Exemple #1
def main():
    alljobs = []

    for coordfile in glob('*.d.cor'):
        coordfileroot = coordfile[:-6]

        #Generates coordinate file without Drude particles
        nonpolcoordfile = coordfileroot +'.cor'
        if not os.path.exists(nonpolcoordfile):
            dedrude(coordfile, nonpolcoordfile)

        if True or not os.path.exists(coordfileroot):
            print 'Preparing', coordfileroot
            if not os.path.exists(coordfileroot): os.mkdir(coordfileroot)
            #Copy runpack
            copywild('/home/cjh/rmt/runpack/*', '.')

            #Copy coordinate files
            #NB Due to a limitation of CHARMM's environment variable
            # parsing mechanism, the coordinate filenames
            # must be in upper case.
            if not os.path.exists(coordfile.upper()): 
                os.symlink(os.path.join('..', coordfile), coordfile.upper())
            if not os.path.exists(nonpolcoordfile.upper()):
                os.symlink(os.path.join('..', nonpolcoordfile), \


        alljobs += iteratejobs(coordfileroot)


    f = open('sgearraytasklist.txt', 'w')
    for i, j in enumerate(alljobs):
        f.write(str(i+1)+' \t')
        f.write(' '.join(j) + '\n')

    numjobs = len(alljobs)
    print 'Indexed', numjobs, 'jobs'

    #Now create SGE array job and submit self as an array job
    import SGE
    import sys
    x = SGE.qsubOptions()
    x.args.N = 'h2pc-qmmm-rmt'
    x.args.t = '1-'+str(numjobs)
    x.args.o = '$JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.$TASK_ID.stdout.log'.replace('$', '\$')
    x.args.command = sys.argv[0]
    print '#To submit the array job, run this command:'
    x.execute(mode = 'echo')
Exemple #2
def PrepareJobs(runpack = '/home/cjh/rmt/runpack/*', 
    joblist = 'sgearraytasklist.txt', sge_jobname = 'h2pc-qmmm-rmt',
    DoOverwrite = False, h5filename = 'h2pc-data.h5'):

    Prepares jobs to be executed in a term:`SGE` array job environment.

    This does the following:
        1. Scans all files in the current directory for files matching
           @c \*.d.cor, which will be assumed to be :term:`CHARMM card file` s
           containing coordinates for the molecular system, and also Drude
           particles. For each such file, it will generate the corresponding
           :term:`CHARMM card file` s without Drude particles using dedrude().

        1. Copies files specified by runpack using linkwild() to a
           directory named after the root of the :term:`CHARMM card file` name.
           If this directory does not exist, it will be created.

        1. Creates a symlink to the :term:`CHARMM card file`. If necessary, the
           filename will be converted into upper case due to a limitation of

        1. Writes data needed by :py:func:`domyjob` to a file named in joblist.

        1. Generates the command line needed to submit the array job to a Sun
           Grid Engine environment.

    This function requires the homebrew :py:mod:`SGE` module.

    .. versionadded:: 0.1

    logger = logging.getLogger('SGEInterface.PrepareJobs')

    if os.path.exists(joblist) and not DoOverwrite:
        logger.info('Skipping population of %s', joblist)
        #count numjobs
        numjobs = 0
        for line in open(joblist):
            len_line = len(line.split())
            if len_line == 4:
                numjobs += 1
            elif len_line != 0:
                raise ValueError, 'Invalid format of line:' + line
        alljobs = []

        #Collect all data into HDF5 file
        h5data = tables.openFile(h5filename, 'a')

        # Load in residues to do QM #
        MolList = OpenHDF5Table(h5data, '/Model', 'MolList',
            ResidList, 'List of molecule ids for which QM data exist',

        if MolList is not None:
            if os.path.exists('../mol.list'):
                MolListFileName = '../mol.list'
            elif os.path.exists('mol.list'):
                MolListFileName = 'mol.list'
                raise ValueError, "Could not find list of molecule IDs"

            for res_id in open(MolListFileName):
                logger.info('Adding mol.list')
                    data = MolList.row
                    data['ResID'] = int(res_id)
                except ValueError:

        # Load in atomic charges from CHARMM topology #
        for CHARMM_RTFile in glob(runpack+'.rtf'):
            RTF = OpenHDF5Table(h5data, '/Model', 'CHARMM_RTF',
                CHARMM_RTF_Short, 'CHARMM Topology File', DoOverwrite, DoAppend = True)

            if RTF is not None:
                for line in open(CHARMM_RTFile):
                    logger.info('Adding CHARMM RTF: %s', CHARMM_RTFile)
                    t = line.split()
                        data = RTF.row
                        data['Type'] = t[1]
                        data['Charge'] = float(t[3])
                    except (ValueError, IndexError):

        # Load coordinates from CHARMM CARD #
        for coordfile in glob('*.cor'):
            logger.info('Adding CHARMM CARD: %s', coordfile)
            coordfileroot = coordfile.split('.')[0]

            Coords = OpenHDF5Table(h5data, '/'+coordfileroot, 'CHARMM_CARD',
                CHARMM_CARD, 'CHARMM CARD File', DoOverwrite)

            if Coords is not None:
                LoadCHARMM_CARD(Coords, coordfile)

            alljobs += iteratejobs(coordfileroot)

        with open(joblist, 'w') as f:
            for i, j in enumerate(alljobs):
                f.write(str(i+1)+' \t')
                f.write(' '.join(j) + '\n')

        numjobs = len(alljobs)
        logger.info('Indexed %d jobs', numjobs)

    #Now create SGE array job and submit self as an array job
    x = SGE.qsubOptions()
    x.args.N = sge_jobname
    x.args.t = '1-'+str(numjobs)
    x.args.p = '-500'
    x.args.o = '$JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.$TASK_ID.stdout.log'.replace('$', '\$')
    FullPathToJobHandler = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])+os.sep+'JobHandler.py'
    x.args.command = 'python '+FullPathToJobHandler+' --taskfile '+joblist
    x.args.b = 'y'
    print '#To submit the array job, run this command:'
    x.execute(mode = 'echo')