Exemple #1
def main():

    # Get arguments
    io = Rappture.library(sys.argv[1])
    xmin = float(io.get('input.number(min).current'))
    xmax = float(io.get('input.number(max).current'))
    formula = io.get('input.string(formula).current')
    a = float(io.get('input.number(a).current'))

    # Get base string

    my_str_base = 'int_0^root (' + formula + ') dx - ' + str(a)

    # Get compute root of \int_0^x f(x') dx' - a

    root = optimize.brentq(calc, xmin, xmax, args=(a, formula))

    my_str = 'Root of f(x) in the range ' + str(xmin) + ' to ' + \
             str(xmax) + ' is ' + str(root)
    io.put('output.string(result1).about.label', 'Root')
    io.put('output.string(result1).current', my_str)


    # Check

    check = calc(root, a, formula)

    my_str2 = '\nCheck: ' + my_str_base + ' = ' + str(check[0])

    print(my_str2 + '\n')
Exemple #2
def main():
    io = Rappture.library(sys.argv[1])

    xmin = float(io.get('input.number(min).current'))
    xmax = float(io.get('input.number(max).current'))
    y0 = float(io.get('input.number(Y0).current'))
    npts = int(io.get('input.number(Npts).current'))
    formula = io.get('input.string(formula).current')

    x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, npts)
    sol = odeint(calc, y0, x, args=(1, formula))

           'Integral of f(X) vs X',
    io.put('output.curve(result1).yaxis.label', 'Integral of f(X)')
    io.put('output.curve(result1).xaxis.label', 'X')

    for i in range(npts):
               '%g %g\n' % (x[i], sol[i][0]),

    root = optimize.brentq(f, xmin, xmax, args=(1, formula))

    my_str = 'Root of f(x) in the range ' + str(xmin) + ' to ' + \
             str(xmax) + ' is ' + str(root)

    io.put('output.string(result2).about.label', 'Root')
    io.put('output.string(result2).current', my_str)

Exemple #3
def finish():
    Called automatically whenever the program exits.  Writes out
    any results in the global driver to the "run.xml" file
    representing the entire run.
#    f = open("run.xml","w")
#    f.write( Rappture.driver.xml() )
#    f.close()

def main():
    # Get arguments
    io = Rappture.library(sys.argv[1])

    x = 0.0001
    dx = 0.0001
    psi0 = float(io.get('input.number(psi0).current'))
    y_init = [psi0, 0]

    r = []
    psi = []
    dens = []
    yy = 1
    while yy >= 1.e-8:
        sol = odeint(king, y_init, [0, x])
        yy = sol[1, 0]
        dx = min(2. * dx, 0.02 * sol[1, 0] / abs(sol[1, 1]))
        x += dx

        v_max = np.sqrt(2.) * np.sqrt(psi)

    for i in range(len(r)):
               '%g %g\n' % (r[i], dens[i]),

    io.put('output.curve(result1).about.label', 'density vs. r', append=0)
    io.put('output.curve(result1).yaxis.label', 'density')
    io.put('output.curve(result1).xaxis.label', 'radius')

    for i in range(len(r)):
               '%g %g\n' % (r[i], v_max[i]),

    io.put('output.curve(result2).about.label', 'v_max vs. r', append=0)
    io.put('output.curve(result2).yaxis.label', 'v_max')
    io.put('output.curve(result2).xaxis.label', 'radius')

    for i in range(len(r)):
               '%g %g\n' % (r[i], psi[i]),

    io.put('output.curve(result3).about.label', 'psi vs. r', append=0)
    io.put('output.curve(result3).yaxis.label', 'psi')
    io.put('output.curve(result3).xaxis.label', 'radius')

Exemple #5
def main():

    io = Rappture.library(sys.argv[1])

    xmin = float(io.get('input.number(min).current'))
    xmax = float(io.get('input.number(max).current'))
    a = float(io.get('input.number(a).current'))
    y0 = float(io.get('input.number(Y0).current'))
    npts = int(io.get('input.number(Npts).current'))
    formula = io.get('input.string(formula).current')

    x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, npts)
    sol = odeint(calc, y0, x, args=(formula, ))

    io.put('output.curve(result0).about.label', 'f(X) vs X', append=0)
    io.put('output.curve(result0).yaxis.label', 'f(X)')
    io.put('output.curve(result0).xaxis.label', 'X')

           'Integral of f(X) vs X',
    io.put('output.curve(result1).yaxis.label', 'Integral of f(X)')
    io.put('output.curve(result1).xaxis.label', 'X')

    for i in range(npts):
               '%g %g\n' % (x[i], f(x[i], formula)),
               '%g %g\n' % (x[i], sol[i][0]),

    my_str_base = 'int_0^root (' + formula + ') dx - ' + str(a)

    root = optimize.brentq(calc, xmin, xmax, args=(a, formula))

    my_str = '\nRoot of ' + my_str_base + ' in [' + str(xmin) + \
            ', ' + str(xmax) + '] is ' + str(root)

    io.put('output.string(result1).about.label', 'Root')
    io.put('output.string(result1).current', my_str)

    check = calc(root, a, formula)

    my_str2 = '\nCheck: ' + my_str_base + ' = ' + str(check[0])

    io.put('output.string(result2).about.label', 'Diagnostic')
    io.put('output.string(result2).current', my_str2)

Exemple #6
def main():
    io = Rappture.library(sys.argv[1])

    xmin = float(io.get('input.number(min).current'))
    xmax = float(io.get('input.number(max).current'))
    y0 = float(io.get('input.number(Y0).current'))
    npts = int(io.get('input.number(Npts).current'))
    formula = io.get('input.string(formula).current')

    x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, npts)
    sol = odeint(calc, y0, x, args=(1, formula))

    root = optimize.brentq(f, xmin, xmax, args=(1, formula))

    my_str = 'Root of f(x) in the range' + str(xmin) +  ' to' + \
            str(xmax) + ' is ' + str(root)

    io.put('output.string(result1).about.label', 'Root')
    io.put('output.string(result1).current', my_str)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#  MAIN PROGRAM - generated by the Rappture Builder
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
import Rappture
import sys
import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.linalg
from scipy.stats import norm

# open the XML file containing the run parameters
io = Rappture.library(sys.argv[1])

# Get input values from Rappture

# get input value for input.number(lengthscale)
lengthscale = float(io.get('input.phase(values).group(inputpara).number(lengthscale).current'))

# get input value for input.number(signal_strength)
signal_strength = float(io.get('input.phase(values).group(inputpara).number(signal_strength).current'))

# get input value for input.number(noise_variance)
noise_var = float(io.get('input.phase(values).group(inputpara).number(noise_var).current'))

# get input value for input.number(n_samples)
n_samples = int(io.get('input.phase(values).integer(n_samples).current'))

# get input value for input.phase(values).boolean(manual)
# returns value as string "yes" or "no"
Exemple #8
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Python wrapper for Nanoconfinement code.
#  This wrapper script calls Rappture API to fetch input values and
#   passes them to nanoconfinement tool. The wrapper can be extended
#   to do higher level data manipulation to marshall user inputs.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

import Rappture
import sys, os, commands, string, shutil, math

# open the XML file containing the run parameters
driver = Rappture.library(sys.argv[1])

# Parse the rappture generated XML file to extract user input values
io = Rappture.PyXml(sys.argv[1])

salt_concentration = io[
print "salt concentration is %s" % salt_concentration

positive_valency = io[
print "positive valency is %s" % positive_valency

negative_valency = io[
print "negative_valency is %s" % negative_valency

confinement_length = io[
Exemple #9
def interface(argv,*args):
    Clients call this near the top of their simulator.  It looks
    at command line arguments and decides whether the Rappture GUI
    should be invoked, or perhaps the GUI has already been invoked
    and the simulator should process a driver file.

    The argv is a list of command-line arguments.  All remaining
    arguments represent packages that should be imported and
    interrogated for Rappture components, to feed the GUI.

        opts,rest = getopt.getopt(argv[1:],'d:g',["driver","gui"])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        print 'usage:'
        print '  %s --gui (launch the graphical interface)' % argv[0]
        print '  %s --driver file (use the input stored in file)' % argv[0]

    for opt,val in opts:
        if opt in ('-g','--gui'):
            # Launch the GUI.  Start by loading the various modules
            # and interrogating them for symbols.
            lib = Rappture.library('<?xml version="1.0"?><run><tool>' +
                    '<about>Press Simulate to view results.</about>' +
                    '<command>python ' +argv[0]+ ' -d @driver</command></tool></run>')

            for module in args:
                for symbol in dir(module):
                    s = module.__dict__[symbol]
                    if isinstance(s, Rappture.number):

            toolFileName = "tool.xml"
            f = open(toolFileName,"w")
            f.write( lib.xml() )

            print 'launch the gui...'
            # this doesnt work, but needs to. when we 
            # os.execvp('driver', driverArgs ) with following definition of 
            # driverArgs (and we change the name of toolFileName), program
            # does not send the driver program the arguments as expected.
            #driverArgs = ('-tool', toolFileName)
            driverArgs = ()
            os.execvp('driver', driverArgs )

        elif opt in ('-d','--driver'):
            # Continue, using input from the driver file.
            # Register a hook to write out results upon exit.
            Rappture.driver = Rappture.library(val)

Exemple #10
def main(argv=None):

    # initialize the global interface

    # check the global interface for errors
    if (Rappture.Interface.error() != 0) {
        # there were errors while setting up the interface
        # dump the traceback
        o = Rappture.Interface.outcome()
        print >>sys.stderr, "%s", o.context()
        print >>sys.stderr, "%s", o.remark()
        return (Rappture.Interface.error())

    # connect variables to the interface
    # look in the global interface for an object named
    # "temperature", convert its value to Kelvin, and
    # store the value into the address of T.
    # look in the global interface for an object named
    # "Ef", convert its value to electron Volts and store
    # the value into the address of Ef
    # look in the global interface for an object named
    # factorsTable and set the variable result to
    # point to it.

    T = Rappture.Interface.connect(name="temperature",
    Ef = Rappture.Interface.connect(name="Ef",
    p1 = Rappture.Interface.connect(name="fdfPlot");
    p2 = Rappture.Interface.connect(name="fdfPlot");

    # check the global interface for errors
    if (Rappture.Interface.error() != 0) {
        # there were errors while retrieving input data values
        # dump the tracepack
        o = Rappture.Interface.outcome()
        print >>sys.stderr, "%s", o.context()
        print >>sys.stderr, "%s", o.remark()
        return (Rappture.Interface.error())

    # do science calculations
    nPts = 200;
    EArr = list() # [nPts]
    fArr = list() # [nPts]

    kT = 8.61734e-5 * T
    Emin = Ef - (10*kT)
    Emax = Ef + (10*kT)

    dE = (1.0/nPts)*(Emax-Emin)

    E = Emin;
    for idx in xrange(nPts):
        E = E + dE
        f = 1.0/(1.0 + exp((E - Ef)/kT))
        progress = (int)((E-Emin)/(Emax-Emin)*100)

    # set up the curves for the plot by using the add command
    # add <name> <xdata> <ydata> -format <fmt>
    # to group curves on the same plot, just keep adding curves
    # to save space, X array values are compared between curves.
    # the the X arrays contain the same values, we only store
    # one version in the internal data table, otherwise a new
    # column is created for the array. for big arrays this may take
    # some time, we should benchmark to see if this can be done
    # efficiently.

    p1.add(name="fdfCurve1", xdata=fArr, ydata=EArr, format="g:o")

    p2.add(name="fdfCurve2", xdata=fArr, ydata=EArr, format="b-o")
    p2.add(name="fdfCurve3", xdata=fArr, ydata=EArr, format="p--")

    # close the global interface
    # signal to the graphical user interface that science
    # calculations are complete and to display the data
    # as described in the views

    return 0
Exemple #11
            hist['yaxis.label'] = 'Sensitivity'
            pts = ''
            for name in sens:
                n = name[0]
                    n = h5['/input/params/%s' % n].attrs['label']
                pts += "\"%s\" %s\n" % (n, name[1]['ustar'])
            hist['component.xy'] = pts

sw = load_from_hdf5(sys.argv[1])

h5 = h5py.File(sys.argv[1], 'r+')
io = Rappture.PyXml('run_uq.xml')

# curves built from pdfs
pcurves = {}
xvals = {}
acurves = {}

reg1 = re.compile('([ \da-zA-Z_]+)\[([ \d]+)\]')

uqtype = h5.attrs['UQtype']
for v in h5[uqtype]:
    print('v=', v)
    rsp = h5['/%s/%s/response' % (uqtype, v)].value
    rs = unpickle(rsp)
    pdf = rs.pdf(fit=False)
    odata = h5['/output/data/%s' % v]
    except IndexError:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    progress_stages = [(0, "Initializing Converter..."),
                       (50, "Converting..."),
                       (70, "Rendering..."),
                       (90, "Loading output files..."),

    # Open driver
    driver_name = sys.argv[1]
    driver = Rappture.library(driver_name)
    if driver is None:
        print "Error opening file " + driver_name

    driver_number = Rappture.tools.getDriverNumber(driver_name)

    # Get the tool root directory
    tool_path = sys.argv[2]
    if tool_path == "":
        tool_path = os.path.dirname(driver.get('tool.version.application.directory(tool)'))

#	Pre-Processing File Cleanup in case of Aborted sessions

    for filename in ('field_data', 'mesh_data', 'vtkout', 'vtrout_1.vtr', 'estimate_out',
					 'faceless_input', 'dupe_output_filename', 'write_dex'):
Exemple #13
def main(argv=None):

    # initialize the global interface

    # check the global interface for errors
    if (Rappture.Interface.error() != 0) {
        # there were errors while setting up the interface
        # dump the traceback
        o = Rappture.Interface.outcome()
        print >>sys.stderr, "%s", o.context()
        print >>sys.stderr, "%s", o.remark()
        return (Rappture.Interface.error())

    # connect variables to the interface
    # look in the global interface for an object named
    # "temperature", convert its value to Kelvin, and
    # store the value into the address of T.
    # look in the global interface for an object named
    # "Ef", convert its value to electron Volts and store
    # the value into the address of Ef
    # look in the global interface for an object named
    # factorsTable and set the variable result to
    # point to it.

    T = Rappture.Interface.connect(name="temperature",
    Ef = Rappture.Interface.connect(name="Ef",

    x1 = Rappture.Interface.connect(name="Fermi-Dirac Factor");
    y1 = Rappture.Interface.connect(name="Energy");
    x2 = Rappture.Interface.connect(name="Fermi-Dirac Factor * 2");
    y2 = Rappture.Interface.connect(name="Energy * 2");

    # check the global interface for errors
    if (Rappture.Interface.error() != 0) {
        # there were errors while retrieving input data values
        # dump the tracepack
        o = Rappture.Interface.outcome()
        print >>sys.stderr, "%s", o.context()
        print >>sys.stderr, "%s", o.remark()
        return (Rappture.Interface.error())

    # declare program variables
    nPts = 200;
    EArr = list() # [nPts]
    fArr = list() # [nPts]
    EArr2 = list() # [nPts]
    fArr2 = list() # [nPts]

    # do science calculations
    kT = 8.61734e-5 * T
    Emin = Ef - (10*kT)
    Emax = Ef + (10*kT)

    dE = (1.0/nPts)*(Emax-Emin)

    E = Emin;
    for idx in xrange(nPts):
        E = E + dE
        f = 1.0/(1.0 + exp((E - Ef)/kT))
        progress = (int)((E-Emin)/(Emax-Emin)*100)

    # store results in the results table
    # add data to the table pointed to by the variable result.
    # put the fArr data in the column named "Fermi-Dirac Factor"
    # put the EArr data in the column named "Energy"


    # close the global interface
    # signal to the graphical user interface that science
    # calculations are complete and to display the data
    # as described in the views

    return 0
	f2 = (z2-z1)*(x3-x1) - (z3-z1)*(x2-x1)
	f3 = (x2-x1)*(y3-y1) - (x3-x1)*(y2-y1)

	return ((- aux_lon * f1 - aux_lat * f2) / f3 + dc)

###### MAIN PROGRAM ######


print "Reading input parameters \n"

inDeckName = sys.argv[1]
lib = Rappture.library(inDeckName)

run_name = lib.get('input.string(run_name).current')
topo_source = lib.get('input.choice(topography).current')

if(topo_source == 'Upload_UTM'):
	DEM = lib.get('input.string(uploadedFile_UTM).current')
	east_cen = float(lib.get('input.number(east).current'))
	north_cen = float(lib.get('input.number(north).current'))
elif(topo_source == 'Upload_deg'):
	DEM = lib.get('input.string(uploadedFile_deg).current')
	lon_cen = float(lib.get('input.number(lonc).current'))
	lat_cen = float(lib.get('input.number(latc).current'))
	lon1 = float(lib.get('input.number(lon1).current'))
	lon2 = float(lib.get('input.number(lon2).current'))
Exemple #15
    # bug workaround in some PIL versions
    def fileno():
        raise AttributeError

    # open image from data and rotate
    image = Image.open(BytesIO(data))
    rot = image.rotate(angle, expand=True)
    # save image to a file in memory
    memfile = BytesIO()
    memfile.fileno = fileno  # required in some broken PILs
    rot.save(memfile, image.format)
    return memfile.getvalue()

# open the XML file containing the run parameters
rx = Rappture.PyXml(sys.argv[1])

data = rx['input.image.current'].value
# image data in B64 encoded in the xml
data = decode(data, RPENC_B64)

nframes = int(rx['input.integer(nframes).current'].value)

image = Image.open(BytesIO(data))

outs = rx['output.sequence(outs)']
outs['about.label'] = 'Animated Sequence'
outs['index.label'] = 'Frame'

for i in range(nframes):
    element = outs['element(%s)' % i]
#  MAIN PROGRAM - generated by the Rappture Builder
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
import Rappture
import sys
import os
from Creator_lammpsdata import LammpsDataGenerator
from Process_output import Process_output
from Process_COM import Process_COM
from Options import Options
from Prepare_jmol import Prepare_jmol
import Modify_template
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from math import *

# open the XML file containing the run parameters
io = Rappture.library(sys.argv[1])

# Get input values from Rappture
options = Options()

# get input value for input.boolean(value37)
# returns value as string "yes" or "no"
options.periodic_ = io.get('input.boolean(value37).current') == 'yes'

options.limitconcentration_ = io.get('input.boolean(value56).current') == 'yes'

options.concentration_ = float(io.get('input.number(value57).current'))

# get input value for input.integer(value38)
Exemple #17
#  This simple example shows how to use Rappture within a simulator
#  written in Python.
# ======================================================================
#  AUTHOR:  Michael McLennan, Purdue University
#  Copyright (c) 2004-2012  HUBzero Foundation, LLC
#  See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
#  redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# ======================================================================
import Rappture
import sys
from math import *

# open the XML file containing the run parameters
driver = Rappture.library(sys.argv[1])

driver.put("tool.version.application.date", "$Date: 2012-09-21 13:01:16 -0400 (Fri, 21 Sep 2012) $")
driver.put("tool.version.application.rev", "$LastChangedRevision: 3177 $")
driver.put("tool.version.application.url", "$URL: https://nanohub.org/infrastructure/rappture/svn/branches/1.3/examples/app-fermi/python/fermi.py $")

Tstr = driver.get('input.(temperature).current')
T = Rappture.Units.convert(Tstr, to="K", units="off")

Efstr = driver.get('input.(Ef).current')
Ef = Rappture.Units.convert(Efstr, to="eV", units="off")

kT = 8.61734e-5 * T
Emin = Ef - 10*kT
Emax = Ef + 10*kT
Exemple #18
#  AUTHOR:  Michael McLennan, Purdue University
#  Copyright (c) 2004-2012  HUBzero Foundation, LLC
#  See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
#  redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# ======================================================================

from math import *
import sys
import Rappture

import fermi_io
from fermi_io import *

# do this right at the start, to handle command line args
Rappture.interface(sys.argv, fermi_io)

kT = 8.61734e-5 * T
Emin = Ef - 10*kT
Emax = Ef + 10*kT

E = Emin; dE = 0.005*(Emax-Emin)

Rappture.driver.put("output.curve(f12).about.label", "Fermi-Dirac Factor")
Rappture.driver.put("output.curve(f12).xaxis.label", "Energy")
Rappture.driver.put("output.curve(f12).xaxis.units", "eV")
path = "output.curve(f12).component.xy"

while E < Emax:
    f = 1.0/(1.0 + exp((E - Ef)/kT))
    # result.append( [E,f] )