLAY-1st') link = re.findall('font-size: 25px;" href="(.*?)"', html, re.DOTALL)[0] if link not in urls: urls.append(link) linkLIST = [] # main_watch_link for link in urls: if '://moshahda.' in link: main_watch_link = link linkLIST.append(main_watch_link + '?named=Main') # all_vb_links for link in urls: if '://vb.movizland.' in link: html = OPENURL_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, link, '', headers, '', 'MOVIZLAND-PLAY-2nd') html = html.decode('windows-1256').encode('utf8') #xbmc.log(html, level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE) #</a></div><br /><div align="center">(\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*|13721411411.png|) html = html.replace( 'src=""', 'src="/uploads/13721411411.png" \n src="/uploads/13721411411.png"' ) html = html.replace( 'src=""', 'src="/uploads/13721411411.png" \n src="/uploads/13721411411.png"' ) html = html.replace('</a></div><br /><div align="center">', 'src="/uploads/13721411411.png"') html = html.replace('class="tborder" align="center"', 'src="/uploads/13721411411.png"') html_blocks = re.findall( '(src="/uploads/13721411411.png".*?href="http://moshahda\..*?/\w+.html".*?src="/uploads/13721411411.png")', html, re.DOTALL) if html_blocks: #DIALOG_OK(url,str(len(html_blocks))) titleLIST2, linkLIST2 = [], [] if len(html_blocks) == 1: title = '' block = html else: for block in html_blocks: block2 = re.findall( 'src="/uploads/13721411411.png".*?http://up.movizland.(online|com)/uploads/.*?\*\*\*\*\*\*\*+(.*?src="/uploads/13721411411.png")', block, re.DOTALL) if block2: block = 'src="/uploads/13721411411.png" \n ' + block2[ 0][1] block2 = re.findall( 'src="/uploads/13721411411.png".*?<hr size="1" style="color:#333; background-color:#333" />(.*?href="http://moshahda\..*?/\w+.html".*?src="/uploads/13721411411.png")', block, re.DOTALL) if block2: block = 'src="/uploads/13721411411.png" \n ' + block2[ 0] block2 = re.findall( '(src="/uploads/13721411411.png".*?href="http://moshahda\..*?/\w+.html".*?)<hr size="1" style="color:#333; background-color:#333" />.*?src="/uploads/13721411411.png"', block, re.DOTALL) if block2: block = block2[ 0] + ' \n src="/uploads/13721411411.png"' title_blocks = re.findall( '<(.*?)http://up.movizland.(online|com)/uploads/', block, re.DOTALL) title = re.findall('> *([^<>]+) *<', title_blocks[0][0], re.DOTALL) title = ' '.join(title) title = title.strip(' ') title = title.replace(' ', ' ').replace( ' ', ' ').replace(' ', ' ').replace(' ', ' ').replace(' ', ' ') titleLIST2.append(title) selection = DIALOG_SELECT('أختر الفيديو المطلوب:', titleLIST2) if selection == -1: return title = titleLIST2[selection] block = html_blocks[selection] link = re.findall('href="(http://moshahda\..*?/\w+.html)"', block, re.DOTALL) forum_watch_link = link[0] linkLIST.append(forum_watch_link + '?named=Forum') block = block.replace('ـ', '') block = block.replace( 'src=""', 'src="/uploads/13721411411.png" \n src="/uploads/13721411411.png" \n typetype="both" \n ' ) block = block.replace( 'src=""', 'src="/uploads/13721411411.png" \n src="/uploads/13721411411.png" \n typetype="both" \n ' ) block = block.replace( 'سيرفرات التحميل', 'src="/uploads/13721411411.png" \n src="/uploads/13721411411.png" \n typetype="download" \n ' ) block = block.replace( 'روابط التحميل', 'src="/uploads/13721411411.png" \n src="/uploads/13721411411.png" \n typetype="download" \n ' ) block = block.replace( 'سيرفرات المشاهد', 'src="/uploads/13721411411.png" \n src="/uploads/13721411411.png" \n typetype="watch" \n ' ) block = block.replace( 'روابط المشاهد', 'src="/uploads/13721411411.png" \n src="/uploads/13721411411.png" \n typetype="watch" \n ' ) links_blocks = re.findall( '(src="/uploads/13721411411.png".*?href="\d+".*?src="/uploads/13721411411.png")', block, re.DOTALL) for link_block in links_blocks: #DIALOG_OK('',str(link_block)) type = re.findall(' typetype="(.*?)" ', link_block) if type: if type[0] != 'both': type = '__' + type[0] else: type = '' items = re.findall( '(?<!\w+[ \w]*</font>.*?|\w+[ \w]*<br />.*?)href="(*?)"', link_block, re.DOTALL) for title_block, link in items: title = re.findall('(\w+[ \w]*)<', title_block) title = title[-1] link = link + '?named=' + title + type linkLIST.append(link) # mobile_watch_link url3 = url2.replace(website0a, website0b) html = OPENURL_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, url3, '', headers, '', 'MOVIZLAND-PLAY-3rd') items = re.findall('" href="(.*?)"', html, re.DOTALL) #id2 = re.findall('" href="(http://moshahda\..*?/embedM-(\w+)-.*?.html)',html,re.DOTALL) #if id2: if items: #mobile_watch_link = '' + id2[-1] + '.html' mobile_watch_link = items[-1] linkLIST.append(mobile_watch_link + '?named=Mobile') link2LIST, name2LIST = [], [] for link in linkLIST: link2, name2 = link.split('?named=') link2LIST.append(link2) name2LIST.append(name2) if len(linkLIST) == 0: DIALOG_OK('رسالة من المبرمج', 'غير قادر على ايجاد ملف الفيديو المناسب') else: #selection = DIALOG_SELECT('اختر الفلتر المناسب:', linkLIST) #if selection == -1 : return import RESOLVERS RESOLVERS.PLAY(linkLIST, script_name, 'video') return
def PLAY(url): #LOG_THIS('NOTICE','EMAD 111') linkLIST = [] parts = url.split('/') #DIALOG_OK(url,'PLAY-1st') #url = unquote(quote(url)) hostname = website0a response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, 'GET', url, '', headers, True, True, 'SHAHID4U-PLAY-1st') html = response.content #.encode('utf8') id = re.findall('postId:"(.*?)"', html, re.DOTALL) if not id: id = re.findall('post_id=(.*?)"', html, re.DOTALL) if not id: id = re.findall('post-id="(.*?)"', html, re.DOTALL) if id: id = id[0] else: DIALOG_OK( 'رسالة من المبرمج', 'يرجى إرسال هذه المشكلة إلى المبرمج من قائمة خدمات البرنامج') #LOG_THIS('NOTICE','EMAD START TIMING 111') if True or '/watch/' in html: #parts = url.split('/') url2 = url.replace(parts[3], 'watch') response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, 'GET', url2, '', headers, True, True, 'ARBLIONZ-PLAY-2nd') html2 = response.content #.encode('utf8') items1 = re.findall('data-embedd="(.*?)".*?alt="(.*?)"', html2, re.DOTALL) items2 = re.findall('data-embedd=".*?(http.*?)("|")', html2, re.DOTALL) items3 = re.findall('src="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)<', html2, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) items4 = re.findall( 'data-embedd="(.*?)">\n*.*?server_image">\n(.*?)\n', html2) items5 = re.findall('src="(.*?)".*?alt="(.*?)"', html2, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) items6 = re.findall('server="(.*?)".*?<span>(.*?)<', html2, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) items = items1 + items2 + items3 + items4 + items5 + items6 #LOG_THIS('NOTICE','EMAD START TIMING 444') if not items: items = re.findall('<span>(.*?)</span>.*?src="(.*?)"', html2, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) items = [(b, a) for a, b in items] for server, title in items: if '.png' in server: continue if '.jpg' in server: continue if '"' in server: continue quality = re.findall('\d\d\d+', title, re.DOTALL) if quality: quality = quality[0] if quality in title: title = title.replace(quality + 'p', '').replace(quality, '').strip(' ') quality = '____' + quality else: quality = '' #LOG_THIS('NOTICE','['+str(id)+'] ['+str(hostname)+'] ['+str(title)+'] ['+str(quality)+']') if server.isdigit(): link = hostname + '/?postid=' + id + '&serverid=' + server + '?named=' + title + '__watch' + quality else: if 'http' not in server: server = 'http:' + server quality = re.findall('\d\d\d+', title, re.DOTALL) if quality: quality = '____' + quality[0] else: quality = '' link = server + '?named=__watch' + quality linkLIST.append(link) #LOG_THIS('NOTICE','['+quality+'] ['+title+']') #selection = DIALOG_SELECT('أختر البحث المناسب', linkLIST) #DIALOG_OK('watch 1', str(len(items))) if 'DownloadNow' in html: headers2 = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' } url2 = url.replace(parts[3], 'download') response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, 'GET', url2, '', headers2, True, '', 'SHAHID4U-PLAY-3rd') html2 = response.content #.encode('utf8') #DIALOG_OK(url2,html2) html_blocks = re.findall('<ul class="download-items(.*?)</ul>', html2, re.DOTALL) for block in html_blocks: items = re.findall('href="(http.*?)".*?<span>(.*?)<.*?<p>(.*?)<', block, re.DOTALL) for link, name, quality in items: link = link + '?named=' + name + '__download' + '____' + quality linkLIST.append(link) elif '/download/' in html: headers2 = {'User-Agent': '', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'} url2 = hostname + '/ajaxCenter?_action=getdownloadlinks&postId=' + id response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, 'GET', url2, '', headers2, True, True, 'SHAHID4U-PLAY-4th') html2 = response.content #.encode('utf8') if 'download-btns' in html2: items3 = re.findall('href="(.*?)"', html2, re.DOTALL) for url3 in items3: if '/page/' not in url3 and 'http' in url3: url3 = url3 + '?named=__download' linkLIST.append(url3) elif '/page/' in url3: quality = '' response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, 'GET', url3, '', headers, True, True, 'SHAHID4U-PLAY-5th') html4 = response.content #.encode('utf8') blocks = re.findall('(<strong>.*?)-----', html4, re.DOTALL) for block4 in blocks: server4 = '' items4 = re.findall('<strong>(.*?)</strong>', block4, re.DOTALL) for item4 in items4: item = re.findall('\d\d\d+', item4, re.DOTALL) if item: quality = '____' + item[0] break for item4 in reversed(items4): item = re.findall('\w\w+', item4, re.DOTALL) if item: server4 = item[0] break items5 = re.findall('href="(.*?)"', block4, re.DOTALL) for link5 in items5: link5 = link5 + '?named=' + server4 + '__download' + quality linkLIST.append(link5) #DIALOG_OK('download 1', str(len(linkLIST)) ) elif 'slow-motion' in html2: html2 = html2.replace('<h6 ', '==END== ==START==') + '==END==' html2 = html2.replace('<h3 ', '==END== ==START==') + '==END==' #LOG_THIS('NOTICE',html2) #with open('s:\\emad.html','w') as f: f.write(html2) all_blocks = re.findall('==START==(.*?)==END==', html2, re.DOTALL) if all_blocks: for block4 in all_blocks: if 'href=' not in block4: continue #DIALOG_OK('download 111', block4 ) quality4 = '' items4 = re.findall('slow-motion">(.*?)<', block4, re.DOTALL) for item4 in items4: item = re.findall('\d\d\d+', item4, re.DOTALL) if item: quality4 = '____' + item[0] break items4 = re.findall('<td>(.*?)</td>.*?href="(http.*?)"', block4, re.DOTALL) if items4: for server4, link4 in items4: link4 = link4 + '?named=' + server4 + '__download' + quality4 linkLIST.append(link4) else: items4 = re.findall( 'href="(.*?http.*?)".*?name">(.*?)<', block4, re.DOTALL) for link4, server4 in items4: link4 = link4.strip( ' ' ) + '?named=' + server4 + '__download' + quality4 linkLIST.append(link4) else: items4 = re.findall('href="(.*?)".*?>(\w+)<', html2, re.DOTALL) for link4, server4 in items4: link4 = link4.strip( ' ') + '?named=' + server4 + '__download' linkLIST.append(link4) #LOG_THIS('NOTICE','EMAD 222') #DIALOG_OK('both: watch & download', str(len(linkLIST)) ) #selection = DIALOG_SELECT('أختر البحث المناسب', linkLIST) if len(linkLIST) == 0: DIALOG_OK('رسالة من المبرمج', 'الرابط ليس فيه فيديو') else: import RESOLVERS RESOLVERS.PLAY(linkLIST, script_name, 'video') return
def PLAY(url): linkLIST = [] parts = url.split('/') html = OPENURL_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, url, '', headers, '', 'SERIES4WATCH-PLAY-1st') # watch links if '/watch/' in html: url2 = url.replace(parts[3], 'watch') html2 = OPENURL_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, url2, '', headers, '', 'SERIES4WATCH-PLAY-2nd') html_blocks = re.findall('class="servers-list(.*?)</div>', html2, re.DOTALL) if html_blocks: block = html_blocks[0] items = re.findall('data-embedd="(.*?)".*?server_image">\n(.*?)\n', block, re.DOTALL) if items: id = re.findall('post_id=(.*?)"', html2, re.DOTALL) if id: id2 = id[0] for link, title in items: link = website0a + '/?postid=' + id2 + '&serverid=' + link + '?named=' + title + '__watch' linkLIST.append(link) else: #مشاهدة-برنامج-نفسنة-تقديم-انتصار-وهيدى-وشيماء-حلقة-1 items = re.findall('data-embedd=".*?(http.*?)("|")', block, re.DOTALL) for link, dummy in items: linkLIST.append(link) # download links if '/download/' in html: url2 = url.replace(parts[3], 'download') html2 = OPENURL_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, url2, '', headers, '', 'SERIES4WATCH-PLAY-3rd') id = re.findall('postId:"(.*?)"', html2, re.DOTALL) if id: id2 = id[0] headers2 = {'User-Agent': '', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'} url2 = website0a + '/ajaxCenter?_action=getdownloadlinks&postId=' + id2 html2 = OPENURL_CACHED(LONG_CACHE, url2, '', headers2, '', 'SERIES4WATCH-PLAY-4th') html_blocks = re.findall('<h3.*?(\d+)(.*?)</div>', html2, re.DOTALL) if html_blocks: for resolution, block in html_blocks: items = re.findall('<td>(.*?)<.*?href="(.*?)"', block, re.DOTALL) for name, link in items: linkLIST.append(link + '?named=' + name + '__download' + '____' + resolution) else: html_blocks = re.findall('<h6(.*?)</table>', html2, re.DOTALL) if not html_blocks: html_blocks = [html2] for block in html_blocks: """ name = re.findall('serversTitle.*?>(.*?)<',block,re.DOTALL) if name: name = name[-1].replace('الدقة ','').replace('\n','') if name!='': name = name + ' ـ ' else: name = '' """ name = '' items = re.findall('href="(http.*?)"', block, re.DOTALL) for link in items: server = '&&' + link.split('/')[2].lower() + '&&' server = server.replace('.com&&', '').replace('.co&&', '') server = server.replace('.net&&', '').replace('.org&&', '') server = server.replace('.live&&', '').replace('.online&&', '') server = server.replace('&&hd.', '').replace('&&www.', '') server = server.replace('&&', '') link = link + '?named=' + name + server + '__download' linkLIST.append(link) if len(linkLIST) == 0: DIALOG_OK('رسالة من المبرمج', 'الرابط ليس فيه فيديو') else: import RESOLVERS RESOLVERS.PLAY(linkLIST, script_name, 'video') return
def PLAY(url): global headers #DIALOG_OK(url, url[-45:]) html = OPENURL_CACHED(LONG_CACHE,url,'',headers,'','EGYBEST-PLAY-1st') ratingLIST = re.findall('<td>التصنيف</td>.*?">(.*?)<',html,re.DOTALL) if RATING_CHECK(script_name,url,ratingLIST): return """ html_blocks = re.findall('tbody(.*?)tbody',html,re.DOTALL) if not html_blocks: DIALOG_NOTIFICATION('خطأ من الموقع الاصلي','ملف الفيديو غير متوفر') return block = html_blocks[0] """ titleLIST,linkLIST = [],[] watchitem = re.findall('class="auto-size" src="(.*?)"',html,re.DOTALL) #DIALOG_OK(url2, str(html2)) # if watchitem: url2 = website0a+watchitem[0]#+'||MyProxyUrl=' server = SERVER(url2) #DIALOG_OK(server,'') response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(SHORT_CACHE,'GET',url2,'','',True,'','EGYBEST-PLAY-2nd') #html2 = response.content #cookies = response.cookies.get_dict() #PHPSID = cookies['PHPSID'] #DIALOG_OK(server, str(PHPSID)) headers2 = headers #headers2['Cookie'] = 'PHPSID='+PHPSID response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(SHORT_CACHE,'GET',url2,'',headers2,False,'','EGYBEST-PLAY-3rd') html2 = response.content #xbmc.log(html2, level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE) #DIALOG_OK(url2, str(html2.count('404'))) items = re.findall('source src="(.*?)"',html2,re.DOTALL) #DIALOG_OK(url2, str(html2)) #DIALOG_OK(url2, str(items)) if items: url3 = server+items[0] titleLIST,linkLIST = EXTRACT_M3U8(url3) z = zip(titleLIST,linkLIST) for title,link in z: if 'Res: ' in title: quality = title.split('Res: ')[1] elif 'BW: ' in title: quality = title.split('BW: ')[1].split('kbps')[0] else: quality = '' linkLIST.append(link+'?named=vidstream__watch__m3u8__'+quality) #else: linkLIST.append(url2+'?named=vidstream__watch__m3u8') items = re.findall('</td> <td>(.*?)<.*?data-url="(.*?)".*?data-url="(.*?)"',html,re.DOTALL) for quality,link1,link2 in items: quality = quality.strip(' ').split(' ')[-1] url1 = website0a+link1 # + '&v=1' url2 = website0a+link2 # + '&v=1' #url = url+'?PHPSID='+PHPSID linkLIST.append(url1+'?named=vidstream__download__mp4__'+quality) linkLIST.append(url2+'?named=vidstream__watch__mp4__'+quality) #if not linkLIST: # WARNING() # return """ url = website0a + '/api?call=' + watchitem[0] EGUDI, EGUSID, EGUSS = GET_PLAY_TOKENS() if EGUDI=='': return headers = { 'User-Agent':'Googlebot/2.1 (+http)', 'Referer':website0a, 'Cookie':'EGUDI='+EGUDI+'; EGUSID='+EGUSID+'; EGUSS='+EGUSS } response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(SHORT_CACHE,'GET', url, '', headers, False,'','EGYBEST-PLAY-2nd') html = response.content #DIALOG_OK(url,html) items = re.findall('#EXT-X-STREAM.*?RESOLUTION=(.*?),.*?\n(.*?)\n',html,re.DOTALL) if items: for qualtiy,url in reversed(items): qualityLIST.append ('m3u8 '+qualtiy) datacallLIST.append (url) """ #selection = DIALOG_SELECT('اختر الفيديو المناسب:', linkLIST) #if selection == -1 : return #url = linkLIST[selection] """ if 'http' not in url: link = linkLIST[selection] url = website0a + '/api?call=' + link headers = { 'User-Agent':'Googlebot/2.1 (+http)', 'Referer':website0a, 'Cookie':'EGUDI='+EGUDI+'; EGUSID='+EGUSID+'; EGUSS='+EGUSS } response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(SHORT_CACHE,'GET', url, '', headers, False,'','EGYBEST-PLAY-3rd') html = response.content #DIALOG_OK(url,html) #xbmc.log(html, level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE) items = re.findall('"url":"(.*?)"',html,re.DOTALL) #link = items[0] #url = website0a + '/api?call=' + link #headers = { 'User-Agent':'Googlebot/2.1 (+http)', 'Referer':website0a, 'Cookie':'EGUDI='+EGUDI+'; EGUSID='+EGUSID+'; EGUSS='+EGUSS } #response = OPENURL_REQUESTS_CACHED(SHORT_CACHE,'GET', url, '', headers, False,'','EGYBEST-PLAY-4th') #html = response.content #xbmc.log(escapeUNICODE(html), level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE) #items = re.findall('"url":"(.*?)"',html,re.DOTALL) url = items[0] #DIALOG_OK(url,html) #xbmc.log(html, level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE) #items = re.findall('"url":"(.*?)"',html,re.DOTALL) #url = items[0] url = url.replace('\/','/') #xbmc.log(url, level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE) #DIALOG_OK(url,url[-45:]) """ #WARNING() ; return #result = PLAY_VIDEO(url,script_name,'video') #if result!='playing': WARNING() #DIALOG_OK(url,'') import RESOLVERS RESOLVERS.PLAY(linkLIST,script_name,'video') return