Exemple #1
        print("Your BMI is " + BMI.BMI(height_feet, height_inches, weight))

    elif int(choice) == 2:
        print("What is your current age?")
        age = input(">")
        print("What is your annual salary?")
        salary = input(">")
            "What percentage of your salary do you save? (Input as a percentage not a decimal)"
        saving = input(">")
        print("How much money do you want to have by the time you retire?")
        goal = input(">")

        print("Retirement age:\n",
              Retirement.retirement(age, salary, saving, goal))

    elif int(choice) == 3:
        print("Input the first point. (Use the format (x, y))")
        point1 = input(">")
        print("Input the second point. (Use the format (x, y))")
        point2 = input(">")

        point1 = tuple(point1[1:-1].split(','))
        point2 = tuple(point2[1:-1].split(','))

        print(ShortestDistance.shortest_distance(point1, point2))

    elif int(choice) == 4:
        print("What was the total dinner amount without the tip?")
        dinner = input(">")
def retirement(age, salary, percentage, goal):
    Retirement.retirement(age, salary, percentage, goal)
    return 'Request Accepted'